Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:
On this day of Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem, let us prepare ourselves, in solemnity and reverence, to receive our King, through the song “Pater Noster.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The day of Universal Judgment has come, and, each day that passes, this moment draws closer to humanity. But do not think that this moment, this great universal event, could be a punishment for the planet or for all its inhabitants.
This is the time of correction so that the energy of impunity and world injustice may be eradicated from the human consciousness and, in this way, it may liberated from all inhabitants of the surface of the planet.
For this reason, this day is approaching, and all of you see, with your own eyes, these events happening, which are very painful for the Eternal Father, very inexplicable situations for millions of souls throughout the world.
But on this day, when you receive Me and glorify Me, once again, I come to grant you spiritual amnesty, not only for those present, but also for all who are hearing Me at this moment and who believe in the Word of the Lord.
For this reason, we are, not only as a planet, but also as a universe, at a great moment of inflection, when the powerful currents of the universe, through the manifestation of the Angels and Hierarchies, silently activate to help humanity at this moment.
And although, at this moment, war, persecution and death are the news throughout the world:
Rise up, companions, because the day of your redemption is near!
Rise up, companions, because the Heavens will open when I return to the world!
Rise up, companions, and sustain with faith the banner of My Peace!
You have come, at this time and at this moment, to live these events for Me. For this reason, as My sacred sheep and as My beloved apostles, you will be placed by Me wherever I may need you; this will allow Your Master and Lord to enter those places in the world that are most in need, not only of Ppeace, but also of Mercy.
In this Sacred Week, which is culminating, but also definitive for Me, I invite you to enter the same Christic Spirit of Love so that compassion in your lives may show and reveal to you the true necessity of these times, which, as you know, My beloveds, is not limited to your purifications and tests, but also includes the mandatory need to serve Me, to announce Me and to testify to Me in the place of the world where I might need it so.
For this reason, what is most important in this Sacred Week, besides the fact that your hearts already have to be ready, is that your hearts must already be open to listen to Me, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain alive and hidden in the hearts that trust Me.
Now that you are at the doors of the Temple of the Father's Celestial Church, let us prepare this moment, blessing this altar that you have offered to My Heart, through a loving yet simple offering of two souls that I have chosen so that, on behalf of humanity and on behalf of My beloved Africa, you may glorify the Lord, at the doors of the New Jerusalem, where all are being contemplated and received by the Celestial Father, Adonai, through the Presence of your Master and Lord.
I invite you to stand up.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And at this moment, let us bring the incense that, at the beginning of this Sacred Week, will be offered to Our Lord by the sisters from Ethiopia, Martha and Tseguereda. You may come here, before Our Lord.
Let us keep concentrated, at the request of Christ, so that our consciousnesses do not become disconnected from Him, but rather that, through Him, we may sustain this moment of planetary intervention on the first day of the Sacred Week, which Our Lord today blesses and opens for all.
Today, My Heart gathers here the universality of all peoples and races, which, throughout times and generations, have participated in the sacred opportunity of the Project of God, through different cultures, races and peoples, just as it was with the people of Israel.
This incense that you are offering today to your Master and Lord represents the greatest offering for this cycle that prepares the Return of Christ, when the souls of the world unite to Me, to prepare this sacred moment of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Lord of the world.
For this reason, this incense, brought from the lands of Ethiopia, not only glorifies the Lord, as it was in the Grotto of Bethlehem, but it also prepares the great planetary moment during Good Friday, when your Master and Lord will again die so that you may have abundant life and live through Me.
I sanctify these elements, just as I sanctify this altar and all who are listening at this moment.
May hope awaken again within you, hope that will lead you to Peace and the Light of God, because the end of calvary is near, and you will participate with me in the Sacred Table of the Return of Christ where, together with the angels, saints and blessed ones, you will eternally enjoy the Presence of the Lord.
May the bell towers of the Cosmos sound. May the doors and dimensions open at this very moment so that, through Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel the Archangel and Saint Raphael the Archangel, souls may receive, in the depths of their being, My impulses of Christification and holiness, for the victory and triumph of My Heart, for the centuries to come. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Christ is asking the sisters to pray Our Father in Aramaic, as an offering for the important task that He will have in Africa, through this Work, in some countries of that continent, and so that many more African nations may receive the regenerative codes of Love and Forgiveness.
Through these consciousnesses, your Master and Lord blesses all exiled and refugees throughout the world, especially those who flee wars, dangers and adversity, so that, in My Name and for My Name, they may rebuild their lives and families forever. Amen.
“Adonai, Beloved Father,
who listens, in Your silence,
to the voices of Your children, who cry for You,
sanctify this altar and all the elements
that will be offered on these days
to remember the Passion of their Master and Lord,
for the Redemption and Peace of the entire human race.
May the doors to evil be closed.
May the doors of the Light open
so that the angels may descend
and grant Eternal Life, at this moment,
to all consciousnesses.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
“Most Holy Father of the Universe,
You, who have the power to resurrect all life,
You, who have the power to heal all hearts,
You, who have the power to again raise all Your creatures,
through the water that You have created
in the image and likeness of Your children,
bless the whole world,
bless all those who listen
and, especially, bless, Lord,
all those who flee wars seeking peace,
so that those who take refuge in Your Heart,
through the humble and simple refugees,
may be recognized, honored, respected and loved,
just as You love them, Lord.
Because I have promised to You, Eternal Father,
to return, first for all of them,
so that they may participate with Me in the joy of the New Earth.”
I withdraw into the hearts that listen to Me.
I find relief in the hearts that embrace Me.
I rejoice in the hearts that receive Me.
I rest in the hearts that open.
Thus, I sanctify all that I touch, in order to glorify the Lord, the God of the Universe.
Thus, I prepare you for the coming times so that, together with me, you may build the bases of redemption for the good of the world, for the peace of humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us celebrate, at this moment, the Holy Eucharist, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, on this first day of the Sacred Week, we will celebrate this moment, at the request of Christ, for all refugees so that, at the request of Our Lord, they may be heard, welcomed and loved as a part of this living humanity. And Christ invites the sisters from Ethiopia to accompany us in this celebration. Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.
“Father, glorify all that You have created,
unify all that You have built
and accept this offering of the altar
so that You, Father, may be glorified, adored and honored
for the times to come
through the humble and simple hearts
that vivify and adore You.”
At the doors of the New Jerusalem, before the Angels and the Archangels, before all beings of goodwill that at this moment are congregated, by My Love, in this Sacred Week, I again offer the same sacrifice that I once offered you.
That moment that I shared with My apostles, today I share it with you again, taking the bread and offering it to the Father for it to be converted into My Body. Thus, I break it and again share it with all of Mine, saying to them, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that will be given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We adore the Body of Christ, for the redemption of the entire human race, so that the one thousand years of peace may be established.
In the same way, before this Supper ended, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to the Father so that it may be converted into My Precious and Divine Blood. Thus, I offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which today is shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We adore the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world, liberates us and grants us Peace.
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and, in an act of reverence, let us give peace to our brothers and sisters.
In this Sacred Week, I want to see and feel you with the same faith and conviction as the centurion, and that, before Me, with devotion and fervor, you may repeat this simple yet profound prayer:
I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ, let My companions rejoice, for I have promised reconciliation and life to them.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thus, we announce, in the Name of the Lord, the Spiritual Communion of all those congregated in the Love of Jesus who are present throughout the whole world.
And, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will accompany this moment of Communion of all those present, live, so that each one who is present at this moment of Communion with Christ may make their offering for this Sacred Week.
While the priestly brothers prepare to distribute the Communion, let us sing, as one heart and one voice, a song He has asked of us: “The Song of the Centurion.”
I want to convert your hearts into living tabernacles of My Love, because My aim is that you may be instruments of My Father so that I can heal the Earth and thus renew the planet. This is My aspiration for each one of you.
I thank you for having responded to Me, and, in this Holy Week, may your essences receive the Codes of My Passion for the redemption of the entire human race.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You may go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Those who in the past announced the coming of the Messiah are those who today announce My Return to the world.
The last Scriptures are being fulfilled and this goes beyond human understanding.
My Celestial Church is preparing to descend in all its glory during the month of August; a final culminating moment for humanity.
Today, the domes of My Church and the high towers of the Sacred Cathedral of God are beginning to be built in this place in order to be able to help the whole world from this Center of Love.
Through your prayers, your souls are consciously preparing to participate in the descent of the Celestial Church, which will come like the New Jerusalem, with the power of all the Heavens, with the glory of the whole universe.
The sacred Celestial Church, in its non-material aspect, will touch the Earth for a few days and, in the inner worlds, it will resonate and call upon the last, who will be self-summoned to be present for My Return.
Israel will again have an opportunity, and that ancient people that walked in the desert will no longer search for the Promised Land, for it is within each one of you, in what you truly are, rather than in what you appear to be.
Today, the first domes of My Celestial Church are built by the angels of the universe, and by the order of the archangels, they also call the souls that will avail themselves of this precious and last impulse that will emerge from My Sacred Heart.
Feel the coming of My Celestial Church and the revelation of its sacred treasures, which are kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant. They will no longer be distant from souls, rather they will be part of the souls that, throughout the end times, have trusted in My Word and in My Presence.
