In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.
And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.
And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.
For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.
The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.
Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.
Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.
Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.
Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear Children:
During these days and due to the seriousness of the wars and the shedding of innocent blood, Our Three Sacred Hearts are trying to stop the evil that has invaded the minds and hearts of My children of some nations.
Therefore, today I come especially to ask you, now more than ever, to accompany Me in prayer so that the Three Sacred Hearts may intervene for all families and especially for the children who suffer from war, annihilation, invasion and mistreatment.
In the name of Our Creator and Lord of the Universe, I come to ask that the weapons be stopped so that the uncertain door of evil does not continue to be opened in the world.
I come to ask you, in the name of God, that the interests of the nations no longer predominate, so that the most disadvantaged do not find themselves in the urgency of escaping from terror and death.
Dear children, this is the expected time of tribulation and of the Apocalypse. Therefore, more than ever, I come to ask you to recognize the Presence of God in you every day and, through the Divine Presence, to remember that you are all brothers and sisters of the same Father who is in Heaven. Thus, My children, the world as a whole will not continue to turn away from Love and Light.
I pray, day and night, so that the world may attain peace. Pray with Me every day, so that the angels, tormented by wars, may be sustained.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
After delivering the weekly Message, Our Lady accompanied the consecration of the Holy Eucharist, as recounted below:
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us celebrate together with our Mother this moment of consecration. At this moment, we prepare to partake in this mystery of Love that Christ left us in the Presence of Mary, Our Lady.
And, in the silence of our hearts, before the Heart of Mary, the Queen of Peace, we purify our hearts, our conscience, so that bathed in Her Maternal Love, we prepare our inner world to receive once again the Body and Blood of Christ, which will be transubstantiated in this celebration that Mary will accompany with attention and reverence.
Our Mother tells us, in this moment, that on the night when Jesus was gathered with His apostles, She, in another part of Jerusalem, was gathered with the holy women. Through their spirits, their consciences, they united with the sacrifice of the Son of God—a sacrifice that in the ether of the Earth would leave imprinted the eternal presence of His Love and His Mercy for souls.
And, in that hour, all sins from Adam and Eve to the present, until the end of times, were being contemplated by Our Lord and Our Lady, who in reparation and amnesty, offered them to God through the angels.
Thus, that Communion, which Christ officiated and celebrated with His apostles at the Last Supper, reached Mary, our Mother, and the holy women through the hands of the angels. It came in the form of a luminous Light, a form that entered the souls of Mary and the holy women to establish definitively that covenant with the Will of God through the Firstborn Son.
On that night, as Jesus was with His apostles and Mary was gathered with Her disciples, the holy women, when Jesus took the bread and raised it to God in thanksgiving, in offering and in sacrifice, Mary asked God if She could spiritually die alongside Her Son for the remission of all sins committed from the beginning, from Adam and Eve to the end of times. This was so that souls could receive the abundance of God's Love, a Love that would renew them and help them move forward in every step.
Thus, Jesus broke the bread and, offering it to His companions with a paternal, loving, and attentive gaze, said to them, just as He said to His Mother and the holy women in spirit: "Take and eat all of it, for this is My Body that will be given for mankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We bow down in reverence.
And thus, the form of Light entered into the apostles, into Mary, and into the holy women, preparing them for the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus.
And before consummating that covenant with the Eternal, Jesus took the Holy Grail in His Hands, lifting it to the Heavens, also in offering and sacrifice for the souls.
At that moment, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy women, in Spiritual Communion, offered themselves to be the first custodians of the Precious Blood of Christ, which would be shed from the moment of the flagellation to the heights of Mount Calvary. Thus, in honor of the Son of God, the spiritual science of the Via Sacra, of the Christic impulses that the Master left imprinted and engraved in each step of the Cross, could be established.
After transubstantiating the wine into His Precious Blood, Jesus passed the Chalice to His apostles and in spirit, to the holy women through the angels, saying to them: "Take and drink all of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb that will be shed for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world."
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We bow down in reverence.
And at that moment, the angels present during the transubstantiation of the bread and wine at the Last Supper made available, from that time until the end of times, all the chalices that would receive the offering of souls that would consecrate themselves and live for Christ and in Christ.
Thus, we place our soul and spirit before that offering; we place our life and essence within those chalices so that, like this celebration, those chalices may be offered to God in reparation and in Mercy.
