Second Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
definitively liberate me
from my rotten miseries.
Wash me completely,
inside and out,
with the blessed Water
that springs from Your Sacred Heart.
Clean me and liberate me
from all atavisms
so that, renewed
by Your Spirit,
I may, once and for all, manage to
take the steps in Your redeeming Path.
Decompress the pressures of life.
My Jesus,
place Your holy Hands upon me
and, imposing the power
of all the Universe,
exorcise me, Lord,
so that finally I may
be liberated from the ties
and from all the prisons of life.
Keep me beside You, Lord.
Keep me close to You
and renew me constantly
and may I not lose the Grace
of transforming, day by day.
Under Your paternal Light,
close all uncertain doors
that may have been opened.
Close, within me,
any uncertain state
that separates me from Your Divine Love.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of living You and of feeling You.
Grant me the Grace
of being able to be in communion with You
after having been purified.
Grant me the Mercy that I need
to be able to learn to forgive myself
and my brothers and sisters.
Build within me, Lord,
the New Brotherhood.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Feel My Heart within your heart, and live an inner communion with Divine Life.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and perceive the Universe, broad and infinite.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and see how wounds close.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and comfort your spirit.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and contemplate the Love of God.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and glimpse the powerful light of Heaven.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and participate in the communion with the saints.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and feel how miseries are purified.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and confirm your faith even more.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and walk toward hope.
Feel My Heart within your heart, and let us pray for peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Enter into communion with life so that life may be regenerated and renewed and, in spite of the serious assaults of men and women of the Earth who take life away from the unborn, all may be healed and redeemed through the ardent aspiration that My children of the world may awaken from their profound sleep and from the global hypnotism, and they may perceive that created life was one of the greatest treasures that God conceived of in creatures.
Thus, in a spirit of repentance for those who do not repent nor do penetence, I ask, My children, that life be considered one of the precious treasures of God in which sacred experiences of faith may occur, in which redemptive Christic love may awaken.
Enter into communion with manifested life for all those who mistreat and hurt their own life through acts and uncontrolled actions.
I call on you to confirm this sacred Project of Life in each one of you, so that Divine Virtues may show hearts the importance of uniting with the Creator and His Creation, to be within the Law of Love and, in this way, live the act of forgiveness,
I thank you for valuing this!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let the healing and redeeming current of Aurora enter into the depths of your being, so that unknown after-effects of the consciousness may be erased by the stream of the Aurora of love and of forgiveness.
When you open your heart to this mystery, it must first enter within you, so that it can then be revealed, and this knowledge may become a part of you.
Thus, when you are in Aurora, Aurora is within you, and there is nothing or anybody that can break this inner communion with the Essence of Healing for souls.
Always be grateful for being in Aurora, because it can make of you a new being, filled with the principles of redemption and of forgiveness.
Let the unknown Aurora always be in you, even if you believe it is not possible. It is active when the human heart and soul simply open to receive this powerful divine energy.
Receive, then, this balm of the Aurora of Love, and may all the spiritual unredeemed after-effects dissipate in order that the Principle which is Aurora be able to cause the principle of your conception to be reborn.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
Let the voice of the heart come from the depths of the soul, so that you may always recognize the Grace of being united with God.
The voice of the heart is peaceful, it is the fire that comes from the spirit, which repairs all things.
Allow, My child, the voice of the heart to always emerge from you, so that in this way, the communion with God is established between you and the Universe.
Live every day through the voice of the heart so that from cycle to cycle you learn to overcome your fears and all uncertainties.
Allow, My child, the voice of your heart to guide you in seeking the pure and the real, so that you can always find again the sure path that will lead you towards the Arms of My Beloved Son.
May the voice of the heart be able to show you the new steps towards an encounter with the innermost spirit of each being.
May the voice of the heart awaken in My children so that the wounded world may be healed!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the strength of the love of the heart never end, because it will give you the inner strength to carry forward the Plans of God.
May the strength of the love of the heart make you peaceful, so that in these times you may accept and understand the most difficult and complex situations.
May the strength of the love of the heart gather you together and unite you as brothers and sisters, because in this way you will awaken the gifts and the virtues of the new apostles of Christ.
