Do not fear being before God, He loves you. My Son contemplates you and I protect you under My protecting Mantle.

God knows your skills and virtues, Christ knows the power of talents and My Heart assists all those who, with love in the heart, call Me.

For this reason, dear children, may the joy of living in God and of giving yourselves to God prevail within you today. Every mistake the world makes can be forgiven. Therefore, look back no longer, see the celestial hope that emerges on the horizon.

Just keep your hearts open so that the Holy Spirit may fill them and purify them. It is necessary, My children, to keep the heart pure so that the feelings and thoughts before God may be pure. Do not be afflicted by how much you see that still needs to be transformed: the life of consecration is eternal and everything begins now.

Be carriers of the joy of My Maternal Heart because the world needs relief and you can help with prayer. Elevate your consciousnesses to the Door of the Heavens and ask with compassion for Mercy, My Son will hear you because His Rays are still over the world.

Build with your hands the bridge towards the prayer of the heart.

If you have fallen, I will lift you.

If your hearts are discouraged, I will make them joyful.

God is everything for your lives, God is Love and Truth for your hearts.

Today, stay in Jesus because His Sacred Heart will alleviate you, and It will repair you with His Compassion.

Accept the time of Mercy that is still left and be brave praying soldiers willing to consecrate your lives to the God of Love, the Only One for all.

I hear your prayers when they are born in the essence of the heart.

Rise, as Jesus said, and do not become faint.

Be spirits in transformation.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today I call you to prepare again and with joy My merciful arrival in the city of São Paulo. You, My children, can help Me in this mission of peace through the sincere act of prayer.

I want you to be more open so that, as instruments of My Maternal Light, My Immaculate Heart may reach spaces of this city that need much compassion and love. Still, dear children, few are the servers of Christ that, looking around themselves, can clearly see how much prayer is necessary for their poor and sick fellow humans.

Therefore, dear children, as praying souls that will receive once again the Grace of My visit, I ask you to prepare your hearts in prayer and, in this exercise, raise your hands to plead to God for the Grace of Conversion of many of My children in Brazil.

I love with fondness this nation that welcomed Me as the Only Mother for all. But still, a little bit more effort, love and dedication are necessary for the ones who are in most need and for those who are most distant from God.

You know that there are infinite ways of being a server of Christ. Today I invite you to be constant guardians of prayer so that it may never lack in your homes. The times that will come and that were described to My daughter Lúcia of Fatima are close. But all will depend on the attitude of souls before the simple life of prayer that I ask you to live as something primordial.

Your hearts are already enveloped by My Maternal Joy for visiting you once more in this needy city of São Paulo. May this visit be a new reason for you to meet the One and Only King of Life, of Truth and of the New Paths: My Son Jesus, the High Priest.

I thank you for the response from all!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Dear and beloved children,

Before anything that happens in the world you must irradiate the absolute peace of the heart which is coming to life in each one of My children through the daily coming of My Immaculate Heart for your lives.

That today, My children, may harmony prevail in your hearts so that the peace of Christ may settle in them. It is necessary to have much bravery for this time, a bravery that brings you to donate yourselves to God so that the plans of My Peace are fulfilled throughout the world.

Today I call you in a special way to convert yourselves into a point of prayer and devotion so that in this way the angels may help in the salvation of many souls. For this dear children, I place you close to the Kingdom of the Lord and thus your hearts will participate in the inner communion with My Son.

Today I also invite you in obedience to live from prayer, as a primary instrument that will quench the thirst of the spirit and will allow you to meet with My Son, who awaits you in love and in forgiveness.

For this dear children, open the doors of your hearts so that My Heart of Peace may sow itself in your lives and thus you may see the purpose of the Creator. Through absolute trust in God you may accompany step by step, My plans of salvation for each one of the souls.

Awaken in your lives that which My Son has left you as a legacy: the Good News and live them as precious precepts for the transformation and the consecration to God the Father.

May the Holy Spirit be the guidance for each one of My children. Start this day in prayer because you know that I support you above all things.