Thus, Jesus raised His Body and His Blood to bear witness to the Infinite and Merciful Presence of God's Love. The apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy women contemplated the institution of the Christic Legacy of Love and Redemption at that moment.
Prayer: "Our Father."
And, just as Christ represents universal Peace and Peace for the world, we invoke, alongside the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the descent of Peace.
"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
And, as we share the Peace of Christ, let us radiate the Peace of Mary to each Inner Christ.
And, at this moment, we will announce Spiritual Communion to all internal worlds and souls in the world that need that inner Christic Presence.
As requested by Mary, in this communion moment, let us sing "Make of me nothing," so that in the inner emptiness that we must seek in each step, we can be filled with the All, with the Presence of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Breathe the pure air of heaven, breathe and enter the Atmosphere of God, the Kingdom of His Creation, the Greater Universe where there is peace, where evil does not prevail, where love expresses itself and joy is shared through being in the Presence of God.
Thus, enter the Divine State of Consciousness so that, from this place, My children, you can hear Me.
Thus, I remove you for a moment from the sphere of the Earth so that, at the moment of this Apparition, you may enter the space where the blessed ones are, as well as the angels that praise God.
Place your hands in reception to receive the pure air of Heaven, the impulses that the Divine Fountain emanates today, not only for this world but also for all Creation.
Today, I have come as the Messenger of the Universe to lead My children to the Consciousness of God, where for a moment they may be renewed and healed, where that which is adverse and contrary does not exist, because, through My Heart, I give you Love, the same Love that My Son gave you on the Cross, at the culminating moment of His last expiration.
Today, place your consciousness in that which is beyond forms and enter the Universe of God through your hearts, enter this safe feeling that brings you the confidence of believing in the Word of the Mother of God, which is the Word of the Divine Word, the Creator Word, from which all once began.
It is there where I want to have you today so that you do not identify with matter, but rather you may unite in spirit with the sacred Source of Creation, where, through Its Mirrors, I will reveal more to you about the existence of Creation, about the true existence of Creation; where the origin emerged, where God gestated the universes and all civilizations.
See yourselves, then, before the great Mirror of Neutrality, in which is revealed a part of the history of this universe, which you call the Material Universe.
I come, through this, to close your unknown wounds, to erase the past, and to place you in the eternal present, from where emanate the impulses of the Love of God for all His creatures.
Today, you can see a world in darkness, in obscurity and in suffering, but why does this still happen? If the Mother of God is here to lead you to Love and Grace, why do my children keep suffering chaos? Why, more each day, do the families throughout the world separate instead of uniting, and the project of the universal family is always seen in danger? Why do souls have difficulty living in love and being in this love always, which will help them understand all the experiences of life, the whole trajectory of the Cosmos? Who else will risk transcending this duality so that they can finally live the Divine Will?
In this, there is no mystery, but rather the revelation of the deep simplicity and humility of recognizing, within oneself, the Will that God has for each one of His creatures.
I know that for My children it is not easy to attain this transcendence, but I am here, because I am your Mother, and I come to tell you that this is possible, even in these times when the way out is not found, if your devotion and your faith were expanded, the celestial spheres would lead your spirits toward the goal and in this perfect but profound inner communion with the Creator God, they would always lead you to be in His Peace, although you may live battles and deserts, although you believe you will never manage.
I come here as a part of this emanation of the source of the Love of God, as I have come in other times and in other humanities to announce the same Message, in various forms.
Now that you are before this Mirror of the Neutrality of God, see how much history this Mirror holds, of all that has happened throughout this universe, throughout times and the different humanities.
Children, with this I want you to understand that the entire human race of this time is before the doors of living a great opportunity of redemption and reconciliation, but first, you have to learn to love so that you can know the mystery that God still waits to reveal to all His creatures, so that they can understand the infinite abundance of the Love of God.
Today I will tell you a very significant and important story for this whole material universe; a higher story, previous to your race, previous to this planet, when God still thought of that time in which His angels and archangels would carry forward Creation, especially within the material universe.
There was one of His creatures in this local universe, who was loved and recognized by many civilizations and by many origins, as well as by many lakes of Light that deeply knew the existence of this being.
