Sunday, December 30 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

For this new day of glory and of bliss, My Maternal Heart comes to you to bless you and accompany you under the favorable Love that I have for each one of you.  In My arms, My children, you will find the confort that your lives need and thus will encounter My Son, the Redeemer.

Today I come to the world and especially to this city of Posadas, to bless with My Spirit of Peace, and today also I take from your hearts each one of the pledges that you have pronounced to My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, to you that can renovate yourselves through faith, today I ask you to enter without delay to the Divine Heart of My Son, because there will be resplendent the love that your essences must reach in the Victorious Throne of the Creator.

Today I come here to let you know of the absolute and merciful love that My Son Jesus has for your hearts.

My children, when yesterday I called you to peregrínate towards Salta, Argentina, it was for the simple reason that you accompany me in this task of adoration that today I am giving to you as an exercise for each child of the Earth.

My beloved little children, while part of the world is still distracted and does not put attention to prayer and to the union with God, I ask you to be true disseminators of My maternal messages, living them as true keys of salvation.

For this end of time My Heart calls the world and congregates all the Spiritual Families of My Son, because in this way the Love of God can descend in a Spirit of Peace and Redemption to the Earth.

I am building through the consecrated pilgrims to My Heart, in the entire world, a temple where My Son may rest, because Jesus is the Pilgrim of Love who searches for thirsty souls of love and forgiveness.

For this, little children of Posadas, under the Spirit of maternal celebration I wait for you for when your hearts will feel, to go to the blessed city of Salta, so that my rays from My Heart of Love may touch the needy souls of God the Father.  You, as disciples of My Son, will be blessed instruments that may transmit peace and prayer to your peers.

My children, today My Heart is happy one more time for your answer and donation to the plans of My Peace, because everything will be understood in a short time, when your being will see coming in glory My Son, Your Savior.

I leave today My maternal blessing so that you may find, in the mystery of My presence among you, the true love and devotion for God, the one that My Spirit lives in the Heavens.  I want soon that you be united to Me in prayer, and may arrive to the Kingdom of the Father, Paradise, so that the Earth may be filled by the Renovating Spirit of God.  For this to be posible, My little ones,the keys are your humility, your love and your prayer, because in this way the unity of My Heart will accompany you for eternity.

I thank you all, My children of Misiones, and to all My pilgrims of South American for accompanying with love My call for Peace in the world!

I love you from the most High in the Kingdom of God.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, December 30 of 2012

Special Message

Dear children of My Heart,

I bring for this day of Glory a renovated message that, when My words are read by My children, will permeate your hearts with the Spirit of God.

My dears, each message sent by God through the intermediary of My Heart contains a part of the Will of the Lord for His little creatures, contains a part of the Path to the union with Christ, contains the Keys so that your hearts may be united with the Redeemer and receive His Mercy, made with life in each little being.

In these last years I brought precious messages that are coming from the Divine Verb so that My little children may find God the Creator by means of My words.

My children, your little hearts do not know the dimension of the Grace that your beings receive in this time by means of My arrival to Earth.

By accompanying My steps of pilgrimage your hearts assume a commitment with Me, a commitment that means that a little later you must give witness to all the Graces received, and when you will be before Our Lord Jesus Christ in His second public coming upon Earth, you must surrender into His Holy Hands the fruits of the Blessed Tree that My Heart has planted in your hearts.  This is a tree that has grown since the first day in which you heard My Message.

My dears, My Heart has lived so many joys in these last days.  Receiving with Love all prayers realized by My little pilgrims, and all were given to the Lord so that through the answer of humanity My Heart may intervene for the human beings, those who still are sleeping, those who still have doubts, those that still have fear.

For this My children, each one of your prayers is of great importance, each little effort that you make is seen from the Heavens as are those little efforts that you do not make.

It is necessary in this time to have firm hearts capable of always giving more than they believe to be possible to give, even if it is so little.  This is called, My children, transcendence of your own self by Love of God and for the Salvation of souls.  Each time that your little beings may conquer inertia, laziness and the lack of Love for God, may you offer these little actions to Him and little by little your lives will to be permanent receivers of the Will of the Lord.

When God sees a heart that is making an effort to accomplish His Will, because you should know that this is the only necessary thing in this time, He sends a Ray of His Heart by the hands of the angels to their hearts giving an impulse to them.

My Heart also contemplates your effort so that with Love I will receive each one of them and I will transform in Conversion and Salvation many souls that are not capable of leaving the illusions of the world.

I leave today this request and this instruction, to give priority in your lives to the act of prayer and to serve with Love and to dedicate a time, even if so little, to the union with God.

I thank you for answering to My Call and in union with My Heart, to this Mission of Peace and Salvation of Souls.

I adore you all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, December 29 of 2012

Weekly Messages

My  beloved children:

Today I keep you all in My lap, in the same lap of Love and Peace where was the little Child Jesus.  Today I call you to surrrender yourself completely in My arms so that, bringing yourselves as an offer before the Celestial Altar of God, your hearts may start to participate in the much awaited years of peace.

Dear children of Posadas and of all the Province of Missiones of Argentina.

My Immaculate Heart comforts today each one of your souls and tells you that the reason of My coming to here from the Heavens is because your faith, devotion and trust in My plans of Peace for the entire world have opened the doors of the Heavens so that My Divine Maternity may descend on these special dates.

Dear children, for this reason My maternal request is that you ardently unify all of the hearts of Misiones so that this part of Argentina may also be contemplated by the Mercy of God the Father.

As the Immaculate Mother, Guardian of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son Jesus, I am calling you so that in prayer all of you, My children of Misiones, may go to the encounter in Salta, Argentina of the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.  If you, with pure and true love respond to this call, praying the Rosary and communing with My Son, as a Merciful Mother I could expand My Mantle of Light and place it over all of Argentina.  This invitation is especially extended to my clairvoyants and to all the beloved group consecrated to My Maternal task of Peace and Redemption.

For this, little children, My special visit to your hearts is so that you may answer to this important call for peace and, in this way, when your hearts are in Salta you can with My celestial permission unify the two maternal tasks of My Heart, as will happen by means of the Grace of God, in the month of March of 2013 with the arrival to Uruguay and Argentina of one of My clairvoyant children from Medjugorje.

I want to demonstrate to the world that I am not only the Mother of the Church of Christ, but also that now I come to the world so that all of My children, those that do not know Me and those that deny My maternal presence may reconcíle with Me and, as a consequence, with God the Creator.

Dear children, I leave today for you the revelation of My three blessed phases for these times:

  • First as Mary, Queen of Peace in Medjugorge.
  • Second as the Immaculate Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus in Salta, Argentina,
  • Third, as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity in Aurora, Uruguay.

God sends me in three different ways so that all of My children, from any part of the world may recognize and love Me.  For this today I reveal to you My Sacred Marian Ecumenism as Universal Mother, a teaching learned from the great Essene masters that lived outside of Jerusalem and the Galilee.

Dear children, I want that you feel in your hearts the truth of My message and I want that you keep in your essence all of My love for you, because God had asked Me to appear before My children chosen by Me, in three different moments:

  • In Medjugorje, to avoid the destruction of Yugoslavia.
  • In Salta, Argentina so that My children may remember to adore the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of My Son.
  • In Aurora, Uruguay to let it be known to all My children the important coming of the Holy Spirit, in the same way as arrived to all of us in the Place of Prayer.

My children, I leave to you the maternal task to contemplate these three universal moments that My Immaculate Heart reveals as a task for the beginning of this new cycle. May the New Year be received in the Living Christ and in your hearts under the Grace of the Hope and Mercy of God for all.

Dear children of Misiones, I thank you for listening to My maternal call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, December 29 of 2012

Weekly Messages


Dearest children:

My Immaculate Heart rejoices to be arriving once more in Argentina to receive My little children and to bring them My Peace and the God Spirit fortress.

I bring today between My hands, My dears, blessed Graces sent by the Lord so your hearts may not lose the union with the Good Heart of God. Each of these Graces that I bring contains the Sacraments mystery and holiness, so your hearts may never forget to search for My Son Jesus through the Holy Sacrament.

My children, Christ has sent Me today with the Mission of awakening in your hearts the Love and the contemplation of His Passion Mysteries, Passion that has renewed the world and the Universe, and that has revealed to your hearts the Power of God Mercy. Know, My dears, that each day Jesus re-lives this Passion in his Holy and flagellated Heart, for all humanity faults.

The human beings are getting more and more forgetful of Christ, and even more of His Passion and of everything that God has seeded on Earth through the Heart of His Son. For that, My Children, it is necessary to renew in your hearts the commitment that each one has with Me and with Our Lord Jesus Christ, so through this renewal many souls may awake to the Love and to the Reverence to the Crucified Christ Heart.

By contemplating the Mysteries of His Passion, My children, seek each passage essence; seek the Mercy Fount that opened itself at that time, becoming, throughout the God Lamb surrender, an inexhaustible fount of Forgiveness and Piety. Our Lord hopes that, by contemplating these mysteries, your hearts may re-live each passage and may find the Living Christ and His Message left on Earth many years ago.

My children, in the renewal of Christ´s Sacrifice through your hearts, you will find the strength to live the days that are to come, days in which the humanity will find itself decayed and lifeless to proceed because many do not have God, who is the Life and the Salvation of this time and of all Eternity.

Through His Sacrifice, His total surrender to God´s Will, Jesus built a safe pathway to the pass of the ones who would come after His death. The offer made by My Son Jesus, was to manifest on Earth the Love which the Universes would see themselves sustained by, and the mercy throughout which, all creatures would find the possibility to redeem themselves and to return to God´s Heart.

Therefore, My dears, if your hearts feel lost, seek in Christ the pathway to find God, because He has been lost, he has been lonely, he has felt the pain and the emptiness which no other human will be able to understand and nevertheless He found the pathway that took Him directly to the Father. This pathway was the absolute Love for the Father, the utter Trust in His Will and in His Plan for life on the Earth.

I leave you this message, so your hearts may search in it, the inner fortress. Each of these signs is present in the Eucharistic Heart of Christ, which you will be able to adore and to find in it the Mystery of the conversion and of the Redemption. In this Bread of Life is all the Creation Mystery and the true purpose that the Lord had when He created each being of this Earth. In this Eucharistic Heart is the Love that will nourish you in this time.

Through these renewal signs find the Heart of Christ, My Son, to which My Heart has been, since long time, secretly conducting you.

I always Love and Thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Wednesday, December 26 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dearest Children,

After almost six years of Apparitions to My visionaries and more than one year of public Apparitions, the hour has come to perceive and live the fruits that My Heart has left in the hearts of each one of you.

The return of My Son the Redeemer is closer than you can imagine, and He will come to take back the Gifts that he has deposited, as a potential, in the sheep of His flock, gifts that are being awakened by the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

My dear, when the hour of the Meeting with Christ comes, He will show His new Face and bring within His Hands the Universal Talents that will be given to those who persist.  In exchange for these codes, which will prepare you for the New Life, Christ will search for a flock awakened in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  In this way, My children, each one must discover, in the depths of the heart, which Gift must be offered to the Redeemer.

Some will awaken to the Gift of Humility, through a heart that fully recognizes the Power and Magnitude of God, a heart that knows and experiences that everything that exists on Earth comes from Him.

Others will manifest the Gift of Charity, through a heart that discovers God in its brothers and sisters and, in the unceasing search to meet the Living Christ, will search for the Redeemer in each creature and will serve the Supreme Father through His children, rendering an eternal service in all of their actions.

Some will awaken the Gift of Comprehension, through a heart that can perceive the inner moment of everything that is around them, without judging anything, because of knowing the truth about everything and understanding it.

