To the young seekers of the Great Peacemaking Heart of Christ
A peacemaking heart is one that is clear, within itself, about the path it wants to travel.
A peacemaking heart is willing to go beyond itself, for the sake of good and peace in humanity.
A peacemaking heart recognizes the need and attends to it in order to alleviate it.
A peacemaking heart does not defend itself, nor does it justify itself. It always seeks to be attentive to inner signals.
A peacemaking heart knows why it is in this world and what it has come to humanity for.
A peacemaking heart rejoices in the achievement of others and strives to help others surpass them, because a peacemaking heart knows that it has nothing to gain and nothing to lose, since its ardent aspiration is to help everyone achieve their dreams.
A peacemaking heart loves Creation and secretly works so that every day nature is repaired.
A peacemaking heart does not raise its voice nor does it assert its own ideas, but is receptive and open to learn from possible differences.
A peacemaking heart keeps alive its aspiration to serve God's Plan and never stops holding the banner of peace.
A peacemaking heart seeks the Footsteps of the Master, because in them is the way, in them it finds the truth, in them it will understand life, experiences and learning.
A peacemaking heart works to achieve its goals and strives to express its gifts and talents.
A peacemaking heart does not retreat, but walks, keeping in mind that each of its steps will be blessed by the Great Light.
A peacemaking heart drives change, renews the ways and concretizes the aspirations of the Great Peacemaking Heart that is Christ.
May the seekers of the Great Peacemaking Heart, who in these days gather and unite for a Greater Purpose, receive the blessings of their Heavenly Mother, so that all young peacemakers may be the new seeds to be planted in the coming Promised Land.
Who blesses you this day and thanks you for responding to God,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Sacred Protective Mantle of My Son, at this moment, heal and protect all those who continue to go through this pandemic.
My consolation and love of a Mother are within each heart that, at this moment, experiences disease and suffering.
This is why I ask, in a special way, that the Sacred Mantle of Christ may heal and relieve those who need spiritual and physical help, because souls must come out strengthened after this experience with the pandemic.
My Heart and My Life pray for you at every moment, asking and begging the Father to send His healing angels so that they may be by the side of the sick people and so that, through the angelic help, souls may have enough strength to go through this new school that all of humanity, since two years ago, has been facing.
As a Mother, I also pray for other causes that aggravate the situation of the planet and humanity. I pray for all the movement that nature fiercely carries out so that, in the inner planes, order and peace may be established, for climate change to no longer be the reason or cause for thousands of this who are displaced and underprivileged.
I also beg God for the most vulnerable and I ask for the Blessed Protective Mantle of Christ to protect and safeguard those who violently experience the end of times.
This moment, dear children, leads everyone to consider and think of others, not as a problem, but rather as the need to bring them love, support and, not only spiritual, but also material refuge.
When a fraternal consciousness really exists in this humanity, I assure you that many situations will be solved, meanwhile, the most vulnerable are subjected by those who take advantage of the chaos and disseminate it throughout the world.
Let us pray with greater fervor. May God hear the prayers of all His children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
As I have once told you, I am the Mother of the Oceans, the Lady of the whole Marine Kingdom.
When you destroy or wound this Kingdom, the mantle that protects the balance of the planet is torn by the very hands of the human being.
For this reason, as the Mother of the Oceans, I call you to awareness, because with the contamination of the oceans, there is no regeneration nor purification of the waters, with the destruction of coral, there is no harmony within marine life.
You must learn to know and perceive the reason why God first created the oceans and then created life. All living beings that inhabit the surface of the Earth, including human beings, come from ponds of life. In this analogy, My children, for the planet the oceans are the governors of balance and of the global purification of the Earth.
If they become contaminated, if chemical and nuclear experiments are made, if the oceans cease to purify because they have become dead oceans, how would humanity survive? It could never survive without clean and respected oceans, from its biology to its spiritual aspect.