But there was a day when this being made a mistake and, without realizing it, involved by his ambition and power, he forgot the essential, of loving God above all things. Thus, this creature fell, through his great errors and debts. Did Creation, by any chance, judge him for his errors and faults?
In that time, the universe was learning to live in the Law, just as today you learn to live in the Universal Laws; without knowing them deeply, you know within that they are the guide for these times.
But this being that once failed, his ambition turned him blind, it left him in a condition that no other creature of the universe would have expected, as his word, presence and action were emblematic and respected in this universe.
He was a great commander that guided and led many legions, and the center of his existence was the Purpose that in that time was destroyed by temptation and harassment.
How was this being able to return to the path he had lost?
How was this being able to realize he had fallen?
How was this being able to recover his filiation with the Father?
It is something similar to what can happen to you today, even in the daily things of life.
This being became aware of his errors when his brothers, while even being transgressed by him, helped him and did not cease to love him, because they knew that he was mistaken and that he was blind, far from Love and the Truth.
This being came to Earth in his worst spiritual and inner condition; he had not only lost the values of his loyalty, but he also lost the principles of his spirituality; and just like all of you, he came to live his redemption.
And one unexpected and extraordinary day, he lived his redemption when a potent ray of Love again entered his heart and removed the blindness of his eyes, removed the ambition of his being, because love, Christic Love, converted him completely. And then, at that moment, this being became aware of what had happened.
In the example of this story, would you be able to do the same for a fellow being?
Would you be able to go beyond what you believe you know?
If this being who had fallen recovered his mission, his emblematic spirit, once again being the commander among the commanders of the universe, how would you understand Mercy today?
Evil can appear to be strong or even unbreakable, but in essence, it is weak, because evil does not know Love nor Unity, and you are creatures created in the image and likeness of the Eternal Father, in your souls and essences, you have a molecule of the Creation that allows you to go beyond your limits and your possibilities.
This is why, My children, you are here, on this planet, to live this great process of redemption and forgiveness, because when Higher Love works and acts, there is nothing that can resist it.
Today I want you to meditate upon this message because many of you are already in the face of this time of great redemptions and inner opportunities so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.
So, in this time, My children, may the center of your existence be love for the Purpose so that you may learn to overcome, every day, just as this commander of the universe overcame, through knowing the Love of God, which he had lost for different circumstances.
Never wish to have power or authority over anything. Always seek, by means of Love, to be empty, so that God can work through your lives.
Never aspire to have anything or to control anything, although sometimes it may be difficult for you. Remember to withdraw in holy humility and thus you will be in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; thus, you will be able to be precursors of the renewal of this universe.
On this extraordinary day, I come with this inner and deeply loving revelation so that the consciousnesses may awaken, so that they may contemplate the universe and know that, beyond this place and this space there is something bigger that awaits you and expects you….
Thus, just as this being commander of the universe has his history and trajectory, you also have one.
Would you not aspire to know the origin of your consciousness and the purpose for which God created you?
Can you perceive, My children, that life is not only material, that true life is immaterial?
Think of this, aspire to this, pray for this so that your consciousnesses may be firm and decided at this moment of the Plan and that, in spite of the hesitations, you may know how to overcome difficulties and tests for one reason, for Love.
Today I have all the essences commune with this great Mirror of the Neutrality of God; and I want to leave you there, during this day, so that nothing dual can remove you from this space.
Remember that you have entered the Source of Creation and that your spirits have participated in this moment.
Lastly, today I wish to bless one of My visionaries, Sister Lucía de Jesús, so that this day, in renunciation and selflessness, may be surrendered at the Service of God for the souls that suffer; so that someday, in the Return of Christ, we may celebrate the redemption of souls and of the planet, the liberation of the Earth from all suffering and the trauma lived throughout times. Therefore, you must remember your origins, and although you do not understand nor know what it is about, love your origins, and unite to them through a simple and fervent prayer.
May the sacred Attributes of the Mother of God descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters so that, by means of these Words and of this Message, the fruits of redemption may grow.
Prayer: “Universal Mother.”
I bid farewell to you, beloved children, and from this moment on I prepare you for the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as it was in the month of April of this year, will give a great impulse to all, regardless of where each one is, because, through My Presence and the Presence of My Beloved Son, you will be learning to be united in omnipresence.
So that this may be possible, I will now have you enter the universe of a simple song, which will lead your souls and spirits to reach close to God.
