Dear children:
I send you this Message of Reconciliation and of Joy so that your hearts may share with Me the Celestial Happiness that I feel on this day.
My dears, today My Heart commemorates the upcoming birth of Christ in all of My Children of the World. Today I remember the great mystery that I carried in My womb about 2012 years ago.
When the little Jesus was in My womb I felt all of the time the gestation of the Spirit of God, and the Child King that I was carrying with Me united me perpetually with God because He was God inside of Me.
In the same way as I carried this great mystery that renewed the world at that time, today I invite you to gestate in the depths of the heart of this Christ Child that is coming. Feel My dears the greatness of this miracle mystery and seek to unravel it through the heart.
When I walked with Joseph towards Bethlehem I felt the Power of what I was bringing with Me and despite trusting in everything that God had shown Me about His Son in My womb this Son still was a great mystery, as it is for your hearts.
In that night of Christmas when we saw the lights of Bethlehem the Child Jesus jumped in My womb and the Angels that were accompanying us announced that the Prophecy of the birth of the Messiah in the city of Bethlehem would be fulfilled. My Heart palpitated in fear for the unknown that was before me that was something that I couldn’t explain. How was I carrying the Spirit of God inside of Me?
I tell to My little ones that it was difficult also for Me to live this mystery of the birth of Christ, even having been prepared by the Lord since My creation as the Blessed Essence of the Universe. And as happened with Me, so also to My children God will confirm day by day the Grace that will be brought to your essences. And when more you allow for the Child King to grow inside of your heart, the more He you will guide you as He did with Me. He will open your eyes and your hearts, He will fill your lives with the Holy Spirit and through this Spirit you will receive the necessary wisdom for this time.
The Child Jesus that will arrive will teach true prayer and contemplation to God, will build the Path of return to the House of the Father. The Lord will send one more time His Son fulfilling His promises. This Child will take you by the hands and with His Purity of a child will light inside of each one the purpose for which you are on the Earth in this time.
As He helped me to discover and accomplish the Plans that the Father had ordered for My Heart, also to your little beings He will help because He will be the Living Truth inside of each one. And for those who trust in the words that the Lord will send, through My Heart a Glorious Path is to be discovered and walked, a Path of Faith and of Peace.
I thank you and I will guard with Love for this day of Glorious prayer and commemoration with My Heart.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more