May the strength of the love of the heart guide you and illuminate your paths, so that the truth and the transparency between consciousnesses always reign.
May the strength of the love of the heart assemble you, so that in these times you may celebrate communion with Christ, the unique re-encounter with the Mercy of God.
May the strength of the love of the heart unify you, so that the Consciousness of Christ may accompany you till the end.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The second day of the novena: "For having known the value of Holy Communion and other Sacraments."
Dear children,
In each Sacrament is held one of the twelve Gifts of God that is activated at the moment when souls come into contact with the Sacraments.
Through Christ, the Sacred Eucharist allows you to be in communion with the Heights, and thus to attract, from the universe, all streams of positive spirituality that humanity needs.
The Sacraments are a portal toward what is new, for each one of them renews the consciousnesses that experience them, and in turn, allows the souls to be brought into permanent communion.
Each Sacrament builds something within souls, and new stages are experienced after having received any of the Sacraments.
The value of the Holy Communion is incalculable since, spiritually, the essence of the Eucharist is permeated with the Presence of the Divinity of Christ.
Each time the soul comes into contact with the Communion, it must know it is receiving a hidden principle of renewal and consecration.
Each Sacrament in and of itself represents a living aspect of Christ in the humanity that receives it and safeguards it as a spiritual treasure.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the Eucharistic Body of My Son, exposed upon My Immaculate Heart, today your Heavenly Mother celebrates the Feast of the Sacred Body of Christ with you and with all those who pray throughout the world, in which Heaven offers an indulgence to all those who commune of this most precious Body of the Lord.
It is in this way that the Communion with Christ must be considered special and renowned since My beloved Son, from the Heavens, will be granting those who commune with devotion, the Grace of dissolving any fault, debt or action committed against His Sacred and unfathomable Heart.
That Grace will gain greater strength and amplify within if souls adore this Sacred Eucharistic Body for a few minutes. Just by simply looking upon the value of the Sacred Body of Christ, souls will balance their errors and become free of them all, which had led them into being separate from the path of love.
This act, which can be offered by each soul, will attract an inexhaustible flow of Grace to humanity and for all causes that generate war, death and the persecution of Christians and non-Christians.
The Grace will be for all if the majority contemplates the Sacred Body of Christ, present in the Eucharist.
I thank you for adoring My Son with your heart, for this allows His Mercy to expand throughout the world.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The path of the prayer of the heart will always lead you to experience a great change in consciousness and a great change within your life. Prayer will allow you to feel your true existence, and, in this way, you will find the meaning for being here in this definitive time.
Everything that the prayer of the heart can do in the life of a sincerely devout soul is indescribable. It is thus that, in these times, the prayer of the heart can open the doors to the universe of Grace, Mercy and Healing for the hearts of the world.
Prayer is capable of avoiding planetary catastrophe and can lead souls that are in danger and need to enter the path of protection.
Thus, prayer is a great mystery to be unveiled as within its essence lies the path for simply living new things.
Prayer represents a dialogue that souls must have with God at the moment of entering into communion with His Divine Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you always on this path of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Confession is one of the main Sacraments of faith and hope for souls because it presents reconciliation as an act of communing again with the Eternal Father.
Confession is something My Son taught His apostles so that souls throughout time would have a means by which to free their hearts and lives.
Confession, done with the heart, brings knowledge and awareness of past events, seeking the path for not repeating them and strengthening inner maturity and faith within consciousnesses.
Confession is the way and the means through which the soul speaks through the heart with Christ and thus, confesses its faults to the universe.
Confession is not an act for becoming intimidated but rather for inner liberation, which is exercised through the intercession of a priest, a ministry granted by Christ Himself.
Confession is based on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which brings the renewal of all Sacraments experienced by the consciousness in your life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today the pain of the planet and of Mother Earth, of Pachamama, is relieved by the essence and spirit of the youths of the world, who give to the Creator the offering of being in communion with all that was Created.
It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother liberates from the prisons of the Earth all the manifested Kingdoms and the great devas of Nature find again the path through which they have come to serve.
