Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Olmué Commune, Marga Marga, Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In Chile I want to create new Light-Network groups that live a true commitment to the Heights, knowing that each new Light-Network member that is born must go through several stages so that their formation may bring about spiritual results in their lives, in their region, and especially in their country.

In this way, the integration of new Light-Network members, taught and trained based on the immediate need of supporting the nations and the world, will help Chile to begin to generate a new awareness that responds to the call of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Thus, dear children, it will be necessary that first the new groups of prayer be formed so that afterward from them are born new Light-Network members, more committed to the Work.

For this to be possible, My children of the Light-Network of Brazil and of Argentina, as well as of Paraguay, who already have the necessary inner requirements for being fraternal with the Chilean nation, will be able to come to this country to begin to work from the deepest plane to the most conscious plane in order that the consciousnesses that will awaken here may be able to finally live the Plan of God.

It will be an arduous task, needing commitment and sacrifice. I need new Light-Network members so that the Hierarchy can carry out the plans of love that Chile as a nation and as a people must live.

It will be necessary to integrate, invite and motivate the Light-Network groups already formed in Chile, within their capabilities, to be able to work more firmly in this Plan of redemption, and, above all, for moving the consciousness of Chile away from tepidness and inertia.

For this reason, as a Mother, I will assemble truly responsible members of the Grace Mercy Order, as well as members of the Light-Network, to carry out this mission, which will try to deactivate a social and political situation in this beloved country of Mine.

I need My children to help Me to avoid sad events in this world.

I will need you to help Me with further sacrifice to allow My Heart to triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The House of the Child King

Dear children,

It is with joy, bliss and rejoicing that your Celestial Mother arrives today at the Marian Center of the Child King to consecrate the House of Prayer that will be especially dedicated in honor, healing and reparation of all the children of the world.

It is for this reason that this Marian Center was consecrated to the Child Jesus since the beginning, so that all the children who arrive here may enter into communion with the Heights and thus heal their deepest wounds.

I still feel that this Marian Center, which today conceives in its main core the new House of Prayer, represents for the universe an Island of Salvation and a new Ark of the Divine Covenant between souls and God.

The House of Prayer of the Child King can undertake the task for which it was created at this time; a task that will be to pray and to offer to God each encounter, just as each monthly liturgy of the Marian Center, for the salvation of the little and most helpless ones throughout the world.

I will use each liturgy of this new House of Prayer to prevent the exploitation, the trafficking and the selling of the little ones so that, through it, I can save their essences, which are now lost, as well as rescue, with My own hands, all the children and youth who are being taken along the same path.

The manifestation of this new House of Prayer, at the Marian Center of the Child King, will try to justify before the Eternal Father the faults, outrages and omissions that a great part of the adult humanity commits against the little ones of the world.

That is why today I come to ask that this Marian Center and, especially the new House of Prayer, dedicates a special liturgy daily for the salvation, protection and repair of the children of the world, as well as a monthly meeting at the same Marian Center, where the little ones can, through prayer, art and music, offer to God their little hearts as a reparation for the great imbalance caused in this world.

If these requests are fulfilled, as the recent manifestation of the House of Prayer was, I promise, as the Mother of all, to remove from the hands of the adversary and their oppressors on Earth all the children who are victims of exploitation and abuse. I promise to disarm and expose everything that is hidden and unfair regarding this. I promise to take care and help, one by one, the souls of the most helpless children.

I have been waiting for so long for this new House of Prayer, that in the meeting that we will have in these next days, your Mother and Queen of the children of the world will arrive accompanied by the Child King so that He, in His infinite Glory, blesses you, and may this mission, which from today on you will undertake, be always filled with many Graces.

But, if in this House of Prayer you bring Me the children most in need of help and if they are baptized at the feet of the holy image of Mary, I promise to withdraw them from the profound and unfair pain that affects them. I also promise, in the name of the Child King, to return the joy of living and the spiritual feeling of their lives.

It is the mission of all collaborators and volunteers of the state of Rio de Janeiro to take on this task that I entrust you with today for the salvation and the rescue of the children of the world.

