Monday, December 3 of 2012

Weekly Messages

Dearest children,

When yesterday I called you to reaffirm the action of the fast and of prayer every day it was for your consciousnesses to remember the special time that you are living in this humanity.

As Mother I contemplate and accept all your sincere offers of fast.  For the souls that are sick I ask them for the fast of words and much prayer, for the souls that are strong and young I ask them to fast from the consciousness and from the heart, offering all to the creator, for those more available to sacrifice I ask them to fast on bread and water, as I had asked to My children one time in Medjugorje.

In this time I not only invite you to prayer but also I invite you to the little sacrifices on the part of your souls, sacrifices that may please the Heart of the Father, but sacrifices that do not torture your souls.

Now humanity finds itself in another moment, and this time must be accompanied by all, by means of fast that each child may offer, by means of prayer that each child may pray more, and through the little sacrifices that each soul may offer and surrender to God.  All this will be so well received at the Gate of the Heavens, for each act that is done with love has more value than those acts that are accomplished by obedience to a request.

As the Queen of Peace I invite you to consider in your lives these simple spiritual exercises that were great keys for the salvation of many souls when Christ was among you upon the Earth.

The forty days of fast of My Son Jesus signified the definitive union of His Human Heart with the Spiritual Heart of God, it was the alliance that permitted Jesus to live the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection and the essence of all this mystery was the offer of love that emanated from the Heart of My Son to the Will of God.

For this dear children, in the little and true acts of offering is found the humility and the reparation that each heart needs for this time.  The world must be sustained by the labors of humanity, works of prayer, works of peace, works of sacrifice and works of fraternity that will allow repair of the great outrages that many souls are realizing towards the Universe.

For this My children, as Mary, Mother Helper of all the Christians, I come to your lives to give orientation and accompany you as I told you throughout these centuries.

In Guadalupe, I came to save the dignity among all races before God.

In Lourdes, I came to avoid the condemnation of souls.

In Fatima, I came to avoid the destruction of the world.

In Medjugorje I came to ask for more confession and prayer from all My children.

And right now here in South America, I come to prepare all the hearts for the new cycle of humanity that is the Return of My Son.

God weaves through My prayers His blessed and merciful purposes for each one of the souls.

Today I invite you to one more exercise, that is the adoration of the Heart of Christ.  This exercise may be realized through the adoration of the Eucharistic Body of My Son in all sanctuaries of the Earth, as through the powerful presence of the image of the Merciful Christ and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, what is important is that your essences be unified each time, more with the Heart of My Son, because in the silence He will wait for you.

I thank you for answering to this important call for Peace!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.