As a fleeting ray from the universe, My Maternal Consciousness descends and approaches to this world so that the asleep humanity may awake again to the call of the Most High God.
I come to your lives so that you may remember Me as your dear Mother, as the Kind and Prodigious Woman of God, the one who has done miracles and spiritual conversions in your lives.
But each time that I descend from Heaven towards your world, My Victorious Heart cannot fail to see the ignorance and the indifference of many of My children, those who have passed through My paths, and now turn their backs to Me and do not listen to Me. It is this indifference that the enemy spreads like poison in the hearts of people, it is this indifference and cruelty of many of My children that leads to the perdition of the souls.
For this, in order for the Wise Justice to be avoided, I come from the cosmos to beg you to do something for this destroyed humanity. Know that not only the souls suffer, but also My blessed Kingdoms of Nature, the ones that day by day are outraged without love and mercy, until the last drop of life is removed from them; this provokes the wrath of God and promotes irreversible consequences on all those who destroy the Creation Project.
For this, My children, open the eyes to wisdom and feel in your heart the prayer that I ask you more and more to do, this will help to avoid misfortunes for the most unfair ones.
Above all, seek the Mercy of God, so that you and the world may be forgiven for the constant sins of foolishness and vanity. Through My Blessed Purity I give you the cosmic power of My Grace, a state that repairs you and leads you through the path of redemption.
While My Son sees every day the horrors and unfair actions that are committed against the Heart of the Celestial Father in this sick world, I place you in this apocalyptic time as if you did not participate in it. But it is the power of prayer and of the daily consecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart of Mother that will permit to reverse your faults and the faults of many.
I want all to know that through My call you will find the exit and even if the enemy hits you strongly, he will never be able to overthrow the love I have placed in your hearts. Be wise and thus you will not get confused, avoiding to follow another path, another spiritual movement that is not the one of My Beloved Son.
Glorify God and ask for healing and mercy. The world continues without comprehending that it must change before the bad actions be released by the Justice of God.
In this time I encourage you to love. I call you to be humble and transparent, thus you will help Me to balance the planetary axis, the Ecuador of this world, before it gets unbalanced due to density and to human wickedness.
But still, in this material world there are hearts like yours, determined to follow Me until the days of the holy death. In this way your devotion and faith will always make My Immaculate Heart triumph.
I bless, on this day, the group of Brasilia for having heard and answered to My Call!
My Son thanks you for having sheltered My Missionaries.
Who protects you before everything,
Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Mother of the Sun and of the Cosmos
I want that from an old tree, new branches may sprout.
I want that the old souls may peregrinate with Me through new paths.
I want to cause to be born inside the heart a new heart. May the old heart not lose its wisdom, but that it may demonstrate having to be born in itself this new heart, that beats in the rhythm of the Greater Will and that accompanies attentively the movements of the Universe.
I want to strengthen those whom I have chosen to be the columns of My temple and that for so long have been prepared to live that which happens today in the world.
I want to be the light on the path of My children, so that they may recognize in the treading of My steps, the teaching of other times.
I wanted to come to the encounter of those who did not fear, even while thinking that they were afraid, and that followed Me, even believing that they did not know how to find Me.
Now, children of Mine, it has come the time to see following upon My steps, and to perceive that on this path through which I have guided you are found all the teachings that with other faces I have to you.
If you are capable of following Me with confidence, feeling your way in the dark, now allow My light to switch on the inside of your beings and show you the way to live what you learned yesterday, but with the heart of today.
My children, I invite you to service, because you will be able to see and feel in this simple action, what the Divine Messengers have constructed in your beings. When you return to serving, be attentive to what exists in your hearts and that before did not exist and discover that blessed is the heart that thinks it has not been transformed, because it will always cultivate simplicity, humility and what is most important, it will never stop walking, because it knows that it has not come to its goal.
My beloveds, I agree to come to encounter you, to contemplate each precious pearl that has arisen in your hearts and to find you here, at My side, even after so much incomprehension.
I want to answer the question of a daughter of Mine that thinks she does not live what has been taught to you for so long. And today I say to you that you have lived it, when you overcame your expectations about the instruction that you were receiving, when you overcame yourselves, in all that you could feel in your hearts and crossing this threshold that many are still crossing, you found Me in your lives.
My beloveds, I am the same in Heaven as on Earth, in the Kingdom of My Peace, as in the Infinite, in the Universe. My words penetrate and transform those who say yes to Me, even without knowing why they do.
Today I come to your lives to renew your commitments with Me, to say to you that I am by the side of each one of you, in the same way that you were by My side and that forever I will accompany you, in this life and in the other, because you have generated the merits to be closer to My Heart.
In humility embrace My call and continue to trust in this path. Soon more comfort will come to your lives when by yourselves you discover that the theories have become life in your beings, and that the teachings beat in your hearts and are reflected in your actions and feelings, because you are being able to trust in God, more than in your own selves.
I embrace you with love and I bring all to My Heart.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Today Our Lady appeared as the Lady of Charity which is a new manifestation that is approaching to us, it is another face of Her task that She is inviting us to know.
This manifestation of Our Lady of Charity existed in the world and She asked the sisters of the Network of Prayer to transmit to all the groups of San Paulo the story of this manifestation that happened on the Island of Cuba, because the groups will realize a task with Our Lady of Charity.
Today Our Mother came with a child in Her arms, but it was not the Child Jesus. She was dressed in very simple clothes as in the era of Nazareth. The child that She brought in Her arms was an African child, who was two years old. Our Lady was tightly hugging this child and presented him to us.
Afterwards She indicated a task for this group which was transmitted in the message that She gave to us. In the moment of the message She told us that humanity did not have the consciousness of how many faults it still has as humanity, primarily among the nations. She said that when She manifested as Our Lady of Charity it was for us to have a conscious reference of how to alleviate the offenses that we have with Africa, which in that case of Brazil are still not resolved.