The Mystical Body of Christ will be strengthened after this final school, which was experienced throughout these last years, in which your consciousnesses were participants in My Graces and in My Mercies.
The Celestial Church, which will descend in the month of August, will administer the sacraments to the last self-summoned. They will be those who, together with you, will build the unity and brotherhood so awaited for by the world. And that impulse will be so strong that the other religions will feel it, even the atheists and the non-believers.
In the descent of My Celestial Church, the last doors of salvation will open and souls will be called to gather and assemble at the center of My Altar, where the Most Holy Trinity will be present, in union with all beings of goodwill.
It is there where the souls will understand what My Church is, the Church that I built two thousand years ago within the hearts of those who believed in the Messiah.
I will place My Stone Foundation upon you and I will release the evil from the darkness, and My Church will be erected through the brave hearts, the peacemakers, all those who unite with Me in truth and in transparency. And while within My Celestial Church, from your souls will emerge your gifts, you will know your talents and you will offer them to Me in light of the Glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit.
The Celestial Church will descend in the month of August and reach all homes throughout the world. Prepare your homes, announce to your families that the Grace of My Celestial Church will pierce your hearts
and fill your souls with My last impulses of Love and Redemption.
But some souls are already at the doors of My Church, together with the angels, building the sacred geometric shapes of My Spiritual Church; because everything will be offered, not only the construction of My Church in the heart of humankind, but also the efforts of those who will set out to work, with their hands as a gift, day and night, to build My Church in humanity.
And the archangels will write of this moment, and the offerings of the pure souls, although imperfect, that will be offered at the High Altar of My Heart, where the flame of faith is blazing and eternal.
And thus, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be placed upon the High Altar of My Celestial Church, and the sacred relics of the Passion of Christ will be able to be in the hands of those who always aspired to have them, to love My sacrifice and My surrender even more, to love each particle of My Blood and of My Water, for the redemption of the planet.
"O sacred Celestial Church, that descends upon the New Jerusalem, may your doors be opened, may the abysses be closed, may the angels with their trumpets call for those who were self-summoned to serve you and adore you through the Celestial Father. May the signs of your presence be heard in the inner worlds, may the impulses of your Grace be poured out like an inexhaustible fount upon those who cry out for relief and for healing.
O sacred Celestial Church, reveal your sacred shapes, your precious symbols, so that souls may recognize that you have always been there, in the universe, waiting for those who aspire to enter into you, to be in adoration and in prayer for the Love of Christ."
Before the last and great moment, humanity will become aware of what I came to do in the world, in this final time.
May the testimonies of your lives continue to be written by the humble Hand of God, so that His Love may multiply in the world and souls may find the peace of belonging to the Kingdom of God.
May your lives be the first pillars for the building of My Celestial Church in the month of August.
May your commitment and fidelity be the great dome that will express the beauty of the art of Creation and, in the end, may your hearts be the great offering of the Altar so that the price of the Blood of Christ, which was poured out in the world, be rectified and recognized by your transformation.
May your Guardian Angels silently follow this moment and guide you to the great meeting with My Celestial Church in the month of August.
Sister Amerisa, Our Lord calls you here.
"Today I want to announce to you, by the merits of your love and your striving for My Sacred Heart, in gratitude for the descent of My Celestial Church to this material plane, for all the moments that you have experienced and I have closely followed from the moment of your consecration, I want to tell you, sweet daughter of Mine, that your mother is with Me in Heaven and that, in the same way as many mothers that silently suffer in this world, she prays for them so that they too may achieve the Grace of the Blessing.
By the merits of the suffering of your mother, she has entered My Celestial Church, and together with the saints, she has been crowned as blessed.
Today I leave this testimony for the world, so that you may know that My Words are real and My Promises are kept in the hearts that strive for Me.
I bless you and thank you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Let us celebrate these last moments in union with the Eucharist and the Blood of the Lamb of God that today, once again, will be offered upon the altars of the Celestial Church, so that more souls and more hearts may be redeemed.
Bring the incense and the water here to be blessed.
In this moment and in this instant, in the presence of the Love of Christ and by the victorious merits of His Passion, as an act of thanks, in love and in reverence, let us offer our lives into His Hands as a testimony of our faith in Him. Let us do so now.
You may bring the altar.
Let us offer this moment so that, through the consecration of these elements, our lives may also be consecrated and deserving of the Mercy of Our Lord.
On the night when Jesus was to be given up, He took the bread, raised it, and gave thanks to the Father for the surrender that He would experience. He gave it so that it would be consecrated as His Divine Body. He then broke it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take it and eat, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)
Once the supper was ended, He took the Chalice and raised it to offer to the Father as a sacrifice for humanity, so that it could be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ. He then handed it to His companions, saying to them: "Take it and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be poured out by your Lord for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen. (Repeated three times in Portuguese)
The Body and the Blood of Christ.
In union with the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in union with the angels and the archangels, with the saints and the blessed, and with all beings of goodwill that work for peace and fraternity, we unite in prayer and in supplication, together reciting the prayer that Christ taught us.
Our Father (in Portuguese and in English)
May My Peace descend upon Earth and fill hearts with the Love of God.
"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed. Amen."
Sister Amerisa can come here.
And Our Lord, at this moment, in spiritual communion, unites with all our brothers and sisters of the world. We announce this spiritual communion with three rings of the bell.
May My Celestial Church, which is being built and is erected within your hearts, be perpetuated for these times, so that you may always find My Peace and the consolation of My Heart.
I bless you and your brothers and sisters under the redeeming Light of My Grace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I invite the whole world to sing a simple song that was born in this Marian Center, from a devout soul, to alleviate My Heart and that of My Father; you will sing: "Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that You may make of me Your Dwelling."
I thank you.
make of my heart Your new and eternal Jerusalem.
Enter into me with Your glory and majesty.
Direct Your steps towards the temple of my heart,
and, there, tear down every lie, vanity and selfishness,
all pride, arrogance and misery that separate me
from the true essence that dwells within me.
Allow this temple to become sacred through Your Presence,
Your Word and Your Heart.
Let Your Words find an echo within me
and, forever and ever,
may they resound in my consciousness
and become Life within my life.
May this Palm Sunday take place not only in memory but in the heart, in the consciousness and in the life of all the disciples of Christ.
You have My blessing for being the eternal and renewed dwelling place of the Lord.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
With the same simplicity as the sunrise every morning, so your own inner world illuminates, to live the Law of Transfiguration and enter the subtle world.
With the same gratitude that you feel for life, upon arriving in the sacred places, in this way you must enter them, so that you can experience healing and redemption on behalf of all of humanity.
It is in a simple way, children, that you can illuminate your cells and atoms, that you can elevate your own consciousness, not only to enter the Sacred Kingdoms that your Creator manifested within the Earth, but so that, in His time, when these Kingdoms manifest throughout the world, not only your consciousnesses but also each nucleus of your beings may be a part of this Kingdom.
The New Jerusalem not only dwells in the Divine Consciousness, in the universal, celestial and spiritual dimensions. This land, promised to the Patriarchs, to the Tribes of Juda, is also found within the Earth, split in different spaces of this planet, those known as Centers of Love. These Centers will merge someday, they will unite into one Kingdom, which will be the Kingdom of this world.
When the time of the Earth dissolves into the Time of God, the one known as the Real Time, in this moment there will be no borders, there will be no limits, there will not even be dimensions separating the human consciousness from the spiritual life that dwells within the planet.
All of this world will be sacred. And just as other civilizations of the Universe unconditionally serve all of Creation, the Earth as well, children, will be able to serve.
The time now arrives in which the veils will finish tearing. Veils that began to tear more than two thousand years ago, when the Son of God manifested Himself in this world.
He will come and He will no longer speak through symbols, He will no longer speak through parables. His Words will be clear and the signs that will come with His Presence will reveal the true life to each man and each woman of this world. We prepare you for this moment, so that you can be worthy of being face to face with the Son of God.
And let Him be like a mirror for you, which reveals the Truth to you, which for such a long time hid within your essences.
Yes, each one of you holds a mystery within yourselves. You do not even know who you are.
This truth that is much beyond your evolutionary history, much beyond the history that was written in the Universe as on the Earth, before you arrived here, before you committed so many errors and strayed from the Divine Purpose.
This original Truth, this perfect Thought of God, is still held in the depths of your essences; it still waits, silently, to be able to manifest.
Today we bring you here, as humanity, so that you may not only receive a revelation or experience a learning experience. We bring you here so that, on behalf of each being of this Earth, you can remember the true purpose of your life in this world.
Your essences pulsate before this sacred valley, because they recognize not only the billions of years of the history of humanity that is kept here. They recognize a Divine Purpose that was drawn here so that someday humanity could remember it.
At the request of God, we brought you here, to the Grand Canyon, not only for you to recognize the history of the original peoples of this land that you do not know. Not only for you to know that there have been beings in ancient times of humanity who lived the Law of Transfiguration and entered the interior of the planet, into its subtle dimensions.
We brought you here not only so that you could see a magnificent place that expresses the Love of God for humanity, when He created this perfect planet, so that the human beings could also express perfection.
We brought you here, children, because throughout all history of humanity, this sacred space kept unique human records. It kept each learning experience lived by the beings of this Earth, as a way so that some day they could heal all errors, reverse the mistakes and return to the origins of Divine Thought.
