Dear Children,
Today I come to meet you as the Solar Essence of God, as this Immaculate Part that was born from the Source of Creation; the Essence which, under the Feminine Spirit, regenerates life and the consciousness.
My Solar Essence is what illuminates the inner worlds, it is the Essence that gives impulse to souls to take their steps within the Plan of God. This Essence is capable of recovering lost essences and helps in the transfiguration of the consciousness.
My Solar Essence comes from a spiritual sacred Source, created and designed by the great Creator Parents, those called Archangels or Elohim.
My Solar Essence is the one that always enters into the terrestrial planes to purify you and redeem you.
Who unites with My Immaculate Heart unites with My Solar Essence and, in this way, enters into communion with Creation and with the entire Universe.
My Solar Essence brings you the power of transformation and of change, as well as entry into the complete consecration of life, of mind and of spirit.
My Solar Essence takes you into finding the inner meaning, during the walk of the path of the spirit, until you are able to find Christ, as the great inner Master.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Be brave in the face of the tests and every day you will learn to surpass yourself.
May this valor give the impulse to your heart so that you may project greater steps on your path, those which you never imagined you could give.
Embrace the proposal of valor as the means for being able to transcend possible obstacles and make of each experience a victory for the Celestial Kingdom.
May your permanent transformation show the world the constancy of wanting to be close to the Lord, to live His Joy and to be in His Divine Presence.
Therefore, take up the path of valor so that you may learn to move forward without retracting even one step.
Let this valor, child, support the coming of the Sacred Spirit of God so that more souls may be transformed by the Fire of God.
In valor may you find the impulse to make great leaps, determined to transcend the barriers of the planetary inertia.
Dare to say "yes" to each new challenge and do not feel defeated.
My Son still awaits the apostles of transformation, who through good examples will testify to His Holy Word.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the Breath of the Spirit of God invade you completely so that it may guide your steps towards the goal of the concretion of the Plan.
May the Breath of the Spirit of God permeate you so that, in the new times that are coming, the doors to the redeeming Mercy of God may open.
May the Breath of God enter your lives and turn every being into the spiritual model that God has planned.
May all be transformed in every stage that follows until the Plan is finally fulfilled in humanity.
May the suns who are asleep awaken, and with the awakening of the soldiers of Christ, may the one great Brotherhood be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today My wish is that you dare to enter the transforming power that generates self-giving within you when it is true and sincere.
In the transforming power of the giving of self, the great doors open up for the conversion of the soul and the redemption of aspects of the human being.
The transforming power of the giving of self, when it is experienced with love, does not allow for certain tests or doubts to invade the mind.
The transforming power of the giving of self is what definitely cuts the ties with the past and the possible pain of a sick soul.
In the transforming power of the giving of self is to be found the way out of obstacles because that sincere giving of self is full of an unknown inner humility.
Walk every day upon the luminous pathway of this giving of self and you will succeed in getting out of yourselves and of many difficulties.
One of the great causes of psychological and social imbalances in the humanity of these times is the lack of sincere giving of self to others.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
When you see winds coming that are contrary to the life of the spirit, it is a sign that something grand is about to transcend. Keep your faith and your trust in the Father, because He already knows your exiles, your deserts, and all the voids of your soul.
Certain tests, at this time, reach the life of the apostles to confirm them on the path of Christification and of inner transformation.
Do not fear to see yourself naked, and to find yourself before the greatest miseries of your human life. My Son has taught you to persevere in love and in unity with the Kingdom of the Heavens.
The innumerable battles and disagreements with the inner part of your being no longer matter; now it is primordial to continue struggling every day to learn to overcome yourself, and so to show the Universe that the new and peacemaker Christs are on their way.
Be strong in your trust in God. His Love will help you even if everything is too difficult.
God bless you now and always!
Who follows you in soul and heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Work of Mercy of My Son will expand, and it will reach more souls that will awaken, that will be aware of the importance of redemption and will change their lives overnight.
The Work of Mercy of My Son goes hand-in-hand with the Work of Redemption, which will touch many hearts, especially those that have distanced themselves from God and from His Divine Love.
