Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"May God show you His Divine Face and illuminate your paths so that you may reach the purpose of your existence.

May the Lord, your God, anoint you with His Light and liberate you forever from all that, in your life,  imprisons you.

May the Celestial Father guide you and show you the sacred path to fulfill His Holy Will.

May your heart be opened like a temple, so that the Lord, your God, the God of Israel, may dwell in you; so that you may conceive in yourself an empty heart, free from ambitions, vices and all ownership.

May the Lord, your God, Adonai, transfigure your entire consciousness, so that  divine life may be in you and may one day be in all of humanity.

May Divine Grace, out of love, grant this moment, so that the New Christs may be present on the surface of the Earth."

Christ Jesus


Prayer of the Servant of God

O Lord,
fill our lives
with the gifts of Your Grace.

Reveal Yourself, My God,
at each step of life.

Make Yourself present in the smallest thing,
so that many more may discover
the sacred power of Your Humility.

Lord, open the doors of Your Kingdom,
so that all may enter.

With Eyes of Mercy,
may You contemplate the magnificence
that all Your Creatures are in You,
and You, Lord, in them.

May the blazing flame of Your Divine Purpose 
be recognized by those
who go through the dark night,
for You, Lord, are the Light of the world,
You are that bridge that shows itself
before our eyes,
so that we may cross it
with confidence toward Paradise.

Lord, do not look at the indifference of humankind,
the cruelty of the unbelievers;
place, Your Gaze, Lord on all those
who in sacrifice and love surrender themselves to You,
to praise You and to recognize You
as the Only Lord, Adonai.

Lord, may Your unfathomable Love
sanctify the lives of Your Children.

Make the star of Bethlehem shine once again
in the innermost depths of the hearts
of those who aspire one day
meet Christ, face to face.

Thus, My God, prepare the New Earth
through those who, out of love, offer themselves to You,
so that Your Sacred Kingdom may descend to Earth.

In this perfect union
between Your Heart and the hearts of Your children
may Your existence be vivified,
because at the end of everything,
when all will have been fulfilled
as You have decreed,
Your Creatures and You, Lord of the Universe, will be one,
and nothing more will separate life from essence,
reality from that which is immaterial,
that which is internal from that which is divine and cosmic.

Your Servant and Slave, once again, offers Herself,
in love and renunciation,
so that many more may be reborn in You.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Servant of the Lord.


My dear children, 

Today, with joy and deep rejoicing, I meet you in Israel.

Once again, the Eternal Father has given Me the Grace to be here, in My Sacred Land, in the Sacred Land of Adonai.

Today, I invite you to remember Me, not only as your Mother of Israel, but also as the Servant who walked and stepped upon this sacred soil; who together with the faithful followers of Christ, the holy women, your Heavenly Mother shared and lived unforgettable moments.

I want you to feel at home, in the House of Adonai.

May each place that you visit in the Holy Land represent for you the feeling and the experience, just like My Heart experienced and felt for each child of this humanity.

I am happy to know that you will have the Grace of coming to know My House in Nazareth, that you will be able to be in the sacred place where I worked and prayed with My companions, the holy women, where we lived long hours of adoration and spiritual communion with the Lord.

I wish that now, My companions of the end of time, My daughters, helpers and adorers of the Lord, could gather in their hearts the most true and humble experiences that your Heavenly Mother lived so long ago, experiences that, later on, led Me to live My Assumption.

Like the holy women of the past, live each moment in the Holy Land as something unique and indelible, and strengthen your offer through My Heart.

Once again, I rejoice to have you here with Me, in the Land of the Lord, the place where He preached, healed and liberated the sins of the world.

 I thank you for responding to My call!

 Who blesses you,

 Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the face of tiredness, I will strengthen you.

In the face of despair, I will support you.

In the face of darkness, I will always be the Light.

Before sincere surrender, I will rejoice.

In silence, I will make Myself felt.

In love, you will see Me made manifest.

Beneath those pure in heart will be the sacred soil of My Kingdom.

Upon the merciful will be the dome of My Celestial Church.

From the persevering, I will make infinite impulses spring.

From those who never become tired, My Fire of overcoming and transcendence will emerge.

My Hand will always be upon the just.

My Breath of the Spirit will guide the boat of your souls, and I will always show you the way out in the face of what seems to be a stormy sea.

From those who are surrendered, I will make the Inexhaustible Source of My Love emerge.

My Peace will embrace the simple.

Like the stars, Light will guide the path of the consecrated.

My Priesthood will be protecting those who sincerely said ‘yes’ to My Son, despite the battles.

I will never stop, regardless of what may happen in My Creation, because My Love is inexhaustible, My Mercy wishes to be the door to the redemption of all My Children.

Time and again, I renew Myself in those who are adoring Me through My Son at the altar, for in this way I will show My Victory in those who walk by My side.

Child, you can rest peacefully today, because if you seek Me, you will find Me, because if you call Me, I will always be there. Because if you trust in Me, you must fear nothing.

I made you free so that you might grow in Me. I made you pure so that you might be a testimony of My Presence.

Rest in My Arms.

Keep taking steps in mature love.

My Son is your only school.

Your Celestial Mother will embrace you with Her Mantle.

You receive a sacrament whenever you listen to Me.

You are healed whenever you are in communion with Me.

In this way, you are strengthened to learn how to be humble.

Move forward, I Am here with you.

I Am that I Am.

I Am Adonai.



I Am here, not only where you can see Me and contemplate Me through Nature, all that I Have created so that you might be happy through My spiritual wealth; but I Am also within you, strongly calling you towards the innermost depths of your being so that you may listen to Me and follow Me.

I Am not a God of Justice, I Am a God of Mercy.

I Am a Father who, with a sorrowful Heart, contemplates how His Children behave, how His Creatures not only act against My Creation, but also how My Children do not respect one another and would rather wound one another by causing wars, destroying families, displacing millions of the innocent, separating parents from children, so that they may go to war.

O, what intimate and unknown pain this whole situation generates for Me, a situation that distresses My Eternal Fatherly Heart, of a Father who is no longer heard today, even while I send My favorite Messengers from Heaven and from the Stars.

Look at what My Creation has been converted into, to the point of wanting to conquer space, only to demonstrate who can do more.

My Creatures, I assure you that you will never find Me amidst wealth, you will never find Me in what is comfortable or pleasant for all. My Essence is perpetuated in silence and in Love.

I created you for you to bear fruits in Love, in service and in fraternity. Without these three essential principals, My Children will not be able to be happy because I created you to love Me, I made you grow in order to serve Me, I united you as brothers and sisters for you to live in fraternity.

And in a planet of inequalities and ambitions, My Children were led astray in darkness and vices, forgetting Me and believing, due to the deception of My adversary, that I abandoned you.

How do you believe that an Eternal Father could be capable of abandoning His Children or of punishing them?

I know that, throughout the times, many of My Children, even those who claim to be spiritualized, have lost the ability to hear Me and recognize Me. I always try to send you signs of My Presence so that you may know that I Am here, not only in the beauty that I Have created for you, but also within you, which is many times censured by your points of view or your ideas.

Thus, those who I once chose with My own Hand have distanced themselves from Me, they have believed in themselves and ceased to believe in My Consoling Love.

How do you believe the Celestial Father may feel when brothers and sisters treat one another inadequately, fiercely wounding one another, destroying the house that I gave you with so much love and care?

How do you believe that the Heart of your Eternal Father might feel when bombs are launched, lives are annihilated, Children are discarded, families are separated and hatred and impunity are sown?

How much more will My beloved Children make My silent Heart suffer?

Children, this is not the world or the humanity that I wish for you, you have lost the way to the Promised Land, for this reason, I Have, up to these days,  sent you My Resurrected Son and the Mother of all, a Mother who only asks Me to allow Her do more and more for Her little and ignorant creatures.

I ask you to tell the whole world to turn towards Me, because My Heart needs to be repaired, but My Arms are constantly open to receive you, to listen to you, to call you to the path of return to the House of your Loving Father.

If souls do not turn to Me, hearts will keep suffering, families will be the social fracture of the times, wars will keep being in the news and a source of commotion to all.

I did not create you for you to be converted into instruments of evil, I made you emerge so that you could be witnesses of My Love.

In My eternal silence, I pray for you, together with My adoring angels.

And for those who offer themselves to Me, as postulants to be victims of My Love, let them keep aspiring, every day, so that the lives of the New Christs, anonymous and selfless, may keep being the cause and reason to placate all errors of the world.

That, by the merits achieved in the countless sufferings of My Son, more consciousnesses may someday realize, by themselves, that they have forgotten the Love that created them.

Who always blesses you eternally,

Your Celestial Father,



I will come, together with My Son, through the sunset. Through My Son, I will bring the New Cycle and the emergence of the New Race.

You are a part of My Universal Matrix, you originated through My Project, through the Project of My Will.

All that I have created is for you, not for you to transgress it, not for you to conquer it, and not for you to impose upon it, but rather for you to revere it, for you to make it sacred, for you to make it blessed.

But this part of Creation, to which you belong, is what experiences the greatest transition of these times. My children, who are My creatures, have become blind, and they can no longer see Me nor perceive Me.

Therefore, I send the Messengers to all who are at My eternal service, at the service of the Father’s Plan, at the service of Creation. I have sent to Earth many angels and great Hierarchies so that throughout the times humanity would hear the Word of God and fulfill it.

But what has happened at the end of these times, for humanity to be submerged in chaos?

Since the surrender of My Son in the Garden of Gethsemane, He already knew that this time would come for all of you, for this human generation. This is why, when I speak to you about coming through the sunset, it is because this time is approaching and it is very near.

But first, you have to be in eternal communion with Me, by means of the Legacy of the Sacraments that My Son taught you with so much Love. But many of the Sacraments have suffered sacrileges, have suffered great offenses and irreverence.

It is through the good and sound apostles that My Son carries forward His Plan, so as to comply with the Plan of the Father.

It is not in great things that you will find Me, but rather in what is most small and most simple, and you, My creatures, already know that.

For this reason, I had decided, a long time ago, to be born in a small manger so that the world could understand that God does not believe He is powerful, but rather that God is humble and small, to the point of having been born in a humble place, in a humble grotto, so that the men and women of the Earth could recognize the Living God within themselves and again raise this wounded and hurt humanity.

But today, I come with the Most Holy Trinity, with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I come in this Trine Unity to tell the world that it still has some time to change and mend its errors, to repent and make penance, to become free from itself forever, to be able to find, in the near future, the arrival of My Son, the Return of the Redeemer.

From the top of this mountain, I emit this Message to the whole world, so that you may know that I am close to all, and that, in the silence of My Presence and of My Heart, I meditate upon you, I meditate upon the coming times.

Humanity has exchanged Me for the god of technologies, for the god of modernities, for the god of discarding, of indifference, of the lack of love and brotherhood.

However, I still keep My Proposal and My Purpose firm through all the Sacred Hierarchies that have evolved throughout this universe and in others, and that bring to the world an inner impulse of renewal so that, on the surface of the Earth there may exist at least a small group of consciousnesses that represents the New Brotherhood, the Brotherhood that must emerge on this material plane, so that the three planes can count on available, noble and whole servers, to carry forward the re-creation of this Creation. And this will take place through the surrender of hearts, through the service of souls, through the willingness of the spirits of this entire universe.

In this way, you will connect with Me, through a great network of inner, deep and non-transferable light. A network that unites consciousnesses, souls and also hearts which, although they may not be totally awakened, are a part of these profound nuclei of My Divine Life.

I bring you, through this Message, an opportunity of awareness, but I also bring you the Grace of Peace, because I know that you need it, because I know that many of My children are far from Me and do not want to hear Me, and they do not even want to feel Me or know Me.

I ask you not to stay with the image of the God of Justice, but rather with the Father of Mercy. A Father that has known you since the origins, since the Source, from what is most profound and eternal of Creation, from where you came so as to be able to serve Me in this world, on this planet that I offered to you, with much Love.

Now, you can see, with your own eyes, what you have converted this sacred home into, this blessed Creation, this special planet among so many planets of the universe.

Do not miss the opportunity of concretizing the Project of God and of making the necessary efforts for this to be fulfilled.

But there is only one premise for this to take place: it depends on each one of you for this to be carried forward. A few consciousnesses will not be enough to carry forward the next humanity.

I ardently wish, from the depths of My Spirit and My Heart, that many more souls, many more consciousnesses of this world may be a part of the New Race.

Although the moment you are going through is the hardest of all, it is the most obscure and even the darkest, I invite you to place your gaze, like these mountains of Mount Subasio do, upon the top of the horizon where the Light of the Sacred Sun of the Eternal Father comes, to be able to illuminate your paths, to be able to bring wisdom for your consciousnesses, to be able to lead you towards My Peace.

What I created at the beginning, since the origin of the first civilizations, was a rich and fruitful Earth, an abundant Earth, with fruits and with nature, with Lower Kingdoms and with much life, much life and much light. But, My children, the creatures of this planet have destroyed it and keep destroying it.

Thus, the consciousness of this planet, the soul of the Earth, is giving birth, but is it also screaming. And this Earth, this planet, trembles and shows its fury for all that its children have done to it on the surface. It is time to repair this situation, not only with good actions, but also with awareness, with determination.

I bring you, beloved children, the Love of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit.

I bring you the opportunity of following a path of obedience, humility and peace so that you can find, on this path that I am offering to you, a path of redemption and love, a path of renewal and peace, because souls follow a path of distraction, a path that leads them other ways that are not My ways, that are not the Paths of My Will.

While this keeps happening, many more souls, really many more souls, will miss the opportunity to serve Me, to know Me and even to love Me. For this reason, the sacrifice of a few represents the great effort for those who do not do so, for those who are ignorant, who are unconscious, who are distracted and who have lost the path towards My Heart.

With this Message, I bring to you, My creatures, not only a call for awareness, but also the awakening. I do not speak of something religious nor spiritual, I speak of what is most simple, even of what is most concrete, which is where the change of all humanity must take place so that the soul of the Earth, the soul of nature, does not rebel against you.

Be peace-bringers of the planet, be servants of My Word, follow the steps that I indicate for you towards My Heart, and all will be renewed and healed.

I am your Eternal Father, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba.

Pray with Me.


Prayer: “Our Father (twice).


