When we were praying to receive Saint Joseph, a little before His arrival, He began to show us very poor places on the planet and people in very precarious situations, of great poverty, of much suffering, of great pain.
When He reached us, He continued to show us those places and, at the same time that He was with us in the room of prayer, He was with each one of those people, who were of all kinds: women, children, men, the elderly. He was speaking with each one of them, He was traveling through those places; they could not hear Him, but He continued to speak inwardly with them, and He gave this message for those souls that suffer the most.
To the souls that suffer
Calm your heart, little soul, in the depths of the Heart of God.
In your Savior, seek encouragement and hope, Grace and peace.
Calm your heart in the fortitude that is forged through your deepest sorrows. Find relief and peace in the Cross of your Lord. May your suffering balance many evils in this world.
Seek your safety in the Heart of God. Seek your peace in His Presence.
Forgive the deepest roots of human evil, which generate the pain and the imbalance in this world.
Make of your suffering a blessing, because you are learning to find true recompense in God, rather than in the world.
Feel that the Heart of the Lord feels anguish with yours; you are not alone in your pain.
May the Love of the Creator calm your despair, your sadness and your lack of hope. Know that you have a perfect place in the Heart of the Father and that your suffering opens the doors of Heaven for those who would not deserve to enter.
The time will soon come in which peace will reign in the world and there will be no distance or difference between this world and the Heart of God, His Celestial Kingdom.
While that time does not come, understand that the pain in the Earth will emerge, causing this world to shudder; but this is the harbinger of a higher reality that is coming to the Earth.
I know that your pain is deep and your suffering is real, just like the suffering and the enduring of your Lord on the Cross. Offer your whole life to God, open your arms on the cross that is upon you and allow a new love to emerge from all this experience that you are today going through.
Forgive the imbalances, forgive those who have everything and are lost in their egoism, those who do not know how to look to their neighbor and they feed the deep roots of the indifference that penetrates the Earth.
Let your forgiveness be the doorway to Mercy; that your life be a source of love and, in this way, your suffering will be changed into the Grace that will transform the Earth.
I know that My words seem very far from the reality of your heart, but hear them with love, in the same way that Your Lord heard His Father in each new step taken toward Calvary and, from the first Wound up to the Cross, from His wounds poured Love.
From your inner and human wounds may faith and love blossom which will renew the Creation of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From cycle to cycle, re-experience the call of Christ within you.
Within your heart, child, contemplate the sea of your life, of your story and of your surrender and, along the shores of this sea, find the Gaze of your Lord that is seeking your eyes.
Without fear, start again walking toward your Savior and allow Him to ask you for something new, a deeper surrender, a more perfect yielding.
At His Feet, leave the net of all your desires and aspirations, all that you were pursuing in the sea of life, trying to conquer it, even if it were something spiritual or even if it were something for Christ.
Listen to the Voice of your Lord calling you to enter into His Heart. And empty of everything, go with Him to fulfill His designs, cross deserts, heal your own heart and thus, grant healing, be deeply loved and, in this way, grant the Love of God to souls.
Never think that you will just surrender your life to Christ one day, but rather, child, surrender, every day. Listen to His Voice in each instant; open the way within you so that Christ may reach the most hidden spaces of your being.
I am speaking about surrender and yielding every day. Perceive that these are the keys of this time; they are the bases upon which your spirit is safe in God and in His Will. This is what He is calling you to live at this moment because, in this way, you will grow, in this way, you will fulfill the designs of the Creator for your life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To Those Who Awaken
In the Universe, there are three manifestations of God, through His three Persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
The divine aspect of the Holy Spirit is impelled by the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy or Mother of the World.
This unknown manifestation of the Holy Spirit is what is carrying forward the plan of awakening to a great part of humanity. And this awakening, which is impelled by the Universe, has no religion, it only has essence, and its essence is Universal Love, the Love that moves the whole Universe and leads the consciousnesses to live learnings and experiences.
The Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy, or Mother of the World, is what within the cycle of awakening is spiritually working within an important part of humanity, which is the youth. Because in the youth of this time lies the potential and the inner fire for the realization and the concretion of the Divine Plan on Earth.