The Work of Mercy of My Son comes in this end time to appease Justice, and thus, give souls time to receive redemption and atonement.
This Work of Mercy is filled with the Love of God, which in this period grants the spiritual and inner remedy against all the evils of the present time.
Who lets themselves be pervaded by the Work of Mercy of Jesus will no longer be able to recognize themselves in their life, for they will have entered into the depths and the core of the Heart of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the White Mountain of Peace and whoever climbs to the top of it will achieve, through prayer and service, the elevation of their consciousness.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which in its heart keeps the greatest treasures of the universe, the sacred knowledge of the Celestial Brotherhood.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that radiates the Grace of God to the world and impels its children to human transcendence.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which reveals the Mysteries of God to humble hearts, a mountain that helps in the transformation of consciousness and the whole being.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that calls the pilgrim of the spirit to rise through it, by means of faith and constant redemption.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, a mountain that will make each heart a victory for Christ and for the Creator.
I am the White Mountain of Peace, which will show Its pilgrims the path of the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Message
As I come from the heart of this universe, I would like your souls to rise up to meet Me. This will allow, at this time, for you to create this perfect Communion between your souls and My Heart.
I would like you to open your innermost ears to listen to My Message and to make it part of your lives, because knowledge will not be enough, it will be necessary to apply it to your lives for My Plan to be fulfilled, step by step.
Today I come to give continuity to what I said yesterday. I come to extend this special message to all My companions, because it is still necessary that you grow in love and in truth, without leaving behind what you have to transform, all that you have to transcend, all that you have to aspire to reach in these difficult times, in which the Plan experiences many risks unknown to the souls, because, in many cases, they will not be attentive to the signs that the universe sends.
Now, I invite you to double the efforts; I invite you to be considerate with one another, as I taught the apostles in the past.
You must fulfill the basic rules of evolution because in this way, you will know the Law and not only just have knowledge of it.
This is one of the reasons why the souls of this world and, most of all, those souls that are My companions, do not know how to internalize the impulses that My Heart sends you from time to time, trying to raise the souls more each time towards the Truth and towards the Sacred Knowledge.
When you do not know how to internalize what we tell you, you get lost somewhere along the path and may be confused, without knowing where to go or what to do.
But there is a master-key, for all of this, which is trust. Trust in all that is presented. Trust in all that is proposed. Trust in all that is revealed.
Because, in essence, everything goes beyond your possibilities, knowledge, intellect.
I have not come to build My Kingdom in the concrete minds because, otherwise, it would not have made sense for me to come to this world to incarnate to witness, on this plane, the Presence of the Love of God.
It is that Love that will reveal My Kingdom to you. It is that Love that will unite you forever. It is that Love that will never separate you. For wherever Love is, I am present, throwing seeds of Light on fertile soil, which will then bear Me fruit, so that in the end, they will be Gifts that I will offer in Glory to the Creator.
Therefore I search in the more simple hearts what is good and true. I glorify Myself in the humble hearts. I distance Myself from the resistant hearts. I distance Myself from those who do not want to listen to Me, because I know that they fear the real Love because they have never known it completely, because they have never had the courage to take a step and to let themselves be torn inside, until Love makes them hurt deeply.
Therefore, I deposit My inner Wounds in the hearts that know My Love.
I cannot give My Legacy to abstract minds. The world and its humanity would completely lose their way because of their ambition and pride. I need to break what is still rigid and hard.
Therefore, I use My great hammer of Light and strike that which is most resistant for it to be broken one day and so that all may surrender at My Feet; not for Me, but for My Father who is just and compassionate, who deserves the goodness of your hearts and souls for all He has given you in spite of your miseries, in spite of your mistakes, in spite of your falls.
I come to elevate the consciousness of humanity to another point because, even if it does not seem so, I am here in constancy and faith to move forward.
Therefore, to those who follow Me in these times, who say they are My companions on the path and in spiritual experience, I encourage them to live the changes without resistance or restriction.