Some sheep will become shepherds through the Gift of Discernment. They will know the correct path along which to conduct the flock before the arrival of the Redeemer and, through this Gift, they will encounter Christ, among the many that will pretend to be the renewed Christ.

There will be those who will awaken the Gift of Love and through It they will even love the enemy and will give to the Darkness the opportunity of converting into Light.  They will be the last to offer their Gifts in the times of tribulation because, through this Gift and this great conversion, the plans of God will be accomplished.

Many sheep will live the Gift of Peace and through It will protect many other sheep, and they will not permit the fading out of the Gifts in the hearts of their fellow sheep.

A Great Gift that the Lord hopes to awake in His creatures in this time is the Gift of Faith, because the sheep of Christ that live this gift will be kept upright in any circumstance, and will never lose their trust in the Lord, in the certainty that He knows and conducts everything.  And, through this Gift, they will sustain many other sheep united to the Flock that search for the Great Shepherd.

It is for the awakening of these Gifts, My children, that My Heart comes, day by day; it is so that you can have them in your hands when the Lord will be before your eyes, searching for what He gave you, for you to awaken and experience it in this time.  It is to live these Gifts that your little beings are on the Earth in this moment, and to bring them beyond the Earth, when you will be requested to do so.

There exist many other Gifts to be experienced. It is only necessary that, through simplicity, you turn your hearts to this offer and allow yourselves to live this truth that today I bring to you, because there is no longer much time.

Empty your hearts and do not have fear for everything that you may feel, because an empty heart is something unknown to many in this world.

In order for your hearts to learn, I can tell you something:

Jesus had already ascended, and He left to Us a great Mission, which we did not know how to carry forward.  Until the day when God came to Me, when I was in prayer with the female disciples who were accompanying Me, and He asked me to go to the Apostles.

I did not know what would happen. When we gathered, we felt the deep emptiness that the departure of Jesus had left us with.  The only sustenance for Our hearts was the blind trust in His words and in His promises.  We placed ourselves in a deep silence and offered this emptiness to God, we offered all the days that remained for us and, finding our hearts empty, sincere and trusting in His Grace, the Lord sent His Spirit and, to all of us, He gave the Gift of Wisdom.

In this moment, we were filled with a Wisdom that was not from this Earth, that came from Heaven and contained the Wisdom of all peoples, all languages.  In this way, filled by the Holy Spirit, we left to accomplish the Will of the Father, strengthened by Him.  Nothing was strong enough to deter us.

This is, My children, what is offered for you to live in this time, and especially on this day.

I bless you, so that through this Grace your hearts may feel and live the opportunity that was announced to you.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Wednesday, December 26 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children:

As the recorded history says, in the depths of My Heart, after the birth of Jesus, the little Child King started to irradiate the first codes of redemption and peace to the world, especially to those that on the path have seen me with the Child Jesus in My arms.

This was a time of My great learning as a mother.  There God was revealing to me the infinite mysteries of His Love for us all.  My Immaculate Virginity was fulfilled by the Holy Spirit that allowed to gestate in My womb the little Child Jesus.  The Child King was the true sign of conversion and redemption for many children of Israel including those who were participants in the spiritual dialogues that Jesus while a child shared with so much love for all.

After some years of life the little Child King was growing and My maternal hands helped him to take the first steps towards God.  But Jesus was and is God in life, a precious expression of visible love for all humanity.  Jesus, the little Child King showed the true virtues of sanctity and humility that God had given to him.  Each soul that had an encounter with My Child Jesus healed its pain and recuperated its hope through trust in the God of Love.

When Jesus was eleven years old he was brought for the first time to the Temple to be present at the instruction of the Doctors.  It was at this time that My Maternal Heart and the Heart of Joseph confirmed definitively the total trust in God because in this event Jesus was lost among the multitude and we searched for him during the following three days.  The faith and the guidance of an angel from the Lord brought us to find Him in the temple among the Doctors.  Jesus has passed three days in a row preaching, and even though he was only eleven years old, the Spirit of God spoke with love through His little and Sacred Heart.

When Joseph and I found Him in the temple we saw that Our Highest Lord was working silently through the means of the little Jesus. When the preaching of Jesus was ended in the temple, we brought Him again to Nazareth.  When we arrived at the house in Nazareth we asked Him with much tranquility where he had been during these three days in a row.
Jesus answered us:

“… Mother.  Where could My being be if not in the House of My Father? My Heart was called by the Lord to pour His love over the thinking hearts of the Doctors; I had to awaken love in them, saying that God is encountered in each action of donation, of love, of sharing and of serving others, that God is encountered more there than among the scriptures.  God told me, My Protector Angel also told me, and it was the Angel of the Lord that brought My little Spirit to the Temple so that for the first time I might see how God heals, through His words of Love to those that have attention for His message.

After such blessed instruction given by the little Jesus I saw with the Most Chaste Joseph that God had started to accomplish His Will in the life of the little Jesus.  In the following years Jesus was formed by the Most Chaste Joseph in the labor of carpentry and tailoring so that as a child he could have the same knowledge as so many other children in Israel.  Each father must teach to his first son a labor so that it may develop it as a service for the community.  The Most Chaste Joseph always was so obedient to the requests of God, especially to the requests that were given by the angels of light of the Lord.

Jesus practiced the work of a carpenter until past twenty years old, when again he was brought to share the sacred word with all the people of Israel.  Nazareth was our home for a long time, there between My Son and My Heart of a Mother we prepared for the awaited moment for the surrender of Jesus.

Jesus, since he was a child, desired to make little sacrifices, and all of them were silently offered to God for the reparation of His Heart.  One day in the house of Nazareth I left prepared the daily food for the little Jesus.  The Most Chaste Joseph, even with his tasks of carpentry had the mission to feed Jesus at noontime.  I was in another part of the house because many women who were in need of counsel and love visited me, asking for my maternal counsel.  I was praying for the plans of God and this group of women accompanied me daily in a meeting of prayer in which we prayed in Aramaic.

It happened that the Most Chaste Joseph during this day worked without stopping because from his labor of charity depended what was coming and the providence that the Lord would give to us.  This day Jesus fasted for the first time, when he was only four years old.  The little Child always showed to us that He was part of God and that God was part of Him.

Sometimes the little Jesus liked to climb up a ladder that reached to the highest part of the house. He usually said to us that there above He was going to an encounter with the Great Lord.  I usually ran quickly to catch him, leaving my tasks of the house, in order to reach Him and put Him in My arms.

The Child King learned Aramaic quickly and always waited during the night for My arms to shelter Him, holding Him to sing in a soft whispering vice the canticles of praise to God.  On many nights of vigil and prayer Jesus was at My side, in vigil for the Plan of God, even when He was very little.

The birth of Jesus brought to the world the purity to return to the Love of God, a purity that humanity was loosing during the centuries.  For this today, My dear children, I leave to you one more part of My maternal history with Jesus, so that in this time you may never more forget the Mother that God gave to you.  And so that the mothers do not forget the children that God gave to them.  I know that so many mothers suffer for their children and that many children suffer for their mothers and fathers.

Now is the great moment of reconciliation and forgiveness among all of this great family of humanity.  Place in My arms your beings and trust My children that I will be here among you because I love you and because the Grace of God contemplates you.  Be good children of God, be good mothers and fathers consecrated to God.

Everything renews itself by means of Jesus.

I thank you for sharing this Christmas with My Maternal Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Tuesday, December 25 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dearest children,

May this birth of the Redeemer within your lives represent the next step of a humanity converted by the light of My Love and forgiven, absolved of all faults by the Loving Heart  of God.

Today I come once more to your little lives to bring you to the glorious remembrance of the Divine Birth of Jesus.

When we arrived in Bethlehem with Joseph, the Most Chaste Spouse, during the middle of the night of Christmas when all the people of Israel were gathering to celebrate the eve of a new time, My Heart was waiting for the hoped for moment of the birth of the Child King.

Then Joseph placed me upon a donkey to help me during the long path towards Bethlehem. Through the call of the Most Chaste Joseph, the Child King started knocking on each door of the city, because Joseph hoped to find a place so that My Maternal Heart could be prepared to give birth.

The baby Jesus, who was in My womb, made me feel the absolute presence of God. Despite the pains of the delivery due to the near and great birth of the Messiah, I saw through the eyes of My heart how everything was being guided.

The Most Chaste Joseph called, asking for help everywhere, but did not find any; upon his face was reflected serenity, because he trusted in the Will of the Lord. The Great Star of Bethlehem was ever brighter in the firmament and with each new sign of contraction that Jesus gave me, the lights of Bethlehem made movements and radiated precious sparks.

Everything was about to take place as the Angel Gabriel had announced. On our trip to Bethlehem, we were carefully guided and supported by the Hosts of the Lord. After the Most Chaste Joseph had searched for a place where My Heart could rest, a sweet older woman of Bethlehem indicated to us a place near the city where, with tranquility, we could stay for all the time needed.

We arrived at the stable and God showed us how the kind and silent company of the Kingdoms prepared the arrival of the Redeemer. The hour was drawing near and Joseph helped me get down from the donkey, and he quickly gathered a little straw with his hands, and placed it somewhere within the stable so that the birth could take place. It was the first time that Joseph was present at a birth, but he had the pure and chaste Heart of a Father.

The angels came close because from the heights of the Heavens the Star of Bethlehem announced, with unusual sparks, the coming birth of the Messiah. God once again taught us about the power of His Humility and of His Love for humanity through the birth of Jesus in the manger of Bethlehem.

The hour of the birth had come and the Spirit of God was manifested through the Little Child Jesus. The plans of God were being fulfilled and, from the arrival of Jesus, a new cycle would unfold.

The manger for some moments became a light for the world because there the Son of God was born, in a place of humility and peace.

Dear children, the prophecy of the arrival of the Messiah was fulfilled with the visit of the kings from the desert to the manger, who, guided by the light of the Star of Bethlehem, had known for some time about the birth of Jesus.

After a long journey, the kings of the desert, coming from different regions of the East, arrived to be present before the newly-born Jesus. In My arms was God and this filled My Heart with joy, faith and love for this moment that had been so long-awaited for. God gave permission for the Child King to be born inside of a manger of austerity and simplicity. The Father wanted to give a lesson about the power of Divine Love through the humility of His Paternal Heart.

The coming of Jesus to the world awakened, for each essence, the moment to live redemption through the wise love that Jesus later revealed in His public life. God permitted that all of Creation could learn to recognize the laws of peace for the moments of transition. Through His birth, Jesus brought light for the world, the light that illuminates the darkest hearts that have fallen and are separated from the Creator.

Through the Messiah, God the Father revealed His Love for the whole universe.

Dear children, may you hold within your hearts the important moment that you are living for this new time of humanity. I want that you hold in your hearts this maternal meeting with My Heart of the Mother of God.

I hope that you will recognize how special is this moment that your lives are participating in, in this cycle. May the birth of the Child King on this Christmas and in your essences help you to be strong in the task, loving in self-giving and merciful for all the pain of humanity that must be healed.

Through the Universal Light-Network, may you be true missionaries of charity and well-being, for a time in need of much compassion and love.

Love all your brothers and sisters through the Child King that is within your being. Adore selfless service through union with Christ. Contemplate the Creation of God through the love in each new prayer.

Guide the most unprotected and needy through the instruction of My messages of love.

I am with My soldiers, I am together with the New Christs, those announced by the Apocalypse. May this Christmas allow the rebirth of Peace in those who do not have it, love in those who do not feel it, faith in those who need to strengthen it, and Mercy in those who most need it. Be blessed because in this way you will be closer to My Son.

Who loves you profoundly and maternally,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, December 25 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Most dear and beloved children.

I send for this day a message of Reconciliation so that those little hearts that still distance themselves from  My Maternal presence may find a path to union with Me.