Defend the oceans from yourselves and take care of them so that they do not become the great trash can of the world. Be responsible and hold accountable those who, absorbed by ignorance, transgress the laws of nature.
No longer carry out excessive fishing. The sea without fish is a sea that enters an acidic state, as fish are that which transmutes the contamination that the surface human being generates, day by day.
Let us pray for the oceans so that they may be protected, taken care of and respected.
Enough with transgressions!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
This is the time to hold prayer as the fundamental instrument in your lives.
Thus, in the universe of prayer, you will receive the light of wisdom for the absolute transformation that your consciousnesses must experience.
This is the time to hold prayer as the instrument to solve the most difficult situations, because prayer will always lead you to remain on a higher frequency in a safer reality, at this planetary moment.
My children, I invite you to disseminate this instrument, not with words or with messages, but rather with your examples of transformation and conversion through the School of Prayer, because prayer will also help, as will fasting, in keeping the elements of nature in balance.
In this School of Prayer that you must live, My children, I ask that you not stop praying. This is the time in which your hearts are to elevate the most fervent and sincere prayers towards the Heights so that serious situations in humanity may find a solution.
All the consecrated Children of Mary, at this moment, must be united in prayer, as souls and as brothers and sisters, beyond distances, so that your Heavenly Mother may intercede in all needs.
Children, may prayer be the inner melody that resonates within you, so that someday your lives may be a prayer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
It is in the silence of My Heart where I can listen to your prayers.
It is in this moment, in which all My children are in My Heart, not only because of the situation of the planet and that of humanity, but because it is now time for the preparation of the return of My Son, the Christ.
I come to meet you with a Message of peace, healing and reconciliation. The world has not yet understood the Message of the Heavens.
Tirelessly, I come to My children to take them towards the Peace of My Son, towards the spiritual communion with God. In this exercise, the souls will be renewed and will find the internal strength to go forward.
Even though I am withdrawing in this time, My children, My Presence will not be erased from your hearts and lives.
You must watch, within you, every moment shared with Me, every opportunity in which I have taught you about love and forgiveness.
I always want to take you to this path, so that love and forgiveness may unite hearts, reconcile lives and bring peace.
Behind Me on this day, I bring the Universe, that Universe which you must aspire to find within yourselves: the Universe of the Love of God, a Love that always renews itself, a Love that never dies, a Love that is immortal.
It is this Love of the Universe of God that brought My Son to Earth, from His Birth until His Ascension, while passing through His painful and difficult Passion.
It is in this triumphant Love, My children, that I want to see you, a Love that always says yes, a Love that is unconditional and alive and that understands and comprehends the Plan of God.
His Work manifests one of so many aspects of the Love of God, this is why it is alive and never dies. It is a Work that will always give an impulse to renovation, to the change of consciousness and to peace: in this way, many more hearts will be healed. And, in spite of not being here, even at a distance you will feel the strength and the power of this Love which My Son, Christ, brings to you, by means of His Presence and His Sacraments
Today, in a special and loving manner, I am anointing you with My Light, so that you may place your miseries and imperfections at My Feet, and so that, within you, there may remain only the truth of the Love of God, all that He has conceived within you since the beginning up to the present.
Today, I share with My children the beauty of the Love of God through creation and through nature. Thus, renew yourselves and, at this moment, find the opportunity to receive My Grace.
Today, I dedicate these words, in this way, because I have found a special place, a special reception that I have always felt and recognized.
Thus, I continue inviting you to live in My simplicity and humility, knowing that the challenge in this time will be greater than it has been before, but in the Silence of My Heart and My life, I will be here with you so that in prayer you may keep on strengthening yourselves and fulfilling the Plan of God.
My first aspiration is that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart be in your lives to then be in the lives of your brothers and sisters.
Continue to aspire for this moment in which the victory of the Love of the Mother of God will be concretized with the redemption of all souls.
Be a testimony of My Message, of My Word and, above all, of My unconditional Love that will always nurture you and lead you to live the Will of the Father, just as His Servant had lived It in the past.