I love you. Be in My Maternal Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Dear children of the Father.  Being close to the anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima, today I invite you to open your hearts through My universal and celestial call for the world.

As Queen of Peace, as a Universal Mother, today I address myself especially to all My children who have left the path of Christ, who have abandoned the aspirations and the promises of My Son.  I place them all within My loving and merciful Heart of Peace and I tell you to take back the path to Christ because for this time He will serve as a bright star during the night.

For all this, I want to especially address My Immaculate Heart to all My children that deny My existence; I tell you that I love you, I will love you and help you even more after this world.

For this moment, allow your hearts to reconcile and unite with the One Father of the Universe, who has been awaiting you for a long time.

Dear children, I am only a Messenger from Heaven who wants to make you see and make you find the path that many have lost because of ignorance or because of distancing from the Father’s Will.

Know My children that My Heart will not harm you, It only wants to make you discover how it is to love God in life, from the heart.

For this dear children, My Guardian Heart has persisted in this world for a long time because It must see the new and redeemed humanity appear.  But for this to happen, beloved children, you must take a leap towards Divinity which is the same and the only one to which your lives must be addressed.

For this all My children must return back to the path of love that they have lost and to the encounter with forgiveness that many of My children lack because they do not remain in God.

For this, dear children you must aspire to humility because in it you may understand the great divine mysteries of God, mysteries that many try to mentally understand.
The true path for this cycle will be to heal the sick and aching heart of humanity. Humanity must know the eternal peace and the true love that spring from My Fountain of Graces, which we name God the Father.

I accompany your spirits through the infinite pleasure of the Holy Spirit and of the prayers that I constantly pronounce to God the Father for all of you.

May My little Servant Heart of the Mother of Nazarene help you reveal the true steps that your lives that are so much looking for.  Live in God without restrictions so that wisdom guides you to the path of My absolute peace.

I trust that you may know me without fear because many of My children still fear the power of My Love.  My Immaculate Heart gathers you in this life and in the name of My blissful Son, Christ Jesus.  Remember that He is the TRUTH that unites you, He is the PATH that congregates you and He is the new LIFE that will have you awaken by the presence of His Merciful Love.

Under the Spirit of Peace, My Heart invites you to enter the Kingdom that you have always searched for.  You will come to peace through Christ, who for a long time has opened a new door for you.

Know My children, that I love you.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


The hope that springs from your hearts will allow you to awaken love to the Purpose and thus the steps that you must take towards the Lord will be more truthful.

Dearest children of God, today I invite you to prepare My coming to Portugal with immense joy, that which comes from your hearts.  In this way your lives will shine in Peace when My Immaculate Heart is among all of you.

But today I ask you especially that My arrival in Fatima after all this time will be announced to all those who still have not found and those who have lost hope in My Beloved Son, because the presence of My Celestial Light wants to make love reappear in the hearts that are very thirsty for God.

For this My children, may My presence for the 12th and the 13th of this month be the preparation, so that not only your hearts but also your lives open the doors to those who truly need My Immaculate Heart.

My Merciful Heart will do part of this mission that God has entrusted Me with, but know My dear children that I count on the helpful assistance of each one of you in the exercise of prayer and in the works of charity for love of God the Father.

Thus, dear children, all the hearts that lack hope may find a new light that comes through Me to help the world and that prepares you and brings you to the meeting with My Son, because He is the Fountain of Life for all, He is the path for the consecration of the heart.

I await you in prayer, because it is necessary for the world.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.



Dear children,

Daily I address My words to your hearts because they have the gift of wisdom and understanding. Therefore, little children, know that the true words that come from My Immaculate Heart want to awaken in you the precious gifts that My Son has given you.

You must open your hearts day by day as the roses open up in the morning when they see the sun, and this may happen through the prayer that is born with the purity of the heart.

Dear children, you know how important Inner Peace is in these times. So that it may exist in all My children, I form you in the school of prayer so that your hearts may also call other children who must awaken in time to the life of prayer.

