Weekly Messages

Let your heart not fear emptiness, loneliness or any test of these times.

Let your heart not fear the passing of days, the human purification, planetary birth or the turmoil of nature.

Let your heart not fear the consequences of the decisions of nations, the ignorance of humankind, the indifference of hearts. Rather, child, make all this the reason and the driving force of your constant transformation, the urgency with which you must take your steps toward God.

Let the planetary situation not be your reason for fear, despair or hopelessness. Rather, let it be the driving force that impels you every day to give more of yourself, from the inside out, and to truly live the spiritual principles that guide your life and have guided your steps until now, and which now must be ignited and continue their revelation so your consciousness may be the point of a spear in ascension, opening the way in the human consciousness for higher evolution.

The Cross, full of pain, emptiness, indifference, humiliation, suffering, sadness, denial, betrayal, and a deep spiritual abyss, revealed to humanity a sense of love never before experienced, not even by the Creator Himself, except through His Son.

The end of times, the transition between the old human and the new human, the planetary passion, full of chaos, ignorance, malice, darkness, suffering, a desert, inner confusion, conflicts and wars, will reveal to beings a sense of transcendence of human miseries never experienced in all of Creation; it will reveal a degree of forgiveness, of mercy, and of love that will bring a new Law to life, whose name is drawn in the Divine Consciousness, for it was never pronounced or lived by creatures.

While the enemy sowed fear in the Heart of Christ, He responded with silence and unity with God. And the deeper His pain, the deeper was His union with the Father and with Himself, with the Purpose of His existence, the reason for His life. And at each step with the Cross, Jesus revealed to Himself Who He truly was, the Christ was being born within Him and demonstrated, first to God, and then to Himself, the meaning of His surrender.

For this reason, child, do not fear and do not let the enemy sow and harvest fear in your heart in the face of the planetary situation. The enemy will sow fear, hatred and war, and the response in you, born of silence and of prayer, must be the expression of what you were born to be, the expression of the purpose of your life, an ever-deeper union with God, so you may discover and be what you truly were born to be.

I will not give you the answer, I will not tell you who you should be, but always remember My Words and seek to answer this mystery for your own heart.

Go in search of what you are.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

An Account of the Message

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

When Saint Joseph arrived today, He came dressed in white, with a white robe, a white mantle and a golden cord, and He had three Lilies in His hands, three large Lilies.

And when He began to transmit the Message, He spoke about those three Lilies. And as He spoke, lilies came out of each one of them and they entered into us, into our inner world. In a very quick way, everything He spoke about, He demonstrated while it happened.

Saint Joseph spoke about three cycles in humanity, and I asked if we were already living through one of those cycles, and He said no, that everything we have been experiencing up until today as humanity was a prelude to the experience He cited. So I then asked if this has something to do with the three years Christ mentioned in the last Sacred Week, and He said yes, that it has to do with these three cycles He cited in this Message.

Today, in My hands, I bring three white Lilies as an offering to the Father for the planet. Each of these Lilies represents a cycle of humanity, in which souls will be tested and tempted, so that within them may awaken the hidden potential of the Love that transcends all experiences of love already lived in Creation.

In each of those cycles, souls will go through portals of transcendence within themselves, portals that will lead them to the truth held in their own inner self.

In the First Cycle, you will undergo tests within yourselves, silent and hidden, apparently imperceptible to those who see you. And I say apparently because, even though you may feel the loneliness of the inner test, it will be visible, yet incomprehensible to others, and the incomprehension of others, children, will also be one of the ways you will be tested.

For this cycle, I give you the Lily of Inner Fortitude, which will cause you to go beyond the thresholds of imperfection and misery to reveal a still unknown inner level to you, the first degree of transcendence from the human condition.

In the Second Cycle, you will undergo tests among yourselves, tests that will place you before the abysses of others so that they may be transcended by the power of compassion, redemption and mercy.

And for this, I give you the Lily of Humility. With this Lily in your heart, you will be able to look at your neighbor not with the eyes of a judge, but rather with the eyes of pity. It was through this threshold that the Redeemer of the World was able to emit Love to those who humiliated Him on His path with the Cross. The Lily of Humility will bring you the valor necessary to forgive that which may seem unforgivable, and understand that which may seem incomprehensible, and through it, you will enter into a deep level of  human consciousness, in which you will learn to live true unity with another.