Today, I not only consecrate this image of the Virgin of Guadalupe which is at the foot of this sacred tree, the jacaranda, but I also consecrate this monastery, which will promote and welcome My call in the Community of the Virgin Mary.
Thus, this Marian Center, despite these difficult times, will be able to shine with all the Light that God has deposited within it by means of His Grace.
This must be the Community of the heart, of the heart that feels, of the heart that recognizes, the heart that serves, the unconditional heart, of the heart that proclaims peace and tirelessly lives it.
In this way, in the Community of Mary, everyone will be able to be in My Heart, not only those who live here, but also those who are not here. My Heart is the maternal home to all My children. I have a special place for each one of them.
My Heart is what I can offer and grant to you, it is the testimony that God is here, by means of His faithful, tireless and eternal Servant.
Divine Father who art in Heaven and on Earth, who lives and perpetuates Yourself in the hearts of Your children, grant My children, those who are here today, the Grace and the strength of carrying forward this task, which will be filled by My Love so that, each day, they may all feel more like worthy children of God and of Mine, children of My Immaculate Heart, children of life, of redemption.
May Your Light, beloved father, make Itself present at this moment, and may Your Peace embrace hearts so that they may feel to be in the refuge of Your Love forever. Amen.
With simplicity and austerity, I thank you for responding to My call.
I Would like a humble chapel of prayer here, in this location, where the Virgin of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima can silently work for Her children of the Community of Mary and of all the Communities so that, through this chapel, the energy and the principle of consecration may be alive in the hearts that offer to surrender to God.
By means of this humble chapel of prayer, I will sanctify the disciples of My Son. It will be a chapel of thanksgiving of this Order to the Mother of God and on behalf of all the religious orders of the world.
My Heart will always lead you to God.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
The light of the mysteries will emerge upon the surface of the Earth and the consciousnesses of humanity will come to know Truth.
A Truth that has always been there, latent but silent, waiting to emerge to the surface so that the race might perceive it has never been alone in this Universe.
But when this Truth emerges, with it will arrive the awareness of each being, and they will realize the wounds that many nations have brought upon the planet.
At that moment, everything will be put into evidence and the planet will show all that it has suffered throughout times, as well as all that it had to endure in silence.
Because when the Truth emerges, the prayer of the faithful devotees will make this Truth more impactful. It will take an almost physical form so that no being becomes confounded and they may understand what they will be experiencing without the need for anyone to interpret these events.
The Truth that will emerge upon the Surface will bring many revelations with it. Humanity will realize all its faults upon becoming aware of the essence of its purpose as beings and as members of humanity.
This Truth will open the eyes of those who have always aspired to know what is beyond this world, but the impact of this Truth will have repercussions in the knowledge and the beliefs that each one has about reality.
While Truth emerges to the Surface, God will send a stronger impulse so that the whole Earth may have the Grace of being able to surrender and recognize its faults, and in this way all may be repaired.
At this moment, many inner worlds will be able to take back what they left pending in the Universe, and they will make themselves available to carry out that which the Plan of God so much expected.
The Earth will be restored from the abuses and the diseases that the human being has imposed upon it for decades.
Thus, nature will be healed and no longer lose the space that has corresponded to it since the beginning of Creation.
This moment will finally come after the planet itself has purged what causes adversity and pain to it.
This time and this moment are arriving, therefore we must pray so that more souls may have the Grace of not losing the emergence of Truth, a moment in which no one will be able to hide from it, there will be no earthly weapon that can destroy it, no nation that can impose itself upon it or terrestrial power that can dissolve it because Truth is one and above any material reality.
Be prepared for this moment.
It is time to know that the final awakening will come, and all religions will have to recognize that they have become stuck in their theories and become stagnant in their dogmas because the love that will come from the Truth will change everything forever.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, with their pleas, My praying children weave the green mantle of light of Mother Nature, and this spiritual mantle gives shelter to the group soul of each one of the kingdoms present in the Amazon and in the world.