The first key for Reconciliation is Humility.  Without this primordial attribute the souls are not capable of overcoming the influences of the world that exist in them.

The second key is Will, because the ardent aspiration impelled by the Will elevates your arms so that I can save you.

With Humility and Will My dears, you will come to the third key, that of the Offer of oneself, recognizing that by yourself alone, in this time, you will not find the force to leave the point where you find yourself.

The fourth key is Purity of the heart, so that through the Pure heart one can accept without fear the help that comes from the Heavens.

The fifth key is Courage, to respond to the help sent and to walk the Path assigned by God.  Together with Courage walks Fidelity which will help you to take the firm steps on the correct path, without danger of having deviations.

The sixth key is arrival at the Door of Heaven, lighting the flame of Love in the heart that will push away all evil, that will burn the last residues of obscurity and that will permit your hearts to call for God and for Mary before this door.

And when the door is open to you My children, the seventh key is Running to My Arms, which provides the last step, which is to decide to never again leave from them.

Today I have in My hands today these keys, in an offer to each one of My children: so that those who lack Humility may receive it; so that those who lack Courage, may feel it; so that those who lack in Offering of themselves may do so; so that those who lack Purity, Will and Love or Fidelity may search in the face of these keys and all of these will be given to them.

Before and after this Path of Reconciliation an attribute is much necessary: Persistence, to row against the currents that exist inside of each of us in this time.

Discover My dears, that behind these simple words is the path to return to My Heart.  Because I, that Am Forgiveness and Mercy want to receive all of My children in this time.  For this do not wait longer, encounter in Me the force to overcome your own selves and to leave from the plans of the enemy and return to My plans of Peace.

To all of My children of the world who are have gone away from My Mercy, who have lost trust in My Heart, and who do not encounter – any more – Peace, I give you My Peace.

I thank you for hearing My call and for permitting that the flame of Reconciliation be born in your hearts.

I adore all of you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

While She was raising, Mary made the following prayer, saying that it was a Request of Reconciliation:

Celestial Father,
who permeates all that was created with Your Spirit of Love,
lead me to find the Path that will eternally unite me to You.

by means of the offer of all doubt, fear and lack of trust in You,
may my eyes, illuminated by Your Spirit of Peace,
again find the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.

And, in this Reconciliation, Lord,
may my life be renewed by Your Universal Love,
may my steps be protected by Your eyes of Mercy
and, once the Path of return to Your Celestial House ends,
may all creatures be perpetually in Your Heart
and in the Heart of the Blessed and Most Holy Virgin Mary.


Monday, December 24 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

On the Vespers of the Birth of the Little King in your hearts, today I call you to pray for all My children who, during these festivities, distance themselves from the union with the Redeemer of the World.

Thus, may this Christmas Eve be for you a day of reconciliation and of peace with the Holy Spirit of God.  May your souls come to be lit again by the Flame of the Holy Spirit.  May your little hearts be filled by the presence of My Maternal Love.

My children, during these festivals a part of humanity is still in the common life, and many of My children believe that they are doing the good and the correct for this day.  Thus, during this special vigil of prayer on Christmas Eve pray for the souls that will be lost, pray that the consciousness of humanity be dignified and deserve to be participants in this new cycle, pray so that My Son Jesus may pour His Merciful Love upon those that are most in need of light.

As the Queen of Peace, I pray so that each child of Mine finds the path that they need, because still many are in need of spiritual guidance from My Heart.

Dear children, pray so that all My Marian Work in this part of the world – a work that was intercepted by the astute and great achievements of the enemy towards a child of Mine – may be light and redemption for all hearts.

For this reason I invite you to continue walking, because God needs the donation and the abnegated services of each one of His children so that His love may be manifested.

Dear children, when the Works of Peace and of Light are expanded by means of the devotion of all of My children, these Marian Works are closely observed by the enemy that intends to overthrow it through the first attack on the inner temple that My Heart has built in each soul.  Because of this, if you clamor for My Immaculate help, My Immaculate Heart may protect you and support you, so that you may be separated from any kind of great danger.

My children, today and for this new planetary cycle, you are knowing the reality that exists between the celestial powers of light and of the darkness of hell.  It is necessary that My children grow and know that now it is the time of the great redemption of evil.

I am arriving towards you, the Star of the Morning, a Star that announces the universal cycles for humanity.  For this dear children you are much welcome to the cycle of Redemption and of Light, because the Father waits that each creature, that each one of His children be conscious of the Graces that were poured with so much love over them.

If your hearts may live in the Consciousness of the Divine Plan of God, the souls in the world and especially the souls that My Heart guides so closely, will be absolved of all faults and dangers.  When one of My children is manipulated by the enemy, My Maternal Heart intercedes to rescue in the Heavens the inner essence, an essence that belongs to God.

Pray dear children for those that a short time ago abandoned My path to Christ>  My path of redemption.  Pray during this Christmas Eve so that the Holy Spirit is present in those that have distanced themselves during this last month from My true Maternal Love of protection.  Pray that all reach the light of My Son in this so definitive hour.  Pray so that My plans of Peace may be accomplished and rescued in each one of you.

Little hearts:

May this Christmas Eve be a night of renovation, reconciliation and pacification in Christ, My Beloved Son of Love.  May you open your hearts more deeply and offer this Christmas Eve of Christic peace for those that run away from the protection of My mantle.

As the pastors of Bethlehem did, your souls may announce the coming of the King Child for all, and give testimony of your love for Christ.

I thank you for being union of soul and heart, to My special call for redemption.

Thank you for responding to My call.  Who loves you maternally.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Monday, December 24 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

I send you this Message of Reconciliation and of Joy so that your hearts may share with Me the Celestial Happiness that I feel on this day.

My dears, today My Heart commemorates the upcoming birth of Christ in all of My Children of the World.  Today I remember the great mystery that I carried in My womb about 2012 years ago. 

When the little Jesus was in My womb I felt all of the time the gestation of the Spirit of God, and the Child King that I was carrying with Me united me perpetually with God because He was God inside of Me.

In the same way as I carried this great mystery that renewed the world at that time, today I invite you to gestate in the depths of the heart of this Christ Child that is coming.  Feel My dears the greatness of this miracle mystery and seek to unravel it through the heart.

When I walked with Joseph towards Bethlehem I felt the Power of what I was bringing with Me and despite trusting in everything that God had shown Me about His Son in My womb this Son still was a great mystery, as it is for your hearts.

In that night of Christmas when we saw the lights of Bethlehem the Child Jesus jumped in My womb and the Angels that were accompanying us announced that the Prophecy of the birth of the Messiah in the city of Bethlehem would be fulfilled.  My Heart palpitated in fear for the unknown that was before me that was something that I couldn’t explain.  How was I carrying the Spirit of God inside of Me?

I tell to My little ones that it was difficult also for Me to live this mystery of the birth of Christ, even having been prepared by the Lord since My creation as the Blessed Essence of the Universe.  And as happened with Me, so also to My children God will confirm day by day the Grace that will be brought to your essences.  And when more you allow for the Child King to grow inside of your heart, the more He you will guide you as He did with Me.  He will open your eyes and your hearts, He will fill your lives with the Holy Spirit and through this Spirit you will receive the necessary wisdom for this time.

The Child Jesus that will arrive will teach true prayer and contemplation to God, will build the Path of return to the House of the Father.  The Lord will send one more time His Son fulfilling His promises.  This Child will take you by the hands and with His Purity of a child will light inside of each one the purpose for which you are on the Earth in this time.

As He helped me to discover and accomplish the Plans that the Father had ordered for My Heart, also to your little beings He will help because He will be the Living Truth inside of each one.  And for those who trust in the words that the Lord will send, through My Heart a Glorious Path is to be discovered and walked, a Path of Faith and of Peace.

I thank you and I will guard with Love for this day of Glorious prayer and commemoration with My Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Saturday, December 22 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear and beloved children of Mine:

Today I leave to you the maternal symbol of My Mystical Rose that represents the essence of the Universal and Divine Love that I as Mother have especially for all of you.

For this reason I invite you to pray, pray so much until your lips are tired from pronouncing precious and kind words for My Heart and for the Heart of My Beloved Son.  I want for you an absolute peace because as Mother I am accompanying the purifying calvary that each child is passing through in this time.

My beloved hearts, surrender your little heart so that I may guide it for the path of My Fathomless Fountain of Peace.  Jesus waits for your hearts to rest without delay on His Fathomless Heart of Love because My Favorite Son knows well about your anguishes and sorrows.

But today I come here as Queen of the Heavens to remind you to live in My Peace because if you are in My Peace you will find consolation, will, love and hope for the shipwreck that many of My children are living.

All of the Great Universe contemplates the precious moment that in these days that is lived by the humanity that is awake, and the that humanity that is asleep,  Your work of prayer, dear children, is attracting to Me millions of essences that were lost in this world.

Without delay have joy in your souls because the Lord recognizes the great effort of your beings.  When a child of Mine escapes from My arms I remember the moment of My silent pain at the feet of the Cross.  But the power of My Love overcomes the snatching away that the enemy has done to Me.

The Woman dressed with the Sun is preparing Herself to cover all of Her children with light.  She came with the intention to enter into the great desert where She will protect all Her children from the wiles of the enemy.

Do not fear My little ones.  Great and majestic is the maternal consolation that today My Immaculate Heart radiates to you, because My soldiers are so loved that the Lord has allowed for all of His creatures to learn and grow quickly.

For this today I call you so that you may extend your arms to Me and then again open your hearts so that My Curative and Redeeming Light can be placed in your little beings.  Do not loose the future that My Heart constructed with so much happiness and bliss in your hearts. Keep each maternal moment of encounter with Me.

As Mother and Queen of all humanity I understand and accompany the steps of My children and the detours of all those that do not live the Echo of My Love.

Dear children, you have arrived to the portal of the New Universal Cycle that is being watched by all the Hosts of the Creator Father.  Every path that begins again is a path that God through His children is beginning to construct through love and unity.

My children, stay in My Peace, I want that you accept My Peace in order to receive the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that many children need.  Remember that I am not abandoning you because My victory will be to see each essence in Paradise.  The enemy may cause you to fear but My Love will provide the power of Faith and of the future.  Because, if you accept to be children of God, the Father will take in this time the harvest of all of the fruits that have grown through the following of the steps of My Heart.

Today more than ever I am with you, I pray for you, I walk together with you, I need hope from all of you so that many souls may come back to be lit up through the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

May the Christmas that is approaching bring you to adore the coming of the Little Child King of the Universe through the entering into the manger of the humility of My Maternal Heart.

Arise dear children, because Christ calls you to continue the path towards the Light of the Kingdom of God!

I adore you, I cure and I love you always.

Your Immaculate Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Thank you for answering to My call!

Saturday, December 22 of 2012

Weekly Messages

My children:

I begin this message with a request: that your hearts, on the 24th day of December make a special preparation for Christmas, a Christmas that will come to renew the hearts of My little children. I want you to pray with fervor the “Hail Mary” ordered by My Heart so that in all the spaces of the world this prayer will prepare the coming of My Son, which is already arriving in your hearts.

For the 25th day I want at the feet of this image (the statue in the House of Adoration) a Nativity that will represent the birth of Christ. And that you pray in vigil as you have done on the 21st day, continually starting at midnight on the 24th day of December.

In this Christmas My dear ones, the Lord will send to the interior of all of His creatures a seed that represents the New Life, where the New Christos, guided by My Son the Redeemer, will wake up and will live through the whole Universe, deepening into the Love that My Son irradiates to all spaces. This Christic seed that will arrive will have its cradle in the hearts of each one and wherever it finds a pure heart it will sprout.