The Father made a request to Our Lady and granted Her for this group of prayer to pray for the souls of Africa, and that if the group would do so it would help to resolve many things. She said that She especially needs that this group unite itself with Our Lady of Charity and that, when the group of prayer becomes acquainted with this face of the history of Our Lady it would understand what She is asking through this message.
She not only wants that the group continue working as it has done until now, but that it grow a little more in its tasks. She proposed to accompany them in this prayer for Africa. This path of prayer that the group will realize and that will be for an indeterminate time, should be done through the intermediary of Saint Joseph; He must be the regent of this work.
Mary said to us that everything should be entrusted to Saint Joseph. That which Saint Joseph receives from the groups, will also be received by the Divine Mother.
We asked for how long this task of prayer should last and She answered that each one will know how to make their offer, it may be days, weeks, months or years, depending on the commitment that each one wants to make for this request. She only needs this help. She knows our potential.
At the end, Our Lady said something important: that the groups of prayer of the State of San Paulo have this important task to link themselves with the manifestation of Our Lady of Charity and that it was not by chance that Our Mother had requested to reopen the work of service in San Paulo. She not only calls us to serve but that She is calling all those who once served through the Nucleus of Figueira in San Paulo.
Our Lady said on this evening that She would like that all the groups from San Paulo become at some moment only one group, for this She will peregrinate for all. The task of Our Mother is to awaken the talent that the groups of prayer cultivated by means of spiritual work. Mary comes to open this door and so that we may have consciousness of what we have to do in this time.
Remember, My dear children, that I come to the world to alleviate and separate you rapidly from the severe consequences that are brought by the sins committed by all of humanity.
Opening My arms of a Mother on this evening, I comfort and encourage you for the permanent search of the truth that exists in your hearts. When the thirst of a soul is quenched, another thirst awakens in those souls that do not live the Love of God. In this way I guide you as the flocks of My Son so that you may fulfill a part of the Divine and Great Will of the Eternal Father.
For this today I manifest and announce to this group that it lives, without knowing, the gift of healing of all things in life through faith, the primordial energy that always allows you to go ahead and overcome the tests.
My dears, that which strengthens faith is the renunciation of that which the soul most desires, and primarily the personality. I, with My Glory and Love, come to teach you how to die to yourselves, this will help so that your spirits may be born to the mission that they have come to accomplish.
On this evening I gather you under a fundamental purpose, which is to serve your familiars by means of faith and of the power of prayer that I have revealed to you in these last times.
God wants from this group a growth in the spirit of humility and of charity, in this way as souls they will be able to answer to My call.
My dear children, while a great part of Africa suffers spiritual misery, I recommend to you to pray for these brothers and sisters, imploring to the most Chaste Saint Joseph for all these precious essences that live the affliction in their own flesh and suffer from material and spiritual hunger. If you, at least for a determinate time answer to this, My special request, your nation will be liberated from the grave faults that it caused Africa through slavery and the spiritual colonization upon these brothers and sisters.
I will give thanks that your faith will embrace My Divine Mysteries. We will meet in the prayer of the heart and in the inner silence.
I thank you now and always for answering to My call!
Your Pilgrim Mother, Lady of Charity
On this day, go on pilgrimage on the long path of your consciousnesses, an inner path on which you will find some obstacles to be surmounted, some tests to be experienced, and some memories to be forgiven and forgotten.
Seek to walk through the inner world with profound peace and joy, and even though the encounter with some situations may cause you pain, try and move beyond them with the joy of the day.
Allow yourselves, My children, to be guided by the Star of Bethlehem to the most simple and pure place of your inner world; a place that for many is unknown, but that exists and is now ready to receive the Son of God.
Today, the Lord offers you a possibility for freeing and healing ancient sorrows, fears, blame, old errors and suffering. Today, the Lord makes known to many of His children that they must transform in this time. Because to experience an effective and resounding transformation, you need to know all that is to be changed in yourselves. However, trust in the Grace that is granted you, of being guided by the Faithful Servant of God, and do not be shocked by what you may see about yourselves.
Those who allow themselves to take a step on this day will find themselves faced with a past to be redeemed and all that they have hidden from themselves for so long.
My children, make of this day a day of Glory, and of this purification, the harbinger of the glorious coming of My Son Jesus. Because for Him you will be building an empty and pure space, where He will be able to freely dwell, and will be able to reign with the totality of His perfect Consciousness.
The greatness of this day will manifest in the consciousnesses of the world, according to the openness of each one to what is being offered to them. The depth with which God will work in your consciousnesses will occur according to the openness of your hearts. Thus, be willing to experience something new, unknown, which will revolutionize your inner world.
My children, make of the pilgrimage on this day a moment similar to that experienced by Joseph and Mary on the night of the Birth of Jesus.
Much was gradually revealed to Joseph and Mary as the Birth of the Messiah drew closer. They offered Themselves to know and heal the evil that lived in the humanity of that period. As the Birth of Christ drew closer through the pilgrimage of Joseph and Mary, the energies of lust, greed, vanity and pride, which were expressed in that period with great intensity in human beings, were gradually changed and transmuted.
Mary's birth pains became more intense than that which was normally felt. They experienced the desolation and the affliction of not being able to give Christ a safe place in which to be born, and this experience of purification culminated when they understood the Will of God and gave life to Jesus in a stable, experiencing the purest humility and joy, and thus discovered that everything was to be healed through humility, purity and faith in the Will of God and in His divine guidance.
Today, for the hearts of the world, it will not be different. If you allow it, the Lord will have you live a great experience, which will culminate in the discovery of an emptiness of self and surrender to a divine humility.
