Saturday, November 30 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Today a Great Celestial Rose descends from Heaven and lands lovingly over the city of Sao Jose do Rio Preto; this sublime rose is the expression of the Immaculate Love of the Celestial Mother.

By means of the Mystical Rose the children will understand the mysteries and the paths towards the Eternal Father, and these paths will be reopened to those who have closed them. Seek in yourselves the mystical rose of the heart; contemplate in your beings the true essence, that which from the beginning comes from the Source of God. In this way you will recognize your true spiritual identity between Heaven and Earth, because the Divine Angels of the Throne will help you to find the one and only path of return, which will bring you to eternity. This will be possible through your prayers.

The three mystical roses that I carry over My Immaculate Heart aspire to reveal to the world the three principles and attributes that will help in the conversion of humanity and in its forgiveness, forgiveness for all the faults commited before the Father of Love.

The Supreme Truth is the Mystical Rose that will reveal to you the path to follow, a path free of obstacles and interferences.

The Mystical Rose of Pure Love is the conducter of your hearts and it is that which will permit you to see, above all things, the Love of God.

The Mystical Rose of Prayer is the one that constructs and restores that which was damaged in the interior of each being. The Mystical Rose of Prayer is that which opens the new doors and in consequence profoundly heals the life of each soul that is united to this divine mystery.

The three mystical roses of My Heart are shown before your eyes so that you may perceive that the moment to change something in this world has come, and especially so that all My children become collaborators of the Great Plan.

Your Lady of the Mystical Rose today presents Herself before the world and especially before this blessed city of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, with the spiritual and divine end to awaken all those who have been asleep for a long time to the life of the consciousness and of the Supreme Truth.

The Lord has asked Me to call you all because there exists a great need of prayer for this world; if all gave this answer, the entire humanity from North to South and from East to West would reach a time more of peace.

The Lady of the Mystical Rose wants to bring Her children to the precious encounter with Jesus; if many rekindle the love that they have lost for Christ, the Infinite Mercy will dissolve the universal doubts that humanity has generated, and an opportunity of inner healing could arise in the hearts and minds most closed to conversion and redemption.

The Holy Angels from Heaven take part in all of this Redeeming Work, and silently collaborate through the Love of God, so that the world is not immersed in obscurity.

For this, dearest children, it is time to form yourselves as victorious soldiers of light and of prayer. In your daily prayers you will find the consolation that no one upon this world can give you, because to be in prayer is to remain in the plenitude of the Peace of the Lord.

Prayer will definitively be the key that will redeem the Earth.

Beloved children of Sao Jose do Rio Preto:

Today I come from Heaven to call you to walk in a safe way by the path of consecration of all your hearts to My Immaculate Heart.

From now on, your lives and your city can count on the loving intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph so that in this way the new family of peace and good may arise in the end of the times, the family that will reflect the same principles as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Dear children: many are the aspirations of My Heart including that you may take the steps. The Lord on this day, by means of My presence, sends you His Love and His Grace for all those present.

Thank you Sao Jose do Rio Preto for opening to Me the door of the trusting heart!

I thank you and I bless you,

Holy Mary, Mystical Rose

Saturday, November 30 of 2013

Monthly Messages


Blessed are those who gather their strengths to be with Me in these times; those who make an effort to overcome, day by day, the limits that the world and their own body imposes on them.

My children, I am with you to teach you to live the last times, and to overcome this threshold with bravery and peace in the heart.

It is for this that day by day I ask you for more of an effort. And, at the same time that I conduct you through a path of sacrifices, I accompany you step by step, radiating the Peace that is born in My Heart and that is expanded throughout the world.

In this way, a space is opened so that I may be present in your lives, even if your are giving the maximum of yourselves, never will you lack the peace and the strength to offer always more.

Today I say to you that, when I ask you something apparently unreachable, it is to show you that you are able to do much more than that which you are doing today.

On each day that passes I will ask you for a little more, and I will make you donate of yourself that which you did not know you had. And little by little you will perceive that the impossible has become simple, and the unreachable already rises on the horizon.

When the time comes to cross the threshold of a new race, many will see themselves in the plenitude of the human race, as God idealized it in the Universe.

I just want you to be simple and true and adaptable as the water; that you may be true and pure in your actions, in this way the Creator Hands will be able to act in your lives and in your consciousnesses.

Those who have said yes to Me, that they may be renewed each day in this yes, and take care to not have conditions in their surrender. If they are attentive to that which I say to you today, they will see that they still say no to Me many times, believing that they are deepening in this surrender.

Upon awakening and at going to sleep, renew yourselves in the adhesion to the divine Plan, and if today you are tired, prepare yourselves, My dears, because you know nothing of what I have for each one of you. But do not fear, because I prepare you in the measure that I offer you new sacrifices and I will not place stones in your paths which you are not able to step over.

I want to thank you on this day for the Love with which you have received Me in this city, and say to you that I have waited for long to come to this place and to awaken those who have been commited with Me for so long.

Come, dears, come to My encounter, because My arms await you, and the Lord waits for you for the return in Redemption to the Celestial Dwelling.

I love you and I welcome you in My mantle.

I thank you for the answer to My Call.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace

Saturday, November 30 of 2013


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children,

As Mother, I open my arms to receive My children, and in this way, I receive the entire world which is so much in need of Peace and Light.

Today, My Immaculate Heart expands and enters into profound jubilation for My children have heard My Call for Peace.

On this evening, I invite each one of you, My little ones, to enter the Kingdom of God. God is very joyful because of your sincere and honest response. May these Graces multiply for those who are not here. In truth, I tell you, dear children, that the Queen of Peace places each one of your essences under My Merciful Rays as a response and gratitude for all my children have given since the beginning, from the first moment in which I wanted to come here to transmit a little more of My Peace to you.

You know, My little ones, that a long time ago, I was in the Middle East accompanying the Passion of My Son Jesus, and from the moment that He gave Me to you, My Immaculate Heart opened to receive each one of My children.

From São José do Rio Preto, I want a profound call for peace and for the good. What I need, my little children, is that this city should change, like others which I have passed through, into a paradise of peace, into a great mirror of prayer that will begin through your prayers, mainly in your families, so the healing of the Holy Spirit may be radiated to your hearts.

Dear children, into My Maternal Heart I have received each one of your intentions and pleas. God has allowed Me to return once again to this city.

For this reason, tonight, I invite you, dear children, to consecrate yourselves to the Heart of My Son. He is most offended in these times and not heard. Through His Merciful Heart, I bring the liberation of your souls, the spiritual healing that each child needs so that the new doors to peace can be opened.

Dear children, you know that I am in this world, throughout the centuries and times, to transmit a Truth that each one must hear. And My main call for South America is to invite you to the path of conversion, and that can be achieved, My children, in the simplicity of prayer, in good acts of charity, in helping those in need, in remembering every day that you belong to the Lord, your only Lord of the Heights.

Today I pour over each one of My children the Immaculate Love of My Heart, so that in these times, you may prevail steady and united to My Heart, together with the Divine Purpose; for it is necessary, dear children, that your hearts open, it is necessary, dear children, that the world change at this time. Your hearts can feel, indeed, that things are not well in these times.

Through my immaculate call, I bring you the Good News and the hope: that the Great Star of this universe, the Sun and the Heart of My Son, will return to the world at the most difficult times, but you must not fear for those times. If your families consecrate themselves as temples of prayer, all will be said, and I will be able to intercede once again for this humanity.

The new flocks of Christ, the apostles of the inner heart, those who will testify to the Coming of My Son, walk in prayer, feel yourselves to be safe on this path. In a little while, problems will be resolved, the Light will descend upon your families because My Eternal Presence will be among you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come on this night to awaken those of My children who committed themselves to Me a long time ago. For this reason, My Heart rejoices in this reunion with your little hearts.

Today I tell you My beloveds, that each of your souls has a commitment to the Heart of God, a commitment you have made since the origin and which you must manifest in this time.

I come to this city to give each one of My children the Grace that corresponds to them, because through each one of you, I will intercede for a different situation in the world.

Only those who said 'yes' to this Plan of Love and of Peace on Earth will become instruments in the Hands of God; through them, when they are in prayer, the Lord will labor in the world and will send His healing and His redemption not only to consciousnesses, but also to all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Today, My children, rejoice in your hearts for being in My Presence, and place at My Feet all those situations that separate you from My Heart. Place between Me and God, all of that needs My intercession, for I will place in My Hands each of your lives, and those of you who have the courage to offer themselves to the Lord will have their lives placed at the Feet of God and will be under His Eyes and His protection in this end of times.