For this reason, I leave you the mission of praying for all of those children who are waiting to be healed from the sorrow and alleviated from the loneliness which invades their lives day by day.

All My children will be under the spirit of Grace in order to receive the strength to begin the path of the rehabilitation of the heart. This will happen when each one of My praying children extends their hands and delivers the love from the heart to those who, in truth, still cannot recognize the Face of the Lord.

Because of all this, My children, the task of giving to others must be broader in order to reach the hearts that are most distant.

Today, dear children, I teach you the path of charity through service and prayer because this last time is of immense Graces for the conversion and the healing of the heart.

I hear the supplications of My children and I send My praying Marian soldiers to work through the peace of the heart. Walk, children, towards the Eternal Light of My Immaculate Heart!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My dear children,

In Jesus Christ is to be found the path that humanity has lost. Today I invite you to prayer so that many souls may be able to be conducted to the Heart of My Son.

True prayer done with the heart will reveal to you the path that you must tirelessly follow towards God, going through tests and learning experiences that make your spirits mature.

My children, the pathway towards My Son will bring you to the Kingdom of God. Therefore, dear children, keep in your hearts the flame of persistence, to be able to reach redemption as humanity.

Dear children, the constant state of prayer done with the heart will build in you a temple of love and peace, a temple that is strengthened in the experience of service and charity.

Little children, My call announces to you that humanity is at the moment of forgiving with the heart, but if souls do not live this state of forgiveness, how will the hearts receive the absolution of all their faults?

Dear children, prayer will lead you to find My Son who awaits you to share His Bread of Life and of Redemption.

Know that the state of redemption begins with the opening of the heart. I want that you build a simple heart so that God, the Beloved Father of all creatures, may live within you.

I accompany you on this day with My Heart of Faith and Love. Rejoice your lives in My Son. He loves you infinitely.

Thank you, children, for persevering in responding to My call.


Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


In My Son is to be found the adoration to God, and in the adoration done with the heart, Love and Peace are to be found.

Dear children,

Rejoice your hearts again because the Kingdom of My Father is coming to aid all the hearts that open themselves to receive the Law of Love.

For this reason, My children, be in vigil in My Son today, in His Heart of Peace, so that God may show you the need of all souls and how great is the thirst for love in many lives. Because of this, dear children, you must pray, pray much with the heart, so that your lives may correspond to the great call from the Heavens for the redemption of humanity.

In this way, little children, from your hearts you will help in My Plans of Peace and Salvation that My Immaculate Heart weaves as a mantle of Light for the world.

Dear children, perseverance in prayer will be the inner key that will allow you day by day to be near to My Immaculate Heart. My merciful eyes want to illuminate the path that each child, with the heart, must offer to God. In this way you will totally consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, dear children, the surrender of each one of you represents a celestial victory of eternal praise. In this way the angels elevate all the souls to the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart.

Children, God expects from you an infinite openness that may be born from your little hearts, an openness that may lead you to give yourselves towards charity and humility in order to be able to see thus, the Face of My Son in each one of your brothers and sisters. In this way you will be able to live the fraternity that is necessary for the conversion of the world and especially, of all the souls that have distanced themselves from the love of God.

Dear children, today I contemplate all of you in My Maternal Love. Always remember that I want to bring you towards God.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

May your hearts sing and praise the Redeemer today because He has resurrected in each one of your lives. Live the joy of the Glory of God and quench the thirst of all souls with the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, open your arms to receive My Immaculate Peace and propagate the spirit of collaboration among hearts. In this way, My children, your hearts will live the charity of My Son. May today be a gathering of prayer, love and joy because My Son comes to each one of you so that you may live Him and love Him in fraternity.

My dear ones, may the fount of gratitude spring from you today because God sent Our Hearts so that the world may be on the path of salvation.

Dear children, liberate your hearts from all sadness and live in peace this reencounter with the Infinite Heart of Jesus. Open the doors of your dwellings and receive the Shepherd so that your little hearts may be redeemed. Then you will truly be able to be in My Son and you will not forget that He waits for you daily so that you may adore Him and contemplate Him with the heart.

