In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I know that sometimes you feel tired of your own purification, but I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not know how to move forward and you cannot find meaning in all that you do. I am here, come to My Arms.
I know that sometimes you do not understand what happens or how the universe proposes some lessons and tests, but, you should know that I am here, come to My Arms, because everything makes sense to God, although you may not deeply know it. For this reason, I am here, so that you may come toward Me and be in My Arms. because I will only give you the strength and courage in order for you to learn to overcome these moments and these times.
I am here, at the doors of the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy will deliver to the world new impulses of Light that will permeate from your spirits towards your whole being. And these impulses that will come are those that will make you postulate yourselves to this path of apostleship that I come to offer to you at this moment, for this final moment.
This is why I come today to celebrate, with the consequent, these eight years of a path of prayer, of effort, of perseverance, of songs, of devotion, of praise and of honor to My Sacred Heart.
Today, I can say, companions, that beyond what happens today in the world, My Heart feels hope again for those who have been by My side, up to this moment, fulfilling My invitation, responding to My Requests, making known in the world the unfathomable power of My Mercy.
It is in this way that many souls, that you do not know today in the world, through these years of merciful prayer, through the participation of these souls in the meetings of prayer, those souls have been marked and anointed by My Spirit. This means a lot for Me, for the opportunity that these souls will have, of being able to remake their lives in the future, and especially to remake their spiritual path, the path that will lead them to God.
This is why, in this month, at the beginning of these sacred events of the Sacred Hearts, your Master and Lord announces Himself to the world to bring it the time of hope and healing that humanity needs, and to also tell you that all those who live the Commandments will follow the universal Laws, and, by following the universal Laws, they will feel in their hearts an indescribable joy, despite the times of darkness, because upon you will descend the Holy Spirit and, with all Its Gifts, It will make you find the Promised Land, the Kingdom of God that lives within each one of you.
Thus, companions, you will fulfill My Promises before the Celestial Father, because you have been transformed by My Mercy throughout these years and, with your adherence and devotion, you have opened the doors at many moments for very painful and unknown situations to be solved, just as it was with the Indigenous Consciousness of Canada, which, for more than one hundred years, suffered the inquisition of My mistaken Church.
But I come today to raise these hearts and all the hearts throughout the world so that they may always keep in mind My Message, and not all those who follow Me, because those who follow Me could always be mistaken, this is human because it is weak. But in My Message and in My Word you will find the power of renewal and, by finding this power of renewal, you will find the Healing, Redemption and Mercy that all of you still need in order to attain the Kingdom of God.
With this impulse, I come to prepare your hearts for the new cycle, which will explicitly begin after August 8, when My Mother, who is your Mother, will open even more the doors to the definitive call in this Plan of the rescue of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature and, in consequence, of the salvation of the whole planet.
Therefore, what we have built together, up to this moment, has been the three important columns of the Work of Redemption: the column of Mercy, the column of Grace and the column of Forgiveness. These three columns unite through a great circle of Light, which is the column of Redemption, which is what souls need today in order to remake their lives in this world that is contaminated by war, by technology, by the ideals and the grave tendencies that move souls away from the Love of God.
This Grace that I have brought to the world, since eight years ago, has been possible through the principle basis that was built for this spiritual task which is the basis of the Light-Communities which I invite all those who listen to know, so that they may enter the Islands of Salvation and may come to know the path that will rebuild your lives from these difficult times. But, first, you must keep loving My Project of Redemption, to someday be able to know the Project of Salvation through the evolutionary life of the Light-Communities.
Because the Light-Communities were the main pillars for the Work of expansion of Mercy to other nations of the world, to make it possible to include many more souls that in this life were waiting for redemption.
This is what I place today at the Feet of the Celestial Father: the efforts, the true surrenders, the devotion of hearts, the service of the selfless and innocent, the souls that strive to live humility, chastity and the unconditional spirit of an ever-deeper surrender for the concretion of the Plan of God through My Sacred heart.
Therefore, I encourage you and I invite you, companions, for this Marathon to be a moment of celebration, to be a moment for giving an impulse to all souls that participate in this prayerful meeting to renew their vows with the attribute of hope so that this Earth may be healed in all that is possible and allowed. Thus, you will understand, companions, that I will not do My Work in this place and in the whole world by Myself, I need your hearts and your lives, I need your ‘yes’ to carry out what is not yet materialized, what must still descend from the Spiritual Universe to heal this wounded Earth and create the bases of a New Humanity.
In these last 8 years, in which I have been appearing to you and delivering My Message to the whole world, I have seen that some of Mine have decided to enter the school of the degrees of love, and, even more, some have decided to enter the degrees of the school of compassion.
I invite you to move ahead in this school, I invite you, for your souls not to forget this school, because the Love of God will not only make you strong and invincible, the Love of God will make you ever more conscious of the reality and of the necessity, to the point that you, by yourselves, will be able to perceive, in everything, what you must help and assist.
Children of My Father, the end of times is already taking place, and, with Me, and in union with Me, you must keep the doors open to this universe of Mercy, where souls can be purified, washed, bathed and may receive an opportunity, as each one of you has received, on this path of the encounter with Me toward Mercy.
Because when your hearts are ready to live what I need, as many hearts are preparing for this, I will open My Heart even more and I will show you My most unknown and deepest feelings, which I will invite you to feel in order for you to learn how to transmute and liberate this world; feelings of My Heart that cannot be seen by the physical eyes, but rather by the eyes of the heart, of a sensitive heart, open to the unknown.
I come here so that you may feel under My Spirit, because I know that it is difficult for many companions to cross this planetary moment, to live this world situation, to be a part of this human consciousness that day by day steps back due to the lack of love and compassion. But you, who many times have submerged in the ocean of My Mercy, can already know, but can also feel, what this means, and you can place yourselves at the service of all that is necessary to carry out, without fearing to surrender, until it hurts, because you will feel it even in your bones; at this moment, you will come to know charity, and your souls will be in joy, they will be in glory, in adoration, because they will be fulfilling a small part of the Plan of the Lord. If everyone did the same in this world, there would no longer exist a pandemic, there would no longer exist suffering, because all this would be replaced by the fraternity and the solidarity of the cooperation that emerges from the souls that, at this time, are here to serve.
