Monday, November 30 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children, may only peace and unity reign among beings.

Dear children, may your lives be the mirror of My Peace in the world.

The Lord expects the apostles of Christ to live the teachings and to be the living mirror of His merciful Presence in the world.

May your actions be actions of peace and of mercy. May your feet walk securely along the path of Jesus Christ.

My children, all need peace, all must learn in the school of peace to be true peacemakers.

The current world is in crisis because souls do not live in peace or do not want to know about it. Because of this, so that your lives may be the path to a true inner and spiritual change, I invite you to be bearers of My Peace and of My Mercy.

Dear children, your consciousnesses must transform, and in this great change that you must experience, you will find the doors open to live the new times that are coming.

Be peacemakers and do not forget to be this every day, thus the Lord will be able to manifest His Works all over the Earth.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you in the name of Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 29 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I come again to teach you something basic about the lesson of Love, which is called Divine Pity.

Without Pity, hearts cannot manage to take steps toward My Son, and, even less, they cannot manage to see all their inner paths open to concretize the Sacred Will of God.

For this reason, My children, let your hearts dare to always be compassionate with yourselves and with all others because after having seen My Son suffer and die on the Cross for you, the Pity of God was and is the balm that neutralizes all serious errors.

In this time of spiritual and world crises, may your eyes see the events of life and of purification with Pity rather than with fury. My children, this will avoid a feeling of hate being established in the world, which is the opposite of love and unity.

To all those who pray to My Heart, I ask that you remember the sacred attribute of Pity because, at the most needful time of your lives and consciousnesses, you will be able to return to it, which will be the gift that will transform all things in time.

Pity will be the master key for impossible or irreversible causes within the consciousnesses, for it will always bring you patience, enthusiasm, and, above all, motivation to serve God, beyond all consequences.

May the divine spirit of Pity always fill your hearts.

Remember, My children, that the Lord is not only Love; He is profound Pity for His smallest creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you with the infinite Pity of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, November 28 of 2015

Daily Messages

The Silence of Mary

During the Passion of My Son, silence was the key that opened the door to Grace.

Silence made Your Mother invisible because God and all His manifestations are present in the silence. Your Mother not only had a sorrowful Heart, but She also lived as a silent Heart; this allowed the deep doors to be closed to evil.

The enemy does not know what silence is because he lives through conflict and disorder. Silence penetrates the consciousness as a spirit of serenity and harmony. It is this inner and mysterious silence that carried forward all the Redemptive Work of My Son during His Passion. Silence bore all martyrdoms because His Divine Consciousness was united with God and His Great Purpose.

Evil is overcome through silence and becomes disoriented because it cannot find any doorway into conflict. This silence was what prepared Jesus during the forty days before He began His public life. Silence designs in the spirit a state capable of transcending the most resistant conflicts in the consciousness. To reach this state of silence, neither arrogant nor introspective, means a task of detaching from forms and ways that can interfere with the awakening of each soul.

Silence is more than remaining quiet or not speaking words; the true silence of the universe is achieved through inner connection with prayer, which is the first step to gradually dissolving the human roots that generate disorder in material life.

At this moment, the planet is very far from true silence. This is why Your Mother teaches you that silence is an act of prayer capable of traversing to levels of consciousness where peace reigns. Silence is also healing; it is a powerful spring that in these times will help to safeguard the spiritual path of the consciousnesses that accept penetrating that state of union with the Creator.

Silence brings light, brings wisdom, brings serenity, and renews the spirit so that it may have the impulse to continue in Divine work. The complete silence of a part of humanity could reverse all the causes that take advantage of noise and disorder to generate world conflict.

Silence is like a remedy against verbiage that causes debts and constant faults. Silence liberates without a struggle.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who carries you into inner silence,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 27 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am the Rose of Peace. I am the spiritual Flower opening in your hearts so that My children find the beauty of Creation.

I am the essence of Life. I am Who in Her purest womb gestates the new principles of humanity. Thus, I ask that you open to My universal Rose so you may come to know the inner beauty that God left stored in each human heart. It is the essence of Love that will cause you to live the Will of God.

I am the Rose of Peace so that My children may be witnesses that there truly is a sacred path to walk along, and all are invited to discover it through prayer.

There is a way for you to purify yourselves every day without suffering or frustration. That is why, on this day I show you the Rose of Peace, so that you learn to express the same beauty of My Heart. 

Find encouragement in everything I say to you; we deeply desire the new soldiers of Christ to ignite the attributes in their hearts, so the spiritually sick planet may be filled with the gift of God's Love through His children.

Simply seek to reflect the kindness of your spirits; this way, you will be able to stand before the doors of redemption without any fear.

Trust in My humble hand which I lovingly hold out to you, so you may see it is possible to unite to My maternal Heart and walk together in the faith that one day everything will be different. 

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who gathers you together in the essence of My Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, November 26 of 2015

Daily Messages

The times of purification are promising deep changes for all as long as from now on there may exist enough openness to carry out these changes.

Therefore, Your Heavenly Mother descends to the world to teach you this path, this path of purification, which is so necessary to be fulfilled.  In all this journey you will find the roots that will always deviate the souls from the path of God.

With braveness and joy for living this transformation, dear children, I wish every day for you to learn to walk through this pathway that will lead you to strive to banish the currents which have always led to the great failure of humanity.

As Your Mother who loves you and who longs for the best in each one, I encourage you to discover without fear or suffering everything inside of you which has come to the time to die.  For this you count on the plenitude of My prayers and of My Graces, states that allow to conduct the few flocks of Christ in these times.

Dear children, unite through this moment, I know it is difficult but it is not impossible. Constant renunciation and acceptance will help you to keep yourselves in the path of this so expected transformation. Do not forget that I am with you and that I pray every day so that the 144,000 new apostles of Christ may awaken from this Earthly dream and enter in the true final work.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you under the Light of the Holy Spirit,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, November 25 of 2015

Daily Messages

Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace

Wednesday, November 25 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

May peace and hope always be attributes in your hearts, attributes that keep you protected by faith because if you are filled with faith in the Plans of God, you will be able to go through the coming tests with harmony and perseverance.