For this reason, the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy is supporting the awakening of the youngest ones, because within them resistance does not prevail and, if it existed, they would have no difficulty transforming it.
In the youth of this time, the Project of peace and of consciousness must be expressed. A Project that impels the manifestation of the foundations of peace on the surface of the Earth in times of conflict, and the establishment of consciousness through the awakening to the life of the spirit and to awareness, through care and love for the planet and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
Therefore, this is the cycle in which the youth must be gathered so that, among the young ones, they may not only share and experience the culture of peace and fraternity, but also the inner talents may awaken in the younger ones, making them participants in the events of the end of times.
And on some plane of consciousness, to some spiritual degree, each youth has a commitment to the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy and, being children and inheritors of this Source, they will count on its support and fortitude to carry forward the Will of God.
This Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy gathers the consciousnesses of the youth of the planet and it is this consciousness of the youth that, in this crucial time of humanity, will need to be protected so that the youth may find the meaning of elevation of consciousness through humanitarian service, the protection of the lower Kingdoms, the spiritual union with the Creation and expression of music, art and dance, as a message of awareness, harmony and peace to the world.
Today, the Youth Festival for Peace in Salvador is the preamble for all to perceive that within each youth there is an equality that is expressed in the unity and fraternity with the young brother or sister.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From the most sublime Sources of Creation, the Gaze of God radiates His Love toward the Earth.
Graces upon Graces, His Light descends to the world like an eternal spring of renewal and of life. These are the opportunities that beings receive to return to God.
Like a Savior who casts strings from Heaven so that His children may return to Him, the Creator is constantly pouring out His Gifts upon the world. These Gifts, children, are the path to return to God. Respect, love, humility, service and wisdom are some of the many bridges that God creates between His Heart and the hearts of His children.
Let your eyes be attentive to find the Gaze of the Father. Let your hearts be willing to be fertilized by His Grace. Let your lives always be ready to become new and to manifest what they receive from God.
The Creator waits for you. Open your eyes, see the bridge and begin to walk.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Now, My Cosmic Stations of liberation and of planetary transmutation rest and restore themselves for a moment, to then be spiritually activated over the city of Amsterdam, the place where your Lord shall work with the lower human consciousness of all those to be found there, those who, out of debauchery and the deviation of these times, have forgotten God and have been abducted by the great powers of vices and pleasure.
I come in this hour to prevent Amsterdam from becoming a new Sodom, burning in flames and being violently purified by the very nature of Creation.
I will go to Amsterdam to call the most fallen ones to do penance and to repent from their sins, knowing that it is the Savior and Lord Himself Who will encounter the most lost ones so that, in the inner planes, those souls and their essences may confirm themselves in God and abandon the aspects of illusion.
Therefore, I will need not only followers who accompany the Master in this task. I will need warriors of prayer who, far from tepidness, will face with Me the great moment of liberation that I will impart, in the supreme company of Saint Michael the Archangel.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
For you to carry the cross of these times, and make of your own being a triumph of God, you must first learn, children, to experience humility and anonymity, which draws you closer not to human honors, but to the Heart of the Father.
For thirty years, the Savior of your souls remained in silence, in solitude, learning from the humility of His simple life, deepening into the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the Heart of His Father so that, only in the last three years of His life, He could express, under the strength of humility, what He truly was.
For thirty years, your Lord transmuted and transformed the human condition by means of His silence and His humility. Each day more, he emptied His inner being so that the Heavenly Father and His archangels could dwell there.
It was only when His entire Consciousness was ready to renew the Love of God that He presented Himself before humanity as the Way, the Truth and the Life, for there was no distance between His humanity and God. Everything He was, was a part of the Father.
Today, children, I invite you to understand humility as the foundation for the union with God and for Christification. If you do not love the Presence of God more than the presence and honors of humanity, you will never reach where the Creator expects to you.