It is thus, dear children, that the green mantle of light, woven by each one of My praying children, not only covers the Lower Kingdoms, but also the great angels of the Amazon, the devas, the elementals and the luminous consciousnesses of sacred nature, which are suffering the terror of disappearing and of becoming extinct from their habitat due to the activities of humankind.
Today, sacred nature receives a spiritual relief, as it has never received it before. And this is possible because at least a part of human beings respond to the needs of the most inoffensive beings, of all the creatures that are part of the sacred ecosystem of the Amazon.
As from now, I want to thank My children for having dedicated this Sunday to the prayerful rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, and I hope that another thousand Hail Marys can be offered in the future for the one and great lung of the planet, for our dear and sacred Amazon.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
Today, in gratitude, I receive your deepest prayers.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Never fear that you are far from God, He knows everything that happens to you, day by day.
You have already learned, throughout the years, to communicate with Him through the power of prayer and you learned, with love, how to do it well.
Never fear that you are separate from Him because He, who is Father and the Infinite, is closer to His children than it seems. It will suffice that when you do not manage to solve something for yourself, you allow Him to enter inside of you so that God can act and work with Mercy.
Never tire of calling Him and of supplicating His Holy Name. He waits, beyond your mistakes and doubts, that you can find Him all the time, in the beauty of a gorgeous day, during the dawn of the sun, in the smile of a brother or sister, in the sharing of suffering and pain of others.
God shows Himself through many senses and forms, He only expects His children to always find His Love and experience It.
Therefore, there will still be difficult mountains to climb, immense rivers to cross and great deserts to travel, but He will never, absolutely never, abandon you.
Raise your arms and you will find God. Experience Him in nature, in the silence of the heart, in the fervor of a sincere prayer.
He is there, waiting for you and understanding you. He offers His Chest of Light so that you can lean and cry upon Him, and thus receive His incommensurable Love.
Dare to follow Him.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Although you are purifying yourself, and the planet is intensely purifying itself, never cease to see the beauty within you.
Although all inner resistance is being removed and the elements of Nature are cleaning the spaces, never cease to see the beauty within you.
Although everything within you is moving and you no longer know how to begin again, and in the world only wars exist, never cease to see the beauty within you.
Because that faith in what is real and found in each being will allow humanity to be something rescuable, and in this way, more doorways of light will open so that lost and distracted souls may receive the intervention of that which is Higher and is Divine.
In these times of great movements may you never cease to see the beauty within you because this will make each moment more sublime and gentle, you will learn from each life experience and you will enrich your spirit with new instructions.
So never cease to see the beauty within you; thus, you will make room for the healing of humanity on deeper levels of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Although no stone will be left upon another, trust in the Kingdom of God.
Although the wind cleans and removes all that is impure from its place, trust in the Kingdom of God.
Although the seas will rise and embrace great cities, trust in the Kingdom of God.
Although the land opens and swallows entire towns, trust in the Kingdom of God.
Although the sun, by its heat and its strength, burns everything it radiates towards, and entire forests are consumed overnight, trust the Kingdom of God.
Although all nations condemn themselves by their laws and free pratices, trust in the Kingdom of God.
Although the church of My Son may be judged, and the wolves that dressed as sheep are discovered and taken to prison, trust the Kingdom of God.
Although the faith of millions of souls may be at stake in these end times, trust the Kingdom of God.
Although God and His Messengers are removed in some nations and the human power is the god of the last times, trust the Kingdom of God.
Because all will be tested, inside and out of beings. My adversary enters into the least thought of corners of consciousnesses.
Trust the Kingdom of God, because everything you will see in a very short time will be the evidence and the result of having distanced from Truth.
Trust the Kingdom of God, because in the main moment of the purification of the Earth, the elements of nature will take over the governments of the world and more than hundreds of angels will clean the Earth from its great human and spiritual contamination.
Trust the Kingdom of God and protect yourself.
