The Musical Note of the Heart

My dear children:

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the note that resonates in the spaces of this world when the soul feels the Love of God within itself.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that this world may be redeemed and so that the hosts of Light of the Father may open the doors of the Heavens.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the musical note that vibrates in the subtle worlds and attracts the Mercy of God to Earth.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that voices may be ignited by the Holy Spirit and this humanity may again receive the powerful current of Divine Healing.

Today let hearts play the musical note of love, so that it may expand in devotion and light throughout all corners of the Earth.

Let the musical note of your hearts reaffirm, on this day, the victory of My Son on Earth, and may your souls enter into the celestial choirs to confirm the Plan of the Creator within this grieving humanity.

Today let the musical note of your hearts light up with the spirit of joy, the devotion to all that is sacred and the faith that strengthens consciousnesses.

Children, on this very special day of elevation of the human consciousness, I ask you: within your voices and instruments, let the musical note of the heart vibrate, because this very deep note in our souls will open the doors to Heaven so that Grace, redemption and healing may be established in humanity.

Let the musical note of your hearts revere Creation and all the Kingdoms of Nature, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom.

Today, let all of your voices be one, to gestate sacred unity between souls and God on Earth.

From Ecuador, as the Mother of the Andes and of all the singers of God, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May this sacred mission motivate you to live the changes.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Through the prayer groups, formed by groups of souls, your Heavenly Mother is able to pour out Graces from the Heavens and, at the same time, the Immaculate Heart awakens the saintly virtues, the talents which lead souls to the sincere path of higher service, as well as the inner communion with the universe. 

The prayer groups can someday be converted into sacred cells of light that awaken other cells, other prayer groups, other groups of souls that affirm their devotion to the Immaculate Heart.

In truth, children, each prayer group consecrated to the Mother of God is like a little flower that surrounds the Heart of the Mother, the Immaculate Heart, which inspires the souls on the path of peace and the good.

Announce to the groups of prayer that they can be these precious little flowers in the immaculate garden of your Heavenly Mother. Because it is through the sacred prayer groups that your Heavenly Mother can spiritually work in the world, lighting up the flame of love and fraternity, more each day.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

This is the key that I give you today: if only all the beings on this planet offered one day of fasting, in truth I tell you that wars would cease, conflicts would disappear, diseases would be healed and there would not be any interior or exterior cause left unsolved.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain spiritual forces would be dismissed from their earthly powers and more than a thousand swords would be defeated.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain unexplainable situations would not be manifested and no one would lose their awakening and evolution.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain earthly forces would not act because they would not have a place nor way to proceed.

Imprisoned souls would be liberated, more sinners would be forgiven and the planet would be relieved of the serious outrages it receives every day.

If in truth a day of fasting was offered, the innocent souls that were aborted would be taken to limbo and, above all, the soldiers of Christ who became lost by their own will would not go to purgatory to pay for their debts.

Fasting is the second spiritual weapon against the enemy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Today I come to meet you as the Solar Essence of God, as this Immaculate Part that was born from the Source of Creation; the Essence which, under the Feminine Spirit, regenerates life and the consciousness.

My Solar Essence is what illuminates the inner worlds, it is the Essence that gives impulse to souls to take their steps within the Plan of God. This Essence is capable of recovering lost essences and helps in the transfiguration of the consciousness.

My Solar Essence comes from a spiritual sacred Source, created and designed by the great Creator Parents, those called Archangels or Elohim.

My Solar Essence is the one that always enters into the terrestrial planes to purify you and redeem you.

Who unites with My Immaculate Heart unites with My Solar Essence and, in this way, enters into communion with Creation and with the entire Universe.

My Solar Essence brings you the power of transformation and of change, as well as entry into the complete consecration of life, of mind and of spirit.

My Solar Essence takes you into finding the inner meaning, during the walk of the path of the spirit, until you are able to find Christ, as the great inner Master.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When you defeat evil, everything around you moves, as its greates ideas are dissolved by the ray of Love of the Creator.