This song is an emblem and a hymn of this Community of Figueira. It is the essential reason for the manifestation of this Sacred Center that, thanks to the Father and the collaboration of many souls, is alive and beats, like a subtle sound, throughout the universe.
I will leave you with the song “Breath of the Spirit.”
I thank you for responding to My call!
Go in peace and trust in God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Forty-sixth Poem
Powerful Lady of Perpetual Help,
help us in the hour of great difficulties.
Free us from any danger
and send us Your angelic armies of Light
so that they may open the paths towards God.
Powerful Lady of Perpetual Help,
place us under Your Mantle
so that, before adversity, we may become invisible,
and thus we may resume the pathway of service and peace.
Powerful Lady of Perpetual Help,
You who know who we are,
guide our lives so that we may achieve the Holy Will
that will lead us to entirely live
the expressions of God's Virtues,
thus, we will be able to be apostles of Your Son,
helping to carry out the Eternal Father’s Plan of Love.
Powerful Lady of Perpetual Help,
protect us in the face of any danger,
shelter us in the face of any difficulty,
because we hope to respond to Christ
in every moment.
Divine Lady, strengthen our faith
so that we may fully trust
in the Presence of God within us.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
On this eighth day of prayer and through the song that was offered at the beginning of the spiritual exercise, the powerful Archangel Raphael reached very compromised spaces where souls and hearts suffer without the possibility of finding Light.
That moment of the offering of the first song was culminating because the souls in need, especially the souls in agony, were freed and taken to the great Lakes of creative Restoration so that they could receive an opportunity.
During the course of the Powerful Novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel, the Angelic Hierarchy treated different situations present upon the planet that were compromising the awakening of spiritual life and the giving of self.
By means of the novena, the healing angels of Saint Raphael the Archangel also helped in different hospitals and spaces which, at this moment, have collapsed through the demands and the need for assistance.
In this way, a divine inspiration and a spiritual power of faith was placed in the doctors, nurses and health assistants so that they would be able to face this moment.
The angels will remain accompanying each of the health workers so that they may feel the Presence of God in their hearts and in their lives.
May those who believe without having seen be blessed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved ones,
Today My feet tread upon the high mountains of the Andes; but beyond the distance, I am close to you, My dear youths of Peace.
Today the Universe recognizes the true efforts of having built, out of love and service, this new edition of the Youth Festival for Peace.
It is in this way that God avails Himself of the impulses that are born within young souls in order to materialize His Work of Love and Mercy.
Now, more than ever, Uruguay needed an edition of the Youth Festival for Peace with extreme urgency, for the young hearts that are there have the commitment to establish the Presence of God in the consciousness of this country; but not an institutionalized God, rather a God that lives with all His Power and His Kingdom within each being.
The Youth Festival for Peace has reached Montevideo, which is the heart of mistaken decisions, in order to give a chance to the consciousness of the Uruguayans that, in spite of its artificial dream and the instilled illusion, must someday recognize that it has distanced itself completely from the one Truth and that the country, being conducted by a few idealists, is moving toward an unrescuable state.
Thus, as Mother of Uruguay and Lady of the Thirty-three, I return once again to the Uruguayan people so that it may hear the voice of the faithful Servant, the Mother of the Uruguayan church corrupted by power and by the indifference before everything the nation freely practices and experiences, distancing itself from the principles of dignity and human fraternity.
The Youth Festival for Peace came to Montevideo to create an inner echo through the voice of the young people, the ones who, in the near future, must face and assume that which a few have decided on for the life of the nations, such as Uruguay, which was called upon to be the cradle for the Return of Christ.
Yet, Uruguay as a society denies the Church of My Son; the Uruguayan people, who used to have a warm devotion, which later became a cold devotion toward God, have lost trust in those who manage Peter's institution.
Here there are many responsible for the faith of the Uruguayans becoming impoverished and completely separated from the Truth; and furthermore, for this faith being turned toward substances and plants that promote a fictitious spiritual freedom.
Do you understand, children, the importance of it being the youth who peacefully promote the change?
Fully into the twenty-first century, Uruguay absolutely believes that, through the practices it has imposed, it has achieved a form of evolution.
Everything that the country experiences today as freedom, granted by the laws of humankind, is the result of an instability in the essence of meaning and discernment.