In the name of the Source of Creation, at the doors of this month of August, I want to bless you, so that this blessing may impel you even more towards the transformation and elevation of consciousness, for all the consciousnesses that do not elevate themselves and do not love, especially for the consciousness that make wars, humanitarian crises, inequalities, social conflicts, even the diseases that the world is today experiencing.
Although it may seem impossible, difficult or impenetrable, I invite you to imitate what I did in the sorrowful Passion, so that the merits of your efforts and surrenders, in this month of August, may serve as a justification of all the errors committed so that the chaos in the world may be soothed and the most lost souls may be reborn in love and forgiveness. This is My great aspiration in this month of August, and you will begin to accomplish it first among yourselves, with all those who surround you, with your families, with your dear ones and friends. thus you will come to know how much it is necessary to live the school of the degrees of love, in the conscious effort to attain it.
Therefore, I have come to bless you especially, not only you, but also the world, so that the spirit of collaboration may awaken in the hearts of all humanity, especially in the non-believers, so that someday the sacred spirit of brotherhood may awaken.
When this happens, Heaven will have descended to Earth and the Earth will have ascended to the Heavens, in perfect unity, and that is when I will return to bring Peace to the world.
At this moment, I hear the offerings of your souls. Although imperfect, let it be a true offering, let it be the offering that is born from the voice of the heart so that all may be redeemed and healed.
For this first event of the month of August, the Marathon of Divine Mercy, I leave to you what My Heart has that is most precious, what in brotherhood I once shared with you: the Eucharist, the Blood and the Body of Christ, which will always lead you to find the truth within you and redemption, because I did so for you, and I would keep doing so, many times more.
Remember that within the Sacraments lie the lifeline, the path that will lead you to peace and to the divine union with the Most Holy Trinity.
In this month of August, in which we have been so many years alongside each one of you, by means of Our Presence, of Our Sacred Hearts, of Our Words, we come to demonstrate to you that We are here to help this wounded, suffering and agonizing world.
Therefore, I invite you to be a definitive part of My Heart, I invite you to be a part of the Rays of My Heart to illuminate this world by means of works of charity and peace.
At the request of the Eternal Father, I bless you in this new cycle, when the doors of humanitarian service and prayer will open more, until it can reach the whole world, until all hearts possible may hear My Voice, may hear My Message.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will close this moment, making an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by means of a song that impels us to live this path of apostleship so that the Light of Christ may descend to the world and His aspirations may be concretized through the ‘yes’ of each heart.
From the city of Vancouver to the city of Quebec, there are spaces not yet known to the human being, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy keeps important treasures for the next cycle of humanity.
In Northern Canada there are also special and even impenetrable places where the Spiritual Hierarchy has sacred spaces that help the whole planet.
So Canada experiences a spiritual and intuitive counterpart that needs to awaken on the surface through a group of souls that will unite in the name of the Hierarchy to carry it forward.
Because of this need and reason, the Work of Christ through the consecrated life will assign a number of brothers and sisters so that, together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, Canada and the United States may be able to move into their proper place again through self-summoned souls, thus fulfilling the part of the Plan that is necessary in this cycle.
The Hierarchy and the Work of Christ, through the consecrated Light-Communities, will make the necessary efforts so that this part of the planet, which is the crown of the world, does not remain without the necessary impulses to carry forward the Work of love, redemption and charity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the universal doors open again today, to help humanity and the planet, My Heart brings you a great spiritual and extraordinary grace, so that your inner beings trustingly, in unity and faith, may be given the impulse to move forward with all that the Hierarchy proposes for the Islands of Salvation, such as are the Light-Communities and Light-Nuclei.
This is the time to be aware and wise, so that in a near future the bases for salvation may be prepared, where the Hierarchy will be able to carry out its last operations and where the souls, most unknown to all of you, may find a spiritual space of love and service, where the results of the effort of each one of My companions will be seen.
Today, you, who are in the presence of the Universal King and the Governor of the Cosmos, have taken a step in degrees of love, and it will be this sacred step of adherence and fraternity that, through Grace, will allow you to assume an important task together with Your Master and Lord, a mission that will watch over the spiritual consciousness of Brazil and all its beloved people.
Let your hearts rejoice! for today you have witnessed for yourselves that it is possible to donate yourself more for a Greater Love that comes directly from the Universe, for each one of you and your brothers and sisters of the planet.
I thank you for having responded to My sacred convocation!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Not only in Colombia, but also in other nations of the world, a part of humanity, of the followers of Christ, must get together and assemble to await for the definitive moment of humanity, known as the Judgment of judgments.
These spaces and places for the ecumenical meeting of My followers will be the Light-Communities, where they will be free and protected from the imminent dangers that the human race itself will generate through its disagreements with the social and political life of the nations.
Because in truth, humanity will unmask those who only disseminated empty promises about a change or an improvement that never existed in any way; they were only pretty words dressed up in emotional and convincing speeches.
At least a part of humanity will turn to the Spiritual Hierarchy, wherever it may be, to have a guide and protection during the crucial moments.
Thus, companions, be attentive, because these moments are not so far away and you do not need to have fifty years go by to arrive to the end of times, because the end is here.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
A Tribute to the Teacher of Love
My children,
It has been a year today since the soul of My son, José Trigueirinho, rose up to Heaven to continue his trajectory in precious schools of service and of expansion of consciousness.
After his departure, many events came forward, not only in the field of service, of instruction and of prayer, which Figueira itself was able to express, but also a great need for humanitarian help on worldwide and international levels appeared.
In this way, the Sacred Tree of Figueira, which was cared for, pruned and protected by My son, José Trigueirinho, during the last thirty years, launched new seeds of instruction and of service, which up to recent times continues to sprout and provide infinite opportunities to all those who may want to avail themselves of this Grace of living an absolute giving of self.
After thirty years, when the fertile soil of each heart and disciple was lovingly cared for by My son, José Trigueirinho, the time has come for the virtues and the talents to emerge, to be at the service of the Plan of God in order to alleviate all pain by means of love.
This is the time in which all the disciples of José Trigueirinho must take their places within the Plan and commit to the Heights, to support the Islands of Salvation that, with such love, My son José Trigueirinho protected and safeguarded with his humble consciousness.
This is the time for all members of the Light-Network, as good, dedicated and tender servers, to take up the care, the safeguarding and the maintenance of the Light-Communities, and to be more present and active, knowing that the Communities and the Light-Nuclei will be sacred spaces for the receiving and welcoming of humanitarian situations.
