The Holy Grail: Instrument of Divinity and of a Legendary Brotherhood

From the moment in which Christ took the Holy Grail into His Hands, so that it could be the repository of all the Christic codes of redemption, from that moment, the Archangelic Consciousness of Michael established a spiritual union between souls and God in a definitive way,  capable of sustaining itself inwardly throughout the ages, unbreakable to any opposing force.

This spiritual alliance, this celestial communion, which was celebrated by the Archangel Michael Himself with all souls, through the Most Powerful Firstborn Son, closed a decaying and involutionary cycle of humanity.

It was in this way that, through the Holy Grail, seven new principles were established in the Last Supper that all souls in redemption, and mostly all those who would seek this communion with Christ, could live consciously.

The first principle that the Archangel Saint Michael established was the principle of Reparation, which is the grace of being able to restore the alliance of souls with God through communion.

Second, the principle of Redemption. The opportunity of sending out all sin through a sincere confession with Christ.

Third, the principle of Liberation. An opportunity for detaching forever from all the chains that bind souls to the abysses of the Earth, and to all hells.

Fourth, the principle of Healing. The culminating moment to spiritually restore oneself through love and unity with God.

Fifth, the principle of Ascension. The opportunity of elevating the consciousness in dimension and in vibration through the inner fusion with the Body and the Divine  Blood of Christ.

Sixth, the principle of Forgiveness. The possibility of closing past cycles and of remaining in the eternal present to live the reconciliation of one’s consciousness with the Celestial Universe.

Seventh, the principle of Rehabilitation. The ability for completely accepting the service to the Divine Plan and the fulfillment, throughout all phases of Higher Purpose.

Through these seven principles, through the Holy Grail that was transfigured with the Precious Blood of Christ, Blood that was shed in that moment, the Archangel Michael wanted to show humanity the incalculable value that the Passion of Jesus would have, and all the spiritual benefits that the same event would provide throughout time.

It is thus that the Holy Grail is a universal instrument, a cosmic and divine symbol, capable of awakening within us the Christic codes, those emanations of love-wisdom that arose from the Source, from which all creatures of the Universe originate.

It is to this powerful Source that the Holy Grail, this powerful instrument, leads us and essentially communicates to us that in this moment the holy angels and the elevated consciousnesses of the Spiritual Universe are reverently carrying it throughout each one of the nations of the Americas until it reaches the United States, to draw toward humanity the memory of returning to the principles of Christianity and peacemaking in the face of the planetary events that the human race is experiencing.

The Holy Grail, which is divine and spiritual, is lovingly transferred by an Angelic Brotherhood,  the same that in the culminating moment of the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles, witnessed the hidden and positive task that the Archangel Saint Michael carried out within Jesus Himself.

From that moment onward, this has given the world  the opportunity of recovering communion with all the saints and angels so that a greater balance may be established in the consciousness of humanity.

The Holy Grail brings these types of celestial currents to a humanity that in these times will awaken in an intense way because of what they will have to experience.

The Holy Grail reminds us that we must be like Mirrors, able to reflect  the principles that the Divine Source provides for humanity upon the planet and throughout the whole human race.

For a few days the Holy Grail has been in movement, in a sacred spiritual pilgrimage throughout the Americas, so that some events may not be triggered, and all can be balanced.

This event, which is not only universal but also divine, will allow the doors to open so that the corrupted states of consciousness may be liberated, healed and redeemed, and, in this way the planetary consciousness may recover certain values that were lost.

In its totality, this purely spiritual and inner event is supported by the Archangel Saint Michael.

And now that the Celestial Messengers await the arrival of the Holy Grail in the United States, the hearts of this nation prepare to receive this last and great impulse of Light and Redemption.

Your Most Holy Mother thanks you for the communion that souls have had in these last days with this holy instrument of the Brotherhood.

In Unity and Love, who thanks you for responding to the final call,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the times that will come, dear children, the ultimate times, the Law of purification will be the tonic point.