A subsequent movement happens after every battle because, in this sense, the obstacle that previously held the souls trapped is broken by the imperative fire of the Will of God. Nothing remains in the place that it used to be. The cycle of purification begins and the deepest things are removed from the place where they were.

For this reason, children, the defeat of a fraction of evil implies many results later, which allow the transformation of everything.

Everything that happens in this time, like everything that the consciousness receives, is part of a mysterious destiny that opens before your eyes to be able to recognize it.

The time has come to respond to the needs of light since the world, in its own hypnotism, cannot awaken to the call of an evolution without limits.

It will be necessary to fulfill the part that corresponds to us. This alone will alleviate many things.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a voice wholeheartedly sings to God, it opens the doors to the Infinite and from there many graces can descend over consciousnesses or in humanity.

The voice consecrated to God is one of the greatest instruments of union and of alliance with the High.

The voice consecrated to God spontaneously offers that instrument so that great processes of healing and of redemption may be established in humanity. And if the voice is always filled with a sincere and real love, greater will be its effect on the planetary consciousness.

The Creator thought that sound would be the most perfect and explanatory means for souls to be able to communicate with the High. In this sense, the voice that emits the sound, spontaneously creates the bridge of contact with our purity and with our true reality.

The voice that is consecrated to God is spiritually conceived as a key that, through sound and vibration, enters into contact with the Mirrors, and thus the descent of new and sacred knowledge is established.

The voice is one of the greatest treasures of Creation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special message of Jesus Christ, transmitted for the 52nd Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the city of Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Second Message

As I come from the heart of this universe, I would like your souls to rise up to meet Me. This will allow, at this time, for you to create this perfect Communion between your souls and My Heart.

I would like you to open your innermost ears to listen to My Message and to make it part of your lives, because knowledge will not be enough, it will be necessary to apply it to your lives for My Plan to be fulfilled, step by step.

Today I come to give continuity to what I said yesterday. I come to extend this special message to all My companions, because it is still necessary that you grow in love and in truth, without leaving behind what you have to transform, all that you have to transcend, all that you have to aspire to reach in these difficult times, in which the Plan experiences many risks unknown to the souls, because, in many cases, they will not be attentive to the signs that the universe sends.

Now, I invite you to double the efforts; I invite you to be considerate with one another, as I taught the apostles in the past.

You must fulfill the basic rules of evolution because in this way, you will know the Law and not only just have knowledge of it.

This is one of the reasons why the souls of this world and, most of all, those souls that are My companions, do not know how to internalize the impulses that My Heart sends you from time to time, trying to raise the souls more each time towards the Truth and towards the Sacred Knowledge.

When you do not know how to internalize what we tell you, you get lost somewhere along the path and may be confused, without knowing where to go or what to do.

But there is a master-key, for all of this, which is trust. Trust in all that is presented. Trust in all that is proposed. Trust in all that is revealed.

Because, in essence, everything goes beyond your possibilities, knowledge, intellect.

I have not come to build My Kingdom in the concrete minds because, otherwise, it would not have made sense for me to come to this world to incarnate to witness, on this plane, the Presence of the Love of God.

It is that Love that will reveal My Kingdom to you. It is that Love that will unite you forever. It is that Love that will never separate you. For wherever Love is, I am present, throwing seeds of Light on fertile soil, which will then bear Me fruit, so that in the end, they will be Gifts that I will offer in Glory to the Creator. 

Therefore I search in the more simple hearts what is good and true. I glorify Myself in the humble hearts. I distance Myself from the resistant hearts. I distance Myself from those who do not want to listen to Me, because I know that they fear the real Love because they have never known it completely, because they have never had the courage to take a step and to let themselves be torn inside, until Love makes them hurt deeply.

Therefore, I deposit My inner Wounds in the hearts that know My Love.

I cannot give My Legacy to abstract minds. The world and its humanity would  completely lose their way because of their ambition and pride. I need to break what is still rigid and hard.