Lastly, I wish for, inside the House of Prayer, a mural with faces of the children of the world, of all peoples and all races, so that whoever enters this House may feel called to pray for the little ones.

May your hearts rejoice on this day because the Mother of God will be among you offering each prayer, each song and each gesture of love to God for the salvation of the children.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Lisbon, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When My Mother Heart visits every house on Earth and they open the door of their inner home to receive Me, I pour out all the Graces of Heaven and I establish in the hearts that receive Me, the Gifts of My holy Peace.

Every house I visit, I consecrate it, sanctify it and establish a point of Light for the world, a place where prayer can be found and where souls will be strengthened after I have gone through there.

Thus, dear children, in every house that I visit I create an oratory of Peace for the world and I pour out a Gift that will invisibly sustain all the lost consciousnesses in need of it.

This way, My dear children, through all the houses that I have visited in the world, I can create a great network of Light and of prayer that radiates the fruitful principles of goodness and peace through its potent energy.

Thus, every day, when My children pray in their consecrated houses, this flow of Grace and Redemption is spiritually reactivated for the whole planetary consciousness.

I establish in each spirit that opens the door of their house to Me, an inner consecration that is distinguished by the angels of the universe who, together with the souls, work to sow the peace so necessary in these times.

The oratories that I create for My children are spaces where My Divine Consciousness can be present to work in their own family and in all those who need it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Thirty-Three, transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am present every day in the most simple and inhospitable places of the world, for example, in this simple garden consecrated to My maternal Heart.

It is this way, children, that I would like to be in your hearts all the time, to guide you to Jesus and His Divine Kingdom.

On this day, I also come as the Lady of the Thirty-Three to strengthen in the inner planes the spiritual mission of Uruguay and of all its people that must decidedly grow in sanctity and in the service of God.

Therefore, in this month of May, the groups of the Light-Network of Uruguay and the groups of all of America will be placed in an important confederate mission that will open the doors to knowledge, to training and, above all, to the union of all consciousnesses that want to follow the Law of the Hierarchy.

If this adhesion and response were as positive and mature as other previous answers given by the groups, America as a continent would count on inexplicable spiritual support during the most acute moment of its purification and, in this confederate mission, the groups will be more firm to widely help without borders during the planetary crisis.

So, dear children, your Heavenly Mother will be at the inner command of this spiritual task that will try to displace the destiny of the Americas, very serious social, environmental and political problems that would cause all humanity present here to lose control.

Thus, today I am again founding the Light-Network of prayer, which at this time will be one of the active branches of the planetary Light-Network. The Light-Network of prayer will be a more open consciousness and will welcome all who aspire to experience the prayer schedules of the Divine Messengers, but who, until this moment have not been able to consecrate themselves as part of the planetary Light-Network.

The Light-Network of prayer will be like the Light-Network of service or the Light-Network of healing, and can be integrated by collaborators who are beginners, servers and pilgrims who are learning to take the first steps in the task with the Hierarchy.

Therefore, the more than 300 groups that form the planetary Light-Network throughout the world will be those who welcome and become the guardians of these souls that have been formed within the Light-Network of prayer, service and healing, and who will be united to the nuclei of service as well as to the different cities where the new members come from.

The restructuring of this network of prayer, service and healing is a response to the needs of the newcomers who have not yet gone through instruction, but who have the impulse to join a more open proposal like prayer, service and healing, tasks that can also be united to the service of the missionary Light-Network.

In all of this, the planetary Light-Network in each region and city will be creating new flocks that will be coming, this will be, for all the groups of the planetary Light-Network, a great service for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the formation of new apostles,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My silence speaks of all the world, of those who still do not cry out, of those who do not ask God for His Divine Intercession through the Sacred Hearts.

But I have come on this Christmas to bless you with the Spirit of Grace of My Son, Who participated in the Divine Conception of the Child King.

It is that Spirit, dear children, which I offer you today from My Immaculate Heart and from the Light of My most pure Womb, where universal life and fellowship among all beings are being gestated.

Today I am inviting you, dear children, with the cry of My Heart of a Mother, to not give up, to continue onward, working for this Project of God, which is infinite and endless.