In this place, the Consciousness of God descends to place His perfect Thought.
In this place, the Divine Essence lights up, illuminating each register of the history of humanity that is kept here, in such a way as to remind all beings that the true purpose of humanity is to fulfill the Divine Will, manifest the Sacred through simplicity and express the Love that re-creates and renews the entire Creation of God.
Allow this Purpose to awaken in your essences, through My Words and My Presence, as a servant and messenger of your Creator.
Through the Portals that I open between the Celestial Universe and this world, I bring you the Light of God that illuminates all the registers of the Earth and reveals to you your purity and origins. This happens in the depths of your essences, this happens in your consciousness, in your spiritual levels.
Receive the Grace that descends upon the planet and radiates to all of humanity.
As from this new cycle, the history of each being, as well as of this Work, begins to be re-written, because you must learn to begin again through all the impulses that you have received.
Accept the forgiveness that comes from God and let all registers of errors be healed. Errors that you do not know, that do not come only from this world, but from all the history that was written in the Cosmos, before you arrived here.
Today you receive the Grace that comes from the Heart of the Creator so that this history may be renewed and so that, as consciousnesses, as a Work and as humanity, you can take a new step. This is the true purpose for you having come here.
The knowledge of the sacred life that is expressed here elevates your consciousnesses so that you may be in the correct vibration in order to receive and experience the Forgiveness of God.
The Light of your Creator illuminates this valley, illuminates the history of humanity written here, and, furthermore, permeates each human consciousness.
The moment has come, not only to awaken, not only to remember, but also to be healed.
The moment has come to feel forgiven because, as humanity lives a transition and the nations begin to live hard tests, children, you must begin to consolidate that which is Sacred, express the Centers of Love and express the very love of your hearts; a love that comes from God, from the Origins, and that dwells, silently, within each one of you.
While the old human loses its reign, oftentimes through suffering, disillusion and the disbelief that many will live, on the other hand, within you, the Plan of God must be consolidated.
You must know what is the Thought of the Creator for this humanity, what is the straight and perfect path, to return to His Heart and to make this planet sacred.
Because when despair touches the heart of humanity, they must know what path to take.
Your essences must be like beams in the purification of this Earth. For that, this clarity must illuminate your minds, your hearts and your spirits, and this takes place through simplicity.
It is through this simplicity, humility and purity, through the simple gratitude that you can express, that the most sublime Doors open, the most sincere revelations may manifest.
We brought you here so that you could meet the example of the indigenous consciousness, because it was through simplicity that they entered the subtle worlds. And each one of you must learn this same simplicity. Through it, steady your minds, this concrete mental plane that must become simple and intuitive so that, when it is before the Portals, it can enter without fear.
May ignorance, arrogance and vanity not close the doors for you, but may humility and gratitude expand, more and more.
Throughout time, we have brought you to many sacred places, and we have manifested Our Marian Centers and Light-Communities upon each one of them.
This is so not only so that you may be protected, but also so that you may someday be merged, perfectly united with the sacred that dwells beneath your feet and in that which is invisible within the hills, in the invisible of your lives, which are so often oblivious to that which is sacred.
With My words, I just want to awaken in each one of you the simplicity that leads you to Transfiguration. it is in this way that you will live the Laws. It is in this way that the Laws will live within each one of you, that not only your hearts and your spirits, but also your cells will manifest this Truth, just as some peoples were able to live it.
Receive this impulse of love through My Word and My Heart.
May each being that hears My Voice be able to remember their origins, may their essences light up so that, when the time comes, all the Graces, all the codes of light that I brought to you today may light up and be the perfect key that will allow you to enter the subtle worlds and allow these subtle worlds to be manifested within your lives.
I leave you My blessing and the deepest gratitude of the Heart of God so that it may resonate within you and make you mature as spirits and as servers of His Sacred Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Since the beginning of life, while the Creation was still a feeling in the depths of the Heart of God, your Celestial Father had already manifested the principles of Healing and Redemption, Gifts that come from His Love, for all that was being generated within Him.
The Creator knew, My children, that by sending His children to learn, experience and grow, among the dimensions, He would also need to create the forms, by which they could return to His Heart.
Therefore, upon manifesting life, the dimensions and all forms, for beings to be able to evolve, your Lord also drew upon your paths the return to His Sacred and Infinite Heart. For this reason, He filled the hearts of humanity with occult gifts, and filled the planet, in which they dwell, also with occult sacred spaces; spaces that hold the Gifts of God, the fruits of His Love, those which allow creatures to return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Aurora, beloved children, is not only a place of peace. Aurora is a Consciousness of Healing and Redemption in which your hearts can experience, to return to God. Aurora emerged from the Heart of your Creator, even before your lives were manifested.
Contemplating the challenges of the planet and the veils that would be covering the eyes of His children, preventing them from seeing and knowing who they truly are, the Creator manifested the Consciousness of Aurora; a Consciousness that supports you within It, as the womb of a mother supports her children. Aurora gives you all that you need; within its Heart, the veils are torn, so that you can contemplate the truth about yourselves.
Aurora, My children, reveals to you your more impure human condition, so that you may first come to know the wounds that are to be healed, and know where that which must be transformed lies. But then, from the Heart of Aurora, emerges the balm that assists you, that closes that which was open, that heals even the deepest parts of your beings, liberates that which was impure and prepares you so that, through your surrender and service, the Consciousness of Aurora may expand and reach the four corners of this world.
Contemplate, beloved children, the Consciousness of Aurora within you, but also feel that you are inserted within it. In the Heart of Aurora, all life finds Healing and Redemption to discover the truth about itself, and thus return to God.
Open your hearts, so that not only this place may express Aurora, but that your lives and this planet may also be fruits of the Gifts that your Creator deposited within Aurora.
Just as this place is sacred, the whole planet is sacred, dear children, but in order to recognize the mysteries of God upon the planet that receives you, you must first live them within yourselves. In order for the veils to be torn, those which cover the sacred that exists in the world, first the veils that cover your own eyes must be torn.
Allow the hands of Aurora to extend, in front of your faces, and pull the veils that were making you blind, so that you can see, feel, experience and live who you are and, more than that, what the purpose of this life is.
All that I tell you is filled with a profound and inner truth, which is a truth you can come to know through the surrender and relinquishing of your lives.
To live Aurora, you must surrender before God and cry out for His Gifts, for the Gifts that He gave you, through the sacred places that hide in this world and in all Creation.
The Time of God has come, beloved children. A time in which, not only chaos will be fulfilled as it was predicted, but Redemption will also be fulfilled.
With My words, I lead you to live the Scriptures, I lead you to be live the prophecies, because it is through you that everything will be fulfilled.
I carry you in My arms to the desert, because you still do not know who you are. The moment will come when you will have crossed the desert, and I will show you the Truth of God upon the horizon, and you will discover, My children, that not only can you be in My arms, but you can also walk with Me towards the Promised Land.
After the desert, I will show you the New and Eternal Jerusalem, which is in Heaven as on Earth, and as two realities that unite into one, the Promised Land will emerge and everything will be fulfilled. Everyone will know who they are, everything will become clearer, and what weighed in your hearts before, as doubts and fears, will dissipate.
From the lights of Aurora will emerge lights of a new life, and from Heaven the principles of the New Humanity will also descend to Earth. This will be the Kingdom of God, beloved children; an ever present Kingdom, revealed to the children of the Supreme, those who know that they are His companions and fruits of His Love.
May My words resound within you, not just as a promise, but as a truth that leads you to cry out to Aurora, for Healing to take place and Redemption to be fulfilled, so that your eyes may be worthy to see and your hearts may be worthy to feel everything that I have told you today.
I bless you with the power of Aurora and the Grace of the Spirit of God.
I love you and thank you for coming to meet me with your hearts.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I have no limits for being close to you nor do I find impediments to find you. I am capable of being close and in any place. Nothing separates Me from you and you never separate from Me. It is only when you distance yourself from My Love that you feel a great emptiness or a constant loneliness.
I come from the Nonmaterial Source to communicate with you and with each inner being that believes in Me and trusts in Me.
I am always at your side. I know your mysteries. I see your realities, which to most are unknown, but in My Eyes, you are the same and like your brothers and sisters. Yes, all human beings, My children, are brothers and sisters. All are part of the same Father and the same Mother. I have never thought of creating you different from one another. All are the same within, and this will not change.
I created the Universe and everything that exists in it so that My children would make Me happy and would be happy with Me because I love you, I love you so much, more than everything that exists.
There is no greater love than that which My children can give Me. Therefore, each time you recognize Me as your Celestial Father, My love for you grows more and more. It has no end nor any dimension. It is with this same Love and for this same Love that I created you in the image and likeness of My Spirit so that My Spirit could be in each one of you and you could be in Me.
But throughout the times, My children, you distanced yourselves from My Love, from the true Love that gives you life, from the Love that nourishes you and gives you the spiritual, mental and physical reason for being here, on this beloved and suffering planet that I gave to you so that you would learn to grow and to be the consciousness of this planet. I gave you absolutely everything that I have, everything that I Am and everything that I was. I have never said "no" to you. I have always given you a "yes" so that you could grow in love and in wisdom.