Therefore, I use My great hammer of Light and strike that which is most resistant for it to be broken one day and so that all may surrender at My Feet; not for Me, but for My Father who is just and compassionate, who deserves the goodness of your hearts and souls for all He has given you in spite of your miseries, in spite of your mistakes, in spite of your falls.

I come to elevate the consciousness of humanity to another point because, even if it does not seem so, I am here in constancy and faith to move forward.

Therefore, to those who follow Me in these times, who say they are My companions on the path and in spiritual experience, I encourage them to live the changes without resistance or restriction.

I invite you to not put a limit on your consciousnesses and to know how to recognize, with humility, the Sacred Knowledge that comes from God by means of Our Sacred Hearts, for this humanity of the surface.

Thus I will be able to bring even more My Heaven, the Heaven of My Father, His Heavenly Universe and My Angels will be following every step, every moment  as well as every trial, just as they followed Me from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross.

The sufferings that I offer to My companions of this world, are feared by some because they do not know them, because, before everything, they do not dare to love the Will that I bring to fulfill My Projects and My Designs in their lives.

I have chosen to be among these sacred mountains of the Andes to remind the world that it still has not raised its consciousness nor its mind. It is time to leave the atavistic. It is time to give up what is superfluous and petty.

I shall leave My Keys of Gold in the simple hearts, in those who can hold within them My Legacy, that does not come from this world but from the Universe.

For this Plan to go forward, for the Work to continue, you must, companions, reposition your places, knowing that all that you have received in these last years, will not be wasted by humanity as it was a part of My Passion, even if you do not believe it.

With Eyes of Mercy, I come to observe the world. With a compassionate Heart I come to rescue those who suffer and those who cannot give themselves entirely to My Heart.

Know, My dear souls, that there is still much to do. Therefore, I invite you to renew the unity and fraternity among your consciousness. I invite you to respect the Law of the Hierarchy so that the Universe of God can always be near you and in every detail.

Now, be My redeemed stars, coming out the abysses of error and sin, of perversion and evil. Honor your King and Lord as He deserves, in Heaven as on Earth.

Do not separate yourselves anymore. Unite yourselves through My Heart so that I may continue to come to you; to avoid My not coming anymore at this time in which humanity needs the high vibrations of love and peace.

Remove from your hearts and lives what is already old and resistant, what does not give unity and love among creatures and peoples, between races and origins.

I gave My Life to this world and for this humanity so that they would know how to do it, and thus, not fall into temptation.

I come on this day, with a second message, to open your eyes even more and, especially, to open your hearts more to what you need to hear with maturity and calmness.

I would not like to see those responsible for this Work confused, I do not want to find them like this anymore, knowing that each stage we experienced together is essential for your God, for the realization of His Will, for the manifestation of His Work on the different planes of this universe, until it reaches humanity.

If the ties of love among you break, My companions, who will take My Plan forward?

You already know that it is true that I do not find a place or shelter where I can announce My new Word, My new Message sent by God  from the Heights of this universe.

I would not want to lose sight of you, because there are souls in this world who also need Me, and I must attend to them, as I attend to your souls at these times.

Through this Marathon, raise your most sincere offering to God so that a Ray of My merciful Heart touches that space in your consciousness that is still dark and resistant to change.

Remember that I can do everything and that My Father has not set any limits for Me.

I come with My Heavenly Government to put all things in order, from the invisible to the visible, from the immaterial to the material, from the spirit to the flesh. All under the universal order.

May the souls of Chile rejoice for this moment, so that it can be repeated during these critical times, in which more of My companions must be awakened to the call of redemption.

Joyful will be those who listen and believe without having seen.

Blessed in Heaven will be those who keep the Treasures of My Heart and vivify them, from time to time.

I bless you in the name of Love and Unity.

Under the Light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace; transmitted in the Olmué Commune, Marga Marga, Valparaiso Region, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Today I come with the primary intention of carrying out the pilgrimage mission to Asia and Oceania; because if this takes place in that region of the world, many situations will be avoided and others repaired.

I need each prayerful being to become aware that each step taken from now on will help in building the next stage of spiritual and inner work in humanity.