My beloveds, gladden your little hearts today, and walk with Me, for I will be your Star of Bethlehem, and through prayer, I will lead you to the birth of Christ in your essences.
I thank you for allowing Me to guide your lives.
I love you always.
Your Mother, Mary of Nazareth, Star of Bethlehem
Dear children:
On this special day, I open again My arms to pour over the world the Mercy of God. My Immaculate Heart on this day descends in Glory and in Spirit over Curitiba contributing, to speed up your maturity, these twelve steps to reach humility:
First, to see the need of the other before your own.
Second, to recognize that without God nothing can be done.
Third, to have a pure heart, to be able to have a pure mind
and as a consequence pure feeling.
Fourth, to know that without Christ the paths will remain inconclusive.
Fifth, to consider as vital, permanent and devout prayer.
Sixth, to learn to be humble through the teachings of the Gospel of Christ.
Seventh, to be an instrument of good and charity for all.
Eighth, to recognize oneself as an apostle and server of Christ.
Ninth, to renew oneself every day through kind gestures of love
and fraternity among others.
Tenth, to live every day the Passion of Christ as an act and a sacrifice of love.
Eleventh, to live fully the unity with God.
Twelfth, to empty oneself of oneself to be able to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
If these twelve simple steps are experimented with by the good hearts, the Lord will help you and will show you how important it is to accept and to live the humility of the heart. A humble heart listens, does not judge or question, is open to receive instruction from Heaven, and then it prays and meditates in its interior with gratitude and joy.
My children, the world has lost humility, for this God comes again to encounter you by means of My Maternal Heart. Let us pray so that the holy humility, that which will permit that you recognize each other as dignified children of God, may be gestated as a new seed in your hearts.
As Mother and Guardian of all the hearts, today I am here to transmit to you My Sacred Humility.
If in truth the entire world prayed from the heart and realized at least a little act of charity and good, it would find the path to humility; but the enemy has managed to remove from the good hearts the Most Sacred Flame of Humility, by means of the temptations and the desires for the modern and advanced things.
Dear children, in prayer day and night, I cry out to My Most Beloved Son so that the few that today are humble before the eyes of God may not lose the light in the path. As Mother and Defender of the souls of My Father, I come to the world for the last time to pour the gift of humility over those hearts that in truth are opened to stop living for themselves and, as of this new time, to start living in holy humility.
The path of humility is for the courageous and in truth I only find it among the most simple souls.
Consecrate yourselves every day to the Sacred Family, so that the three Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph may reflect, as celestial mirrors, the gifts of humility and of the new life over the Earth.
Remember, dear children, the proclamation that God once sent to MY Sacred Heart saying:
“My Soul glorifies the Lord,
My Spirit rejoices in God My Savior,
because he has looked at His poor Servant.
For this from now on,
I will be proclaimed Blessed by all the generations,
because in Me the One who is powerful
and whose name is holy has realized wonders.
His Mercy is extended from generation to generation
over those who fear Him.
He has manifested the power of His arm:
He has overthrown the proud hearts.
He has overturned from the throne the powerful and glorified the humble.
He filled the destitute with goods
and left the rich with empty hands.
He embraced Israel, His Servant,
reminding him of His Mercy,
according to the promise of our forefathers,
on behalf of Abraham and his posterity forever”.
Guard in your hearts this celestial motto and ask God for holy humility.
I thank you for answering in humility to My call!
I love you, I bless you and I heal you,
Mary, Queen of Peace of the Holy Humility
Enter directly into My Ocean of Peace and by means of prayer, find the breath and the refuge of your souls, mind and body. Exercise to be in My Heart all the times that it is possible for you and aspire, each time more, to live this encounter with Me; each day that you come in touch with the Peace that I bring from the Heavens you strengthen and mature the inner dwelling place, the place of eternal peace that I construct in your hearts.
I want that My children learn from constancy and from perseverance because without these two attributes, the inner steps of your beings will not be able to be consolidated.
Today it is necessary that you may attain more than an inner experience with Me, more than a moment of encounter with My Heart; it is necessary that you may attain the experience of that which I bring to you, the imitation of My Consciousness which, as well as those of Jesus and Joseph, express the perfect model of life on Earth.
Learn from serenity and from Peace and try, at some times, to leave from the common living of the human consciousness, because today I bring you this possibility as I have brought it over the centuries.
My children, those who know how to see and receive the Graces of God will perceive in the heart that there has not been in the world a more precious moment than this which you live today.
The Divine Messengers arrive to several parts of the world, among the different consciousnesses that are expressed on Earth; they arrive to different nations, different cultures, but bringing one same Message.
I am not here to create a new religion, but yes to unite, in the Heart of God, all the religions that already exist.
I do not ask you to follow some belief, sect or doctrine. My teaching comes from the Heart of God and to Him it should be turned.
I do not bring you, in this moment, an archetype of religion, but yes, a permanent archetype of life. These are not words that have been meditated on in the interior of a temple or church, they are divine impulses to be lived, applied in the consciousness, transforming all the matter corrupted over the centuries.
My beloveds, I ask you today to take a great leap in consciousness, and those who are encouraged and are impelled to take this leap, My arms will support and lift them until the step to be reached.
However it is necessary that each one has the firm decision of being launched in this transformation of life and, with bravery, to be directed to a new world, which you will not find outside; you will not see it in the material life, unless you construct it in your own interior.
The Divine Life already exists in each being; God Is in His creatures, but these must know how to find Him, hidden and silent, in their own heart.
Seek with patience this hidden God and do not fear to make a mistake in this search, because falling is part of spiritual walking. Each time that you are faced with a mistake, patiently hold out your hand to Me, and I will place you standing up again.