My beloveds, My Heart is filled with an infinite love for humanity. This is why, day by day, I invite you to grow and mature in spirit. It is because I can truly count on each one of you that I reveal these realities of the world and ask for more awareness before everything that you receive.

Many already know that these are the final times for the evil and infidelity of the human heart towards God and His Plan, but the human consciousness, as a whole, does not want to accept that these times have arrived, so as not to leave its comfort and its own will.

These resistances weigh on the hearts of each one of My servers who try to be true in their surrender, and yet, again and again, they fall before the same tests of criticism, judgments and separateness.

This is why, children, you must make an even greater effort than what you have done so far. I know, as the Mother of all, that some steps have already been taken, but they are not sufficient for the emergence of a new race.

You must be more vigilant and silent, observing yourselves more than your neighbor, because in this way you will avoid many misunderstandings and you will close the doors to disunity and lack of fraternity that so tempt the human consciousness.

My dears, never forget that while you have everything because you are beside the King of all things, there are many more brothers and sisters of yours in the world who, motivated by false representations of God, are making each other suffer in demonic and spiritually transgressive ways. Therefore, be a little stronger and braver in relation to yourselves and do not let the enemy also work through My soldiers, removing the peace which I am trying to institute in the world.

Always remember that you are here to fulfill the Greater Plan, to establish peace in these times of chaos on Earth, just like in the universe, since what happens in this world interferes with the whole Creation of God.

I urge you to fight against yourselves when necessary, because many islands of  salvation for the spirit no longer exist on this Earth. I count on very few and they must remain faithful and strong because it is possible to establish the Plan of God in the human consciousness, through the victory of Christ in His beloved companions.

My dear children, know that the acute hour of the planet has started in some parts of the world now and will expand to the whole of humanity in a short time. Purify yourselves soon of all the evil that is still inside your consciousnesses and do this through prayer, as well as conscious transformation. Do this by loving the Plan of God, each day more, so that the true love for something superior may banish from your hearts the false pleasure of destroying the unity among beings.

I tell you all of this because you must feel within yourselves that an urgent and definitive change needs to happen. I just urge you to take your steps and do not waste time because, by the time the planetary purification knocks at your door, I need you to be ready and willing to help others, those who have not listened to these Words.

I thank you and leave you My maternal Love so that you may never give up taking the steps in your constant and immediate transformation.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 24 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

As this planet as a whole lives the first steps of a violent purification, I need you to banish from your hearts not only arrogance, but also pride; this is what has condemned the evolution of humanity.

The times are accelerating; notwithstanding that the minds think that the daily rhythm is the same, the planetary consciousness itself demonstrates the first signs of its so expected birth labor of purification and cleaning.  

It is due to this great planetary labor that draws near that some of the customs and of the energies that have strongly reigned in the consciousness will begin to be removed from humanity.

Prayer is not only a complement that helps one to cross this transition, but rather, prayer will intensify all that is not well within the consciousness of the human beings, and which is called resistance to change.

Many of the Laws of the Material Universe will abstain from acting widely, since in the next month the consciousness of the planet will live a great spiritual change and humanity will enter the great vortex of transformation and of transcendence.

It is because of this that in advance Your Mother wants to ask all of Her children and all of those who serve, offering themselves, to neither waste time nor energy in each one of their resistances.

The hardest cycle that humanity will live through will be the purification of the energy of the self-power, which was the root of the degeneration of the civilization of this planet.   I lovingly ask all of those who consider themselves praying beings and consonant with the Universal Mother to not forget that this planet is collapsing due to so much wickedness, and all of this wickedness that has been generated along centuries, shall be purified.   In this way, each stage of the purification that you and the world will live will correspond to the amount of material, mental and spiritual transgressions that may have been generated in your lives.

Dear children, as Your High and Heavenly Instructor, I am notifying you that certain forms of thinking, of viewing life, and even certain ways of resisting or judging, will be banished and if this is not accompanied by your inner acquiescence for this to happen, many will suffer in the same way as millions of souls that live in ignorance and in illusion.

And this will not happen for the lack of divine intervention; the time has come, dear children, for each soul who serves the Kingdom of Heaven, each consciousness, each personality and each temperament that lives on the surface of the Earth to understand that they will not be able to enter in a new humanity if all these degenerate ways of life are not deeply purified and transmuted.

Your Heavenly Mother wants this cycle, which will begin for humanity and for the whole planet this next month of December, to be lived and worked in a very consistent and mature way.  The influence of certain ways of thinking, of judging and of acting as each one pleases shall not fit into the Work of the Celestial Hierarchy.

I want to confess to you, My children, that the times are pressing and that it will not suffice that you pretend that you have not heard these words, because in truth every living being of this planet shall confront their own transition.  One hundred years ago the actions and the tendencies of the human life were not of importance; humanity always wanted to do its own will and it has stopped truly listening to the Celestial Messengers.

Now, children of Mine, as the graveness of the times increases—such as the hands of the clock run, I come from the Universe as a Divine Instructor to awaken the little consciousness that remains in the world.  I pray so that nothing may be precipitated upon the world overnight.  The Father will not be able to listen to lamentations when His Divine Justice acts, because from this moment all are being admonished.

The scale is in great unbalance and it is time to wake up.  Shelter your transformation through the Angels of Heaven and remember that if in truth you do not change, it will not be enough that you sing either, because the purification will take place, the world and the race will have to become rescuable beings.

I thank you for listening to My clamor!

With respect and consciousness, who loves you and instructs you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, November 23 of 2015

Daily Messages

Announcement to all the favored children of the Immaculate Heart

Under a just and evident cause, for reasons that show a reality that deserves attention and care, and above all, so that this work may continue in the midst of this spiritual and planetary transition, after a special reflection on some of My children, Your Mother of Heaven announces that She requests the withdrawal of Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Friar Lucas del Monte Sinaí, during the next three months, so that they may go on a profound retreat of restoration and absolute recovery from the last trip and pilgrimage to Colombia, Venezuela and in the northern part of Brazil.

It is for this reason that, as Your Heavenly Mother, I make use of this daily message to announce to all My dear pilgrims that the tasks and the monthly meetings will continue in the Marian Center of Aurora during the next three months, under the company of Sister Lucía de Jesús; period that encompasses the end of this month of November, 24th and 25th, and the months of December, January and February.