The Third Cycle of tests will be planetary and will take place between humankind and nature. There you will be tested in your faith, because your beliefs will be overturned by the apparent chaos of the world. Many hearts will be lost and surrendered to the deepest darkness, but you, children, must persevere.

And for this, I give you the Lily of Faith. This Lily will emerge from within you when all your strongholds may seem to have crumbled, when knowledge seems to make no sense and wisdom becomes silent within the consciousness. Then the Lily of Faith will emerge, as a gift and Grace imprinted in your hearts so that you are able to go beyond.

And through it, you will come to the threshold of the experience of God. This means the perfect union with the Creator, when you will finally be able to find meaning in all the inconsistencies of life and will understand that the Cross, seen from above, signifies Love, and the planetary transition, seen with the Eyes of God, signifies surpassing Love.

This is what you must walk towards.

You have My blessing.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May peace reign in your heart so that you know how to understand these times and search for strength in the correct place of your consciousness and your heart.

There will be days in which your weaknesses will go beyond your capacity to overcome yourself and continue on, but in these moments, child, find a place in your heart where you are safe. Look for the Love of Christ, the memory of the embrace of your Lord; look for the knowledge of the Divine Presence, that the Eyes of the Creator are focused on you; be in silence in nature, observe the sun that is born and goes down, bringing peace and retreat toward your heart; look for hope in the Words already pronounced by God through His Messengers; sit in silence and solitude just to breathe and be grateful, and in your weakness, say:

Lord, here am I,
weak within myself,
seeking your fortitude,
looking for a way of remaining in You.
May Your Grace descend upon me,
in my already revealed weakness, revealing
Your greatness, still hidden within my heart.
Come, Lord,
and, knowing the world
and my weaknesses,
now reveal Your strength, Your miracle,
Your power, Your Grace and Your Mercy
because, on my own, I am nothing,
but You within me can do all things.

And pronouncing this and any confessions that may emerge from your heart, make space so that God may reveal, not only your emptiness and smallness, but also His greatness, His miracle, His power.

Choose, child, in the depths of your weaknesses, to make space so that Christ may reveal His Grace to the world through the living testimony of your heart.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


How to be ready in spite of the weight of the world and the weight of your own inner world? How can you have the determination to overcome yourself on a daily basis?

The determination, children, is a Grace shed upon those consciousnesses that open themselves to manifest the Will of God. But for this Grace to act,  beings need to allow it to enter into their own hearts and, from the inside out, give themselves an impulse to go forward and not deter their own steps.

This moment of the planet is marked by spiritual and human density. Inside and outside of beings, situations emerge to be transformed; from their souls, profound and unknown wounds arise to be healed, as well as from inside the planet, ancient wounds arise, because it is the time and the hour to heal them.

Nature gets agitated and so does its bodies. While there are tremors, winds, fire, wars on the planet, within human beings there is anguish, sadness, tiredness, imbalance, lack of understanding for themselves.

So then what will you do to reach peace?

Peace is born from the same Source for all life, and this Source is within the Heart of God. Do not search outside of yourselves, search within, deeper than the pains of the soul, more profound than all the confusion. Dive into your own heart and find the Creator.

Surrender at His Feet in prayer, because Peace comes from Him, from Him comes the certainty of a time outside of time and of a Kingdom that transcends the chaos of the world; from Him comes determination so that, beyond tiredness and the weight of the world, you may go ahead, you may fall, but you can rise three thousand times if be necessary.

Everything, children, begins and ends in the connection with God. Therefore, search within yourselves. Pray, and you will find Him.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Make your inner struggles a path to deepen your unity with God and your maturity as a human and spiritual being. 

In your deepest difficulties, may you not seek to fulfill your emptiness with that which is even emptier, which are the things of the world.

Search for relief for the pain, healing for your fears, answers to your inner questions, fulfillment for your emptiness, always in God. Seek your Creator in silence, prayer, singing, breathing, serving, and in life itself. 