My dear ones, today I bring the Good News of the renovation, because My Son Jesus proved on Earth that He renews all things and that He will come to renew your hearts and the suffering heart of this planet Earth. In order for My Heart to triumph your hearts must be open and ready to live what is coming. The Glory of the Lord will descend by means of My soldiers, those who are available to all: to pass through the world with its praying word of Peace, to distance evil through Love, to renovate itself in My Heart, battle after battle.

We are in the time of a great war and for this Christmas the Lord is offering you the most precious tool that will protect your essences and will reign in your hearts. This Christic Love that is being offered is the greatest sword, the most resistant shield, it is the greatest food and the most pure water that will keep standing those who say yes to It.

My Son observes the particles of Light that are already leaving His Heart and traverse a path of Mercy that arrives on the Earth and penetrates the hearts of all creatures. And when I say My dear ones, that all will receive this Grace, it will be so

Because the Mercy of the Lord is so great and infinite, to all of His creatures an opportunity will be given so that no essence will lose the possibility to arrive at the Source that He created and to walk on the path of return to the Heart of the Father.

But I must warn you My little ones, that the tests also will and the good seed will be present, but it will only germinate in the valiant hearts that offer to God its prayers and its most pure intention of living in these times the Peace that is offered by My Maternal Heart.

In this Christmas you will receive this last and primordial Grace, which you must take care of as the most precious treasure that you can reach every time that you are facing difficulties, because those who allow this seed to sprout, will carry in their interior the inexhaustible Source of renovation.

My dears, the time to mature your beings has already arrived and My Immaculate Heart will observe you always and will be attentive to listen to your prayers and to take them to the Creator. I will push with My own hands those who risk taking the first step and I will wait with Love in this time of options and constant learning, for those who do not have the courage to live under My Mantle.

I Love each one of you and I thank you always.

And while Our Lady was elevating Herself, She continued:

I am also The One who renews all and Who strengthens all. In the same way I gave strength to My Son Jesus so that He could stand up the three times that He fell with His cross, I want also to help My children to stand up.

When you fall, look for My eyes and unite your eyes to Mine, uniting in this way your hearts to My Heart and in this simple way I will renovate you.

I love you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, December 19 of 2012

Weekly Messages


Dear children,

As Mary Help of Christians I come to the encounter with your hearts in this city so that My Heart may cover one more space, a space in the souls in need for Redemption and for Reconciliation with My Son and with God.

My children, what the Lord wishes for this day is the ardent prayer from your hearts that may take away the evil and the pain that permeates many consciousnesses at this moment. So that My Heart may triumph on this day, it is necessary that your hearts accompany Me in pilgrim prayer through the deep spaces of this city, in the search for the souls that lost themselves from the flock of the Redeemer. I come to bring the Conversion, the Peace and the Mercy of God to this place as they are necessary attributes for this time.

Dear children, the attribute of Peace must be lived as a priority of your lives, because without Peace fear and darkness cannot be defeated. Pacified hearts will be able to detain conflicts much beyond your eyes. Peace is the primordial force that permanently unites the hearts to My Heart and that will find Me wherever I may be, so that I may come to help and fulfill your needs. The peacemaker heart opens the doors so that all the other attributes of My Heart of Mother may descend. The pacified heart attracts the Gifts of the Holy Spirit through the unshakeable Peace that it brings to Earth and that it lives in itself. So that your hearts may be converted into peacemakers, place them inside of My Heart through the prayer of the Holy Rosary and, day by day, little by little, Peace will settle itself in your beings.

If you keep your hearts attentive to what the Voice of My Heart speaks, you would truly find the key to transformation, to Healing and to Redemption. If your hearts could open themselves to the simplicity of the Voice of My Heart and if they could believe in My Words of Peace, they would quickly find the path to the Encounter with My Son.

My dears, day by day God sends through My Heart all the keys so that you may open the Doors of Heaven. Apparition after Apparition My Immaculate Love brings to you the Blessings and the Grace of the Holy Spirit. The angels of My Kingdom are day and night attentive to the prayers in order to intervene for your beings and to answer to your requests.

I hear the voice of all of My children from the whole world, those who believe and those who do not believe in My Love and in My Power of Redemption. At every moment I place your pains, sorrows and anguishes in My Heart but your hearts only speak to Me, they do not listen to Me.

Pray, My dears, enter inside of My Peace and through the silence of the heart listen to the message that I bring to you day by day. Many demand answers from Me, demand miracles, healings, conversion of their families, but they do not see that I answer to them day by day; that I offer Healing all the time and that conversion is knocking at their doors. Let Me enter.

Be brave and courageous in order to discover that in simplicity is all that you seek for; that behind each one of My maternal words is the Grace that God sends to the hearts. Be strong, My little ones, to see that the Spirit of God is approaching, that My presence in this time in so many parts of the world is a true Miracle of Salvation that God has conceded to you.

This is a maternal appeal that My Divine Heart realizes in order to awaken My little children from the dream that they live in. Be strong in order to discover that the true fortress is not far away; that it will not be in the great actions that you will find the Path and the Salvation; that the Doors of Heaven are before your eyes and that in order to enter Prayer and Peace are only necessary.

I thank you with Love and I guard in the Heart the Hope the awakening of each child of this humanity.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Wednesday, December 19 of 2012

Weekly Messages

My dearest children:

For this day I gather you around the great manger of humility and of love because soon Christ will be born inside each being in this coming Christmas. For this, dear children, prepare your hearts so that the King of the Universe Child may find rest and dwelling in the pure and simple hearts.

My children, the coming of the Child King to the world brings with anticipation the coming of the time of changes for all of the consciousnesses, and this time of changes can be received by means of the daily prayer, because to each soul, has come the time to exercise it in permanent vigil.

The state of vigil will approximate you, in this cycle, to the same state of prayer that My Son Jesus lived in His culminating moment through the Agony in the Garden of Olives: this was the moment of definition and of absolute trust in the Creator.

For this, dear children, may this cycle begin through a renovated and mature state of consciousness, an inner state on your part that may collaborate, by means of prayer and vigil, to the sustaining of the balance of the world and of humanity.

For this you may count on the glorious keys of the Blessed and Most Sacred Hearts of Mary and Jesus, Hearts that aspire to be all for your lives, Hearts available and surrendered to help each one of Their children.

My dear children, My special coming on two consecutive days to Argentina has the mission of being able to allow, for a longer time, all of My children to be under My mantle of protection. For this your groups of prayer may aid all hearts for these moments and this will be possible whenever your essences may merge themselves into only one for love and truth, as were merged the essences of Jesus and Mary for Love to God.

Dear children, I Am calling you to exercise the states of love and of brotherhood to hearts that are still purifying themselves: these spiritual states of the heart will allow you to mature yourselves as souls that are in service to God, the Creator.

My children, as Mother of the World I prepare the great moment of Planetary Prayer that which will be developed from the 21st day of December of 2012. This will be the moment in which all of My children will live a true union with Me through the interiorization that the state of prayer provides. When I ask you to pray the Rosary it is so that your consciousnesses may participate in the same codes of light that were engraved in each one of the passages of Christ, your Lord.

The Planetary Prayer will be realized when all of the groups of prayer, consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, may be able to be in conscious vigil and prayer, but without any fear, waiting for the coming of the New Cycle for humanity. This will be the moment so that each soul may confirm its union with the plans of God. In these days My Maternal Heart will be near to each child so that each soul may unite itself to My Heart.

As Mediator of souls I will be near My children and you will feel Me present in different places and situations because now My little children must walk for themselves in order to demonstrate to the Father that you have grown up through the instruction that has given to you this Loving Mother.

May the Peace of My Son be present in you.

I thank you for answering in this time to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Wednesday, December 19 of 2012

Special Apparitions

Do not fear, dear children, because the doors of the universe are open.

Today, God sends Me to tell you that the long-awaited cycle in this humanity is approaching. This means, dear children, that I will be closer to you during all these times.

After 2,012 years, My Consciousness will strongly take action in this world and this will extend into the next year of 2013, in which a task in Medjugorje will be completed from the unfolding of secrets. Everything will be revealed to the world in a short time. The true revelations written by the prophets of yesterday.

And today I fulfill a prophecy, among many, the coming of the Queen of Peace, of the Queen of the Universe, Who announces the coming of My Son through the solar birth; this means, dear children, that the signs will be shown.

What I am revealing to you is important; for this reason, now I will ask your permission.  The hearts that are very close to Me, will better understand Me this way.

Dear children, I want to tell you that, as of now, the cycle that was written by God begins. The books open to write again in humanity, in the New Humanity so awaited by Our Lord.

Thus, do not fear the events that will occur. You were called in this time because you have already been prepared. Your hearts were prepared through My coming throughout all of this end time. That is the best sign that I show you today: that through My Presence, you practice prayer of the heart.

During all of these days, it will be important to offer God the small sacrifices your hearts are able to do, so that this new time be of appeasement, and many hearts that have need of being sheltered in Me are able to approach through the collaboration of the Guardian Angels. Your daily union with the Guardian Angel will be important; It will show you the steps you are to take during this end cycle.

As the Mercy of God is so infinite, dear children, My Maternal Heart will come to Aurora to be able to support you. And after so many events, which will happen little by little, I will return here, to Argentina, next year, beginning in March, so that you, now as adults, are able to be united with Me and help Me in this planetary task that will begin at the end of this year.

For this reason, dear children, direct your eyes to the sky so you may see the portals of Peace shine, and do not allow yourselves to be deceived by what could happen in this world. It will be the moment, dear children, to activate the powers of prayer and to hold yourselves within My Immaculate Heart so that you do not fear anything.

Today I do not come to reveal the miseries of the world to you, but rather to bring you the Grace of God, the Mercy of the Most High, so that those children who in truth want to listen to Me, are able to walk with Me, at My side.

It is time, dear children, you took My Hands, so that My Crown of Stars can surround each of you, as well as each of My children that has need of the immensity of the Light. Thus, you will be able to participate in this meeting with Me in Aurora.

And today I also want to reveal, dear children, that within My Immaculate Heart the other Communities of the Father are also kept. With this I want to say that I too will be in each one of them and will be able to be closer to each of My children when you carry out the practice of prayer; for in this way, dear children, you will be calling Me during this definitive time.

I want to leave all of My children under My Mantle. Thus, open your hearts in this definitive time, set aside differences, blame and bitterness; because if you continue in this state, you will be feeding the enemy. Thus, defeat your atavism through prayer; in this way, you will be able to transcend yourselves, and very close to My Kingdom, My Eyes of Mercy will be able to guide you.

I am calling, in this definitive time of 2012, all My soldiers of prayer, you and the rest of the soldiers that are in the world, all the Marian groups consecrated to My Heart, all those who attribute faith to the Universal Mother. Because as Mother of the World, dear children, I am calling the 144,000 flocks of Christ, that they may receive the Resplendent Redeemer, because He is very close to your lives, to this material reality.

But first, He must enter into your hearts as something living. For this to happen, My children, you have the Flame of the Holy Spirit as guide and protection.

In these hours that will take place, dear children, pray, pray without ceasing, pray so as to be very united with My Immaculate Heart. Pray so that Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste Heart, can intervene for all. Pray so that the legions of Angels of the Father are able to help the planet, and the portals of the universe can be projected toward this world so all the hosts of the Creator Fathers can come. That is My special reason for planetary prayer for December 21.

Dear children, today I must speak to you with maturity and awareness. You are not only My little children, My caring hearts of love; now, already adults, you must know the truth and take on the role that is due to each child in this time.

I am praying constantly for you and for all My children; taking care of the essences which can be deceived; the enemy will not rest until it deviates some child of Mine. Know, dear children, that in this time, everything is allowed; but with your prayer, united with My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to be united with the Divine Heart of My Son.