I would like to tell you, dear children, that the result of the pilgrim task in Colombia, Venezuela and in Amazon led to a considerable attrition both of the human resources and of the spiritual and material ones.

By the Law of order and harmony, these children of Mine will go on a retreat and will dedicate their time to reconnect to the spheres of contact with the Kingdom of Aurora; they will dedicate this time to ingress again in the integral healing of life, as they need it so.

The process of healing, which has been offered to them these days in Aurora is considered little and insufficient. This is why the task of recovery will be extended to the next three months.

Dear children, regarding the Vigil of Prayer and the monthly meetings, they will continue, as well as the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, which will be held as it has been so far, and you will have the Grace, on each 5th and 6th days of each month, of reviewing the instructions that My Son delivered to you in the previous meetings. The visionaries who are going on retreat will receive reserved apparitions on those days, as in the Marathon and on the day of The Sacred Call.

I dedicate this special attention to the instruments elected by Your Mother because the processes of transmutation, as well as the physical and mental tiredness during the trips, have produced evident repercussions on their health condition.

As the work of the Divine Messengers must go on in these times of planetary crisis, we lovingly request that all those who pray, place these children of Mine in their prayers, so that they may soon join the mission once again. From March 2016 on, My children will go back to their public task.

I thank you for the union of each one of your hearts in this important moment of healing!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 22 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

May peace reign in times of purification. May transcendence of all of your beings predominate in times of consecration, always with the help of the Beloved Jesus; He will show you the blessed path for your lives to finally find the internal union with the Kingdom of God.

Dear children, may all the diseased be consoled through the ray of My maternal healing, may the deep wounds of the consciousness be healed through the blessed love delivered to you by My Heart. Blessed are those who suffer for humanity and who help the Plan to be fulfilled in spite of the times of adversity.

Dear children, I am calling the new apostles of My Son to fulfill the part of the Plan of salvation that the Lord needs to accomplish, such as it was with other consciousnesses who sanctified their lives in the past.

Every day, lovingly I come to show you the path to the consecration to God, a deep surrender which will be performed on behalf of all those souls that, having a commitment to Christ, have moved away from the true purpose.

I show you in this hour the sacred path towards the Purpose. I call you to be cooperators of this important Plan of Redemption, which is guided by Christ, Your Lord.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you and heals you spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, November 21 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

While the impulse of the new humanity is gestating itself in My Loving Heart, I prepare you every day so that your souls may be participant of the New Earth.

For this reason, dear children, the efforts will be greater for everything to succeed, and it is for this cause that you will have to witness the Presence of Christ as the path to the portal of light of the new world.

I invite you to work every day for this aspiration, thus your lives will be the great testimonial of redemption and love to others.

Dear children, do not lose sight of My words, My Heart establishes on this day this sacred purpose.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who unites you to the Divine Heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 20 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through His beloved Son, God desires to institute the devotion to My Immaculate Heart as a divine instrument of salvation and of rescue for souls that are lost.

For this to be possible, special Graces will be spiritually generated by those hearts that spread the devotion to My Immaculate Heart; for the victory of the Kingdom of God will occur when souls, in complete repentance and humility, ask for My maternal intercession. 

Your Heavenly Mother promises not to forget anyone during the most culminating time.

My Son desires that this true devotion to My Immaculate Heart transcends the times of today and that, by living and practicing good examples of charity, souls generate the merits necessary to achieve redemption in a broader way.

The foundation of the devotion to My Immaculate Heart is to maintain the affiliation with the Eternal Father; bring to all the spiritual and sacred principles that renew consciousnesses and awaken, above all, a life of holiness and of consecration, important foundations that will allow a new way of life, permeated by the Holy Spirit of God.

All those hearts that in these times adopt a posture of inner devotion to My Most Sacred Mother's Heart will be helping to strengthen that devotion in the planetary consciousness and in all those hearts that must reencounter a deeper union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Therefore, My children, this is the time in which the Three Sacred Hearts are giving of themselves so that souls may drink from the Three Founts of Mercy that come from the same origin and from the same Father of the Universe. That devotion will bring you renewal and, above all, peace in today’s times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with love and compassion,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, November 19 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

While My most pure Heart of Love listens to your prayers and the prayers of all those who respond to the call of your Heavenly Mother, God the Father has mercy on His children and tries, with His most precious Power, to have His angels of Heaven help reverse the evil of humanity.

My children, so that this may happen and so that impossible Graces may expand, I come to ask you to place your trust in My Son and in each prayerful word that is pronounced daily. It will be the inner power of this confidence that will prevent many things, and this full confidence will awaken faith and, above all, you will be recognized as worthy children of God.

Dear children, you know that the whole world will pass through its deepest cycle and acute spiritual illness, an illness that lies in the soul and mainly in the heart of each child of Mine. Throughout the years, I have taught you the path to dissolve all evil. This path is love, love among yourselves and your peers. This powerful and divine love will allow the cure of the spiritual illness which the whole of humanity experiences.

I encourage you to make every act of the day an act of love and mercy. Do not allow, My children, the hatred or lies to prevail in your lives. Starting today, seek to transform all evils of humanity through the important inner conversion. Do not wish to convert your whole being in a short time, open the path so that your being may know in consciousness all that which you must banish. Thus, dear children, you will gradually be changing all customs that lead the world to separate itself from the Love of God.

The world forgot to love God; therefore it suffers. God needs you to seek His Kingdom and to live in this world through His Kingdom of Love. Be apostles in transformation. Be true witnesses of the One who will come, in the most culminating hour, bringing once again His Glory and His Peace.

Be loving at all times, the world needs your hearts to pour the Love of Jesus without arrogance or control. Give love and your deepest wounds will be healed. Surrender to God that which until now you have kept under a thousand keys. Surrender your little hearts; thus, My Heart will also triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who rules you in the name of Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, November 18 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Porto Alegre to the city of Quaraí, Rio Grade do Sul, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While war lives and is reproduced in the heart and in the consciousness of humankind, peace will not exist in the world.