Each mineral, as well as each flower, each animal and also each elemental, feel in its consciousness the relief offered by the youth, who, with love, unite with all Creation.
Part of the unpayable debt of humanity, which has dominated and destroyed the lower Kingdoms, is alleviated, and, through the energy of Grace, impossible things reach the light and redemption.
All this is possible because the Father sees the sincere heart of His younger children, who try to reintegrate to this planet the culture of the sacred and the reverence for all that is Created.
Today the Mother of God unites with each young soul that recites with fervor and loves their union with Nature. In this way, the offering of that young soul, beyond embracing the essence of the Kingdoms, helps the sphere of the Earth, and the planet feels loved.
May this communion continue on for a much longer time; may surface humankind awaken to the truth of being in deep contact with what it still does not know: with the matrix essence of the Kingdoms of Nature.
I thank My younger children for continuing to fulfill the call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Each time I descend from Heaven, it is to bring you something that, day by day, will strengthen your hearts.
In the same way, each time I rise to Heaven, it is to take something from your hearts with Me, a warm offering of prayer and of love.
In this way, an inner communion is established, capable of helping in many issues on the planet that are in need of redress and, at the same time, of liberation.
In your offering, there is the possibility of renewing the planet; in your giving of self, there can be incalculable opportunities for all.
Dear children, with great joy give your souls and lives into the Hands of God, because the Father will always place you on the correct path and in the right place, within the spiritual development of His Plan of Love.
I would like the attribute of the giving of self, which on this day must be expressed with inner strength, be able to make this humanity, every day, a more fraternal and charitable civilization with all that surrounds consciousnesses.
Dear children, the key of the giving of self was what allowed My beloved Son to carry on with the Work of planetary redemption.
Think, then, about what I am telling you today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In inner and maternal union,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The divine codes held within the Holy Grail or in the Sacred Chalice would help to revert many situations in humanity, however, what the moment of the last supper meant to the universe is not yet held within the consciousness of humanity.
That event, which was sublime, gave the planet the opportunity of reconnecting with the Father and of remembering it as the moment of the redemption of humanity through His beloved Son.
In these times, inner contact with the Holy Grail could lead irreversible situations into another state of consciousness and place human life in the moment of taking a leap in its evolution.
The Holy Grail is now a divine instrument that God uses so that His children can reconnect their essences with the Source.
For this, the practice of thinking and meditating upon the Last Supper will help those who pray to enter into another state of consciousness and generate in their own spirits the communion with the Creator and with His whole Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to divine life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come on this day to re-establish within the consciousness the communion with love and peace, for the doors to open to the inner brotherhood that each soul is invited to live. Thus, what you call “fraternity” will begin to be a daily exercise that may place you closer to the Purpose that the Universe presents for each new stage.
It is so that your Heavenly Mother comes to help you as a humanity to transcend human limitations, the same that Your Master of Love offered Himself to liberate them through the divine experience of love.
In this sense, dear children, by openly knowing the experience of the degrees of love, you will not have to live feelings of rancor or disharmony, but your hearts will open themselves to understand others through self-transfiguration.
Little by little, your lives will be able to start losing fear and you will liberate yourselves from all the conditions that have placed humanity in a position from where it has not been able to come out of or advance from.
How can you begin?
It will be enough, My beloved ones, that your faith be stronger than your weaknesses and all the falls. Your conviction must be focused on deepening into the degrees of love, which will place you at another point of the experience, and where your small spirits will enrich themselves by living love as the essence and as the inner path, which will also allow you to come to know forgiveness, and this very fundamental attribute will liberate your souls from the chains and obstacles of consciousness, when you only accept to live it.
Love each moment, even if it is difficult, because this school of the planet will only make you grow in love and truth.
Be patient and do not close your hearts, because each brother and sister, each being similar to you, must also transcend their own human condition.
The unity, that is unbreakable when it is impregnated by love, will help you, believe in this.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who gives you inner strength and courage to continue,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Every day when you pray with the heart, the Father can make many miracles through your supplications, inexplicable spiritual movements that reverberate positively upon the planetary consciousness.