My children, your lives are today communing with one Great Heart of Love that must repose in each one of you. This great Heart of Love is called Jesus, My Almighty Son who brings you Peace and Love.

The source of prayer that your hearts generate day by day will relieve the pain of the world because Our Hearts will be able to intercede for all of humanity before the Most Beloved Father.

Live the joy of the resurrection and celebrate because My Son wants to be in your lives!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Eternal Light for the world,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Today I invite you to the withdrawal of your little hearts, to wait for the awakening of the Lord Jesus, My Glorified Son. Remember, dear children, that during this week your lives are being prepared to enter the redeeming doors of Easter, that My Son makes reverberate through the act of the Passion of His Sacred Heart.

Therefore, dearest children, you are now ready to commune again with My Son, the Savior of all souls. To be able to live this sublime act of love for Jesus I ask you to forgive and to reconcile your lives with each one of your brothers and sisters, who are also My children in Redemption.

Dear children, I call you to deeply contemplate today in prayer the mystery of the Resurrection of Christ through the power of Love. If your hearts have already taken this step of Love, My Immaculate Heart will be able to give more life and salvation to many of My children who are very far away from God.

My children, celebrate this Easter as the first Good News that comes in the end of these times, to alleviate you from all the suffering in your lives. Therefore, dear children, the prayer of the heart will lead you to find, on the path, the Presence of My Son, of His Holy Heart of Love.

Holy and venerable be the Angels of the Lord! Because, through the sacrifice that My Son offered out of Love, they will be able to help in the Redemption of the world.

Open the doors of your little hearts and search for Christ because My Son is there in each one of you. Accept the arms of love and redemption that My Son extends to you. Allow your hearts to burn with love for Christ. If this happens, dear children, My Immaculate Heart of Mother will be able to help, through Mercy, the world that is lost. Pray with the heart. Embrace with peace every mystery of the Passion because the time has come for your lives to grow.

Thank you for responding to My call.

In the Good News of the Resurrection of each life and of each little heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

My Immaculate Heart rejoices when all are with Me, but It also withdraws when souls do not have the inner strength to respond to My call.

Little children, wake up! Wait no longer to serve God. While the world continues on the path of separation between the hearts, the One and Only Father has given you My Heart so that you may imitate It and accompany It in this pilgrimage.

My children, the fortress of your hearts is still not firm in God. This is why I invite you to unite to My Heart, so that the Celestial Kingdom may show you the path. When My Maternal Voice calls you, it is for a special and celestial rea- son. Therefore, dear children, I hope that next time you are attentive and truly open to be with Me. God is sending His Messengers of Peace to the world for the last time. All humanity must respond so that Grace may permeate the changes that will arrive to the Earth.

Dear children, if in truth My Immaculate Heart were the pillar of peace for your lives, from your hearts would spring a great joy from being in prayer with Me for the humanity that is without God.

My children, today I prepare you to receive the Body, the Blood, the Soul and the Divinity of My Son, who is constantly offended because of the lack of love among the hearts of the world. Therefore I invite you to repair the Heart of Christ and the heart of the world through prayer.

Dear children, all of you must open yourselves as an inex- haustible source of prayer so that humanity may change the actions that are against the Plan of God, so that the Mercy of My Son may act in each heart.

You are now in peace, but what about My other children?

Have you seen the lack of peace in the other hearts?

Out of love, My Immaculate Heart has entrusted much to you. Now you must give a little more and this will begin with the true surrender of each one of you. In this month of April, I hope to find you more awake and persistent in the purpose of the call that My Heart announces to you. In this way, dear children, your prayers from the heart will help Me in My Maternal Mission of Peace.

I expect an appropriate posture from each one of you, as worthy instruments of the Creator.

May in this Easter your eyes ignite themselves with the Light that My Son will radiate to you, out of love for the conversion of each human life.