God knows of the bad intentions of some of His children, intentions that generate rash and unconscionable actions, leading the whole race to a constant failure. For this reason, it is necessary that hearts united in faith implore to the Almighty for the enemies of all so that they, at least, have the Grace of being considered as possibly redeemed in other points of the universe and the principle and law of rehabilitation may be fulfilled in these consciousnesses distanced from God.

My beloved ones, everything can be alleviated just by praying with the heart for peace and for help so that the terrible and unjust ideas of generating wars and a dependence on weapons may soon come to an end, for the strength that the power of prayer has is immeasurable.

Thus, opening your hearts to take in the urgent needs of today's world, collaborate, My little ones, so that the causes of the world disorder may not escalate.

From the whole universe, My children, we know that humanity suffers a lot, and that the most innocent continue to be prey to the attack of the beasts that live in the hard hearts of many human beings. But remember that the strength of the Love of God has no limits, and that this infinite and cosmic Love will be the one that will allow the life on this planet and the peace to be reestablished all over the Earth.

Dear children, without tiring, without delay, without distraction, do not cease to ask the Almighty and Our Lord to compassionately intervene for all the wounds that have already been inflicted and that hurt the hearts of many souls.

With a spirit of love and of hope, do not stop opening the doors toward the Heavens. Thus, the Universe will come to your encounter and, in spite of the reigning darkness, the Love of God will have Its great triumph through those who pray and testify to the Presence of Christ in their hearts. We deeply believe that this life testimony will help to redeem all of the Earth. But remember, it is time to work for peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who nurtures you with the divine sap,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 17 of 2015

Daily Messages

​​While the Sacred Hearts work tirelessly for this world, the weeping of the most little ones of the Middle East is heard in face of the lack of mercy and of compassion. In the most little ones there exists the spirit of inner purity, this purity and innocence that some try to banish through fear, panic and of perturbation.

It is for this, that the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Mary have entered the regions of greater conflict in order to assist spiritually and materially all of the families that live in the sea of desperation and of exile.

Your Heavenly Mother decisively implores to Saint Michael Archangel for Him to place the Creative Power of His sword of Light over those regions and consciousnesses of the planet that provoke the worldwide disorder.

If this comes to pass, the Law will be hard with the ungrateful and the unjust ones, which will not be able to be reverted.

It is to prevent a punishment that could leave a mark in humanity that Your Most Holy Lady of Heaven descends to the world to beg to all of Her children for them to ask for mercy and redemption.  It shall be for the sake of the profound and truthful supplication of the praying ones of the world that a longer period of peace may be achieved.

Otherwise, if the more conscious and awake humanity does not pay attention to the call that comes directly from Heaven, humanity will see much more than blood flowing and corpses decomposing in the streets and in the nations of the world.

If this happened, a kingdom of darkness would be established in the world, but as I know that My Immaculate Heart will triumph, I will come to ask for the life and the surrender of a few servers so that in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ they will balance all of the degenerated causes in this world of today.

This will prevent this unfair kingdom to be established and will permit that the Powerful Heart of Mary may triumph in the great regions of the Earth.  In this way, the Angels of the Most Holy Trinity will descend to the planet to remove the consciousnesses that have opened the doors to evil.

Thus, many will see the great prodigy of the Mother of the Sun in the horizon, a sign that will mark the beginning of the expected one thousand years of peace.  For this to happen, all that seems impossible and exacts sacrifice will be asked of those who gave their yes to Jesus Christ.

It will be in this way that the Work of God will not be lost as the innocent blood that flows in the streets of the world today is lost, and the Work of God shall have its victory through Grace.

I thank you for embracing with trust My important call!

In a vigil of light and of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, November 16 of 2015

Daily Messages

While the world unconsciously provokes the Wrath of God, the voice of the innocent and of their families is listened by Your God, and the Heart of the Eternal Father trembles when seeing the horrors that the humankind of the surface of the Earth generates.

Nevertheless, the supplications of the just could revert the constant aggressions that the humans generate among themselves in order to obtain power and their own benefit.

God needs the more awake to become conscious of the end of the times that humanity is crossing, and of the lack of preparation and of prayer that exists in the majority of the souls in the world.  This lack of consciousness and of preparation awakens fear and increases the disunion among the creatures.

You Mother who is in Heaven begs for this whole moral and social transgression to end.  She deeply wishes all of the groups of prayer to convert themselves into true islands of salvation for the souls, who must be received by means of the powerful flow of prayer and of peace that must be established in the life of each one of them.

Dear children, the times are degenerating more rapidly than what it seems to, and this is provoked by the bloody horrors that humanity lives today.

Dear children, the sacred life that God gave you is being broken by the hasty actions that are being taken.  If in truth, children, the strength of prayer were not more intense than all that which happens, the whole world would go into its great spiritual and planetary failure.

In order to prevent the consequences of the disasters that humanity itself generates, Your Heavenly Mother comes from the Universe to ask that you live in peace, and that you consider this worldwide situation as having the importance that it deserves.

Dear children, let us pray so that the inner nuclei of all of the groups of prayer may correspond, and in this way revert this current and malefic planetary crisis.

May the inner mercy awake in you, because many souls will have to be tended and sheltered by the prayer and by the heart of each one; thus you will at least open a very small door so that the Light of God may enter a world full of darkness and horrors.

Pray continuously for all those who suffer,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace

Sunday, November 15 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

While this world suffers the consequences of a great human wickedness, today I come with Saint Joseph in order to elevate towards the Heavens the ones who suffered and died in the recent world developments.

I place My hope in all of the hearts that in the end of times will have in their hands the banner of peace.

The wrath of God is provoked by so much injustice that falls on the innocent and makes us believe that the one who have power stronger.

But this will not last.  In order to avert a catastrophe in the human life, and to prevent the degeneration of the entire race I ask you again to dedicate to Me at least one mystery of the Holy Rosary a day as to thus alleviate the bitterness that God feels when He sees His children hurting one another.

So that the Sacred Hearts will be able to dissipate the currents of evil that expand like poison in the heart of humans, I come to beg you, My beloved children, that you offer Me the most pure prayer of the heart so that I may transmute the arrogance and the power of humans.