I invite you to not put a limit on your consciousnesses and to know how to recognize, with humility, the Sacred Knowledge that comes from God by means of Our Sacred Hearts, for this humanity of the surface.
Thus I will be able to bring even more My Heaven, the Heaven of My Father, His Heavenly Universe and My Angels will be following every step, every moment as well as every trial, just as they followed Me from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross.
The sufferings that I offer to My companions of this world, are feared by some because they do not know them, because, before everything, they do not dare to love the Will that I bring to fulfill My Projects and My Designs in their lives.
I have chosen to be among these sacred mountains of the Andes to remind the world that it still has not raised its consciousness nor its mind. It is time to leave the atavistic. It is time to give up what is superfluous and petty.
I shall leave My Keys of Gold in the simple hearts, in those who can hold within them My Legacy, that does not come from this world but from the Universe.
For this Plan to go forward, for the Work to continue, you must, companions, reposition your places, knowing that all that you have received in these last years, will not be wasted by humanity as it was a part of My Passion, even if you do not believe it.
With Eyes of Mercy, I come to observe the world. With a compassionate Heart I come to rescue those who suffer and those who cannot give themselves entirely to My Heart.
Know, My dear souls, that there is still much to do. Therefore, I invite you to renew the unity and fraternity among your consciousness. I invite you to respect the Law of the Hierarchy so that the Universe of God can always be near you and in every detail.
Now, be My redeemed stars, coming out the abysses of error and sin, of perversion and evil. Honor your King and Lord as He deserves, in Heaven as on Earth.
Do not separate yourselves anymore. Unite yourselves through My Heart so that I may continue to come to you; to avoid My not coming anymore at this time in which humanity needs the high vibrations of love and peace.
Remove from your hearts and lives what is already old and resistant, what does not give unity and love among creatures and peoples, between races and origins.
I gave My Life to this world and for this humanity so that they would know how to do it, and thus, not fall into temptation.
I come on this day, with a second message, to open your eyes even more and, especially, to open your hearts more to what you need to hear with maturity and calmness.
I would not like to see those responsible for this Work confused, I do not want to find them like this anymore, knowing that each stage we experienced together is essential for your God, for the realization of His Will, for the manifestation of His Work on the different planes of this universe, until it reaches humanity.
If the ties of love among you break, My companions, who will take My Plan forward?
You already know that it is true that I do not find a place or shelter where I can announce My new Word, My new Message sent by God from the Heights of this universe.
I would not want to lose sight of you, because there are souls in this world who also need Me, and I must attend to them, as I attend to your souls at these times.
Through this Marathon, raise your most sincere offering to God so that a Ray of My merciful Heart touches that space in your consciousness that is still dark and resistant to change.
Remember that I can do everything and that My Father has not set any limits for Me.
I come with My Heavenly Government to put all things in order, from the invisible to the visible, from the immaterial to the material, from the spirit to the flesh. All under the universal order.
May the souls of Chile rejoice for this moment, so that it can be repeated during these critical times, in which more of My companions must be awakened to the call of redemption.
Joyful will be those who listen and believe without having seen.
Blessed in Heaven will be those who keep the Treasures of My Heart and vivify them, from time to time.
I bless you in the name of Love and Unity.
Under the Light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Son comes in this end time to establish His Divine Purpose in humanity. But, for this to be possible, it will be necessary that souls be able to transform into the spiritual and inner model that He needs in order to carry forward His redemptive Work.
If it is not this way, and souls resist changing what they consciously know is not part of the Plan of My beloved Son, for their own protection they will not be able to participate in this Work, in the part that is theirs to do.
It is important to keep in mind that My beloved Son seeks allies and devotees of His Sacred Heart so that souls may serve as precious receptacles for Him, into which He can pour His Codes of life to renew them, time and again. Thus, the process of inner transformation is not only restricted to just one consciousness but rather it influences all that surrounds it, in a permanent way.