I do not ask you for anything complex, I do not ask you for great works; I only ask that you pray, that you consecrate your lives, a moment of your day to dedicate it to God, to remember that in spite of everything there is in the world, there is a Greater Light that watches you permanently and that waits patiently for His children to return to His Heart.

Today, My children, I come to remove a veil from your consciousnesses so that the Universe of God may rise on the horizon of your lives. A much greater reality awaits you, a greater light waits to be ignited in your lives to balance those situations which are in need of healing and of redemption.

There is no sin in the world that cannot be redeemed, there is nothing, My children, that does not deserve the Forgiveness of God; all that is necessary is that, in humility, you turn your faces to the Creator and ask Him for Mercy, because that Mercy will descend and will transform each of your lives.

Never lose the faith in your hearts, faith I come to nourish and to kindle each day. And if you pray in your heart and in truth, I will be able to keep it alive while you are on Earth and for all eternity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I wish on this night that many could see Me, but it is important that you hold My Presence in your hearts. Nobody will be able to take this Sacred Presence away from you, for God is omnipresent, compassionate and generous with each one of His children.

Dear children, before saying goodbye to you, I want to do a prayer, a request, an intercession for the most sick, so that in truth, you are able to heal your spirits, and once again, through peace, be reconciled with God.

My children, know that there is nothing separate, unity is to be found in the depths of your being. Return to that inner place, feel in your hearts the invisible Presence of God. It will not perish, when you simply open the door to It and say: "Lord, I accept redemption". As from that moment, your lives will change and you will give yourselves fully to the Lord.

I will also bless these sacred images which are the symbol of My Presence in different parts of the world; but My true and real Presence is to be found in union with you, through the prayer of the heart. The flame of Purity, the sacred flame of Truth and the Good will be able to be reignited when you pray with Me every day for this situation.

I will always thank you and receive you into My Heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Mary, our Lady, asks that the most sick approach so they may be assisted.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

In silence, a great deal of silence.

Let us sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary."

With a great deal of silence and very calmly, we will place ourselves here.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

“Kind Father of Heaven,
intercede for these, My beloved children,
who seek the profound healing
of heart and soul.
May the Powerful Rays,
which emanate from Your Most Sacred Heart
reach all of humanity so that,
before the Victorious Return of Christ,
souls are able to rise up to Heaven
and eternally glorify Your Name.
May healing be established,
may redemption be concretized
and that the Divine Mercy be restored
to all hearts
for ever and ever,
and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
May it be so.

Thank you, children of Saint Joseph, for having received Me. I thank you. Lift up your hearts to God for you have been born again on the spiritual Path of Christ.

I love you and bless you always.

Mary, Queen of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us sing now, all together, to close: "Mary of Nazareth."

Now we will give a small account of what happened during the Apparition, and if everybody is okay with that, you can stay where you are.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, as everybody heard, Our Lady came as the Queen of Peace, dressed with a white veil, a light blue Mantle, a pink robe and a golden belt. She was barefoot. She came to this place as a radiant sun, like the sun we know, but more brilliant, more luminous, and She gradually introduced Her rays into each one of us.

Before Our Lady arrived, the angels opened the door through which She descended.

When She arrived, the first thing She did was smile at us, opened Her Mantle a little and showed us Her Immaculate Heart, a Heart that was beating strongly in Light.

At a certain moment, we also saw the Presence of Saint Joseph, Who was in a higher place than Our Lady, and He was blessing, making the Sign of the Cross. Close to Him there were many sheep that accompanied Him and also the Guardian Angels of some of you.

Before the arrival of Our Lady, some angels that were accompanying us manifested. They were strong angels, as if invincible. What we could perceive, at that moment, was that these angels, that were behind you, were being activated as if they were going to begin a new task, receiving an opportunity to be able to guide you.

At the moment when the Mother performed the consecration and healing, Her Countenance shifted and She appeared as Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. She slowly drew close to you, those who were closest to the stage. And at that moment, Her Immaculate Heart, which held thorns, changed into a Heart with roses, a Heart of blood that was beating strongly and which came out from the center of Her chest to radiate to those present.

When Our Lady did that invocation, that prayer, She asked for the intercession of the Archangel Raphael and He immediately responded.

Between Our Lady and this space many doors opened, Heavens, one within another, from which descended the Light of God that was radiating through Her Immaculate Heart.

During the work of prayer, from the beginning, we also had the company of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who was accompanying us and blessing us, praying together with us for this moment.

When Our Lady announced that She would return to São José do Rio Preto, we understood that She was inviting us, on this night, to prepare in prayer as from this day until She returns, which we do not know when it will be, but according to what She told us, because of Her planetary task, She will soon be with Her children.

She also invited us to keep Her Presence in our heart and to believe in Her Presence.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

For this reason, let us prepare our hearts for the return of Our Mother, and while Our Lady does not arrive in São José do Rio Preto, let us pray and accompany Her in all of Her task of pilgrimage throughout America, which you will be able to see and follow through the internet, just like all of you who today are being seen on the whole planet.

In this way, we shall be able to accompany Our Lady until She returns to this city.

We made a little song, a very joyful song to call the Holy Spirit. Today let's end all together, singing this little song so that the Holy Spirit may come to us.

Let's go!

Song: "Invocación al Espíritu Santo." (Invocation to the Holy Spirit)

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Monday, November 25 of 2013

Monthly Messages

When the Heavens are opened towards Earth, a possibility of Redemption is opened for the world.

When My feet touch this ground, for one more time, they bring to humanity all the codes that exist in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

When I open My Arms and allow the Love that I receive from God to flow from My Heart, I pour over the creatures the true Message of the Creator, that is His pure Love and His Eternal Grace.

When the little creatures respond to the Universe, praying and vigiling in devotion, a light is lit on Earth and the Creator contemplates, then, the fervour of His creatures and understands the clamors as requests for help from all of humanity.

My beloveds, for Our Lord and God nothing is separated, the step of one of His children is the step of all. In this way also, a step that is not taken is a lost opportunity for all of mankind.

Those who pray with love and say yes to Me, renewing themselves day by day, permit that month after month My Heart returns to the world, and intercedes for all of humanity.

When I say to you that I contemplate the arising of a new race it is because I see growing, in your hearts, the seed that God planted in the origin of creation and that now His Gardeners come to make grow and bloom.

As I have already said to you, My beloveds, each one that takes My words for themselves and follows their path of Redemption; each one that answers for themselves and for all humanity to this request of Peace, if they seek Peace in the world, each one may be a peacemaker of their own lives.

The great conquests of the world are achieved through the simplest but true actions, actions that they realize with the heart and with the intention of being radiated to all of the human consciousness.

My beloved children, each one of you is part of a unique Divine Project, a project that has already been made possible through the life of My Son Jesus. Now is the moment to imitate His steps, and to live this conversion in the modern times.

Each one of you must contemplate in the heart your own path of imitation of Christ, permitting that God shows you what His Will for this time is and how you will find the christic path in the current times.

My children, you will no longer sustain a cross of wood, but a cross of vices and of modernities, an invisible cross of capital energies.

You will no longer walk to convert the sinners and heal the blind of body, but you will convert yourselves and, by means of example, you will heal the blind of spirit and the abandoned of heart.

Apostles are not made by means of the word, nor by being persecuted by the Pharisees, but you will find those who will awaken through your prayers and that will follow the christic path constructed by your intentions that are not visible, and by the silence of your hearts; but yes, you will be persecuted by all the illusions and the pleasures that the world offers you, by all the technology and by the modernities that will seek to distract your souls and push them away from the path of God, with the excuse that this is an outdated path.

My children, find in your lives the apostolate of the new time and through the study of the Gospel seek to live it today, finding the steps of Christ in your lives.

Listen to the voice of the Master that continues echoing throughout the world, continues touching the spirits and awakening the essences that must remember the commitment that they assumed with Christ, and the promise that they made to God, to be at the end of the times, implanting amidst the chaos, a race of Christs that will walk against the current of the sleeping humanity, and will bloom in the desert of love as a miracle of conversion.

In this way must your lives be the true miracle that God achieved in the Universe, a race that arises from pain and suffering and that lights up the torch of Redemption, overcoming the darkness that sought to defeat it, and amongst all the hatred and all the war that feeds the enemy in the heart of humans, the Love deposited by God in His creatures wins.

Love is unconquerable and Mercy reaches all who in the hearts say yes.

I thank you for accepting to follow this path of conversion and of life.

I bless you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of all the peoples of the entire world.

Monday, November 25 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Dear children in Christ,

Praise be Jesus, now and forever!

Today, My Immaculate Heart returns with the hope that your hearts wake up to My call and you return to your homes with the spiritual impulse to form new groups of prayer consecrated to My maternal Heart.