It will be the means through which all will be liberated for the consciousnesses to be more prepared to receive the new codes of Christ.

That is why, dear children, you do not need to fear this Law, because it will always place you on the correct path to be able to find in everything the Love of God.

In this last cycle, the souls that are in prayer will be able to help other souls that, still living the life of the world, must purify themselves intensely to receive at the time and at this moment the Grace of help that they need so much.

The Law of purification is an autonomous law, that is, as it comes from the Divine Source, it acts in a more direct form, as it has acted on humanity in other times.

May your hearts open themselves to know this Law, because it is the formula of the end of times that will expurgate all that the human beings have lived outside the law, bringing the Grace of reinsertion onto the Christic path.

The Law of purification will bring to the consciousnesses the possibility to evaluate oneself again, that is, to rethink their actions and take the decision to change, and at the same time, renew the vows before the Creator.

The Law of purification will allow the human heart to place itself in the mission and in the personal and group purpose that it has come to fulfill.

This Law generates the opportunity to once more conceive the Christic principles, to once more approach yourself to the path of rehabilitation, because it does not only purify, but redeems from time to time the hidden aspects of the consciousness.

The permanent prayer will allow the Law of purification to be more balanced at the moment it enters into the consciousness.

Let us pray for all souls, who in the illusion of the world and without having God in first place, will purify themselves, as the planet will be purified so that everything may enter into a new state of consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies humanity in its purification, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am your Mother, Who heals you and redeems you in the Love of God so that, being free of the past and the chain of all the errors committed, you may feel more free than all the birds in the sky.

It is in this way, dear children, that I try to lead you every day on the path of the rehabilitation of your consciousnesses through the sacred path of prayer.

The soul that perseveres and works to build that prayerful path will draw to themselves the Gifts and the Graces of Heaven, generating a luminous field of peace around themselves through so much prayer.

At this stage, My wish is that each of My children assumes this task as the most important in this planetary time, which has need of much prayer on the part of humanity itself.

Thus, My children, I help you to detach from the errors of the past and to heal you within, so that finally, the New Christs present themselves for the mission of the end of times, where My praying soldiers must be those mirrors of prayer that attract Celestial Peace to the world.

In this way, My beloveds, I teach you to work in simplicity through the opportunity to learn to conquer the universe of the Love of God through service to the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who motivates you always to service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

The Grace of God is what permits all things, it is what permits the manifestation of miracles in the life of souls.

It is the Grace of God that conceives the spiritual life and at the same time the renovations of hearts.

The Grace of God brings the sane joy and the jubilation for living in His Divine Plan. It is this Grace that permits you to know His Will, but before that, it has to be loved with all the heart.

In the Grace of God new paths are built and the doors open for the consciousnesses to live their redemption.

It is the Grace of God that brings the Divine Mercy to the sick world, the one that generates in the consciousnesses the opportunity to live its rehabilitation. In the Grace of God is kept the essence of the divine compassion, the possibility of experiencing mercy and piety for one’s own mistakes or for the mistakes of the fellow beings.

The Grace of God deposits in the souls the memory of plenitude and at the same time motivates the consciousnesses to take a step with confidence within the Plan of the Redeemer.

It is this Grace that can embrace spiritually whoever needs it the most, because it represents the indispensable engine for the souls to be able to liberate themselves from their debts and thus reach a state of profound forgiveness.

It is this Grace that I bring for My children at this time, a life raft before the world purifies itself; it will be this infinite Grace which will sustain the New Christs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the Grace of God, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When souls pray, the doors to rehabilitation open and everything that seems impossible to resolve and is impregnated with error is dissolved as it receives the Light of the Spirit of God. This rehabilitation offers humanity the chance of living its conversion and of rediscovering the path towards the Heart of the Celestial Father.

In this time, My children, the Sacred Hearts open the doors of the Universe of love so that souls can enter and rehabilitate their lives and consciousnesses. This present opportunity is the last one of this cycle; this is why I ask you, children, to be aware of this Grace so you can be part of it during the time remaining.