Christ expects to find, each day more, within His followers and servers, the possibility of carrying out His Supreme Work in them in a true and crystalline way. Thus, the transparency of your hearts and minds will determine, at this time, the chance you will give the Sacred King for transforming you into new vessels, into His transformed instruments.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, may the Gifts of God awaken in your souls, and may the inner roses which express an infinite love for the Creator and His Creation open in your hearts; so that in your lives, consecrated to eternal prayer, the divine wonders the Father hopes to reveal today to your lives in redemption may be accomplished through this meeting.
May the caress of My Motherly Hands sanctify each of you and bless you at this sacred moment, so that in these difficult times you experience and remember your transformation, as an important step for humanity and your suffering blue planet.
Thus, My beloveds, let the doors of your inner worlds open so that in your essences, you may conceive the Purpose that God has destined for your lives in this time.
Holding on to My Hands so that I may guide you, dear children, walk confidently by My side, for in this way, I will fortify you on the pathway of sacrifice and eternal hope, which must be reflected on your countenances, so God may place His Graces in all of humanity.
Today, I bless you from Heaven and the Heaven of God I bring you, so that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be finally established in your lives.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
From My most pure Womb is born cosmic life, and that life is projected in the different dimensions of Creation.
My Womb of Light gestates the new, and every being or consciousness that it receives is transformed by My maternal Light.
From My Womb are born the immaterial Rays that circulate throughout the universes to order and govern under universal harmony.
From My luminous Womb, new spiritual lives can be born in the hearts that unconditionally surrender to Me.
From the most pure Womb of your Mother of the World comes the Principle of Creation, and, in this way, time and again, Creation is renewed and everything evolves within the universe of the Light of God.
In My most chaste Womb, I give spiritual and essential life to that which seemed to be dead.
My Womb revives the lost spirits and, through the Principle of Healing, recovers the souls that distanced themselves from God.
My Womb is a new universe that gestates love for the New Humanity.
Those who place themselves within My Womb will be initiated into a new stage and they will be in Me, and I, as Mother, will be humbly mirroring Myself in the creatures of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Four Keys
First key: neutrality.
May your spirit, mind and heart become peaceful, because the coming times will be incredible, but challenging.
Cultivate within yourself the key of neutrality because you will greatly need it so that the clashes, tests and challenges do not overcome you, but rather that, with a brave spirit, you can transcend, in silence and prayer, everything that you will live.
The key of neutrality will make of your mind an unshakable fortress and build within your heart an unmovable castle because nothing similar to you will be able to agitate or disturb you.
Neutrality will be the master key among all keys because it will make available to you the courage and inner strength to help yourself and others.
May neutrality enter into the essence of your being and neutralize all forms in order for the peacemaking and unalterable spirit to always reign before everything that you will see of yourself and of the world.
May this key lead you to the goal and, at the same time, set you aside from any indifference; because neutrality is not indifference nor omission, but acceptance of changes, maturity of spirit and inner growth of consciousness.
May the key of neutrality align your whole being and may this alignment be reflected in feeling, thinking and acting; because in this way you will build a state of permanent elevation, capable of benefitting your brothers and sisters and, above all, the planet.
Second key: silence.
Above all things, love the key of silence and this sacred key of silence will awaken in you; because silence itself will transform you, and there will be no mutism at all nor will it make you different from others.
Silence will spontaneously connect you with the Heights and then your thought will rise.
The key of silence will internally end human noise and will contribute with the expansion of inner senses, just as the capacity to perceive beyond appearances, the capacity to prevent events, the capacity to anticipate concrete results and, above all, it will awaken premeditation within you.
If silence works in humanity, it will be able to awaken silent spirits that will invisibly learn how to balance the disorder on this planet caused by the noise of this humanity.
Silence, as a key, nurtures the spirit with high vibrations that come from the Universe and allows consciousness, in any place and under any circumstance, to be in touch with its inner world.
The key of silence is capable of penetrating spaces of the inner consciousness which the human being regularly does not know due to being immersed in everything that is superficial.
Silence is considered a powerful prayer that acquires a very broad potency of action.
The key of silence heals, it is regenerative and conceives in the consciousness a state of profound receptivity.