As Mother and Guide of souls, what I need, dear children, is that the steps I ask you to take at this moment, so this mission is concretized, are not only material, but are also inner and spiritual.

This will enable the inner universe of each being to be prepared to take on this next mission with a different state of consideration and consciousness; because what is most important, children, is what will begin to be generated and gestated from now on. Further ahead, the inner, spiritual and material conditions will have broad repercussions so that everything can be accomplished, as has been foreseen by the Celestial Father.

To experience a mission in the East is not the same as experiencing a mission in the West. In spite of humanity being the same, biologically speaking, other needs, lacks and emergencies must be provided for from the moment in which My missionaries place their feet on this region of the planet. Thus, I say again, My beloveds, that everything you may do will have repercussions in the future so the mission can take place.

Your Heavenly Mother is not speaking of being authoritative or severe; your Mother is referring to the importance of placing more love and awareness in all that surrounds you daily. Correcting this, the new mission will be built and the doors to Divine Providence will be open. In this way, all will move forward under the ardent aspiration of My Immaculate and Motherly Heart.

As from now, I will thank you for being attentive about yourselves so a new victorious mission, wholly in the Lord, can be built.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

At this time, I come to the world to give continuity to the Work of Redemption of My Son, so that souls awaken to the path of pardon and reconciliation.

Therefore, your Heavenly Mother goes on pilgrimage, from nation to nation, so that more hearts in the world may reach the real consciousness of love and compassion.

My Son sends His Mother to the world every day to transform the lives of the planet, into hearts in fullness and redemption.

It is thus that My steps are not separated from those of My children because as a kind Mother, I can be near and united to each heart in need.

I encourage you, in these times, to be part of the armies of the Redeemer, so that the Sacred Master and Lord of the universe may have instruments available to take forward the Project of Love.

At this time, feel the joy of serving Him, the joy of being able to meet Him again, the deep desire to be close to Him.

May your lives, in constant redemption, receive the impulse of Our Lord so that everything may be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the trip from the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, to São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I Am the Queen of the angels, and under My care, I have various angelic legions and choirs that with Me, protect the evolution of the Plan of God.

Wherever I send them, they go and silently serve souls, to guide them and so they do not lose the path of return to the House of the Father.

I Am the Queen of the angels, and with My Presence, I care for various legions of angels that express lineages and virtues that please God, divine gifts that help in the transmutation of the planet and its humanity.

Each guardian angel who is united with Me through the prayer of a devoted soul, announces to Me the condition of the spiritual path of the being it has been accompanying for a long time. And this is what the guardian angel needs to fulfill its mission in this humanity.

Angels are extremely obedient and live for only one purpose.

They cannot choose; they are naturally service-oriented and lovingly fulfill the Designs of God.

They work day and night for the redemption of the planet and have the authority to warn and guide souls that consciously unite with them.

They love what they do and constantly seek to carry what is good to the whole race, not caring what the result is, or its price.

Angels are capable of protecting the essential world of souls if for some reason this were in danger. They can warn you of certain dangers through three inner calls, of which the third defines if the soul will continue in incarnation or will leave this world for a better school.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


Do not fear in this time to face the end of times.

We know that humanity is not prepared, but it will be necessary that it practice at this time for that which will come.

This beloved planet will face diverse forms of purification, the majority unknown to surface humankind.

So it is that in this cycle, everything that will happen or manifest will be an intensive preparation with the goal of gaining awareness, so as to know how to proceed and help the souls that will have to go through intense experiences that will generate an awakening and the necessary definition.

For this reason, when in the whole world the intense purification is unleashed, everything that is experienced during this time will help some consciousnesses to be assisted and redirected toward the school and the lessons the universe had destined them to live.

Now the time for experiencing this transition has come, in which, in spite of being intense, those open of heart will never lack the guidance of Our Hearts to thus generate the necessary relief that the soul needs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today, may the Gifts of God awaken in your souls, and may the inner roses which express an infinite love for the Creator and His Creation open in your hearts; so that in your lives, consecrated to eternal prayer, the divine wonders the Father hopes to reveal today to your lives in redemption may be accomplished through this meeting.

