In the face of tiredness, I will strengthen you.
In the face of despair, I will support you.
In the face of darkness, I will always be the Light.
Before sincere surrender, I will rejoice.
In silence, I will make Myself felt.
In love, you will see Me made manifest.
Beneath those pure in heart will be the sacred soil of My Kingdom.
Upon the merciful will be the dome of My Celestial Church.
From the persevering, I will make infinite impulses spring.
From those who never become tired, My Fire of overcoming and transcendence will emerge.
My Hand will always be upon the just.
My Breath of the Spirit will guide the boat of your souls, and I will always show you the way out in the face of what seems to be a stormy sea.
From those who are surrendered, I will make the Inexhaustible Source of My Love emerge.
My Peace will embrace the simple.
Like the stars, Light will guide the path of the consecrated.
My Priesthood will be protecting those who sincerely said ‘yes’ to My Son, despite the battles.
I will never stop, regardless of what may happen in My Creation, because My Love is inexhaustible, My Mercy wishes to be the door to the redemption of all My Children.
Time and again, I renew Myself in those who are adoring Me through My Son at the altar, for in this way I will show My Victory in those who walk by My side.
Child, you can rest peacefully today, because if you seek Me, you will find Me, because if you call Me, I will always be there. Because if you trust in Me, you must fear nothing.
I made you free so that you might grow in Me. I made you pure so that you might be a testimony of My Presence.
Rest in My Arms.
Keep taking steps in mature love.
My Son is your only school.
Your Celestial Mother will embrace you with Her Mantle.
You receive a sacrament whenever you listen to Me.
You are healed whenever you are in communion with Me.
In this way, you are strengthened to learn how to be humble.
Move forward, I Am here with you.
I Am that I Am.
I Am Adonai.
I Am here, not only where you can see Me and contemplate Me through Nature, all that I Have created so that you might be happy through My spiritual wealth; but I Am also within you, strongly calling you towards the innermost depths of your being so that you may listen to Me and follow Me.
I Am not a God of Justice, I Am a God of Mercy.
I Am a Father who, with a sorrowful Heart, contemplates how His Children behave, how His Creatures not only act against My Creation, but also how My Children do not respect one another and would rather wound one another by causing wars, destroying families, displacing millions of the innocent, separating parents from children, so that they may go to war.
O, what intimate and unknown pain this whole situation generates for Me, a situation that distresses My Eternal Fatherly Heart, of a Father who is no longer heard today, even while I send My favorite Messengers from Heaven and from the Stars.
Look at what My Creation has been converted into, to the point of wanting to conquer space, only to demonstrate who can do more.
My Creatures, I assure you that you will never find Me amidst wealth, you will never find Me in what is comfortable or pleasant for all. My Essence is perpetuated in silence and in Love.
I created you for you to bear fruits in Love, in service and in fraternity. Without these three essential principals, My Children will not be able to be happy because I created you to love Me, I made you grow in order to serve Me, I united you as brothers and sisters for you to live in fraternity.
And in a planet of inequalities and ambitions, My Children were led astray in darkness and vices, forgetting Me and believing, due to the deception of My adversary, that I abandoned you.
How do you believe that an Eternal Father could be capable of abandoning His Children or of punishing them?
I know that, throughout the times, many of My Children, even those who claim to be spiritualized, have lost the ability to hear Me and recognize Me. I always try to send you signs of My Presence so that you may know that I Am here, not only in the beauty that I Have created for you, but also within you, which is many times censured by your points of view or your ideas.
Thus, those who I once chose with My own Hand have distanced themselves from Me, they have believed in themselves and ceased to believe in My Consoling Love.
How do you believe the Celestial Father may feel when brothers and sisters treat one another inadequately, fiercely wounding one another, destroying the house that I gave you with so much love and care?
How do you believe that the Heart of your Eternal Father might feel when bombs are launched, lives are annihilated, Children are discarded, families are separated and hatred and impunity are sown?
How much more will My beloved Children make My silent Heart suffer?
Children, this is not the world or the humanity that I wish for you, you have lost the way to the Promised Land, for this reason, I Have, up to these days, sent you My Resurrected Son and the Mother of all, a Mother who only asks Me to allow Her do more and more for Her little and ignorant creatures.
I ask you to tell the whole world to turn towards Me, because My Heart needs to be repaired, but My Arms are constantly open to receive you, to listen to you, to call you to the path of return to the House of your Loving Father.
If souls do not turn to Me, hearts will keep suffering, families will be the social fracture of the times, wars will keep being in the news and a source of commotion to all.
I did not create you for you to be converted into instruments of evil, I made you emerge so that you could be witnesses of My Love.