Now is the time to put into practice all of the legacy received and heard during the last thirty years. It is the time to bring continuity to the Work, that which the spiritual Hierarchy sowed through the Community of Figueira.
In this way, My children, you will make it possible for the Hierarchy, upon the surface of the Communities and in the Light-Nuclei, to have spaces lovingly consecrated and donated so that the Hierarchy can continue instructing and guiding souls, so that it may continue to sow seeds of light within hearts that are awakening to the great summoning.
Let us thank the Eternal Father for having sent a humble and serving Instructor to the world, who safeguarded and protected each of His children and disciples.
I thank you for having responded to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I feel immense and inexplicable joy for you, for being able to return to one of My favorite homes and Service Nucleus for humanity.
After a long walk, your Master and Lord comes to the heart of each one of those present so that, in adoration and in silence, He may rest together with His disciples and praying pilgrims.
This is a special moment because, as from today on, the Light-Nuclei will prepare, after many years, to someday change into Centers of humanitarian shelter and support in the current time of transition.
Here in the Light-Nuclei exists the main archetype of the attributes of the Light-Communities; they are the arms and the hands stretched out to the world that can welcome, receive and bring relief to those who suffer. All this is a treasure of the Spiritual Hierarchy, because the Light-Nuclei are spaces dedicated to helping souls to take the first steps in fraternity, in the good and, above all, in love.
If the Light-Nuclei did not exist as basic support and pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy, today it would not be possible to carry humanitarian and fraternal service to the world, because the Light-Nuclei are not only spaces for reconnecting with the sense of the inner world, but they also represent the experience and the synthesis of the Light-Communities.
In short, the Nuclei are fruits of the sacred tree, of a tree that, by means of souls and servers, must continue to sow forgiveness and redemption in the most spiritually needy hearts.
I am forever grateful for the eternal and loving service of the souls of this and all Light-Nuclei. I am grateful to those who in faith still hold up the torch of their Lord on the surface of the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I have already told you, My children, that something greater exists within you that you do not know; and that within your original essence, the purity that God conceived, for each one of His children, there are many mysteries to reveal and to show to each one of your souls.
I come as your Mother, but also as your Universal Governess, as this great Mirror of Justice and of Mercy that comes to reflect upon Earth the Principles and the Gifts of God.
What the Father expects of each one of you, My children, is that you also be able to represent Him on the surface of the Earth and that you be able to be mirrors, in such likeness of what I am, that you not only bring the divine attributes to the Earth in this very critical time of humanity, but that you also, My children, come to know your own inner mysteries that the Father will reveal to you when He, with His own Hands, takes away the veils from your consciousness, a moment in which everything will be fully shown and you will remember and know who you are.
Through your daily consecration to My Immaculate Heart, you are sending an answer to the Eternal Father, so that He may count on you completely and unconditionally, because at least a part of this great flock of humanity must fulfill what the Father needs in this planetary cycle.
The tribes of Israel must exist in the four main continents of this planet, not only remembering their origins and their Divine Principles, but also being aware and available to serve the Celestial Father in the last missions that He will entrust to humanity, directly to those who have awakened and will awaken in this time.
This is part, My children, of the Infinite Plan of the Creator, a Plan that has not been fulfilled yet and has not been concretized, a Plan that is being written by your lives and your hearts, not only by the beings that are on the surface of the Earth, but also by all the beings that are in the Cosmos and are part of this great universal fraternity that God formed and created since the origin.
Now you are aware, My children, that you are not alone, but you must be still more aware of sacred knowledge and mysteries that will come to the world so as to awaken it. This will put you ahead of the events of the end of times in a more conscious and mature posture, just as God needs.
I come to bring you, My children, this revelation, because it is not written in the Sacred Bible, in truth this revelation was omitted from the Sacred Bible. Thus, My children, I am part of this Divine Word that, in the name of God, comes to be pronounced to the world through a message and the Divine Word, so that the children of the Father may be aware that there is a purpose and a goal to achieve in this cycle, which no race and no previous humanity has reached up to now.
Everyone that is present in this acute cycle of the planet, are so for a spiritual reason, experiencing within themselves the universe of the learning process and of the tests; learnings that bring you into maturity of consciousness, into an inner willingness and into the unconditional service to the Eternal Father.
There are no major tests, My children, that cannot be overcome. I give you the key of prayer as a path of communication with God, as a bridge that will always link you with the truth of existence, where your consciousnesses will be able to be completely elevated, despite how the world is. And it is in this elevation and in this constant aspiration, My children, that you will find the different aspects of God and will come to more deeply know His Sacred Names, which are true emanations of His Infinite Consciousness, of His different tasks and missions in this Universe, just as in other unknown Universes.
And so I bring you the Light of the Truth, this Light which must penetrate your hearts and souls, a Light that will always take you to the Truth and will remove you from the ignorance of the Earth. Because today I am not only here for Argentina, but also for the world, for all who hear My message in this crucial time and cry out from their hearts for the existence of Peace, not only within you but also in the world.
This elevated consciousness is what God invites you to attain, day after day, not only through the path of prayer, but also through the path of service. This will allow you, My children, to be in another vibration and in another consciousness, from where God will be able to intervene in humanity through the instruments, His children, and thus little by little dispel the chaos that is present in humanity. And in this way, you will perceive, My children, the existence that is in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which are great powerhouses of information that have always fed your spirits and essences from the beginning.
But now, My children, the time has come to remember all these things, to re-live all these treasures that are deeply spiritual and non-material, and which will place your consciousnesses at the service of the Plan of God, because I assure you, My children, that you will know where to be and what to do at the exact time.
You and all of your brothers and sisters of humanity are a race in transition, a race that experiences the first steps of the Apocalypse, in which many mysteries will be revealed, but also incredible things will be shown by the men and the women of Earth, never seen before, which will also offend the Heart of God.
Therefore, I invite you, My children, to elevate your consciousnesses, and your souls have already made this request. This is why I come today to speak to you about all these things, My children, because you will be nourished by the Non-material Source rather than by the information that humanity itself encourages, which confuses hearts, and which are not true.
As the Mother of the Most High, the Universal Mother and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I come in this time and outside of the Church, to expand the human consciousness, which each day is more asleep, more hypnotized and indifferent to the universal reality.
It will be the elevation of your consciousnesses and hearts, and of all those who aspire to awaken, that will place the human consciousness on another level, in which the Presence of God and of His Source will be able to be perceived and bring the Truth to your hearts and consciousnesses.