In the school of prayer of which you can be a part, the Teacher of prayer, your Most Holy Mother Mary, will be able to teach you to feel the prayer of the heart.

My dear ones, to pray with the heart is to feel in your souls each one of the sacred words that are prayed by you. To pray with the heart is to express a gesture of love and of reverence for what is repeated.

Throughout history, humanity recognized and learned about the power of the Message that was announced by the Archangel Gabriel to My inner Heart, which then became an ikon of prayer for the whole world. Today, I am referring to the Hail Mary prayer.

I want and I expect you to be able to learn to build a perfect union with God in your hearts through the loving offering that My Immaculate Heart proclaims.

At this time, I come to invite all My children from different spiritual paths, doctrines and beliefs to unite through the prayer of the heart. If this were not to happen in this way, the world as a whole will shortly have to face difficult tests.

My maternal Light, that Light that comes from the Most Pure Essence of God, will at every moment try to prevent your suffering. Thus, My call for you to be aware about prayer, is for everybody without distinctions.

I want the world, at this critical time, to know Me as the Universal Mother, as the Mother of all of humanity that lives today on the Earth. That will be possible through the ecumenism that your lives are able to reflect.

Beloved children, this school of prayer will open the doors so that, in truth, you may receive Graces, healings, liberations and, mainly be able to be blessed by the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

Dear children, I thank all those present who made this vigil of prayer possible during this early morning; for it has extensively helped in the spiritual salvation of the original peoples through My holy intercession as Mother and Lady of Guadalupe. 

Children, I thank you for your permanent union with Me.

Thank you for responding to My call for peace!

Mary, Queen of Peace and Lady of all the peoples

Monday, November 25 of 2013


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

I come to the world to give you Peace, mainly those who unite with Me through the Rosary.

The Lord has asked of Me that on the Earth there be new pioneers of Peace, new flames of Peace that can ignite in this chaos that exists in the world in order to transform it, to free it from the heart of humankind, so that all My children may also attain that Peace.

Today, I invite you to love the Law of God; no matter how unknown it is to you, you will be able to know it through the Commandments. If you live it in this way, you will be able to draw closer to the Justice of God, a Justice the world has drawn away from, because the Justice of God is Love, is Compassion, is Mercy.

As Queen of Heaven, I come to bring you the Universe of the Father. On Earth, new stars must re-ignite, new suns that are dark must kindle again, and this will be possible through prayer and the living of the Sacraments with My Son Jesus.

Dear children, I come to Brasilia to have you know the Justice of God, which many fear, because the Justice of God is a justice that repairs and restores hearts that have been lost.

The Justice of God wants you to come to know Eternal Life, the universal principle of Will; but, dear children, it is necessary that you truly aspire to love that Law, which is the law of Love and Truth, which has been unknown to many of My children throughout history because of wanting to live the laws of the Earth.

But today, I come to have you know the true Law of God that is to be found in the essence of your hearts, in the steps you can take toward the Lord through your infinite trust in His Love and the sure fullness of His infinite Mercy.

Dear children, before the Return of My Son, I come to open the doors of your hearts.

The New Jerusalem must emerge as it existed in the past among the sacred peoples of the desert who, together with Moses, obeyed the Laws of God; and some of them, in spirit, found the Promised Land.

This Land of which I speak is Paradise. That Paradise that lives in your hearts, that inner Temple that many do not seek because of being distracted with other things, which the world provides as a temptation and desire, that makes My children be separated from the truth of the Law.

All the Celestial Universes, where the Angels and Archangels are, want to draw closer to your lives.

Dear children, it is time, through the prayer of the heart, for you to be able to know your Guardian Angels, invisible presences that God granted you to accompany your footsteps toward the only definitive goal, which is that you are able to blend into the essence of the Love of God in the next world.

While the world still suffers, many hearts must find that Truth, seek it through prayer and faith so that your hearts may be healed and the redemption of your souls may come to pass, just as the Father has foreseen from the beginning.

All the Creation of the Father, including this planet of love, must live the new Project of God; those awaited years of peace that many seek and that, like an inner seed, will be able to be cultivated in your hearts, and that inner light will expand through you by means of prayer and peace.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to seek that truth. Do not look for a mystery unknown to you; love the Mystery of God to be able to know it. It is to be found in all manifested things, in your brothers and sisters, in your cities, on the planet and in the Kingdoms.

Look at how much need there is in the world and how few servers intend to serve God to help humanity in this definitive time through the Laws of the Lord. Those that the Sacred Family of Nazareth lived will be able to restore the Earth, but it is necessary that there are instruments that are able to accomplish this simple goal that I ask of you: to be souls in eternal prayer that can verbalize the Sacred Word of God so the subtle vibrations can transform the Earth and consequently, human beings who daily separate from God, following other paths that do not lead to Peace or Love.

For this reason, as Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, I committed Myself to Our Father in this last century, in this last XXI century, to open hearts so they are able to see the truth.

Thus, I invite you to unite with My Heart as I have already asked for so long in Medjugorje. Because after these Apparitions, I will wait for My children to be able to concretize the inner consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart. 

In this way, you will allow new doors to open so that the Laws will be able to restore humankind, so that new principles of Creation are able to emerge as new flowers in hearts and the New Humanity can emerge which, for a long time, God has so hoped can awaken.

Dear children, I do not promise you happiness, victory, or power; I promise you sacrifice, surrender, charity, faith and love, and much prayer for these so difficult times.

In your hearts, contemplate the needs there are in this world. It is time to do something, dear children, and help the Plans of the Father. In this time, you have the keys to be able to do it; unite with My Immaculate Heart.

Definitely proclaim that you belong to God so the false gods can fall away and the victory of the Heart of My Son be established in all the hearts of the world; but for this to happen, My children, it is time to awaken.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I hope to not cause fear in your hearts, because it is not necessary to be afraid of Divine Justice. I only bring you an impulse from the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, through My Presence, you find a sure path of consecration.

My dears, today I tell you that prayer will activate devotion in your hearts, and through devotion and love, which is born in the depths of your beings through the Heart of God, you will discover how simple it is to fulfill the Laws of the Lord.

Today I tell you, My beloveds, that it is necessary to be very willing and determined to follow this path, because you must knock down the barriers built so many centuries ago in the consciousness of humanity, barriers that feed the material world and make the life of the spirit be forgotten. Today you can see around you what you built with this aspiration of growing only in matter.

Today I tell you, My dears, that the world suffers and also the Heart of God suffers because of all the causes that humanity created in the world. Thus, on this night, I ask that you be willing to balance this evil, living this Law of love, fraternity and prayer.

Do not allow yourselves, My children, to feed the discord and the lack of love among creatures, but rather continue with faith and with trust on this path of unity, a path the Sacred Family placed in the life on Earth and left as an example and as a truth so that all human beings, throughout the centuries, could imitate it.

Today, My children, if you find the Sacred Family distant from the reality of your lives, do not sadden your hearts, because this is a long path, a path of definition, of persistence, a path that is built through the faith of your hearts, because faith will move all that is entrenched in your consciousnesses, and that which seems impossible to you to transform, through the Work and Grace of the Spirit of God, will be transformed.

For this reason, it is only necessary that you want to experience that transformation, that you aspire, with all the will of your hearts, to follow this path of conversion of life and that, through the conversion of your lives, the conversion in all of humanity can occur.

Today I ask you, My dears, that you also live in communion with the Kingdoms, as the saints and the blessed did on Earth, to balance all the destruction that humanity caused throughout the centuries.

The love you radiate to the Kingdoms repairs the Heart of God and transforms the destiny of humanity, so that Mother Nature does not need to go against the human heart to balance the faults caused by it.

My dears, today I tell you that there is still time to spiritually balance the faults caused, through fervent and true prayer, through fraternal and loving actions, which create unity with the Kingdoms and with others.

My beloveds, if you only try to experience this path, the doors will open in your lives and, step by step, you will discover how simple it was, from the beginning, to live the consecration of your hearts. Thus, I come throughout the centuries to tell you it is possible for the human heart to be able to create in love and in truth and change the situations of the world, transforming all the darkness that exists into a Light that expands over the planet, the Light of the Heart of God, which is radiated through His Creatures.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I invite you, dear children, to pray this night with Me, so God in His Kingdom may receive the pleas of all His children of this humanity.

Through My blessing and My intercession, I will open the Source of Healing so it may deeply touch your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that today I invite you to Hope, that this invitation remain in your memories. If you seek Divine Hope, nobody will perish, but rather you will rise up from the ground when you fall, so that you are able to continue to walk firmly in Christ.