May your rehabilitation in this cycle help the rehabilitation of the planet and of humanity so that finally, the errors will be corrected and everything moves toward the path of the light and of redemption; also, live it for all the Kingdoms of Nature so that they also may be participants in this important spiritual rehabilitation that Heaven is offering to all souls of this world.

In this way, dear children, the age-old errors will be corrected and new opportunities will be given to those consciousnesses that do not deserve them in these times.

Your inner rehabilitation will begin through love, the giving of self, and through the absolute surrender that you can give to the Celestial Father; in this way, the promised and awaited Earth will manifest after the cycle of purification of the planet and of humanity.

That spiritual rehabilitation was granted by Christ Himself when He died on the Cross for each one of you.

My children, accept this call. Redeem your lives in Christ and for Christ; thus the planet will be liberated.

I thank you for responding to My call!

For the rehabilitation of humanity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Mirrors of Light turn on while the souls pray and ask for mercy.

Uncertain doors that were open to the decadence of humanity close themselves, and a celestial command is established on this day.

All the praying beings are summoned to the awakening, and they participate in a special juncture, the Universe descends to Earth and the inner suns shine in humanity.

Those who still sleep, wake up! Those who have never worked for God, do it!

May the towers of the consciousnesses elevate themselves as an offering to the Almighty.

May the redeemed be united for the greater Purpose so that the one thousand years of peace will finally be fulfilled.

All is reorganized in this moment, all is transcended in plan and vibration, and thus the subtle worlds descend and bring with their presence the Great Brotherhood.

May the currents of inertia and indifference break up, may all be renewed by the great awakening.

The Soldiers of the Plan position themselves in the rows of the Purpose, thus everyone receives from the Universe their own sign, the sign of their origin.

The doors of Heaven open themselves, the consciousnesses support the transition of humanity preparing for the last battle in which the adversary will be defeated by love and unity; this will make him blind, deaf and mute and he will not be able to cast his evilness anymore.

To obtain the triumph of Love the mirrors will turn on and spread the codes of Christianity throughout the spaces; while the souls pray, the hearts will be bathed by the powerful Grace of Light, and Mercy will be established to rehabilitate before the end of times those who have never deserved it.

I thank you all for following Me today!

On the celestial command,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Triumph of the Heart

Dear children:

The triumph of the heart will take place through conversion.

The triumph of the heart is the goal of the apostles of Christ.

The triumph of the heart is the challenge of every pilgrim who will reach the path of redemption.

The triumph of the heart is the proposal of every praying being.

By the triumph of the heart, peace will be established throughout the world. At this time, dear children, the triumph of the heart is the spiritual proposal that souls receive in order to begin the path for their inner rehabilitation.

Therefore, beloved children, your Heavenly Mother works every day for your hearts to be even more open to the Will of the Heavenly Father.

Dear children, at this definite hour, your conversion will be possible through the path of prayer and peace.

I wish from the Universe that all My children awaken to the triumph of their hearts with determination and faith.

Therefore, in spite of the times you are facing, your Mother guides you by the hand through the path that will lead you to meet Christ, and this way your souls will find the triumph of the spirit for you having redeemed yourselves.

On this day, meditate upon the triumph of the heart, the one that is also possible through the consciousnesses that love and that never separate themselves from God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you in the essence of love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Porto Alegre to the city of Quaraí, Rio Grade do Sul, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While war lives and is reproduced in the heart and in the consciousness of humankind, peace will not exist in the world.

God knows of the bad intentions of some of His children, intentions that generate rash and unconscionable actions, leading the whole race to a constant failure. For this reason, it is necessary that hearts united in faith implore to the Almighty for the enemies of all so that they, at least, have the Grace of being considered as possibly redeemed in other points of the universe and the principle and law of rehabilitation may be fulfilled in these consciousnesses distanced from God.

My beloved ones, everything can be alleviated just by praying with the heart for peace and for help so that the terrible and unjust ideas of generating wars and a dependence on weapons may soon come to an end, for the strength that the power of prayer has is immeasurable.