What I need, My children, is that you build the New Time through your examples and the teachings that My Son has given to you, not only through the Gospels, but in His Sacred instructions, through all the impulses that He has given to you in recent times.
But the time has come, My children, for the consciousness of the Divine Hierarchy to be shown and make itself felt in humanity, because the human race is at the edge of the abyss and I have the task, My children, of rescuing you and awakening you, and of taking you to the Heart of the Redeemer, where you will be safe and protected. But I also have the spiritual mission, entrusted to Me by the Archangel Gabriel, of revealing the true Consciousness of God and that of Our Sacred Hearts, which not only refer to a holy image.
This is the time in which your consciousnesses and minds can expand and the center of your heart be what governs your lives. In this way, your spirits will prompt you to experience changes without fear, without restrictions or doubts, so that you may represent My Son on the surface of the Earth as His apostles, and so that you not only live His teachings and His example, but you carry the relief of God to your brothers and sisters, to those most in need, and that you learn to sustain your own nations through the instrument of prayer and of service, which will allow Me to continue to firmly stomp on the head of evil and more souls will be freed from the hells, more consciousness will recover their faith and hope in the Eternal Father, and nothing more will separate you from the Truth, because you will be able to prepare the glorious coming of Christ; not only by living the Truth of Christ within you, but the advent of His Consciousness in humanity, which nothing or nobody will stop, because in the most unexpected moment He will return.
That is why I come as His Mother and as His faithful Slave to inform you and announce to you, My children, that this moment is drawing closer and He will be your Great Patriarch, your Governor, your Leader, your great and infinite Love. And you will have Him before your eyes, like the apostles did, after He resurrected. But now, you will not touch His Wound as Thomas touched it, rather you, My children, will touch His Body and His Sacred Vestments because He will come to embrace you in the name of Love and to definitely establish redemption.
And so, My children, let your hearts in this moment of crisis not lose hope. Be willing to reorganize your lives through group life, be willing to experience communitary life in the Light-Communities that Our Sacred Hearts and the Sacred Consciousnesses of the Universe requested to be founded many years ago, at certain points in South America, so that humanity, which would be suffering during this time, could manage to find a place where it could see God, feel Him in the depths of their hearts and know with certainty that nothing is lost, in spite of the chaos that reigns in the world.
These Light-Communities, My children, are the Islands of Salvation for the entire humanity. Thus, My children, know that the sacred values of God are still present on the Earth and in these places.
But you must fully live detachment, neutrality and trust, so that your lives may gradually change, little by little, and know that God, through the Light-Communities, places His Sacred Aspects, each one of His Sacred Names, so that His Attributes may feed your spirits and all those who arrive there to experience the presence of Love, of brotherhood, of solidarity, of cooperation and of Truth.
Because We are present there, among you and within you. There you will find a refuge for your spiritual and inner needs. There you will find support in following the principles of brotherhood and group life so that all may remain in order and in harmony.
The Islands of Salvation are for those who want to truly transform and surrender their lives into the hands of God, in a way that they never have before. The Islands of Salvation are places for the families, for the main cell of the Plan of God which must be protected and safeguarded by the Hierarchy so that family, as a spiritual archetype, may continue to last throughout time and not lose the happiness and the love that conceived it, but rather they may always receive the Grace of God so that all those who were born and will be born may also be worthy children of God, a part of the universal family.
But the world has its attention on other things; this is why the time has come, My children, that your Heavenly Mother reveals to you that which the Universe has held for a long time and, at certain periods, in the course of the history of humanity has touched this race through awakening and knowledge, through the experience that the sacred peoples, the first peoples that had that managed to fulfill the Plan of God, before they were exterminated.
This teaching, the form of inner contact with the Universe and with God, must be re-acquired by humanity so that it may be in the correct attunement and with the correct protection.
Now, My children, as a testimony that it is important to maintain this universal family, as Mother of the Most High and Lady of Argentina, listening to the instrumental of the hymn of consecration of the Children of Mary, the time has come for those who will be consecrated today to come up here to receive My words and My blessing, knowing that I continue to trust in all those who have already been consecrated, and in those who, beyond the human appearance or events, are being consecrated to serve the Mother of God, the Governess of the Universe and of the Earth, the Mirror of Justice and of Mercy.
So, children, rejoice, be glad and experience hope, which My maternal Heart is giving to you today in this consecration, of allowing your souls and essences to be thoroughly awakened and aware so that your lives may completely be a part of the Attributes of God.
This evening, during which all of Argentina is lovingly blessed by the Mother of God and in the presence of the angels of Heaven, in you, My children, I ignite the Original Purity, so that it may make you free in spirit and in body, in soul and in heart, knowing that God is within you and loves you, and that He has the authority to heal all things, no matter how difficult and impossible they may seem.
You, My children, are today committing yourselves before My Immaculate Heart to not only pray for the families of Argentina, but also to pray for Peace in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
With Me you have the spiritual mission of protecting the Project that God has thought of for this time and for this place in South America, where the Star of the New Jerusalem must shine, which will allow Peace and Love to be reborn in all hearts.
I consecrate you, as I have already consecrated you many times, but now I consecrate you as My children, as My dear children who will walk by My side being part of the armies of Peace, of the powerful commands of prayer of the heart.
I also invite you, My children, to practice and to live service for your neighbor and for the Kingdoms of Nature, especially for the very poor villages of Argentina, many of which are to be found here in Buenos Aires, where hearts wait for a smile, for a gesture of love, for an embrace of compassion to be able to bear the misery they experience in this time.
But, My children, if your hearts rise up to Heaven through the impulse of prayer, and your prayers are deeply true, not only you will continue to be under My Mantle, but so will all the poorest among the poor.
Because the Mother of God will continue working spiritually so that the New Humanity may be in Argentina and may receive the return of Christ. Amen.
I bless you and give you My maternal embrace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I leave you My Light, My Affection and My Consolation so that you may take it within you and share it with those who most need it; in this way, the powerful network of My Love will reach the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
And I will listen to the hymn of your consecration.
See you soon.
The sustenance of the Light-Communities
So that the Islands of Salvation may be present in the final cycle of the planetary transition, it will be fundamental to follow some rules, which will protect the functioning of the Light-Communities from yourselves.
·First rule: The Law of Hierarchy
Before any personal or group occurrence, it will be necessary to remember and live the Law of Hierarchy so that the design may be correctly fulfilled; that the Light-Community be part of a Universal Government supported by the Hierarchy.