But from the beginning you disobeyed Me, and throughout the times you lost the way to Me until you distanced yourselves, and you distanced so much from Me that you could no longer hear Me nor feel Me within. But I always have forgiven you and I sent you My loving help because I knew that you were not aware of what you were doing.
Therefore, as a good Father, who never abandons His children, I decided to give you more help. I then sent My Messengers to Earth so that you would hear, feel and recognize Me again within you. There was not even a second in which I would cease to think about you, children, because if you are a part of Me, it is as if a part of Me died through a lack of the light of the sun.
For this reason, I decided to incarnate in this world as the poorest Child among the poor, in the most acute time of the planet and in the humblest place of all, so that you, My children, could find My Light again and each one, throughout the times, would again be My Light in the world.
In spite of the duality that will have to be defeated and the evil that will have to be expelled and dissolved by the strength of Love, I also gave you the best and the humblest Mother among all mothers so that, through Her, you would remember your filiation with Me.
Today the world does not hear God because the attention of humankind upon modernities and communications has become their god. Souls no longer speak with Me. They do not seek Me. I have so many children, but only a minority remember Me. I call upon a sleeping humanity because today is the time of awakening.
I Am the One that loves you. I Am the One that has no religion and that is named by more than seventy-two sacred names.
No longer suffer. No longer punish the planet. No longer extinguish, My children, the lower Kingdoms that I have given to you with so much love. Reconcile with one another. Live love, and peace will be achieved. No longer have hatred. No longer sow evil. Be a single family. Be the New Jerusalem. Abandon vices. Listen to the voice of your hearts. Listen to the call of your souls. Have faith.
Everything you experience, you created and generated, My children. But I have so much Love to give you, so much joy to bring to you, that My Heart is full and is as vast as the oceans.
Learn to serve. Learn to respect and recognize one another. Live the values and the attributes that I have taught you and you will feel universal peace. Return to Me, beloved children; reconsider, undertake your dreams based on My infinite Presence in your lives. Be generous, compassionate; be more love, more kindness and more service, and the world will no longer suffer. Listen to My Words. Be the example of life that I so hope for.
I will not abandon you and no one will take away the union that you may have with Me. I ask you to forgive one another, to no longer live in selfishness. Help humanity to awaken through your transformation and through the sanctity of your lives.
Pray, and you will receive all that you need. I Am That I Am.
I thank you for letting Me be a part of you forever.
Do not fear the end of times, because this is the final time of all the deviation of the world. My beloved Son will return, and break the bread, His Divine Body, before you. And you, My children, will be able to commune of Me, and I, as your Father, will feel happy as a Father who expects his children to grow in love and in generosity.
I always listen to you, and I have you all in My Heart.
I Am your only Truth and Reason. I Am your Divine Creator.
Your Supreme Father, Adonai.
I Am the Mother of the Americas, as of the whole world.
I Am the One who shelters the children of God in Her Arms, because since I gestated the Redeemer in My Womb, the Creator conceded the power to Me to be the Mother and Guardian of all souls that come from His Sacred and Glorious Heart, from His Creator Source of Peace.
Children, My motherhood is silent and hidden to many, but My Heart is always attentive to the needs of this world.
My spiritual mission is to accomplish, on Earth as in Heaven, the Will of God, and just as I sustained and sheltered My Son from His birth until the Cross, I must also shelter and sustain all beings, all nations, all of humanity, from their emergence until the fulfillment of their spiritual mission.
Just as souls do, the nations have a spiritual purpose to accomplish; something that builds the path for the descent of the Kingdom of God on to Earth, so that the new and awaited Spiritual Jerusalem may be established in the life of the planet, as part of the Divine Promise for this world. And it is so that nations awaken and for this purpose to be safeguarded that I Am here and I guide you.
Beloved children, since I was with My Son Jesus and My Chaste Spouse Joseph among humankind, God gave Me the mission of safeguarding the companions of Christ, of keeping alive the promise of His Return, of preparing His path and of not allowing it to be lost from the human consciousness, all the legacy of Love that He left on Earth, since His birth in Bethlehem.
Thus, children, I Am the Guardian of Love, of the Love that was born in the Heart of Christ, and also of the Love that must awaken and grow in the hearts of all My children. Because today I tell you that it is this Love that will awaken in you, that will resound like a celestial tuning fork, and will cause all the codes that My Son left in the depths of this planet to awaken.
It is through the awakening of Love in your hearts, that you will cause all the spiritual treasure that God stored on Earth to emerge, which you will need to move through the times and the tests that will come.
It is the awakening of Love in your hearts that will open the doors to a spiritual and divine legacy, hidden and unknown for humanity until today.
It is for this reason that I come from nation to nation, with the simple purpose of teaching you to Love.
The Plan of God is kept in simplicity and its mystery dwells there: from being so simple, human beings do not seek it and do not find it.
I come today to awaken the note of Love in your hearts, and that your voices resound like a great universal and divine tuning fork, so that this Love may expand and find the hearts of those that most need to learn to Love. In this way, you will heal the planet, like a secret, like a mystery that is hidden in the power of prayer.
May the nations elevate their voices in a true prayer, and may this cry light the flame of your spirits and dissipate darkness. This is why I Am here with you.
My children, when you pray from the heart, you are never alone; My Rosary beads move together with yours, My Word elevates your voices to the Celestial Altars, and when you think that no one hears them, I make them come to God.
So that the Purpose and the Will of the Father be fulfilled, only trust in My Words, pray and love with the depths of the heart.
I bless you and I bless all the nations that today open the doors to Me, so that the Graces I bring from Heaven may spread beyond Argentina and reach the whole world.
May Love convert the fear, resentment, and pain of human hearts. May the frontiers give way to Unity, and the New Spiritual Jerusalem find its space among humankind.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not fear; I am here and if I am here, so is God and all His angelic and archangelic universes.
If the beast is agitated, it is because it is losing the battle and its evil plans sink as if in quicksand.
Its defeat is near and all its plans will fall apart; nothing that comes from it will reign.
Your Mother spreads Her Mantle and, under it, shows you Her fourteen Swords, which will cut and dissolve the fourteen aspects of the adversary.
The Creator Fathers will use the fourteen Swords to defeat the enemy, and all of its invading kingdom on the surface will destroy itself, because the love of hearts will reign, and swords will no longer oppose swords.
The new Goliath will be defeated and thrown into the abyss, until the time of its universal judgment arrives.
Meanwhile, I will give My Crown of Stars to those who follow Me unconditionally, and My Crown of Light will guide you on the paths and towards the virtues of the New Jerusalem. In this way, you may come to know the Gifts that God will give to the new world, finally freed from the evil one and its constant condemnation.
The planet will be born again and the Christs, together with My Son, will fulfill the prophecy of the thousand years of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am over My children to protect them and to bring them Peace, because the battles of these times are the announcement of My coming Kingdom and the establishment of the Plan of God in this world.
I am the Mother of all times and all eras, because in the Beginning your essences emerged from My Creator Womb. The children of God were born of Me, through the divine fertilization of the Holy Spirit, just as His Firstborn expressed the Mirror of Universal Creation when, on Earth, He was gestated in My Being.
I am the Mother of All Times, because I gestated you in the beginning and I will gestate you at the end, so that you may be reborn in Me as a new humanity.
Although you are in life, you are spiritually within Me, and I protect you so that at the correct moment you may be reborn. I make of your hearts the Mirror of My maternal Womb and I gestated in them the new being.
You may think that you will be reborn on your own, and that the Love of Christ will emerge from your essences as a divine miracle, but it is I, My Children, as the Mother of All Times, Who is gestating It in you.
The Divine Womb is mirrored in all creatures and in them gestates new life and the new being. Everything new that emerges in you, just as in all of Creation, has its beginning in Me, because I am the Mother of All Times.
Feel within your own being the reflection of life that I gestate within Myself and mirror through you. Recognize the mystery of the Unity of the Mother with Her children and glorify God through of the power of this Unity.
Allow My Universal Womb to gestate in you a new humankind, a new being, worthy of being called Child, just as His Firstborn was called this in all of the universe, as in all Creation.
Just as I gestated the Son of Man in My Womb, today I gestate the Son of the New Humankind, the New Child, who must express the victory of the Creator and the renewal of the evolution for all the universes, moving beyond the expressions of Love and of surrender which until today have been experienced in this world and in all others.
Feel that My Creator Womb renews you and causes all the old matter that is decomposing as dust in the human consciousness to perish, because it no longer builds the Plan of God and His Will. Make way for what I conceive in you, in your hearts and consciousnesses, so that even your minds also open and recognize the New Universal Science that transcends human understanding.
Let the radiation of this Creator Mirror in your essences expand throughout all of your being, and expels the old from you. Step out of the cocoon of ignorance and of human blindness so that the renewal of Creation may give you wings to reach God, and that your flight inspires others to be reborn and to fly.
I am the Mother of All Times, and you are My Children. I love you as much as the Firstborn Son of God, because each one of you represents just as great an opportunity for Life as He represented, as He was, is and will always be.
Make way for the New that I gestate in you and this will start opening the heart and the consciousness, to live what you do not understand and to say “yes” to what you do not know and have never lived.
The old patterns must stay behind, together with the old humanity, because the Creator aspires that the New Jerusalem shortly descend upon the world, and in order for this to happen, His children must renew themselves also.