As I have said to Sister Lucía: a tree that is ripped, which dies through the hand of humankind, is the same as a mother who loses their child; minerals that are assaulted are like a crack that opens in the heart of the Earth; the water that is contaminated is like the purity that is lost in hearts.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to pray with devotion for the Kingdoms; because they are a part of the Supreme Life on Earth, and through them, dear children, you will also find Truth and Love.

Let us pray the prayer this night which I taught you yesterday:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(11 times in Portuguese)

Pray now, dear children, for the Marine Kingdom in the Pacific, which is extensively dying without anybody doing anything.

As Mother of all elements, as the Most Holy Virgin, I will contemplate the need of these children that are part of the loving Creation of God since the beginning.

Let us pray:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(eight times in Portuguese)

May the Will of God be fulfilled and salvation occur.

Let us pray, day and night, day after day, for your humanity.

Thank you, dear children, for attending to My call. The blessing has alighted in your hearts.

And before I rise up to Heaven and place My Heart in your memories, I ask that on this night, all those who have brought these images, representing My Aspects throughout history, hold them so that I may bless them.

And the Holy Spirit, dear children, will be your Faithful Intercessor in these times, the Great Helper of hearts and of the souls that truly seek to live in Its Gifts.

I will lovingly listen to "The Flight of the Holy Spirit".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will pray the Hail Mary.

Our Lady returns at this moment to do the blessing.

Prayer: Hail Mary (five times in Portuguese).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

In the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts: of Jesus, of Joseph and of Mary; dear children, in your hearts hold the Sacred Family. That Supreme Consciousness that is fully at your service to gestate the new beings in humanity who will celebrate an inner encounter with God in the Kingdom of the Father.

I bless these sacred elements on this night; may they be the perfect symbol of your union with Me, may they radiate the Light of My Immaculate Heart so My Love can expand in your homes and families.

Dear children, on this night, I bless you, in the Presence of My Son and of Saint Joseph, Who have especially come to visit you; because know, My children, that the name of Brazil in the Kingdom of God, means the door of Light that children open to receive the Mercy of God.

With hope and joy, may your hearts be uplifted; and remember, beloved children, that you can always count on Me forever and ever.

I love you and bless you.

Sing "Mary of Nazareth". Lift up your candles so the Flame of the Holy Spirit may permeate your consciousnesses and the Light of God is able to remain in all the spaces of this world.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, November 24 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Dear children:

Today Heaven is opened and the Lady of the Divine Mercy descends in Glory over the city of Brasilia and the entire world. My Mantle of Light is expanded over humanity to help My children to walk in faith and in the love of Jesus Christ.

Beloved children, in honor to God the Most High, My presence today will enter into you hearts so that you may feel that I Am the same from Nazareth, that Holy Woman from Galilee that took care of the little child Jesus and that brought to the world the Sacred Purity of God.

For this today I need more than ever that your hearts open themselves, just like a flower under the rays of the sun; in this way you will grant the permission for the entire world, which suffers and despairs day by day, to find through My Heart a time more of Peace.

Once I said in Fatima to Sister Lucia Dos Santos that the world should consecrate itself to My Immaculate Heart; but the souls that are most sought after by the astuteness of the enemy are decaying and they need prayer from all the devotees, because in this way they will permit that fraternity among the peoples be manifested.

Dear children: today My message is a call for the awakening of your consciousness, especially the awakening to the need of prayer and of Mercy for Asia and for all that live there, like the souls, the life of the sea and nature.

Pray! Pray from the heart for all the Creation of God! Because His children's own hands have destroyed the beauty that He gave them from the beginning. As Your Mother of Mercy I come to remind you that there exists this Sacred Fountain of Piety and of Reparation, where your beings may clamor for help and greater intercession.

Little children of Brasilia, My Heart is rejoicing for your sincere donation to My Marian Work in America; I thank you from the depths of My Soul that you have opened the door of your hearts to receive me, as living the message that I announce for this time is the premise that will permit to generate the salvation of the world.

Dear children of Brasilia, begging God for Mercy, remain in My maternal arms; I will always help you when you just call me.

I thank you for listening to My call for Peace!

Your Sacred Mother Mary, Mother of Mercy


At the end of the message transmitted by the Virgin, Our Lady started to pray the following prayer a number of times:

Mother of Heaven,
Mother Earth,
intercede for us
and for the Kingdoms.


And she said to us at the end of the Apparition that this prayer could be recited as many times as the soul feels like doing it, and especially for the situation that is happening with the nuclear plants of Japan, and also for all the Kingdoms of that region.

Sunday, November 24 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Discover under My mantle the mysteries that the Universe guards so that when the hour comes, the Lord may reveal to you even more secrets that are guarded in the Infinite.

Come, My son, come, My daughter and awaken your souls through the Love that today God offers you.  It is time to open the heart for the immaterial existence and to be able to live on Earth the infinite possibilities that you guard as a perfect creation of God.

My dears, permit that today an infinite source of love may flow from your little hearts; a love that each one will find within themselves, a love that has been deposited by God in the origin of His creation, and that today the hour has come for it to see to light, to go in aid of those who have not opened their eyes, and of those who do not seek God.

My beloveds, I come in this last time to invite all of humanity to a new awakening, an awakening for a divine and universal life.  And for this it is necessary that the bravery of your spirits be manifested in your lives, and that your souls make the decision of abandoning definitively the illusions of the world, to hold themselves eternally to the divine Graces and to Their infinite Glory.

These are times  to make Peace to be born in the hearts, times to dissolve the conflicts that impede you from maturing the consciousness, times to permit that the spirit imels you to a new stage of growth.

My beloveds, it is with deep joy that today I descend from the Heavens to come to the encounter of My little children, and in this encounter, invite you to answer to a divine Call of prayer, of conversion and of surrender.

Do not fear to approach to My Heart, as there is no pleasure in the world that may overcome the Grace that I deposit in your hearts.  And I say to you that when you truly know the Peace and the Love that I bring to you, you will never find in the world something similar to this divine source.

My little children, it is the moment to walk towards the Heart of God and to be willing to make an offer for all humanity, because your souls and your spirits have brought you today to the encounter of My presence, but there are still in the world many who deny to open themselves to this Call and who lose themselves amidst sufferings, surrendering the soul in the hands of the enemy and not in the hands of God.

I need soldiers in profound and tireless prayer, soldiers of a peacemaking army that dissolve, through the word, the conflicts of the world.

Purify today, in My presence, the conflicts of your inner world, so that through My maternal Love I may clean your souls and your hearts, preparing you in this way for a new mission of Peace on Earth.

Go forward, My beloved companions!

I thank you for being with Me in prayer.

Your Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace

Sunday, November 24 of 2013

Vigils of Prayer

The Apparition of the Virgin Mary was silent, and on ending, the visionaries told the story about what took place and what Our Lady transmitted.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, we'll share with all of you some of the details of this moment we shared with Our Lady. Know that we always share what Our Lady requests of us, because She always knows what is necessary. We'll begin with Sister Lucía.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, Our Lady arrived expressing gratitude, thanking us for the response of each one of those who came to meet with Her on this day.

She came accompanied by many indigenous beings and She asked each one of us, those who feel so, to carry out a vigil this night up to the moment of Her Apparition tomorrow; because She explained to us that, like all the cities of the world, this city also has much to release.

She came to carry out a task of release with these brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness. And when She was showing us the brothers and sisters who accompanied Her, She told us there were many indigenous beings in Her Kingdom, but that there were also many who needed to achieve that redemption to meet with Her.

She also asked us to pray for the brothers and sisters who have no land and that, in our prayers, each one of us may discover the true inner dwelling place; because She said that before obtaining a home on the Earth, each one should seek that dwelling within their heart.

And She also requested that we pray for the governors, not only of this country, but of all the countries of the world.

She told us that Her Presence would be here, during this whole night, accompanying our prayers and that, through them, She will intercede in a special way for all those intentions She put in place.

And through that intercession which She will perform here, She will provide aid for the whole world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, Our Mother came as Queen of Peace, and for those who are here for the first time, we'll explain how it is that the Apparition occurs.

When sister Piedad begins to sing the Hail Mary, it is the signal that Our Lady is approaching this place, the Heavens open and from outside this planet, She comes as a great golden sphere of Light, sometimes in the form of a flower, which begins to descend to this place, as happened today.

Afterwards, that great flower or that great sphere moves into position a few meters from this place, which we could understand as at the height of the roof, and there, the silhouette of Our Lady takes shape. She appears first as Light and then Her image is drawn, as if we were facing another person, in three dimensions.

She begins to focus Her eyes to us, smiles at us and blesses us. And after a period of silence, while She is praying, She begins to tell us some things.