When prayer rises from heart and soul, God hears attentively the voice of all supplications and thus many situations can be solved. In this way, I invite you every day, My children, to deepen in the life and art of prayer that will lead you to find a path that you have lost before, the sublime and inner path of the communion with the Creator.
At this time, in which evil is triggered with its fury in the mind of the humankind of the surface, I invite you, dear children, to intensify your inner prayer so that all souls may be possible bearers of the Grace and the Mercy of God.
Today, and through this simple but inner exercise of prayer, an inexplicable opportunity to the world, especially to America, has opened, something that touched the Heart of My Son and for which I have come to announce it. And even if you do not know directly what it is about, trust and wait, because in a short time you will see it manifested.
This is the divine reason for which the Heavenly Mother is inviting you to continue praying with the heart for other positive effects as this one to be able to reverberate in the human consciousness and beyond it.
I leave you this reflection for you to meditate on the important moment of prayer for which you are called to live today. May this not be erased from your consciousnesses. May your hearts live this divine proposal to continue imploring for a humanity that is asleep.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this Thursday, when we remember the Last Supper of the Lord, I come to ask that through your sincere and simple offering, there be a reparation to Heart of My Son for all He sees in this unfaithful world.
Thus, My children, as you are kneeling down like the angels at the foot of the altar of the Last Supper, remember that moment, giving thanks to God for His unfathomable and infinite Mercy.
Dear children, I ask that in this act you include the whole world, without forgetting each consciousness that needs the Grace of My Son.
With your eyes on My Heart, see through it how the world is, completely oblivious of the Face of God, which every day looks at the Earth to find some heart receptive to His sacred convocation.
In spite of everything, I invite you to seek God and His blessed Kingdom, so that your souls may be participants in this perfect communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
My beloved, I have the hope that with each act of reparation the Father will pour His Immaculate Grace over the whole planet and over whomever in this hour needs love and salvation.
I accompany you in adoration of My Son on this day when, along with the Lord of the Universe, we celebrate the memory of the Last Supper.
May the Father forever and ever be praised.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who contemplates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Divine dialogue between the Most Holy Mary and the Angel of Portugal
Angel of Portugal: “Sweet Queen of the Stars, Spiritual Ruler of all souls, lost and not lost; consent, Celestial Majesty, to raise each one of Your children into the arms of the Celestial Father.
At least, Adorable and Holy Virgin, shine with Your Divine Love upon each essence so that it may at last find God, the Supreme Lord”.
Most Holy Mary: “Welcoming Angel of Portugal, legionnaire and server of Archangel Saint Raphael, I send You and all of Your blessed armies, in honor of the Archangel Saint Michael to free all the consciousnesses that are chained by My adversary.
With Your Peace, Angel of Portugal, dissipate all illusion of the consciousness, and I ask, servant angel of God, that you pray for all My children, especially for those that believe they are living their spirituality and do not have God because of their great pride.
Angel of Peace, untiringly protect My beloved Portugal, and also have it inwardly know that all these peoples must still settle their errors committed against My indigenous peoples”.
Angel of Portugal: “Yes, My Lady, Most Pious Mother Who consoles the afflicted, Who brings hope and renewal to those who are spiritually hungry.
Yes, Mother, this is My humble reply before Your precious request for mercy. Remember, Holy Celestial Mother, those who blaspheme the Heart of Your Beloved Son; implore, Holy Virgin, for each consciousness of this world, so that nobody lose the peace of the Lord”.
Most Holy Mary: “Servant of My Father, who serves the Higher Universes, valued Angel of Portugal, I will respond to your holy petitions; I will ask My Beloved Son to placate the justice of God and that His Sacred Heart help to dissolve human indifference, the action that commits all the errors of the world.
O Holy Angel of Peace!, help the angels of all the nations, give impulse to each regent angel of each nation, so that it may show itself to the world. Holy Angel of Portugal, Consciousness that adores the Holy Body of My Son in the Eucharist, radiate the codes of light that spring from the untiring Heart of Christ and cause each soul to discover the sweetness of the Love of My Son.