May the caress of My Motherly Hands sanctify each of you and bless you at this sacred moment, so that in these difficult times you experience and remember your transformation, as an important step for humanity and your suffering blue planet.

Thus, My beloveds, let the doors of your inner worlds open so that in your essences, you may conceive the Purpose that God has destined for your lives in this time.

Holding on to My Hands so that I may guide you, dear children, walk confidently by My side, for in this way, I will fortify you on the pathway of sacrifice and eternal hope, which must be reflected on your countenances, so God may place His Graces in all of humanity.

Today, I bless you from Heaven and the Heaven of God I bring you, so that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be finally established in your lives.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Although the deepest wounds of the planet are at this moment being shown through the chaos in this world, My Immaculate Heart protects and safeguards all the children that cry out to God in heartfelt sincerity.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother is interceding, at this moment, for all the innocent souls and for the most sinful souls who draw the violence of the elements of nature to the world.

Today, I am placing each one of them in My Arms of a Mother, so that their deepest nuclei may be safeguarded by the Love of My Motherly Heart.

Although the world is collapsing, I will always be with you.

Although the world seems to be falling apart, I will always be with you.

Although catastrophes, wars, unjustly spilled blood exist, I will always be with you.

Although the violence of the end of these times is unleashed overnight, even during the three days of great darkness, I will always, always be with you. For I came and come to this world to recover what is lost, what nobody wants to take care of in this humanity.

I am determined, at least, to allow My Heart to triumph in the inner worlds of the inhabitants of North America.

It is My mission and My destiny that the most imperfect and lost souls, that the peoples, cities and nations broken by the wave of the intense purification may have an opportunity and gain a Grace from My Heart.

There will be no element, catastrophe or physical or inner disaster that will stop Me; because I Am the Mother of your Master and Lord, I Am the untiring seeker of the love and prayers of souls.

When that alliance is consummated between you, My children, and your Universal Mother, when you live the same love and the same service that your Celestial Mother lives, I assure you that the planet may shake or sway, but the love between us will be inextinguishable; and I will receive your love and service in each moment to present it as an offering of sacrifice of humanity.

Do not hesitate, do not waver, the Lord is merciful and consoling with everything that is happening today in this world.

Believe and reaffirm the Coming of Christ in yourselves, for it will happen in spite of what takes place.

I leave you in My Motherly Arms, now and always.

Who blesses you, with the holy sword of the Archangel Saint Michael,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The power of the union of human beings with God is unknown, but this science and this knowledge will always be provided by the path of prayer.

When it is true and loving, this union allows the Celestial Father to accomplish His Designs in more souls of the world.

The path of prayer makes each soul a mirror of love and forgiveness so that in this way the errors of the past may be liberated and souls may achieve redemption.

The power of prayer that builds the times will always be in your hands and it will not let you lose the impulses that come from the universe, which will help you to take safe steps towards the Sacred Temple of the Lord, within His Divine Heart of Love and Light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

These times will demand a sufficiently large openness from souls and all surface beings in order to be able to follow the changes that are necessary.

These changes will take place with a true receptivity that will build the bases to be able to experience that which is new and yet still very unknown.

In this sense, dear children, these times, which are part of a transition, must be experienced with a lot of courage, neutrality and peace. This will at all times allow the building of a positive consciousness within yourselves that is alert to living necessary changes, without the need of going through suffering.

Therefore, it is important for this humanity of the surface to maintain a constant gesture of gratitude and love in order to understand and accept changes and situations in life that would seem impossible.

It is time to open your inner worlds much more than they are usually open in order to be able to see, feel and understand that any change or new cycle is an opportunity for getting out of that which is static in this world, to be able to move beyond your own obstacles that hinder humanity from expressing itself spiritually as consciousness within this school planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

So that Divine Justice not be accelerated for those who are most resistant to change, it is necessary to pray for them and mercifully help them so they may be able to find their place in this transition of the Earth.