If your steps are taken toward the Heart of My beloved Son, if your inner Christs manage to manifest in these times, many more souls will come to My meeting through the groups of prayer.

In this time, and for this part of the Americas, My Son came to institute true groups of prayer, the true principles of the Light-Network that are based on transparency and faithfulness to all that My Son offers you, through His infinite Mercy.

But if those pillars are not firm and you still do not separate from all that happens around each group, many could suffer because of being distant from the Principle of My beloved Son. My Son founded you as His Arms and His Hands, as His walking Feet that go in search of all lost souls.

Thus, on this Christmas, dear children, the time has come for renewing the principles of the Light-Network, so that you not only are of God, but carriers of unity, of the real word, the word of life and of encouragement, of consoling prayer, of the faith that must unite each of your members.

I have participated, dear children, in the events that have taken place in the south of Brazil, through these groups of prayer that I have lovingly assembled, beyond terrestrial life and all forms, to serve for My Project of Peace in the world.

It is as if you, dear children, on submerging in your lack of understanding and doubts, opening the doors to the enemy, turned your backs on Me and did not listen to My sweet voice that calls you to serve; not only the world, but also your brothers and sisters who live side by side with you every day, following this purpose with the hope of concretizing the Plan of God.

What will we do, dear children, when the real things happen in the world? You are carriers of the Light of the Sacred Centers. You are the future cells of that new Order of the Brotherhood that must be expressed on the planet.

How, dear children, will we be able to take care of other things in the world if the littlest and most loved of Mine, in the world, separate from each other because of such insignificant things?

Dear children, I do not want to reveal how God truly feels about these things, in light of all the Sacred Knowledge that was lovingly given to you in your lives.

Truly, dear children, if you do not unite through My hands, so that I can lead you to travel the path of infinity, your purification will be hard.

Dear children, I do not want you to suffer because of your things. I want you to suffer for the world; I want you to suffer for those who have nothing and do not even receive the Gaze of God, but just the Justice to which the universe daily condemns them.

Dear children, I bring you the universal vision of things. There is no time to lose, My beloveds. The Light-Network must grow and must be formed by new members that will respond to this call to serve the Plan of God, to weigh the consequences, because I will never abandon you, even in the time of greatest darkness.

So open your eyes; not your physical eyes that judge and are indifferent at many times in life; open the eyes of the heart and feel My Sacred Word as a renewing and divine Spirit that comes to bring you hope and the healing of all wounds.

Today I come to open the door to the Greater Consciousness for you. Today I take this time and give you this Message so that things do not precipitate within you when the great wave of purification of the planet comes.

Dear children, through your help and collaboration, many things can be avoided in the world; in this way, as servers of Christ that also belong to the Work of the Divine Messengers, you create the necessary conditions for things not to precipitate day by day.

Thus, dear children, I not only call you to service, but also to an important unity in these times, that must come before your issues and forms so that you may always be able to see the Light of the Purpose.

Each time, dear children, that you are lost in insignificant things, a soul misses the opportunity to wake up, and who takes responsibility for this? When your hearts, being mature, can take sure steps toward fraternity.

Dear children, what is most impossible for the Hierarchy of Light is unity among servers. I do not come to judge you, My children; I want your hearts to be open to listen to these things. How will you be carriers of the Divine Light of God, so that you can reach the suffering souls of the Middle East and the world, if your hearts are closed because of things that are no longer important?

On this Christmas of the Lord, dear children, I need your hearts to be receptive to the Spirit of Christ that, through the work of Grace and Mercy, comes to you again to unify you.

For this reason, dear children, let us pray. Pray with Me at the Thrones of God so the Project may be fulfilled in all the hearts of the Earth, and the infinite aid of the Mercy of God may come through My beloved children who, throughout the years, I have assembled for this sacred mission.

Let us pray:                             

Sacred Unity of God,
unify our lives,
unify our being,
unify us in profound fraternity.
(seven times)

Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

And I tell you all these things because God allowed Me to protect those of My soldiers with My own hands who committed to Me since the beginning.

Much will still come, My children, many tests you must overcome, many barriers you will have to break within yourselves before My Son returns to the world and gets everyone ready to merge with His Divine Spirit.