Love the greatness of His Plan and the majesty of His Presence, and you will understand what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because prayer done with the heart has more effect than a mental prayer.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because this prayer touches the Heart of God and He makes the necessary Graces descend upon the world and upon nations, transforming chaos into a paradise.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because it is a prayer filled with the Love of God that gives impulse to changes and elevates consciousnesses to another plane.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win, because it is a prayer capable of modifying events and of opening the door of redemption for humanity.
True and sincere prayer accomplishes the promises of Christ, restores the psychic plane of the planet, exorcises regions compromised by evil, liberates from spiritual slavery all those who are immersed in these realities and do not perceive it; it conceives peace, unity and strengthens faith in those who believe in God and in the second coming of Christ.
The prayer of true and sincere hearts will always win because it is a prayer that is united to the Heart of the Great Master and establishes a communion with the Divinity of the Savior.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Series of Poems
Eleventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Jesus, Savior and Redeemer,
make me humble and similar
to the angels of Heaven.
Make me similar to them
in obedience and in service
so that my whole imperfect consciousness
may have the Grace of, someday, being part
of the Law of the Hierarchy.
Help me and teach me,
through examples,
to respect and revere my brothers and sisters
so that there may be built in our consciousnesses
the sacred spirit of brotherhood
and unity.
Alow me, Lord,
to fervently embrace
each cross that I am to carry
so that humanity and the world
may be relieved of its errors.
May we all, Lord Jesus,
have the happiness of participating
in Your Presence in the Eucharist,
in Communion as well as in Confession.
May we all, as brothers and sisters,
feel and encounter the Great Priest of Love
so that we may commune
of His precious Divine Energy.
For this, Lord,
wash my face with the Water of Your Fount.
Purify my hands, my head and my feet
with the sacred Water
that once sprang from Your Side
and may I, just like the Roman soldier
who wounded Your Heart,
be bathed by the powerful Light
of Your Christic Cells.
Convert me into the apostle that You need
and make me small in everything
so that I may always
Your Truth.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today, may peace reign between humankind and God, because the Savior having been resurrected in the hearts of the simple, once again the Light defeats the world and the Kingdom of God has Its victory over Its enemies, leading them into rehabilitation and then to the experience of the redemption of their heart.
Dear children, the angels sing in chorus: Hallelujah! Jesus rose from the dead and has established the Supreme Will in the consciousnesses that were lost.
Thus, children, live this day as a day of redemption and of inner liberation. Christ left the sepulcher to demonstrate that the eternal Spirit never dies and that it silently acts in hearts that with great humility welcome it in.
Raise your hands up to Heaven and give thanks to the Creator for having sent the Redeemer of all ages and of all centuries; for having recognized and accepted that Jesus rose to His greater Glory, you have opened the doors of His Mercy so that it may reach your fellow beings.
Dear children, gather together in constant praise and allow God the Creator to partake in the Glory of the work that His beloved Son has done.
Now that your chains have broken and your souls have been freed from shipwreck, see before you the new harbor that welcomes you to begin to travel new paths, the paths of the Lord.
Your union with My Son will make you strong while at the same time, will help you to find the path of holy humility.
Reveal to the world your surrender and know, My children, that your Mother feels bliss and joy, since many hearts were able to recognize the Savior as the only Master and Redeemer.
Rehabilitated by this Sunday of Resurrection, go through the doorways of the new consciousness and, through your school of purification, renounce whatever it may be, waiting in silence for all that God, in His Love, will send you.
In this way, dear children, be worthy in the Lord and happy on this day of great planetary resurrection for all lost souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who finds you rejoicing, on this day of spiritual resurrection,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dears:
Today I come as the Fisher of souls so that, recognizing My Face in the world you may be served of My favorite Love to diffuse My savior Message in this world.
I know that many seem to be tired of walking towards the infinite that never ends. I tell you that in love you may carry lovingly the cross that My Kingdom hands to you and that you may be thankful for receiving in My Name the rays of redemption and of conversion.
I ask you that you do not lower the arms but that you open your hearts to receive My Commandments, those which will order for you the life in spirit and in service. Dear companions:
The tasks of the servers for the end of times are blessed with the possibility of the awakening of more hearts to the path of redemption and of forgiveness. Know that it will be through those who are willing to serve Me until the limit that My Redeemer Plan in the world will be fulfilled, and this will be before My Return to the suffered world.