The Creator will not make a new archetype of life, based upon Divine Laws and Unfathomable Graces, descend upon the Earth if humanity does not renew itself and is reborn to become worthy of inhabiting this Earth. The New Jerusalem will only manifest in all of its purity when humankind is pure and worthy of inhabiting it.
The Son of Man will not return to the world to be crucified a second time. His companions must carry the cross of these times and live the transformation in Christ before He returns, because He will come to consummate the Plan of His Father and demonstrate to His Own that they can be as much Children of God as He is.
He will found the New Jerusalem with His companions, and will give the meek and pure of heart the governance of the Earth, because the new governors will not be those who know how to subdue and subjugate, but rather those who know how to surrender to God, respect their brothers and sisters, and humble themselves before them, recognizing the Creator present in all His creatures.
It will be the child of the New Humankind who will inhabit the Promised Land, and all that is old and decomposed today will be renewed in the Containers of Creation as something new, so that all may be recreated.
I am the Mother of All Times and all things, and today I announce the Grace that awaits you when you are reborn. Contemplate within your own being the Mirror of the new universal gestation and be caretakers of what is born in you.
Just as I took My Son into My arms when He expressed the glory of God in the fragility of a child, one day, beloved children, I want take into My arms what today is being conceived within you and to contemplate the triumph of God in human life, having the certainty in My Heart that every battle and all pain were worth it to see this moment arrive.
Who gestates you in Her Creator Womb,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of All Times
Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you, a Kingdom that has always accompanied you from the beginning of this evolutionary walk and although you have been on this walk for so long, very few know it.
Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you that remains on the planet, in the spiritual worlds, where the eyes of matter do not see it, but hearts feel it.
The time has come for you to know this Kingdom upon which you have your feet, so that, the moment it emerges like a seed of the New Humanity, like a door to the New Jerusalem, you can recognize it and do not fear entering it.
Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you where My Divine Consciousness dwells and also the Universal Love of God; I want you to feel that love in your hearts, so that you dissolve all the fear of knowing the truth about life on Earth.
This planet, just like your hearts and all of Creation, holds many mysteries within itself, many truths that humanity has not known, because its eyes were in darkness, its minds in illusion, and its hearts closed to the life of the spirit.
After so much time with your feet walking on sacred ground, the time has come for your spirits, your souls and your consciousnesses to finally be able to enter into it; the time has come for the planet, My children, to recognize that the sacred dwells within it, to recognize the grandeur of the spiritual life held within it, and to awaken to that life, so that it does not only exist on the levels of the spirit.
May this sacred life exist here, on the surface of the planet. May your feet not only be on sacred ground, but may everything you touch, each space in which you live be sacred; may your beings become sacred, may the sacred emerge in your essences, converting your spirits into that which the Creator expects of each one of you.
You are My children, you are children of this Kingdom, and you must now truly become My companions, whom I can count on to build the Divine Work in this place, and, responding to the Will of God, I may send you to many other places of the world where the sacred also exists and which humanity overlooks.
I want to awaken you so that you awaken others, and in this way, you create a network in the human consciousness so that those who so much hope to, may find awakening and the meaning of their lives.
Close your eyes and enter into this Kingdom that I am introducing to you today. Its temples are not only for healing, but come to free you and awaken love for the Plan of God in you.
Light the mirror of your own heart and unite it with the Mirrors of this Kingdom; in this way, that which is purest within each of you will be able to be reflected in the Mirrors of this Kingdom for all of humanity, and will be able to grow in your consciousnesses, so that each day you may become greater servers of this Plan of Love.
This Kingdom has been waiting for you since the origin, because you made a commitment to God to manifest it on the surface of the Earth. The children that live here today are those who will build the New Jerusalem, that land that is not only a divine promise; it is a divine truth, a higher archetype that is still waiting in the Celestial Kingdom to descend upon the planet.
I do not come to convert your spirits into sacred spirits just so that you may know a little more peace. I come, children, for a higher purpose, because for this sacred Kingdom to emerge, and for the New Jerusalem to descend, your souls must be crystaline, your hearts pure and your spirits awake to higher life. That life is not found beyond the stars; it is to be found within each one of you and must emerge from within the planet to convert life on the surface of the Earth. With all this that I am telling you, I open the door of this Kingdom for you so that you may finally enter and achieve an awakening.
Many among those who are on this sacred ground are experiencing their last opportunity, because it is a time to convert the errors of the past and awaken the heart for the manifestation of love and the fulfilling of the Plan of God, beyond personal plans.
On the ground you touch and stand on, today place your plans, your goals, your aspirations and your desires so that, with the radiation of My Hands, I can place in your essences the Divine Plan, the goal of the Father for each one of you, the aspiration of the Creator for His creatures, which is so far from all that you want for yourselves.
On this floor that you stand on, today place all material aspiration, all competition, all the need for power, of conquest, because on this afternoon you will no longer conquer anything, but rather it will be the Creator that, through the yielding of your spirits, will conquer your hearts, and will show you, children, the great truth that He has aspired you to live from the beginning.
Enter into this Kingdom, through the doorways of redemption, without fear. Let your spirits be welcomed by this Kingdom of love.
Here you will find brothers and sisters from yore that have accompanied you in the invisible of your lives.
Here you will find the Divine Consciousness that made this His Kingdom, His home, so that He could thus manifest His Plan on this planet.
The Consciousness of the Creator had one of His Faces descend to this home so that, in this way, children, it may become even more sacred, and each day, the archetype of the new life, the new humanity may emerge from it.
Enter into this Kingdom and allow yourselves to be healed. Let your spirits live redemption, and with this symbolic step, attract many more souls, which are connected through the streams of life and need you to take a step so that they too can enter into that school of love and of forgiveness.
Contemplate the doors of this Kingdom today, and recognize that behind you, there is a very long line of souls and spirits that cry out for redemption.
Take a step without fear and enter with your whole consciousness. Within this Kingdom, contemplate its lakes of light, which are reflected in the mirrors of your hearts.
In this Kingdom, contemplate its gardens of healing, of rehabilitation, which lead you to peace and unite you with the Heart of Mary, because you are deeply connected to Her Celestial Kingdom.
Contemplate its temples, enter them, feel the peace, the presence of the angels that accompany the Creator in their new mission on Earth.
Feel, children, the liberation of your lives, of your hearts, and say 'yes' to God, and that you aspire to accomplish His Plan.
Be ready of heart so that after being healed, you can serve and aid humanity, which will find a doorway to liberation here, for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the relief of the spirits that suffered in wars, in the conflicts of this world and beyond it, because it is not only here that wars exist; the whole universe experiences the duality that you face on this planet, and it is to balance this universal duality that you come to the world to awaken unity and love in your hearts.
Thus, today I have your consciousnesses before an even greater mystery, which is to transcend your lives, not only through the conversion of life on the planet, but through the life of the whole universe, because even though you may not believe, the 'yes' of your hearts has repercussions in each star that you see in the sky when the night falls. And in each of these stars, there are many eyes that contemplate you, many hearts that wait for you to say 'yes' and to convert your lives into a source of transformation for all of existence.
Enter this Kingdom and patiently endure your own purification, endure with gratitude the old human that will be uprooted from your beings, the atavisms and the commitments with evil that you were once able to make through ignorance and illusion.
Enter this Kingdom and do not resist, because its waters will wash your spirits and will renew you so that you may accomplish the Plan of the Creator.
Today I place you before this mystery and I ask you, children, to simply contemplate it, to feel it, and to not leave this place to simply experience just another day.
Leave this place with an aspiration, with the divine aspiration in your essences; leave this place with the resolve to wake up to higher life, to not doubt the existence of a Greater Plan, which transcends the mind and human understanding.
Leave here with the determination to know and to come to know your true origin; leave here with the determination to be different, knowing that there is a truth that transcends all the teachings that have already been transmitted to Earth, that even transcends the truths of the sacred books, because they hide in the symbols of the words written there.
To seal your commitment to God and definitely unite you with this Kingdom, I will give you to drink and to eat of one of the great universal mysteries, so that the conversion of these elements may also convert your consciousnesses; and with this living mystery within you, you can unveil the mystery of your own existence and know that, in the same way that this bread is not just bread and this wine is not just wine, you are not just what you see, the matter you seem to be, the emotions that you feel, the thoughts you emit, but that a hidden truth exists, and it is there where the hope of God rests.
Within this truth, this mystery, in the same way that you unveil the conversion of the bread and of the wine, you will little by little unveil the conversion of matter into what it really is, and the conversion of these houses into what they really are, the conversion of these valleys into what they are, and the conversion of this world into what it should be.
Today you will commune with the codes of a new life. Today I place these elements in the hands of those that guide you, that are responsible for this Kingdom both in matter and in spirit.
I place these elements into the hands of those that untiringly have served you since the beginning. This is a Council that represents not only this Work, but also a large part of the Plan of God on Earth.
With your hearts open, children, emanate gratitude to the Universe so that, in this way, you may heal the past and prepare a life of greater companionship for these times.