I tell you all these things because the Lord no longer has so many companions on this Earth as He has in Heaven. And the soldiers that I still have I need to take care of because I need you to awaken others through the example of your fortitude.

The Attributes of God are being extinguished on this Earth. Unity, fellowship and love, which should lead the human being to a manifestation of the divine archetype for this race, almost do not exist in the consciousness of the beings of Earth. And one day, My beloveds, you said 'yes' to the living of all these things.

I hold tight to your words and to the commitment you have made to My Heart, because your souls cry out at My Altar so I never allow you to be submerged in the abysses of this world.

The Lord asks Me daily that I be untiring, that I remember I Am the Mother of this Earth, that just as I Am the Mother of Jesus, Who is the perfect principle of humanity, I Am also Mother, My children, of all of you, of those who listen and those who do not listen to My words, of those who believe and those who do not believe in My Presence, because I cannot deny My Motherhood.

Your essences come from My Most Pure Womb, just as Jesus comes from it, and I must care for and protect you always, as I protected My Son.

I must lead you toward sacrifice, to transformation, and although I cannot stop your suffering, as I could not stop the suffering of Christ, I will always be at your side, with My eyes fixed on your souls, with each being of this Earth enduring the transformation that will lead you to a victory of God.

Thus, all I ask is that you trust in My Heart, that you trust in My corrections, just as the Child Jesus trusted, because He knew the corrections also came from God.

The Lord trusted always, since His Birth, in the union of His Divine Mother with the Most High God, and listened to each word pronounced by My mouth, lived each of My instructions, and even being King, respected and loved His Servant. For this reason, I ask you, My beloveds, to imitate the steps of Christ and that, with humility, you listen to My Immaculate Heart.

I wish My armies to grow and that you be fortified in love, because humanity will need your example, will need your love to transcend fear, will need your fellowship to transcend hate, will need your hope and your faith to transcend the anguish, fear and despair in their hearts.

Receive today the Grace I give you, of being before the Spirit of Christ. Let your souls contemplate the grandeur of this moment, and that this grandeur dissolve the smallness of all your problems, because nothing should exist that will stop you from reaching the Heart of God, when the Doors of Heaven open before your eyes.

Feel My Love and My Compassion, because on this night I wish you to grow and mature, so the seed I place within your beings not spend more than a year without germinating. And that, at the next Christmas, Our Lord not only be reborn, but also grow and multiply in the essences of those who never heard My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, as an act of piety, as an act of sowing love in the consciousness of humanity, at the request of Saint Joseph, would you be capable of calling that brother or sister you have not comprehended or understood? to mercifully say to them: "Dear brother or sister, I have not understood you. I must learn to love to be able to accept you"; just with that, My Heart will triumph.

Therefore, on this night, I leave you a lesson, a teaching so that you remember what your Celestial Mother, Who deeply loves you, feels about this humanity.

While I call the divine children that I will consecrate today, you will listen to:

"Meeting with Mary in the heart."

I thank you.

I am here to listen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary, please come up here.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Under the spirit of Peace, I bless you, and through the Mercy of My Son, I illumine you so that redemption always reign in beings, the state of Grace that perpetually fills you from My Heart of a Mother.

For this reason, extending My hands over your heads, I pour out My Graces so they may mature as fruit in the hearts that listen to the Mother of God; and that, through the spirit of sanctity, your lives be renewed in faith, because a Child of Mary is one who attentively listens to the Heart of their beloved Celestial Mother. And just as I had Jesus, on this Christmas, in My arms, I hold each one of you, waiting for you to grow and walk toward your real mission: the return to the Celestial Universe.

I bless you and bless all My children that in this hour listen to Me, in each corner of this Earth, together with your Guardian Angles.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for listening to the Voice of My Heart!


My brothers and sisters,

Today, after what you will hear, I would like you to understand My deep aspiration for the Work of God to be carried out all over this planet and in all of this sacred humanity.

For this reason, companions, I leave My deepest feelings to each of you. I leave you this special message as a way out and a possibility of returning to the path that many souls lost on separating from the Creation of God.