Follow in this way, among little and great falls; in this way the path will be made shorter, and closer will be the Kingdom of God.
Those who venture to transcend the barriers of their own existence, and to overcome the limits imposed by their own mind, will find a surprise in their lives and in their essences, and all that seems to them so mysterious and distant will become little and close to their lives.
It is then that other mysteries will rise up and greater unknown abysses will become visible to them and, in the vastness of this Universe, they will continue on this journey proposed by God to His creatures.
When walking permanently is your only goal, you will see before the eyes of the spirit the Divine Consciousness that embraces you.
I thank you for being today with Me, unveiling the words of My Heart.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
May the Glory of God live and reign in each one of your hearts.
Dear children, with deep joy I traverse the world and My pilgrim steps conduct Me to those most in need, so that they may awaken the eternal Faith in My Immaculate Heart and the Love for it.
I come as Queen of Peace to establish My Kingdom in the world, because this Earth needs to awaken for Peace, and above all because the human heart needs this universal and divine attribute.
I come today bringing the Peace of My Heart as a primordial attribute for life on Earth, because those who have become peacemakers will not perish before the tribulations that the world already lives.
By the Lord's request I traverse all the nations pacifying the souls so that before the greatest test, the last threshold to be crossed by the consciousness, His creatures may take the steps they need to take, in profound harmony.
Those who have eyes to see and heart to feel know how much the world needs Peace to balance the many conflicts that there are among the beings, among the nations, and between humans and God.
I return to the world once and once more, to give testimony, through My presence, of the existence of a Greater Universe that is alive and full and that awaits the awakening of all beings.
Despite not having the permission to show Myself to the eyes of all My children, still, I can show Myself to the heart of all of those who open the doors to Me. My presence in your lives does not happen in the mind, My dears, but in the depths of the heart.
Each one of My little children will receive the touch of My Peace, in the form that they need it, and in the form they permit Me to do it.
To the simple souls, devout and of open heart, My kingdom will be shown, but it will not be out of favor to them but out of their own merit. Their faith will open the doors of Heaven, and the key that blossomed from their hearts will show them the entrance to this Kingdom.
Today I want you to understand that the primordial reason for the existence of all is the awakening of true Love, the Love that donates all of itself, and becomes empty before the Universe. My Heart, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus come, in this time of changes, to show you the path that must be traversed, that unlike what many think is a path of simplicity and humility.
It happens that My children are so separated from Divine life, that many have lost the link with the celestial attributes that were infused in them at their origin. But today I call you to not be discouraged, because each one of the virtues to be lived is latent in the interior of each one of you, and little by little you will be able to find them, as you seek them.
Awaken, My little ones, awaken! Because higher life awaits you, and My presence calls you to experience this sublime reality. For this I am here today among you, and I welcome you into My mantle, protecting you and leading you always.
I thank this city for opening to Me the doors of the heart.
I thank each devout soul that clamored for My presence in this place, and today I say to you:
Here I am, My dears; your Divine Mother has come to the encounter with you.
May Peace reign in your lives!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
My beloved children,
Today, as the Mother of Sacred Humility, I come to all My children to bring this presence of renunciation, detachment and surrender that I learned as Mary of Nazareth.
Each soul that enters into the true Christic path, that which is marked by My Son, Christ Jesus, begins to live this school of Sacred Humility; a totally new experience, unknown to humanity.
Much has been said and written on this Earth about Humility, but very few have been able to really experience it; it is so transforming that those who decide to receive it, in general, are not conscious that they are living it, and they think that they will never deserve to live it.
It is as soft as a spring breeze, as harmonious as the flowers that grow in the gardens of Heaven, and so powerful, yes, so powerful, that it dissolves any expression of property, self-realization, pride or self-love.
It is so majestic, as a queen without a kingdom, as a sword of love that softly cuts ties with matter, and so transparent, like a thread of light that strings the souls together in a perfect fabric, that unites them to eternal service to the Creator.
Beloved son, beloved daughter,
What about you, do you want to receive Sacred Humility in your life, the one that I lived and shared with Jesus and Joseph?
Do you want to know definitively what it means to be a humble consciousness?
Then, open your hearts, surrender your will to the Supreme, and eternally obey His Holy Will; in this way, never again will your small will be yours. Learn that My Beloved and Sacred Humility is found in the little actions of life, in anonymity, in patience and in simplicity.
In these times of so many transformations, some consciousnesses will be called by the Father to live the ways of Sacred Humility as apostles of Christ; the new apostles that will unite with Him in body, soul and spirit, to serve Him eternally.
Today, I leave you this reflection because some of you, who are present before Me on this day, will be disciples of the Sacred Humility of God.
Pray, be blessed, surrender your will to the Will of the Most High, and love your destinies.
Thank you for being today with Me.
Mary, Mother of Sacred Humility
Beloved children,
My maternal request was announced yesterday for the spiritual emergence of the communication network Misericordia María. This project, which is not a earthly project, but a spiritual project, will attempt to reach the hearts of the homes in a fraternal, ordered and peaceful way, because the purpose of Misericordia María will be to open the doors to all souls so that they may hear My Message and the Message of My Son, Jesus.
You must have asked yourselves: why will the Celestial Hierarchy need to transmit Its Words through a means of communication? Because of the planetary urgency, the lack of awareness about the events in humanity, the need for peace and prayer in homes, the constant union with God, and mainly because of the redemption of the souls that in these times are linked to the networks of evil. It is a reason and an aspiration of My Immaculate Heart that My Kingdom of Peace may obtain victory over the world before the glorious arrival of My Son.
But this project of My Heart is a timeless project, this means, My dear children, that the Celestial Hierarchy will communicate Its Words and consequently pour out Its Graces for an undetermined time, because the Father has asked us, the Celestial Messengers, to do everything possible so that a great part of the consciousnesses of humanity may withdraw from modernities and enter, through this project, into experiencing their own redemption.