Pray for those who do not do so and for those who refuse to do it. Pray for the nations of the world, so that others might be saved.
Everything is about to happen and it will not be a story.
It is time to face the end, and whoever is by My side, as the angels are, will be in the safest place they can be.
Trust the Kingdom of God, because this Kingdom will triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If nature were more loved and respected, perhaps the world would not be purified nor would humanity. This would avoid Creation being constantly altered by the hand of humanity.
If nature were more loved and cared for by humanity, peace would reign and there would be more time for gladness, joy and jubilation.
If nature were more loved and not destroyed, there would be no cause or reason for there being ideas about war or for carrying them out, because it would not be necessary to suffer or endure.
If nature and the lower Kingdoms were loved and contemplated, perhaps it would not be necessary to experience a transition of the Earth and it would not make sense to begin a new humanity.
If this current humanity truly did not sacrifice the Kingdoms so much, if nature were more loved and the Kingdoms more protected, it would not be necessary to experience a definition, for everything would be in harmony and unity with created life.
If nature and the Kingdoms were truly loved, there would be no need to suffer, to learn or to die, because everything would be in balance with the universe.
If nature and the Kingdoms were considered as part of the Divine Consciousness, evil would not be in the world nor would it be active in the human mind, because any creature could be united with the Source of the Creator.
But humanity has already chosen the opposite and has decided to continue on the path of pain rather than the path of love. For this reason, the change in humanity will be as similar and as great as the unpayable debt that the race has generated with the Kingdoms of Nature. It will be in this way that universal movement will unleash the chain of spiritual evolution of the end times.
I thank you for lovingly regarding the Kingdoms of Creation!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While humanity sleeps and walks, looking for a fulfillment that every day leads it into greater emptiness, I am here on the horizon, My children, contemplating your little hearts.
I am the Mother of the Oceans, She Who, with Her Mantle and with Her Grace, sustains the seas and all the creatures that dwell in them.
Each small marine creature is a living part of My Mirror of Light, of My Heart.
Marine beings occupy a special place in My Maternal Heart, because they are part of My Purity. Through them, I balance the minds and the spirits of humankind and I generate merits in light of God so that this world may continue to exist.
Today, contemplate the seas as great Mirrors of Light, similar to My Mirrors in the universe. Through them, I reflect peace to the world, and those hearts that are open will be able to feel and receive it within themselves.
The seas are a living part of My spiritual Source; they are the materialization of Divine Purity and they exist on Earth to constantly remind hearts that one day they must return to God.
The seas are an offering of the Creator to the world so that His creatures may recover their Essential Purity, and so that each time they submerge their bodies into the seas, they may come out renewed like a new essence that arises from the celestial reservoirs. And marine beings are those that, with love, support that possibility of renewal for the Earth.
The seas do not only balance and transmute the planet; spiritually, they are a path of return to God.
Thus, My children, the Mirrors of Light that clean and purify them are distributed throughout the seas, so that they never lose the purity that God gave them.
But the suffering of the marine beings, the pollution of the waters, and the incomprehension of humankind on the spiritual mission of the seas weaken them and allow them, little by little, to support the planet less.
The time has come to spiritually support the seas for all that they have given to the world.
The time has come to recognize the spiritual mission of nature and to seek a broader understanding of life, and not just an understanding closed up within you, in yourself, in your personality and personal life.
Everything in the world, as in the Universe, has a reason to exist.
All life carries out a spiritual function, and it is in the communion and unity experienced among all that the Plan of God is accomplished and the return to the Origin is manifested.
Everything is part of the multiplying of God; His Presence is in all things and, like a mysterious celestial puzzle, the Creator counts on each one of His creatures to express His Unity. For this reason, all life, children, depends on unity among beings.
So today, understand the greatness of the seas and their mission in the world.
Pray for the oceans, pray for the life that dwells within them, and give thanks every day for their existence.