The time has come for you to be companions not only of My Chaste Heart, of the Heart of Mary or of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but that you be companions of those that guide you, so that in these times, this Work may expand and the Plan of God can count on you to encompass more spaces on the planet that are so in need; for it is not only here that there are souls that must awaken, because it is not only those that watch us in their homes that must receive this life instruction. In each corner of the planet, no matter how hidden or forgotten it is, there exists a heart that has a commitment to God, and that commitment must be fulfilled.
By the authority that My Child gave Me and by the fatherhood that I once shared with God, protecting the One Who descended from the universes to be the Son of Man, I bless and convert these elements.
Together with the priests of this Kingdom that consecrate their lives to the invisible, that serve, that pray, that contemplate and support the planet, may the elements be converted, so that your lives may be converted, and you may go two by two, expanding the Plan of God on Earth.
Feel the Presence of the Most Holy Mary, so that Her Purity and Her Divine Consciousness, still not understood by humanity, may touch your hearts and help you in the transformation and in the consecration of your lives.
By the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I convert these elements and I thank you.
Remain united with the Sacred Hearts, because a new cycle is rising and will expect from all a new consciousness, a new awakening.
I thank you.
While the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesus transmitted the Words of Saint Joseph, the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón was receiving the Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, which, at the end of the meeting of prayer, he shared with everybody.
I will always hold My children in My arms; I will shelter them and I will protect them, even if, crossing the desert of these times, all the beasts stand against them and against Me.
I will always hold My children in My arms, because they are for the Creator the greatest treasure of all of His Creation; they are part of My Womb and the blood that flows in their veins comes from the fount that rises from My Immaculate Heart.
I will always hold My children in My arms, even when this desert passes and we find the New Jerusalem, the promised Land, where the Will of the Creator reigns and where there is no other that triumphs except the Father.
My children, I have you in My arms, crossing the great desert of these times, where assaults persecute the Mother and the children of God. However, My steps of light cannot be overtaken and there will be no darkness capable of stopping Me. Therefore, I will only ask you to keep yourselves in My arms and to not fear.
I have you placed in My Heart, where the love that I feel for souls and for Life defeats any darkness and converts any evil. Let your heads rest on this Heart and only hold yourselves tightly in My arms, because one day the desert will end and then the House of the Father will come, the safe Dwelling Place for the one thousand years of Peace.
While you are in My arms, the cold winds may blow and the night may fall upon us, but the Sun of My Essence is unquenchable and will always illumine the path. That one who is in My arms will not be lost, because I will walk with them and protect them.
Be innocent and surrendered like children; let Me hold you in My arms and show you that without your Celestial Mother there is no life. I sustain you, I protect you and shield you in the desert and beyond it.
There will be days, children, in which you will feel lost, because the desert sometimes seems to have no end, but keep yourselves in My arms, pray with Me and listen to the whisper of My sweet voice in your hearts, saying: "I am here."
My children are the greatest treasure of Creation, it does not matter what error they have committed or how they have deviated from the path, because errors and deviations are the result of the learning process that they experience in this world. Do not mistake what you do with what you are. Seek the truth within yourselves and keep yourselves in My arms.
The enemy pursues the Lady Dressed with the Sun through the desert, because his darkness ceases in the presence of the Mother of God; because his reign fades away and his treasure of illusion is lost when souls discover the truth about themselves and abandon the deception, and let themselves be guided by the inner Light.
Come, My children, keep yourselves in My arms, and little by little, step by step, I will not only protect you, but I will also teach you to be worthy children of God and to find the truth.
Stay in My arms and pray with Me. Listen to My voice and do not distance yourselves from Me.
Believe it, the enemy does not rest and seeks to intimidate My children, because he wins through fear and illusion. Therefore, My beloved ones, place in your hearts the certainty of the triumph of God, because if you are in My arms, nothing will happen to you.
I want to show you the New Celestial Jerusalem, the promise of God that still exists! Do not seek on Earth something that is in the divine dimensions. Stay in My arms and I will guide you to the truth and I will open your eyes so that you may find the Will of God.
I love you, I shelter you and I thank you for being the greatest treasures of My Heart.
I want you, children, to protect the Marian Center of the Child King, because here My source of Redemption must become life.
Close the doors to the enemy, who brings you uncertainty and despair, and hold yourselves in My Heart.
The children that are redeemed today will build on the Earth the triumph of My Kingdom, and it is on them that I will cause the New Jerusalem to descend, that will finally take shape in matter, when this has been purified and consecrated to the Father.
I bless you with the sign of the Holy Cross,
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From the invisible levels of the Earth emerges all darkness that has been hidden. The souls that have been in pain and suffering for many centuries raise their arms asking for the light and forgiveness of God. Evil no longer hides its actions because Good is also expanding and announcing its triumph.
It is a great battle between the duality of this world, because the time of definition has come for the entire human race; it is time to live the absolute unity with God or be taken to primary scales of evolution, to start over.
In many parts of the world, the Sun seems to be hidden by the clouds of pain and suffering.
In the East, what was once a sea of graces, has become a sea of terror and despair through the indifference of humankind. But that does not mean, My children, that My Heart will not triumph.
In the heart of the Americas, the light begins to expand and the Sun of a new time arises, as the Aurora of dawn. The fire that emanates its cosmic light comes from the love of awakened hearts.
Human beings are discovering their likeness to God through prayer, and the truth descends on Earth with the same power of Mercy emanated a long time ago by My Son on His Cross.
To all who hear Me, I will say not to fear but to feel in your lives the triumph of My Heart. My mantle expands beyond the continents and I grow the seed of new life that I have planted in the Americas in the hearts of all those who, anywhere in the world, accept to respond to My call.
There will be no tribulation to knock down My soldiers, because they will be sustained by the strength of My maternal and infinite Love. Not even the greatest of beasts that rises against My little ones will make them falter, because the truth impressed in their pure hearts will bring them the certainty that reality dwells only in the light and consciousness of God, and all that is outside of Him is part of an ancient illusion, which ties consciousnesses to the damnations this world.
Children, even though the darkness that emerges in and outside of you, and in many parts of the world, seems to be infinite, do not fear and remember My words when I tell you that the potential of the Sun of God in your hearts will defeat any night and any darkness. The darkest night announces the clarity of a day of renewal and Graces.
For a thousand years of peace to happen, there must be in each heart and each consciousness the choice to live love and unity with God.
Once the seed of love is planted in the consciousness of all those who have made a commitment with My Son, it will be enough for the triumph of the Creator because Christification will only fully flourish in an entire race, when light prevails on Earth and - consecrated with another name - enters the new time, the real time.
Little by little the veils fall from the eyes of My children and everything that has been kept in holy books as tales and illusions will take their place in truth, and will depose the reign of indifference and numbness.
Beloved children, despite the terror that you see in many parts of the world, I want your hearts to never lose the certainty of the triumph of My Heart, because just as purification has begun suddenly and unexpectedly for many, the light will also emerge suddenly and be consolidated in the consciousness, without you realizing it.
Pray with the heart and when you least expect it, My Son – who reigns in the universes –will reingn in each particle of your being and will begin to build, within each one of you, the New Jerusalem, the race of the redeemed by Christ.
I love you and leave you My Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I am the Door to the Holy Alliance with Christ; whoever seeks the Messiah will find Him through My Heart.
I am the Mother of Wisdom, My divine knowledge is poured out through prayer.
I am the Guiding Star of the Universe, whoever follows My steps of Light will never be lost.
I am the Great Mother of the World, the Supreme Consciousness of God manifested in virginity and purity for the souls who seek healing and liberation of the heart.
I am the Mother of the New Jerusalem. Through My footsteps in the world, My children follow the path of the portal to find the new city of Light, the Celestial Jerusalem that approaches the Earth with the Return of My Son to this suffering world, which He will liberate again so that many may raise their eyes and see in the sky the Greatness of God, which is eternal and perpetual for those who want to see it in their heart.
I am the Mother of Silence, My silence pronounces words of Peace, radiates Love to the creatures who are in perpetual devotion to My Heart.
I am the Mother of Consolation, the one who helps each of Her children, especially those who have fallen.
I am the Mother who opens new doors; I free hearts from prisons so that they can see the light and hope that approaches, in this time, to those who want to see through My silent Heart, which opens a new path of Light for all.
I am the Mother of Paradise, My Gifts and My Graces come for all. Through the Holy Spirit, I awaken the Sacred Gifts of God in each of My children, because I am the Mother of hope, the Mother of joy, the Mother of kindness and charity.
I am the Lady of humility, who envelops you with Her Mantle of Peace.
I am the Mother who protects and safeguards you; and who, in the silence of your hearts, listens to all your supplications.
I am the silent Mother, who walks beside each one of you to take you by the hand to meet Christ, your Lord.
I am the Mother who comes to awaken your beings.
I am the Guiding Star of the Universe. I am the incandescent Star of the night.
I am the New Aurora.
I am the Great Figueira, which sustains all fruits with love and strength.
I am the Sap of Life.
I am the Flower that beautifies.
I am the Pure Water that washes your wounds.
I am the Pure Heart that radiates love and wisdom.
Now, I am your Mother because I was the Mother of Jesus Christ.
I carry with you the heavy cross of life. My walk and My silence, My devotion and My prayer alleviate your cross because I sustain your crosses and wash your wounds.