Thus, My brothers and sisters, all these things are happening in the times of today, and this does not allow hearts to repent so they may return to the path which they can no longer see.

Today, offer My Heart the very warmest intention of transforming all things, for in this way, you will make the Heart of your Father happy, in the face of so many cruelties that wound the Heart of God.

In this time, I bring you the promise, the renewing promise of My Return.

I bring you peace, I bring you what is good, I bring you Mercy.

Now, on this altar, offer your love to My Heart. That is what I come to seek from each one.

Those who do not truly love, in this time, will not be able to transform. Love like you have never loved; in this way, your minds will be freed of all judgment. While you do not love, you will be troubled. Love every day and try this, because in this way, I will be able to help you conquer higher levels of love that are unknown to the world.

It is that love for all the things of God that will free the world from all its sins, and souls will be able to conquer the Kingdom of God again, which separated from the Earth because of the injustice of human beings, because of the lack of love.

Think about what I tell you. I do not ask you for impossible things, but rather that which is within your reach.

In the Communion, you can offer Me your love. But in your daily life, offer your King the love for your brothers and sisters so that evil may be removed from the cell of humanity.

And now, facing My Celestial Designs, bring to memory the moment before My Passion, when I met with each one of you in a Spirit of omnipresence and of truth, to bring to the world the spiritual resurrection of all fallen souls, through the glorious and positive institution of My Blood and of My Body, sacred elements that constitute the perfect union between creatures and God, between Heaven and Earth, between the dimensions and the portals. Remember this mystery and rejoice in your hearts for resurrecting the spiritual life.

In the name of the innocent blood that has flowed on this planet in today's times, offer God the institution of My precious Blood as a symbol of reparation and of justice before all sins of the world.

Offer the institution of My Body, present in the bread of Life, as the complete and absolute reparation for all the causes that have degenerated humanity throughout the times. Offer God your forgiveness and reconciliation.

I am listening.

Never forget, companions, that the Love of God will triumph.

I bless you in the name of the Kingdom of God, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace. Live peace. Be the peace in these times of purification.

Now and always, I thank you.

Continue to sing.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

So as to synthesize a little of what He wanted to tell us, the Master wants us to disseminate, as a form of reparation and balance, that which humanity is unaware of and does not fully value, which are the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, and the Human Kingdom.

Today, the Master was telling us, through this message during the Apparition, that through the Humanitarian Federation, the Light-Network, and the Communities, He found the necessary conditions for these values to be re-transmitted to the planet.

If it were this way, He says that all that is generated against Creation would be balanced, and that fraternity, as an essence and as an attribute, if transmitted and lived by all, would stop many future events.

It was something that He clarified very well, in that moment of the Apparition. And so it is that He calls us all to work for that Plan of God and for that Creation, and that through this means of communication that is Misericordia Maria TV, these values may be disseminated to Creation, so that humanity would feel motivated to rebuild the planet. The base of all this, Christ said, is love.

We thank all those present and those that accompanied us in this meeting with Christ Jesus.

And for all these Graces: thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

On that same day, before the Apparition, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón received the following monthly message from Christ Jesus:



Do not fear, dear children, because the doors of the universe are open.

Today, God sends Me to tell you that the long-awaited cycle in this humanity is approaching. This means, dear children, that I will be closer to you during all these times.

After 2,012 years, My Consciousness will strongly take action in this world and this will extend into the next year of 2013, in which a task in Medjugorje will be completed from the unfolding of secrets. Everything will be revealed to the world in a short time. The true revelations written by the prophets of yesterday.

And today I fulfill a prophecy, among many, the coming of the Queen of Peace, of the Queen of the Universe, Who announces the coming of My Son through the solar birth; this means, dear children, that the signs will be shown.

What I am revealing to you is important; for this reason, now I will ask your permission.  The hearts that are very close to Me, will better understand Me this way.

Dear children, I want to tell you that, as of now, the cycle that was written by God begins. The books open to write again in humanity, in the New Humanity so awaited by Our Lord.

Thus, do not fear the events that will occur. You were called in this time because you have already been prepared. Your hearts were prepared through My coming throughout all of this end time. That is the best sign that I show you today: that through My Presence, you practice prayer of the heart.