Find the Celestial Father in those who suffer, in those most in need, in those you have by your side, your brothers and sisters on the path, your companions. 

Find the Celestial Father in nature, in the air you breathe every day, in silence, in the mystery which lies within you.

Find the Celestial Father in the strength that comes to you from within to make decisions to not remain in childishness, to not fall into temptation, to not make more mistakes and to change. 

Find the Celestial Father in the answer of love that you can feel, even for a second, in the drop of water that falls from the sky into the desert of your heart, and which may not quench your thirst, but rather gives you hope.

Thus, child, make every test a gift, an opportunity to find God and to grow. 

Pray and serve. Discover that by serving in the simplest things you also find fulfillment, because it is not about undertaking great missions, but stepping out of yourself to love, and may love cleanse your eyes and make you perceive life in a different way. 

Pray and make your life a prayer. Thus you will find peace.

You have my blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



XXIV - The Only Purpose: Live Love

A soul that aspired to one day be able to live unity with all beings and with God sought within each religion points that could unite each one of them, in love and respect. And one day, in prayer, the soul questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, You are the same God for all true religions. You are the same One Who inspires hearts and souls along the path of return to Your Spirit of Love. Tell me, then, what is there in each religion that unites us, that makes us all Your Children?"

And with love, the Lord responded: "What makes you My Children, little soul, are not the religions, but life itself. The fact that you exist in the vast Creation makes each being a child of God loved and favored, created for a purpose and with a mission.

Religions are impulses that I have given to humanity time and again so that souls would remember the path toward their evolution, but it has not only through religions that I have sent these impulses to the world; I also done so through nature, silence, service and, oftentimes, through suffering, because some of My children have chosen this path to awaken and perceive that they were not understanding life in the correct way, and that they were missing the true meaning of their existence.

Through religions, I have sent impulses to the world and as human beings grew and evolved mentally, emotionally and in soul, these impulses were able to become more expansive, more clear, more direct.

Through Krishna, I led them to an awakening of a simple degree of love, a love for life, for the elements, for energies. I led you to a broader perception of existence, and I began to create a path of return to My Heart. However, each being understood religion in a different way and manifested it according to their possibilities, which oftentimes were not pure like My impulses are.

Through Buddha, I taught you unity with the All, the compassionate love and peace. I taught My children to live in communion with the universe and to step out of the constant rounds of errors and their consequences. You were then ready to understand that it is you yourselves who are responsible for your lives, and through your choices, you attract to yourselves the rays and the impulses that elevate you or correct you, according to that which you choose to experience.

But not all of humanity evolved, not all opened to love.

The human mind developed, and with the mind, its wickedness developed rather than its love. Instead of My Children living in communion with life, they wished to possess it and manipulate it. For this reason, they made ways of getting what they wanted.

Through the Patriarchs, I again gave impulses to beings, correcting their paths; impulses that were also experienced according to their understanding.

Until I sent My Son to the world, not only with a teaching, but with a Grace. Different from all previous religions, it was not through knowledge or a constant effort to elevate yourselves that you would reach Me, but rather through a grace and the Mercy that a surrendered heart can receive.

The Love of Christ did not come for a few; it came for all. It did not come for the East or for the West; it came for all life, for all the beings that, in spite of their sins, knew how to say yes.

In previous times, humanity reached divine dimensions through a constant effort for elevation. Through Christ, the Kingdom was revealed to you within your own hearts, and throughout human evolution, My impulses continue to be renewed.

I begin to gather within My Children all the knowledge and all the degrees of love because the time has come for a synthesis of life on Earth, the time of the narrow and only doorway through which all beings will reach Me. And this doorway, beloved soul, is the love within your hearts.

This is why I Am the God of Life, because I love all and I have taught all how to love. This is the path for reaching Me. Therefore, come, in spite of differences. Come, in spite of knowledge. Come, in spite of the impulses that you have received, because all of them have had one purpose; that of leading you into loving."

May this dialogue, children, teach you how to understand the cycles of life and their true meanings, and to know that in spite of all the complexity of human existence, for everything there is one purpose, which is the living of love.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



The Spirit of God dwells in the mountains and expresses within them His strength to inspire souls towards the elevation and illumination of consciousness.