Have it come to known through the perfect communion with His Body and His Blood, have it come to love first and in the life of each being, so that in this way, My children abandon the abyss of their great ignorance.”
Angel of Portugal: “Beloved Mother and Queen of the Jubilation of Christ, we will make known the most pious majesty of Your Son, so that hearts may find Christ and never again separate from Him.
I will send the armies of the Archangel Saint Raphael, so that they may work on healing all souls, and especially the disregarding hearts, that still deny the power of Your Son.
Do not cry, Holy Star of Peace! From your tears springs the appeal for a merciful salvation for each one of Your children. Let me, Mother of the Sun, dry each tear from Your most pure countenance with My linens of light, to offer them to the Beloved Father as petals of the eternal flowers of Your Heart.”
Most Holy Mary: “If souls knew, Beloved Angel of Peace, what My generous Heart feels, they would not fail to be in My arms, just as Jesus was.
I will not cease for one instant to stretch out My arms to the world and to offer My consoling hands, as healing and a remedy for any pain.
It gives Me pleasure, Holy Angel of Portugal, to hear from Your mouth the offering of Your Angelic Consciousness. Thus We will alleviate the Father, experiencing for all the pain of the world. In this way, wronged hearts will be able to find the path of hope.”
Angel of Portugal: “You know, Pious Mother and Queen of Peace, that we are at Your eternal service, for Your name, which is holy, resounds in our hearts like a melody of love and of redemption.
We will hear Your call and will respond immediately; all the guardian angels of Your children will help You so that the men and women of Earth respond to the voice of Your supplications”.
Most Holy Mary: “Then, Angel of Peace, emit this Gift of Grace from Your heart, so that Peace embrace not only Portugal, that it one day may redeem itself, but may the Peace of God, of the Most High, reach all who need it.
I shall invoke Your name, and You, Holy Angel, shall make known to the world the lack of its innocence. Take refuge in the prayer of all My children, and in this way, together with Your legions, You will redeem the Earth, preparing it for the return of Christ.”
Angel of Portugal: Yes, Merciful Mother, we shall comply with Your most sweet petitions; may Your Holy and Immaculate Heart be the refuge for each angel. Together with You, Adorable Mother, we lift up all supplications so that this blind humanity may awaken from its deep sleep.
We thank You and praise You, Universal Mother.
Most Holy Mary: It is thus, Angel of Peace, that on this day I shall make known to the whole world our divine dialogue, so that souls may be moved and feel the truth and the cry of My blessed words. This is why today I reveal them to all My children”.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union with the Angel of Portugal,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
You will defeat the indifference about everything that is happening in the world when, in your prayers, your heart is one with the heart of your brothers and sisters, no matter where they may be.
When you feel the Heart of God within you, and in it, the love for humanity and for the planet, then for you the pains of the world will be greater than your own. Feel the Love of God for this Plan of His. Feel the hope of the Father for multiplying the Spirit of Christ in His children.
On taking communion, do not simply put a piece of bread in your mouth. In Communion, live the greatest miracle of Christ that, in union with the Will of His Father, gave Himself to the cross and continues to give Himself every day, several times a day, on all the altars consecrated by God, to share Mercy through the Body of Christ.
Every day, the Lord takes on the sins of those who have faith and make the bread the Sacred Body of Christ, and the grape juice, His Precious Blood.
Where are you at Communion time? What do you understand of the great universal mystery of Transubstantiation and Mercy?
Do you know that all the creatures of this vast infinity observe you and, on their knees, plead that this bread become flesh and that you become one with Christ?
Go, small soul, dive beyond your ignorance. Do not allow the cycles to go by and your mind remain sick in the superficialities of life, when you have before you the greatest opportunity for transformation of this universe.
Do not pray only to calm your heart and to find a little more peace in the madhouse that this world is for you. Dive into the universe of prayer, merge with God, discover His Love and His Sorrows, alleviate His Most Sacred Heart. Open the door to the balm that flows until today from the Heart of Christ and allow His Mercy to pour over souls and over the Kingdoms of Nature.