I wish to ask of you, in the name of My Beloved Son, that you pray with Me during sixty days, so that in this cycle the Grace of God and the unfathomable power of Mercy will avert the beginning of a third worldwide war.  If this came to pass, the whole world would lose the little peace that exists, and the most innocent would pay the price of human cruelty.

So that the Love and the Justice of God will reign above all, I come to ask that you beseech the Almighty God, because humanity is deviating itself more each day from its true mental and emotional coherence.

Although My crying has not calmed down, I desire, children of Mine, that you will implore the Merciful Jesus for His divine intervention to be established in the bosom of this sick humanity.  If more than two praying people unite under this sacred purpose, tragedies will be avoided, and peace will reign for some more time.

I ask God that all of My children become seriously aware so that they will cross this Armageddon in peace and harmony.

I thank you for alleviating the weeping of the Sacred Hearts!

In the peace that the world needs, who prays for you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Note: The Mystery of the Rosary begins on the 19th of November of 2015 for 60 days.

Saturday, November 14 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Through the Holy Spirit of God, once again I gather you together in the sacred oratory of My most pure Immaculate Heart.

It is for this cause, dear children, that today I would like to tell you that the task of prayer from yesterday, November 13, had great repercussions at a spiritual and planetary level.

Many things were avoided when those who prayed, present in the city of Porto Alegre and in the world, simply placed their consciousness and their love on all that was happening.

Once again, prayer triumphed in various regions of the planet and, through the love placed in each one of the words, sinful souls were benefited by the powerful channel that was opened yesterday by all.

I will always want to see you, My children, with the same attitude and enthusiasm as yesterday. This brings joy to the Heart of God, and His Works of Pity and of Mercy become possible in the world.

Dear children, thus today I invite you to have your lives become a place of constant prayer and attunement with the Celestial Universe. When more souls dedicate attention to the importance of praying from the heart every day, greater will be the divine effects upon the world and especially upon the causes of conflict.

May peace be the purpose of each server of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you with the loving Heart of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friday, November 13 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children of Porto Alegre and of the whole world,

In My presence, and recognizing My Call, I ask that you pray for those who are not here today and who wander in this city as well as across the whole world, like souls without direction and without a clear goal for their own spirit.

Each creature that comes from God, My beloveds, has a spiritual mission to fulfill, because it is in this way, with each one fulfilling their part, that the Plan of God will be manifested, not only in this world, but also in the whole universe.

We are now in a definitive time for the planet, because after centuries and centuries of learning in the school of the Earth, the time has come for you take the exam, and for you to put yourselves at the disposal of the ones who need the virtues and the gifts of your hearts the most.

My beloveds, it may seem that I ask you difficult and impossible things, because—in a world where competition, pride and vanity have been fed for centuries —I call you to be fraternal, humble and simple so that you may accomplish together, through mutual assistance, the Plans of God for this race.

My Immaculate Heart is forming an army of light in the world, not for you to stand out among the others in the evolutionary path.  My soldiers will build the path by means of which the rescuing boat will reach this world.  With your efforts and transformations you will open the doors of this boat for humanity.  With your examples and your services you will attract the beings so that they will enter the boat and you will wait at the door until the last soul be able to receive salvation.

For this I call you to put in the most effort, but to be the last ones to receive the merits for your own effort.

I invite you to follow the Christic path in which you will offer all of yourselves for love for your neighbor, even if nobody recognizes your effort and the planetary service that you are providing in the name of God.

Dears, in a world that agonizes, your Heavenly Mother calls you so that you will be the light in the path of the blind by means of your prayers and actions.

It is already time that not only you will listen to My Call, but also that you act with valor and devotion.

Prepare yourselves to be the guides of many souls in the end of times.  For this purpose you need to not be that which you are today, because in order to guide other souls you must be empty of yourselves and surrendered to God, so that He will be the One who will inhabit your dwellings.

I bless you and place you under My celestial mantle.

You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 13 of 2015

Daily Messages
Extraordinary daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Before the powerful presence of My Heart, the abysses of the Earth close so that souls may leave their prisons and be elevated, in redemption, to the Heart of God.

The angels of the universe descend on this day with your Mother of the World so that those who were lost may find the liberation from their captivity.

The powers of the cosmos materialize in the voice of those who cry out through prayer.

Hearts are led to live a miracle of love and of forgiveness because they truly prayed from their heart to all the Heavens.

The present hour marks new steps for those who cried out for redemption. The voice of your prayers broadly resounds in your previous generations, and the chain of errors of the past is cut and liberated by the Angel of Redemption.

Nobody will remain outside of this circuit of miracles. What has always seemed impossible to liberate will be liberated.

You are going through a time of special Graces; Graces that must be utilized, because those who are further away from God will also be benefited.

When prayer is proclaimed by peace and good, the universe acts so that the mediocre and the atheists may awaken to the power of the Kingdom of God. There will always be praying beings resolved to work for the Plan of God and all of them will be the ones who will generate the conditions for more hearts to be redeemed.

Imagine a great army of souls waiting for the second Coming of Christ and keeping the doors to the Divine Universe open so that the unity between souls and God may not be broken.

Imagine thousands of angels lifting all the prayers of those who cry out up to the Greater Thrones so that the Father may have the happiness of granting you His infinite Mercy.

Just imagine how many uncertain doors are closed when there is an absolute union of all with the great and only Purpose.

Imagine how much malice and adversity will be dispelled and taken from the path of souls when the supplication is real and has no false intentions.

Think for an instant of all your Most Holy Mother can do with the volume of your prayer, and how many souls who are deported in this world have the Grace of finding again the path of forgiveness.

Inwardly think about how many spiritual benefits the sick receive, those who are completely lost and above all, those who have externally condemned themselves.

See how the flow of a good prayer disarms the cruel ideas of wars and conquests of peoples and of nations in the minds of humankind.

See how the redeeming Love of Christ triumphs when just one or more hearts feel within themselves to call out to God so that He may be among all.

So then, see how infinite is the power of a prayer that cooperates and builds the bridges between the celestial dimensions and souls.