The Spirit of God dwells in the silence of the mountains, in their interior, where the history of all life is held, from where this world is sustained in secret and in solitude.

The Spirit of God dwells in the mountains, inviting His children to discover the truth about themselves.

Nature, children, holds within itself many attributes and gifts of the Spirit of God. This Holy and Immaculate Spirit dwells in matter to invite it to find the sacred which exists within this dimension of life.

The Spirit of God, silent in the depths of nature, invites us to find unity, not only among brothers and sisters, but also unity with life, with the dimensions, with the stars.

Let your spirits find the silent Spirit of God, hidden in everything that expresses harmony and beauty, and allow yourselves to be inspired, awakened and renewed by this Divine Presence.

The Spirit of God dwells in the mountains to lead you towards the highest point of your own consciousness which is, at the same time, the most hidden, and which reveals itself in the silence of your inner self.

Find in yourselves the high peaks, where the Spirit of God dwells. There you will be in peace.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Place your heart at the disposal of God, at each new day. In silence, contemplate His Presence within you and in all things.

Child, seek to always go deeper into your union with the Creator. In your heart, let all the impulses and teachings that the Creator sent to humanity be synthesized, and, within you, may these paths become one: the narrow and deep path of union with God.

Feel the Creator within the air that you breathe, in the nature around you and in your human nature. Feel the Creator in the Universe upon you, in the infinite Cosmos and in your inner cosmos.

Allow the times to be united within your own heart. There you will find the revelation of the new and the remembrance of the eternal. There you will discover the story of your origin, the path to fulfill this Infinity and to return to the starting point, which is the very Heart of God.

When a being returns to the Creator after having fulfilled their mission, and they carry with them a particle of a new and infinite love, as did the Son of God, in the Heart of the Father, Creation begins to recreate Itself, a new infinity is designed, a new path begins.

Transcend that which is superficial and merely human. Child, part away from the confusion and the illusion of this world, and each day focus your consciousness on that which is eternal, so that when the Time of God comes to Earth, you may be able to recognize it, for It is alive within you and you live within it.

The truth begins to be revealed within you when you are able to perceive that which is hidden within you. So, when you open your eyes, you will see that which was hidden in all life. 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In your prayers, learn to listen to the voice of the planet and its Kingdoms. Listen to their clamor, which becomes calmer and quieter just by being heard.

The Earth cries out for unity among beings, for communion among the life that inhabits it and evolves upon it. Allow that your prayer also be for the consciousness of the planet and for its Kingdoms. Let your silence be a prayer for hearing the cry of the world and thus, for repairing it.

Listen, because nature itself also prays in the sound of the wind, of the trees, of the birds, of the animals, in the silence of life.

The expression of nature is a prayer that, when beings become silent, they can understand and participate in it. Place your words in this prayer for unity and become a part of the prayer for life.

God also speaks to you, child, through the silence of nature. Learn to listen to it.

When beings learn to live in prayer and in communion with life, then they will know peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Trees and life II

When the Lord created the planet and manifested it through His purest Thought of Love for life, He put into each detail of Creation a deep spiritual science in which everything that lives and inhabits the Earth contributes towards the renewal of Love and towards the return to the Heart of God.

The duality, chaos and evil created by humankind are fruits of the deviation of the human consciousness from the Heart of God. Through their choices, beings choose to be in God and discover, in communion with Creation, the path of return to His Heart, or they choose to remain in the illusion and entanglements of human limitations.

The Creator allows certain things to exist in order to guide humanity towards overcoming and the mastery of oneself and not towards the abysses of the world, through which souls enter every day.

Nature is still a mystery to be unveiled by the human consciousness, and that will not happen through their limited science, but rather, through their heart that is capable of entering the divine science and understanding it through the simple presence of the Spirit of God.

Trees, children, are the bond that keeps the Earth united to Heaven and do not allow the human consciousness to totally separate from God. In spite of human actions, wars and indifference, trees silently penetrate with their physical roots, into the depths of the Earth and, with their spiritual roots, reach the center of the planet, maintaining the union between life on the surface and the essence of the Earth.