And, although the boat seems to sink, although the storm may be stronger than your inner strength, and although the attacks of contrary streams may want to make you succumb, do not give up, because I will give you the Gift of Strength and of Science for you to know how to act.

My Protection is upon you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Take refuge in Me. 

I am a part of your breath and of all your senses, and, even more, of all your inner senses.

Do not fear, dare to cross the oceans of My Consciousness.

You have emerged from a space that is blessed and sacred to Me, which you must aspire to remember.

Do you know this? 

Have faith, because I will always sustain you. 

You are like a little harmless bird upon My Hands. 

I caress you and comfort you with the Light of My Eternal Heart.

Awaken, child! It is time for you to open yourself internally to come to know My deepest mysteries. Do not doubt what I say, be brave and you will manage to do so.

All that I have given you was for you to make Me happy. Each part of My Creation was perfectly thought of to please you and make you feel very close to Me.

In the silence, there I am. In each Lower Kingdom of Nature, there I am. And in the elements, there I am. I ask you: seek Me and you will find Me.

I am beyond what is concrete. I am very close to you, closer than you can imagine.

Draw near to My Creation. All that you see, on this planet and throughout the whole universe, has open arms to receive you.

Be strong, but also be patient. 

Like no other, your Celestial Father knows about the moment that you and His other children are going through.

But where My Love is, there lies My Creation. 

Open your mind and imagine Me. I am something more than what has been written about Me.

My Science is Wisdom and I give this Wisdom to My creatures so that they can imagine Me.

My Love is Compassion. I give My Mercy to My creatures so that they can forgive themselves and others.

You must know that I am not far from all that this humanity and this planet live. 

I also suffer the sorrow of My creatures, but many of My children have moved away from My Love, and, as they moved away from My Love, they moved away from My Truth.

I still have my arms open, and, in silence, I wait for each one of My children so that they may be by My side, together with a Father who has always loved them, with a Love that does not change, with a Love that leads them towards the Truth. 

Today, I am emitting this Message to the inner universe of all My children, because all are My children, without distinction.

This is the time to prepare the arrival of My Beloved Successor, the Christ. 

In Him, I gave you Life. I taught you the Path and I gave you the supreme Truth of the Heart.

Children, do not let yourselves be confused by the world, look within yourselves. 

I am there because that is where My Church is. 

I am in this sacred space to hear you, I am there to attend to you, I can see you, I can feel you, I know about each one of your thoughts.

Do not be afraid, empty yourselves a little more so that My Love and My Light can govern you.

Blessed are those who suffer injustice because they will be comforted.

Blessed are those who are enslaved, exploited and exiled, because, on the final day, they will be recognized and called “blessed saints of the Father."

Those who receive My Mercy, let them rejoice, because the chains and the prisons will break, and the Light of Emmanuel will win.

May your hands always be in prayer with Me so that, beyond everything, we may be in communication, in spirit.

Come to Me, those who feel hopeless, come to Me, the oppressed and those who are tired; because I will console you and bless you with My Spirit, just as My blessed Son Jesus was blessed in the River Jordan.

May your life aspire to be a new sacrament. I offer My reconciliation to you so that you may know that I am Peace.

Walk, with your feet, aware that you follow the path of return to the House of your Father, who art in Heaven, and, within you.

Quench your thirst in My Divine Fount. 

Here is My Name, praised and exalted, so as to raise from the ruins the consciousnesses of My children.

Stay in Me, because I listen to your words.

Your Celestial Father, 


Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to reveal the real story of your civilization to you, not to magnify your personas, but rather to have you grow inwardly in what God needs to build for this end time of humanity.

For this reason and motive, I speak of all this information and I present all these revelations because in the coming times I will make of the apostles prophets and instructors of the Word of the Hierarchy; of the collaborators, I will make great unconditional servers, surrendered to giving their lives in any need; of those who awaken, I will make them mature available consciousnesses, with the impulse to live in service and in the absolute giving of self; of all of you and of each one, I will make something.

For the time is arriving, and the time shows the need that exists in humanity and, above all, upon this planet.

I tell you the true history of the civilizations from the past, of the most emblematic and important moments of humanity when, in ancient times, the Plan was gradually fulfilled, beyond all errors or experiences.

I tell you all of this to bring a continuity to what God needs concretized and manifested for the coming time, which is that the project of the spiritual and universal family may continue forward, just as the sacred people of Israel lived it up to a certain point and moment, while also participating, not only directly in the Graces of the Father, but also in the awakening of their virtues, talents and gifts, which God brought through the prophets and the patriarchs.

For God, everything has a deep meaning, intimate and also unknown, just ike He has for you. And so, you must fully trust in what I am doing, saying and building; placing your consciousness in the great void of God so that, in this way, you may be filled by His Wisdom, Love and Presence, in the same way as the peoples from the past were filled by the Sacred Attributes of God.

Understand, companions, about the history and the moment you are participating in and how, in the smallest details, God can write a new time in humanity, in consciousnesses and especially in the essences that participate in the call of God.

The Son of the Father, before He returns again to the world, has this mission and task; and you are participants, just as your brothers and sisters on the path are also participants.

Each one fulfills an important part within this Plan and are called, day after day, to go deeper in this commitment and surrender, just as the apostles did in the past who, by means of living a simple and austere life, surrendered into living a greater and unknown life, surrendering their families, their goods and their possessions into the Hands of the Father so that the experience of the Gospel, the Word of God, His Will, could be built in life.

It is in this way that I bring continuity to this aspiration of the Father for these critical moments in which humanity must first recognize the deviation they are living in these times and the illusion that embraces millions of souls in the world.

Like more than 2,000 years ago, I come to bring the Good News, but Good News given impulse by the nonmaterial Ray of Liberation and of Transcendence so that, in this way, the Attributes of the Father may enter into the consciousnesses that most need it, and that they thus dare to take the steps toward God.

The people who lived in the Arctic Circle and who participated in the spontaneous experience of their contact with the Universe and with God also experienced the Attributes of the Father in their consciousness and in group life.

The evolution of that civilization began to take place naturally within months until, without them perceiving it, they began to enter into the seventh dimension of consciousness. They began to participate in everything there was in the seventh dimension, beyond the fact that they lived in the material plane. Their state of purity and attunement allowed them to have these experiences.

Spiritual growth is a principle of Divine Wisdom that can fill the spirits and souls of the world so that they may be guided by the Eternal Father Himself in the designs of His Source and of His Goodness.

In this way, I bring the impulse of this civilization of North America that lived in these distant lands and in the most arduous cold of ancient times where they spontaneously came to know everything that existed in the Universe and thus understood, even on the material plane, the Will of God within His Project of the different civilizations of the Earth.

Each people, each culture that went through this planet, contributed something important to the project of humanity and, above all, to its continuity in the present. If that had not been possible, the humanity of this time would not exist.

With this, companions, understand the importance of building, in this time, this Project of God that is still to be concretized and accomplished through the inner experience and the transformation of all.

And so, I bring you the impulses held and recorded in the Sacred Books of God, which also speak about this part of the local Universe, especially of this planet and its human project accompanied and guided by the great archangels, within the diversity of life that exists in the entire material, mental and spiritual Universe.

With this awareness, you must perceive yourselves as something very small and inoffensive within the great Creation that surrounds you and that vibrates in all spaces, like a soft and sweet melody coming from the Source of Love and Unity, because God still keeps His Eyes on this race, on this humanity and planet.

It is the time of the Plan of Rescue and for this Plan to be able to develop and move forward through the redemption of consciousnesses and through the steps that these consciousnesses can take in this time so that, just like in the past, as it was for the sacred people of Israel, you may also testify to this profound change in consciousness and that maturity, so essential for this cycle, so as to prepare yourselves and prepare your brothers and sisters for the end time that is near.

And when I say near, it is because it is very near, in this material time that you live in and inhabit.

The Hierarchy brings the treasures of humanity so that they may be revealed but also, in their hands, they bring the sacred books of the Universe, to reveal all that it holds since before the origin of your essences, of your existence and of your creation.

With this, companions, understand how history is broader and deeper, and that knowledge is not measured with the mind nor with intuition, but rather with the openness of the heart of each one of My apostles and friends who trustingly drink of the Source of knowledge without boasting nor honoring themselves, because all of this has a greater purpose that is greatly unknown to you.

Thus, trust will have you stay in the void and, above all, in the gratitude of being able to receive these spiritual impulses and these Graces that come so that many can remember what they did and experienced in other times and thus dare to bring continuity to that which the Eternal Father needs.

But all of this will not only be material but also profoundly spiritual and inner. It is there, in the inner self, where the Word of the Hierarchy must resound so that after it may be built on the outer, that which God wants to materialize as aspiration and will. This is the path for understanding sacred knowledge and so that your beings can grow and express what God needs through the presence of your inner Christs.

On this day I bring you these words so that your consciousnesses may expand, so that your hearts may continue to mature in love and in surrender; in the giving of self and in the necessary conviction of serving the Creator Father in these times, as a compensation for the errors committed in this cycle by millions of souls in the world, which brings and causes the Law of Divine Justice to rapidly descend.

In this way, you will understand and comprehend that all of this and all of this purpose that I bring to you today has a broader and infinite purpose which encompasses not only souls but also other Universes and spaces of Creation that are preparing themselves before I return to the world so as to also take their great and last step.

See in the skies the spiritual and nonmaterial construction that your Master and Lord is making with the Word of God, with the Message from the Heights, with the announcement of the Good News for these times.

Be a mirror and a representation in likeness to the civilization of North America, of the people that had that experience so spontaneous and profound with Creation, which carried them into being within higher levels of consciousness and made it no longer necessary for them to be on this physical plane to continue learning to evolve and grow inwardly

It is possible to achieve an experience under other Laws, still unknown to humankind of the surface; but this is possible through the heart, a meek heart, a peacemaking heart, a trustworthy heart, a heart that believes, beyond itself, all that it does not know and has never known.

Gather up these words as My last Words, as My last impulses, as the last revelations, because it is now time to move forward with what God needs through group life and community life, so that the Will of the Father may be materialized and concretized for the purpose of carrying out and manifesting the Universal Family. And, in this way, the majority of beings and consciousnesses will be able to enter into the New Humanity.

Today, the Father accompanies Me, not only through the Word, but also through His Omnipotent and Omniscient Presence.

Adonai is here, with His children, with His heirs of Universal and Planetary Knowledge so that in recognition, courage and honor of His infinite and Cosmic Consciousness, His Nonmaterial, Spiritual and Divine Source, His Universe of Love and of Wisdom, all His children to come to Him, in the same way that this civilization of North America did, because it entered into the Consciousness of God and fulfilled a part of His Infinite Aspiration for this Material Universe, and this was reflected in the Mental and Spiritual Universe. And, in this way, all learned from that experience, from that life that once occurred upon the surface of the Earth.

Rejoice in what comes from Wisdom and drink of the Words of the Hierarchy so that you may grow in an absolute giving of self. This will make you worthy children of God.

Continue praying so that your Master and Lord can fulfill the Purpose that the Father has given Him for this time and so that His apostles can bear the powerful currents that come to assist humanity of today, before everything happens, before everything is unleashed.

All have the opportunity of entering this last ship that is passing by to gather up the self-summoned and thus, live in the Ark of the Covenant.

"Father, You Who know the importance of Your Purpose and Your Universal Aspiration, let Me feed Your children with Your Wisdom and Your Words so that, fortified by the strength of Your Spirit and Your Grace, they may have the momentum and the courage to take the great step toward the realization and concretization of Your Plan.

May these principles that come from the Source and are a part of the history of the different humanities of the Earth be able to fill hearts with that which is new and renewing so that Your Will may be accomplished, as it was accomplished in those who came through and lived upon this Planet.

May the Light of Knowledge allow them to surrender more each day to You and, in that trust, ardently fulfill what You desire, like Your Son accomplished that which You needed and aspired for, until dying on the Cross, for a great Mystery, which You then revealed to Me and had Me participate in, as a part of You.

May each being, soul and spirit be a part of You, as I am a part of You, and You are in Me, in perpetual and eternal communion. Amen."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the coming of the New Race be accomplished.

May humanity express its archetype.

May the word be living and build Your temple.

May Your Mystery expand in us

and true existence be revealed to the world

so that we may gather in Your Name

and Glorify perfect unity.


Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.




I have no limits for being close to you nor do I find impediments to find you. I am capable of being close and in any place. Nothing separates Me from you and you never separate from Me. It is only when you distance yourself from My Love that you feel a great emptiness or a constant loneliness.

I come from the Nonmaterial Source to communicate with you and with each inner being that believes in Me and trusts in Me.

I am always at your side. I know your mysteries. I see your realities, which to most are unknown, but in My Eyes, you are the same and like your brothers and sisters. Yes, all human beings, My children, are brothers and sisters. All are part of the same Father and the same Mother. I have never thought of creating you different from one another. All are the same within, and this will not change.

I created the Universe and everything that exists in it so that My children would make Me happy and would be happy with Me because I love you, I love you so much, more than everything that exists.

There is no greater love than that which My children can give Me. Therefore, each time you recognize Me as your Celestial Father, My love for you grows more and more. It has no end nor any dimension. It is with this same Love and for this same Love that I created you in the image and likeness of My Spirit so that My Spirit could be in each one of you and you could be in Me.

But throughout the times, My children, you distanced yourselves from My Love, from the true Love that gives you life, from the Love that nourishes you and gives you the spiritual, mental and physical reason for being here, on this beloved and suffering planet that I gave to you so that you would learn to grow and to be the consciousness of this planet. I gave you absolutely everything that I have, everything that I Am and everything that I was. I have never said "no" to you. I have always given you a "yes" so that you could grow in love and in wisdom.

But from the beginning you disobeyed Me, and throughout the times you lost the way to Me  until you distanced yourselves, and you distanced so much from Me that you could no longer hear Me nor feel Me within. But I always have forgiven you and I sent you My loving help because I knew that you were not aware of what you were doing.

Therefore, as a good Father, who never abandons His children, I decided to give you more help. I then sent My Messengers to Earth so that you would hear, feel and recognize Me again within you. There was not even a second in which I would cease to think about you, children, because if you are a part of Me, it is as if a part of Me died through a lack of the light of the sun.