Thus, opening your hearts to take in the urgent needs of today's world, collaborate, My little ones, so that the causes of the world disorder may not escalate.

From the whole universe, My children, we know that humanity suffers a lot, and that the most innocent continue to be prey to the attack of the beasts that live in the hard hearts of many human beings. But remember that the strength of the Love of God has no limits, and that this infinite and cosmic Love will be the one that will allow the life on this planet and the peace to be reestablished all over the Earth.

Dear children, without tiring, without delay, without distraction, do not cease to ask the Almighty and Our Lord to compassionately intervene for all the wounds that have already been inflicted and that hurt the hearts of many souls.

With a spirit of love and of hope, do not stop opening the doors toward the Heavens. Thus, the Universe will come to your encounter and, in spite of the reigning darkness, the Love of God will have Its great triumph through those who pray and testify to the Presence of Christ in their hearts. We deeply believe that this life testimony will help to redeem all of the Earth. But remember, it is time to work for peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who nurtures you with the divine sap,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May My Eagle of Light pour out the powerful rays of My Heart, rays that will illuminate the path of good souls, souls who must achieve redemption, just like you. 

May My Eagle of Light radiate the codes of rehabilitation to the nations and peoples; and when you see the Eagle of Light passing through each place, hearts can recognize the affiliation with My Heart. 

White Eagle, in your flight, you exist to remember that the Holy Spirit of God belongs to every heart that invokes It to live its transformation.

Eagle of Light, you exist to elevate your children towards God and to remind them of the saving Message of Christ.

In your interior, Eagle of Light, keep the redeemed who, like so many of My other servers, could clearly see the footsteps of Christ and thus, you have gathered in Your most pure Spirit all those who today celebrate redemption with you.

May your walk, through every space, leave shining the joy of re-encountering God, just like the star marks its infinite Presence in the firmament.

Eagle of Light, you are the spirit of divine works; you are in humility the true offering of the Plan of God to the planet.

Never tire of flying, Eagle of Light, for behind you still walk the seekers of your light; lead them all towards the Kingdom of Adonai to unite with the Love of the Universe.

Eagle of Light, as you pass by, leave the luminous Face of Christ engraved.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Today I bless this whole mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My wisdom is as beautiful as the rosebush, each petal of the roses represents the beauty achieved by the souls in My garden: the beauty of redemption, the beauty of forgiveness, the beauty of conversion, the beauty of Compassion and of Mercy.

My Heart pours out all Graces upon you, so that your lives may go through the path of rehabilitation. Do not allow your inner realities, children, to wither the rosebushes of My garden.

May the beauty and the love that you express in My immaculate garden be the portal that leads you to reencounter, every day, the divine commitment with God, the Creator.

In these times, each prayer offered by your lives opens the doors so that your consciousnesses may purify the heart and free it from all evil.

I leave you the remembrance of belonging to My gardens of Light, so that when you go through the time of purification and of confirmation, you have the devotional strength necessary for walking with courage at the side of your Heavenly Mother.

I bless you, I absolve you, I assemble you all in the powerful Mercy of My maternal Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you toward higher beauty,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The triumph of the heart is the visible result of a repentant being before the Lord and it is this repentance that leads to entering the path of rehabilitation.  While the spirit of repentance does not emerge in the souls, Heaven and the whole Universe will not be able to help the hearts.

The act of repentance cannot be forced or pretended.  The true repentance is born from an expansion of love that it is capable to move, before the Celestial Universe, the state and the principle of all the Laws that rule it.

The triumph of the heart is the effect of a conscious humiliation, which has the immediate result of changing a severe justice for a repairing and redeeming Mercy.

For this, children, the repentance of each being can be the safe door for the love of the heart to triumph once again.  You are invited to live this act of repentance so that the precarious spiritual condition of humanity may at least find a new path to be able to live the emergence of the new humanity.

Beloved children, may the triumph of the heart not be a theory or a wish, but may it be an act of consciousness and of reflection, capable to put in first place the love as an emblem of redemption and forgiveness.