Silence is capable of neutralizing wars, of dissolving conflicts and strengthening the essence that must fulfill its inner and spiritual purpose.
Silence awakens the spirit of the guardian and promotes the correct use of words; it builds inner unity and dissolves the tendency for competition and everything that is petty.
Silence, as a key, allows the soul to internally capture the impulses of its superior universe.
Third key: compassionate love.
If there is no love in everything, there will never be compassion. Love and compassion, as positive energies, walk together.
Therefore, love in this time is everything and will always make the difference to be able to solve what is impossible and liberate what is in darkness within the consciousness.
We were born to express love; therefore, when love is absent from a human being, they live hatred, indifference and bitterness.
Love, as a key, essentially conceives all things and is able to solve what would seem unreachable.
Love brings comprehension, understanding and, above all, it awakens wisdom.
Love stimulates the need for service and compels the consciousness to seek Instruction.
Love, as a key, reconstructs life and generates, within the whole spirit, order and silence.
Love can clear any sorrow or human incomprehension, from the very moment that the consciousness feels loved.
Love creates evolutionary bonds among souls and awakens consciousness to the path of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Love heals the wounds of the unconscious and brings degrees of hope and motivation; it unites what the humanity of the surface separates through hatred, resentment and fear.
Love, as a key, will always bring the spirit of renovation and it will deliver healthy joy for serving the Creator.
Fourth key: humility.
A principle that will protect the emergence of a new humanity.
Humility will allow the manifestation of the promised New Earth and will remove from the way the obstacles that, until now, have set humanity aside from this source of humility.
Humility, as a key, awakens resignation and isolates the consciousness from all obstacles that the capital energies impose.
Humility creates a fortress for the souls that wish to liberate themselves from their frequent errors.
Humility can make this world a more positive state of consciousness.
Humility guides the consciousness on the path of instruction so it awakens to universal commands.
Humility builds the new humanity formed by the situations and experiences that radiate love, consideration and respect.
Love, as a key, not only opens the heart to transcend forms, but also, together with humility, souls see themselves filled with new principles.
Humility is the portal that will lead you to know God within each human heart.
The four keys try to correct the attitude of the human being and of your humanity.
The keys provide souls with the simple art of self-knowledge and redemption, to awaken the new consciousness throughout the world.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My presence among you is a call for you to transform your lives into true instruments and models of sanctity for the end of times.
My presence among you aspires to redeem the deep aspects of the old humanity and that it be changed for the common good.
My presence among you wishes to leave the Love of God recorded, the infinite and immeasurable Love that the Celestial Father has for all His little creatures.
My presence among you expects to make of every human heart a peacemaking heart full of God in order to carry forward the conversion of humanity.
My presence among you yearns to be able to find many more souls that are able to experience their paths of rehabilitation, just as your souls are experiencing this in these very hard times.
My presence among you only seeks that you live in peace, in brotherhood and in communion with life so that the human decay may be purified and hearts may finally be healed of all of their errors.
My presence among you is to aid the current humanity.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
To transcend the human condition in these times will be a challenge to be overcome through love and determination.
With courage, look to see how much there is to still be transformed and break the barrier that separates you from the truth. That barrier is formed by preferences, desires and gratifications and, day after day, it is consolidated by the collective of humanity itself.
Every human condition can be worked on when compassion awakens within you, capable of going past the limits and abysses in which the human consciousness frequently decides to be.
In this hour, in which all lessons are allowed, I ask you, dear children, to unite with what you truly are, without looking into the past, because everything can easily influence you.
I invite you to penetrate the mystery of love, for in that love you will find Christ and you will be protected.
The Source of Divine Love awaits you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Rest inwardly in My arms, for I will have you within Me just like I had Jesus.
Rest in the joy of knowing that everything will be transformed and you will achieve the so awaited goal.
Rest in My arms, knowing that each stage is a new challenge to be overcome so as to defeat the fears.
Rest in My arms, until I manage to have you sleep on My lap as a Mother.
Rest in My arms from all that disturbs your heart and which generates a lack of faith.
Rest in My arms, because the hour has come to rest in the Heart of God until souls feel the fervor of the Love of the Father.