For this reason, I decided to incarnate in this world as the poorest Child among the poor, in the most acute time of the planet and in the humblest place of all, so that you, My children, could find My Light again and each one, throughout the times, would again be My Light in the world.

In spite of the duality that will have to be defeated and the evil that will have to be expelled and dissolved by the strength of Love, I also gave you the best and the humblest Mother among all mothers so that, through Her, you would remember your filiation with Me.

Today the world does not hear God because the attention of humankind upon modernities and communications has become their god. Souls no longer speak with Me. They do not seek Me. I have so many children, but only a minority remember Me. I call upon a sleeping humanity because today is the time of awakening.

I Am the One that loves you. I Am the One that has no religion and that is named by more than seventy-two sacred names.

No longer suffer. No longer punish the planet. No longer extinguish, My children, the lower Kingdoms that I have given to you with so much love. Reconcile with one another. Live love, and peace will be achieved. No longer have hatred. No longer sow evil. Be a single family. Be the New Jerusalem. Abandon vices. Listen to the voice of your hearts. Listen to the call of your souls. Have faith.

 Everything you experience, you created and generated, My children. But I have so much Love to give you, so much joy to bring to you, that My Heart is full and is as vast as the oceans.

Learn to serve. Learn to respect and recognize one another. Live the values and the attributes that I have taught you and you will feel universal peace. Return to Me, beloved children; reconsider, undertake your dreams based on My infinite Presence in your lives. Be generous, compassionate; be more love, more kindness and more service, and the world will no longer suffer. Listen to My Words. Be the example of life that I so hope for.

I will not abandon you and no one will take away the union that you may have with Me. I ask you to forgive one another, to no longer live in selfishness. Help humanity to awaken through your transformation and through the sanctity of your lives.

Pray, and you will receive all that you need. I Am That I Am.

I thank you for letting Me be a part of you forever.

Do not fear the end of times, because this is the final time of all the deviation of the world. My beloved Son will return, and break the bread, His Divine Body, before you. And you, My children, will be able to commune of Me, and I, as your Father, will feel happy as a Father who expects his children to grow in love and in generosity.

I always listen to you, and I have you all in My Heart.

I Am your only Truth and Reason. I Am your Divine Creator.

Your Supreme Father, Adonai.


Marathon of Divine Mercy
Private apparition of Christ Jesus on September 3, 2018, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús to be transmitted during the 62nd Marathon of Divine Mercy

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As at the Mount of Olives, today I speak to the Heart of God so that He may hear the Voice of His Son in the face of the great planetary need, so that He may hear the voice of His servers in light of the cry and the entreaty of their prayers, so that He may avail Himself of all the sacrifices and all the renunciation in order to carry forward His Sacred Plan.

Today I carry your consciousnesses to the Universe, to the great Sidereal pinnacle, so that the great archangels may contemplate them, so that the Mental Universe may perceive them, so that the Spiritual Universe welcome them, so that all Creation help them in this final moment in which the last operations of the Hierarchy are in play for defining the New Humanity.

So, open your hearts to this feeling of union with God, whatever it takes, whatever happens.

Let your heart not change in feeling nor change its love for God because what is written is being fulfilled, within and outside of beings. 

The great revelations are coming to announce to humanity that it is time to change its consciousness and to get out of this method of constant self-destruction and self-harm.

I will come to the world a second time, walking like a pilgrim in the Universe, crossing portals and states of consciousness to finally arrive here, on Earth, to announce the last word of the salvation and the redemption of humanity; to carry forward the judgment of the fallen, of those who fell in the Universe as well as on Earth, and to also take to Heaven those who glorified My Name and made it a part of themselves, not only in their spiritual life, but also in their works of charity and of good.

Each day that goes by this time draws closer, thus the importance of your spirits being linked to the great sidereal dome where all the Hierarchies come together with the greatest degree of love, to contemplate the humanity that has lost its innocence, its transparency, its faithfulness and its commitment to Creation.

This small planet, which is a dot in the great sidereal space, is very loved and considered by other Universes, by other humanities, by other consciousnesses that came before all your consciousnesses, since before the beginning of the first humanity.

So, understand, companions, that you are not walking alone in this humanity nor throughout time nor throughout the generations; that you are all observed and accompanied by something that comes from the Infinite and from the Greater, like a great stream of light and of love that offers itself, from cycle to cycle and from era to era, so that humanity may awaken to the reason and to the motive of its real purpose.

As with other humanities, you, companions, are writing a new story, and this story you are writing today will bear its fruit when it comes into correspondence with the Universe, with the Will.

That is why the challenges of these times will be demanding and need hard work.

An unconditional and greater love must be born in you, capable of transcending the limits, the barriers and the obstacles of the material and outdated consciousness.

This current humanity has reached the most culminating point after the last times, after the last millions of years that have gone by since the emergence of the first Project through Adam and Eve.

Now, in these crucial times, receive the impulses from the sidereal dome of the Universe so that you, and the next generation that will come after you, not continue to generate in your spiritual consciousness the original sin and the mistakes that always cause you to succumb to the hells of this Earth.

I open the doors to the Universal Consciousness so that all may be able to enter and find this very important link with their true spirits, which by signing a commitment with the Universe, came to Earth to fulfill a part of the great and infinite Will.

To those who today live the Will of God, feel yourselves to be participants in the joy of the Universe, despite going through crucial and defining moments.

To those who today do not fulfill it, there will be a last opportunity for repentance and reflection, in order that you not miss the inflow of Grace that comes from the Heart of the Father.

Thus, all the Hierarchies of the Universe and the great archangels of the Mental Universe have gotten together to evaluate this end time, which is part of the great revelation of the Apocalypse, in which very unknown signs and very profound revelations will reach consciousnesses for the purpose of uplifting their state and vibration so that they may perceive reality.

It is the moment to bring to Earth this legacy that you once experienced in the Universe. It is time to offer it to the Father so that it may be available within His Plan of Love and of Redemption.

In this way, you will learn to transmute your own aspects and conditions so that by forging the light of your spirits, you will be in communion with the Highest and within the great current of Divinity.

Your suns will incandescently shine.

Your eyes will open to see the signs that will appear on the horizon and that the Universe itself will project upon the Earth to warn humanity of the last messages of the great awakening.

It will not matter anymore who believes or who does not believe, who is present or who is far away.

Creation is thinking about a great definition, revealing Its Mysteries and opening the doors with its keys, so spiritual and inner that they will uplift consciousness.

So recover your filiation with the Universe and say "yes" to the Voice you hear from God through His Son, and you will help to build the new that must arrive someday and that perhaps you might not see physically because you will not be present.

But you, and mainly your consciousnesses, can be that bridge so that more miserable and ungrateful consciousnesses may have the opportunity to redefine their lives, to find the path again, and especially, to reach My Heart, where I have treasures for all, where I express ideas and principles for the consciousnesses that follow Me and serve Me.

Do not allow your stars to stop shining.

Hold on to Divine Unity and all will take place as foreseen.

But from the Universe the sign will come, as it comes at this moment for all, where the attention on the Words of the Hierarchy will be essential for your walking and your guidance.

Open your heart, then, still more so that the fire of the Hierarchy may be able to enter and transubstantiate your condition, making it divine, sublime and uplifted to the service of God.

In this way, your inner spirits will be closer, and inside yourselves you will feel this fire that will move you and will motivate you to carry the Plan forward, in spite of what happens or what presents itself on your paths.

So re-experience this filiation with the Highest and remember it every day, because there will be no next time. 

The opportunities are ending, the graces of the Universe are being reduced, Mercy gathers Its Source so that Justice may come.

Unfortunately, it is time to choose and to not be on two paths at the same time.

I do not want My disciples to be like coins. I want your honesty and your confirmation in the presence of My Heart, because I will never leave you alone, when you trust in Me.

I would like more souls and more consciousnesses in the world to hear this, in more tongues and in more languages, but first I come to say this to you because you are the ones who are closest to Me, walking at My side after so many experiences and tests.

Once more, the Universe presents itself in Its Spiritual Consciousness to shelter and receive you, to look inside you and see what truly exists and what arose from the Sources of the Universe.

So receive this message of peace and of consciousness from the brothers and sisters of yesteryear.

Feel the pulsating of other Universes that radiate their love and their peace to humanity and to its wounded planet,

The change of a few will cause a great change in the whole of humanity, it has always been this way, history repeats itself with different experiences, but with the same consciousnesses of other times.

The Flame of the Divine Purpose blesses you today and guides you to your destiny, which has been thought of by Adonai.

So receive My blessing from all the great Consciousnesses of the Universe, so that the fallen stars may rise, so that the sleeping cells awaken, so that you may cross the portal towards the New Humanity, in Christ and for Christ.

The time that will come will be very hard. The suffering that humanity has chosen will be very great, but the Universe will be attentive to the voice that asks and pleads for help, because it will be heard with sincerity.

Go through the times bravely and continue writing this very promising change, which should start first in your lives, to afterwards begin in the world.

Today I uplift you all in My Prayer.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Place in My Heart what you need most.

Open your heart to receive My Mystery, the deepest revelation of My Love for you, and quench the thirst of your spirit from the Fount of My Heart.

Shelter yourselve in My Mantle in the harsh winters of the desert.

Warm your soul with My Fire and transform all doubts into Light.

Remove from your interior everything that weighs on you and hold me tight to feel My Strength.

Abandon me, but not as you think.

Embrace me with joy so that I may empty you.

Dissolve from your interior everything that does not want to be transformed yet.

Take refuge in Me and feel the joy of living in God.

Leave the world and enter into Me, because in this way you will know what I need, so you will receive what I have saved for you, and your soul will vivify the greatness of being in God and receiving His Kingdom, from time to time, without limits or forms.

I want you to deposit in My Heart what you still do not understand, I want you to remove from you what you still do not accept, because all that you live is what you have cultivated in your life, nobody has responsibility in that.

Everything you experience is part of a transformation, just as I transformed the human condition.

When I ask you to abandon Me, it is not for you to leave me, but so that you surpass Me in love, because someone must do something greater than what I did.

And I will stop being your Master when you have learned what the Universe needs, and in this way, you will open the door so that new masters are able to guide you, who exist in the Universe and are part of My Brotherhood.

Until you reach the great Avatar, you must go through many masters, because many schools are experienced in the souls that choose to follow me.

Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.

Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.

Great Masters wait to guide humanity. Their Silence is already eternal, but it is time for them to speak to bring the great revelation, in the end of these times.

They know their dwelling places. They obey My Principles and thus unite with all the Laws. They live in perfect harmony with the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental, and material, and are part of that great chain of Light that vibrates in the heights of the Universe, in the heavenly vault of the Hierarchy.

They have intervened many times in humanity. Many in the East and some in the West.

The mastery of the great Masters is sovereign because their essence is based on Love-Wisdom.

Each one comes from a special sphere of the Universe, each one has emerged from a great experience they had in recent times.

They are the masters of loyalty and of wisdom.

They make up one of the seventy-seven Wills of God and in their inner world envisage the expression of one of the Holy Names of God, Adonai.

For the Masters, Knowledge emerges from the Source of Wisdom.

Service for the Universe makes them humble and resigned, in likeness to the Master of Love. They have prepared for this planetary moment and have visited the world many times, to learn about the existence of this humanity and what My Father has conceived of for this human Project

And so, you are all part of a story that is being written in a Sacred Book; you are part of a story that tries to be corrected, aligned, and be united with the Universe.

The Masters are emanations of Love-Wisdom and they know through their experience, the christic life.

They were in Shambhala and then in the heights of Peru.

They know all human history, so similar to the palms of their hands, or the lines on their faces.

Wisdom has been achieved by them; It is the fruit of the Love of God, because they try to carry forward His Will: holy, full and peaceful.

They will come to the aid of those who say ‘yes’, no matter where your find yourselve or where you are. They will meet you to take you to the Truth.

They have been designated by the Eternal Father, through the Archangels who created them, to help the humanity at the end of these times, to safeguard the Project of God, as well as the Father once protected you through the incarnation of his Divine Son in the humble manger of Bethlehem.

They had knowledge of My Birth, they honored My Presence and bowed down before the Son-God; there they were initiated for this moment, for this transition of the Earth and this change of cycle in humanity.

Now they will call everyone by their origins and thus awaken the talents of Creation, they will teach deeper things than what I have taught because they already live them, they are part of them.

They have something inextinguishable on their breasts. With their hand they trace the line of the Brotherhood. They are known for their wisdom and discernment.

Any humanity existing in the universe knows who they are, because they emanate what they truly are and what they have transcended throughout time, everything that has unified them in the great chain of the Confraternity.

They know the planet because they have contemplated it many times and they know about the history of this civilization.

In essence, they know what God thought of in the beginning and today they work in silence and in harmony in order to be able to support the ardent desire of God in humanity, that the men and women of the Earth come to know true happiness, which is not physical, but internal.

I Am one of those Masters of Wisdom and I have been present in the East as well as in the West.

Through My Words I am revealing to you a story written in the Mirrors, something that is being refracted to Earth at this time through the doors of the Universe that are open.

Aurora welcomes this information and this knowledge, and all internal beings prostrate themselves on the ground, for being in front of the Source of Wisdom, which has manifested many times in the world and in their humanity through the Masters who have incarnated to teach the true essence of Love and the Sacred Spirit of Unity, which is something that comes from the Eternal.

Today, the Lord of lords and the Master among masters brings you the synthesis of everything experienced on Earth and the loving contributions of Love that have come through the Masters to this humanity.

That is why there is still time to be able to rescue the world, even if the abysses are shaken in the world. Mercy is leading souls to redemption.

Receive this knowledge and remember it. This story is to be found in the memory of your cells, this legacy is in the depths of your spirits.

In truth, you are something totally different from what you truly believe you are.

The Masters will gather their disciples together and will emit their great summons to humanity.

Different races and people will be assembled and they will all be gathered together for prayer, when the world is in its great definition and the moon will be clothed again in the color of blood.

From Mars will come help, and relief will come from Venus.

The Moon will be a witness to that moment, because its aspect will be completely transformed, as it never was transformed before. At that moment everything will have been said, the Masters will already be present on Earth to guide the last tribes that were self-summoned.

At that time no color, race, or nation will exist, all will be recognized by what is inside of them.