Those who have the most resistance to change are those who will be purified the most. This shows that until now, resignation, true humility and trust have never existed in the decisions that, for instance, your fellow being, teacher or instructor may have made for the good of all.

This resistance sooner or later leads to suffering, then generates fear and lastly, physical illness; since in the consciousness that resists so much there is no system of evacuation for archaic states.

That is why, when a soul passes through that kind of inner difficulty, and so that it may not enter that path that will lead it to an unfortunate destination, it needs to be aided by placing it where it does not think so much about itself, but rather in the need for relieving the suffering of others, which is to say, in a life of permanent service.

In these times, it will be necessary to use the tools of decompression, such as unconditional service to humanity, so that the consciousnesses that experience high degrees of resistance can unblock their inner processes so that, eventually, they are spiritually capable of participating in the last phase of the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let the bridges of union and love between Heaven and Earth be built so that souls may enter the Kingdom of God.

Upon entering the Sublime Kingdom, may hearts commune with the Presence of God and of His Divine Fount.

Having been sanctified, may souls perceive the need to love more in these times and of drawing to the planet the spiritual and inner restoration it needs.

Having been filled by the Creative Source, let hearts respond to the great convocation and may all participate, in this time, in the Great Celestial Brotherhood.

Let none miss the opportunity of reaching new universes, so that the inner consciousness can expand and thus a new world and a new humanity may be built, consistent with their purpose and far from the constant indifference.

In this way, when all become aware of the true need of these times, souls will place themselves in service to their fellow beings, and the Plan of God will finally be able to continue to be fulfilled, just as it was written.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As long as humanity decides to walk along the path of suffering, it will need the sublime currents of healing.

Therefore, we come to encounter you in this time to try to awaken humanity to the path of non-suffering.

Many souls in this time seek to resolve their inner and outer lives without Christ; this leads them to enter paths of great suffering and tests, losing the meaning of their spiritual and evolutive paths.

Although there are only a few souls that find the path of healing, this will be spiritually radiated towards the consciousness of the planet. Therefore, it is important to maintain a consciousness of permanent search for redemption so that the inner processes of humanity may finally be healed.

Prayer favors and conceives this spiritual healing, which souls seek so much, to take place gradually; having a lot of faith is all it takes to be able to reach the Source of divine and inner healing.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Luz-Saint-Sauveur, the High Pyrenees, France, to Avila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through the visits to the different nations of the world, your Heavenly Mother, throughout Her pilgrimage, gradually erases the past and opens the doors to a new future.

When She crosses the borders between the nations, your Heavenly Mother gradually closes a cycle and opens a path for new inner opportunities for all Her children.

Little by little, through each pilgrimage that is completed, I establish the Plan of the Creator in humanity. In this way, on the inner planes, I bring souls closer to the essence of the Divine Purpose so that more hearts are encouraged to take a step towards a life of greater and unconditional service.

Through each pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother, with much effort, is able to accomplish the steps of Divine Will, and thus not only the nations are spiritually benefitted, but also the souls that inhabit them.

During this last pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother concretized all the stages that the Eternal Father had announced to Her, and, in this way, many situations were avoided.

All this has taken place because of the loving help of those who pray and collaborate in this Sacred Mission.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Spiritual and inner treasures were pricelessly given to hearts that opened to receive them during these last two days of merciful prayer. Uncountable fruits were given into the hands of those who were consistent in the task of merciful prayer.

Now the time has come to be vigilant and make of these spiritual gifts true jewels that come from the Spiritual Universe for the most needy. All this is the work of the Divine Source, because of the Purpose and, at the same time, because of Justice.

Who has ears to hear must hear for the Lord has invisibly given an inner legacy to the souls that said 'yes' to Him from the beginning and responded to Him. This is cause for joy because something so spiritual and important that would never have been received by souls was today perfectly placed in the essences that once again opened to the Love of the Creator.

A new phase begins; souls will no longer be the same as yesterday nor as in the past; they are now different, as of today.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