With their treetops, trunks, branches, leaves and physical flowers, trees maintain the path of elevation to the Heart of God. And with their spiritual treetops, they reach the Heavens and nourish themselves in the Sublime Sources so that, by transforming the air that life breathes on Earth, they may also bring the graces and the spiritual food that allows consciousnesses not to lose peace and the possibility to love.

Trees were born to serve and they love their service thus, children, despite being outraged so many times, they do not cease to grow, bloom and offer their fruits in this world.

Contemplate the donation of trees and, sending them your eternal gratitude, let your consciousnesses be guided to the essence of the Earth and to the highest of Heavens, remembering in this way the true reason for their existence.

Trees do not forget what they were created for. Through them, you should also start to remember.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and the angels and saints will dwell with humanity.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and King, in the vestments of His Son, will return to proclaim Peace, making all difficulties small, making fears meaningless, making pains nonexistent, making simple the love to others and to God, above all things.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and Truth will manifest before human eyes, revealing the secrets of a superior existence, revealing those beings who have always been here to aid humanity, but that mankind has never been able to see.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and will reveal that the superior life does not only dwell in the Heights. It will reveal the sacred that is kept in the depths of the planet and that is safeguarded in the beauty and in the fortitude of Nature, because the moment has not yet come for it to be known.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and God, after having poured out Justice, will return to emanate Mercy upon the hearts, healing upon the spiritual wounds, restoration for the spirit of the Earth and Grace to establish the thousand years of Peace.

Believe, that everything will pass and that what seems the end is the announcement of something new and unknown to mankind. What they call the end is the end of deceit, the end of time counted by the clocks of the world, the end of days and their cycles, so that it may be the beginning of the Eternal Time, the Supreme Truth of God.

Believe that this day will come and keep your faith in the unknown, because all the prophecies of Your Creator Father will come to be fulfilled and the day of His Truth will be a reality in the life of this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just as the signs in the sky announce, clear and beautiful to the eyes that know how to see them, so God arrives on Earth and manifests within and outside of humankind His Splendor and His Grace.

As simple as contemplating a rainbow that emerges on a cold afternoon in the Earth's sky, and makes hearts happy, so should souls contemplate the presence of God within themselves.

The Celestial Universe, beautiful and sublime, is as simple as the things that truly make human hearts and souls happy; but to attain it, it is necessary to seek it with the same love and will with which you seek the signs that are manifested in the sky.

Within you lies a mystery hidden behind what you think you are. This mystery is the Sublime Universe of God, whose doorway is not in the heights, among the clouds, but in one's own heart.

God makes Himself as accessible to the spirits of humankind as the beauty of a rainbow is to your eyes. But just as you seek the rainbow and find it, so also your spirits must seek that which nourishes, brightens, and fulfills them, which is God within yourselves.

To find God in your own heart, you can let Him be reflected as a mirror within you. When you contemplate a sky full of beauty, when you contemplate a pure expression of Nature, do not remain only in what you see, but open the mirrors of your hearts and let that which is beautiful reveal the beauty and the purity of your spirits, that which you truly are.

Everything that was created by God is beautiful and perfect, and that same divine expression that you find before your eyes you can find within yourselves, when you open yourselves to find the Truth in your inner world.

May everything uplift you.

May everything bring you to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My child,

The more you search for God, the more you will enter into the Knowledge of God and the more you will love Him Who is in everything and encompasses all life.

Let your heart enter into the Knowledge of God when you pray; when you read the words that He sends you through His Messengers; when you enter into the mystery of the Sacred Books and allow the inspiration of God in the words and in the life of the prophets inspire you; when you enter into true communion with Nature, with the Kingdoms, with life.

Do not lament for not loving God as you would want to or how you felt was the correct way to love Him.

Do not lament for not having the circumstances you believe necessary to seek God, because the search for God is in your heart, and your heart is with you wherever you are.

As much as you are in a situation of chaos, God continues to be inside of you.

As much as you are in an inner desert, God continues to be inside of you.

As much as you are submerged in the distractions and the tasks of common human living, God continues to be inside of you.