Your essences must be like flowers in My Hands so that My Spirit may be able to present them as an offer of redemption before God. You are with Me whenever you say yes and I will be for longer time whenever you simply open to Me the door of the heart.
Come and walk with Me because I will always protect you and guide you.
I thank all of those who serve Me without delay and who donate to Me the time for the Greater Work.
Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Savior and Lord of the souls.
My dears ones,
Follow My footprints, those which indicate the awaited return of the King and Savior.
Today I call you to remain perpetually in My Sacred and Blessed Heart. Children, I greatly wish to be within you for longer, but you must allow for this, so that I may accomplish My Will, the Will of the Creator God. Follow Me in absolute and complete trust because I have already waited to call My Apostles after so long.
Now, I want Apostles of love, Apostles of redemption, Apostles who live and give the example of celestial charity, which can help dissolve the pain of many and cure the hearts of others. Dear ones, today you are in My Glory, because you have first passed through My Mercy, so that today My Priestly Consciousness could be present, in this house of peace and redemption.
Like Zacchaeus, you have opened the door for Me to be able to share the Bread of Life and Love. No longer look at how much you have fallen in the past, just believe that My Savior Hope which will come as a cosmic and universal power from the universe.
My companions,
I wait for you to be empty of yourselves, absent of yourselves, so that in this time of great necessity your hearts may recognize, even if for an instant, the essence of each brother and sister who will pass before you, each day. I hope that you give me your lives so that My Mercy may reveal to you the Glory that is guarded with so much love in the Heavens.
I announce, with joy and love, the arising of this house, the Plaza of the Mercy of Christ King and Savior, where pilgrims, servers, collaborators and followers of Mine will be able to find Me in a simple place, which will be dedicated to the prayer of the Divine Mercy. This sacred place that today is consecrated by My Heart and is touched by My humble feet will be, for My Father, the second door within the world for the coming of My powerful and unfathomable Mercy.
You, My dear ones, and to all who collaborate with this simple Plaza of Prayer for the Divine Mercy, I will be highly thankful to you through the Gift of My Sacred Heart, for collaborating from your hearts, with this savior project.
My friends, My followers, in life there will be the living action of this powerful source that will allow for the assistance of all souls of the world, of those most in need of inner healing.
Under the Grace and the Mercy of God, let us celebrate and be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My divine plans in your hearts!
Who blesses you on this day from the Heaven of My Father.
Christ Jesus, your Redeemer
My children,
Today I invite you to the withdrawal of your little hearts, to wait for the awakening of the Lord Jesus, My Glorified Son. Remember, dear children, that during this week your lives are being prepared to enter the redeeming doors of Easter, that My Son makes reverberate through the act of the Passion of His Sacred Heart.
Therefore, dearest children, you are now ready to commune again with My Son, the Savior of all souls. To be able to live this sublime act of love for Jesus I ask you to forgive and to reconcile your lives with each one of your brothers and sisters, who are also My children in Redemption.
Dear children, I call you to deeply contemplate today in prayer the mystery of the Resurrection of Christ through the power of Love. If your hearts have already taken this step of Love, My Immaculate Heart will be able to give more life and salvation to many of My children who are very far away from God.
My children, celebrate this Easter as the first Good News that comes in the end of these times, to alleviate you from all the suffering in your lives. Therefore, dear children, the prayer of the heart will lead you to find, on the path, the Presence of My Son, of His Holy Heart of Love.
Holy and venerable be the Angels of the Lord! Because, through the sacrifice that My Son offered out of Love, they will be able to help in the Redemption of the world.
Open the doors of your little hearts and search for Christ because My Son is there in each one of you. Accept the arms of love and redemption that My Son extends to you. Allow your hearts to burn with love for Christ. If this happens, dear children, My Immaculate Heart of Mother will be able to help, through Mercy, the world that is lost. Pray with the heart. Embrace with peace every mystery of the Passion because the time has come for your lives to grow.
Thank you for responding to My call.
In the Good News of the Resurrection of each life and of each little heart,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more