Unite as a single group of prayer. Let this end of year, this Christmas that is coming, not only be a reason for receiving the Redeemer, but also of uniting among yourselves as a single praying group in each nation.

Dear children, run, run to your homes and begin to pray, unite your families with the spirit of prayer. It is no longer so important that each soul not know how to pray, but rather, that it begin to practice the verb of prayer.

I promise to help all those who start on the path of prayer. And you, My dear children, can also help those who want to learn to live by prayer.

Do not think, dear children, that today I come to bring you fear, but rather to prepare you to find the truth in your heart, so your consciousnesses truly unite with the Heart of God.

The time of normalcy has now ended. It is time to go into prayer, to cry out and ask for the Presence of the Holy Spirit. My Immaculate Heart will be grateful that each one of you is able to participate in this planetary prayer.

My basket of gold will gather the flowers of your prayer. What I need, dear children, is to offer a great number of prayers to God, and your prayers will become more powerful when you are united in groups of prayer and leave this normalcy the world is living.

Know, dear children, that many of My children will not know what will happen; thus, I ask you to pray for all of them.

Your prayers will multiply when you consciously pray together with your Guardian Angels, because they will uplift the prayer to My Celestial Kingdom and My Merciful Rays will be able to act in different parts of the world. For this reason, do not be surprised, dear children, if you see Me in many places at the same time; if you see the Saints of the Father acting in this humanity, multiplied over the length and breadth of this world to aid humanity.

My Heart will intercede for all of you.

It is important, dear children, that the Light-Network be activated as a Network of the Divine Plan of God, and this will take place through your intervention in all the practices of prayer that can unite all the consciousnesses of the nations into a single one.

My Heart will be in vigil for all the children that I am in charge of and for all those who have distanced themselves from God. I will untiringly do the best until the end.


Prayer: "Hail Mary" (6 times).


We breathe in.

Dear children, I want to tell you something at this time, especially all of this beloved nation of Argentina, that you never forget that My Heart loves you deeply and that, if at some time your hearts are disturbed or if your thoughts separate from the Love of God, do not fear anything; enter into My Maternal Heart, empty your burdens at My Feet, because My Heart of Light will console you.

Remember that I Am the Lady of Graces, the Queen of Peace, Who comes with the promise of much more peace for this world. And this will be fulfilled through the love of all My children, through faith and hope.

Also always know, dear children, that you will find Me in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, in Salta; where My Voice also spreads a Message for Peace. And the doors of My Marian Center consecrated to My Heart, which is in Uruguay, will be open, as well as the one in Brazil and the one in Cordoba. For this reason, lift up your hands to My Heart so that My Light is able to pour out My Maternal Love over your hands and you are able to feel it above all things.

Before My rise to the Heavens, I want to consecrate you with the water that I will consecrate today, as John baptized My Son Jesus. I want to carry out this very loving practice with you.

I will bless the roses that symbolize My Love for all of you, which will wet your heads with water, so that you may be protected and renewed in My Love.

May the water, which symbolizes Life for the life of souls, which is the essence of the Manifested Spirit of God, be able to deeply enter into your hearts. May the water that heals life, the water that cures wounds, the water that renews your consciousnesses and frees you of all sin and of all stains, be blessed by the power of My Immaculate Love and under the perfect union of the Most Holy Trinity, so that your hearts will shine forth in My Peace and you walk in this time under the spirit of faith and of love.

My Immaculate Love blesses this symbol created by God, this element of the nature of the universe which gives you eternal life, because it renews you and deeply heals you. May this water satiate the thirst of your hearts and nurture you with the love of My Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear children, for answering My call.

Meditate on My Words.


Song: "Luminous Bird".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, today has been an intense and special day for everybody. Our Mother made important revelations for this end of cycle, revelations to which we need to pay a lot of attention.

As never before, the Mother affirmed and confirmed this new cycle which is coming for our planet. She tells us clearly that, united with Her Immaculate Heart, we are going to be a hundred percent protected; and that there's no need to feel fear; on the contrary, we only have to do what She proposes, and we'll be under Her Mantle of Protection.

This end of year, through the Light-Communities and the Light-Network, we have scheduled a perpetual vigil of prayer. We're surprised by the response of all the groups of prayer of the world, about how people get organized in an incredible way to spend ten days constantly praying; of how the different regions and the different nations divide the hours of the day to be able to be constantly praying.

This says that our Mother has found a space in the heart of many people and the Light-Network is beginning to light up in all of South America, Central America and all of Europe.

So the response of our hearts is being loving to the request of our Mother. It's what we can offer Her after so many Graces, just gather together and pray. We will all be learning, through these praying groups, the true value and power of this prayer.

To all those who want to come to Aurora in these last days of the year, you are invited to participate, the same for Figueira Light-Community. And if we have to spend them in our homes with our families, as the Mother also invited us to do, let us invite our families to pray and let us discover a different way of living.

To everybody, we thank you very much for having accompanied us. And as Our Lady said, we will  see each other in March.

And now, we will say goodbye through singing.


Song: "Give Us Your Love".

Tuesday, December 18 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

The new cycle much awaited for by the world is getting closer during the developments of these next days. Thus today-, I urgently call you to strengthen your prayer together with your most beloved beings and inside your homes, so the Divine Spirit of God may thus be present amongst your hearts.

My children, be careful with announcements that do not come from God and that come through communications that confuse the forthcoming of souls. For this, if your prayer is more loving, devotional and strong in your homes, you will be able to be distant from the realities that in these moments call to the souls that do not pray, that do not adore God and do not remember to be in God.

I ask you, My dear children, for your spiritual and mediating prayer for each of these souls so that My Maternal Heart may help each heart of this planet. Whenever I talk to you about a new cycle, I talk about a new prayer cycle for your lives that may renew you as souls and as consciousnesses that donate themselves to God.

For this reason, my children, your lives are no longer in normal times, they are in times of definition for the next steps of humanity. The fervor and the love of your prayer will help to balance the great number of contrary ideas that the enemy will attempt to spread amongst my children through fear, panic and desperation in emotions and thoughts.

Your focus of work must be the prayer of the Holy Rosary, because in this way humanity will be able to be helped through the great angelic presence. During these next days the Universe, as part of the All-Powerful, will be entering a new school of learning and purification. Hence it will be important to have, with vigilance, the constant prayer of the heart, because this exercise will allow you to awaken more and be less distracted with the events that humanity itself will generate.

God has His Messengers in order to warn humanity, thus for 31 years My Heart has been proclaiming and announcing in Medjugorje the importance of the reparative prayer and of the fasting which prepares humanity for the times that are to come.

As Helping Mother of all the hearts, I want to avoid that My children have to suffer the interference of false testimonials that will only generate the separation of the hearts from the true and one and only flock of My Son.

As I have already announced in Fátima, this time would come to settle and prepare the consciousness of all of humanity. For this I asked Lucia in Fátima, to diffuse the consecration of all souls to My Immaculate Heart. As the Lady Dressed of the Sun, I come again to America and to Medjugorje to awaken all My little children from Earth from their sleep.

Dear children, now all souls and prayer groups are meant to unite themselves as one, as an only spiritual family, as it has been done by the people from the desert, once guided by Moses.

Now, dear children, the time that is coming will not only happen inside this world, but the new time will also touch the whole universe, so that all may be renewed before the coming of Christ. In each one of My children there is forthcoming and the hope; thus if all of you unite yourselves to the One Universal Purpose of the creator, you will be able to take part in the coming of changes, in the coming of the Good News.

May you not be invaded by the fear or doubts, it is time dear children, that your hearts live My message; awaken the faith and the courage through the powers of prayer. I want to form you as new praying shepherds, who are able to guide the new children who in this time must learn to drink from the inexhaustible Source that prayer provides.

My children, as Universal Mother and as Queen of Peace, I am observing the world and all the souls of humanity, because sometimes I can come to you, but other times I only find the inner doors closed. You are on time to open new pathways through prayer.

May pacification fulfill your hearts and fill you with the Light of the Holy Spirit.

I accompany you in this cycle.

I thank My children from Buenos Aires for having had received me and for listening to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Tuesday, December 18 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dearest children:

My Maternal Heart has come to you today to close a cycle of continuous Graces that God has poured through My presence in this city and in this country.

My heart has formed your little beings, teaching them step by step how a consecration to God’s pathway is done through daily prayer, confession and communion with My Son Jesus.

Therefore My dears, the day of today represents the moment in which my Sacred Heart leaves your hands for an instant and observes the first steps that you take by yourselves. Do not fear, only put in practice everything that My Heart has taught you, activate for this moment all the codes of renovation that I have deposited in the inner world of each one of you and with courage, aim to live this moment of as a child who takes it firsts steps.

My eyes follow you day and night, guarding your steps and protecting you, so that My hands may intervene whenever it is necessary. Prayer will keep the doors open.

I thank all My children from Argentina for persevering in the Love of My Heart and today I ask you also to persevere in the Love to your brothers and sisters, a love that opens the pathway to the true fraternity which the Lord God expects to be lived by all of His creatures in this time.

Persevere prayerfully and truthfully, sheltering each of My children that I send you through the praying groups that have reconciled themselves to God.

Reconciliation, My dears, will be the eternal attribute for your hearts, it is what you are meant to develop in the name of the whole city and of the whole country, reconcile yourselves to God and to Me those who have not been able to do so, because there is time still and My Heart is waiting for you.

I thank you for responding to My Call for Peace and for Reconciliation.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Tuesday, December 18 of 2012

Special Apparitions

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now, while we sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary", our Mother asked all those present, especially those who are in the back rows, to silently come and sit on the floor, around here, because She wants to help you. Those furthest back begin coming here, silently.

Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I gather you together here, dear ones.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The Mother asked those who can, to kneel, for She will do some work with each one.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, in your hearts I wish I could write all the Love I feel for you, so you could understand the immensity of the Love of God.

For this reason, I invite you to remain in My Heart and to remember My past Messages as a precious instruction.

Today, I bless you, forgive you and love you.

I thank you for answering this call!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I await you in La Plata, because that city also needs it, has need of the Light and My Love, and you can be the mediators for this exercise, so that this plan may be accomplished at this moment.

Thank you, My little ones!


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us sing "Blessed are You".


Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Those who want to, can return to your seats.

We will now share an account about what happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Mother, we will share a short account about what happened before the Apparition.

Moments before the Apparition, something important happened in the skies of Buenos Aires. From the universe, a Crown of twelve stars began to descend that was the length of the city of Buenos Aires.

Over those twelve stars rested twelve angels, and all the Light of those stars and those angels was gradually imprinted on the consciousness of Buenos Aires.

As they descended, portals that were opening to the universe and flashes of Light, rays of Light, began to descend over different parts of Buenos Aires.

These angels were carrying out a task of activating some souls, of drawing them closer again to the Heart of our Mother.

At the moment of the Apparition, it was indicated to us, to Sister Lucía and me, that we kneel to wait for Our Lady.

We could see that Our Lady did not come, but we felt that She was drawing very close. Then I said to Sister Lucía: "Let's wait for Our Lady, because I believe She is doing an important task."

When I said that, She appeared over the sky of Buenos Aires; She was gathering together different groups of souls that had need of Light, a task that took Her some time. Then, She asked that we pray the Hail Mary in Latin for a time.

When She appeared in this room, She manifested as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity; She had not appeared in this way for a long time. At that moment, we felt that there was a symbol behind that Presence of the Virgin, which She then explained to us.

When She came to this room, She asked that we pray the "Prayer for all the children of the world" and that we make an offering together with Her, mainly for this end of the year process which will take place here, in Buenos Aires.