In My eternal silence, I pray for you, together with My adoring angels.
And for those who offer themselves to Me, as postulants to be victims of My Love, let them keep aspiring, every day, so that the lives of the New Christs, anonymous and selfless, may keep being the cause and reason to placate all errors of the world.
That, by the merits achieved in the countless sufferings of My Son, more consciousnesses may someday realize, by themselves, that they have forgotten the Love that created them.
Who always blesses you eternally,
Your Celestial Father,
I will come, together with My Son, through the sunset. Through My Son, I will bring the New Cycle and the emergence of the New Race.
You are a part of My Universal Matrix, you originated through My Project, through the Project of My Will.
All that I have created is for you, not for you to transgress it, not for you to conquer it, and not for you to impose upon it, but rather for you to revere it, for you to make it sacred, for you to make it blessed.
But this part of Creation, to which you belong, is what experiences the greatest transition of these times. My children, who are My creatures, have become blind, and they can no longer see Me nor perceive Me.
Therefore, I send the Messengers to all who are at My eternal service, at the service of the Father’s Plan, at the service of Creation. I have sent to Earth many angels and great Hierarchies so that throughout the times humanity would hear the Word of God and fulfill it.
But what has happened at the end of these times, for humanity to be submerged in chaos?
Since the surrender of My Son in the Garden of Gethsemane, He already knew that this time would come for all of you, for this human generation. This is why, when I speak to you about coming through the sunset, it is because this time is approaching and it is very near.
But first, you have to be in eternal communion with Me, by means of the Legacy of the Sacraments that My Son taught you with so much Love. But many of the Sacraments have suffered sacrileges, have suffered great offenses and irreverence.
It is through the good and sound apostles that My Son carries forward His Plan, so as to comply with the Plan of the Father.
It is not in great things that you will find Me, but rather in what is most small and most simple, and you, My creatures, already know that.
For this reason, I had decided, a long time ago, to be born in a small manger so that the world could understand that God does not believe He is powerful, but rather that God is humble and small, to the point of having been born in a humble place, in a humble grotto, so that the men and women of the Earth could recognize the Living God within themselves and again raise this wounded and hurt humanity.
But today, I come with the Most Holy Trinity, with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I come in this Trine Unity to tell the world that it still has some time to change and mend its errors, to repent and make penance, to become free from itself forever, to be able to find, in the near future, the arrival of My Son, the Return of the Redeemer.
From the top of this mountain, I emit this Message to the whole world, so that you may know that I am close to all, and that, in the silence of My Presence and of My Heart, I meditate upon you, I meditate upon the coming times.
Humanity has exchanged Me for the god of technologies, for the god of modernities, for the god of discarding, of indifference, of the lack of love and brotherhood.
However, I still keep My Proposal and My Purpose firm through all the Sacred Hierarchies that have evolved throughout this universe and in others, and that bring to the world an inner impulse of renewal so that, on the surface of the Earth there may exist at least a small group of consciousnesses that represents the New Brotherhood, the Brotherhood that must emerge on this material plane, so that the three planes can count on available, noble and whole servers, to carry forward the re-creation of this Creation. And this will take place through the surrender of hearts, through the service of souls, through the willingness of the spirits of this entire universe.
In this way, you will connect with Me, through a great network of inner, deep and non-transferable light. A network that unites consciousnesses, souls and also hearts which, although they may not be totally awakened, are a part of these profound nuclei of My Divine Life.
I bring you, through this Message, an opportunity of awareness, but I also bring you the Grace of Peace, because I know that you need it, because I know that many of My children are far from Me and do not want to hear Me, and they do not even want to feel Me or know Me.
I ask you not to stay with the image of the God of Justice, but rather with the Father of Mercy. A Father that has known you since the origins, since the Source, from what is most profound and eternal of Creation, from where you came so as to be able to serve Me in this world, on this planet that I offered to you, with much Love.
Now, you can see, with your own eyes, what you have converted this sacred home into, this blessed Creation, this special planet among so many planets of the universe.
Do not miss the opportunity of concretizing the Project of God and of making the necessary efforts for this to be fulfilled.
But there is only one premise for this to take place: it depends on each one of you for this to be carried forward. A few consciousnesses will not be enough to carry forward the next humanity.
I ardently wish, from the depths of My Spirit and My Heart, that many more souls, many more consciousnesses of this world may be a part of the New Race.
Although the moment you are going through is the hardest of all, it is the most obscure and even the darkest, I invite you to place your gaze, like these mountains of Mount Subasio do, upon the top of the horizon where the Light of the Sacred Sun of the Eternal Father comes, to be able to illuminate your paths, to be able to bring wisdom for your consciousnesses, to be able to lead you towards My Peace.
