Most dear children:
As I have announced to you today we celebrate in My Maternal Kingdom the Blessed Festival of the Immaculate Heart. For this, dear children, I am calling you so that through Me you will revere the Creator, that is so much offended by the indifferences that exist between His children.
Dear children, as the Lady of the Holy Rosary today I gather you in this humble and immaculate place of Peace, where God has placed His Merciful Eyes because today I tell you My children, that the Father has seen appearing here the New and little Bethlehem of the Great Shepherd.
My Son rejoices for the perseverence of all of the group of souls of Melo, Cerro Largo, who with so much love and devotion have built a paradise of humility on the Earth. All this simple and austere work of love on your part for the Universe has significant merit for all souls in the world. Each space that is consecrated to the Highest by means of the offer of His children receives spiritual merits for future times.
Because of this today, My Immaculate Heart wants that each one of you meet again with the Inner Bethlehem so that the Great Star that guided Joseph and Mary may be the same that illuminates your paths for the end of this definitive time.
Dear children today I call you to prepare yourselves as I have told you, for the appearing of Christ in your hearts through the special Christmas that is coming, a Christmas that calls humanity to awaken from the dream of illusions and calls it in order to have consciousness of the steps that each one of My children must take from now on.
Because of this I am calling you to consecrate your houses, your hearts, your tasks and your undertakings to the Heart of God so that the universe will indicate to you, in these moments, the next steps, indicate to you the path for the redemption and salvation of humanity.
My coming to Cerro Largo has two maternal reasons. The first one is My re-encounter with this little peace of the Inner Bethlehem, the true manger that each soul must construct in its own life, through prayer and work offered to the Highest.
And My second reason is My visit to My children that are guarded and watched in the prisons of the whole world, because the faith and devotion to My Immaculate Heart from the children of the prison of Melo allowed me to come closer to them, thus to show to humanity that God is merciful and that He forgives all actions of His children because His love is so healing and redeeming that to all of My children He will fulfill in them for all eternity.
Dear children, My joy is immense before your answer because through the group of prayer of Cerro Largo, God has observed your honesty, your faith and your effort for a blessed life from the Redeemer.
If My Heart comes to your lives, My Heart of a Mother and Pilgrim, it is because close is the coming of the Glorified Heart of Christ, to guide again His flocks to the Good and the Light.
Dear children I thank you all for your continuing answer, you will understand everything when you will be in Heaven.
Who thanks you and who loves you!
Maria, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more