She asked that we do this prayer so as to be able to dispel the fears or the concerns about this end of the year so that, through Her Presence, on this day, peace may be installed in this city. She also asked that we bow our heads down as close to the ground as possible, and at that moment, we began to hear our Mother pray the "Prayer for all the children of the world", at the same time that we repeated it, which lasted some time.

At a certain moment, She showed us that She was accompanied by different choirs of angels and the Guardian Angels of each of us who bowed down to the ground to speak this prayer.

When She began to transmit the Message, which stopped, She then said to us: "It has to be at this moment, you must pay great attention". Then She said: "Now, write the Message", because there was a delay in the transmission of the Message She was giving. She considered it was better that Sister Lucía and Friar Elías should write the Message.

There, She asked that each of the brothers and sisters should come close to Her, because She wanted to carry out a task with us.


(Following, the Messages of the Apparition are read, received by Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús and by Sister Lucía de Jesús).


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We just want to say that we will wait for all those who are able to go tomorrow to La Plata, since our Mother needs to carry out a task there too, and always remember that She is already in the hearts of each of you.

Something I wanted to tell you and which I felt during the prayer, is that I heard the soldiers of Mary pray here. Today I felt that all the work we have done during all this time has produced many results. I felt hearts praying. I felt that we were one and that, beyond differences or indifferences, we have learned what our Mother came to teach us.

I want you to never forget what you felt today when you prayed as if you were one; for in this way, we will always be invincible, we will be one in the Heart of our Mother. If you continue to pray this way, you will never be afraid again, because nothing will be able to come close. Trust in what you have learned.

Thank you!

Sunday, December 16 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

As the Star of the Morning, I bring to the world the announcement of the awaited return of My Son.

As the Queen of Peace I give to you My Immaculate Peace so that you may recognize it in these special moments of humanity.

Dear children, today I ask you to pray for all My children of the world, for those that must be free from the past, so that they may encounter in the new time the victorious coming of the Heart of My Son.  In you is found the path so that all may be concretized according to the Will of God.

That this day be filled by the presence of the Holy Spirit, a driving and universal force of God that will allow you to awaken wisdom in the decisions of life. Dear children, with the presence of the Holy Spirit of God you will know where to be and what to do for this definitive cycle of humanity.

I ask you to guard your lives in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, because in this way it will be possible for you to be particpants in the forgiveness and redemption of God.  My children, as Mother of humanity I call you to be in permanent prayer so that your hearts may free themselves of all distractions, those which are diffused by the arts of the enemy.  If you are inside of My Maternal Heart you will be inside of the Heart of God and you will be able to come close to the Heart of My Beloved Son, who waits for you in all moments.

Dear children, when I speak with you about being in constant prayer this means to stay for the majority of time in the Consciousness of the Kingdom of God because still the humanity that is seduced by modernity goes far away from the simple purpose of life and of the awakening of the love of the heart.  Modernity convinces the hearts that everything is perfect and victorious: by means of prayer you can create barriers of light that protect you as My Heart protects you with so much love.

With My arrival in Melo, Cerro Largo, Uruguay, I am reminding you of the importance of simplicity of heart, a heart that each day must donate itself and surrender itself more to the Creator so that it will recognize the Will of the Lord.

I want from My children a humble and simple heart that is opened to the designs of God, that will participate in the new cycle of forgiveness and redemption for humanity.

Dear children I am with you guarding you in My Kingdom of Love and Redemption so that the new seeds will sprout by being in the ocean of the Mercy of My Son.

Awake dear children, because you are on time!

I give thanks to My children of Cerro Largo for answering to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, December 15 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

My Immaculate Heart arrives today in this place to bring a message of Peace and of Hope to My little children of Melo. My coming here has a spiritual reason that is to bring the Grace of God to My children in prison. 

I want that this message will arrive not only to My little children of the prison but also to all those that are prisoners inside of suffering, to those that have their hearts imprisoned in bitter and old resentments that little by little are convert them into a deep obscurity.

My dears, some of My children have dug for themselves a very deep and very dark well that My Heart many times cannot come to.  If your prayers could encounter this obscurity, you will allow me to remove many souls from this despair and from the lack of God.

To those who feel lost, you may elevate your eyes to the Highest and there you will encounter Me, allowing that a little ray of My Light may enter in your hearts, and then I will assume little by little to become the Queen of your lives and I will make of your hearts My Kingdom of Peace.

Dear children, My Heart finds so much affliction in the prisons, and in many of them reigns only the enemy and My Light does not find even a little space to come in.  My Sacred Heart asked for this visit, My children, so that before the Throne of God I may bring the fruits of your prayers and ask the Lord for permission to enter with My Love in many other prisons of the World.  Your hearts do not know how My Heart of Mother wants to rescue each lost soul that finds itself lost. If you could see My dears how much these little children are in need of Light you would answer a little more to My call for prayer and service. 

I want My Maternal Light to illuminate the hearts and deposit there the Hope of encountering Me in Paradise because this is possible.  So much is possible, that My Love brings My little pilgrims to here to encounter with Me the souls that have become lost from the path and those that when I find them, I will take by the hands each one and I will conduct them to the Meeting with My Son.

I give thanks to each one of My pilgrims for seeking me in all parts of the World, for accompanying me each day. And for those I make a special request to pray with fervor for My little children in the prisons so that My Light may one more time triumph.

I thank you eternally for following My steps as a pilgrim.

I love you.

Maria, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, December 15 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Most dear children:

As I have announced to you today we celebrate in My Maternal Kingdom the Blessed Festival of the Immaculate Heart.  For this, dear children, I am calling you so that through Me you will  revere the Creator, that is so much offended by the indifferences that exist between His children.

Dear children, as the Lady of the Holy Rosary today I gather you in this humble and immaculate place of Peace, where God has placed His Merciful Eyes because today I tell you My children, that the Father has seen appearing here the New and little Bethlehem of the Great Shepherd.

My Son rejoices for the perseverence of all of the group of souls of Melo, Cerro Largo, who with so much love and devotion have built a paradise of humility on the Earth.  All this simple and austere work of love on your part for the Universe has significant merit for all souls in the world.  Each space that is consecrated to the Highest by means of the offer of His children receives spiritual merits for future times.

Because of this today, My Immaculate Heart wants that each one of you meet again with the Inner Bethlehem so that the Great Star that guided Joseph and Mary may be the same that illuminates your paths for the end of this definitive time.

Dear children today I call you to prepare yourselves as I have told you, for the appearing of Christ in your hearts through the special Christmas that is coming, a Christmas that calls humanity to awaken from the dream of illusions and calls it in order to have consciousness of the steps that each one of My children must take from now on.

Because of this I am calling you to consecrate your houses, your hearts, your tasks and your undertakings to the Heart of God so that the universe will indicate to you, in these moments, the next steps, indicate to you the path for the redemption and salvation of humanity.

My coming to Cerro Largo has two maternal reasons.  The first one is My re-encounter with this little peace of the Inner Bethlehem, the true manger that each soul must construct in its own life, through prayer and work offered to the Highest.

And My second reason is My visit to My children that are guarded and watched in the prisons of the whole world, because the faith and devotion to My Immaculate Heart from the children of the prison of Melo allowed me to come closer to them, thus to show to humanity that God is merciful and that He forgives all actions of His children because His love is so healing and redeeming that to all of My children He will fulfill in them for all eternity.

Dear children, My joy is immense before your answer because through the group of prayer of Cerro Largo, God has observed your honesty, your faith and your effort for a blessed life from the Redeemer.

If My Heart  comes to your lives, My Heart of a Mother and Pilgrim, it is because close is the coming of the Glorified Heart of Christ, to guide again His flocks to the Good and the Light.

Dear children I thank you all for your continuing answer, you will understand everything when you will be in Heaven.

Who thanks you and who loves you!

Maria, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monday, December 10 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

Day by day I pray for you so that you may reach the path to eternity.

Day by day I pray for you so that My Son may yet be the seed germinated in your hearts.

I pray every day so that humanity may receive the Holy and Divine Justice that may repair the consequences that are generated by My children of humanity.

Today I want, as the Mother of the Graces, that you guard each one of the moments that you have been with Me, because today dear children, is closing one cycle of Graces that My Heart has manifested for each one of your lives.

After almost one uninterrupted year of Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, may your hearts, dear children, guard the memory of each one of the messages that, with so much love and dedication on the part of my clairvoyants, were transmitted with fidelity during all of this last time.

For this, dear children of Figueira, you without knowing Me well but feeling My blessed Maternal Love opened the doors so that I could guide and love you.

Dear children, we shared the Kingdom of Heaven for the first time in the month of September of 2011, then was the exact moment when My Immaculate Heart merged with each one of your consciousnesses so that we could manifest the Marian Center of Figueira.

Remember, My little children, that each one of you is is My true Sanctuary of Peace, because of this I will come through your prayers to seek the light and the love that is generated by your hearts, so that this light and this love may be poured over those children that in the world have so much thirst.

My children, dear children, as in Heaven everything is shared, revered and loved so here on the Earth must exist the same reflection of the Kingdom of God upon each one of your hearts.

For this reason, to celebrate the Marian task with each one of My children, I announce to you that My Immaculate Heart will be descending upon Figueira also on the day of the 13th of December to bless you and to prepare you for the new cycle that you will share with Me, from this next year, when My Heart of Peace will alleviate still more the world and above all will alleviate humanity.

Dear children may today be a reason for immense and thankful joy for My Heart because God has you in the account of salvation.  Right now come to Me, come to Me with love and happiness, because I want to have you between My arms for the most time posible, so that in this we can share the lovely presence of Jesus.

That this day of synthesis and prayer may strengthen your hearts so that they may be prepared to receive the arrival of the Redeemer.

Dear children I pray for those that judge My words and for those that still cannot live My messages because, as in Medjugorge, your consciousnesses will be particpants in one part of the Kingdom of the Peace of God.

Guard the memory of My arrival to your lives,, because this call that I have made during all this time will help you to find hope in the heart.

I thank you for answering to My call during all of this time!

Blessed is the Marian Center of Figueira because it is the fruit of My permanence and love for you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception

Monday, December 10 of 2012

Weekly Messages


Dear children:

My maternal Heart descends today to Earth as Queen of Peace of the Angels and of all the consciousnesses who make themselves present in this Universe, because it was in this way that the Lord consecrated Me as the Mother of the whole Universe.

I come to bring to you the blessed Peace that settles in your hearts the Mercy that My Son radiates to you in this time.

My dears, My Kingdom is approaching each day to your hearts, so that little by little you may accustom yourself to be in My Peace and you may know how to recognize it. In this way your little hearts must feel need of seeking and living this Peace all the time. I wish to make of each one of My children living portals so that other souls may arrive to My kingdom. And so that your beings, My dears, may be able to accomplish this task, it is necessary to live the conversion and to live constantly thirsty for prayer, with the permanent aspiration of being under the Mercy of My Son.

Your little hearts know little about the task that My maternal Heart realizes day by day with you. And I tell you, dears, that you will only discover it when, in moments of extreme tension, a mysterious Peace may invade your hearts; when in moments in which your bodies seem to not answer, an inner Force may permeate and revive each cell and each atom of your bodies.

You will feel the Power of My Presence when you will perceive that your souls never lose joy because they are all of the time under My Mantle.

Build by means of daily prayer this fortress that no evil will be able to overthrow. If you allow Me, My children, to reign in your hearts and in your lives, I tell you that in this Kingdom there will never be another King but Jesus Christ and there will not be other Queen but the Queen of Peace.

When the Light of the Lord definitely enters your hearts, nothing else will be able to enter. Trust in My words and count on the impulses that My Heart sends to you so that your little hearts may mature by means of the Love and the absolute Faith in God.

I thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

Sunday, December 9 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

The avocation of the Merciful Jesus will be the only path that will bring you to the encounter with the Portal of Peace, with the Essence of Peace, with the cure through My Holy Peace.