Through the Festival, Uruguay has the Grace of perceiving that it not only has distanced itself from reality, but that it has also distanced itself from love, because true Love would never allow losing the sense of what is healthy and good.
Uruguay, Uruguay! Awaken from the dream you have entered.
Uruguay! Do not forget that your commitment is sealed by the Light of the New Aurora.
Uruguay! React and do something for your people and for your land before it is too late.
Uruguay, I am your Mother and I come to help you.
I thank the youth for all the efforts offered.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I return to a place called Aurora, which throughout times has donated itself completely and which, in the silence of its imperceptible Kingdom, has sustained the Banner of the Redeemer, despite the challenges and trials.
Today, I return to a place that was witness of the Presence of God, a place that was chosen by that same Father to carry forward a planetary task.
Today, I return to the origin and the place where everything had once begun, and all of this gladdens Me, because I know that Aurora will never be forgotten, it will be like the bird that is reborn to again give testimony of My Presence in the world.
For this reason, I chose to return to Aurora, so that all those who had once and throughout times benefitted from it, will never forget that they owe very much to this Kingdom of Love.
Aurora will be reborn as a Mirror, and will be firmly sustained like a sword.
Aurora will always go to meet the valient ones, and will fill with its light those who seek it with humility.
Aurora is the portal that will again take us to the feeling of eternal gratitude.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Let the Christic Love of the Lord flow within you so that, through your giving of self and surrender to the Plan of God, each space may be permeated by that powerful transfiguring energy.
Let the Christic Love of God flow through you, so that each consciousness may receive what it needs and be able to feel the peace of an apostle of Christ.
Let the Christic Love of the Lord flow through you so that the suffering of humanity may be alleviated and inner healing achieved by the majority of souls.
Let the Christic Love of the Lord flow through you so that each Kingdom of Nature may feel the love of human beings.
Let the Presence of God flow through you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and, in this silence, contemplate the omnipotent Presence of God.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and contemplate the magnificent Creation through the Sun.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and contemplate the infinite Universe of the Creation.
Renew through all of this and, in inner communion, become a part of the Higher Laws.
Re-ignite in yourself your filiation with God and find the inner meaning of each learning.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and learn to feel the Presence of the Creator in all that exists, vibrates and manifests as Cosmic Light.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and find the path by which your spirit will return to the great Dwelling.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and, with devotion, appreciate the One who created us, who loves us and blesses us.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven to simply say "yes."
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the light always shine within you and may this light be recognized as the Light of Christ.
May the inner light prevail and may this light be of help and guidance during critical moments.
May the inner light reign at this time so that the Presence of God may expand beyond hearts.
May the inner light generate wonders and grant redemption to all who contact the power of this light.
May the inner light establish peace and harmony so that in the world there may be greater harmony and order in all things.
May the Light of God participate in communion with life and may life be filled by the Grace of God.
May the Light of God foster within consciousnesses the opportunity for change and a profound awakening.
May the Light of God grant the world the awareness of what it is doing and awaken a true repentance within more hearts so that the triumph of the Project of the Love of Christ may be carried out.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Carrying out the works to improve the roads that lead to the Marian Center of Aurora, with time and dedication, and with the help of the servers from Uruguay, Argentina and South Brazil, the souls will show the universe, on behalf of many more, that they will accept and aspire for the permanence of the Divine Hierarchy, especially, the Presence of God in Uruguay.
Although My Church lies within this country, the inner warmth that the souls give Me here is not enough. I only feel plenitude when pilgrims arrive at the Marian Center of Aurora in order to acknowledge and confirm My Presence.
Important hierarchs of My Church could have avoided the condemnation of these people instead of persecuting Me again, as they have done with this Work, by being sensationalistic and omitting the barbarities that the people have accepted to assume, for instance, by means of abortion.
My Church, instead of caring for the perdition of the souls, has shut the doors to many hearts that should arrive in Aurora in order to meet Me.
What a condemnation!
This is why I humbly serve Myself of those who truly follow Me in this time, knowing that all I desire for Uruguay is great and infinite.
Carrying out the reconstruction of the physical roads of Aurora, the groups will allow My presence to be here in spite of the indifference and, above all, may the road to be fixed by the servers be the symbol of the correction of distorted ways of this poor nation.
I thank you for obeying Me.
Who blesses you
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more