Persist! Persist! Persist in faith in My Immaculate Heart!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

In My arms you will find the refuge that your lives seek so much. I bring you My Peace so that you may live it and imitate it with the heart.

My children, today I invite you to the opening of the heart, a heart that must give itself and surrender itself with confidence to the Creator. Thus, dear children, your lives will travel the pathways that God proposes to each one of the souls: the pathway of love, the pathway of peace and the pathway of reconciliation. In this way, My children, you will be able to find My Son, present in each one of your lives.

Dear children, raise your lives and your hearts to Heaven so that through the holy prayer, the Heart of My Son may be able to call all of those who have distanced themselves from Him.

My little ones, it is the time of conversion, therefore everything will happen according to the Will of God, which you must love and revere.

Dear children, recognize the Purpose of the Celestial Father in your lives, which will be revealed to you when you contemplate with Me in prayer. Many of My children need to reencounter the path because they have distanced themselves from My Son. This is why your prayer will contribute so that, in this time of tribulation, many of My children may be able to be rescued, as you were rescued through the power of prayer.

Cultivate a healthy joy in your lives because the world without joy will not be able to reach peace. Trust the Merciful Love of My Glorified Son.

May this Easter renew your hearts. Be with My Son, the Redeeming High Priest.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The enemy wants to overthrow My Plans of Peace. For this reason, dear children, I count on each one of your prayers. This will allow the Light of My Immaculate Heart to continue to be poured upon the world. Live in My Peace, My children, and no longer allow yourselves to offend God. Open your hearts so that My Rays of Grace and Mercy may purify you.

My little children, do not fear for all that which you cannot yet resolve; if you trust in the Purpose of the Father you will be able to be guided towards the Light of God.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart must be the bridge for your lives that will bring you close to My Son. While the world still does not hear the voice of this Faithful Servant of God, I ask you to pray. Pray with the truth and the transparency of your hearts, because if you do, God will avail Himself of each one of you.

My children, it is enough that you live within My Immaculate Heart, because in this way your lives will be transformed into flames of peace that My Heart will extend over the world. For this to happen, dear children, your hearts only need to seek to live in the purity and in the absolute love that My Son radiates to your lives.

Know, My children, that it is now time for the conversion of your hearts, hearts that form part of this humanity.

Conversion is to live in prayer. Conversion is to redeem oneself. Conversion is to accept the call of God.

Whenever you fall into fault against God, just repeat in your hearts:

Request of Redemption to the Celestial Father

My Lord,
My God,
Father of the Celestial Universe,
redeem my heart and purify my life
so that, absolved by Your Forgiveness,
I may recognize that Your Love protects us
and Your Merciful Peace
reconciles us with the Light of Your Glorified Son.


Dear children, I follow you closely in this Redeeming Easter of Christ.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Awaken Peace in your hearts. Commune daily of the redeeming presence of My Son. Await in peace His return from the clouds. Offer to God all givings that the heart may radiate. Find strength in prayer so that it may illuminate your path.

Dear children,

In the alliance with Christ which is an emblem of love that springs up from your hearts, there exists the love that you must seek so that the spirit may be permeated by the Mercy of My Son. Elevate your pleas to the throne of God, dear children, so that the celestial ears of the Father may listen to the call of all of His children. In this way, each one of your hearts will be working out of love for the true conversion of life, and in these moments you will be forgiving the guilt that perhaps some hearts may feel. The fault towards God is not the serious matter, the important thing for the soul that has made a mistake is the return to His Heart. All the life of the world is a learning experience, the time to redeem the past has come.

My dear ones, love God. He waits for you every day as His worthy children. The Universal Love of Our Father opens the doors to the light that will come. So that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the world and in souls, the adoration to My Glorified Son will permit you to dissolve the suffering in many lost hearts. Every rescue begins in the inner opening of the heart. In this way, dear children, the Lord will contemplate each one of you as souls.

Your hearts and the heart of all My children must reconcile themselves with God. His Wonders of Peace and conversion await to be poured from My hands of Love. I will help you to find the path.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