Thus, in this moment let the great Master polish you, for the Light within you must shine again.

Recognize the Master that you have so long searched for within you and carry out your great mission on Earth, because you will be called to serve in unexplainable situations and in climactic moments of humanity.

There is when I will see My Church emerge from the depths of hearts and My Word will be alive in you, My Fire will be eternal in each one of you, and that will move you to live the Plan.

Transform humanity with your acts of love, redeem the Earth with your examples of peace, and thus, with My own Eyes I will be able to see the New Christs emerging from the imperfections and the miseries, transformed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, colonizing the Earth with new attributes, carrying the message of the great revelation and being carriers of peace.

For this reason, do not let yourselves be carried away by any message other than Mine. You must have discernment in the moment of hearing, that makes you grow in the Truth and will have you mature in Love.

In My Words are kept the vibrations of your destiny. Happy are those who adopt them and live them because they will be transformed and will not allow themselves to be defeated by anyone.

Be intelligent and you will be able to live the Plan.

If I am here, it is because the Plan continues, otherwise, I would not be here and the Plan would not be fulfilled.

Follow the Law of the Hierarchy and you will be in the necessary protection.

Those who are not here is because they have not understood Me, but I will be the one who will judge them.

Now it is time to move forward and to advance.

There are still souls that die without seeing the Light, there are still hearts that do not receive love, I am still in sick bodies, that need healing.

I am still in the world waiting for you to recognize Me in the one who has been forgotten, in the brother or sister who is imprisoned, in the heart that has closed, out of fear and apprehension.

I give you the authority to love the world much more than I loved it, I still hope that you can take that great step.

The Kingdoms of Nature still wait to be more loved.

The New Christs will not just be human, the Creation that already exists will also be able to be the new Christic life on the planet, completely redeemed and healed by the hands that give of themselves to serve it, and the hearts that surrender to love it.

The planet waits for your unconditional love and for your great awareness in support of its restoration.

Everyone has a place to serve and to be able to grow in love. That is why My Arms are open for all, and My Heart is expanded for all. It offers itself as a refuge for your redemption, for the dissolution of doubts and blame, of the misunderstandings and incomprehension.

Whoever is in Me, will be in the Light of God and will be able to renew yourselves until achieving your great awakening.

Closing the doors of universal knowledge, I open the doors to the sacramental ceremony, so that the celestial Church may descend and the Sacred Will be carried out.

The time is coming when you must review My Words many times, because I will no longer be able to continue speaking to you.

All I have given you is all that I Am, but there is still to be revealed the great mystery of the Son of God, of Who He truly is. When I returns to the world for the second time, there you will get to know this revelation, and everyone will be aware of this.

Let us be immersed in the Celestial Church.

Let us adore the Sacred Heart of the Father, let us glorify His Name together with the angels of heaven, so that souls may merge into your pure and original essence. Amen.

We can stand up for the consecration.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ that always renews you, unconditionally offered for the healing of souls and as a balm of peace for all hearts. Happy will be those who avail themselves of Them in this Sacred Sacrament of the altar.

Lord, I am not worthy of You entering my house,

but one Word from You will be enough to heal me.


Our father...

Please come up here, Guissepe, Luci, and Mateus.

May Your Power, Father, descend through My Body so that souls may vivify the wholeness of Your Spirit.

Father, may Your Grace descend through My Blood, so that souls may be washed of everything and be reborn in the sublime Fire of Your Love. Amen.

Celestial Father Who leads everyone,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Guide us on the path of love
so that Your Will may be done.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will go to Heaven with My task accomplished, full of the love of those who are self-summoned in My Name, carrying this experience of transformation to the Thrones of God, so that He may contemplate it in His infinity of Grace and of Mercy.

And now, in the name of love and of sacred unity, you will give each other the greeting of peace so that peace may expand to the Earth.

I thank you for having been with Me on this special anniversary.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

You were created for a purpose and it is not by chance that you are here today at the Feet of the Creator.

Let us now go to the universe of your essence to discover what exists there, what is eternal, perpetual and infinite, that nothing nor anybody can dispel, from where you emerged to come here to Earth to fulfill the Project of Redemption and of Love.

Focus your attention on this moment, in the center of your being, and together with Me, enter the universe of your essence, to meet with God, to renew your purpose, to continue walking until, companions, you accomplish the goal God has given you.

Look into your essence, contemplate it with great love.

Feel the Original Source that exists within you and how the spiritual Light of My Love penetrates the deepest layers of the consciousness to elevate them, to have them transcended, to place them into the Hands of God.

On this night, in which the inner light is ignited through the intercession of My Sacred Heart, look toward your essences.

Discover within yourselves the only truth, which will free you from this captivity, from this planetary prison, from all error.

On this night I come to find the essence of your hearts, that which once existed in the beginning as consciousness and energy.

Let us return to those origins.

I came here tonight to take you toward that place, where you began to have a spiritual, causal and physical life.

Your essences have been traveling throughout the times, carrying out this trajectory, a path to redemption.

See in your essences, in the very core of your hearts, the Creator Source of God, which renews you, heals you, grants you redemption.

Let us return to the origin, to the beginning of everything, when our Eternal Father in His highest dimensions, in His greatest degrees of Love, thought of creating creatures much like Him, just as you are, at this time.

Remember, children, that you are the children of God, that you are the children of Life, that you are the children of Love, who come from an existence that has never died, that is perpetual, that is eternal and sublime.

Return to your essences and ask within: What is it that You want from me, Father?

Stillness. Stillness. Stillness. Do not interrupt what I am doing.

I have come here to elevate you to God, so that you may be part of what is existent and infinite.

Return your attention to the essence of His Love, that which emerged from the Source and which has lived many experiences to be able to reach this point and say 'yes' to redemption.

Today I come to dispel the forces of contrariness, because where love is present, God is; and your hearts are in God, just as God can be in you.

Let us now go toward the origin of what in truth you are, so that you may know how you were created in the beginning before becoming souls, before being spirits; so that you may know how it was when you were essences in the Source of the Love of God, together with the Creator Fathers, the Archangels; to the place where millions of lives for this Universe emerged.

Thus, companions, today you are not here alone. The whole Universe is here, all existence and all life, through My Sacred Heart.

Be brave. Penetrate this mystery that My Heart grants today so that you may know yourselves consciously.

See yourselves as being in love and continue forward through these times, overcoming all the obstacles, elevating your consciousness to the Creator.

Kneel before Me. And in an act of reconciliation through My Sacred Heart, let us return to Life, to what you always were.

Come with Me, to the Source of Creation, and find your essences there, that which is pure, which experiences no suffering, which is eternal and invincible in the Eyes of your Creator.

Look within yourselves and seek the sphere of your essence, the deepest light of your consciousnesses, that which has been born of the Source and moves through the times, learning about love and forgiveness.

I come in these times to find that truth that exists in you, a truth that brings Me here continuously and patiently, until you on your own are able to enter into communion with this truth.

In this way, you will free your Master, so that He may continue working in the world with other millions of essences, which are lost and far from love, the Love of the Source.

Hold in your hands this essence of light as if it were a newborn.

Feel that sphere of light in your hands and, at the same time, as a sign of imploring, let us be reconciled with God.

This is the essence that is within you and which seeks the path of return to the Heart of the Creator.

See how God created your essence with immense love, with eternal tenderness, with an immeasurable compassion.

This is the essence that is to return to the Source, with the marked sign of Redemption, saying 'yes' to Forgiveness and to Divine Mercy.

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, has been working with these millions of essences throughout time.

You are not only matter, you are also energy that comes from the Source and that at some time deviated from your path, so that in this time you would again find the path of redemption and of love.

I come to conceive in your essences the Grace of renewal, mutual service, an extreme charity and infinite consideration for the fellow being.

With this essence that God has given you, which is fragile and simple, which is mere and pure, companions, return to the school of love because love will heal you, the Love of God will save you and soon you will be worthy children of God, deserving of His infinite Mercy, tireless servers that never give up, that always say 'yes' to the Divine Hierarchy.

Feel your divine essence in your hands, feel how the Angels and Archangels contemplate your inner dwelling places.

Believe it is possible to overcome everything through the Love that My Spirit sows today in your essences to again give them spiritual life and an eternal union with the Creator.

In the same way that your essences bow down before the Most High at His Feet, thus, companions, today I want each part of your beings to bow down before God as an act of reconciliation, of forgiveness and of healing.

And now, Father, that you see what I come to seek, time after time, what you have created in image and likeness of your Existence, Adonai, Your Son pleads for these essences and for all the essences that are far from You.

Just as you are in Heaven, Father, may you also be on Earth, and when I return, surrounded by Your Glory and Your Power, may all the essences of the world experience their last step toward forgiveness.

Emmanuel, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who once was on the Cross for all the essences of the world, for all those who fell into the abysses.

Listen to the Voice of Your Son, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba.

Bowing down at Your Feet, Eternal Father, I offer My Body, My Blood, My Soul, My Divinity, for the essences that today must be with You to serve and honor You.

I offer You, Father, My Sacred Heart, for the ungrateful and unjust hearts.

I offer You My Spirit so that You may be present in all that exists and lives, in all that breathes, so that the cell of evil may be erased, so that the Light of Your Divine Consciousness, Adonai, may be reborn.

Eli, Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, Who with great atonement and mercy dissolves error, lack of union and lack of love so that Your Plan, Father, may triumph on this planet.

We all bow down before You, beloved Creator, because You breathed and created life, because You felt, and creatures emerged, because You thought and granted Your Universe without restrictions so that forever and ever we may praise You, honor You, supplicate to You and thus, be in communion with Your non-material Spirit.

Pour out You Grace upon these essences.

Pour out Your Love upon these lives, so that You Project, Adonai, may be fulfilled, and souls may be redeemed and live to the end of their lives in Your Peace.

Today I water this tree that was drying up, and see how Love transforms all things, makes all things regrow; everything blossoms again because I have not allowed your essence to die, but rather, in the balm of My Love, I have nurtured them with My Spirit.

Let those who were dead be joyful.

Let those who expected a Grace, to be glad, because I will not tire, I will not tire until I achieve what I expect of your essences.

Love one another as I loved you, up to the last moment on the Cross. And when you do not love one another, when you do not unite, remember Me on the Cross, everything that I endured for you up to the end of your lives for, in this way, you will recover your strength, you will recover your bravery and courage to love beyond yourselves.

May the advent of the new 'figueiras' (fig-trees) be accomplished.

May the seeds of brotherhood planted in the earth regrow, because the Almighty has heard His Son and the angels have poured out your Grace in the depths of your beings.

Today the Scripture is fulfilled.

You will see the Son of God coming among the clouds and the breath of His Spirit will vivify your consciousnesses and evil will be dissolved, because the Love of the Sacrificed Heart of Jesus will triumph until the New Earth.

Let the knots of human separation be dissolved.

Let the ties of love and of faithfulness be established, because the Father of Mercy has heard the Voice of the Redeemer.

Place your hands upon your hearts.

And may you be able to feel this mystery every day, which is no longer a mystery, but just the simple Love of your Redeemer Who comes to make all things new.

Because when I fell with the Cross, three times, I promised the Father that I would renew all things.

And blessed will be those who allow themselves to be renewed by Me without fearing the changes, because what God wants to give you is His Heart, so that He may live in you in essence and eternally.

Let us thus celebrate this act of reconciliation, because your sins were purified and your faults were forgiven.

The High Priest has come to celebrate a Restoring Communion so that you may remember every day to fulfill the promise of being part of My Love and to express it in each moment.

Let us listen to the trumpets of the angels, that sound to announce the Divine Word and institute the Holy Eucharist in this place again, the perpetual triumph of the Love and Life of your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

And today, at My Feet, I have not only the holy women who anointed My flagellated Body at the sepulcher, together with Mary, My Mother and Mary Magdalene; but I also have at My Feet those who once did not recognize Me, those who experienced miracles, and those who converted at the foot of the Cross, when My Blood flowed from My Side and My Water penetrated the very core of the Earth, to renew the Project of the Creator.

Let your essences blend today into My original Essence, into My Divinity, into the Second Person of God, the Firstborn Son, the Only Begotten, the Redeemer, and may these essences that live and shine within you, help you to experience the changes in the end of these times.

Only Love will make you free and when you are not in Love or in Truth, call upon Me. I will give you the strength to love as I loved, up to the last moment of the Cross.

And as an act of reparation and healing, for the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine of your essences, today I will ask for a song that reflects the love that I had for you in Calvary: "Christ of Calvary."

May the symbol of this song help you to have the same strength, the same courage, and the same valor that your Master and Lord had up to the last moment of having expired on the Cross, for all of you.

When you cannot manage to humiliate yourselves, kneel; when you cannot manage to stay calm, rest your face upon the ground; when you are not humble, place yourselves in a cross upon the ground, as I will help you to transform what cannot be transformed, to free what resists, and you will feel the Fire of My Love in your hearts, just as the holy women did up to the last moment, overcoming all the tests, all the obstacles, to be close to the Sacrificed Son, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

And before listening to this song that makes My Heart humble, because, in truth, it is God Who is in Me, so that I am able to be in you, I remind you of the scene and the culminating moment of the communion with the apostles and all the souls present two thousand years ago, in Jerusalem, when I took the bread and gave thanks to God for the sacrifice, saying:

Take and all eat of it, because this is My Body, the Essential Body of your Lord, Who will surrender to you for the forgiveness of sins.

In the same way, I took the Chalice, giving thanks to the Creator for the sacrifice, and I said to them:

Take, take in trust and drink from this Chalice, the Chalice of the New Alliance, Blood that will be poured out for you for the forgiveness of all faults.

And in that moment, the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit descended, and instituted the Eucharist.

Today I ask You, Adonai, that you not let Your Sacred Tree die, a Tree much like the burning bush of Moses, in which You once showed Yourself, so small and humble in Your creatures.

May the same Spirit and the same Fire that penetrated the consciousness of Moses, today penetrate the consciousness of those who teach, of those who guide Your flocks, so that Your powerful and invincible Love may always triumph. Amen.

I will listen to the song.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Message of Christ Jesus for the 51st Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When you truly sing to Me, My Heart feels an inexplicable relief, something very immeasurable that is generated by all souls.