So that the Law of Hierarchy may be lived within the community, it must be deeply loved and respected, following in unity the guidelines that are given, day by day. This will allow the giving of support for the Spiritual Hierarchy to be present and within the consciousness of the community.
·Second rule: Obedience
It is a fundamental attribute to apply within group life of a Light-Community, because obedience not only physically protects the community from countless unexpected events, but obedience also leads each member of the community to remember that they are within the Law of Hierarchy.
The obedience that is not respected nor applied in this time by humanity, within the Light-Community does not allow for the approach of the spiritual Hierarchy; because without obedience, there is no compliance with the Law, there is no order, there is no rhythm, there is no ceremonial.
Obedience is the main spiritual instrument that protects the evolution and the awakening of the consciousness and, above all, it protects the consciousness of a community member from personal initiatives and ideas, from personal will and from all individualism.
Obedience gives meaning to the spiritual and inner path. Without obedience, there can be no contact with the Hierarchy nor confidence established between both parts.
·Third rule: Love
Love must always be the fundamental basis of a Light-Community that aspires to always be in the presence of the Hierarchy, because love does not allow the community to be individualistic, sectarian or autonomous. Love, as the main key that opens doors, allows for granting the joy of experiencing service, regardless of what it is and where it is, love is not selective nor possessive.
Love in the Light-Community has to be expressed in gratitude for what you have and in the opportunity that each member of the community has received, of being able to be before the mystery that was conceded by God for the existence, for example, of a Work such as this one.
Love allows for attracting the Law of Manifestation and Divine Providence to the field of group life. The Light-Community must be supported by helpful love so that it may never be tainted with goods, but rather that in the austerity of the essentials, a life full of God and Truth may be built.
These three fundamental rules for communitarian life intertwine with other rules or principles such as service, charity, the common good, fraternity, brotherhood and mutual cooperation.
When the three first rules are lived, not only in the community but also by each member that integrates it, the Grace is received of being able to understand what it means to work for the Hierarchy in order to build on the surface of the Earth the Plan of Love and Redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
What is a Light-Community?
A Light-Community, My children, is that space chosen and raised by God, so that there humanity can recover the spiritual principles and values thought of by the Creator in creating human beings.
A Light-Community is built first in the consciousness, then in the spirit, in the soul and in the heart of those who intend to transform themselves so that God may make of their lives instruments of peace.
When this divine principle is established in the consciousness and leads it to transformation, it also reveals other spiritual aspects that had remained hidden.
A Light-Community manifests as a spiritual space in the ethers of the Earth, in places chosen by the Creator to be pillars of peace, transformation and liberation for the planet.
A Light-Community is always sustained by Divine Grace and by His Holy Spirit, and the souls that live in it, although they one day have made the decision of being there, were first summoned by the Father within, because these souls, children, in spite of their errors and wrong paths, have offered their redemption to God, for this is to be the engine of redemption and of transformation for the entire human consciousness.
A Light-Community is the manifestation of God’s Love for His children; the manifestation of His hope that humanity may someday express His Divine Thought. For this, the Creator untiringly sends His blessings, His Light and the Divine Rays that come from His Heart upon the Light-Communities to renew the souls.
So that the Light-Communities may be what God thought, and so that souls may attain this Divine Will, My children, every day you must obey a little more, serve a little more and love a little more.
The Light-Communities, raised by God as pillars upon the world, hold many mysteries, which even those who live within them do not know: mysteries of the Divine Will, mysteries of the untiring presence of God, sustaining the transformation and the effort of His children.
Today, My children, let your souls recognize the Plan and the Love of God for them. Recognize that you were called by the Father to live a miracle of love; recognize that He Himself sustains you, in each day, and that you only have to surrender to this endless Love.
See in your lives the potential principles of the manifestation of a new life; see in the Light-Communities the sun that will shine in the darkness of the Earth and on the horizon of the human consciousness, announcing how the re-emergence of humanity must be, showing the way so that beings may enter a new time: the Eternal Time of God.
I love you and today invite you to seek the spiritual mysteries that sustain and build the Light-Communities: your homes on Earth.
I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Even though it may seem difficult or impossible, the victory of My Heart is happening within the consciousness of Italy.
For this reason, the last events demonstrate to the Hierarchy that it is the moment when great definitions are presented to the world, to reveal to it that the time of transition has come, for all of humanity.
In these moments, in which everything seems to be more difficult and the nations most committed with the darkness of these times are spiritually worked by the Divine Consciousness, it is when your lower consciousness, your mind, your heart and your soul must remain in balance by means of silence and prayer. In this way, I make you participants of events very similar to those I experienced before being given to the Cross.
Thus, consciously, by means of the pilgrimages, you are learning to transcend and transmute these great and ancient spiritual forces which, in the last 500 years, have subjugated and enslaved humanity, sowing terrible and dark codes within many consciousnesses.
Remember the main work is being accomplished, even though it seems nothing is happening.
Since the last 8th of August, you have stopped serving only your Light-Communities in order to serve the planet and, in consequence, all nations that are in an extremely high grade of perdition.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To repair the sickness of the world, you must serve, pray and transform your own inner world, approaching more and more to the Heart of God.
In order to transform your own heart, to set it free from the evils and harassments that surround it, you must serve, pray and create unity with your brothers and sisters, because in these final times, children, what will strengthen you and keep you standing will not be anything individual. It is the love between brothers and sisters, fraternity and unity that will give you the strength to continue forward.
It is for this reason that I come today to extend My graces over this world and thus help you to awaken in your hearts the gifts of love, fraternity and unity, which will begin to be born within you and, little by little, will expand to the whole planet.
I come to offer all Light-Communities, Light-Nuclei and service groups the possibility to, every two weeks, on Thursdays, perform with Me the “Group Effort of Saint Joseph", a day that will be dedicated to repairing love, fraternity and unity in the human consciousness, in which all of its actions will have a conscious aim.
For this, in the Communities and Light-Nuclei that adhere to My request, you will gather in the morning to pray and sincerely offer the day to God; then you will share the first meal of the day and together begin to perform a service. Whether it is in the maintenance of physical spaces, or close to the Kingdoms of Nature, you will cover the needs that will be presented, and you will offer to God each moment of service together with your fellow being for the reparation of love, fraternity and unity in human consciousness.