And today I tell you that it is with very little that God makes Himself felt in your heart. You do not need to know about great sciences and transcendental philosophies, because the Truth of God is revealed in you in what you truly are.

What exist are paths that help you to arrive; hands that extend through the sacred words that God delivers to the world through the spiritual sciences, through His Messengers, through His prophets.

Seek God and accept the Hand that extends to your heart through His Words.

Seek God in a sincere prayer and let Him reveal to you the immensity of His Presence, of His Existence; that He may also show you the smallness of your life, of your problems, of your lamentations.

Raise your consciousness in prayer, so that God may reveal to you His simplicity.

Yield your mind to His Divine Heart and allow His greatness to dissolve your small-mindedness.

It is now time, My child, to truly raise yourself, rise yourself to the Heart of God.

You are called to love Him above all things and to express that love through your life, and for this, you must give room for God to express Himself in you.

Many paths were presented to you, many Hands came to help you. Synthesize all of that in you inner world and find in you the Presence of God.

Silence to feel Him, silence to listen to Him, silence to express God, who is alive in your heart.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While we were praying I saw Saint Joseph, first in the Middle East, dressed as a Muslim and with a cloth around his head. He was walking in the desert, accompanying different families who were emigrating, putting in His arms the children who were most tired of walking, and helping them. Afterwards, I saw Him in other cities, in big cities, helping people on the streets and only accompanying them, as someone who was simply passing by there. I also saw Him in different indigenous villages and when He appeared, He was surrounded by indigenous children who looked to be between three and eight years old. While Saint Joseph was transmitting the daily message, the children who were accompanying Him, spiritually radiated Light to the different indigenous tribes of the world.

       Dear companions in Christ, Missionaries of love on this Earth in so much need of aid and of peace,

Today I come to you with joy, but also with much regret in the depth of My Chaste Heart. I come with joy because I knew that, when arriving to the world, I would find beings that are willing to be with Me wherever it is necessary. I come with regret because I cannot be indifferent to all that happens in the world and also in the universe as a repercussion of the events of the Earth.

Today I do not come only from the Middle East, I come from many places of this vast planet, where I can walk beyond the borders, since for Me they do not exist. I come mostly from the region of Chaco, in Argentina, and also from other villages and tribes of original peoples that humanity still does not know. And I am not alone, because I have brought to you the little ones who – from the plans of the spirit – radiate their purity to those human beings who have the mission to keep guarding the presence of the indigenous consciousness on the planet, so that purity and simplicity do not disappear from the human heart.

Many think that it would not be necessary to carry out two missions at the same time, and lucubrate thoughts, imagining the reason why we have asked a mission to the Chaco, since the missionaries are already going so far, to the Middle East.

I know that the typical ignorance of the ordinary human mind often does not allow you to think and feel like the Creator of all things thinks and feels. That is why I will explain some truths to you, with My request that you observe them and learn from them, so that when your time arrives, with its own discernments, you make important decisions – time in which We will no longer be able to dictate all the steps as now.

The indigenous consciousness, in general, has an important mission of guarding the purity in humanity and also the possibility of understanding nature and, through nature, finding God. The indigenous are guardians of unity, of life in community, in a peaceful and loving way. Throughout times, many were losing these attributes and the customs of the current humanity were influencing the different indigenous communities of the world.

In Argentina, the region of Chaco, as other places, is a space of the consciousness of the nation that – despite the abandonment and the suffering which it lives – has not lost the essence of what it is and keeps being a guardian of the purity, mainly for this nation.

As South America has a primordial role in the end of times, if Argentina itself does not take care of the treasure it has in Chaco, it might lose the possibility of living simplicity, humility, peace and purity, attributes that are primordial for the emergence of a new race.

This mission of consecrating the Americas to God is a responsibility of all those who correspond to this Work of the Lord, and you must be aware that which each people fulfills a primordial role in the construction of the New Earth.

Why do we send the missionaries to Chaco and, at the same time, to the Middle East? Because, while some will try to heal the pain, the suffering and the resentment of the beings who have left their lands, their homes, others will go to a similar situation of people who have also been removed from their lands and, however, have not lost hope.

