Dearest children:
My Immaculate Heart rejoices to be arriving once more in Argentina to receive My little children and to bring them My Peace and the God Spirit fortress.
I bring today between My hands, My dears, blessed Graces sent by the Lord so your hearts may not lose the union with the Good Heart of God. Each of these Graces that I bring contains the Sacraments mystery and holiness, so your hearts may never forget to search for My Son Jesus through the Holy Sacrament.
My children, Christ has sent Me today with the Mission of awakening in your hearts the Love and the contemplation of His Passion Mysteries, Passion that has renewed the world and the Universe, and that has revealed to your hearts the Power of God Mercy. Know, My dears, that each day Jesus re-lives this Passion in his Holy and flagellated Heart, for all humanity faults.
The human beings are getting more and more forgetful of Christ, and even more of His Passion and of everything that God has seeded on Earth through the Heart of His Son. For that, My Children, it is necessary to renew in your hearts the commitment that each one has with Me and with Our Lord Jesus Christ, so through this renewal many souls may awake to the Love and to the Reverence to the Crucified Christ Heart.
By contemplating the Mysteries of His Passion, My children, seek each passage essence; seek the Mercy Fount that opened itself at that time, becoming, throughout the God Lamb surrender, an inexhaustible fount of Forgiveness and Piety. Our Lord hopes that, by contemplating these mysteries, your hearts may re-live each passage and may find the Living Christ and His Message left on Earth many years ago.
My children, in the renewal of Christ´s Sacrifice through your hearts, you will find the strength to live the days that are to come, days in which the humanity will find itself decayed and lifeless to proceed because many do not have God, who is the Life and the Salvation of this time and of all Eternity.
Through His Sacrifice, His total surrender to God´s Will, Jesus built a safe pathway to the pass of the ones who would come after His death. The offer made by My Son Jesus, was to manifest on Earth the Love which the Universes would see themselves sustained by, and the mercy throughout which, all creatures would find the possibility to redeem themselves and to return to God´s Heart.
Therefore, My dears, if your hearts feel lost, seek in Christ the pathway to find God, because He has been lost, he has been lonely, he has felt the pain and the emptiness which no other human will be able to understand and nevertheless He found the pathway that took Him directly to the Father. This pathway was the absolute Love for the Father, the utter Trust in His Will and in His Plan for life on the Earth.
I leave you this message, so your hearts may search in it, the inner fortress. Each of these signs is present in the Eucharistic Heart of Christ, which you will be able to adore and to find in it the Mystery of the conversion and of the Redemption. In this Bread of Life is all the Creation Mystery and the true purpose that the Lord had when He created each being of this Earth. In this Eucharistic Heart is the Love that will nourish you in this time.
Through these renewal signs find the Heart of Christ, My Son, to which My Heart has been, since long time, secretly conducting you.
I always Love and Thank you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more