With My Mantle, I heal your hearts of all inner wounds. I envelop you in the Sacred Shroud of Christ so that you can be born again in spiritual healing and resurrect to the life of the spirit.
I am the Molecule of Christ.
I am the Breath of the Spirit.
I am the New Dawn that lifts up all those who have fallen.
I am the persevering Mother who seeks each of the children who distance themselves from the Eternal God. I bring you closer to the Kingdom of God, I make you meet the Heart of the Most High.
I am the Mother of Love, Its Mystical Rose.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
If you want to find out who I Am, only look around, look to the infinite, contemplate the stars, contemplate the Kingdoms of Nature.
I Am, My children, the One who gestates the new life, which is present in all that was created.
Was it not said that within a mother a child is gestated?
I Am the One who gestates the Creation of God. All that which must be born comes from My Womb. Therefore, My children, today I contemplate each of your hearts as essences that came from My Womb, which I must take care of and accompany in your growth.
For this reason, I return to the world over the centuries. For this reason, I come day after day to guide each one of your steps, because I Am that Bearer of the Divine Word, who brings in Her hands the Divine Will of God so that it can manifest itself on Earth.
As a good mother, My children, I come to teach the Divine Creation; I come to form each soul of this Earth so that, when you return to the universe, you can take the perfect lessons that the Lady and Mother of the Universe deposited in each of your hearts.
On this evening, I invite you to contemplate the Faces of the Divine Mother, the Faces of the Universal Mother, who must be found in all. And every time you truly seek one of My Faces, She will come to meet you, She will supply the needs of your hearts. It is only necessary that you call me with fervor, with the truth and purity of your hearts.
I am this breeze that touches your beings today, the breath of the Divine Spirit, which comes to permeate the essence and souls of creatures. Feel My Presence in your hearts because I am also in the essence of all beings.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today My Eternal Heart is magnified by being among you. My Heart glorifies God, just as your little hearts do.
But on this very sacred night, when the Star of the Universe shines within the planet, pouring out graces, healing and liberation, I invite you, dear children, to enter the New Jerusalem, to enter the New Earth, enter the New Humanity that My Heart gestates through this great Work of the end of time.
Dear children, do your essences accept to be members of the New Humanity?
Keep this request in your hearts, and in prayer may you meditate on this aspiration of Mine; because the new spirits that will inhabit the Promised Land just like the ancient people of Israel, will eternally praise God.
Angels and Archangels will shine throughout the Earth.
The Manna of life will return to the world, and hearts and spirits will be nourished, sharing with the Redeemer the New Supper, which will not be the Supper of Justice, but rather the Supper of Mercy, the Supper of the glorification of God, the Supper of hallelujah.
Therefore, as His Faithful Servant, I am sent by My Beloved Son to prepare this moment, as a good Mother, as a good peacemaker, a kind and loving Mother who, through each new Apparition, sows a new seed of Light in your essences.
The New Jerusalem came closer tonight. Paradise descended to Earth, and all were able to see it through the heart, through the feeling of love and faith that flows from your lives in such a difficult time.
On this night, I bring you once again to My Sacred Fatima, the star that shone in the darkness, that redeemed the impious and resurrected those who were far from God.
Fatima is peace, Figueira is strength. These are my immaculate fruits that, at the end of this time, I want to awaken in the good consciousnesses that serve God and in those who dare to walk in reconciliation with Christ, your King, your Lord, your Shepherd in these times of darkness.
My Light descends to the Earth, Heaven approaches through My Heart.
The new stars of the universe, which will shine in the firmament of this world, are your precious souls, those that must ascend to Heaven after this earthly life and that will find Me at the door of Paradise, of purgatory and hell because your yes to God will give salvation to many souls. The plan will be concretized.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Tonight, I let a question resound within you, a question that the Lord sends you:
Do you truly expect the Return of My Son?
I want you to meditate, My children, on the Words that I have pronounced over the last few years because My Word descended to the Earth to prepare the hearts of mankind for the Glorious Return of the King of this Universe. Therefore, I want you to ask yourselves if you are truly preparing a dwelling place so that your Lord may first return in your essences, in your hearts and finally you can see Him crossing the sky.
Are you prepared to see Him face to face? Will you be able to recognize him among the multitude?
My children, meditate on My Instructions today and truly prepare yourselves because it is time for My Word to be manifested. It is time for the promises of Christ to become a reality for all beings of this world.
Who will offer to manifest His miracle of conversion?
Who will raise their arms and say their name when the Lord summons His soldiers?
Who will face the doubts of the heart to trust in the unknown, in the invisible?
Who will overcome fear, which is human and lives in many, to live in this world the Infinite Peace of My Kingdom, even in the midst of chaos?
Today, among those who are present here, I want to summon those who will give their lives to bring to this world My Kingdom of Peace, to bring down, on this Earth, this Kingdom that I show you today in the invisible.
Who will offer themselves?
Who will give their life?
Who will truly prepare themselves to receive the Son of God, to receive God Himself made man, to show His image and likeness, to show you the path which all must follow?
The time has come, My children, for the Christs of the New Time to awaken. Therefore, ignite your essences and let the veils of the past fall because I come tonight to renew each of your souls, to make you enter the New Kingdom, this New Jerusalem that intensely descends in each one of your lives.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Before My Spirit rises to Heaven, I come to bless all My children and all those who unite to My Immaculate Heart, so that this Work of the end of time can be fulfilled.
Therefore, I ask all those spirits to come closer, who will become new Children of My Heart and who will be the arms on this Earth that will work with Me; helping your brothers so that they may also respond to My Call. All can be children of My Heart.
In truth, your response, yesterday, was heard.
May those who were liberated from the prison of suffering also approach tonight; because the Mercy of God, through My Most Holy Son Jesus, has opened the door to freedom, to the expression of the divine soul of each of these beloved children.
I invite you, dear children, to join your hands in prayer, to place your hands close to your heart so that I can bless you.
God has heard your call to the Holy Spirit. Tonight, I want your souls to be rekindled, before My Immaculate Presence, so that the Divine Fire may descend on this place and expand throughout Brazil, embracing the whole world with the Presence of the Holy Spirit.
Feel, through this song, the Gifts and Inspiration of God, the Strength of God, the Love of God and the Divine Science that heals you.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
The children of Mary who are being consecrated today, come, please.
Song: "Ignite My Soul".
Well, as we do after every Apparition, we are going to tell some things that happened, so that we can learn how it is that, on the celestial planes, the movements toward the planet are organized; and how it is that the Divine Hierarchy, the Divine Messengers, work in us as humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Today, Mary came very close to us, but before the Apparition, many things happened, one after the other.
The Archangels were very present, especially Raphael and Michael, who opened the doors towards the universe little by little, as our Mother gradually approached.
Today, we saw as well, at one point, the prophets Moses and Isaiah who brought in their hands a book kept in an ark, They said it was an instrument from Heaven which was being transferred from dimension to dimension to be sown in this place.
We saw ourselves before a mystery, but this mystery was so true that we did not doubt that it was real, because God was present through all these things.
Today, we also felt that even the Mineral Kingdom was being grateful, nature, as Sister Lucía said.
Today, we felt the blessing on the Hill, which was something a little inexplicable. Mary approached with the Child Jesus in Her arms. The Child Jesus was walking among the people to liberate them from many things; just by passing by each of you, the energies were released in a very light and harmonious way.
Today, our Mother showed us Her different Faces. At the end of the Apparition, she manifested as Our Lady of Guadalupe, and all the energy and presence of Guadalupe was deposited on the Hill.
Also, we felt unity with the Indigenous Consciousness. It seemed that many consciousnesses from other points of the Earth, on the spiritual planes, were gathered here, on the Hill, just like the Kingdoms of Nature, we saw them inside a big ark. We felt the presence of Noah and there was something spiritual that was happening before all of this.
When our Mother appeared, behind Her manifested the New Jerusalem or Paradise, which is what we understood from what She told us. This Crystal City, which lives and shines in the Spiritual Universe, was brought today by the Presence of our Mother.
Today, we felt the Presence of the Creator in this whole place. He was present through Mary. We perceived the Feminine Aspect of God as we have never perceived it before. This went beyond the Presence of Mary, but Mary was the center, She was the focus that manifested the Consciousness of God.
She contemplated our hearts with much sweetness and, at one point of the Apparition, when we were relating what She told us, the Faces with which She was naming Herself, at the moment She spoke about the New Jerusalem, She showed us for a few seconds what God has in Her Heart, written for these end of times, for this planet, for this humanity.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
After receiving all that Grace, all these explanations of what happens between God and us, all these revelations that seem like great mysteries, but which become simple when we place them in our heart; because only through our hearts can we understand all these gifts that we are receiving.
We have learned a lot of things between yesterday and today. And one of the most important things that we learned is that it is enough to open our hearts and surrender with fervor to our Divine Mother; because what happened last night prepared the Grace that we received today.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
I just want to add something that I remembered and that Mary asked us to say because She said that it is important for many brothers and sisters.
At the moment when She called the brothers and sisters who are here today visiting us and the sisters who were consecrated as Daughters of Mary, She consecrated this bouquet of flowers for those brothers and sisters as a thank you from Mary to them.
And at the moment of the blessing, when we called the Holy Spirit, She also blessed all the images that are here.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children,
I come to the world to give you Peace, mainly those who unite with Me through the Rosary.