In the Merciful Jesus you will find the strength that your hearts need and in Jesus your souls will recuperate the inner strength that you have lost from whatever situation in your life.

My Son the Merciful Jesus ardently desires to pour every day His rays of Redemption and Mercy.  Jesus observes you and He knows that which you need.  He still has thirst for your souls, He still has thirst for souls that will be truthful and loving to His heart and to the hearts of your peers.

For this My dear children know again today that Jesus is waiting for you, that He is returning in victory and in light for this cycle of humanity.

When they persecute you, judge you, discourage you, when your vitality and will are weakened by the lack of love, run to Jesus, He waits for you as the precious and redeemed flock of His Sacred Heart of Love.

My children, Jesus still is offended by all the unjust actions and by all the indifferences, sometimes insignificant, that are committed among brothers and sisters.  Humanity is going down and for all of you Jesus is the power of the Redeeming and Renovating Love.

Dear children, as a Mother that also provides the merciful fountain of My Son today I give you vitality from My Immaculate Heart to calm down your hearts from any perturbation, and if you accept to be in My arms you will accept to be with My Son Jesus.

Every day after having peregrinated with My Love around this world, I arise to the Heavens and Jesus asks me: My Mother, Holy Mother of all, how many souls have you brought again to My Merciful Heart?

But sometimes the pain of My Son is so deep to see that humanity is distracted by modernity and forgets to be in God every day.

Because My Heart of Peace originates from your world, Maria, the Queen of Peace intercedes every day for you so that no one loses the path to God, the path that with so much effort you have been building.

For this today turn you lives to Jesus, surrender everything to the Redeemer so that He, in His Unfathomable Fount of Mercy, may wash and purify you in His Love and in His Peace.

My dear little children, now that humanity enters in a new cycle it must leave before the universe the vestments of yesterday and enter into the Temple as essence and purity.  For this observe how is your purity of intention, if it is crystalline as the water and peaceful as the ocean, because if you are in Jesus, if you live in the Heart of the Redeemer I assure you dear children, that you feet will know where to walk.

My children know that Jesus loves you, loves you so much that your hearts may totally satiate the thirst that my Son still lives for all.  Open today your arms and forget the past so that your hearts manifest themselves before My arrival, because in joy My Virginal Spirit will renovate you.

I need you.

Thank you for answering to My call for the conversion of humanity.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of Humanity.

Sunday, December 9 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

Contemplate today in your hearts the inner preparation for the birth of My Son Jesus, the Child Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, who is finalizing His glorious gestation in the heart of each one of you.

My little ones, this birth day of Jesus should not be only a symbol for your hearts, but must become something alive and true, that is born year to year in all creatures of Earth.  This miracle of the birth of Jesus that God gave to My Virginal Heart when My feet were placed upon Nazareth, is granted today to each one of My children so that Christ may be born and grow inside all you.  Thus it is, because the miracle of Christification must repeat itself in all humanity.

To My dear and courageous children, I invite you to live this mystery of Christification through absolute Faith in the Creator and in His Messages.  The little Jesus grew by the instruction of the Holy Spirit, the same that is available to all in this day, and under the external and internal guidance of My Heart of Mother, that prepared He who would one day become My Master and Lord, which our Hearts one day will encounter again in the Infinite.  And in the same way as I prepared the little Jesus to live His trajectory on the Earth with consequences beyond the Earth, today I dispose Myself as Mother of all, to prepare you for the Cross that you will carry in the end of this time.

Dears, the great and true Cross that alleviates the pain of the World was carried by the Heart of My Son Jesus that until today offered His Heart, still flagellated, to alleviate the pain of the World. 

And what God proposes to His creatures is that they be united and that between all, through prayer and sacrifice, carry the last cross of this World.  God waits, My little ones, that you all together may climb the path of the Calvary, this that the Heart of Christ did in profound solitude.  My eyes of a Merciful Mother and My Heart of Eternal Kindness will accompany all of you.  And I tell you that, united, sharing in fraternity the weight that burdens the world, no one will suffer beyond what they can offer.

My Immaculate Heart aspires with fervor to aid My little ones in this time, but for this it is necessary that You permit me to do this, that you say yes for the coming birth of Jesus in your hearts, this Christ that will grow in this new cycle that will come, and that it will learn to Love God, over all things, in your hearts.  This Christ will predicate with Faith and Good Blessings the Lord and will not fear even the suffering, strengthening the heart by means of sacrifice because you know and you will not have any doubts about the times of peace that are waiting for you, and you will fight until the last day on this Earth so that your heart and the heart of your sisters and brothers will cross together this threshold of the New Time.

This is what will live Christ in the inner of each one, this is what I came to gestate day by day in your hearts, and that I will search to educate while you grow, and that which will accompany Me when it will be mature.

I thank you for hearing My invitation of Peace and of Renovation so that the inner Christ will be born in each one in this Christmas that is coming.

I leave you with My Peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Saturday, December 8 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Today I come into your lives as the Lady of Lujan, especially for all My children of Argentina who wait to receive me in these coming days.

Dear children of Argentina, I have all of you inside of My Maternal Heart and I invite you to pray for all the causes that day by day are generated, especially in the Province of Buenos Aires.

The Lord sends me to embrace between My arms each Argentine child because as Mother of Peace I want the best for you. If you dear children of Argentina and the entire world, pray for this beloved nation, I will be thankful one time more because in this way you will permit the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ to come closer to each heart in need.

You My children must consecrate in this last time each one of the nations to the Heart of God, so that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit and His Seven Gifts. I will give thanks to all My children who will put the nation of Argentina in their supplications everyday.

As Mother and Queen of Peace I will be waiting for all My children of this country on the day of the 18th of December of 2012 in the city of Buenos Aires to pour again all of the Immaculate Love that I am feeling for you, and on the day of the 19th of December of 2012 I will be with you in a special apparition in the city of La Plata in the Province of Buenos Aires.

All of My Immaculate Heart will close an inner cycle for all of South Argentina.

Dear children, I will be thankful to all for your response because the mana of life, that which descended over all the people of the desert, will be present in these days as the Christic Spirit of Life through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Now my children, My Maternal Heart gathers all of you in the Marian Center of Figueira on the 9th and 10th days of December of 2012 so that you will accompany me through the prayer of the heart in an important prepatory task for this last cycle of the end of the year.

It is a task that I will realize as an Instructor Mother which will form your hearts so that then, above all that may happen, it may be the majority of the time in My Peace.

For this My children, the reason of My arrival with anticpation has a celestial reason, for this it is important that your hearts be unified to My Divine Purpose of Peace. Know that the world in this last time is accelerated and that one part of humanity, a great quantity of My children, do not stop to enter into prayer. Each tie that I descend from Heaven My Heart allows for a new soul to discover love, so that it may be returned to the path that had been lost.

Dear children, God sends me to choose the children that, through this task, will announce all the messages that I have been dictating for so much time. For this you must listen to My words and bring them more than anything, to your hearts so that the seed of coversion may form you as precious and redeemer souls that are united to the Heart of My Son.

You must love that which God has manifested as Will, and this will depends on all of My children, those that read My messages every day and in this way unify themselves to Me through the answer to My requests.

That which comes from Heaven is full of the essence and the divine spirit and this converts itself into words so that it may be heard for all.

When I say to you “I want, dear children…” it is God that is revealing His Magnificent Will, for this you must medítate if in truth your hearts are hearing my words. If this was so, your lives would already have intiated the path of redemption.

Dear children, love much during all of this day, but love so much more from your essence, more than from your thoughts. Remain in the Heart of God so that My Son may accompany you in this definitive time.

Humanity is already living the time of its own election, the time to know which path to take.

For this I pray for all of you.

I thank you for listening with your heart to all of My calls.

Maria, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

Saturday, December 8 of 2012

Weekly Messages


Dear children,

My Immaculate Heart comes today to you to give to you My blessed Peace. Do not fear to open your hearts, My little ones, so that this Peace may reign in your beings.

Today I bring the Light of My Heart to illuminate the abysses of this Earth and to take Light to all of the hearts that live in darkness. In this way I want to teach you, My children, through the purity of your hearts, to move away all the darkness that is approaching and to illuminate the hearts that are extinguishing.

Dear children, I come to ask you that you do not lose the fervor in prayer and that you never cease to seek, in the depths of your beings, the purity that God deposited in the core of each one of you. Because, it will be this purity that will sustain you in the times that will come. It is not necessary to fear, only to persevere and to prepare the inner world by means of prayer, forgiveness and silence. Always when your little hearts call for My Heart and ask for the Mercy of the Lord with sincerity it will come and expand the Peace of God for the world by means of the sincere intervention of your hearts.

For My Heart to be able to be before God, dears, to intervene for My little children, I first need the total surrender of your hearts and the true aspiration of each one to be an instrument of My Peace and My Universal Love.

If your hearts pray and be consecrated each day a little more to the Plan of God, moving away from your minds the harassment of the enemy, I will be able to protect you, guide you and conduct you by the hand to the encounter with the Creator. But if your hearts are invaded by modernity and by vanity, My children, forgetting that My Immaculate eyes observe you, I will only observe you and pray day and night so that your little beings may perceive My presence at your side.

My dears, the final times are already at the door of this world. Light and darkness are waiting to reign in the inner and deep world of each one. It is necessary to choose the path through which your feet will walk. My Heart waits for you with Love and it is attentive to each prayer that your hearts make with sincerity. But the enemy is also attentive to not miss even a single distraction of your hearts in order to invade them with modernity and sensuality. For this seek for purity, My children.

Seek to be perpetually in My Heart and thus I will be able to sustain you. Do not leave a single minute from My arms for I have already started to walk, carrying My little children in the direction of the Redeemer.

And those who persevere, I will deliver you to the feet of the Lord in His great Temple in the Heavens.

I love you and I thank you eternally.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

Tuesday, December 4 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

Today I come to you for one more time so that I may pour My Favored Love in all of your hearts.

May the Lord bless you on this day that so your open hearts can recognize My words in all places, especially in your little essences.

My children, I want that on this day your lives remember to glorify the Lord because God awaits for your souls to be in union with His Powerful Will.  When I tell you to unify yourselves to the Will of God I am also telling you to love the purpose that God manifested through the Heart of My Son and through My Immaculate Heart.  So that all your intentions may correspond to the Will of God.  So much prayer is necessary so that your lives may be conducted to the Path of Peace.

My children through the My Maternal Love that I have for each one of you, you may recognize that God loves you deeply.  The Love of God is the Love that will allow you to have a dignified and ordered life, a life that professes the commandments of the Highest and that recognizes that in God is the single and absolute Truth.

If your hearts awake to devotion by means of prayer they may create in the world renovated and precious groups of prayer that unite themselves in syntony and harmony to answer to the will of the Creator.  The groups of souls recognize themselves because there exists an infinite love in the task that God has entrusted you to realize through prayer.

In this time the formation of prayer groups must be done by love for My Immaculate Heart, a love that springs truly from you, a love that does not have restrictions, a love that donates itself and opens up itself to recognize in its neighbor the inner master.

For this My dearest children, that from this time your prayer groups may be as only one group in humanity that answers by service to the other creatures and that builds in this way the basis of fraternity in these so important times.

My children, that your hearts may irradiate love so that with humility to your neighbor the souls unify themselves under the Christic Will that manifests My Son, the Will that all of you be more merciful and sincere.

For this dear children, may your consciousnesses accept this renovating impulse that My Heart is dictating to you through the formation of the new flocks of Christ, of the praying soldiers consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, because for all of you the end must be that the Earth be the New Earth redeemed and consecrated to live the principles of God the Father which are Love, Unity and Wisdom.