During all of these days, it will be important to offer God the small sacrifices your hearts are able to do, so that this new time be of appeasement, and many hearts that have need of being sheltered in Me are able to approach through the collaboration of the Guardian Angels. Your daily union with the Guardian Angel will be important; It will show you the steps you are to take during this end cycle.

As the Mercy of God is so infinite, dear children, My Maternal Heart will come to Aurora to be able to support you. And after so many events, which will happen little by little, I will return here, to Argentina, next year, beginning in March, so that you, now as adults, are able to be united with Me and help Me in this planetary task that will begin at the end of this year.

For this reason, dear children, direct your eyes to the sky so you may see the portals of Peace shine, and do not allow yourselves to be deceived by what could happen in this world. It will be the moment, dear children, to activate the powers of prayer and to hold yourselves within My Immaculate Heart so that you do not fear anything.

Today I do not come to reveal the miseries of the world to you, but rather to bring you the Grace of God, the Mercy of the Most High, so that those children who in truth want to listen to Me, are able to walk with Me, at My side.

It is time, dear children, you took My Hands, so that My Crown of Stars can surround each of you, as well as each of My children that has need of the immensity of the Light. Thus, you will be able to participate in this meeting with Me in Aurora.

And today I also want to reveal, dear children, that within My Immaculate Heart the other Communities of the Father are also kept. With this I want to say that I too will be in each one of them and will be able to be closer to each of My children when you carry out the practice of prayer; for in this way, dear children, you will be calling Me during this definitive time.

I want to leave all of My children under My Mantle. Thus, open your hearts in this definitive time, set aside differences, blame and bitterness; because if you continue in this state, you will be feeding the enemy. Thus, defeat your atavism through prayer; in this way, you will be able to transcend yourselves, and very close to My Kingdom, My Eyes of Mercy will be able to guide you.

I am calling, in this definitive time of 2012, all My soldiers of prayer, you and the rest of the soldiers that are in the world, all the Marian groups consecrated to My Heart, all those who attribute faith to the Universal Mother. Because as Mother of the World, dear children, I am calling the 144,000 flocks of Christ, that they may receive the Resplendent Redeemer, because He is very close to your lives, to this material reality.

But first, He must enter into your hearts as something living. For this to happen, My children, you have the Flame of the Holy Spirit as guide and protection.

In these hours that will take place, dear children, pray, pray without ceasing, pray so as to be very united with My Immaculate Heart. Pray so that Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste Heart, can intervene for all. Pray so that the legions of Angels of the Father are able to help the planet, and the portals of the universe can be projected toward this world so all the hosts of the Creator Fathers can come. That is My special reason for planetary prayer for December 21.

Dear children, today I must speak to you with maturity and awareness. You are not only My little children, My caring hearts of love; now, already adults, you must know the truth and take on the role that is due to each child in this time.

I am praying constantly for you and for all My children; taking care of the essences which can be deceived; the enemy will not rest until it deviates some child of Mine. Know, dear children, that in this time, everything is allowed; but with your prayer, united with My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to be united with the Divine Heart of My Son.

Unite as a single group of prayer. Let this end of year, this Christmas that is coming, not only be a reason for receiving the Redeemer, but also of uniting among yourselves as a single praying group in each nation.

Dear children, run, run to your homes and begin to pray, unite your families with the spirit of prayer. It is no longer so important that each soul not know how to pray, but rather, that it begin to practice the verb of prayer.

I promise to help all those who start on the path of prayer. And you, My dear children, can also help those who want to learn to live by prayer.

Do not think, dear children, that today I come to bring you fear, but rather to prepare you to find the truth in your heart, so your consciousnesses truly unite with the Heart of God.

The time of normalcy has now ended. It is time to go into prayer, to cry out and ask for the Presence of the Holy Spirit. My Immaculate Heart will be grateful that each one of you is able to participate in this planetary prayer.

My basket of gold will gather the flowers of your prayer. What I need, dear children, is to offer a great number of prayers to God, and your prayers will become more powerful when you are united in groups of prayer and leave this normalcy the world is living.