The Lord has asked of Me that on the Earth there be new pioneers of Peace, new flames of Peace that can ignite in this chaos that exists in the world in order to transform it, to free it from the heart of humankind, so that all My children may also attain that Peace.
Today, I invite you to love the Law of God; no matter how unknown it is to you, you will be able to know it through the Commandments. If you live it in this way, you will be able to draw closer to the Justice of God, a Justice the world has drawn away from, because the Justice of God is Love, is Compassion, is Mercy.
As Queen of Heaven, I come to bring you the Universe of the Father. On Earth, new stars must re-ignite, new suns that are dark must kindle again, and this will be possible through prayer and the living of the Sacraments with My Son Jesus.
Dear children, I come to Brasilia to have you know the Justice of God, which many fear, because the Justice of God is a justice that repairs and restores hearts that have been lost.
The Justice of God wants you to come to know Eternal Life, the universal principle of Will; but, dear children, it is necessary that you truly aspire to love that Law, which is the law of Love and Truth, which has been unknown to many of My children throughout history because of wanting to live the laws of the Earth.
But today, I come to have you know the true Law of God that is to be found in the essence of your hearts, in the steps you can take toward the Lord through your infinite trust in His Love and the sure fullness of His infinite Mercy.
Dear children, before the Return of My Son, I come to open the doors of your hearts.
The New Jerusalem must emerge as it existed in the past among the sacred peoples of the desert who, together with Moses, obeyed the Laws of God; and some of them, in spirit, found the Promised Land.
This Land of which I speak is Paradise. That Paradise that lives in your hearts, that inner Temple that many do not seek because of being distracted with other things, which the world provides as a temptation and desire, that makes My children be separated from the truth of the Law.
All the Celestial Universes, where the Angels and Archangels are, want to draw closer to your lives.
Dear children, it is time, through the prayer of the heart, for you to be able to know your Guardian Angels, invisible presences that God granted you to accompany your footsteps toward the only definitive goal, which is that you are able to blend into the essence of the Love of God in the next world.
While the world still suffers, many hearts must find that Truth, seek it through prayer and faith so that your hearts may be healed and the redemption of your souls may come to pass, just as the Father has foreseen from the beginning.
All the Creation of the Father, including this planet of love, must live the new Project of God; those awaited years of peace that many seek and that, like an inner seed, will be able to be cultivated in your hearts, and that inner light will expand through you by means of prayer and peace.
Thus, dear children, I invite you to seek that truth. Do not look for a mystery unknown to you; love the Mystery of God to be able to know it. It is to be found in all manifested things, in your brothers and sisters, in your cities, on the planet and in the Kingdoms.
Look at how much need there is in the world and how few servers intend to serve God to help humanity in this definitive time through the Laws of the Lord. Those that the Sacred Family of Nazareth lived will be able to restore the Earth, but it is necessary that there are instruments that are able to accomplish this simple goal that I ask of you: to be souls in eternal prayer that can verbalize the Sacred Word of God so the subtle vibrations can transform the Earth and consequently, human beings who daily separate from God, following other paths that do not lead to Peace or Love.
For this reason, as Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, I committed Myself to Our Father in this last century, in this last XXI century, to open hearts so they are able to see the truth.
Thus, I invite you to unite with My Heart as I have already asked for so long in Medjugorje. Because after these Apparitions, I will wait for My children to be able to concretize the inner consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart.
In this way, you will allow new doors to open so that the Laws will be able to restore humankind, so that new principles of Creation are able to emerge as new flowers in hearts and the New Humanity can emerge which, for a long time, God has so hoped can awaken.
Dear children, I do not promise you happiness, victory, or power; I promise you sacrifice, surrender, charity, faith and love, and much prayer for these so difficult times.
In your hearts, contemplate the needs there are in this world. It is time to do something, dear children, and help the Plans of the Father. In this time, you have the keys to be able to do it; unite with My Immaculate Heart.
Definitely proclaim that you belong to God so the false gods can fall away and the victory of the Heart of My Son be established in all the hearts of the world; but for this to happen, My children, it is time to awaken.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I hope to not cause fear in your hearts, because it is not necessary to be afraid of Divine Justice. I only bring you an impulse from the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, through My Presence, you find a sure path of consecration.
My dears, today I tell you that prayer will activate devotion in your hearts, and through devotion and love, which is born in the depths of your beings through the Heart of God, you will discover how simple it is to fulfill the Laws of the Lord.
Today I tell you, My beloveds, that it is necessary to be very willing and determined to follow this path, because you must knock down the barriers built so many centuries ago in the consciousness of humanity, barriers that feed the material world and make the life of the spirit be forgotten. Today you can see around you what you built with this aspiration of growing only in matter.
Today I tell you, My dears, that the world suffers and also the Heart of God suffers because of all the causes that humanity created in the world. Thus, on this night, I ask that you be willing to balance this evil, living this Law of love, fraternity and prayer.
Do not allow yourselves, My children, to feed the discord and the lack of love among creatures, but rather continue with faith and with trust on this path of unity, a path the Sacred Family placed in the life on Earth and left as an example and as a truth so that all human beings, throughout the centuries, could imitate it.
Today, My children, if you find the Sacred Family distant from the reality of your lives, do not sadden your hearts, because this is a long path, a path of definition, of persistence, a path that is built through the faith of your hearts, because faith will move all that is entrenched in your consciousnesses, and that which seems impossible to you to transform, through the Work and Grace of the Spirit of God, will be transformed.
For this reason, it is only necessary that you want to experience that transformation, that you aspire, with all the will of your hearts, to follow this path of conversion of life and that, through the conversion of your lives, the conversion in all of humanity can occur.
Today I ask you, My dears, that you also live in communion with the Kingdoms, as the saints and the blessed did on Earth, to balance all the destruction that humanity caused throughout the centuries.
The love you radiate to the Kingdoms repairs the Heart of God and transforms the destiny of humanity, so that Mother Nature does not need to go against the human heart to balance the faults caused by it.
My dears, today I tell you that there is still time to spiritually balance the faults caused, through fervent and true prayer, through fraternal and loving actions, which create unity with the Kingdoms and with others.
My beloveds, if you only try to experience this path, the doors will open in your lives and, step by step, you will discover how simple it was, from the beginning, to live the consecration of your hearts. Thus, I come throughout the centuries to tell you it is possible for the human heart to be able to create in love and in truth and change the situations of the world, transforming all the darkness that exists into a Light that expands over the planet, the Light of the Heart of God, which is radiated through His Creatures.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I invite you, dear children, to pray this night with Me, so God in His Kingdom may receive the pleas of all His children of this humanity.
Through My blessing and My intercession, I will open the Source of Healing so it may deeply touch your hearts.
Remember, dear children, that today I invite you to Hope, that this invitation remain in your memories. If you seek Divine Hope, nobody will perish, but rather you will rise up from the ground when you fall, so that you are able to continue to walk firmly in Christ.
As I have said to Sister Lucía: a tree that is ripped, which dies through the hand of humankind, is the same as a mother who loses their child; minerals that are assaulted are like a crack that opens in the heart of the Earth; the water that is contaminated is like the purity that is lost in hearts.
Thus, dear children, I invite you to pray with devotion for the Kingdoms; because they are a part of the Supreme Life on Earth, and through them, dear children, you will also find Truth and Love.
Let us pray the prayer this night which I taught you yesterday:
Pray now, dear children, for the Marine Kingdom in the Pacific, which is extensively dying without anybody doing anything.
As Mother of all elements, as the Most Holy Virgin, I will contemplate the need of these children that are part of the loving Creation of God since the beginning.
Let us pray:
May the Will of God be fulfilled and salvation occur.
Let us pray, day and night, day after day, for your humanity.
Thank you, dear children, for attending to My call. The blessing has alighted in your hearts.
And before I rise up to Heaven and place My Heart in your memories, I ask that on this night, all those who have brought these images, representing My Aspects throughout history, hold them so that I may bless them.
And the Holy Spirit, dear children, will be your Faithful Intercessor in these times, the Great Helper of hearts and of the souls that truly seek to live in Its Gifts.
I will lovingly listen to "The Flight of the Holy Spirit".
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will pray the Hail Mary.
Our Lady returns at this moment to do the blessing.
Prayer: Hail Mary (five times in Portuguese).
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;
In the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts: of Jesus, of Joseph and of Mary; dear children, in your hearts hold the Sacred Family. That Supreme Consciousness that is fully at your service to gestate the new beings in humanity who will celebrate an inner encounter with God in the Kingdom of the Father.
I bless these sacred elements on this night; may they be the perfect symbol of your union with Me, may they radiate the Light of My Immaculate Heart so My Love can expand in your homes and families.
Dear children, on this night, I bless you, in the Presence of My Son and of Saint Joseph, Who have especially come to visit you; because know, My children, that the name of Brazil in the Kingdom of God, means the door of Light that children open to receive the Mercy of God.
With hope and joy, may your hearts be uplifted; and remember, beloved children, that you can always count on Me forever and ever.
I love you and bless you.
Sing "Mary of Nazareth". Lift up your candles so the Flame of the Holy Spirit may permeate your consciousnesses and the Light of God is able to remain in all the spaces of this world.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more