What I created at the beginning, since the origin of the first civilizations, was a rich and fruitful Earth, an abundant Earth, with fruits and with nature, with Lower Kingdoms and with much life, much life and much light. But, My children, the creatures of this planet have destroyed it and keep destroying it.
Thus, the consciousness of this planet, the soul of the Earth, is giving birth, but is it also screaming. And this Earth, this planet, trembles and shows its fury for all that its children have done to it on the surface. It is time to repair this situation, not only with good actions, but also with awareness, with determination.
I bring you, beloved children, the Love of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit.
I bring you the opportunity of following a path of obedience, humility and peace so that you can find, on this path that I am offering to you, a path of redemption and love, a path of renewal and peace, because souls follow a path of distraction, a path that leads them other ways that are not My ways, that are not the Paths of My Will.
While this keeps happening, many more souls, really many more souls, will miss the opportunity to serve Me, to know Me and even to love Me. For this reason, the sacrifice of a few represents the great effort for those who do not do so, for those who are ignorant, who are unconscious, who are distracted and who have lost the path towards My Heart.
With this Message, I bring to you, My creatures, not only a call for awareness, but also the awakening. I do not speak of something religious nor spiritual, I speak of what is most simple, even of what is most concrete, which is where the change of all humanity must take place so that the soul of the Earth, the soul of nature, does not rebel against you.
Be peace-bringers of the planet, be servants of My Word, follow the steps that I indicate for you towards My Heart, and all will be renewed and healed.
I am your Eternal Father, Adonai, Emmanuel and Abba.
Pray with Me.
Prayer: “Our Father (twice).
And, although the boat seems to sink, although the storm may be stronger than your inner strength, and although the attacks of contrary streams may want to make you succumb, do not give up, because I will give you the Gift of Strength and of Science for you to know how to act.
My Protection is upon you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Take refuge in Me.
I am a part of your breath and of all your senses, and, even more, of all your inner senses.
Do not fear, dare to cross the oceans of My Consciousness.
You have emerged from a space that is blessed and sacred to Me, which you must aspire to remember.
Do you know this?
Have faith, because I will always sustain you.
You are like a little harmless bird upon My Hands.
I caress you and comfort you with the Light of My Eternal Heart.
Awaken, child! It is time for you to open yourself internally to come to know My deepest mysteries. Do not doubt what I say, be brave and you will manage to do so.
All that I have given you was for you to make Me happy. Each part of My Creation was perfectly thought of to please you and make you feel very close to Me.
In the silence, there I am. In each Lower Kingdom of Nature, there I am. And in the elements, there I am. I ask you: seek Me and you will find Me.
I am beyond what is concrete. I am very close to you, closer than you can imagine.
Draw near to My Creation. All that you see, on this planet and throughout the whole universe, has open arms to receive you.
Be strong, but also be patient.
Like no other, your Celestial Father knows about the moment that you and His other children are going through.
But where My Love is, there lies My Creation.
Open your mind and imagine Me. I am something more than what has been written about Me.
My Science is Wisdom and I give this Wisdom to My creatures so that they can imagine Me.
My Love is Compassion. I give My Mercy to My creatures so that they can forgive themselves and others.
You must know that I am not far from all that this humanity and this planet live.
I also suffer the sorrow of My creatures, but many of My children have moved away from My Love, and, as they moved away from My Love, they moved away from My Truth.
I still have my arms open, and, in silence, I wait for each one of My children so that they may be by My side, together with a Father who has always loved them, with a Love that does not change, with a Love that leads them towards the Truth.
Today, I am emitting this Message to the inner universe of all My children, because all are My children, without distinction.
This is the time to prepare the arrival of My Beloved Successor, the Christ.
In Him, I gave you Life. I taught you the Path and I gave you the supreme Truth of the Heart.
Children, do not let yourselves be confused by the world, look within yourselves.
I am there because that is where My Church is.
I am in this sacred space to hear you, I am there to attend to you, I can see you, I can feel you, I know about each one of your thoughts.
Do not be afraid, empty yourselves a little more so that My Love and My Light can govern you.
Blessed are those who suffer injustice because they will be comforted.
Blessed are those who are enslaved, exploited and exiled, because, on the final day, they will be recognized and called “blessed saints of the Father."
Those who receive My Mercy, let them rejoice, because the chains and the prisons will break, and the Light of Emmanuel will win.
May your hands always be in prayer with Me so that, beyond everything, we may be in communication, in spirit.
Come to Me, those who feel hopeless, come to Me, the oppressed and those who are tired; because I will console you and bless you with My Spirit, just as My blessed Son Jesus was blessed in the River Jordan.