It gives Me joy to be able to rest My Feet in this nation and to re-encounter friends of yore, who still bear My banner of peace in their hands, so that the Love of My Heart may continue to triumph in this part of the planet, even though it is lived by very few.

If over two thousand years ago I was able to save the world with twelve apostles, what could I do with more that twelve?

Today you are more than twelve and here present are many souls on the inner planes, who are in need of the Fire of My Love and of My Mercy.

I need you to enter into My Heart on this day and  share with Me, in this simple communion with My Spirit and with My Divinity, the joy that your Master and King feels on being so close to you, so as to be able to bring you the peace that must be the foundation in these times for the building of a New Humanity.

I come from the Source of God to meet you.

I come from a place in which everything is perfect, in which the subtle dimensions vibrate, in which the archangels of God work to bring, toward these universes, the beloved Project of God, which in this phase, in this last part of the end time, must be concretized on the surface with the immediate collaboration of your souls, through the immediate constancy of your prayers, through all the good works and those of peace that you can carry out.

It is thus that I Am to be found in each detail, as in each new service that your hands may render for this humanity and for this planet.

Through your acts of charity and of service I am able to bring the new codes for this planet, and your souls and spirits can open to My Fount to receive within yourselves all the codes that will renew this humanity, even though it experiences its transition and its purification in this time.

Today I see each detail that you have carried out with much love and that also ennobles My Spirit, because through each detail and each offering, My Consciousness also can express itself in this humanity, and more souls can be participants in My Mercy, even though they may not deserve it at this moment.

I come to walk at your side in this definitive time.

I come to be with you and with the world so that you not feel alone, although humanity also does not deserve it.

I come for those who are suffering and need, in their experiences of life, the renewal of their spirits and souls; so that your hearts and the hearts of your brothers and sisters are able to feel braver as you continue to move through this end time, which will lead you toward a meeting with Me, to be with Me for all eternity.

Never lose that aspiration, companions.

Through that aspiration, never cease to seek the essential union with Me and with My Consciousness. This will help you in your purification and will also open the doors so that new Graces can reach the world and be placed in many more hearts.

I have come to Santa Fe to renew the Sacrament of Faith in God, because it will be your unbreakable faith in Me which will make all things possible and will allow you to walk in these times toward Me, without losing sight of Me at any moment.

And now that on this afternoon a special Grace is approaching, when your Master and King opens the doors to begin this walk for all of Argentina, I come to prepare your hearts for new events, for new missions which will make these people rescuable, redeemable people, who will be able to be converted through permanent service, through the gift of charity that has been springing from your hearts for quite some time now.

The world is in need of good souls so that many more consciousness may be healed.

Thus, companions, I urge you to have a spirit of service in Argentina as something fundamental, because this will also radiate to other nations of the world that also must awaken to the unconditional spirit of surrender and of service to fellow beings.

It is in this way that My Work can expand in the world, when souls open to receive the Spirit of My Love and thus be able to renew all things.

Wherever you go, wherever you walk, My Spirit will always be present and this will make you invincible carriers of My Love and of My Divine Mercy.

There will be nothing that will prevent, companions, what you should do for Me in this time, because when your souls decide to take the step, as you have done in a simple and small way, many more things can happen, such as this Grace,  that the Sacred Hearts may be here in Argentina, to renew you again in the joy of My Spirit.

It is for this greater cause that today I draw your consciousnesses closer, that I come to experience the Sacraments with you, so that in the name of many more souls, your feet may be washed, your souls may be baptized, and your bodies may be anointed to receive freedom, healing and redemption.

Today I want to give you this message, which until now I have conveyed to you as a first impulse of My Spirit for you, because the Hierarchy must work gradually with your souls, so that they can show the fruits and so, gift them to God in a spirit of eternal service.

Among the angels that accompany Me today in this opening ceremony, there is in Heaven, the angel of Argentina, the one who from today, will be a conscious part of your lives and you will be a part of his army, so that the Archangel Raphael may grant healing to consciousnesses, the redemption of hearts in all this beloved people.

Keep this angel present in your lives and also in this nation, in spite of all that is happening. Remember that he brings the Ray of Healing to Argentina and he is also a great mediator in the light of the Archangel Raphael, for this planetary situation, as well as for everything that this nation is experiencing.

From today, you will be able to be one with the angel of Argentina and plead with him, in the name of My Merciful Heart, that he may intercede before God for the evolution and the awakening of your people, for the permanence of the roots and of the culture that characterize this people, which will be a part of the Project of a New Humanity.

You, My companions, on this day are the beginners, those that will care for this great aspiration of My Heart of having Argentina and the Southern Cone be the place for a New Humanity.

Even though it does not seem so and in spite of the consequences that the surface is experiencing, for your Master and King nothing is impossible. One just has to begin.

Let us open the doors to the Celestial Church of God, so that each element that will be received today may be blessed by the Powerful Hand of the Lord and, in this way, the Graces and all the Mercies in souls of the world may be multiplied.

We will call to Adonai, companions, so that He may descend and bless this moment that will be a part of the new story of your lives, of the new human being, of the new consciousness, which will participate in the last happenings of My Plan.

May it be so.

Remember that two thousand years ago, when I offered Myself entirely to you, I gifted you My precious Body and I surrendered My Divine Blood to you so that the mystery of Redemption might be revealed in souls that, in this simple communion, would feel encouraged to live in Me; so that I could live in you and, through My being in you, you might be in God.

Through the consecration of these elements that will convert into My Body and My Blood, I bring you the beginning of a new stage for each one of your lives, so that in each living being of this planet the Work of My Mercy and the Work of Redemption may be realized.

May the Lord grant His gifts to consequent souls and may those who avail themselves of this sacrifice leave here renewed, with spiritual fortitude and extensive hope, which can radiate to the planet and to all its humanity.

I grant you the Sacrament of Communion for the forgiveness of sins and so that a new door may open on your paths and on the path of your brothers and sisters.

Proclaim your faith in God and make the Plan of rescue possible in this humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now, from the Universe, from the place I come from, I will joyfully and lovingly contemplate the Sacraments that will be received in these two days and the abundance of Love and of Healing that millions of souls of Argentina will receive through My intercession and also because of your "yes".

Let us pray to God to thank Him, and in this way, I will be able to carry in My Heart the pleadings of your hearts and the pleadings of all your brothers and sisters, so that real justice, equality, equity, and cooperation may be established in Argentina.

Our Father...

Let us give thanks to God for this meeting. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now, companions, you will go and wash your feet, remembering when I washed the feet of the apostles, so as to give them My Spirit of resignation and of humility, My irrefutable Love for each soul. 

Experience this Sacrament of foot-washing as a moment of inner divestment and of healing.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Write My Words in your heart and may they not disappear, because they will be necessary Words for the coming times.

I Am so similar to this Light, that whoever follows Me will never be in the dark. Happy will be those who follow My Light and recognize it within themselves, for they will not miss the opportunity to feel the power and strength of My Love.

When My Light is present, there is no darkness. The dark ones and the demons fall into hell, because My Holy Father, Archangel Michael, has defeated them one by one. This is why you do not have to fear anything now, but for not converting your hearts; a conversion that must be consistent with My request, at this final time, in which all is defined within and outside of beings.

Whoever searches for this Light will not perish. Whoever lives in My Light will be light in the dark of the three days of darkness.

My Light is the essence of love and My Love is the essence of life, the life that God has given us from the beginning to all His creatures. Most beautiful is His Light in the universe, for it is triumphant and cannot be defeated.

You will see the hells moving. You will feel the Earth tremble. You might see terrible things in the times to come, but know that it will be the moment of great definition, and the decision and freedom to do it will be in you because I need souls that shine with My Call. I need warriors to fight against immense things, against that which they have never fought. Therefore, I integrate all of you into My Light, that is the eternal Light of God; it is unity, it is omnipresence and it is the universal science.

Woe to those who do not enter the Light of My Heart. How will you be able to persist in these acute times?

I come to give something to the world, to which most people pay no attention, but only give attention to the superficial and petty. You will see men and women beating their chests for not having done it, for not having searched for My Light, the eternal Light of the Creator.

My Essence is being delivered until the last drop. I am giving an account of you and the world to My Father. Do not reject or miss this opportunity, because it is one of the last, and in you, all the treasures must be alive, which month by month and from time to time, I have been delivering to you through this simple meeting of prayer.

It is time for you to place the keys of Heaven upon the table and to contemplate with gratitude the Graces that My Father has given you through My Glorified Heart. You, if you are My followers, have the keys to open the new doors and not to close them to those who need to cross into the new life, into renewal and hope. Define your paths, because the time is approaching and I invite you to be part of My Light so that, by being in Me, I may be in you at each moment and in each hour.

And if My Light is in you, My enemy will not triumph. He will not be able to defeat any of My souls, those that throughout times I have summoned to be part of the armies of the final time, of the preparation of the Return of your King.

Drink from the Source of Light that I bring you today because, in essence, it is Adonai who, with immense Mercy, is giving Himself to your spirits, souls and consciousnesses, for those who do not accept Him, for those who deceive Him, and especially, for those who do not experience Him.

I invite you all the time to be true, so My Light may be in you because nothing belongs to you. Your lives are part of an original Project that has been distorted throughout times and centuries.

I come to complete, at this hour, what I could not do two thousand years ago because My Father called Me and I had to ascend to the heavens to listen to Him, as a good son listens to his father and rejoices in his words of wisdom and love.

In the same way, I would like you, My companions and My friends, My servers and My servants, to listen to the Words of your Lord, your Master, your Shepherd and your Father as if they were the last ones for this last era because you must witness what you have experienced with Me and you may or may not be witnesses of this Truth that I bring you.

Today you will place your faces before your enemies to testify that I have been here, in these last years, with you and with all who have welcomed My Call in humanity.

Therefore, the time has come to commune not only with My Body and My Blood, which is the greatest gift of My Love and My Sacrifice for the world, but the time has come to merge yourselves with My Light and to never leave it again, to not lose yourself in the tribulation that this world will experience and that it will face in these times.

With all the Glory of Heaven, I bring you this Light that belongs to no one but the Primordial Source, where Unity and Love reign in all creatures. May this Light shine in the dark spaces. May this Light banish the emblems of evil. May this Light triumph in the pure hearts and may the New Christs, the new apostles, the peacemakers of the Redeemer finally be born. 

This Light, that I bring you today, comes from a profound and sublime place, from an unknown dimension of the consciousness, from which your Lord and Master of Love emerged, like His Holy and Virgin Mary, as well as all the archangels that exist in Heaven and in the universes, who praise Adonai eternally.

You are children of this Light. Awaken, awaken your brothers and sisters from world hypnotism. Remember that you are children of the Source and that you are essences that come here to experience the principle of redemption and forgiveness for all that has happened beyond this plan.

This Light of My Heart brings you Grace. This Light blesses and renews you because it brings you Mercy and grants indulgence to your hearts that need it so much in the whole world.

If you are around this Light, the Light of My Heart, you have nothing to fear. The purification of your consciousnesses, the rendition of your human aspects and the liberation of your atavisms will be difficult. But whoever is near My Light will never perish, for they will be contemplated by the universe for having been contemplated by the Son of God, who believes and has hope in a New Humanity, healed and redeemed of its eternal mistakes.

Raise to the Heavens and spiritually, the Light that exists in your hearts and essences. Offer to God this Light as reparation and recognize that without this Light you cannot do anything and will never be guided to the final goal.

Dignify your consciousnesses and receive, through this Light, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that should spread throughout the world for souls that fall into the hells of the planetary surface. Furthermore, I tell you that this Light is also granted by the angels of the universe.

Today, at My Father's request, I stop the actions of the evil in humanity and will no longer allow the innocent to suffer the attacks of hell, because My Light, which is invincible, will triumph.

Happy will be those who believe in this mystery, because, just by believing, they will be within My Light without perceiving it; and truly I tell you to commune with My Heart until the end of the days, until you see Me coming among the clouds, in the Glory of God.

It is thus that in this hour I stop the perdition of souls, the agitation of the hells, human injustice and sin in the humanity of the surface. This Light grants, at this moment, an instance of peace for those who need it most, for those who suffer most, for those who despair and have not yet found any way out.

Today you have communed with the Sacrament of My Light, a mystery that I am revealing to the Church on Earth because, beyond the communion of My Body and My Blood, you can commune with My Light, and thus you will be communing with My Divinity.

Now listen to the prayer of your Master, who kneels before the altars of Adonai, just as all the angels of Heaven kneel before the Primordial Source. And in this way, with this prayer, I will bless all the elements, because while I speak, My Divine Energy, that is the Energy of God, magnetizes all things and transforms them into something sacred and into worship. Everything transforms itself in a great ceremony when the Light of My Heart projects itself upon humanity.

"Listen, Eternal Father, to the Voice of your Servant, of Your Essence, of an immeasurable love, who kneels before Your Throne to beg You, to convert this moment into something sacred, pure and immaculate.

At the Feet of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, we beg with the angels of Heaven for the emergence of a New Humanity free of mistakes, free of suffering, free of bitterness, free of sadness, free of uncertainties, free of failures.

May Your Divine Light, Lord, which permeates and lives in all universes, descend now upon those who listen to Your Sacred Word, through the most beloved Word of Your Son.

May souls always find refuge in My Heart so that I may take them to You, and You, Father, hold them in Your Arms to protect them and to contemplate them with the sweetest gaze of Your infinite Love.

So, Father, at the request of Your Son, banish what causes indifference. Open the eyes of those who are blind spiritually. Make yourself be felt like a powerful Ray in the most closed hearts, so that all may experience the splendor of Your Celestial Kingdom.

I promise, Lord, until the end of days of this world, to rescue Your children from Your Holy Justice so that all may submerge into the ocean of My Mercy and in this way find peace, the hope of experiencing you and of participating with You in eternal Communion.

Now I send the angelical armies for them to fill the whole Earth with Your Light, and that the greatest sinners be liberated from perdition, so that they too may experience the Source of Your Love and Your Truth.

Bless, Lord, this moment with Your eternal Light and, in Your Source of Life, immerse Your creatures, the ones that You have conceived according to Your Divine Thought and Your Project; thus, with the surrender of Your Son on the Cross and with the cross of the New Christs, My eternal rival will be defeated, for his defeat is near. The triumph of Your Kingdom will descend upon Earth, the New Humanity will be born and it will no longer be indifferent to Your Words and Designs.