Misericordia María is an archetype of more direct and advanced communication that will operate through celestial principles, which will protect the development of the task, and this will avoid the influence of the external realities towards the task.
I mean, dear children, that Misericordia María will not be a broadcaster similar to those that exist nowadays in the world and those that confuse souls. This project will directly reach the most profound nuclei of the inner beings through the work of the Holy Spirit and thus, it will cease to be something superficial and material.
All that the Celestial Hierarchy requests, we communicate with a high degree of love and wisdom to prevent those who receive the call from interpreting it or becoming confused.
For the first time in the History of humanity, Heaven asks, through this call, for a project that is little understood by the consciousnesses. But Misericordia María will have the foundation of prayer, fasting, and the loving surrender of those who are willing to carry the task forward, under the vow of obedience and order for this design that My maternal Consciousness is carrying out.
Misericordia María wants to take the Mercy of God to the homes. Therefore, this project of communication will experience principles, to banish from the unconscious of the servers something that this world awakens by mistake such as vainglory, vanity, power and competition among beings.
Misericordia María, through the Christic principles, will gradually liberate these needs of self-realization from the unconscious, and thus it will place the Light of the Divine Kingdom in the hearts.
It will be a task of Misericordia María to repolarize the consciousnesses of the world that have been dominated by the modernity of evil, so that through its impulses, beings may awaken to God, their Lord.
Misericordia María will be the heart of the Heart of Mary, which will lovingly beat to transmit impulses of fraternity, healing and forgiveness, which is what the present humanity needs.
The Christic principles of Misericordia María are the following:
1. Transmit the true and healing love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
2. Approach the consciousnesses and the souls to the saving Message of the Sacred Hearts.
3. Rescue for everyone, the value of the Creation of God through the care of all Kingdoms.
4. Unite the groups of prayer under the same Divine Purpose.
5. Be a bridge of redemption and forgiveness among families.
6. Fraternize in the whole world through the devotion to the Sacred Hearts.
7. Express the pilgrims' experiences of faith as an inner testimony of conversion.
8. Liberate the unconscious of humanity from the influences and deceits of evil.
9. Generate in the consciousness of the whole world the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
10. Train those who awaken as soldiers of prayer.
11. Build among pilgrims the Love of Christ.
12. Activate in the consciousnesses the importance of responding to the call of God.
13. Establish within the hearts the spirit of humility and peace.
14. Eradicate suffering through the union with the Divine Mercy.
15. Congregate groups of prayer so that they respond to the call of planetary prayer.
16. Awaken in the souls the true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
17. Close the uncertain doors of the enemy in the homes, so that the celestial doors may be opened in the hearts.
18. Create a perfect unity between souls and the universe.
19. Gather the presence of the protecting Guardian Angel among the souls.
20. Be conscious of the importance of living in the Law of God.
21. Be a link between homes and the Immaculate Heart.
22. Generate a peaceful response in all beings.
23. Elevate the realities of families towards the spheres of prayer and harmony.
24. Support those who try to pray every day.
25. Accompany, like the Most Holy Mary, the soul that awakens for the first time to the call.
26. Convert human pain into spiritual healing and redemption.
27. Be the shining sun of the Heart of Mary so that all may recognize Her.
28. Work tirelessly for peace in the world.
29. Serve the Plan of God above all things.
30. Illuminate the spaces that are dark.
31. Reconcile the souls in most need with the good of Christ.
32. Merge the hearts in the Presence of the Sacred Hearts.
Dear children, these principles will allow My Marian project to be fulfilled under the protection of My maternal Light.
I thank you for supporting and collaborating in this call!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Reconciliation
When My gauze looks over the Earth, it comes filled with the Spirit of God, so that the Divine Source of Creation may radiate His Gifts and His Light to the Earth.
The Holy Spirit is the living Consciousness of God which reigns among creatures; a part of Him that exists to illuminate matter and divinize it.
The Spirit of God descends upon humanity in the form of aspiration, instruction, life-giving Light that restores all. One can perceive the presence of this Holy Spirit in the illumination of knowledge, when you have clarity and understanding of the Truth; in the illumination of the spirit, through the spirit of love and of humility; in the illumination of matter, through the constant rebirth in God the Father.
The Holy Spirit, My Children, is the Source of Eternal Creation that permeates the universes. The creative power of humanity comes from the Holy Spirit, and to be able to deal with this gift of creativity, which makes you in likeness to God, it is necessary to permanently invoke His Spirit.
In the life of Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, the Power of the Holy Spirit reigned perpetually, because even if we did not know Him in truth, we invoked Him permanently, until this Holy Spirit revealed Himself, in silence and solitude, to each one of Us in secret. Our eyes were illuminated by the presence of the Holy Spirit and Our gaze has become merciful forever. Our hands were blessed by the Holy Spirit and just as Jesus healed, Mary consoled and Joseph brought graces of charity to all who came in contact with the material of His carpentry.
Each being who received from Joseph anything made by Him, always for free, received from the Holy Spirit a special Grace. On the tables that He made, the food that the families needed was manifested; the planting tools gave rise to healthy and abundant plants from the soil for all to eat, and thus each instrument that He made in His carpentry work carried mysterious graces to those who received them.
The children who were instructed by Joseph were instructed above all in love and in the power of creation through this love. Joseph, full of the Holy Spirit, taught the children to work with charity and to create like the angels, to live in silence, chastity and prayer; and many of those He had taught His carpentry to became beloved disciples of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit worked in different ways in that simple family, always in secret, always in silence. Silence is the first key for those who seek the Spirit of God; solitude with God is another step that must be taken by the soul that aspires to unite with His Holy Spirit because the most precious Mysteries of this life on Earth are revealed in the silence of one's own heart.