Today, we asked Her if She had something to say to Brasilia, and She said the following:

"Dear children, embrace the path of peace, live on the path of peace.

I want your families to be peace-bringers so the world can change.

Let your dwelling places, your homes, be temples of prayer where peace can exist.

Dear children, I have wished to come here for a long time, and tomorrow I will tell you what I have wanted to say for a long time.

I want to speak to you about the Law of God, about Divine Justice, because humanity has forgotten the Commandments; for this reason, today it is as it is.

I invite your families to remember the Commandments; they are basic rules for living in God.

I greatly thank you, dear children, and I promise to come again to Brasilia when you simply open your door to Me."

Afterwards, Our Lady spoke to us about some other matters; She gave us some guidance, as She always does.

The Queen of Peace manifests with a light blue veil, sometimes a white veil, a pink robe and a belt, and She always has Her hands open, radiating Her Graces to us.

At the end, She blessed the images which everybody brought today, and thanked you for remembering Her.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Today, Our Lady showed us a twin-pan scale. She said that when humanity placed a lot of inappropriate weight on one pan, another part of humanity should place appropriate weight in the other pan. That appropriate weight is the prayers, the good actions, the service to others, so those scales can remain in balance, and that balance is able to keep the planet in the place where it is, and that peace and  mutual understanding among nations can be sustained; because it's essential, in this time, to keep the balance, and that this was ours to do, as humanity; and that these scales represented the Justice of God.

The more we prayed and did good, the more Justice of God would remain in balance. So, it's very important to keep in mind these indications of Our Lady. 

She was telling us that the governors, that all the governors, governing countries or small places, were receiving an opportunity from God to be able to serve, and that what they did for their people was a response to the opportunity God had given them.

She was telling us that it was very important that we all pray for all governors, so that the commitment they made with the universe could be accomplished just as God had planned it, that it be the fulfilling of the original offer God had given them, because this was what was good for everybody.

Tomorrow, Our Lady will surely transmit some words for everybody. So, we invite you all to come again and bring the people you feel you should with you, because the opportunity to be in the Presence of the Virgin Mary also means that we all receive a special energy.

Because all the codes of Light She radiates over all of us allow us to receive spiritual healing, to be reconciled with God, and to change our life forever. So just being in the Presence of Our Lady, whomever opens their heart, will receive the Grace that is theirs, because She comes here for that, to give Her Graces to Her children.

So today we receive that great opportunity and what She asks of us is that we always hold our heart open, because then She can enter.

And now, we will close our meeting with a song for Our Lady, and we're going to sing something that everybody can sing. We'll sing "Mary of Nazareth."

We'll see you tomorrow. Thank you!

Let's sing with much gratitude.


Song: "Mary of Nazareth".

Sunday, November 17 of 2013

Monthly Messages

My dearest children,

Today I want to help you remember something important for this time of changes that everyone lives in the interior of the hearts, as well as in your souls.  Today I invite you to be affirmed in the protective shield of the Divine Hope.

This sacred ray that also comes from one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit will help you to strengthen the faith and the peace in your hearts.

The great spiritual crises that many of My children live today is due to lack of the Divine Hope in the heart.  For this, day and night, from time to time, as from century to century, My Immaculate Heart has tried to lift the consciousness of humanity by means of Divine Hope.

This sacred gift of the Holy Spirit will help you so that you do not lose the daily aspirations of approaching the Kingdom of God.  Today, all of humanity suffers from lack of Divine Hope.  It may arrive to your lives by means of the simple exercise of the prayer of the heart.  Divine Hope is a Great Source of wonders and of reparation for the souls that have fallen.

I, as Most Holy Mother, know your inner situations of life.  For this, today I say to you that you awaken in time for this precious ray of the Holy Spirit.  In this way, your lives will help to balance the lack of hope that there is in the world.

When My Divine Heart descends upon the great cities, it is to bring you a little more hope and peace in the face of the most serious offenses that the souls commit.   It is time that your consciousnesses, in a definitive way, grasp themselves to the safe path of the Divine Hope.  In this way, you will construct a spiritual path filled with Graces and Forgiveness.

Dear children of Belo Horizonte, as I promised you some time ago, the Holy Mother of God, the Virgin of Virgins and Mother of the Divine Mercy of Jesus, returns here to encourage you to live this day in hope, in faith and in peace.  A good disciple is formed by means of the gifts that God gives them by means of His Most Holy Spirit.

In this time of so-called human advances the lack of life of prayer and of communion with My Son is generating the absence of Divine Hope.  For this, as your Dear Mother, I come to help you remember that there is this ray of reparation and of healing that is called Divine Hope.

Beloved children of Belo Horizonte, My Heart has favor and devotion for your little souls.  In truth, your permanent effort to accomplish My Call has opened the Doors of the Heart of God and He has permitted Me to return to this blessed city as many times as it is necessary.

I thank you, dear children, for being united in heart and soul to My Call!

I bless you on this special day of Glory and Marian celebration,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Divine Hope

Sunday, November 17 of 2013

Monthly Messages

My beloveds,

I come in Heart, in Spirit and in Divine Essence to announce the last time of Redemption for Earth.   I return occasionally to the world to give new opportunities to those who, over the centuries, have preferred to continue in deep sleep instead of awakening to the life of the spirit.

Today My Heart comes as bearer of the Spirit of God and of the Divine Will to place in each heart and in each consciousness the awakened purpose, the Will of God for each one of His creatures.

My beloveds, as Mother and Queen of Peace I come to sow in the world a project of Life and of Redemption so that a divine and supreme life may bloom in the heart of humans, a divine and supreme life, a life of Love idealized by the Creator of all things.

But so that this purpose is manifested even those who are considered awake must convert their lives, because in this path of eternal and infinite transformation there will always be something guarded in the interior to be converted and redeemed.

Today I announce to the world the possibility of a new life, a life that is gestated in each heart, and that matures in one’s own interior  before it is manifested in matter.

Many, over the centuries, have tried to manifest in matter a spiritual and sacred life, but they have forgotten that before everything this life must be mature in the inner essence of the being.

For this, the Divine Messengers of God arrive in this planetary moment, that announce the happenings of the world, and announce the Will of God so that through His word, His silence and His simple presence, they may transform the inner world of creatures.

My beloveds, if today the new life seems to you something distant it is because you still need to make it mature in your own inner world.  The signs of a life that matures is the vision of the impossible and of the unreachable, as something totally within reach of your hearts.

For an essence that is awake the impossible stops existing, because the awakening makes it contemplate the greatness of God and of His Universes, and before the Magnificence of Creation nothing is impossible to them.

For this today I say to you that, in prayer, do not contemplate the world as your eyes can see it, but rather, contemplate it as your essences can idealize it.   In this way, through the intention and through creative thought you will find the Divine Archetype and will help God in the manifestation of this Archetype in the material life.

My beloved and little children, great is the mystery guarded in the Celestial Universe, but if you trust My words and feed the pure intention of living them, you will be able to perceive in your hearts and, through this love, you will be prepared for the glorious Return of My Son and for the new life with Him on this Sacred Land.

I thank today each one of My children of Belo Horizonte because once more you have opened the doors of the heart so that My presence may come to redeem the world.

Through the devotion of your hearts, God finds breath and Peace; He finds the possibility of pouring His Mercy HHhover the world.

I bless you.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Sunday, November 17 of 2013


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:

Once again, Heaven responds to the call of Its children, this is to live peace in the heart.

Dear children, with joy, today I bring you My maternal blessings, and with predilection I keep your intentions in My Heart so that you know that I hear them attentively.

Today I also thank My children for having brought these images that, at the end, I will bless, so that you may take My Maternal Grace to your homes.

The world lives a time of peace, My children, which is also a time of Grace for all, a time of effort and learning experiences, in which souls must mature from the heart.

You must unite, in this time, to My Immaculate Heart, so that you may follow the steps directly to My Son.

In profound joy, today My Heart rejoices for listening to My children in the prayer of the heart.

If today I return here, to Belo Horizonte, dear children, it is because the Plans of God are perfect for this final time.

God wants to build your inner dwellings so that when My Son returns with His Beloved Mother, you may receive Him in peace and in goodness.

God also wants to build your homes and your families, so that the Presence of His Most High Heart may be among your family members, as it was in the beginning with the Sacred Family. 

Today, the Queen of Peace radiates Her Peace to the world and also listens to the supplications of Her children, especially of those who are distant from this place.

I thank you, dear children, for contributing, in this final time, with the prayer for the brothers and sisters from the Philippines. Africa also needs your prayers, and consequently, the whole world.