May the purity of your indigenous brothers and sisters be radiated to the Middle East and may, thanks to the different missionaries who will compose these two missions and all the prayer groups that will support them, a connection of love and unity may happen, so that, through service, love strengthens the population of Chaco and so that the purity of this people, strengthened by love, reach the Middle East as a hope that, one day, they be able to live fraternity.

May in these two missions, both peoples rekindle hope of being among brothers and sister, in a world of cooperation, of fraternity, of unity with one another and all with God. All this can be achieved with the purity of intention and the heart united, perfectly, to the Heart of God, from where comes all the principles and archetypes for humanity.

Go ahead, missionaries of Christ, of Mary and of My Most Chaste Heart. We will be in Omnipresence with all, watching over the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.

Your Father and Friend, Missionary of all hours,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Seeking the Truth must be the only existent aspiration in the heart of those who walk to God.

Look, for a moment, within yourself and feel the presence of the Creator within you, calling you to recognize the true reason of the life manifested in the world.

Breathe deeply and feel the principle of unity in the air that fills your body. Be for the planet as the air that gives you life, and in perfect unity with you, nurture each space of your being, balance it and take it to perfection.

Be for the planet as the air you breathe in the field. Allow that, in your presence, the consciousness of this Earth takes a deep breath, alleviated to find something pure and clean.

You are a bridge between Heaven and Earth; that is why you exist as a human, to generate balance and to attract the unity with God.

Be as the fresh breeze in a very warm and sunny day. With your prayers and with your unity with God, you bring not only life to Earth, but also encouragement, relief and peace.

Go to a field and, in silence, close your eyes and feel nature, breathe deeply the air that surrounds you, let your soul be joyful when listening to the praise of a bird. Feel relieved from the pressure of life on Earth: see how, before Nature, your soul finds meaning for the existence in the world. You must be like this for the planet. That in your prayers it may find relief; that in your unity with your neighbor it may find hope; that in your communion with the Kingdoms it may find peace. That in your consciousness of the existence of a higher spirit that shelters you, giving life to your planet, this spirit may find the reason for its existence and the faith in the achievement of its mission.

Perceive with the heart that this world has a spirit, a spirit that suffers with the wars and that animates itself in fraternity. A spirit that is wounded by the depredation and restored by the brotherhood among the Kingdoms.

Feel yourselves as part of this consciousness. You can be an ill cell, that generates a cancer in the world, or you can be a miraculous cell, which converts others and brings, thus, healing for the planetary body.

Become conscious of Life. Be part of a Whole and dissolve such beloved individuality of the human consciousness. Be one with your neighbor, with the Kingdoms, with God. Bring the Celestial Kingdom as a living principle in your interior.

Cast away what is old and be yourselves the fruitful principle of the new world, of the new redeemed Earth.

May peace and hope be a reality in the human heart and may they impel humanity to the renovation of life and of spirit.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be like nature that, before a small sigh of love sent by God, shines and restores its spirit. Nature lives from the love she receives from Heaven. Her elements seek, in the fruitful Principle of God, the power to manifest.

The Kingdoms will only continue to exist if they can fulfill their function of also learning to love and to forgive.

Observe animals: how easily they forgive the mistakes of those they love, how joyfully they endure their evils, only by the faithfulness that lives in their hearts to those who care for them.

Human beings share their existence with the Kingdoms of Nature to rise to one another through communion with life in different forms.

In order for peace to be established and for the Kingdom of God to be one with the kingdom of this world, you must discover what each Kingdom and each element brings an experience to enrich the human process of learning, because if you do not learn how to love the Kingdoms of Nature, which constantly give of themselves to human beings and in every way try to assist in your learning experience of love, you will hardly be able to truly love your neighbor as they are.

If you feel that you do not know how to love or that you cannot love, try to take care of the Kingdoms of Nature, especially the Animal Kingdom, which pours out its love upon human beings even when it is so violated by them.

Realize, observing the Kingdoms, that the school of love is in all things. Above all, the Kingdoms of Nature permanently show you how to live the love that transcends the imperfections and even cures them.

I love you and, clamoring to the hearts to enter the path of learning love and forgiveness, I ask you to commune in unity with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Your Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