Believe, Father, and observe with the gaze of Your Love what I have done in Your children throughout times.

Listen to the praises of the saints.

Receive the honor, Father, of the blessed ones.

Hear, Father, the song of the angels, because You are always Our Light, Our Guide and Our Truth.

I offer the Light that you have granted in My humble and poor Heart, for those who do not experience You yet and do not even search for You.

Lord, have Mercy, and may no soul stop being able to kindle their inner light before Your Presence, before Your omnipotence and omniscience.

May Your Will be fulfilled, Lord, in the hearts that receive it today and that they may be forever aware of this sacred commitment with Your eternal Heart.

Today I ask You, Father, that by Your infinite Grace and by Your greater Love, the hells succumb in their hells and that You close the doors to evil, just as Your Son implores You, with all that You have granted in essence, in life and in divinity, in My Sacred Heart.

May Your Rays of Grace reach those who need it most.

May you grant the healing of consciousnesses and may joy return to all who have lost it for some reason.

May Your children, Lord, Your creatures rejoice to experience Your Celestial Kingdom because Your Paradise is approaching, and at the end, Lord, at last, the thousand years of peace will be fulfilled.

Today the inner lights of your creatures have risen to Your Kingdom. Today Your altars are lit by this Light. May your divine Light, Lord, make more humble, simple and meek those who follow Your Path with faith, hope and trust.

My Heart rejoices in You, Father, just as My Heart rejoiced, in spite of everything, in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing that this time would come and that everyone would know through these means, the power of Your Words, the decree that exists in the Heavens.

May the Light of God purify Your children and may each child, who comes from You, fulfill Your Will with joy."

I baptize with this Light all those who have followed Me through the ages and I institute on this day, among all, the new Congregation of Faith, under the guidance of your Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the peacemakers raise their voices to the Heavens, for the ears of the Father will hear their melodies. May the peacemakers of the Redeemer proclaim to the four corners of Earth, without any fear of saying that they are Christians until the end, until their Master returns to establish a new time in humanity.

Let us pray to the Father with gratitude and rejoice.

Prayer: Heavenly Father

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of our Lord let us sing together "Peacemakers of Christ the Redeemer" and let us invite our brothers and sisters from the Monasteries, from the Communities, from the groups of the Light-Network and all the praying beings of good will.

Let us offer to God this Light that He has granted us in our interior as an offer of repair and healing for humanity.


Apparition of Saint Joseph in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the Kingdom of Lys expands beyond the forests, expands beyond the lakes, reaching the seas, the oceans, the rivers. Today the Kingdom of Lys shows its purity through the Kingdom of the Waters, so that in this way, it can help the Kingdoms that dwell there, that they may find peace and redemption with the assistance of humanity. Today the Kingdom of Lys extends itself here to cry out for help, so that its peace may touch the hearts of humankind, that they may recognize higher life, the truth that dwells in their hearts and calls them to communion with all the Kingdoms of Nature.

As a Sacred Family, today We reveal that the Sacred Hearts also dwell in Lys, and there find the fortitude to travel this world, to help those most in need, without ever losing hope that the Plan of God be accomplished.

Today the Kingdom of Lys stretches to the seas and the oceans so the mirrors of light, which reflect the Power of God, with the light of the sun that comes from the universe, are able to transmute and free this planet, especially this part of the world, so that it may receive a little more peace and have time to awaken, before the Justice of God descends.

Today, beside the Greater Mirror of Love of the universes, your Most Holy Mother calls you to awaken the mirror of your hearts, united with the Kingdom of Lys, to radiate to the world the love that it so needs.

In the waters of the seas, contemplate the purity that many have lost from within their being. Allow the Greater Mirror of the Heart of Mary to awaken the mirrors of your hearts, so the Kingdom of Lys may be able to also stretch through your souls, may be able to find in each of you an instrument to carry peace to the world.

Today you face the seas that are in such need of help and that, at the same time, sustain the planet. The human heart must be like that: in spite of all the help it needs, may it be able to surpass itself  through the love for God so as to sustain this planet, in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Kingdom of Lys stretches here to show you how grand the mercy of the Heart of God is for the human heart. And in this way, may you be inspired to transform your lives in likeness to the gifting of the Kingdoms of Nature, in likeness to the gifting of the Kingdom of Lys and of all the beings of light that dwell there and that untiringly serve humanity.

With simple words, I seek to awaken you to a higher reality, because hearts are asleep and, even though they express devotion, they have not expressed their true commitment to God yet.

The Divine Messengers travel through Europe in this time to awaken those hearts that committed to the Plan of God in the beginning, that committed to the Kingdom of Lys for this moment, when the Earth was most in need. The hour has come, children, to carry out that true commitment, somewhat setting aside the practical needs of your lives, those small inner problems that stop you from living love, because urgent matters are waiting for you, planetary situations that depend on the 'yes' of humanity, depend on the adherence of the human heart so the Law of Mercy may act.

Thus, today I come to meet with you, together with the Kingdom of Lys, so that in this way, you may recognize a spiritual service that you must awaken and fulfill in this time. I will not ask you for anything extraordinary because the Kingdom of Lys is the expression of simplicity, of humility, and of purity.

I will only ask you to enter the doorway that I open for you today, leaving behind all mental conceptions, all human ideas that you have cultivated until today, so that, entering this Kingdom, you may recognize the truth that you distanced yourselves from so long ago.

Why is it so difficult to live in fraternity and unity with each other? Why is it so difficult, children, for hearts to provide a need to a fellow being before their own? Will it be unachievable for your hearts to love and serve? Will it be unachievable to sit before an ocean and give thanks for its existence, contemplating its sacrifice and uniting with it so it may feel a relief, encouragement, support? Will it be impossible, unachievable, to come before a brother or sister to whom you owe a debt, and ask for forgiveness?

Will it be extraordinary, impossible, to listen to those that need to be heard? Pray with those that are in need of the Presence of God? Express your own faith to the world, without fearing human judgment? Those are simple things that make the difference in the history of humanity.

Expand the Kingdom of Lys, disseminating peace, humility, and unity with all the Kingdoms. Expand the Kingdom of Lys by being a little more fraternal, a little more human, that human being God thought of, the one in which He places His hope and from which He never desists, because He knows that truth, even though it hides from your eyes.

Let the Kingdom of Lys touch your hearts and your spirits, freeing you from evil, freeing you from illusion, so you are able to accomplish that purpose that God has had for you since the beginning.

Imagine a little mirror of light that ignites before your beings, before your hearts. Some of them need to be cleaned, purified and freed so they may become instruments of God. Feel the light that comes from the Celestial Kingdom and also from the Kingdom of Lys, and let that light purify your beings, renew you, and give you the impulse to be real servers of God, rather than of yourselves.

For an instant, yield to the unknown so it may act in your lives, and pray with Me for the Kingdom of the Waters, so that Lys may find a space in the essence of those Kingdom and is able to express itself.

Purity of the Kingdom of Lys, stretch out over the seas; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, light up the mirror of our hearts; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, make us pure and simple for the redemption of the planet; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, stretch out over the Kingdom of the seas; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, awaken the mirrors of our hearts; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, make us pure for the redemption of this planet.

Feel the Presence of Adonai, that today contemplates the world, and with His Holy Spirit, waits to descend over humankind and over the Kingdoms. Contemplate the Mercy of Adonai, contemplate His infinite Light, more brilliant than a sun or one thousand suns. Let this intense brilliance, that comes from the Kingdom of God, cleanse and purify the mirrors of your hearts, and through them, let it radiate to the world and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

With your heart united with the Heart of the Sacred Family, let us pray to God:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
redemption, redemption, redemption
for this planet. (x4)

Now you will pray for all the Kingdoms and will ask for redemption for the Kingdoms of Nature:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
redemption, redemption, redemption
for the Kingdoms of Nature. (x7)

Purify your lives and bring them peace through prayer. In this simple way, you will enter the Kingdom of Lys and will heal that which seems impossible to you. Today, children, I only want to make your lives simple mirrors of the Heart of God, extensions of the Kingdom of Lys for the world, for this is how your servers should be.

Perhaps you prefer what you experience in your lives over the Kingdom of Lys? Will you prefer the ignorance of humankind to living in the Wisdom and the Love of God? You must ask yourselves these things every day so that you move forward in spiritual life, and spiritual life will not be a theory to you, a book in the cupboard of your homes, but rather an experience, a living experience that uplifts humanity and allows it to return to the Kingdom of God.

In the Presence of the Holy Virgin, Who loves you and untiringly blesses you, in the Presence of the little Child Jesus, that today transmits His purity, His goodness to you, we will consecrate the elements that are the symbol of the Greater Grace and the infinite Mercy that comes from the Heart of God; may the Divine Humility of the Creator, that multiplies in the bread and the wine, enter into your hearts and invite you to experience this virtue that opens the doors of Heaven to you.

May all of humanity and also the Kingdoms of Nature spiritually commune of this great miracle of multiplication of God, and that united with Him, within Him, may you be inspired and guided to one day again live unity with the Father. Let us pray then, united with God, for the conversion of the elements, for the redemption of the planet.

Our Father (in Aramaic and in Portuguese).

Commune of the living Presence of the Heart of God and continue in peace, ready to unite with the sacred Kingdom of Lys, by the merciful Presence of God among humankind and among the Kingdoms of Nature.

We bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace.

I thank you!


At this moment, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús shared the daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary on this same day, May 19, 2017.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: We just wanted to add that it is very special to see all the Sacred Family, when possible, gathered together on the 19th of the month, because in some way, the divine codes that They bring us enter into our consciousnesses and also renew this spirit of fraternity and of brotherhood in all of us, making it possible through our efforts, as Saint Joseph says, for us to one day achieve the goal of being a true spiritual family.

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 5, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón
For the martyrdoms borne,
For the sorrows transmuted,
For the victorious Mercy achieved,
Redeeming Christ, liberate us from the ties.

Close your eyes and feel the love of My Glorified Heart for the souls of the world, and especially, for all the lost souls.

Today, opening My Arms and stretching out My Hands, I show you in my chest My Eucharistic Heart, and below it, the Holy Chalice of the Lord, sacred elements, which through the Shepherd, together with His sheep, comes to renew the mystery of the Paschal Supper.

Today, in a world in darkness, in wars, and in destruction, your beloved King comes to renew the Paschal Supper so that your hearts and souls, through this sacrament, only feel love; a love that penetrates into the depths of the consciousness, reaching even the cells and the atoms of those who allow this. This is the real mystery of the Holy Eucharist, converted into the Body and the Blood of your Lord.

I ask you to close your eyes, to feel the words of the Love of God, which come to heal your wounds; which come to liberate the ties; which come to renew you once again, for the world needs it.

Today, companions, priests, mothers and friends, I invite you to share this Paschal Supper with Me, in order to practice and be able to generate the reconciliation of all souls with God, with His Divine Source of Grace.

Today I am not here with the twelve apostles, as I was in the past. Today I come to fulfill My Promise and I come here, to this sacred enclosure, to be among the multitudes, so that all may be participants in the renewal of this Paschal Supper, granted by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. It is this Holy Spirit of God that has caused your Master and Lord to draw closer, so that He could contemplate your faith rather than your sins; so that He could re-ignite the flame of love in all the hearts that so accept it.

This Eucharistic Heart that shines here today comes to radiate peace to the world. This is the greatest symbol of unity between humanity and God, between Heaven and Earth, between angels and souls. Happy forever will be those who come here, to celebrate the renewal of this Paschal Supper with Me.

This Communion that I will offer you today will blossom from the core of My Spirit. For this reason, companions, do not miss the opportunity and the Grace of being able to drink of this mystery of Love that blossoms from My Eucharistic Heart, today exposed from the Celestial Universe for the whole planet, for all races and for all peoples of the world.

Today, on the inner planes, I call all the tribes of Israel, from East to West, from North to the South. I call you all, all the sheep, to come and participate in this Supper, in this spiritual Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Many things that are told about the last Supper are true, but very few know what truly happened in that time, when I gathered together My apostles so that they could adore My Eucharistic Heart, in the presence of the Father, the first Person of the Most Holy Trinity.

It is for that very thing that I bring you here today and expose before your inner eyes, because it is your hearts that must drink of the Source of this mystery. There is no sin, no sorrow or anguish that can prevail while I am present here, renewing this Paschal Supper in each of your hearts and especially in your souls, which today I come to heal from many inner illnesses.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is kneeling.

You will ask, why do I do this? Is God not stronger than all of humankind? Holy be His Humility and Mercy that He comes to give His little Son, so that souls may be saved before the door of Mercy closes in the world.

Today, in this Paschal Supper with Me, you will be witnesses of this spiritual legacy that I give your spirits today; which will be revealed as a feeling, as a truth, as a talent and a gift in the end of these times.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Now Our Lord is raising His Eyes on High. Stretching out His Arms and His Hands upward, He still exposes His Eucharistic Heart with more force and power. He is invoking the Celestial Universes.

"Adonai, do not look at the injustice of humanity; do not look at the errors, the indifference and the assaults, the sacrilege and the pride of humans.

Adonai, open the door of Your Heart so that all souls may enter into Your Source of Love.

Today I offer Myself, My Father, by the sorrowful passion experienced, by the sacrifice of the Cross, for each of those present who represent many more souls in the world.

Adonai, may each of them be able to be a witness of the Love that I give them; a Love that comes from Your Holy Heart, from Your Glory, and the power of Your Grace.

Today, My Father, I offer the sublime compassion of My Heart, which was alive and beating in the moments of My greatest agony.

I come to renew this, Your Sacred Paschal Supper, in every church of the Earth and in all the Christians of the world. May the angels descend from Your Glory to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the confirmation of souls to the Plan of Redemption.

God speaks with the simplest of heart. Imitate My simple Heart and you will always be bearers of peace.

Let us now renew the Sacrament of the altar, so that souls may drink of the Source and none is left behind. May all have the opportunity of becoming Christified in some moment of their lives.

I want the New Christs to be born, favored servants of My Heart. I want the gifts to awaken and the talents to show themselves to honor and glorify the Creator. If this happens, a large part of humanity will be saved, and many will not have to suffer the chaos of these times.