The oceans also need your prayers. Every life that was created by God needs your sincere prayer. Today I make a simple request to you, dear children, because it is necessary for the world to change in time. 

My Immaculate Heart comes to assist all souls. It waits for My children to be able to return to the Heart of My Son, because many souls are lost day by day. Many of My children follow paths that are incorrect, I only watch over them in the silence of prayer.

In this time, I strongly need you, dear children. God expects you to awaken to this new call that My Heart is proclaiming throughout America. 

Also, dear children, the needs are found within many of My children, the little ones, who need the perfect education from their parents so that, in this definitive time in which modernity influences souls, they are able to grow in the Spirit of God, in the life of prayer within the family.

Thus, in this time, they will be protected and their paths of faith will open to find good and precious things among the most beloved beings, that also need to heal and redeem their heart in this era.

Now, I need in this time, dear children, that your arms be wide open so that the heart may feel the Words that Heaven sends you in this era. As in Fatima, Lourdes and now in Medjugorje, I come to announce more time of peace on Earth.

Dear children, prayer is very urgent in order for the world to be helped. If many of my children do not pray the prayer of the heart, who will be able to help humanity?

God sends His Divine Messengers so that souls may take safe steps in the Light.

You may count on the help of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Saint Joseph, who ardently wait for the help of your prayers in order to spread peace in other regions of the world, especially where there is misery and lack of love. 

Dear children, the world is populated with many things, good things and not so good things.

I invite you to follow the path of the Gospel so that, in this time of trials, your hearts may perceive the truth and the lie, and decide for the path of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit that will give you strength in this time of transition.

Always, I keep you within My Maternal Heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My beloved ones, My presence in the world has the spiritual purpose of establishing a longer time of redemption.

Therefore, I want you to know that when your souls are before My Presence, you contemplate before the heart two doors to be chosen: one of them leads you to Paradise, to a life of peace and mercy, and the other door, My children, confuses your hearts, submerging them into the illusions of the world. 

Today I tell you that an opportunity of awakening is being offered to all your consciousnesses.

My heart reaches, in this time, many places in the world and I make Myself visible to many hearts, including of this nation, Brazil, so that as many souls as possible may enter My Kingdom. It is only necessary, My children, that you discover My Heart and allow to mature, in each one of your essences, the Divine Purpose that I bring through different manifestations to the world.

Today, I tell you that the illusions of the world confuse your hearts, because the modernities and all the pleasures that matter offers you attract the personalities of your beings, My children. But it is necessary, in this time, that you listen to the clamor of your souls and allow it to be stronger and more intense than material desires.

Today, My dear ones, I send to each of your hearts a ray of My Mercy so that all faults that you have committed throughout time may be forgiven and, as members of humanity, you may receive the opportunity of living a new life, a life of redemption.

If you accept, My dear, having your essences clean before God, you will be able to open your eyes to new universes, new concepts of truth, which today are unknown to most beings.

I only ask you to be truly brave, so that the power of your souls may manifest in matter and lead each of your beings along this path of redemption.

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I will always wait for you to remain in My Immaculate Heart. And I have the aspiration, dear children, that all your families may reconsecrate themselves to the Sacred Family of Nazareth, so that the Spirit of the Three Sacred Hearts may remain among you, in your dwellings and in your hearts.

While My Spirit rejoices, It blesses and heals you profoundly; It erases from your hearts all debts, all suffering, all pain. Because, as a Mother of all hearts and Queen of Peace, I want My children to be happy, to be participants in this celestial happiness that is to be found in the Kingdom of God and, as you know, My little ones, this Kingdom has already  been announced by My Son, and it will be announced again in His expected Return to Earth.

Now I invite you, dear children, to build this dwelling through prayer.

God expects to be consoled through sacrifice, fasting, prayer and mainly, through the perfect Communion with My Son. The first true Communion, dear children, is to be found in the union of your hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 

This alliance, which you can build through prayer and trust in Christ, is invincible; no one can defeat it because the victory of Christ is to eternally remain in your essences. 

Many of My children, in this time of the world, should recognize purity, humility and all the attributes that have been gestated in the Sacred Hearts since the beginning, when We were among you helping Our humanity.

Because, dear children, despite being in Heaven now, and My Spirit coming to speak to you, We will return in a coming time to re-establish the Thousand Years of Peace upon the Earth.

Dear children, today I say goodbye with joy and devotion, and I thank My children from Belo Horizonte for opening the doors of their hearts to Me again. For only through the heart and the perfect union with God no one will fear, but will rise to continue walking despite the falls.

For this reason, My Son was among you, took your crosses to liberate you and give you His Mercy, so that you could live in peace. Seek the Infinite Mercy of My Son, the wellspring is open for those who thirst.

And now, I will bless these images, dear children, and since we are in the era of the Holy Spirit, may the Luminous Bird fly over your spirits; the one that in Pentecost, brought Peace to the world and the evangelization of the Sacred Words of Christ throughout the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

May the Light and the Healing of God remain in your hearts. Carry on, the Father awaits you.


Song: "Ave Luminosa"


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady is asking us to pray for the peace in the nations, it is Her last request tonight. Let us pray a Hail Mary in each language, so that all the nations may be in the Heart of our Mother.

Prayer: "Glory"

Song: "Ave, Ave, Ave María"

Song: "María, Madre Divina"

Wednesday, November 13 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Enter into prayer in My Merciful arms, for just as God sends tests to His children, He also sends the consolation you need to overcome them. There is no pain in the world that cannot be alleviated.

The Will of the Lord was that His creatures, through the living example of His Son, would be able to learn through love, but the choice of the human consciousness was to learn through suffering.

My dear ones, the Heart of God also suffers because of pouring out Justice upon His children, but the Lord respects the free will of His creatures and knowns how necessary it is that humanity grow and mature in its heart and spirit.

What takes place with humankind is still little for balancing all the evil caused by humankind itself with their fellow beings and with all the kingdoms, of which you should be guardians.

My beloveds, God is Love and is infinite Forgiveness; His Mercy never ceases to stream over the world, but it is necessary to want with the heart and ask the Father that this Sublime Source to be poured out over the Earth.

Today I come to the world to bring you encouragement once again. Each time My feet touch the Earth, it is to carry under My Mantle the souls that said 'yes' and the souls that, through the intercession of others, were able to be liberated from the darkness in which they found themselves.

Ignorance darkened the life of human beings and closed hearts to the existence of the sublime and the sacred; for this reason, it is necessary that those who receive the Light of Wisdom and of Divine Knowledge, those whose paths were illumined by the Mercy of Christ, be the new light for humanity. The only thing I ask of you so that this may happen is that you pray, but truly pray, with intention, with fervor, with the heart ablaze in the cry you raise on behalf of the world.

Do not allow, My children, the darkness which covers the world to cover your eyes again. Keep on the path that takes you to the Heart of Christ, so that through Him you may find God.

My beloveds, on this day I tell you that it is possible that the Plan of redemption of all consciousnesses may be fulfilled, and in the face of the unpredictability of hearts, it is possible that this Plan be accomplished through the Divine Love in your hearts. For this, it is necessary that those who have already removed the blindfold from their eyes, also remove it from their heart and their consciousness, and go ever deeper in that unveiling of the Love of God in His Son.

Love what God gave to the world through Christ and seek that Love with all your strength and with the total aspiration of your lives. In this way, you will find a sure path of consecration.

I do not know what you fear, since the only thing I bring you is the Love and the Peace of My Kingdom. Just allow yourselves to receive those Divine Graces, and in this way, I will be able to show you the Power that God sends through His Messengers.

These are the times to truly open up, to give of yourselves to the Lord completely. Present your faces before God, so that the Sacred Seals be impressed upon your forehead, and thus awaken the Living Christ within each one.

May the pain of your neighbor awaken love in your hearts and that, through the awakening of the nations, suffering in the world will no longer be necessary.

If you help Me in My Plan of Peace, I will be able to reach where My Peace is extremely necessary, and little by little, remove from the abysses of the world those who committed to Me and to God for the end of times.

Work with love and perpetually pray.

To those who are waking up, do not stop your steps and continue to grow in spirit and in awareness, for the path offered to you is eternal.

I thank you for being with Me in prayer!

Your beloved Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all nations of the whole world

Wednesday, November 13 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Today, My Heart listens to the supplications of the innocent and the poor.

Today, My spiritual Soul embraces those who have suffered the most from chaos and destruction. 

Today I announce Myself to your hearts as the Lady of Akita, to remind you that My Immaculate Heart belongs to the entire world and today, especially, to all of Asia.

Dear children, I remind you that once, not so long ago, the Lord sent me in pilgrimage to Japan to transmit an important call to conversion, prayer and peace.