Know, dear children, that many of My children will not know what will happen; thus, I ask you to pray for all of them.

Your prayers will multiply when you consciously pray together with your Guardian Angels, because they will uplift the prayer to My Celestial Kingdom and My Merciful Rays will be able to act in different parts of the world. For this reason, do not be surprised, dear children, if you see Me in many places at the same time; if you see the Saints of the Father acting in this humanity, multiplied over the length and breadth of this world to aid humanity.

My Heart will intercede for all of you.

It is important, dear children, that the Light-Network be activated as a Network of the Divine Plan of God, and this will take place through your intervention in all the practices of prayer that can unite all the consciousnesses of the nations into a single one.

My Heart will be in vigil for all the children that I am in charge of and for all those who have distanced themselves from God. I will untiringly do the best until the end.


Prayer: "Hail Mary" (6 times).


We breathe in.

Dear children, I want to tell you something at this time, especially all of this beloved nation of Argentina, that you never forget that My Heart loves you deeply and that, if at some time your hearts are disturbed or if your thoughts separate from the Love of God, do not fear anything; enter into My Maternal Heart, empty your burdens at My Feet, because My Heart of Light will console you.

Remember that I Am the Lady of Graces, the Queen of Peace, Who comes with the promise of much more peace for this world. And this will be fulfilled through the love of all My children, through faith and hope.

Also always know, dear children, that you will find Me in the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, in Salta; where My Voice also spreads a Message for Peace. And the doors of My Marian Center consecrated to My Heart, which is in Uruguay, will be open, as well as the one in Brazil and the one in Cordoba. For this reason, lift up your hands to My Heart so that My Light is able to pour out My Maternal Love over your hands and you are able to feel it above all things.

Before My rise to the Heavens, I want to consecrate you with the water that I will consecrate today, as John baptized My Son Jesus. I want to carry out this very loving practice with you.

I will bless the roses that symbolize My Love for all of you, which will wet your heads with water, so that you may be protected and renewed in My Love.

May the water, which symbolizes Life for the life of souls, which is the essence of the Manifested Spirit of God, be able to deeply enter into your hearts. May the water that heals life, the water that cures wounds, the water that renews your consciousnesses and frees you of all sin and of all stains, be blessed by the power of My Immaculate Love and under the perfect union of the Most Holy Trinity, so that your hearts will shine forth in My Peace and you walk in this time under the spirit of faith and of love.

My Immaculate Love blesses this symbol created by God, this element of the nature of the universe which gives you eternal life, because it renews you and deeply heals you. May this water satiate the thirst of your hearts and nurture you with the love of My Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, dear children, for answering My call.

Meditate on My Words.


Song: "Luminous Bird".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, today has been an intense and special day for everybody. Our Mother made important revelations for this end of cycle, revelations to which we need to pay a lot of attention.

As never before, the Mother affirmed and confirmed this new cycle which is coming for our planet. She tells us clearly that, united with Her Immaculate Heart, we are going to be a hundred percent protected; and that there's no need to feel fear; on the contrary, we only have to do what She proposes, and we'll be under Her Mantle of Protection.

This end of year, through the Light-Communities and the Light-Network, we have scheduled a perpetual vigil of prayer. We're surprised by the response of all the groups of prayer of the world, about how people get organized in an incredible way to spend ten days constantly praying; of how the different regions and the different nations divide the hours of the day to be able to be constantly praying.

This says that our Mother has found a space in the heart of many people and the Light-Network is beginning to light up in all of South America, Central America and all of Europe.

So the response of our hearts is being loving to the request of our Mother. It's what we can offer Her after so many Graces, just gather together and pray. We will all be learning, through these praying groups, the true value and power of this prayer.

To all those who want to come to Aurora in these last days of the year, you are invited to participate, the same for Figueira Light-Community. And if we have to spend them in our homes with our families, as the Mother also invited us to do, let us invite our families to pray and let us discover a different way of living.

To everybody, we thank you very much for having accompanied us. And as Our Lady said, we will  see each other in March.

And now, we will say goodbye through singing.


Song: "Give Us Your Love".

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