As your Heavenly Mother I piously wish to conduct you through the path of rehabilitation of life and all the consciousness; the Doors of Heaven will not be closed when you simply trust in My call.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who converts you through the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As a pious Mother, today I come to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ in order for your deepest and most unconscious wounds to be healed.

I come to purify and cleanse the marks of an erroneous life and that is subjected to the existence of a material world.

I come to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ in order for your wounds of the past to be washed in the Source of My Son.

For it to be possible and so that I may be able to envelop you in the sacred mantle of Christ you must grant Me an inner permission in order for Me to make you get to know all that which separates you from the perfect union with My Beloved Son.

With the Piety in which I live, I come to deliver My Grace to you because it will be the science that will change the deep and unconscious things, those that hinder your freely walk.

But remember, Child of Mine, that you have come to the world so that someday you will reach transcendence and thus the doors to rehabilitation may be opened for humanity.  While you purify yourself, live the ardent aspiration of finding the celestial universes; on this path you will not get lost because I will keep you united to My Heart of Mother.

Be brave and encourage yourself to discover that which most of the souls do not want to see: the human condition, which is the last thing to transcend before the sanctity.

I delivery My Peace and My Love to you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who heals you in the Repairing Source of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Today, when the Universe of God touches the Earth and pours Its Mercy over the whole planet, your Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, from America united to the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima will proclaim the word of life, the one that Her beloved Son Jesus requested Her to pronounce on this sacred day.

For this reason today your Celestial Mother will be united to all of the essences of this world, those that on this 13th of May declare to God and to Jesus Christ that the world accepts and recognizes the Mother of God as the Mother of all and as the Queen of Peace.

In this way the Angelic Universe will be radiating from Fatima, heart of the essential purity, a sea of Graces mainly over the hearts and souls that have remained imprisoned in the illusion and in the claws of the adversary.

Today, from the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima, it will be declared Peace for the world and this will come especially to the hearts that may commune on this day and may pray at least a mystery of the Holy Rosary.

Thus, dear children, the Church of Christ, the one that lives in eternity within the simple hearts, will be awakened again.  And the Holy Father will receive an inner aid with which He will be able to keep the spiritual world balanced for some more time.

For this, children, the Queen of the Holy Rosary will descend today in South America in spirit of peace and renovation so that all of the souls of the world may collect the last fruits that the Mother of Heaven will deliver in the hands of the simple and the truthful.

Today from Fatima, the priests of the whole world and all of the favorite children of Our Lady, the ones consecrated to the sacerdotal life, will deliver to the people of God a key that will open the door to liberation of all sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  From this door, the most sinful souls will be able to direct themselves through the path of inner and spiritual rehabilitation.

Twelve Celestial Angels of the Universe will be celebrating along with Our Lady this communion of reparation and of atonement of the whole world, an event that will happen at the same time in all of the tabernacles of the Earth.

But if there is a greater spirit of faith and of devotion to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Mother of God, Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel will promise to the good souls, aid during the hour of death and mainly the spiritual conversion of the family.  This will be so if today you pray the Rosary with heart, without asking anything in return, only that the Plan of God be fulfilled in the ungrateful souls.

From the Kingdom of Fatima, the angelic spheres will shine and entrust to all of the guardian angels of the world to celebrate along with Our Lady the universal communion for Peace.

For this, today, your Heavenly Mother comes to ask to all of Her Children to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ.  This atonement that will be granted by the Virgin Mary will last until the 14th of May of 2015, moment in which will be closed the last door of conversion.

Dear children, today I invite you to adore Jesus and that all may feel united to the Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, so that this sacred task of your Mother may be fulfilled as it is planned.

I thank the groups of prayer of the Americas, of the United States and Europe for being already answering to My call!

The Work will be fulfilled because these are the last missions of the Most Holy Virgin before the return of Christ.

Who thanks and blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Today I bless you all in the name of My Son because in truth I say to you that it will be through Him that you will find the way out and the immediate solution for your issues of the material life.