With this simple act of thinking less about the self and more about Creation, you will draw closer to God and you will collaborate in the expression of His Divine Unity.
I bless you on this day of Graces and I thank you for being with Me, praying for the oceans.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Oceans
I am The Aparecida of Brazil…
On this holy day, dear children, when your Heavenly Mother is honored on the altars of the Sanctuary of The Aparecida, I wished to address My words and My maternal message to all the pilgrims and devotees of Brazil.
It is for this cause and for this holy celebration that your Mother The Aparecida is the patroness and spiritual guide of the Brazilian nation, which has suffered so much in the consequences of colonization and slavery.
For this reason I am the Black Virgin, I am the Mother and Queen of the ancient slaves. I am the one who is in Brazil to protect it from domination and from the chaos of these times.
I am in My beloved Brazil to protect its natural and spiritual wealth; I am in Brazil to teach souls to live their redemption and their moment of forgiveness.
Here, in these lands, I have appeared to give testimony about freedom and shelter the entire black race, the original race of this humanity, which was decimated by the white race.
I have come to Brazil as the Black Virgin to be able to unite the peoples and nations through culture, language and divine spirituality.
The Virgin of Aparecida comes to heal the past and close the doors to the slavery that took place between Africa and the Americas.
Today I come to save those who are marginalized and exploited in this time; this is why I am the Black Virgin of Brazil.
I have appeared in these lands to present to My children the spirit of equality and justice. I come to sever the chains of mistakes that are experienced in this people, and I come to guide consciousnesses toward the Grace and Mercy of God.
I am the Black Virgin of Brazil, because I want to teach all of My children that they can see human beauty without contempt for the type of race, but rather through the likeness that God has instituted between Himself and the human being.
I am the Mother of all the blacks and of the slaves.
I am the Comforter of human suffering.
I am the Universal Judge of all the peoples.
I am the Advocate of Brazil.
With My Maternal and Marian Spirit, I come to ask all Brazilians that you take care of and protect your nation from the destruction of nature in the Amazon and of all the native life that flourishes here.
I am the Guardian of the natural beauty of Brazil, therefore, I implore all My children, that you protect this precious Eden that is Brazil.
I ask you to no longer pursue that which is innocent, I ask you to protect peace in the Eden of Brazil.
On this day in which all the pleas are directed to My Immaculate Heart, I would like to see faces of joy on all My children from Brazil so that, along with you Lady The Aparecida, we may have the Plan of God triumph in this dear nation.
I am grateful for the sincere devotion of this people, and because of that I return on this day so that, during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace, this impulse of joy and of devotion may bathe the entire world.
Brazil is the green and devoted heart of the Americas; here the Father has deposited a Purpose, and today I teach you to live it with love, charity, and awareness.
Open your hearts even more, and at the feet of the altar of your Lady The Aparecida say: “Little Mother, Lady of Brazil, here I am to serve you in honor of Your Beloved Son.”
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Brazil
Dear children,
I place My Crown of Light over the nations so that the spiritual and Christic life may awaken in time in consciousnesses, so that souls may recognize the moment has come to aspire to be in the Kingdom of God and in His Eternal Will.
Thus, on this day, My children, I remind you of the higher commitment with the Divinity and with the plans of your Eternal Father, which must be accomplished in this last phase of the planet.
I come to show My children that it will be necessary to collaborate so that peace may be established in matter and in every consciousness that has need of the intercession of Divine Mercy.
I hope that My beloved children have an awareness of the inner unity which must be experienced at this time, not only with the Plan of God, but also with everything that is living around you, with Creation and with nature.
This feeling of unity will allow you to be well positioned in the mission that you must carry forward with all of humanity that is awaking.
Today I place you all in My Lap so you may feel My Divine Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
On this day, your Celestial Mother implores the Supreme Father for the world to be purified in harmony and without violence.
I implore the nations to awaken and listen to Heaven, which cries out for penance and repentance.
In this hour, dear children, you will see the greatest blindness of souls, as if no consciousness had a heart capable of loving and forgiving.