See how the prayer from the heart has no boundaries or impediments. See how this spring of Light, which is generated by a group of consciousnesses in the name of all of humanity, powerfully deactivates the roots of evil and its false works. When one believes in the power of the Divine Word, it is fulfilled on this plane and on others.

In times of battle and of the Armageddon, let prayer be that shield which protects and leads hearts toward peace.

Today, children, I would like these instructions to be very clear for you, so that you may truly understand that each meeting of prayer is a planetary opportunity for all and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

For each praying being, I leave the divine inspiration of a good and worthwhile prayer, essential in these times, because it strengthens the path of surrender to Christ, your Lord.

I thank all those present for the effort of having carried out a good vigil of prayer yesterday.

United to each praying heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, November 12 of 2015

Daily Messages

Open your mind so that it may be permeated with the energy from the heart.

Open your consciousness and participate in the changes of the world.

Open your spirit and perceive the decisive time of the consecration to God.

Open your eyes and notice the battle between the Kingdoms.

Open your inner intuition and recognize the angels and archangels working for redemption.

Profoundly open yourself, because nothing will be as before; whoever can not feel this, could be left behind. 

Thus, the Mother of the Sun prepares Her small and bright suns to definitively join the Marian armies. They will be consciousnesses prepared by prayer and communion to face the Armageddon. 

Human kind believed this would take longer to happen, but truly the time has come in which the entire planet will define which side they will be on.

This is why the Governing of the universe activates the mirrors of the heart so that the self summoned are prepared to support the transition of the times.

The Mother of the Sun tirelessly works so that everyone may awaken to the reality of fully serving the Plan of God. Thus, the chains of many will be broken so that they may achieve the freedom of walking in Christ and serving according to His precepts.

It is in this way that the redeemed ones are being summoned to carry out tasks that were not foreseen. That is the science of Creation, to reveal to the soldiers their true principles and consciously help them so that they may fulfill the great Mission.

From the universe all the suns are being united so that together they may ignite the key of redemption, the key that vibrates in their hearts, the key of light that opened the doors to all the Masters. The stars conjugate their elements so that the vessels of the call may awaken, just as it has been foreseen.

The moment has come to help humanity, which is immersed in chaos and pleasures. The time has come to rescue the values of yore, the codes that made the planet a sacred consciousness. 

For this reason, everything that has been experienced so far has been a small preparation. In a short time, the great planetary task will emerge and then all the soldiers of Mary must be prepared when the Woman Clothed with the Sun leaves the desert and the Archangel Gabriel institutes the divine redemption. 

Then, many doors will be closed and those who have been consequent with the Law will revive the impulses of Christ. This is why I ask all of humanity to sanctify their lives soon, before it is too late. I ask you to carry out a life of cooperation and fraternity, so that the worldwide arrogance may disappear, as well as the hatred that poisons the hearts. I ask My children to never forget solidarity, because that will make you invincible and good.

I pray to Almighty God so that the majority, who are lost in the hells of modernity and tastes, may have a sacred opportunity.

I ask all of the prayer beings to live by means of the spirit of constancy and not to allow my adversary to deceive them with lies; for the Light only comes from God and if you believe in this powerful light, you will not have mirages. If your hearts are meek and good, you will fear nothing. 

Carry on praying for peace, because day by day the world provokes the rage of God and His fair punishment.

Learn not to play with the Laws, be humble and do not stop conquering your own conversion.

My Son loves you and wishes to see you happy for serving the Creator. 

Finally, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be seen in the hearts that have truly accepted Me as the Mother of the World.

Remember that the promise of a thousand years of peace is in force, work for its establishment and for the Kingdom of God to descend in times of great tribulation.

My Heart protects you and loves you eternally.

I thank My children from Porto Alegre for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you, in the name of the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, November 11 of 2015

Daily Messages

May My Eagle of Light pour out the powerful rays of My Heart, rays that will illuminate the path of good souls, souls who must achieve redemption, just like you. 

May My Eagle of Light radiate the codes of rehabilitation to the nations and peoples; and when you see the Eagle of Light passing through each place, hearts can recognize the affiliation with My Heart. 

White Eagle, in your flight, you exist to remember that the Holy Spirit of God belongs to every heart that invokes It to live its transformation.

Eagle of Light, you exist to elevate your children towards God and to remind them of the saving Message of Christ.

In your interior, Eagle of Light, keep the redeemed who, like so many of My other servers, could clearly see the footsteps of Christ and thus, you have gathered in Your most pure Spirit all those who today celebrate redemption with you.

May your walk, through every space, leave shining the joy of re-encountering God, just like the star marks its infinite Presence in the firmament.

Eagle of Light, you are the spirit of divine works; you are in humility the true offering of the Plan of God to the planet.

Never tire of flying, Eagle of Light, for behind you still walk the seekers of your light; lead them all towards the Kingdom of Adonai to unite with the Love of the Universe.

Eagle of Light, as you pass by, leave the luminous Face of Christ engraved.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Today I bless this whole mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 10 of 2015

Daily Messages

When a soul emerges from the Source of God, it is sent as an emanation of a cosmic experience towards some place in the universe. When it finally reaches its thought destination, it begins to evolve as divinity, then as spirit, and finally as soul.

The soul of each being is the expression of that divine life that is gestated in the greater universe, and it is the cosmic experience of this soul that enriches the life of the whole cosmos and that of other consciousnesses, just as Jesus ennobled the universe through His Presence in the world.

The soul that travels through the cosmos from experience to experience always finds something to learn throughout time until it finally cannot avoid passing through the main school of love that is this planet, where the Son of God taught about higher love.

It is because of this that each wayfaring soul of the cosmos reaches this sacred planet to learn about love and carry it back as a testimony of redemption to its greater origins. Every soul that goes through this school comes here to forgive and to learn something; there is no consciousness in this world that should not ask for forgiveness and redemption.

The Consciousness of Your Heavenly Mother brings all from different points of the universe so that the hearts may learn in the school of forgiveness and of love. Centuries may go by, as they already have, but until the soul learns to love as Christ loved, it cannot leave this planet. The Law of love is a precious one, because everything that is impossible to forgive, heal, or transcend becomes possible through the school of this love.