May this be a day of reconciliation and graces in which, for a moment, you will come out of yourselves to be united to your brothers and sisters and spiritually serve this planet.
At noon, you will pray with Me, and I will listen to you and take your prayers to the Feet of God to intercede for the most necessary situations of this world, above all, those that emerge from the lack of love, fraternity and unity amongst beings.
The service groups that wish to join this proposal and who cannot approach a Light-Community or Nucleus, can gather in their towns to serve in some place in need and together will offer this service to My Chaste Heart. May this moment serve to strengthen the unity amongst group members and dissolve any disagreement and lack of love that may be breaking this unity amongst hearts. At midday you will also pray to My Chaste Heart, offering your service, and you will thank God for the blessings that He pours out upon the world.
Within the Light-Communities and Light-Nuclei, this will be an entire day united and offered to God; the life that you have chosen to carry forward, in which group unity is what sustains you.
Thus, children, My grace will be upon you and, more than that, upon the whole world.
Those who offer the Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, before the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, will be extending this offer of love to all life. Thus, unity will be built, not only amongst human beings, but among all beings, of all the Kingdoms.
You have My blessing for this.
As of now, I thank you and I bless you for choosing to serve this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into your heart and strengthen your faith and unity with God so that the things of the world and of humanity do not shake you, but only what comes from the Father may move your inner world, transforming you and molding you according to the Divine Will.
Pray and unite to the sacrifice of Christ, to know how to silence when it is necessary and pronounce only words of Love and Truth, when it has to be.
Learn to love humility, sacrifice and surrender and, above all, allow your heart to experience all these things without any recognition from others.
Pray and create a bridge of love between your heart and the Heart of God so that you learn to communicate with Him and receive from Him the impulses and the Gifts to think, feel and act, to live.
Do not be distracted by the things of the world, but let yourself be overwhelmed by the things of God. May your heart be a door to Infinity and your being as the beginning of a new life.
Let go of what belongs to human life and embrace what comes from the Universe, fruit of the Love and renewal of the Father, because what must be manifested on this Earth has never been known; it in no way resembles what has been experienced up until today, upon the world and beyond it.
God calls you to be the precursor of a new existence. Therefore, child, pray and let everything in your being be renewed: body, soul, mind and heart. May every space of your being be reborn for a new life.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XII
Within the Light-Communities, especially in the island of salvation of Aurora, within its three areas, three specific bases of rescue should be set up in which residents, the consecrated and collaborators will go through a formation in first-aid and, in some cases, a technical deepening in nursing.
In the three areas, three houses or rooms should be built where there would be a consulting room, a clinic and all the equipment that a lifeguard should have available in the time of the rescue; this includes rescue ropes, a boat, special flashlights, safety belts, fire-fighting elements, tools for saving lives within water, etc. All of this equipment must be correctly ordered, as well as the three consulting rooms that will be built for use as emergency bases in the face of any situation.
These three rooms must have shifts which will be relieved each week by the residents, the consecrated and especially by the nursing technicians that will be trained. For this reason, members of the Figueira Community that specialize in the area of rescue, surveillance and nursing must have periodic rhythms within the Community of Aurora to be able to form and accompany the building of the three emergency bases or modules.
This preventative measure will assist everyone to become more prepared for taking care of any necessity. Within these modules, there must be medicines, nursing materials and emergency implements that are kept up to date monthly so that they comply with the norms of hygiene, safety, and quality.
Nothing must be done precariously or poorly; these bases will also serve as a support for the local and regional community, especially in the unpopulated areas where assistance is more scarce. I declare this as a necessity to construct the bases, as a priority, and it will move forward with the support of all members of the Light-Network.
Uruguay needs to improve its emergencies infrastructure and Aurora will be in this proposal. For this reason, the means will be sought for the residents, the consecrated and the collaborators to learn how to swim and protect themselves from possible fires, and to be knowledgeable about earthquakes, tsunamis, and unexpected large floods.
You know that the planet and the nations will be purified by the elements of nature and, for that, you must be properly trained and updated.
The doors of the Community of Aurora will be open to receive doctors and technicians in emergencies and this formation must be academically supported by the corresponding entities.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XI
Aurora cries out from within and the voices of the inner Brothers and Sisters proclaim for help.
Aurora needs to express its purpose and must manifest its power.
Aurora can no longer be left behind; it can never be forgotten or be part of a beautiful memory. Many came for its roots of love and of healing and, for different reasons, left and never came back.
Aurora expects to have a communal population big enough to be able to mirror its mission and its task. Because Aurora can no longer just count on a few instruments. Everything, absolutely everything, even what is material must already be enough to carry forward the primordial function of Aurora.
What happened today with some of My disciples is a sign of that lack of consciousness that there is about what in truth Aurora has to mirror on the surface.
Some of Mine had their lives at risk but others risked their own lives to save the others.
Many think that the Hierarchy would never ask for something material but this is not right because everything is part of a perfect Law; as above, so below.
A Communal Center like Aurora can no longer fulfill a global mission with broken or fragile tools; the Universe gave the first impulse so that Aurora could manifest on the surface for a second time but now, it is the commitment of the rest of My servers that Aurora exists for a longer time on the surface.
If Aurora is not truly helped through the effort of everyone, and all that I have said is not complied with according to the Law of love for manifestation, through where will the great forces of planetary chaos be evacuated?
Who else will be able to reach Aurora to receive healing and be freed from evil?
Who will open the doors of liberation to drain the most critical regions of the planet? Or through where will the Archangel Saint Michael enter to defeat the plans of evil?
Do you understand now what Aurora is?
It is more than something physical or spiritual. To exist and express, Aurora must resonate in the heart of each being; otherwise, Aurora does not show itself.
Collaborate from the heart and place before your lives the true needs of the Center of Love of Aurora and then you will tell Me that everything is just and necessary.
Concentrate on the purpose that I gave you within all of these last messages because the longer you delay in thinking about whether or not you will collaborate in Aurora, greater areas encompass evil and Aurora can still not express itself.
Be aware of all that I tell you; remember that it is the Lord of the Universe and of Mercy that speaks to you. I deigned to choose such a poor and simple place like Aurora, not only to walk among the orange trees but also to prepare My second return; because I promised to come among the clouds but not that I would come to enter through the main door of the Church. Your Lord will be among the humble, among the peace-makers, with the pure of heart.
I thank you for having ears to hear My plea of help for Aurora.