Rest confidently in My arms, because I have something special for each of My children.
Simply rest in My arms, for in this way, I will give you the strength to transform everything. Trust.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
After twenty-five years of My work, of My Mission with you, are completed, the work will be known throughout the whole world, and this will be the moment when humanity must take the final step towards its total redemption.
Today I watch you with eyes of Mercy and I wish, as I have already told you, that you may be in My arms so that the Glory of the Father embraces you and makes of your souls free beings in the Light.
My Children, I need you to follow Me with immense joy in your hearts at this time, for in this way, the suffering of your lives will disappear overnight.
Trust that My Grace draws closer to you to fill you with the gifts of the Mercy of God.
My wish is that your souls govern your lives at each moment so that in everything you are able to see the Love of God manifested in planetary life.
You are in a culminating cycle, at the door of a new stage that will begin to show you the important moments of your transformation.
Continue forward, no matter what happens, the Lord has pity on each one of you.
The time has come for you to decide, there is no longer any time, and the Father and the whole universe call Us to a greater task. Go forward!
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who sanctifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children,
The end of these times, and the purification of souls, requires that the servers of Christ assume missions and tasks that have not been foreseen. For this, My children, the Lord prepares you all through sacrifice and inner surrender so that you may take the steps and thus, the Plan may be fulfilled.
Whoever opposes to realize that Divine Will will suffer much, and that which was already resistant will resist more, until the glorious blow of the sword of Christ breaks the structures. Therefore, at this time, My children, I invite you to seek the essence of inner humility so that you, who will have to face your own transformations in these difficult times, manage to find inner resources to do so.
Therefore, My children, the time has come to place yourselves on the step that corresponds to each one and not try to move forward by skipping the rules of the Law of the Hierarchy. Obedience will protect you from yourselves, and when you do not fulfill it, everything becomes more fragile.
Encourage yourselves to say yes to the arrival of Divine Justice and you will soon be able to transform yourselves into that which My Son has been expecting for so long. Be simple and you will see born the humility that will be the shield against all adversity. Do not forget to follow My steps.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who educates you spiritually,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
To go through the end of times for many of My children means to know, within themselves, all that must be transformed with love.
To apply faith in material life will help this transformation to be lighter for all your brothers and sisters.
It is thus that to go through the end of times means knowing the aspects of consciousness within yourselves, and making contact with them, working arduously so that they may be liberated and healed.
In this cycle, transformation will help to put things in their place, so that, in time to come, the spirit may reach total freedom of expression.
For this reason, with courage and inner strength, transcend yourselves so that the true Purpose may emerge from every heart.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Every day, dear children, I try to have the world become aware of what it is going through in this time, and of the perfect formula of prayer, as a means to liberate and unblock planetary processes.
Through the prayer of the heart, which is worked with every day, souls gain access to luminous and divine codes that help them take their steps and gradually overcome the obstacles that present themselves on the spiritual path and in their own purification.
It is in this way that, from time to time, when I descend to the planet, I remind humanity that the way out of certain worldwide situations and problems is found in prayer, even though it does not seem to be so.
True prayer will place any soul, under any condition, in the Arms of God, and, thus, the soul will be able to be fulfilling Divine Will.
I wish that all of My children could recognize, in this time, the inner transformation that they have experienced since the moment in which they assumed the path of prayer as a means of redemption and of transcendence.
I leave this reminder for all, because the power of prayer in the end of times will be indispensable and necessary.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who contemplates you with love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While a part of humanity experiences abundance, there is another part that experiences inequality and hunger. Placing this in consciousness, I want to lead all of My children into living in the spirit of collaboration and of charity, so that these situations do not overburden so few and that humanity be the agent of the inner balance that is fundamental in these times.
When you pray with the heart, that inequality and that poverty, created by humanity of the surface, will begin to come into balance and everything that is not equitable will undergo an intense transformation.
Having as a premise the importance of balance in the consciousness, this will help all inequality to disappear from it, and knowledge, peace, and confraternity to reign.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more