With this renewal of the Paschal Supper, companions, your Master and Lord, Servant of the Most High, comes to renew the last Supper to remind you of the mystery I lived in those times and with the primordial purpose of drawing away the forces of chaos from this planet, with the sacred intercession of the Archangel Saint Michael.

Pay attention during this ceremony, because Heaven and Earth may pass; My Words will remain in humble hearts, in those that accept being washed by the Water of Life.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Mothers can come up, please.

Those who feel they need it can sit.

We are preparing in this moment to commune with the Celestial Universe and be able to re-experience the last Supper of Our Lord.

I will bring here, companions, what I lived with My apostles in the past so that you can re-experience the codes of My Passion, deeply permeated with the essence of Love and of Divine Compassion.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We place the palms of our hands up, in sign of reception, while Our Lord prepares this Supper.

May the Lord sanctify these elements through the hands of all His angels, so that matter can transform into a divine instrument of God. So be it.

The water, which is again blessed, receives more force and power for transubstantiating all the particles of material life.

In that time, your Lord asked His apostles to place several jars of water on the table, so that after having washed their feet, before sitting at the table to commune of the Paschal Lamb, their hands would have been purified, as well as their souls.

While souls serve Me, so that My Grace may be possible in all, enter into inner prayer to be able to feel the Master even further, in this Sacred Supper.

While your Master and Lord was with the apostles, and with many more gathered together on the plane of spirit, to celebrate this paschal mystery, in which Mercy would defeat death and all the sins of the world, the holy women, favored servants of the Most Holy Mary, were also in communion, in adoration, and in prayer, waiting for the Passion of their Celestial Husband, so as to be able to accompany Him in this task of emanation of Universal Love to the whole planet, through the sacrifice of their Lord.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Mothers can walk up here in line.

May this light be a witness of My return to the world. May love never be extinguished. May trust be eternal, so that hearts may hear their Lord and find in everything the Love that always wins, without ceasing to contemplate the needs of souls; because hearts are fragile and have need of a refuge so they may be able to experience their healing in this time of redemption.

It is necessary to build a new Earth, full of pure hearts that are able to vivify their Lord, and thus praise Him forever; because in all things is the Love that seeks to be ignited in souls when hearts open their doors to recognize peace.

 All need to be healed to be free of their fears and forms, and find consolation when they ask their Lord, for He is more than a flame; He is a Sun that illuminates all things.

After the holy women lit their candles to watch over the mysteries of the Passion of their Lord in prayer, they were attentive to all that My Mother Mary was telling them.

Meanwhile, in the sacred Cenacle, your Lord and King, feeling His Passion drawing closer, in a semblance of peace and a look of Mercy for the world, began to wash the hands of His companions so that they could be worthy of this paschal mystery.

I washed to purify and to have hearts be reborn.

I washed to close wounds and also renew the hope of all those who believed in Me.

I washed to bring peace and dissolve the fears of all consciousnesses.

I washed to sanctify all souls through the Love that God caused to emanate from My Heart.

I washed to make the humble more humble, for these are bearers of the Celestial Kingdom.

I washed so they could praise God through His Son, experiencing with Him the mysteries of His Passion.

I washed so they could learn to teach, disseminating the good news to all those who needed to rebuild their paths of light.

I washed to re-experience the Love of the Father in each heart.

I washed to alleviate the deep wounds and innermost fears in hearts. 

I washed so they could imitate My example of sacred humility with their fellow beings.

I washed so they could learn to bring the universe toward this planet.

I washed so that they could redeem the deep aspect of the consciousness.

I washed to awaken the talents in those who listened to Me with their hearts.

I washed so they could be joyful and be in likeness to their Redeemer.

I washed to awaken the message of God in each apostle.

I also washed the hands to heal what is unknown to everyone.

I washed to awaken the renunciation of all those who would follow Me.

I washed, only washed the hands, to demonstrate the power of My Silence.

I washed for those who should come to know My Holy Church.

I washed to release all the anguish, so that all could be deserving and worthy children of God.

I washed so that they would carry My message to the world, as an example of love and truth.

And to some I gave My Wounds so that they could re-live them spiritually, so they would be wardens and guardians of My Plan to the end of days, and thus recognize Who was their only Love.

I closed the door in those that could get lost, and in those who followed Me, I found the paths for the opportunity to love.

The awaited moment arrived, in which everybody, seated around the table of the Lord, offered themselves for humanity to live this sacrifice together with their Master.

Listening to the solemn Words of My Heart, they placed their hands on the table, in perfect receptivity to the loving Voice of their Lord. And in the name of humanity and the power of this sacrifice of love, they felt the descent of the angels and archangels from Heaven.

Jerusalem was turned inward, on a night of great silence and great expectation, in which the Son of Man, after celebrating His Supper with those whom He had called, to proclaim the Word of God. They heard in their hearts and observed and contemplated, with their souls, the realization of this sacred mystery through the Paschal Supper.

And the holy women, in a profound ecstasy and surrender, prostrate on the ground, experienced that spiritual communion with their Lord.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Mothers can kneel and all those who feel it, do so as well.

Thus, opening the doors of the universe, the archangel Michael witnessed the revelation of this mystery, in which love would be the premise for generating the salvation and the redemption of humanity.

After the table was sanctified by the incense and by the water, Our Lord asked the first Priests, who would be the precursors of His Holy Celestial Church, to bring oil to their Lord.

In this way, the Most Holy Mary, imbued by this mystery of love and living in Her own flesh, in Her own spirit, the Passion of Her Son, Her Lord, also did the same.

Her Lord took this oil into His Hands, as did His faithful Servant. He asked the angels to sanctify it and consecrate it in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And Mary signed Her disciples with a cross on the forehead, so that they would witness the beginning and the emergence of a New Humanity, awake, active and solemn, through the inner Christ of each heart and each soul.

In that way, the Father, through His Holy Son and His Holy Mother, instituted the first legion of disciples who would be the guardians of the signs of the Passion of Our Lord.

In that time, the holy women committed themselves to suffer for their Lord so as to alleviate all His sorrows and assaults to the end of their days.

While Jesus was revealing the mystery of this last Supper, He asked His apostles and all the inner beings present there, that with the holy oil consecrated by the Archangel Michael, they make the sign of the Cross on their foreheads, to confirm their trust in this mystery of Love of the Sacred Passion of their Lord and to be able to be spokespersons of His Gospel in the world.

After all were marked with the energy of Saint Michael, the Lord continued with the ceremony. He took the unleavened bread and raising His Eyes to Heaven, your Lord implored His Father, blessed Him and this element was converted into the Body of Christ; today blessed by My Eucharistic Heart. He broke the bread and the angels prostrated themselves even more on the ground when for the first time, Our Lord instituted the Eucharist in order to overcome in Love to liberate this planet from evil. 

He said to His apostles: "All eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for sinners for the salvation of the world and of all the races of the planet."

John and Peter fainted on feeling so much Love from the Lord. And the Holy Mother received the Body of Her Son, as well as the holy women, who confirmed the Passion of their Lord.

After they all communed, they returned the bread to the basket and it was reverently covered, to protect the Holy Body of their Lord.

Jesus asked His apostles to pour the wine into the chalices. He asked John to bring the water, for His Blood and Water would be shed over the world.

In that moment, their Lord asked them to raise the little chalices to Heaven, as a representation of the practice that their Master was carrying out. And He asked all the angels of Heaven to change the wine into His Blood.

After this blessing, the first step of the Mercy of God manifested through your Redeemer.

Placing the Chalice close to His Heart, He told His apostles: "All drink of it, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant between peacemakers and God."

In the same way, the Holy Mother, in spiritual communion, received from the Archangel Saint Michael the Divine Blood of Her Son. And the holy women, in profound bliss, prostrated themselves on receiving the Holy Covenant of their Lord.

In the same way, the Holy Body and the Divine Blood reached Joseph of Arimathea. And all drank what was left.

In this way, the forgiveness granted by the Father for this humanity was constituted and confirmed through the Body and Blood of their Lord.

May everybody rejoice today, for you have received the first spiritual Communion with your Sovereign King.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Song: "Pater Noster."


Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 3, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón
My God,
I believe, I adore You,
I wait for, and I love Thee.
I ask for pardon
for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for
and do not love Thee.

Children of My Father, listen carefully to what I will tell you:

Here is the testimony of My living Love for you. Blessed are those who contemplate it from the heart, for they will deserve eternal life.

Listen, tribes of Israel, today spread throughout the Earth. Listen, peoples of the East. Listen, peoples of the West, for My Voice resounds in the four corners of the Earth.

Listen to your Lord, who is declaring the last time of His Mercy for humanity.

Raise the flags of peace among all the nations of the Earth. Light the flame of peacefulness in your hearts. Become reconciled between brothers and sisters. Become united between tribes, and may all be exalted by the coming of the Son of God.

Here is the testimony of My Love for you, made Body and Blood, for the reconciliation of humanity with God. Blessed are those who contemplate it in Adoration and in Communion.

Hear My Voice, tribes of Israel. The Almighty Lord is sending His Son a second time. Blessed are those who believe in His Words, because their eyes will open to see Him when He comes at the least expected moment, glorious and sublime among the clouds, announcing to the world the end of pain and the resurgence of hope in hearts.

Tribes of Israel, children of David, stop opposing each other. May the nations no longer rise one against another. A lot of innocent blood is being spilled in the world.

Today I come here for My beloved Holy Land, for Egypt, for Eritrea, for Sudan, for Syria, for Turkey, and for Greece. May humanity listen to the Word of God, while the angels bow down before the Divinity of the Son of God.

Be resigned for those who are not. Humble yourselves for those who do not humble themselves before God. May all hearts hear the Word of God. May they hear the Word of the Son of the Father, impregnated by His Divine Mercy and by His profound Pity.

May languages ​​and peoples unite. May borders and barriers no longer exist. May each one welcome their brothers and sisters and their fellow being, so that the Kingdom of God may guide them in this bloody hour of humanity.

May Our Father Abba bless those present. May those who are not blessed be blessed. May they receive from the Heart of the Son of God the encouragement to return to hope, the joy in continuing to live, the cure to heal their deepest wounds.

I want you to hear the voice of the One Who was among you as a Brother and Who once again, this week, pours out once again His Spiritual Blood over the world, so that Divine Justice will not descend upon a large part of humanity.

I would like that today, when your hearts are before the adoration of My Eucharistic Body, the universal teraph of all expressions of humanity, you could consciously and with your heart, take up the nations of the world, that suffer their own agony. In this Sacred Week, My friends, offer My seven agonies for Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Israel, Greece, and Syria. In that place I left for the world a treasure that many are still searching for, in their pilgrimage of faith.

But I come here to South America, to show you the Omnipresence of the Son of the Most High, because in His Omnipresence, He loves His creatures, in the essence of their spirits and souls, constituted of the molecule of the Love of God, from the beginning of their existence.

Today I want you to not only be sincere hearts, but faithful to My Call. I am opening the doors so that you may enter the new schools that My Heart offers you, in Its immensity and infinity.

Today seven adorers of this Order that I have constituted, will offer their Lord, their Most Holy Eucharistic Spouse, the flame of their hearts, lighting a candle at the foot of this Blessed Sacrament. And they will do it for each one of the nations that I have named, that suffer terror and the immense loss of My Divine Mercy.

I wait for them to continue. Keep your attention on the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because My Eucharistic Body and My Divinity are present, working with the whole world.

While I wait, intone that song.

And so, I entrust you, dear daughters, to pray, as many others do, for each one of the nations that I have named, which are part of the sorrow of My Heart, in this Sacred Passion that at this time, I am sharing with all of you.

Relieve the agony of My Heart, so that, being able to come out of yourselves, you unite with Me, like so many of My servants, to clamor for this race, which is losing its project. But My Divine Mercy overcomes all those things when your hearts unite with Me in constancy and faith, and in spite of what happens, you respond to My Merciful Heart, so that I may be Mercy in you and you may be Mercy in the world that is suffering so much.

To all My adoring daughters and sons, today I give you the greatest treasure of My Consciousness, which is the spiritual Communion of your Master and Lord. Because each time you adore the Most Holy Lord, in the silence of your spirits, you must know that you will be communing fully with Me every day, until My Plan of Peace can be fulfilled.

The angels, like you, creatures similar to God, have in themselves the potential to divinize things, when they deeply and trustingly love.

I ask all of My servants, consecrated or not as adorers, that each day they encourage themselves more and more to penetrate this mystery, this teraphim and this symbol, which will elevate you in humility, renunciation, and sacrifice, for all that your Master desires to fulfill in the world.

Today, companions, I will take each one of you by the hand, so that you may accompany your Lord in this agony, which He sees happening in the world, day after day, and that does not stop. But the Power of God is stronger than all humans and all nations.

Woe to those who do evil to their brothers and sisters! Because on the day of My coming to the world, they will fear Me, because of so much Love that I will emanate to the ends of the Earth, until the new humanity arises.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us stand.

Children of My Father, revere that the One Who comes among the clouds, bringing the Love of God and Mercy, and making it live in all who trust in His Most Sacred Heart.

I am here to be close to you and never move apart, because what I have for each one is eternal.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing.

While I prepare the altar, to bless the water that will baptize souls in the Holy Spirit, let us unite in this moment with the Source of Love of God, which is what sanctifies the consciousnesses that unite to experience these sacraments in their essences, representing many more souls.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Lord is preparing to live the most sorrowful moment of His Passion for humanity. And you must receive the sacraments, to be able to accompany Him on this path of the incessant search of His Heart.

"Lord, exorcise this incense, so that it may be as sublime as the angels of Heaven, who release all the creatures of the Earth from the evil forces.

Eternal Father, bless this water, so that it be more chaste and pure, and be as blessed as You are in the Universe.

Beloved Father, bless these candles, so that they may be Divine Light in the world, just as You made Yourself Light and expansion of Consciousness in all that is created. Amen.