You will see that the planetary ignorance awakens as a source of mistakes made and actions which not only harm human beings, but also the Kingdoms of Nature.
But these actions of possessing and controlling will end in this time in which the purification of the planet will put everything in order.
Many souls are absent from the current reality, even those who experience the catastrophes remain at the same point without mentally perceiving that every fierce movement of nature is a sign emitted by the planet that something is not right.
The consciousness of humanity became accustomed to living in catastrophes or wars as if it were something normal, this generates events that join others, a chain of immense errors which cannot be stopped.
Prayer will be the shield that will protect those who practice it in their lives in a permanent way.
Prayer, at the end of times, will bring impulses direct from the Holy Spirit and will make those who pray know what to do and where to be.
To all My children, who face the catastrophes of the end of times, I ask you to practice acts of forgiveness and Mercy and not to allow faith to fade away.
I invite all My children to be brave in these times and to confirm their trust every day. This will prepare you for the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In prayer for the world,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Your Mother of Kibeho is already working in the whole of the Congo through the missionaries of peace. For such a just and honorable cause, the Celestial Father is granting extraordinary Graces, which will then be deposited in the heart of all of My children of the Congo.
With joy and also in prayer, your Heavenly Mother is entering the spaces of sorrow and poverty so that, through the victorious prayer of all, the souls most lost may find the path back to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
In this time when humanity faces the acute crises of the end of times, you will find relief mainly through prayer, through faith, and through absolute trust in God.
The Congo is a land wounded by destruction, by mining takeovers, and outrages to the kingdoms of nature, the ones that always pay the price for the bad decisions made by humankind. As humanity does not see the destruction of Creation as something serious, Mother Nature herself is groaning so that at least a space may exist for relief and reparation. Thus, children, volcanoes explode and the nations move through earthquakes and catastrophes.
And where is the spirit of love of humanity?
For this reason, children, the Universe is causing Its Law to descend and there will not be anyone in this entire world who will not receive the effect of what they generated for years.
Children, live in My Grace and trust in it; it is a fountain of wonders and of miracles for souls.
In this era I need your cooperation and humanitarian help so that even with so few servers, dedicated and available, the Plan and the Planet may be saved. My Grace is not known; It is invincible and divine for all of those who search for It with heart and with love.
Keep on praying for My missionaries of peace; the time shortens and the emergency grows in the whole of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you and unites you to love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of the prayer of the heart.
Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest treasure that God has given you: nature, His Creation.
For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God.
In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of Love and Peace.
Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path of prayer that you are lovingly realizing.
Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul of this humanity.
When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I will be in your heart when you allow Me to live in it. I will be your Blessed Mother when in trust you walk through My garden of roses.
I promise many Graces to the hearts when they are in absolute faith.
The conversion of life begins with the giving of the heart and the spirit. This allows you to discover silence to then find the new and the good that comes from the Lord.
Whoever waits in faith, resumes the path towards the Heavens because the spirit that prays to the Creator Father finds the favorite refuge within the Heart of My Son.
It is time to open the ears to hear the call that God sends you through the presence of My Maternal Heart.
Dear children, today I ask you to make your hearts become like pure water and to convert them so that they may be as beautiful as the nature created by God, the Source of Love and Compassion.
Be responsive to the requests of praying for the conversion of this humanity so that the Kingdom of Grace may permeate all hearts. It is time to repair the heart and the life of many of My children who, remaining distant from God, are deviated from the path of the aspiration to find the Redeeming Kingdom of Christ, the path of salvation.
Dear children, My voice will not tire of saying that you must change before the time that will come for the world; that you must confess daily with My Son and that you must fulfill the act of reconciliation through the Sacred Communion with His Heart of Peace. If you could have these exercises as fundamen- tal, the world would be able to reach some more time of peace.
You must have each one of these acts as something precious and practice them in the name of all those children who do not do so.
I thank you for your response!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more