The Holy Spirit makes Himself known to those who await His presence with simplicity, who keep their soul united with God, and who work on Earth with charity, humility and silence.
To achieve the eternal presence of this Spirit, you must eternally aspire to be with Him and to live in God and, when the mind aspires, the emotions aspire and the soul also aspires. In this way, exercise yourselves in charity and in silence, exercise yourselves in prayer and in peace, in understanding and in admiration of your neighbor; thus you will achieve a humble spirit and the Spirit of God will finally be able to approach your hearts.
I bless you always.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
The true awareness of what Life is only comes to humankind through the Spirit of God. My Immaculate Spirit and the Most Sacred Spirit of My Son comes from the Holy Spirit. But today I want to reveal to you that it is not necessary to be originally conceived by this Holy Spirit in order to experience the infinite Graces that Jesus and I experienced 2013 years ago.
The Holy Spirit transforms everything It touches, Its Fire purifies into Light everything that comes near It. The soul that has been touched by the Holy Spirit will never be the same, even during other existences in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Spirit of God even transforms the spiritual destiny of beings because the one who opens to receive a glorious touch from the Holy Spirit makes a commitment to the Creator to serve Him eternally.
The Holy Spirit is a mystery to the world because It is in everything, and everyone seeks It without knowing how to find It. The Holy Spirit manifests Itself as life-giving Fire and as a superhuman Gift; It manifests Itself as Love that illuminates everything, as Forgiveness that forgives everything, as Peace that radiates to everyone.
The Holy Spirit comes when you least expect It, because at the moment when you least expect It, without losing the permanent aspiration to find It, that is when the heart makes room for the Holy Spirit to enter.
For the indwelling of Holy Spirit to be eternal within beings, the consecration of the soul must also be eternal, the offer of the heart must be eternal, the aspiration to serve the One and Only God must also be eternal.
The Lord deeply knows the heart of His creatures and He knows when His child confirms themselves perpetually in union with His Most Sacred Heart. And it is at this moment that the Lord sends His omnipresent Spirit to find this new home.
Since the heart of humankind is unpredictable, even to themselves, only God knows the truth about the intentions and feelings of humans, about the offers and aspirations. Therefore, the only thing that your beings must do is to be in a permanent offer and to reconsecrate yourselves daily before the Universe of God, with a pure and sincere heart.
Seek without seeking, because this is how it will be without realizing it, and humility, which is the first Gift of the Spirit of God, will come to those who do not know it and have never known it. The Gift of humility is only known by the one who recognizes it in his neighbor because the heart that is truly full of the Holy Spirit is so close to God that it does not notice its own progress and virtues.
This is how Jesus, Mary and Joseph experienced the Holy Spirit. One recognized this Holy Spirit in the other and realized how many Gifts God had manifested in that family, full of charity and humility, but none of Us observed within ourselves the presence of this Spirit. We admired in silence and in prayer the virtues of the others, and the more we noticed the Love which the other manifested for God, the more our hearts were filled with this Spirit. And in Our simple life, but full of mysteries, the Holy Spirit was manifesting Itself.
Therefore I tell you today that a key to progress is to think only about God and strengthen the virtue of the neighbor, so that you may always grow and develop. Thus, even without realizing it, your spirits will be preparing themselves to receive the Spirit of God.
May peace and harmony reign in each heart.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Once again I will be among you in the primordial Center of prayer of Brazil. I will be among you in the Center of prayer of Figueira.
Dear children, today, with the special devotion that My Heart radiates, I will transmit to you an instruction from Mother to child, from the universe to the disciple.
My children, God prodigiously manifests Himself in three ways for souls, for His creatures. God can manifest Himself through the spirit of His creatures and transmit His Wisdom; God can manifest Himself through the minds of His creatures to transmit His Ideas on the Plan of Love for the universe; and God can manifest Himself through the soul of His creatures to transmit His Love to all the spaces of Creation.
God is an Essence of pure, wise, and divine Love; from Him comes all the powers of Creation and manifested life. God is owed honor, glory, and praise because He achieves His greatest expression through the love and unity among creatures.
Today, dear children, I want to teach you in this time to experience a lesson of humility, because God expects your consciousnesses to mature. This lesson of humility consists in your recognizing that God has the majesty and the power to manifest Himself to His creatures in different ways, in order that souls may know Him and feel Him as the Source of Love for life on Earth.
When God recognized the offering of His faithful Servant, the Virgin Mary, there was never any intention of appropriating it, in this mystery of surrender and sacrifice. The Love of God rested in My maternal consciousness, a pure and true Love that entered My Heart to have it become immaculate.
See, My dear ones, how God acts and reveals Himself to His children with Love and Faith, because God expects humanity to attain peace through the knowledge of Divine Truth.
When a heart gives itself to the universe, God is able to manifest Himself in that creature, and then His Will is etched in that consciousness that, through faith and devotion, must accomplish it.
My little ones, I want you to see and recognize that God is Humility and Wisdom. God will never magnify His power because, if He did, it would not be God. God awakens peace for life, as a source for the spirit; faith as an essence for inner growth; unity as a principle of fraternity; and love as spiritual support for souls.
Everything is simple, dear children, who are in God will not fear to be divested of themselves to be able to be healed from the spirit. God is the Source of Love that presents itself so that all may experience this through It.
When the soul does not listen, God is unable to approach. Universal Love needs to be impregnated as light in the cells of all souls so that, in the end, you may imitate My path of surrender and trust. Because in this way, as souls, you will help in the love for God, so He may continue to manifest Himself among creatures, the Kingdoms and the world.