There is nothing more special than to live in the Love of the Kingdom of God, because in the journey of this pathway are found the master keys for transformation, which are the keys for purification and for redemption.

You, following with obedience the path that My Son indicates to you, will be able to discover in time each aspect of life that needs rehabilitation.  For this reason, I come everyday from Heaven so that your lives may be able witness the transformation that My Immaculate Heart has made in each one of you.

My little ones, now, with the gaze on the horizon of the rebirth of hope you will find the needed inner strength to go ahead.  Today I say to you, children of Mine, that each one of you is a part of My plan of redemption, a plan that prepares the next coming of Christ to the world.

And if your hearts give true testimony of the love for My Son, you will have the possibility that your souls may be led to the discovery of the spiritual mission.   Everything that may happen in your minds and hearts are states and times of purification.  For this, offer it with love to the Eternal Father so that He, in His Supreme Glory, may take pity on all of those who do not want to listen to His last call.

I bring you the opportunity of carefully reconsidering your own actions.  For this, as your Heavenly Mother, I promise you to always show you the truth so that you may grow up in humility and in faith.

I thank you, children, for having answered to My call in Brasilia!

A new light has awakened in the simple and fervent hearts.

Who unites you to the cenacle of the Heart of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  

Daily Messages

Dear Children,

As the Mother of Justice, through My requests, I allow you to know the Law of God and the positive effects it has on this humanity.

 In order to find the way to the Law and to live in it, I have taught you, My children, the word of prayer, for the prayer of the heart is a little-known Law. The one who unites to it discovers and knows how to be within the Law of the Creator.

Today, humanity is far from the Law of Balance, of Harmony and, above all, from the Law of Divine Love; all this is a consequence of the fact that humanity creates their own laws and carries them forward, completely ignoring that the true Law is the law of Love and of Inner Unity.

The laws of the Earth dominate consciousnesses and distant regions and this always falls upon the most unprotected. Therefore, as your Mother of Justice, I teach you at this time how you must seek and find the Inner Law through acts of love and charity.

In this way, beloved children, you will be on the way to finding the Laws of God. Remember, dear children, that the first Laws that God gave you through Moses were the Commandments, which in these times are completely forgotten and are not fulfilled.

The Divine Laws persist and act throughout the times, the universes and humanity. When the Laws are not fulfilled and are altered by humanity, the result and the consequence of this is endured.

Through the Commandments that God transmitted through Moses, the whole race was to be educated and prepared to find the way of rehabilitation and peace. Now, when all can see how humanity transgresses the Law, I invite you, children, in a special and immediate way, to live in the Laws of God before it is too late.

The first Law that you must practice and implement in your lives is the Law of Forgiveness and Reconciliation; only with these two principles will you have work and effort to achieve it. And remember, My beloved ones, that your Mother of the Law is always present to help you grow from the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to the knowledge of the Laws of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved of Mine,

The victorious and transmuting mission of peace in Africa is coming to an end. How many souls have been worthy of the Mercy of My Son! How many inner sorrows and sufferings have been alleviated by the power of charity! How much love has been conveyed and poured out through the hands of service of My missionaries of peace! How much your Heavenly Mother has been able to do in this time, and through this sacred mission!

Children, you could not even imagine how many souls were able to again find the path of rehabilitation and spiritual healing. How many benefited from so many days of prayer in the cenacle that was gestated in the three African nations and mainly in the heart of all of the missionaries.

Children, how much I have to thank you all for helping to fulfill My designs in this time and thus, My dears, how much I was able to show you, through each nation, the need that is never quenched or met by this humanity. How much your Holy Mother of Kibeho was able to do, how many Graces were poured over forgotten and subjected hearts. How many smiles and how much fraternal love were able to blossom from your inner beings and how much all of this was able to do in this time of chaos.

If humanity lived this formula of peace and charity, evil would no longer exist, and many souls could find again the path that they have lost. Beloved children, how much there is still to do in this world, in each continent, in each nation and peoples of this planet. How many doors of liberation and of forgiveness were opened during three continuous weeks; but this is still not enough, children, because there is great need for help and for mercy.