Today, in a time of great emergencies for all, My Son Jesus has asked Me to tell you the truth as the good Mother of all, although the truth may be painful as it was for Me in the Mount Calvary.

I want to help you, assist you, prevent you and advise you that, in this cycle, it will be necessary to transform yourselves so that the world may also transform itself and become consecrated once again to the original Project of God.

Beloved children, you have seen that your planet suffers with each new movement and that these catastrophes take away the precious and innocent lives of many souls.

This is why today I ask you, My dear ones, that you open your eyes to the call of the Light that comes from Heaven. While you, without perceiving it, share My Kingdom of Peace, on the other side of the world souls die and disappear from the surface of the Earth.

God desires to spread the absolute devotion to My Immaculate Heart, and in Akita, Japan, I have transmitted an important call to transform the actions of the consciousnesses, just as since 1981 My Voice made Itself be heard in all of Africa through the Apparitions of Rwanda.

Now, I am among you. Would it be for some reason? What is it that your Most High Father wants to say to to you through My Holy Presence, in South America as well as Medjugorje?

As it has always been, humanity matures after everything has happened, but now, I ask you that, out of love, you awaken in time for the Truth that Heaven wants to reveal to you; it will be this Sacred Truth that will prepare you for the return of My Son to the Earth.

Dearest children of Mine, today I also invite you to love the sacrifice you make for the reparation of the offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, I call on you to make a little more effort, although it may seem to you that the forces of the inner will disappear.

Little ones, the world is coming to a culminating moment, because after My Apparitions, here in South America and in Medjugorje, the times on Earth will change and humanity will have to prepare for the Universal Judgement.

Now, on the eve of my special arrival to the Marian Center of Aurora, on this 13th day, the Lady of Heaven prays for the innocent and condemned souls, saying:

Prayer for the innocent souls

Prayer to be recited on Mondays and
Thursdays to help in the relief of the worldwide situation.
Most High Lord of Mercy,
contemplate within Your Powerful Heart,
the need for peace and for redemption
in all souls that live upon the Earth.
Oh, Savior of Mine!,
God of Love and of Truth,
Separate my children from the eternal punishment
and elevate, with My Offer, the lost hearts.
Oh, Wise Father of Light!,
find in each essence the Light that comes from you
and accept the offerings of love
that we deposit on Your Sacred Altar,
because together with My Son Jesus Christ,
the King of kings and Lord of absolute Love,
we promise, now and always,
to consecrate Your loving humanity.
Listen now, Lord, to Your faithful Messenger.
Observe with Your paternal Gaze,
the flight of the Bird of the Holy Spirit;
because the rays of Pity and of Compassion,
that flow out from Your Most Holy Heart,
will redeem all of the Earth
so that, together with Your Angels and Archangels
We may glorify You for all eternity.

I thank you for always responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of Akita

Wednesday, November 13 of 2013


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I come to bring the world a Message of Peace and of Joy. The time of Grace is possible for all, dear children.

God grants His children what they ask; for this reason, I ask for awareness.

I Am your Little Mother, the Queen of Peace; take My requests into your hearts. In this way, you will be able to immediately be in My arms and see that the safety I promise you is a celestial safety, a Maternal and Pure Love that does not come from this world, but rather from the Universe of God.

Thus, dear children, open your arms to take My Graces into your hearts. It is only through the center of the heart, dear children, that you will be able to experience the Eternity of God, the true promise of the New Earth that many souls seek but few see, that many souls seek on other paths where God is not found.

For this reason, you who are awake, dear children, open your eyes to see the Truth I give you, the Truth of the Love of God, the Simplicity of God and His Great Humility in all the universes.

If you embrace the Humility of God, dear children, the world will be able to change the lack of humility in many of My children of this world.

The great disaster of humanity is bringing huge consequences, because souls forget to dedicate their lives to prayer. Throughout time, dear children, I only ask you: remember prayer.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night, I thank you for having responded to My call for prayer; thus, I tell you that I wish it were not necessary that My children suffer so that you ask for Mercy.

My children, I want you to carry into your hearts and consciousnesses this fervor with which you prayed during this entire night, with which you asked God for Mercy and came to His Feet, because it is in that way that I want to see you praying all the time.

I want you to never lose the fervor of your hearts, that true cry that comes from within you in face of the needs of the world. I want you to know that many needs exist that are unknown to your eyes, but that the Heart of God feels each day.

To restore the Heart of the Lord and for the salvation of all souls, you must pray beyond the events of the world, for in this way, My children, even the events that are still being generated in the universe because of the actions of human beings, will be able to be dissolved by your prayers.

Today, I only tell you to trust in My call and that you respond to this motherly request, knowing that My Eyes cover the whole world and far beyond this material plane. Day and night, My Heart contemplates the need of each soul of the Earth.

When the Lord gives Me the opportunity, as the Luminous Bird, I enter the abysses to rescue souls that need Mercy. But many of My children are submerged in ignorance, in a darkness of the consciousness and of the heart. Thus, their only hope is that other hearts open and pray for those souls they do not know.

In your hearts, My children, place all the intentions of God, Who contemplates each space of the universe and feels in His own Heart the pain of each of His creatures. Regard the Heart of God through fervent prayer, through fraternal actions that balance the lack of fraternity in the world.

It is for this reason, My children, that at this time I ask you live in community, and I need the members of these communities to be able to live a truly fraternal life, to be able to provide examples of humility and of faith, dissolving the differences that exist between hearts and cultivating the true love My Son left on the Earth.

If you open in this way, the Spirit of God will be able to place the archetype of the new life on Earth in each of your consciousnesses, so the Light-Communities of My Son are able to be a living seed of this life, a preparation for the new time, in which all of humanity will be able to find encouragement and peace.

My children, today I tell you that I aspire that everybody be able to find the refuge they seek in the Light-Communities; that those children of Mine that are lost in material life and seek for a spiritual life be able to find relief for their soul and the awakening of their spirit in this place.

Thus, I tell you, My children, that besides prayer, you must live a life of love, and in this way, balance all the events of the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

You know, dear children, that God has power over all things, but at this time, God wants to reveal the power of Love to you, that which transforms and changes the heart completely.

Dear children, with this I want to tell you that My visionary children and the collaborators of My Marian Work are experiencing needs to be able to fulfill My call.

That is why today, dear children, by the authority God has given Me and in light of the Graces I have poured out in these last five years, I ask you, dear children, to help from the heart, that you feel with your heart what I am managing to stop in the Americas, and mainly in Europe.

All these events which occur, dear children, are wounds in the Heart of God. For this reason, He has allowed Me to intercede with the fullness of the Grace and the Immaculate Love He gave Me, in life, when I was with you on Earth.

If this Work were not able to continue, dear children, I will come back here, to Aurora, at the end of the months of November and December. The Apparitions will not be able to be in Brazil, because the triangulation I am building between Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil would become weaker, and thus you would suffer many things, because with so few children, I must carry out great planetary Works.

Today, dear children, as Mother, I confess to you; because a good Mother knows Her children, and a good disciple knows their Master. Thus, I call on you, dear children, so you are able to help Me; if not, My Work will stop.

I thank you!

Go in peace and walk in faith, because faith will transform the events.

From the beginning, I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will finish, at the request of Our Mother, doing the prayer we know of the Celestial Father so that the Plans of God can be accomplished and restored.

Celestial Father Who guides us all,

Accept our offer of surrender to You.

Guide us on the path of love,

so Your Will may be done.


Tuesday, November 12 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Open your eyes to see the Sun that now is born in your little lives, for the one who is able to see and feel that Sun of the new time will be healed by the Divine Light that comes and redeems through its rays of profound Mercy.

My dear children, these are no longer times of suffering for those who have found the Divine Mercy of My Son Jesus. These are no longer times of lamentation for those who in their spirits celebrate so many years of Graces received.

On this day, I come to deepen in your hearts, souls and essences, the contact with Me, so that you may feel this union within your consciousnesses, as you did not feel before. In this way, I will dispel all doubts and all the pain of those who were unable to draw  closer  to My Heart. The only thing I need is for you to truly open up.

At this moment, in which My Presence once again withdraws from the world, I want to leave engraved in your hearts that the Light of My Sun is eternal and will never go out. Thus, do not rest and do not give up if for some reason you should experience times of tribulation.

In the face of difficulties in your life, seek that healing Sun that I allowed to be born in your essences, so that it may light up your paths and, further, light up the paths of those who are lost in the darkness of their own ignorance.

With profound joy in My Divine Heart, I approach My beloved children, and within your essences, I find the divine codes that so long ago I placed there, so that in current times and in the future, you could accomplish the Mission of Love that God entrusted to you.