Lord, Adonai, and Most High Father, You, Who created water to generate life in consciousnesses; You, who caused this element to be born, so that all may aspire to find Your sublime chastity; You, Who has given this element to all the planets and stars, so that this water would act as a Source of healing and reparation for all the wounds that Your creatures would experience through the ages, have it reflect Your Love in those who will receive the sacraments on this day. Lord, let it, in its chastity and essence, purge, purify, and cleanse what is impure, so that each heart that will be sanctified may find healing, renewal, and peace. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here, at this moment, Adonai, and through these elements, which are part of the humble that plow the earth so that the wheat may be born, and those who harvest the vine to nourish their bodies, today I again surrender to You, Lord, so small, humble, and insignificant among Your children, so that through this transubstantiation, hearts may find refuge in My Spirit.

I lift up, Lord, this offering, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, at the foot of Your altar, so that Your Grace may be poured out on Me, and My Grace may be in them, in all those who suffer and endure wars. So be it.

And today I will also ask for a song, companions, in order to lift it up to God, crying out for this Mercy for humanity; a song that represents the love of the Word of the Universal and Celestial Hierarchy, because My Word is like the water that quenches thirst. "My Word is living water."

I thank you for being in Me and for allowing Me to be in you.

Let us pray an Our Father for all the planet.

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord. Amen.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Today I leave in your hands the Sacred Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as an offering of My Celestial Spouse and in gratitude for all that has been lovingly manifested up to today.

This Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will be your instrument for the battle against human indifference and will be the impulse towards a continuous fraternity among beings. For in this Sacred Reliquary is the Divine Heart of Saint Joseph, honored by the angels of Heaven as a spiritual model because of His holiness, humility, and service.

May this Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph that I place today in your  hands, motivate you to a continuous awakening to unconditional service, so that new souls embrace this proposal. Through the Most Chaste Heart, may you live in service to your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, building and regenerating all of humanity.

This Sacred Reliquary which Your Heavenly Mother presents to you today, is the fundamental relic that Saint Joseph constituted when He humbly entered the Kingdom of the Heavens. It was this Sacred Reliquary of the Heart of Saint Joseph that the Eternal Father received from His faithful server, after He was lifted up to the Heavens in soul and in spirit.

As a member of humanity, Saint Joseph brought to the universe a living example of love for knowledge and instruction. Saint Joseph was considered by Adonai to be the guardian of souls, and for the human race, this Sacred Reliquary represents the possibility of being in likeness to a transformed human example, as was the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

This Sacred Reliquary that the universe presents to you today, is a spiritual symbol for souls that it is possible to experience human transformation and redemption on Earth.

May this Sacred Reliquary, lovingly offered by Saint Joseph to the Divine Father, from now on represent the symbol of persistence and faith in the face of every human and materialistic condition.

This Sacred Reliquary will remain spiritually placed and displayed in the spiritual counterpart of the House of the Pilgrim, so that all the souls of the world that will come to this place may through prayer find this sacred teraph that the Chaste Heart gives you today through the Immaculate Mother. 

May this sacred teraph be worked with every 19th day of the month by the missionary and praying souls, so that in these times, there may be reparation for the grave outrages from the wars in the world, for the exploitation of children, for the women being sold on the streets, for the loneliness of the sick, for the death of the innocent, and for the harmful destruction of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms.

May this teraph be the bridge of communication of all with God; and in this way, He will not pour out Justice, but rather pure and infinite Mercy.

I thank you for responding to Saint Joseph, because these last four years of work have allowed this Grace that Your Heavenly Mother brings you today.

Who loves you, in union with the Love of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the White Buffalo would appear on the horizon, suddenly, walking with serenity before the eyes of the pure, this was a sign of prosperity and hope. Its mouth did not speak, its language was unknown by humankind. Its silence would transmit the Will of God to them; its language was understood with the heart, by those who knew how to become silent.

When sadness flooded the hearts of humankind, they cried out for the grace of seeing and feeling the White Buffalo. Its serenity calmed them and they would feel hope that the Earth would remain fertile, alive and sacred.

When the heart of the children of the Earth was not rich in love and joy, they cried out for the White Buffalo. Its joy and Its love did not come from this world, but it nourished and healed the world. It appeared upon the horizon and represented the arrival of new cycles, where life would have a greater meaning, because the land would be fertile and so would the heart.

The White Buffalo was the Holy Spirit of the Earth, which walked silently among humankind. It came to dissolve fear, anguish, sadness, it came to unite the hearts of the children of the Earth with He who created the Earth, and all other planets, the Sun, the Moon and all Life.

The White Buffalo was the bearer of purity and re-ignited purity within the hearts of the children of the Earth so that they would not lose the hope of a world in peace and in communion with Life.

The White Buffalo was meek but invincible. Nothing could touch it and only the eyes of the heart could see It. Its mystery came from Infinity, even though its appearance was of the Earth. It made itself lesser than humankind, with the living symbol of a simple animal, but it wanted to represent the All. Within it were both the small and the great, from the animals to the Supreme God, from nature to the All.

The White Buffalo thus made it possible to understand that God is in everything.

I am the White Buffalo, the Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit of Life.

I am the representation of the fertile cycles, of the cycles of Peace.

In My presence, despair and fear are dissolved, and hearts again find the faith and the love of God.

I am, My children, the Mother of the Earth, and also of Heaven. The children of the Earth were born upon it, but they do not come from it. Their spirits come from Me, they were born of the Universal Source of Life, protected by the brightness of the stars that sparkle in Infinity, embraced by the Motherhood of God, Adonai.

I come to the world so that you may regain purity and hope, so that fear and pain be healed, and so that the certainty of being able to experience the sacred, and so that the unity on this Earth with Creation may again shine in your essences.

I am here, beloved children, now resembling humankind, with a body like yours and with a Divine Heart so that you may again find within yourselves what which unites you with the Creator, that which makes you a mirror of His Most Sacred Heart.

I came to mirror in your spirits the sacred and the divine.

I appear on the horizon, in silence, again bringing Peace. I appear on this day of a new cycle, representing a fruitful cycle in the life of the spirit.

I want to strengthen your hearts and build within you the new gardens of life.

I want to allow the new human being to be born, recovering the purity and dignity of the indigenous consciousness.

I come to bring the grace of union with the Origin, for those called original peoples and, in this way, all human hearts may rekindle within themselves the purity of the beginning, the original unity with the Heart of God.

May your lives be fruitful in love before the White Buffalo.

Regain peace, joy and hope, dissolving from spirit the evil that causes wars and degenerates hearts.

May the unity of the Spirit of God bring you wisdom, dissolving the ignorance that separates humankind from itself and from the All, that which makes them die, while being alive.

I am the White Buffalo, your Mother and Mother of all Creation. I come to bless you, embrace you and allow you to remember that the Creator has a perfect will for His children. It is enough, My beloved ones, that you contemplate upon the horizon of your inner worlds the presence of the White Buffalo, and allow yourselves to be permeated by its silence and meekness so that its love may again transform and permeate your lives.

I love you and I keep you in My Heart of Love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all Life

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Where it seems that nothing is happening, many things occur in the one who is united with My Spirit.

Thus, today I come to unite people and beliefs under one spirituality, which I taught in the past to My apostles and to My followers through the Gospel, the rule of Love. This is the spirituality for these times.

Many may proclaim My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.

Many will carry out works through My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.

It is the essence of My Love that allows all things in this time.

That is why today I bring closer to you the Grace of being in Me, and I in you. It is in this simplicity that I always want to see you, rather than in opulence, or power.

With My Hands, I banish those who say they govern through My Name.

I came to teach in the past so that you might learn to love, to forgive, and to understand your neighbor.

I came to be with you all, without exception. I sat at the table with the rich, I sat on the ground with the poor, I spoke with prostitutes, I converted atheists and rescued those who had committed adultery, because I came to see in you the essence of your souls, which is what  must not be lost and is what many are losing in this time.

I come to reconnect you with the commitment you made to Me a long time ago, of which you are not conscious today, only through My Grace that awakens you to this reality. So do not fear, I am present in those who live Me, in those who truly preach Me, without anything in return.

I come here, companions, so that you may recover the filiation with My Father and not waste time on the false things that the world promises. My true Kingdom is found in your hearts and I am able to be in your hearts when you open the door of your souls to Me; in this way, I will be able to purify your lives and consciousnesses, and you will be one with God, and one with Me forever.

I come to bring you a lifeline that many today do not want to experience, because they do not accept repentance.

Many things will happen in the world, although you cannot believe it. Thus, I come to prepare you in this cycle as My new apostles, so that you may live Me, so that you may testify to Me in each corner of this world.

Thus, I come to renew the Sacraments, and to give the Sacraments to those that have never received them in their lives. The Sacrament is an opportunity of purification and renewal, of sanctity and of consecration of all your spirits before the Celestial Father.

You are before a great mystery through the Sacraments; but as much as you do not understand them, I teach you to live them in simplicity, because when you open your hearts, many things will be able to happen, and inexplicable miracles will occur in each of your lives.

After so many meetings with Me, companions, you are ready to bear the end of times, and although the weariness is great, the victory of My Heart will be greater; when it works on the nations of the world, it comes to dispel the darkness of hearts and peoples, it comes to open a door of light where it does not exist, a unique and inexplicable opportunity for all. That is why I Am the Sacred and Blessed Heart.

It is the essence of My living Heart that allows all these things. So I bring you peace and the possibility of renewing hope and of confirming in each of your lives the living of My Heart in your beings, because it will be that great treasure of My Heart that will free you from all evil and all temptation.

Through My Words, which I give you today with Love, I go freeing the restraints of your consciousnesses, I untie the knots from your spirits so that the doors of redemption can open upon you; it is through this cause that I send My angels from the Celestial Universe so that not only your lives, but also your nations can receive the expiation of My Heart and so that you do not miss this opportunity of meeting Me again in this time of tribulation.

I want souls from Costa Rica in prayer for this nation and for the sister nations of Central America, so that the equilibrium of the equator may be maintained on this planet in the place that corresponds, and not in another.

So I come to speak to you about physics and true science, because in the real science of God, the spiritual and the immaterial is always present.

If you pray with devotion to My Sacred Heart, Costa Rica, although it lives in a superficial manner, will not have the doors closed to My Grace and many more will be touched by the impulse of your prayer and of your sacred invocation to My Glorious Name.

So I invite you, My friends, My friends from the past, to be aware within your consciousness to dispel the distraction and to open your eyes to the truth that the world experiences, the truth of its suffering and its pain.

I want you to be conscious souls, available for My Service, so that I can work through your lives and hearts, and that today I not only come for you, but for all the souls of Costa Rica that so much need My Divine and unfathomable Mercy.

I come to tell you, My friends, if you truly do not live love, that I Am this Source of Love for your lives that can bring you closer to God on different paths; this is why, My friends, I am uniting beliefs and peoples under one spirituality; this is the essence of My Message for this day.

What I want from Central America is that it does not lose its beautiful Eden. My Father has created it so that you could take care of it through your generations and all of your peoples. Do not let this be destroyed, because you will have no place to take refuge when the planet moves, as has been foreseen, physically.

I do not come to bring you pressure or fear, but rather awareness and truth.

I Am the living Truth for you. Your lives can be true when you simply seek Me and are in Me.

I have been able to complete part of My Work in this place, with all the prayers of your brothers and sisters who accompanied Me under the spirit of Divine Mercy.

You do not know how much relief My Heart feels for all those who pray in the world, who prayed in this Marathon in a sincere and non-mechanical way, feeling the need for the redemption and intervention of My Source of Mercy, because as I have told you, the Justice of My Father will come.

I just want you all to be saved, just as I saved you on the Cross, giving each part of My Body and of My Spirit, assuming the sins of the world up to My last breath. Do you know what this means, companions?

Remember Me on the Cross not as a dead person, but rather as the living Son of God, Who brought victory to the lives of the world, closing the darkness and all hells.

But now the world is to be found in great ignorance and indifference. Many, a great many souls ask themselves why they suffer in this time and if it is a punishment of God.

He who created you in His Image and Likeness could never punish you, because He would not be the God of Love.

He can only give you His Justice, not the justice that exists on this Earth, but the Justice that is in the Celestial Kingdom, and in this Justice, Companions, is My Divine Mercy.

Can you now understand the expansion of My Love, which is infinite, sublime, and immaterial? This is what you must not lose.

This is why I call on you to be with Me in this cycle, because I will not be able to be with you much longer. My cycle is ending and humanity must hear My Words. You must be disseminators of this Message of Mine and of all that I have said to you throughout these years.

My wish is that each one of My Words be written in a book, for humanity must recover its origin and read as God reads, and not with the modernities that affect the evolution of the spirits. Do you now understand the global hypnotism?

I come to give My Grace to all. Thus, if you read My Words in books, you will recover your intimacy with God; you will feel the vibration of My Words written on paper, rather than on screens.

This is why I use these means of communication, fulfilling the prophecy that I gave to a great spirit, a great server from the East.

By fulfilling the prophecy of this wise server, I am closing a cycle before the world and humanity experience their Judgment and the last trumpet of the angels of God sounds in the world.

I do not come to be apocalyptic, but rather true in Love, and in the essence of Spirit.

Happy are they who understand beyond what I say, because the words will have entered their hearts rather than their minds, and I will not have wasted even a gram of energy, the way humanity wastes it all the time, creating confusion, error, and wars, because of their verbiage.

Live in the silence of the Universe, look at the stars at night and ask the Father, "Adonai, who am I?" And you will thus feel peace, you will step out of chaos, and you will be able to be united with Me in prayer and in vigil.

Thus, I need you so as to be able to finish accomplishing My Works in the Americas and beyond them.

I come to leave My most cherished spiritual treasures for you, precious pearls of the immaterial life, the spiritual life, and the Kingdom of God; those same pearls that I gave in the past as Jesus of Nazareth.

For this reason, I want you to remember on this day of blessings, a message that has become a song for Me, from My favorite daughters, who make My Message resound in the world through their voice and their union with Me.

It is through this song that I will bless you on this day, and all these elements will be spirits of Grace for souls and for the neediest hearts; because when you experience a Sacrament, remember that you will be doing so for all of humanity, which suffers from the causes of its own evils and its disconnection from God.

It is that Grace of God that allows Me to be here among you.

And now, I will bless while you sing the story of My Life.

I love you and will always love you.

Even though you may fail Me someday, My Love for you is bigger than all of that. I Love the planet; the Project of God is this humanity, which must be the new Jerusalem that shines in this Universe forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