God is renewal, is the Spirit of life and hope. God is the concretization of inner missions for creatures. God is the Love present in the essence of all His children. God must be sought from the heart, because God is constant prayer and a refuge for the hearts that are experiencing the desert and inner thirst. God resurrects the life of the spirit in those who have lost it. God heals through His kindness and humility, because God is the Sanctified Spirit in the Celestial Universe.
God is the only Greater Good for all, because the Father of Heaven is your beginning and your end in this life. He is eternity, eternal Love.
Dear children, hold in your hearts the aspiration of the Father for being more present in them.
Thank you for responding to the Call of God!
Who thanks and blesses you, in the Light of God,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and the Love of God
My children,
Once again, I invite you to live simplicity and humility within your hearts. I have called you to this place to show you that My Presence is among the crowds, but it is also in the homes, among the simplest and most open-hearted families. I have brought you here to place within your beings the spirit of humility and simplicity so that you may learn from this example that you have before your hearts.
My beloveds, the world needs more humble hearts willing to respond to the call that comes from Heaven; it needs simple hearts that are able to live obedience without it being a martyrdom in their lives.
My dear ones, on this day, I want to leave in your hearts this call to humility through faith, reverence and fidelity. I want to invite you to live simplicity through obedience, an obedience that flows from the heart by the simple act of obeying the Will of God in all things and listening to His Call with the heart.
Today you may not understand what I ask of you, but if you follow My Words you will, without much difficulty, find this path through which I am guiding you.
My dear ones, a time will come when your hearts must be fully faithful to the voice of the heart, which is an echo of the Voice of God within His creatures.
To reach Eternity, without entering other paths that do not lead you towards My Kingdom, you must be silent and listen attentively to the Voice of the Lord who guides you. This echo does not bring doubts, it brings confidence and, through this confidence, you must respond to the Call of God without the need for it to be repeated.
Today, My children, My Voice brings the echo of God, repeating His Will to you countless times, but the day will come when this call will no longer be repeated, and those who can listen to it must obey faithfully and without delay.
My dear ones, I hope from My Immaculate Heart that you may understand what I ask of you today; may humility and simplicity in the little things lead you to trace the great events of your lives.
I come as a Mother and helper to guide your hearts and your spirits. Listen to My Words with love, study what I have told you over the years, and at least try to practice what I tell you. My intercession will reach those who say yes to Me and take the first steps to respond to My call.
I thank you for being with Me today.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Dear children,
Worship the missions of Saint Joseph in the world through your hearts.
Within you, carry love for the full service for God and for His preferred plans for souls.
Today I want you to serve to repair the causes that oppress many hearts that have been forgotten for a long time.
With My Heart, I elevate the sincere offerings of all the pilgrims that dare to work out of love for the Mercy of My Son.
Dear children, today I am here to thank you for your response to being here in Salta.
Now, as from the new cycle announced by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, prepare the instrument that represents the heart of each of you, because the Lord is calling on you to labor through the means of service, fraternity, and humility, attributes that must first be born in you to then be experienced as light on other children of Mine.
Today I pause with My gaze to observe the sincerity of your hearts. It is time to continue walking in the faith of the heart.
I thank you, children, for responding to My call in Salta!
Mary, Queen of Peace
Prayer of Saint Joseph transmitted during the vigil of prayer of February 26, 2013, in the city of Salta, Argentina. A prayer that must be repeated seven times at the beginning and at the end of the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
Dear children,
If you try to live in the essence of My Peace you will find the Kingdom of God upon the Earth, and the conflicts among the hearts will be dissolved, conflicts that are born from the consciousness itself.
In this time, above all, be united as brothers and sisters through prayer and let yourselves be conducted by the power that it has when pronounced with love.
Dear children, withdrawn within My Heart on this day, seek the presence of My Son, practice the teachings of Jesus through daily prayer, service and fraternity.
It is no longer the moment for any heart, for any child of the Father, to stop fulfilling their daily task of prayer because, without realizing, you would be distancing yourselves from the purpose and you would begin to live under human principles, even those souls that have consecrated themselves.
Prayer is the salt of your lives, it is the seasoning that provides humility and wisdom in these times. My children, while you walk upon this world you will open a little door towards Heaven through the daily prayer in order to find peace and meekness.
Be merciful at all times even if your thoughts and feelings say something different.
Unite to the Heart of My Son so that all the sheep that have separated from Him may find the path again. You are part of the Plan of God, a Plan that is being accomplished with effort in this part of the Americas through the announcement of My Immaculate Face.
As the Mother of Relief, I give you My Blessing and I invite you to remember the path of humility for your hearts so that in this way upon this world there may be more peace and harmony.
I thank you!
Thank you for praying the Rosary every day!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
As the Queen and Mother of Peace, today I invite you to search in your hearts for the inner union with Jesus so that through prayer you may help My Son to carry the cross of the world.
As the Cyrene, carry, out of love, the pain of the world. May your prayer be the nourishment that may satiate all, and the water that quenches the thirst of many of My children.
Today I want to tell you that the cross of humanity must be supported in the perseverance of the groups of prayer that, united with the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fulfill the call to alleviate the Heart of Christ.
A small part of your lives, by means of prayer and as a ser- vice, can contribute to others. Today I refer, dear children, to the inner state of giving yourself to others. This inner state will allow you to recognize the humility that is necessary to live in these times. Because of the lack of humility in the human heart, many events are unfolded, events that condition the harmonious walk of My children.
Therefore, searching in yourselves for Jesus, the Redeeming Love, you will find the essence of giving, and when this giving becomes a daily exercise together with prayer, your hearts will begin to glimpse the Light of humility.
All of My children are being called to live this path of humil- ity, of emptiness of oneself, for love of God and for the reparation of the great conflicts and the arrogance that humanity lives, in which there is so little love for one another.