My beloveds, when My Presence is no longer in your hearts in such a resounding way as it is today and in the end times, know that it is because you will already be prepared to experience the trials of life on your own  and, before God, bring to light all the teachings you received.

As a good Mother, I have been shaping My little children, externally and internally, and even though you may not  perceive it today, when the moment comes to act, you will see the necessary tools emerge from within and what I say today will come to your memory. 

Through daily and merciful prayer you will mature, in your consciousness, the luminous results of My Presence in your lives. If you are persistent, besides the external impulses you receive, and making use of every inner impulse you received, you will be able to see built in the spirit the strength you need to cross the threshold of life between the old and the new human.

Always count on the presence of the Holy Spirit, which will always invisibly aid you. In the Universe, the Holy Spirit represents the permanent Mercy of God and His eternal Grace for all His creatures. It is through the Holy Spirit that the Lord acts permanently in His children, and irrespective of all actions taken, one who repents in their heart and opens in spirit, will receive the Grace of the awakening and the redeemed return to their Celestial Origin.

Today I tell you, My beloveds, that these are times to lift up the eyes to the Sun that is being born and rises over the horizon, and hold this divine lighthouse as the only goal in your lives. Walk steadfastly toward that Sun of Eternal Grace, and do not look to the sides nor behind, nor to yourself. With your gauze firmly fixed on the Living Christ, contemplate His Return, His new birth in life on Earth.

I eternally thank you for being united at this time to My Heart and aiding in My Plan of Salvation for souls.

I love you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, November 12 of 2013

Monthly Messages

Hear Me son, hear Me daughter,

Take from My Heart the Light that belongs to you; in this way, in the dark night, you will strengthen your little spirit.

Gather within yourself the wise powers of prayer and participate in the commands of Heaven.

Stop crying before Me; you know that I am your powerful Mother of the Universe; you know I am your incandescent Star that perpetually shines for the good and for the peace of the whole world.

Listen carefully; you know that My powers are emanations of infinite Love; you know that My Light comes from a cell of the Light of God.

I am the Mother of all souls, I am the Star that illumines the castaways during the night, I am the Patroness of all the nations of the world.

Enter now the universe of My Peace, stay there without expecting anything in return, because the Lord will reveal His precious Greater Will to you. On this day, let your arms be open so that I, your Mother, can embrace you and draw you closer to My Immaculate Heart, where only Peace, Purity and Mercy exist.

Stay close to My Spirit, and feel the breath and the breeze of the Luminous Bird that, through Its Divine Rays, brings the living signs of Mercy, forgiveness and conversion.

You can address Me in complete trust; I will always be your Shield against the innumerable attacks of life. Submerge now into My restoring Source, let your Immaculate Mother wash your face and your feet, so that soon, the new being at the Thrones of the Most High may be reborn.

Walk at My side, for in this way, I will walk at your side; thus, I will be able to point out the sure steps to you when you simply remember to unite with My Heart in prayer.

Today, I would like to transmit this message to all My children, but many have lost an absolute faith in the Universal Mother.

For what I have said, let no heart become sad, but rather, be joyful for being able to be aware of My great motherly Task.

Follow the steps that My bare feet have taken; enter now into the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God, and receive the Love in this time that will heal your past and your heart.

Remember, I am your precious Mother. My beauty comes from the Divine Love of God. My purity comes from the sublime essence of celestial roses. My virginity comes from the first Project of God.

Follow My example, be in likeness to Me. Transcend the barriers that you have put in place in your life. I will help you to become free from the ties that shackle your walking.

I will cut the chains with the sword of Mercy and I will give you the torch of Universal Light; in this way, you will become consecrated to Me as a new soldier who out of love, will give their life for their friends. Whoever gives their life and their time for their brothers and sisters will be a good apostle of Christ, an apostle of redemption.

Look to infinity and glimpse the greatness of the stars in the firmament, and confirm your faith every day; the one who is in God, can do all things in spite of the falls and errors.

Stand up and walk toward My Son. He awaits your prayer, so that the new apostles may emerge.

Gladden your day; the Kingdom of God is drawing closer and will bless you now and always. The Doors of Heaven are open for those who simply say 'yes'.

I thank you for entering today into My motherly Heart!

Mary, Queen of Peace and the Supreme Love of God

Saturday, November 2 of 2013

Weekly Messages
Weekly Message of Mary, Mother of the Most Sacred Eucharistic Body of Christ, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My beloved children,

Today I come to teach you to commune of the Most Sacred Body of Christ, as a unique and renewing act for each of your lives. I thus invite you to discover the mysteries held in the Eucharist, a source of redemption and transfiguration for all souls.

At the moment when your beings prepare to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ, the whole universe, in its omnipresence, observes the Earth, and the angels that live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, as well as the angels that live over the Earth, gather together in praise of the King of the Universe.

Your souls glorify God, and your spirits are allowed to be closer to matter, when your bodies are before the most sacred act of communing.

In profound reverence, at the altar that holds the Body of Christ, the angels prostrate themselves in light of His Grace and open the Heavens, so that the merciful gaze of My Glorified Son may reach the world.

Each time you commune with Christ, a door opens onto the sacred space where His Consciousness contemplates Infinity, and with eternal Love for humanity, Christ sends a Christic molecule of His Consciousness to the Earth so that it may multiply and permeate all the souls that open to His Miracle of eternal Love.

My dear ones, today I reveal a mystery to you that is simple, but that to many is incomprehensible. Through My Words, I want you to be aware in each moment of communion with Christ, no matter how simple it may be; because in this way, in reverence, you will also be communing with all of the universal movement, and the Creator, through the Body and the Blood of Christ, will be able to transform each one of His creatures.

Those of you who, communion after communion, cultivate within yourselves a pure and true heart, simple and humble, will allow this Christic molecule to expand throughout the spaces of the consciousness and light up the inner abysses that each one has in the silence of their own inner world.

The most ingrained miseries of the human heart and all those habits that you are incapable of transforming on your own, must be offered to the Body and the Blood of Christ, because His Body is here to take the place of the old body, and His Blood will wash away the stains from the heart, the cells and the spirit, and will allow a new code of light to permeate your bodies and dwell there.

For the transformation of all of humanity and for the consecration of the world to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, commune daily, with a purity of intention, with love, being renewed, in this way, before Christ and before God, Who observe you each day.

I love you and I lead you to the Heart of My Son Jesus.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother of the Most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Christ

Saturday, November 2 of 2013

Weekly Messages
Weekly Message received of the Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Blessed, transmitted at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

On the eve of the anniversary of the weekly Messages transmitted by My Immaculate Heart, today I call on you to remember all the teachings that I have communicated during this last year, and I also ask for the collaboration of the pilgrims for the publication of the first book with all the daily Messages, which I will bless on December 25 of this year, because I promise to come on that day with Christ.

On the eve of the anniversary of the weekly Messages, these sacred but simple instructions will become monthly, thus fulfilling the request of your Lord, of also appearing the third Saturday of each month to guide you and accompany you. After a year has passed of monthly Messages, My task with you will go through a withdrawal; that means, dear children, that afterwards, My coming will be once a month, in the coming year of 2014.

But if your hearts do not lose the devotion and the love with which you honor My Immaculate Heart, the Lady of the Solar Universe will also be able to visit you in a special way.

Beloved children, today I declare this communication to you because you know that My Apparitions throughout the centuries have had a cycle and a specific time. But today I want you to strengthen that union with Me, for in this way, more hearts will be activated in prayer and will thus be responding to My celestial call.

On this day of Mercy, I want to thank you for the persistence and the effort you made in the life you gave to this, My Marian Center of Figueira, as well as the fruits you have cultivated through each Marian meeting on the Hill.

I invite the other  Marian Centers to join and practice the same rhythms of devotion that you have at the Marian Center of Figueira. In this way, your hearts will work on your fraternity and in the end times you will not feel alone even for a moment.

Dear children, today the Queen of Peace thanks you for this spiritual moment that you share with Me, because the life of a Marian Center is built and evolves through the steps of love that My children decide to take.

Today, the Marian Center of Figueira is carrying out its greater task from the spiritual universe. Thus, now I ask that the members of this Center work and organize a monthly pilgrimage to the Hill of Apparitions, for the simplest of the simple; so that in honor of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, for Me they pray the Holy Rosary for Peace in the inner self of all the beings of the Earth. This pilgrimage can include the precious procession of candles and the songs that I always listen to from the top of the Hill.

Beloved children, may the impulse of living the peace of the heart be ever stronger, for the whole world has need of your beautiful prayers.

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call!

Peace to you all,

Mary, Queen of the Blessed

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