I thank all the groups that have been responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Tuesday, December 4 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

I come today to unify in My Heart all the work realized in the South of Brazil because the Lord needs that your hearts be unified for this time.

All these days in which the Lord has allowed Me to be together with My little children was a special Grace for the world.  My Immaculate Heart can alleviate one more time the flagellated Heart of My Son through the conversion and salvation of many souls.

In order for My maternal presence to arrive to the more obscure realities of this place I need the availability of your hearts to accompany me.  So that even more souls may be liberated, my children, I invite you to be in prayer with Me day and night because the necessities for these times are demanding it.

The Heart of My Son Jesus will not lose the opportunity to rescue the souls of His lost flock and to place them again in the correct path.  For this each moment that you gather in prayer will become a sacred opportunity of rescue and conversion.

Dear children, the sincere prayer of the heart, and communion and confession repair each day a little more the Heart of My son and all the offenses caused by humanity to the Heart of God.  The daily communion with the Heart of Christ will protect you from all evil and little by little will transform your hearts and prepare the dwelling that My Son needs to find in each one of you.

For these days of special Grace My Heart is in need of the help of each one of you so that My maternal presence will bring all the Light that the Most Sacred Heart of the Lord will permit Me.

For this I ask you to pray and open your hearts still more to receive me.  I ask you that you renew the vows of union with My task of Salvation of souls.  And in this way at each Apparition My Heart will find you renewed in devotion and love.

In this way My dears God will renew day by day My union with My little children and will concede me the Grace of being together with you and your hearts, helping you.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

I thank you eternally for being available to answer to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Monday, December 3 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dearest children,

When yesterday I called you to reaffirm the action of the fast and of prayer every day it was for your consciousnesses to remember the special time that you are living in this humanity.

As Mother I contemplate and accept all your sincere offers of fast.  For the souls that are sick I ask them for the fast of words and much prayer, for the souls that are strong and young I ask them to fast from the consciousness and from the heart, offering all to the creator, for those more available to sacrifice I ask them to fast on bread and water, as I had asked to My children one time in Medjugorje.

In this time I not only invite you to prayer but also I invite you to the little sacrifices on the part of your souls, sacrifices that may please the Heart of the Father, but sacrifices that do not torture your souls.

Now humanity finds itself in another moment, and this time must be accompanied by all, by means of fast that each child may offer, by means of prayer that each child may pray more, and through the little sacrifices that each soul may offer and surrender to God.  All this will be so well received at the Gate of the Heavens, for each act that is done with love has more value than those acts that are accomplished by obedience to a request.

As the Queen of Peace I invite you to consider in your lives these simple spiritual exercises that were great keys for the salvation of many souls when Christ was among you upon the Earth.

The forty days of fast of My Son Jesus signified the definitive union of His Human Heart with the Spiritual Heart of God, it was the alliance that permitted Jesus to live the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection and the essence of all this mystery was the offer of love that emanated from the Heart of My Son to the Will of God.

For this dear children, in the little and true acts of offering is found the humility and the reparation that each heart needs for this time.  The world must be sustained by the labors of humanity, works of prayer, works of peace, works of sacrifice and works of fraternity that will allow repair of the great outrages that many souls are realizing towards the Universe.

For this My children, as Mary, Mother Helper of all the Christians, I come to your lives to give orientation and accompany you as I told you throughout these centuries.

In Guadalupe, I came to save the dignity among all races before God.

In Lourdes, I came to avoid the condemnation of souls.

In Fatima, I came to avoid the destruction of the world.

In Medjugorje I came to ask for more confession and prayer from all My children.

And right now here in South America, I come to prepare all the hearts for the new cycle of humanity that is the Return of My Son.

God weaves through My prayers His blessed and merciful purposes for each one of the souls.

Today I invite you to one more exercise, that is the adoration of the Heart of Christ.  This exercise may be realized through the adoration of the Eucharistic Body of My Son in all sanctuaries of the Earth, as through the powerful presence of the image of the Merciful Christ and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, what is important is that your essences be unified each time, more with the Heart of My Son, because in the silence He will wait for you.

I thank you for answering to this important call for Peace!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Sunday, December 2 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children of Camboriú and of Florianópolis.

Under the Grace and the Power of God I gather you so that around My Celestial Light you may live the unity between your hearts.

The Grace of My coming and of My descent upon both cities has spiritual motives and merits of salvation for many of My children of Brazil, those who without perceiving it have been far away from the Love of God.

Most dear children of Camboriú and of Florianópolis, today I call you to enter into My Maternal Heart so that you may find the Grace of the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit in this time. The always Blessed Virgin Mary and your Mother loves you, supports you and adores you deeply as essences of God. For this reason a step more that your hearts take towards the Unity and the Light of the Father will mean that many souls with irreparable faults will receive the Grace of the Divine Mercy.

Dear children, today I am teaching you and instructing you about the importance of unifying your intentions, your prayers and your tasks as a single and solid consecrated group to My Immaculate Heart. If you do just this your sincere attitude of love will allow that new and needy souls may participate in the extraordinary time of Mercy, a time that My Maternal Heart is pouring by means of the Marian Apparitions.

My children there is a reason today for your souls to be consecrated around the Sacred Table of My Son because as humanity you are being called to live the Reconciliation and to be participants of the last supper, before the victorious return of My Son Jesus.

Dear children, in this meeting with Me during this day I invite you to feel in yourselves the presence of the Sacred Heart of My Son because it is very important that My Son live in you, so that the plans of My Peace may be accomplished. This visit that My Heart of Mother is realizing for the big and needy cities of the south of Brazil signify that we are accomplishing the Will of God and intervening for a very large number of souls before the end of the final cycle of this humanity.

The new stars of My Crown must be born through the shine that is manifested by each one of My children though daily prayer. May your constant union with My Son redeem you.

For this dear children as Mother I am extending My Arms to you so that with our hands together we can go in the direction of the encounter with the Redeemer and Savior, Christ Jesus.

My children, in this day I bless this merciful meeting with Me of each one of My little children. Be as children and come to My arms, I want that you feel in your hearts My Maternity and Love.

I thank all the groups of Camboriú and Florianópolis for having answered My call!

Blessings with Love and Redemption.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Sunday, December 2 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

My heart today rejoices at receiving the response of your little hearts. I come today, as the Queen of Peace, to bring My Peace to this place and to all hearts. My words expand to all spaces and My maternal voice touches the hearts mysteriously. I arrive today to your hearts as the soft and silent breeze that little by little will fill you with celestial calm: this is My Peace.

Dear children, when My Heart descends to Earth, bringing a part of My Kingdom, this is not at all symbolic. I elevate your little consciousnesses through the love of each one of you, through My Immaculate Heart and by the Merciful Grace that the Lord sends to Me at the same time that, together with the angels, I make My Kingdom descend, unifying it with your consciousnesses.

My children, I come to remind you of the importance of fasting for this time. Fasting done with love will alleviate the weight that your souls and also the souls throughout the world carry. Your hearts are forgetting the primary purpose of fasting, which is Peace, which is the salvation of souls.

Be careful, My little children, so that the days of fasting do not become days of dieting. This happens when your consciousnesses forget the purpose of fasting and do not permeate these days with the true intention of the action of fasting.

Fasting without the intention of the heart loses force and no longer acts as it should in this world. My children, it happens that your bodies lose the incentive of fasting because they are not in the correct intention to do so. The intention of the heart and the clear purpose of what this repairing action means is what creates the days of fasting, not so much what you are fasting from.

Each one of your little hearts know themselves and know what they need to fast from. Fasting from physical food should be accompanied by fasting from feelings, from thoughts, from words, from instinctive and hasty actions. Also fast from judgments, from arguments, from competition, and offer this sincere intention for the reparation of the Heart of Christ and for the salvation of souls.

As a Mother, I come to remind you, day by day, what your hearts frequently forget so that your hearts may walk upon the correct path, which is the path of Redemption. I am the Guardian of each one of you, and I watch your steps, day by day, conducting you always, because I love you.

I thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, December 1 of 2012

Weekly Messages


Maternal and ecumenical message for My children of the whole world

Dear children,

Today I come to each of your hearts as the Mother and Queen of all the people and all the languages.  I come to unify your little hearts to My Heart as God asks Me to do day by day.

I thank you with My Love of a Mother for the sincere answer of each one of your hearts.  Feel in the silence the Peace that My Immaculate Heart irradiates to you, because it is through this Peace that your hearts will find the path to fraternal union, without judgment and without differences.

Dear children, this day gives joy to My heart and seals in the universe a unique moment, even if your consciousnesses understand so little of the Plans of God.  A signal was thrown to the Infinite.  A sincere answer from your hearts touches today the Kingdom of the Heavens and, your little beings will proceed in the depths of the heart in communion with Me and with the Sacred Purpose for which God has sent me.  Many chains that before seemed unbreakable may be torn off, and many souls that before seemed to be untouchable may receive the Grace to listen and feel My maternal call.

My children, I need that with humility your hearts always be in unted, because this will be the only boat that will gather you all at the moment to climb to My Kingdom.  In My Kingdom does not exist differences.  And if some of your little hearts aspire ardently to understand My Call, they will enter into My Heart in prayer and peace.  Permit yourself to enter in My Kingdom and there you can have your hearts cleaned to perceive and live the Will of the Lord, through means of My Heart.

I come today as the Queen of the Angels and of humanity, the Queen of each creature of this Universe, because it is in this way that I will unify in My arms, not only my little beings but also all beings, of all the kingdoms.  From among humans and angels I shelter all in My Heart.

My beloved children, trust in My Heart because soon you could understand and live what I am asking you day by day.  Each moment in which your hearts allow Me, I pour upon you a little of this Holy Spirit, that will give you eternal wisdom to act on the Earth and for all Eternity in the Heavens.

I thank you,

Maria, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Saturday, December 1 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

Almost six consecutive years of maternal blessings have been accomplished.

For these Graces to proceed descending from Heavens, I invite you to strengthen and to exercise the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, God contemplates on this day the inner union among the faithful to the Divine Plan, and this is possible under the inner union with the Holy Heart of Jesus. On this day may your hearts celebrate with Me like the angels of the Father celebrate in Heavens.

Today I call you to experience from the heart each act of love that My Son manifested through the Sacred Gospel, as in each one of His passages through the Earth during His public life, His death and His resurrection.

For this reason and as the souls need the Love and the Forgiveness of God, I invite you to consider in confession a path to your conversion, a door that each day may open itself to transcend the pains of life.

As Merciful Mother I invite you to the reparation of the Heart of God. The Father needs that each one of His children unite themselves to the Holy Trinity because the Holy Spirit of God waits to live in the hearts that lovingly contemplate the mystery of the Divine Holy Spirit through the prayer of the heart.

My beloved children, all the venerable attributes that are guarded in Heaven, such as are Mercy, Redemption and Piety, together with Forgiveness, wait to be active principles in the life of all of the beings.

Dear children, I need for humanity to repair, by means of prayer and communion with My Son, all the causes that are generated day by day. Through your conversion of the heart you will be able to be blessed souls that may wait with love for the Glorious coming of the Redeemer.

My children, the time of the preparation has already started, for this I come from Heaven to manifest to you the Will of God in your lives. The Son of the Father who is in the Heavens waits for you by means of the communion in order to repair His flagellated Eucharistic Heart.

In each one of you it exists the possibility to live in the Good and in the Peace of the Lord because if humanity does not change, what will be of the Promised Earth?

In your hearts is the path to redemption that the Redeemer promises to you. In this day of Graces be partakers of His unfathomable Mercy because many of My Children need the aid that comes from God.

God loves you. God contemplates you. Today God guards you all in His great Heart of Love.

I thank all of My children from Porto Alegre for having answered to My call today.

Who always tends you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
