Dear children,
May you never lack the motivation and effort to serve.
May charity bring to the world the pity it needs at this moment and, through service, may the descent of Divine Pity transform your hearts and the whole Earth.
May the act of serving not just be fraternal and loving attention toward the neighbor.
May the service of the good hearts mend the immensity of errors and faults committed by humanity.
May service give you an impulse to be more charitable every day so that you no longer suffer due to not managing to step out of yourselves.
May the key of service for humanity and the planet finally place you upon the path of apostleship.
Regardless of what may happen in these times, serve with the conviction and faith that you will manage to find Divine Pity, that you will be helped through the act of serving and that all will be benefitted by the Mercy of My Son.
Demonstrate to God that His Project of Love is possible.
Repair His offended Heart in each new act of service, and I assure you, dear children, that you will be helping in the Redeeming Plan of Christ.
When your purification or transformation is difficult, go serve.
Occupy your consciousnesses with actions and with spiritual moments of service.
Help build the new humanity through merciful and fraternal works.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Before the existence of this Solar System and the group known as the Nine Galaxies, which make up the grouping of a universe of lives, God, as Creator and grand expression of Love-Wisdom, deeply wished that some of His Children, the Creators of the Material Universe, also called Archangels, the great Co-Creators of this life system, would offer each of the Nine Galaxies the opportunity to experience evolution by means of “self-knowledge” and the so-called “degrees of love”.
It was in this way that these great Co-Creator beings carried forward all the universal projects received by them as subtle spiritual impulses of light, and then offered to the created systems, known as “Milky Way”, the opportunity of deepening in “spiritual knowledge” and in the “degrees of love”.
All this happened before the fall of the adversary.
In this time, in all the Universes, the first one thousand years of peace were lived, a period in which the development of life, the inner schools of learnings and, above all, the awakening of the different "degrees of love", granted this Local Universe, in which this Solar System exists, including Earth, the opportunity that on a planet of very high spiritual characteristics, like the Earth, one of the twelve most important Projects of God's Love could be carried forward.
For this reason, the planet Earth went through different cycles. The seas, which used to be acidic, became alkaline so that they later might become containers of mineral and crystalline components, living as a high degree of oxygenation.
The continents, which used to be desert and cold, experienced a biological re-adaptation to later become seedbeds of new species.
In this way, planet Earth, and all of its atmosphere, converted into a great womb of light, to finally gestate the consciousness of humanity, which was later known as Adam and Eve.
In this first experience of love, the Heavenly Father internally aspired that this Project, so yearned for by His Heart, would allow to correct and recreate Creation so that increasingly higher degrees of love may be lived.
Some time later the Universe began to live the first failures in evolution due to the very intense fall of the disobedient angel.
From there, the whole Universe, a place where peace, good and harmony were lived, became the sudden scenario of the first steps of duality, a current contrary to the principle of the Maximum Will; a duality that would begin to place at stake the freedom that had been granted to all creatures, with the aim that they might learn to love, just as the Heavenly Father loves them.
The planet Earth was one of the last places in which this spiritual current of duality descended to test, through Adam and Eve, the Project of a humanity essentially united to the Kingdom of God.
For various inexplicable temptations, the Project was being altered and changed, as the contrary spiritual currents gradually broke the scenery of the so-called “Eden”.
Why did the Heavenly Father allow this?
In a mysterious sense, Adam would have had the opportunity of taking his first step in the evolution of the degrees of love and of the awakening of consciousness, if he had been unconditionally obedient to God.
As for her, Eve, would have had the possibility of being the promising consciousness that would experience the Feminine Aspect of God by means of the spirit of Motherhood, a state that would concede the pure birth of the following creatures that would come after her.
At that moment, the Earth, as the first human experience, underwent its first and great test, which, had it been victoriously faced by Adam and Eve, as representatives of humanity of that time, would have allowed this race to attain a degree of love similar to that of Jesus.
This is the reason why God Himself, present in the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, that is, in the Son, decided to incarnate on Earth, after so much time, to give Himself to His Children in Love and Wisdom and to teach all about Truth.
It was during the preparatory time for the incarnation of Jesus that the Father extracted, from one of His purest Founts of the Spiritual Universe, one of His most elevated and pure Aspects, which was the spiritual basis for the Divine Conception of whom later would be known on Earth as Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Thus, the Archangels, at the request of God, were the ones who prepared this scenery for the coming of the Messiah, That One Who, having given testimony of love and of life, would demonstrate, in his maximum humility, how duality could be overcome so that every living being on Earth may finally learn to fulfill the Will that brought it to the world and to transit the school of forgiveness and redemption, inner paths that will one day again place the human consciousness where it once had been before making the mistakes.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
I wish that, like You, beloved Lord,
I could understand the Divine Will
with absolute clarity,
as well as all the mysteries
that Your merciful Heart holds
about the infinite existence of this Universe
and of this Creation.
I wish, dear Jesus,
that I could surpass the limits of human consciousness
so that, within me, I might recognize
the inner universe and the spiritual riches
that God placed within each creature.
I wish, Lord,
that I were aware of this whole reality
beyond that which is concrete
so that even my cells
might awaken to the intelligence
and the knowledge that the Universe holds.
I wish, my Lord,
that I could receive this Grace
so that I might offer myself more consciously
as Your redeemed instrument
within the sublime Project of Your Mercy.
I ask You, Divine Jesus,
to empty me of myself
so that there may be a place, within me,
for the humility of Heaven,
which will make me simple and self-given
so that, perceptible to all of
Your Commands and Designs,
I may serve You.
Expand my consciousness
according to that which You have thought of.
I do not wish to flaunt
universal knowledge
but rather make it part of this consciousness
that implores You so that it may only
rise to the occasion.
I thank that You listen to me, Jesus,
and that You fulfill
Your Sacred Will within me.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May the light always shine within you and may this light be recognized as the Light of Christ.
May the inner light prevail and may this light be of help and guidance during critical moments.
May the inner light reign at this time so that the Presence of God may expand beyond hearts.
May the inner light generate wonders and grant redemption to all who contact the power of this light.
May the inner light establish peace and harmony so that in the world there may be greater harmony and order in all things.
May the Light of God participate in communion with life and may life be filled by the Grace of God.
May the Light of God foster within consciousnesses the opportunity for change and a profound awakening.
May the Light of God grant the world the awareness of what it is doing and awaken a true repentance within more hearts so that the triumph of the Project of the Love of Christ may be carried out.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Let the Light of God be born within you
Dear child,
All shall pass; trust fully in the designs that come from the Highest and your consciousness will not suffer from any resistance.
Let the Will impregnate your being so that the Project of Christ may be fulfilled in your life.
Participate in the great decisions of the Plan and unite yourself unconditionally to them. Thus, My child, you will know where to walk through, you will know which direction to take and you will not be lost.
Believe that above all, and even more so above yourself, it is the Father is Who gestates everything under the principle of His infinite Thought.
Today, I come to make you a proposal of experiencing the changes that are necessary for the Work to be built in union with your brothers and sisters.
Thus, with a renewing spirit, in an unbreakable unity, take forward that part of the Plan that corresponds to you in this new stage with joy, and not with discouragement.
This shall always give you an impulse to get out of yourself, to not let yourself submerge into unnecessary inner pains which later end up sickening the body due to its resistance.
Let the Divine Purpose break down all structures within you.
Allow My Son Himself to make of you the perfect design of His Divine Will.
Thus, dear child, you will not delay your steps anymore and you will open the doors for other brothers and sisters to receive great opportunities like those you are receiving at this time.
Fear no longer to say "yes".
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more