Thus, My children, if any part of your inner or outer being does not manifest love, reconciliation or forgiveness, it is because it has not yet learned to love as God needs it to. An essential key is patience, the science of peace, something which the majority of human beings does not pay attention to.

The lack of peace leads to error, to the excessive impulse of precipitate actions and decisions. But if through the power of prayer the Love of God is invoked, little by little all that wounds within and generates chaos will be healed.

It is the lack of real love that is placing humanity upon a dangerous precipice. It is because of this that the Mother of God is again drawing closer to the world to tell you:

“Children, do not love with arrogance, or possessively; search within yourselves for the pure love that God gave you. Humanity suffers and condemns itself daily, and My Son, filled with mercy, cannot pour out His liberating fount. Therefore, search above every error or sin for union with the Eternal; thus you will open the path for Grace to be able to convert the hard hearts.”

I thank you for answering My call!

Who loves you, just as Christ loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, November 9 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My very dear children,

Today, in the Marian Center of Figueira, with the joy of the heart and the eternal Grace of God, your Most Holy Mother gathers you together to pray for peace, a peace indispensable for the world and humanity.

Today, in omnipresence, your Mother from Heaven will be with you to accompany you at this important moment of the consecration of the pilgrim bus.

This new instrument, which will convey the Graces of My Heart wherever it goes, will be visible today to all those present as a testimony to the loving effort of all the pilgrims and those who pray in the co-redemptive work of their Heavenly Mother.

Today, the ceremony of consecration will be of all the pilgrims; and very close by, in the heart of each of My children, I will also be present to bless you.

Dear children, in truth, I would like the visionaries to have been present, but it will not be possible; you know that those who work for God must face in battle the adversities of the times, so as to be able to evangelize in all this mission.

The work carried out in Colombia, Venezuela and the State of Roraima, in Brazil, had its great divine triumph, and the Sacred Centers were able to express in the consciousness of humanity. This outcome, children, resulted in an unprecedented spiritual battle. It is for this reason that I have asked My visionaries, already present in Brazil, to go into seclusion so that the Divinity is able to restore them; this is already taking place and will take some days for the work to be completed.

Today, you who are gathered here will open the doors of the Heavens so that the angels may accompany this special meeting.

Dear children, I leave you all My gratitude of a Mother.

Thank you, dear children, for having concretized My requests!

Who blesses you on this holy day,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 8 of 2015

Daily Messages

In times of spiritual battle, may peace be established and may the new apostles of My Son transcend the barriers of world oppression.

The time has come for the souls to awaken and Christify themselves no matter the cost this means, because the true consciousness of humanity must awaken at the last hour.

May the doors to the hells be closed and may the brave hold up the banner of peace so that the exiled by evil find again the meaning of having been born to life.

Nothing will stay in its place; hence the soldiers will be the focus so that everything may be transmuted. The offer from these will be the great key that will open the door to the redemption of humanity.

Those who persevere will be crowned for their sacrifice, made through the times, and will be seated at the table of the Great King Jesus.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who conducts you in this final time,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, November 7 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Something exists between souls and God that the adversary will never manage to break: the love between God and His creatures, this divine essence that unites and concretizes the Works of the Father throughout this universe.

Dear children, do not allow this love entrusted in all that He carries out to be dissipated; open your hearts to be able to find this love and to bring to this planet all the peace and the love that is lacking within the planetary consciousness.

With My sword of Light in hand, your Heavenly and Warrior Mother battles so that love can triumph even more in humanity, in spite of its errors and all its sins.

Children, in times of alert, do not allow inertia or distraction to take away from you the possibility of perceiving the safest path through which you should be walking, because, through that ardent vigilance, you will know what path to travel.

We are fully engaged in a spiritual battle and few believe that all this can influence material life. See yourselves upon this board where the whole Hierarchy constantly coordinates strategies so that their soldiers are not knocked down.

Everything will be asked for, so that the Kingdom of God may triumph. Who is awakened, with their gaze focused upon the whole of the reality of these times, will be able to know that the time has now come for being very alert so as to not lose the battle.

In this way, day and night, I take care of My children, because a truce has not yet been called so that the plans can change. Prayer will be the impenetrable shield to all attempts at influence or disturbance.

Your union is in the Heavens and to the Heavens, you must respond, so that the world may someday learn to respond to Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In vigilance and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 6 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Today remain in the arms of Your Mother so that this act may represent, before the Throne of God, the response to the union of all souls with the Creator. This affiliation with the Celestial Father is what hearts should resume after having separated from God through the realities of life.

As your Heavenly Mother, I bring the possibility that hearts reconsider and find again the union with the celestial universe.

The lack of affiliation with God generates discord and darkness in the hearts. The Eternal Father is the Source that renews all things and grants the most special Graces to hearts that trust in Him.

Beloved children, it is thus that through the fervent bridge of prayer you will hold the doors of Light open for the world, and so that the most lost souls may reintegrate with the pathway that they have lost sight of.

My children, this affiliation with the Most High could regenerate planetary life and guide all souls to the fulfillment of the Universal Purpose.

I thank you for answering My call!

May Peace, which is My Peace, be amongst you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, November 5 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When a heart repents and does not stop trying every day, the spirit itself gradually acquires ever-greater virtue.

When the heart repents and confesses to Christ, its soul gains room to be able to banish what for a long time has disturbed it. From this opening, that soul gains new doors open so that, step by step, redemption may be established.

Dear children, purification requires a complete severing from all those codes that do not allow the life of the consciousness and all of its existence to evolve.

My Heart of a Mother draws close to all of Her children to show them the true path of holiness and of consecration.

When the soul awakens to live the Divine Will, it enters into a school that the majority of hearts do not live because of being immersed in the world.

Now, your Mother shows you that the path of consecration is conquered through each vow that life imposes to be able to mature, purify and ascend. This means, My children, that to banish the old codes of humanity is not easy; with the constant help of the power of prayer, everything gradually transforms, when only the spirit of patience acts.

All souls are called to enter this path and thus place themselves on the stairway of the consecration to God, a consecration that will help in the redemption of humanity.