May your life aspire to be a new sacrament. I offer My reconciliation to you so that you may know that I am Peace.
Walk, with your feet, aware that you follow the path of return to the House of your Father, who art in Heaven, and, within you.
Quench your thirst in My Divine Fount.
Here is My Name, praised and exalted, so as to raise from the ruins the consciousnesses of My children.
Stay in Me, because I listen to your words.
Your Celestial Father,
I have no limits for being close to you nor do I find impediments to find you. I am capable of being close and in any place. Nothing separates Me from you and you never separate from Me. It is only when you distance yourself from My Love that you feel a great emptiness or a constant loneliness.
I come from the Nonmaterial Source to communicate with you and with each inner being that believes in Me and trusts in Me.
I am always at your side. I know your mysteries. I see your realities, which to most are unknown, but in My Eyes, you are the same and like your brothers and sisters. Yes, all human beings, My children, are brothers and sisters. All are part of the same Father and the same Mother. I have never thought of creating you different from one another. All are the same within, and this will not change.
I created the Universe and everything that exists in it so that My children would make Me happy and would be happy with Me because I love you, I love you so much, more than everything that exists.
There is no greater love than that which My children can give Me. Therefore, each time you recognize Me as your Celestial Father, My love for you grows more and more. It has no end nor any dimension. It is with this same Love and for this same Love that I created you in the image and likeness of My Spirit so that My Spirit could be in each one of you and you could be in Me.
But throughout the times, My children, you distanced yourselves from My Love, from the true Love that gives you life, from the Love that nourishes you and gives you the spiritual, mental and physical reason for being here, on this beloved and suffering planet that I gave to you so that you would learn to grow and to be the consciousness of this planet. I gave you absolutely everything that I have, everything that I Am and everything that I was. I have never said "no" to you. I have always given you a "yes" so that you could grow in love and in wisdom.
But from the beginning you disobeyed Me, and throughout the times you lost the way to Me until you distanced yourselves, and you distanced so much from Me that you could no longer hear Me nor feel Me within. But I always have forgiven you and I sent you My loving help because I knew that you were not aware of what you were doing.
Therefore, as a good Father, who never abandons His children, I decided to give you more help. I then sent My Messengers to Earth so that you would hear, feel and recognize Me again within you. There was not even a second in which I would cease to think about you, children, because if you are a part of Me, it is as if a part of Me died through a lack of the light of the sun.
For this reason, I decided to incarnate in this world as the poorest Child among the poor, in the most acute time of the planet and in the humblest place of all, so that you, My children, could find My Light again and each one, throughout the times, would again be My Light in the world.
In spite of the duality that will have to be defeated and the evil that will have to be expelled and dissolved by the strength of Love, I also gave you the best and the humblest Mother among all mothers so that, through Her, you would remember your filiation with Me.
Today the world does not hear God because the attention of humankind upon modernities and communications has become their god. Souls no longer speak with Me. They do not seek Me. I have so many children, but only a minority remember Me. I call upon a sleeping humanity because today is the time of awakening.
I Am the One that loves you. I Am the One that has no religion and that is named by more than seventy-two sacred names.
No longer suffer. No longer punish the planet. No longer extinguish, My children, the lower Kingdoms that I have given to you with so much love. Reconcile with one another. Live love, and peace will be achieved. No longer have hatred. No longer sow evil. Be a single family. Be the New Jerusalem. Abandon vices. Listen to the voice of your hearts. Listen to the call of your souls. Have faith.
Everything you experience, you created and generated, My children. But I have so much Love to give you, so much joy to bring to you, that My Heart is full and is as vast as the oceans.
Learn to serve. Learn to respect and recognize one another. Live the values and the attributes that I have taught you and you will feel universal peace. Return to Me, beloved children; reconsider, undertake your dreams based on My infinite Presence in your lives. Be generous, compassionate; be more love, more kindness and more service, and the world will no longer suffer. Listen to My Words. Be the example of life that I so hope for.
I will not abandon you and no one will take away the union that you may have with Me. I ask you to forgive one another, to no longer live in selfishness. Help humanity to awaken through your transformation and through the sanctity of your lives.
Pray, and you will receive all that you need. I Am That I Am.
I thank you for letting Me be a part of you forever.
Do not fear the end of times, because this is the final time of all the deviation of the world. My beloved Son will return, and break the bread, His Divine Body, before you. And you, My children, will be able to commune of Me, and I, as your Father, will feel happy as a Father who expects his children to grow in love and in generosity.
I always listen to you, and I have you all in My Heart.
I Am your only Truth and Reason. I Am your Divine Creator.
Your Supreme Father, Adonai.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more