Now look, missionaries of Mine, how much there is to be done in the Congo and in this world. How much My children of the Congo need all the maternity and paternity of good hearts.

The last key that I will give you, missionaries of Mine, is the key of filiation with God that each small heart of the Congo must recover; this will be your last mission in Africa before leaving for Brazil.

May the Congo and all those hearts be able to reconnect with God, with the Celestial Father.

I thank all My children for having materialized My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

Anywhere on Earth where a soul celebrates today, together with My Son, the Last Supper, it will receive the Grace of transformation of its being.  In this way it will avoid, in the times that are to come, to deviate itself from the path that My Son has offered you since the beginning.

For this, on this day, be witnesses of the great universal event in which you are called to participate and, in this way, to say “yes” to the Celestial Father.

It is important, children, to understand that, when every year the memory of the Last Supper of Jesus with His Apostles is celebrated, new doors of redemption, of mercy and of spiritual rehabilitation open to all those who wish from the soul and from the heart to cross them.  Behind them you will find the pathway of reintegration into the path of Christification.

For this, dear children, once a year, when the Sacred Supper of the Lord is celebrated, the Universe donates Itself entirely and all the universal laws stop so that the Mercy reached by My Son may be able to be poured over all that is very impure and that seems irreversible.

Wake up to this moment in which, all of you, as worthy Children of God, will be depositaries of the same gifts that allowed the redeeming mission of the Son of God to be fulfilled.

Today I open My arms and your Celeste Mother receives you in Her Immaculate Heart, inviting you to renew yourselves and to confirm the mission that the Eternal Father entrusted you by the means of the vivification of the Passion of My Son.

In this time you are led to understand the mysteries of the Universe through the voice of the Celeste Messengers.  For this, with spirit of joy, raise your supplications to God and receive on this day of the Secret Supper the keys that the Lord will give you so that, when the time comes, you may open the doors that will lead you to the Paradise of God.

While you are this world, much must be done in the name of the Lord so that at least one more soul may receive the opportunity to wake up to the Infinite Universe that waits for it.  This, My children, will be possible through your consecration and constant search to remain fused within this Gran Infinite which is the essence of Love of Adonai.

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who reunites you on this day around the Sacred Table of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In times of spiritual battle do not fear My adversary, He will never be able to defeat any of the hearts that may have professed its consecration to My Immaculate Heart.  He may make their temple shake but the temple will never be overthrown, because the strength that My Heart of Light gives you is invincible in face of every harm and every evil.

Children, live the cycle of your purification as the great moment of your spiritual rehabilitation before the Universal Father.  Know, dear children, that your purification will have its time and its final moment.  For this, do not lose the inner strength that prayer provides to you.

Today I give you to drink from the Source of Healing that springs from My Most Chaste Heart so that, renewed by My Maternal Love, you may receive at this time, the opportunity to commune again with the Celestial Father.

Dear children, in the times that will come, do not awaken panic nor the false fear because the true Will of God is unknown by the humanity of the Earth.  Just try to be good persons, full of the Love of God, which fulfills you all the time, and try to serve without preferences so that each one of your offers may be accepted by the Creator Universe as an act of repairing love and of healing for the whole world.

Beloved children, be the testimony of redemption that My Son expects, reflect to all the spirit of your spiritual transformation, thus you will encourage all of those that do not want to live the transformation.

Dear children, your Celestial Mother accompanies you in this section where many cross the thresholds to the purification and to the inner liberation.  Listen to My call.  Accept the kind hand that extends itself towards you in order to help you.  Live the time of your purification as the moment of divestment of oneself.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who always accompanies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the good souls pray the Hail Mary during all this day, at this Marian Center that was founded by My Immaculate Heart, the angels of God congregate the lost souls, calling them to live redemption and the immediate rehabilitation of life.

Your Celestial Mother crosses the universes as a beam of light, which is poured over the world, to liberate it once again from the constant oppression caused by My adversary.