I thank you for considering My Words!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Statement of Casa Redención Association for the Work of the Divine Messengers
Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay
January 14, 2019
The Casa Redención Association informs all the members of this Work of love that yesterday, January 13, 2019, the members of the Community Fraternity and of the Grace Mercy Order, that participate in this Light-Community, suffered a serious accident when the truck that was transporting them from one area to another fell into a river.
To make it clear to everyone, we inform you that in these last days, in the region of Aurora, there have been large rain and wind storms. As most know, between the Redención 1 area, where the Marian Center is, and the Redención 2 and Redención 3 areas, there is a small river, which we call a stream, which every time there is heavy rains, swells enormously, and its current becomes very powerful.
Yesterday at midday, the intense rain did not permit for the completion of usual tasks that the members of the community perform in the Marian Center and, for this reason, it was decided to return to the areas to which each person belongs.
When they tried to cross the precarious bridge over the stream, which contained a powerful current of water, the strength of the current pushed the truck towards the river. The truck fell and turned over in the water with sixteen people inside.
Everything was submerged iniside the water, the truck and the passengers. Some of those brothers and sisters did not know how to swim. It was very difficult for all of them to get out of the truck and they were assisted by a group of monks who ran to the location from other areas.
The current swept them several metres; some came out of the water and the current itself dragged them to one of the banks. Others were aided by the monks, who threw themselves into the water to try to get them out of where they were submerged.
It was a very difficult moment for all, especially when there was a count to see if everybody had been able to get out of the truck, which was totally submerged within the water.
This statement which Casa Redención expresses, at the request of the Hierarchy, is so that everyone in the Work may understand the reason why Our Lord, Christ Jesus, is making an exhortation, requesting the assistance of everyone to collaborate in the renovation of the community of Aurora, which is in a dire condition of precariousness, in all senses.
Due to the lack of appropriate vehicles for the transportation of the members of the community, these daily situations become extremely risky for everyone.
We will publish this statement on the webpage of the Divine Messengers, together with the daily messages of Christ, that are related to the requests made for the Community of Aurora, as well as on the webpage of Fraternity - International Humanitarian Federation, in a special highlighted place with all of the requests of Christ and the indications for collaborating.
Thank you all for your fraternal adherence!
Community Fraternity of Aurora
Marian Center of Aurora
Casa Redención
Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part IX
For group co-living and the spiritual awakening of pilgrims, the area of Redención 4 must someday be expressed.
It will be an area for families who have consecrated themselves to the path of the spirit but at the same time, it will be an area that will receive the pilgrims who come to the Marian Center to share the liturgies and the meetings of prayer.
Redención 4 will also, in a part of its area, express co-living with the Plant and Animal Kingdoms. That co-living of families with the Younger Kingdoms will also be an opportunity for serving them and to alleviate their suffering and give them the love of the heart. That area will gather together families who will be applying to live a different life than what is offered by the world.
Redención 4 will also be a welcoming place where children will have the alternative school, Parque Tibetano, as a foundation, an educational experience that, within other Light-Communities, has enriched and formed the spirit of the littlest ones. Redención 4 will also have an area dedicated to sports so that children and families may have a better quality of life.
In this sense, Redención 4 will offer a space more akin to the degree of evolution of each human being. The families will have the support of the activities of service to the Kingdoms of Nature, primary and secondary education through the Parque Tibetano school, as well as an area dedicated to physical education to optimize the quality of life through recreation for the children.
This area will be one of temporary residence, and as the families gradually mature and confirm their commitment to the Plan as a family, then as members of the Community they will be able to take on other areas and other sectors of the communal group life.
Redención 4 will also dedicate a section for receiving the journeying pilgrims, who, throughout all of the areas of Aurora, have no place to stay.
It would be a very clear objective for the families of the Light Network to work together with other families to manifest Redención 4, that space within the Work of Love that families need to be able to find a place where to live and also share as members of the Community.
This is another commitment and offering of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the families that have lately demonstrated inner changes and for those which are currently affected by the world as a whole and need to find a space to better serve God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VIII
Each one of you, as collaborators and servers of the Divine Work, will have to express solidarity with the means of transport of Aurora.
It will be fundamental to count on new vehicles and especially on a bus that permits responding to the basic needs of the Light-Community on a daily basis and which may also serve as a support for the times of meetings.
For this, Redención 1 must allow a part of its area for the building of a mechanical repair shop that meets the needs for maintenance of the bus, which will be donated with the help of everyone. The automobile repair shop of Redención 1 will also be able to have a space for the maintenance of the rest of the vehicles.
As the Community of Aurora has only a few vehicles for carrying out many trips, it will be necessary that all the servers of the Work immediately respond to and resolve this need.
The transportation sector must be based in the Community of Aurora since this same sector will serve as support for the transportation of pilgrims to the Marian Center.
This re-organization of transportation will require that some members of the Light-Community be academically trained in mechanics and electro-electronics so that the Community itself can count on more tools of knowledge when conducting maintenance.
In this sense, the whole Community of Aurora, without exception, must be trained in the care, in the maintenance, in the cleaning and especially in their awareness concerning all means of transport.
The transportation of a Light-Community reflects and represents the state of consciousness that the Community has acquired throughout the years. For this reason, the effort on the part of everyone concerning the care of the vehicles will be important; because the Plan of the Hierarchy is not found in a damaged vehicle.
It will be necessary that everyone apply the formula of love in their consciousness and also their attention on what is used for trips.
In this year of 2019, the Light Network, as a fundamental pillar of the Hierarchy, will have the goal of manifesting the first of three buses for the Community of Aurora. That response will help the approach of new hearts to the Work.
The transportation in Aurora will reformulate the form of co-existence of the Community with the Law of Manifestation.
As of now, I give you this challenge, to be concretized before April of 2019.
I thank you for supporting the concretization of the Plan!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VII
Through the integration brought about by a meeting between the Light-Community of Aurora, the local community and the public institutions, a project must be proposed for the improvement of the entries and the roads to the Marian Center of Aurora, something that will also benefit the other inhabitants of the area, keeping in mind the important task of spiritual support that this Center currently fulfills.
For that reason, given the needs of this time, the improvements of the entries and in the roads of the area will help to better include the Marian Center of Aurora in the local and spiritual scope of the region.
This project of improvement of the roads will also require a better channeling of the water, as well as a reinforcement of the structures of the bridges and the rest of the elements to bring greater order to the region.