Make your life the reason for the sacrifice of Christ. Make your permanent effort to merge with Him and be a Living Christ, the reason for Him still having His Eyes focused on the beings of Earth and not ceasing to offer His Heart in reparation for the sins of the world.
Transform yourself and fly far.
Have your feet firmly on this Earth so that, in your elevation, it may transcend the dimensions and enter with you into the Real Time, into the Time of God.
I bless you and keep you in My Heart so that you may unveil there the mysteries that I discovered in life and also in the glory of the Heavens.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seeking the Truth must be the only existent aspiration in the heart of those who walk to God.
Look, for a moment, within yourself and feel the presence of the Creator within you, calling you to recognize the true reason of the life manifested in the world.
Breathe deeply and feel the principle of unity in the air that fills your body. Be for the planet as the air that gives you life, and in perfect unity with you, nurture each space of your being, balance it and take it to perfection.
Be for the planet as the air you breathe in the field. Allow that, in your presence, the consciousness of this Earth takes a deep breath, alleviated to find something pure and clean.
You are a bridge between Heaven and Earth; that is why you exist as a human, to generate balance and to attract the unity with God.
Be as the fresh breeze in a very warm and sunny day. With your prayers and with your unity with God, you bring not only life to Earth, but also encouragement, relief and peace.
Go to a field and, in silence, close your eyes and feel nature, breathe deeply the air that surrounds you, let your soul be joyful when listening to the praise of a bird. Feel relieved from the pressure of life on Earth: see how, before Nature, your soul finds meaning for the existence in the world. You must be like this for the planet. That in your prayers it may find relief; that in your unity with your neighbor it may find hope; that in your communion with the Kingdoms it may find peace. That in your consciousness of the existence of a higher spirit that shelters you, giving life to your planet, this spirit may find the reason for its existence and the faith in the achievement of its mission.
Perceive with the heart that this world has a spirit, a spirit that suffers with the wars and that animates itself in fraternity. A spirit that is wounded by the depredation and restored by the brotherhood among the Kingdoms.
Feel yourselves as part of this consciousness. You can be an ill cell, that generates a cancer in the world, or you can be a miraculous cell, which converts others and brings, thus, healing for the planetary body.
Become conscious of Life. Be part of a Whole and dissolve such beloved individuality of the human consciousness. Be one with your neighbor, with the Kingdoms, with God. Bring the Celestial Kingdom as a living principle in your interior.
Cast away what is old and be yourselves the fruitful principle of the new world, of the new redeemed Earth.
May peace and hope be a reality in the human heart and may they impel humanity to the renovation of life and of spirit.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The essence of a spirit that consecrates itself must be renovated, every day, in the adventure that is losing oneself to find in its place, the Living Christ.
For a new resident to enter your house, it must be uninhabited; otherwise, what a great confusion would it be, when such different inhabitants share a single house, being it so small.
Dears, Christ expects to be alive not only in the Eucharist, because He wants to be the living Eucharist inside every being of this world. But for this to be real, you must commune with Him every day.
Little by little, your bodies must give space to the Mystic Body of Christ, so that He can be the life that animates not only the soul, but also all that composes you, from matter to spirit.
This transformation in Christ is slow and, sometimes, painful, but you cannot escape from it, because Christ is transforming all that you are, and the transformation will be with you wherever you are. Many think that they undo with the mind a commitment made by the spirit, but this is not like that.
With all that you have already received in the last years, the seed of a new heart has already started to pulse inside of your beings: it is the Heart of Christ that asks you for space for Him to be your commander, as well He is in the whole Universe.
These are painful times for those who do not make of their own inner transition, a moment of grace and of surrender. And the hardest will be when you do not want to see that, not only inside of you, but also outside, nothing will remain as it is.
Go ahead, soldiers! Be a little braver so that you can see, in losing yourselves, the great victory of Christ.
The Lord only wins when He defeats you, because He must be the great King of your inner world, and not yourselves.
Surrender yourselves, because it is already time to let yourselves be conducted by the Universal King.
I encourage you and take you to this great defeat at the feet of Christ.
May My blessing strengthen your consecration and give you the courage to be nothing and to surrender yourselves to The One that is all and that is in everything.
Your beloved Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more