For this, dear children, the endless caudal of your prayers spiritually reconstructs many situations, those which are found in the culmination point of their own collapse.  When souls pray with the light of the heart, your Eternal Father asks His angels to descend to the world to help it.

If there were always a true answer, that flows out from the love of souls for the Plan of the Creator, there would be a door of light, which would be opened through Christ to relieve suffering and sorrow.

In these times of crisis, the instrument of your prayer, united to the perpetual prayer of your Celestial Mother, will awaken in the world a greater hope and, above all, the victory of My Son will happen once again in humanity, but this time it will be through His Infinite Mercy.

When all of you gather monthly to pray the thousand "Hail Marys", My Heart feels the comfort promised by all Its children, and thus the thorns that surround My Immaculate Heart are removed and, at My feet, the angels place the prayers as precious flowers on the altars of the Creator.

My children, today I invite you to believe, above all, in the incalculable power of the prayer of the heart; something that My adversary does not know and fears, because prayer makes all who pray with the heart invisible and, thus, they are separated from the danger of My enemy.

For this reason, dear children, may your voices do not get tired of repeating and pronouncing the glorification that your Celestial Mother received directly from Her Beloved Lord of the Universe.  Be spokespeople for prayer so that in this way, your lives, living the purification cycle, may only seek to elevate themselves as the angels do by living the eternal communion with God.

Your Mother of the Divine Word, the Lady of the Sacred Word, teaches you to love prayer and to practice it in this school of renewal that you live with Me today.

While the world puts its attention on other paths, which are not the paths of the Lord, Your Mother and Rose of Peace tries to re-educate you, so that in times of crisis you may be formed as sacred armies of Her Immaculate and Divine Heart.

My maternal gratitude extends today to all the praying beings who month by month during the thousand "Hail Marys", open the doors of Heaven so that I may descend to the world and pray always at your side; although you may not be able to see Me, My Omnipresent Spirit will embrace you, just as the Eternal Father embraces you with much love.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who consecrates you though the immaculate spirit of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

May peace exists for ever in your hearts and may it be the peace of My Immaculate Heart that which may encourage you to live all the time the inner transformation that will be the mirror of a great external transformation.

For this, children, with gaze of kindness and maternal love, I am introducing you in this last stage of the redeeming path, which My Son offers you for this time.  By living the cycle of your purification, you will find inside yourselves all of which must already die so that on the day of tomorrow, My dears, you may participate in the Kingdom of God.

With your purification and service, the world will transform itself and it will no longer be necessary that the souls suffer the price for their own decisions.

In the spirit of permanent prayer you will find the master key which will allow you to transcend the end of the times and the inner time in each being.

Risk yourselves to surrender to your Celestial Mother that which attaches you the most to this material life.  Entrust to God your families because, due to your untiringly service, the Plan of the Most High is being repositioned in a higher celestial sphere.

Be for this cycle that which you have never been.  Be apostles of My Son, those who do not separate themselves from the purpose and neither deviate from the path of the inner evangelization that Christ is performing through their lives.  While the world faces the result of its decisions, your Celestial Mother comes to help you to redirect the inner dwelling of millions of hearts towards the true universal principle: towards Christ.

Unite yourselves more and more to My Immaculate Heart and do not allow, children of Mine, that the misleading ideas of the enemy enter your minds and dwellings.  So that this may not happen, affirm in your lives that you will live this time to answer to the designs of My Son Jesus.  In this way you will be true soldiers with whom My Son will count on to carry forward the purpose of guiding this outraged humanity towards the supreme school of rehabilitation.

Open the doors of the heart in order that the words of the Celestial Messengers may arrive deeper and deeper and thus, the Kingdom of God may be established in each interior.

Entrust to My care your dear ones, share the mercy that you receive every day and together, with Me, let us rebuild this decaying humanity.

Despite the consequences, through your faithfulness, you will make My Immaculate Heart triumph.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who summons you to the praying army of light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