Dear children, I am calling you to form yourselves as good instruments of God so that your High Priest, Jesus, may be able to pour His Merciful Graces upon the pure hearts and upon the fallen hearts.
It is time to be in Jesus every day. Let us pray.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
In the eyes of God, the soul always loves.
In the eyes of God, the soul lives its faith.
In the eyes of God, the soul walks and ascends.
In the eyes of God, the soul is in God.
In the eyes of God, the soul recognizes the path towards Christ.
In the eyes of God, the soul drinks from the Fount of the Love of God.
In the eyes of God, the soul grows and finds strength in the Heart of God.
In the eyes of God, all souls are equal and all of them are united to the Creating Principle of God, because in the eyes of God one lives the great mysteries of the Heart of God.
Dear children, today I invite you all to remain under the merciful gaze of God, because in the eyes of God your hearts will become inseparable from the life of prayer, and the Great and Divine Spirit of God will allow you to know the humility that you need in order to fulfill His One and Only Will.
My children, when I invite you to be under the gaze of God, it is for you to recognize that you are not walking alone and that, united to His heart, you will be guided by Love and by the Holy Spirit.
Little children, many hearts still are not under the kind gaze of God. The Father is close to each one of His beloved children and you, in the name of Love, can help so that the whole world may be under His gaze.
Each child of this humanity must open the treasury of the heart in order to reach the gaze of God.
My Father, the Most High, is in your hearts and therefore I invite you to search for Him within your beings because many children easily forget God in the heart. Your attention to be in God will alleviate the martyrdom that He receives from the constant offenses of humanity.
If humanity were in the Mercy of God, it would be a merciful humanity. You are still in time to find the Source of the Love of God in your hearts, because My Maternal Aspiration is that you learn to love as Jesus loved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
May today your hearts be able to understand and venerate the Special Grace that your lives are receiving by means of the exercise of prayer and in the name of the Love of My Son.
Dear children, this is why I invite you to pray more with the heart so that God the Father can hear you and My Maternal Heart may continue to come into your lives. The mission that God entrusts to you is to pray for the salvation of all souls, because, in this time, dear children, everyone will have one last Grace: to live the Conversion.
Before the Divine Universal Judgment approaches the world, you, My little ones, must be in deep and true prayer so that the willingness to pray every day may be born in you.
For this reason, dear children, the renovation of the groups of prayer is so important, by means of monthly meetings that allow the strengthening among the groups and the encour- agement to serve God and to be less invaded by the realities of the world.
Each group of prayer must be the Light of Christ in the world, and for this Light to shine in the darkness, the flames of Christ that are each one of the souls must be united in the mission and be humble from the heart, because in this way the Holy Spirit will be able to guide and bless the existence of each praying group.
My children, today I communicate to you this important mission of the end of times for all of these praying groups. Know, My dear children, that My Maternal Heart will be among you, accompanying you at the moment you begin your exercise of prayer.
Dear children, it is now time for fraternity to be born from hearts so that the task of praying in group among sister souls may have universal repercussions. But for this to happen, it is necessary to have much humility and to be empty of yourselves, because in this way your meetings of prayer will be victorious and you will be united to My Maternal Purpose of salvation.
Today, dear children, I thank each one of the praying beings and devotees for being responsive to My urgent call for prayer and peace.
I thank you.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
On this day, dear children, I invite you to withdraw within My Maternal Manger. Today I call you to remain close to the warmth of My Immaculate Heart, of My Maternal Love, just as Jesus was from His birth.
Today I ask you to unite your essences to My Maternal Essence so that the True Love for the Creator may awaken in your lives.
Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the power of prayer so that your souls may awaken the spiritual gifts that prayer offers as fruit for the souls.
My children, when I call you to remain within My maternal manger I am calling you to be humble and simple so that God may find your dwellings crystalline and pure. For this, your hearts must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.
The world still has not changed, therefore your prayer of the heart will permit that many situations may find the Light of My Son.
Little children, today I am not only calling you to awaken your consciousness, but also to find, through Me, Jesus the Redeemer. My call is announced so that My soldiers may find the path towards My Immaculate Peace.
My children, today I call you to mature the heart and to rec- ognize God in each thing because the Father waits to baptize you with His Spirit of Peace. Trust in the priesthood of My Son, commune of His Merciful Heart.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As Mother of the Universe I bring you the Gift of the Holy Spirit and the Light of the stars. As Mother of the Universe I give you My Peace so that the love in your hearts may awaken in this time.
Today I invite you to distance yourselves from the abysses of life and to take a greater leap towards the Light of fraternity.
Dear children, the world carries much pain. Therefore you, through prayers and good actions, must carry the emblem of My Eternal Peace so that the conflicts in the hearts may end.
You must not lower your arms and give up, but raise them in the direction of the Universe of the Creator and cry out once more for Divine Mercy, thus God will listen to you.
Today I call you to awaken the humility of the heart by means of the Divine Light of Jesus because only through Jesus will your lives be able to learn the steps of humility.
Dear children, calling in your lives the essence of humility, you will be able to know which is the task that God sends to your hearts. Today God, through My Immaculate Heart reveals to you the task of the prayer of the heart so that you may be able to live the Celestial Peace within yourselves.
Today I invite you to be prayer in life and in actions so that through this prayer all of the causes that need Forgiveness and Mercy may be dissolved. The present moment merits the collaboration of all the Marian servers consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.
My children, while your lives are able to reflect good actions, faith will awaken as Light in many of My children, and humans will stop fighting with one another for their ambitions.
Whenever you feel lack of peace, observe, dear children, how your exercise of prayer is going.
I thank you!
Live in My Eternal Peace, only peace!
Thank you for responding to My call in spite of the circumstances.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more