The improvements of the roads will also require that the collaborators in the Work be more present in Aurora, with the intention of being able to carry forward some periods of work in the cleaning of the roads and of the entries that lead to the Marian Center.
For this, it will be necessary to organize a schedule of meetings among all the collaborators of Uruguay, of Argentina, of Paraguay and of Brazil so that they may give the first impulse, demonstrating to the population of the area that it is possible to improve the conditions and quality of life by maintaining a balanced relationship with the ecosystem.
This basic organization will stimulate the population to give of themselves, in service, to maintain the spaces in harmony where they frequently live. For this, they may offer their own work tools to collaborate in the improvements to the roads.
It will be necessary to remain firm of purpose so that these goals may be achieved and do not remain unresolved. For this reason, it will be important that the coordinators of the areas of the Light-Community of Aurora bring a local and regional assembly together with the city organisms, with the intention that the region of San Mauricio be considered a space that needs a better territorial organization, and thus, it may be contemplated as a region with international activity, given the presence of the pilgrims.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VI
Today, from My Merciful Heart, emanates a Green ray of healing, for My wish, amidst many aspirations, is to be able to manifest the counterpart of healing on the surface at Aurora, that is to say, that part of the external and inner healing that the bodies of people need to recuperate and heal.
For this reason, this part of the project of the manifestation of Aurora is very important to Me because its aspiration is that in the area of Redención 1 the House of Healing and of Restoration be built, completely consecrated to Brother Pio; for finally it will be his place, within Aurora, where his presence will be able to heal souls.
The House of Healing and of Restoration in Redención 1 will be of very great support for the subsequent stage of spiritual healing that Aurora offers. That House, which will have Brother Pio himself as a guardian, will receive the hearts that have gone through a process of spiritual liberation.
This simple but harmonious House will fulfill one of the most important tasks within the spiritual task of the Kingdom of Aurora. It will be in charge of the external and internal phases of purification and of rehabilitation, having as a basis the knowledge received by Friar Ameinó through the external therapies; as well as having an outpatient area to attend to the local community and the collaborators who may be in Aurora.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will be the first headquarters of the health and healing sector in Uruguay, and this House must have six consulting rooms, two hydrotherapy rooms, an outpatient area, an infirmary area, and an area for the making of natural remedies, as well as for the processing of all medicinal herbs. It will also have a smaller external infrastructure that will house four rooms with a little kitchen, a few bathrooms and a laundry room for the patients who will be in treatment for some days in Aurora.
If this building can be concretized, I could tell you that fifty percent of the task of the Kingdom of Aurora would already be accomplished.
The House of Healing and of Restoration will not only weekly attend hearts that arrive for the healing process, but will also serve for treating the members of the Light Community of Aurora and the local community.
I will await with joy for the concretization of the House of Healing and of Restoration of Aurora. This impulse will also permit for the repair and reconstruction of the buildings that already exist, and which need immediate maintenance so that the brothers and sisters who live there are able to carry out the assigned tasks.
I will count on the honorary help of architects, engineers, builders, workers and collaborators who may want to spend a period of time in Aurora to evaluate, together with the coordination of the Light-Community of Aurora, this project of your Lord.
I thank you for striving to fulfill the task of Aurora for Uruguay and for the planet!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part V
At the highest points of the House of Redemption, within the three areas constituted as Redemption 1, 2, and 3, systems must be installed to obtain alternative solar and wind energies.
For this reason, some of the consecrated and residents of the Light-Community must know how to work with these resources through an academic formation about renewable and alternative energies.
This experience in Aurora, after a while, will also allow us to perceive the different alternative energies that can be developed in the other Light-Communities.
It will be an indispensable and essential resource for the Light-Communities, in the long term, to be able to count on these means which nature and the climate offer within each region of the planet.
In this sense, the academic formation of the residents and of the consecrated, focused upon the alternative energies, will allow for further development in the field of knowledge and of intelligence, with the objective of seeking the resources to cover the needs of each Marian Center, as well as of each Light-Community.
For these coming times, it will also be necessary to have an awareness about the correct use of electric power, which supplies about 98.9% of the needs of humanity since its exacerbated consumption harms the Kingdoms of Nature and all of the ecosystems.
Bringing to conscious awareness the fact that everything necessary for living is within the Kingdoms of Nature, the human being will awaken their sleeping senses, which will help them to perceive reality without the need to harm nature.
It is time for human beings to learn to respect Creation and all its components through a more equitable and harmonious way of life.
To develop alternative energies in Aurora will require the formation of a group of brothers and sisters dedicated to academically instructing themselves, as well as for developing the necessary projects.
Aurora has the potential for the utilization of alternative energies through the Sun, the wind, and water.
I thank you for considering all of the Projects of God!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part IV
Within the lands granted to the Center of Aurora, on the surface, in the areas of Redención 1 and of Redención 2, the system of cultivation must be expanded.
First, within the spaces that will be dedicated for this conclusion, a process of preparation of the land must be generated through a plan of agroforestry, a method of recovery and of increasing awareness about the care of the soil so that, in a true ecosystem, the water may find a channel and a way to nourish the land.
It is already time for the members of the Light-Community and the Monasteries, as well as the collaborators, to learn about the care of the soil and the preparation of the land for future cultivation.
In this sense, bringing in new knowledge and applying it to an awareness of group life, the role of the Light-Community, in its mission and purpose of self-sustainability, will expand and be strengthened.
Natural and organic cultivation within the Light-Communities will be the main basis for survival during the most critical cycle of the planet since 90% of humanity makes use of and digests toxic plant foods which, in current times, represent the reason for an 80% lack of health and low quality of life.
In Aurora, it will be necessary to organize a space and an infrastructure to keep a seed bank that can provide 95% of the living food which comes from vegetables and fruit trees.
In order for that aspiration of the Hierarchy to become a reality, amongst the residents, the consecrated and the collaborators, a group of support and work must be created to gradually bring this aspiration into materialization, term by term.
It is important that all members of the Light-Community and of the consecrated life of Aurora learn about the agroforestry system and about the cultivation since, at the end of times, it will be essential that any brother or sister know how to recognize the conditions of the soil in order to be able to sow and later to harvest.
Organic and non-genetically modified food is a mission of the Light-Communities in order to preserve not only a quality of life but also the natural principle through which foods were created.
Each region where there is a Light-Community must develop the system of cultivation and care for the soil, according to environmental and ecological factors.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more