To consecrate the soul means to consecrate the life and all of the consciousness. This needs much peace and serenity to be able to embrace new and more spiritual principles.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who teaches you to walk in faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, November 4 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear son, dear daughter,

Remain in peace, everything will pass.

Remain in peace and the soul will rejoice.

Remain in peace despite the darkness.  Love will win and the victory of the Light will be established.

Remain in peace because My hands will guide you.

Remain in peace because My feet will indicate to you the pathway.

Remain in peace because your spirit will always win.

Remain in peace because you are in My arms.

Remain in peace because My Heart will triumph.

Remain in peace because you will find My Kingdom.

Remain in peace because you will lose nothing.

Remain in peace because My Light and the Light of My Son will always shine.

Remain in peace because God will contemplate you.

Remain in peace and trust in the Highest Purpose.

Remain in peace because evil will be extirpated and all the souls will have the opportunity to wake up.

Remain in peace, you are My soldier of peace.

Remain in peace because My angels will accompany you.

Remain in peace because Light will win.

Remain in peace and trust in the Great Master of Truth.

Remain in peace and deeply feel His kindness.

Remain in peace and pray for all of humanity.

Remain in peace, the Love of God will fulfill you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who elevates you to Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 3 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

All the human and spiritual efforts that My serving children make are recognized by the Celestial Father; and a form of inner Grace and atonement is granted to that soul which, opening its heart to God, listens to the request of fulfilling the works of Heaven.

Dear children, for this reason, today I invite you to follow the path of sacrifice for all of humanity, so that in this way your lives may attain holiness and the fulfillment of always serving My Son. 

I, as your Mother, always take care of everything, of your lives and of your small consciousnesses, and give you the possibility of loving the Will of God, just as I love It all the time.

Dear children, continue brave and serene, continue meek and strong through this path of consecration to the Plan of God. In truth, My beloved, you are invited to follow the first steps towards an overwhelming holiness of the soul and of the consciousness, holiness that is also found through peace. 

I am united to you, I see and feel in your heats the effort to love the essence of sacrifice, which will give you redemption and will open the doors to new states of consciousness. 

Dear children, let us continue praying. In the silence of the heart everything can always be comprehended and the sacred Divine Will be lived. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Redeemer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, November 2 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear children,

May Peace be in this place and in the heart of all of the beings who invoke the Holy Name of the Creator.

Blessed are the constant and the persevering in the conversion of the heart because they will not lose themselves and they will find God everywhere.  Be joyful, full and holy; may your lives testify the path traveled towards the finding of redemption of these times.

Dear children, today I come to teach you about the path of redemption which is being forgotten by all of the souls, but if you accept this path of transformation and surrender, the Lord, Your God will always shelter you.

You know deeply inside that I am Your Mother and that I love you, as well as I Love humanity eternally.

Dear children, if your lives do not change as God needs, the world will not be able to change.  Your step will be decisive in order for the Divine Will to be able to manifest itself.  It is for this that the Lord, Your Father that is in the Heavens, makes the sincere offer to each child of this planet.  As long as there are wars, conflicts and disagreements, the world will not have Peace. It is for this, children, that before the cycle of Peace ends, I come to ask you for the consecration of your lives to the Perfect Plan of the Most High.

Dear children, as your Mother I come to bring a possible solution for a sick, malign and blind humanity that has lost the true union with the whole universe.  My children, there is still much to do in this world, there is still much to serve and to give so that all can be reversed.

Dear children, if your souls do not do something soon, something that may move the Heart of God so that He may pour out His infinite and powerful Mercy, I will not be able to tell you how everything will end.  This is My call to you: Bear witness to Christ in you in order for My Beloved Son, offended by the horrors of the world, be seen in the hearts who accept redemption.

Children, I am with you and with all of those who implore to the Celestial Father for a greater help.  Evil will never win but it may do a lot of harm.  Evil does not know love and does not know how one feels neither how one lives.  You, My children of Latin America, know the Love of God because you have already felt it and lived it in each prayer, in each communion and in each canticle.  Be diffusers of the Love of God and of the unbreakable unit between the souls and God, thus you will also make My Immaculate Heart triumph.

I thank you for listening to Me with attention!

Who unites you to the beginning of the Whole: to the Universal and Divine Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 1 of 2015

Daily Messages

To My beloved people of Venezuela

Dear children,

With joy I meet you again in the blessed oratory of My Immaculate Heart.  Today I come from Heaven to deliver My Peace to you, that powerful energy that nobody can take away from you because when Peace lives and dwells in you, everything is different and this is reflected in the lives of your beings.

I know, as Your Mother, that many of you lack the true peace for not having forgiven, for not having confessed to that brother or sister to whom once you did harm, for not having found the meaning of your existence.  But today from the sacred heart of Roraima, I have come to give you this same Peace that the Archangel Gabriel delivered to Me in the first annunciation.

Children of Mine, if your lives are in Peace, your people will soon abandon this shipwreck in which they have placed themselves.  Lack of love, of charity and of fraternity has converted your holy land into a scenery of horrors and debts.  But I, who love you and pray for you, come today to offer you this true and spiritual Peace, which will liberate your beings from the constant errors that lead you to never find the Love of God.

My beloved people of Venezuela, the Father loves you, the Father has given you one of the most perfect places of the whole Earth, the Father has given you the sacred mountains and the beautiful valleys so that you would be able to express the deep devotion of the heart.  I invite you to walk through the darkness of these times with true faith and with determination to change the destiny of an entire country, through the loving offer of a few.  It will be in this way, dear children, that also in this blessed place created by God, you will make My Immaculate Heart triumph.   But while you get disturbed and disturb others, and instigate the life of others with the thought, you will not find the peace that will transform you and that will transform all of your people.

Dear children, as well as in human wars of the past and of the present, the human beings forget that they are brothers and sisters.  Whoever is a brother or a sister, does not punish. Whoever is a brother or a sister, helps. Whoever is a brother or a sister, loves and at the same time forgives and is compassionate.  I call you, beloved people, to live something that you have never known.  I open to you the perfect door to this experience of love and redemption in which the welfare of a brother or a sister will be your fruitful goal.  This will make humanity deserving of the sacred Kingdom of God.

I thank you for praying with Me!

Who unites you in brotherhood,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
