In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As the Lady Who waters the Sacred Figueira with Her Light, today I come to meet you, dear children, to strengthen its original principles, to make its attributes, gifts and virtues flourish, and so that this Grace may multiply beyond this place and in all places of the world. Because you know that humanity needs to recover the Principles of God, which it has been gradually losing throughout time.
For this reason, God revealed the Commandments to Moses, the basic and essential Laws for evolving and awakening, so that each creature of the Earth, by following these Sacred Commandments, might learn to live and apply the Law.
Our Sacred Hearts work on this in the face of a hostile and uncertain planetary scenario.
Today, the Sacred Family draws near the world so that the values of faith, love and unity may be present within each one of you and your brothers and sisters, mainly in the places and consciousnesses in which these spiritual values have disappeared.
This is why I come to water the Sacred Figueira with My Light. It has borne many fruits throughout time and years, and this has not been in vain, dear children, because there is a Higher Purpose that has congregated many souls and hearts here throughout time, who follow a spiritual and inner call that makes them contemplate and recognize the Sacred and Solemn Figueira in each one.
The Spiritual Hierarchy gathers at this moment, also to protect and help families, so that they may not be exposed to the dangers of the world or to the interferences of these times.
For this reason, the work of prayer in families must continue, nourishing the spirit of the members of each family, opening the door of Heaven so that the Higher Grace may descend, mainly upon the families that need it the most.
This will create an important network of prayer in the world, just as the Rosaries of Light must be. I want these groups to multiply and, above all, to be strengthened. In this time, living without prayer is a condemnation.
I am not speaking about a repetitive or mechanical exercise. It is your hearts that must be in an attitude of perpetual prayer so that you may be well connected with the higher planes of consciousness, and the Wisdom and Discernment of God may continue to guide your steps toward the goal that each one has to concretize: being a servant and apostle of Christ.
Today, Our Sacred Family of Nazareth presents itself to the world on the inner planes so that you may be internally touched by Our Simplicity, Humility and Love. Because without these attributes and foundations in this time, in the face of so many threats that the world lives, I confess to you, dear children, that it would be impossible to carry out a work.
Accept the time of correction as a Grace. Can you imagine how many times My Son corrected the apostles?
Life must always be aligned with the Law, so that the Will of God may be followed, just as He has determined it since the beginning.
At the foot of the Sacred Figueira, the Spiritual Source of God is being opened again. Have many of you recognized this wellspring?
Therefore, purify yourselves, cleanse your hearts and lives, and renew yourselves through this impulse that My Immaculate Heart brings to you; because just as We have said to the world, Our task is now coming to an end because the expected moment of the Return of Christ is drawing near, with clear and forceful signs.
For this reason, do not give up, do not be lukewarm. Prepare yourselves for this moment that is coming.
This is a time of profound confirmation. This is the hour when My Son, through His loving Gaze, contemplates those who are confirming themselves to His Heart, because the apostles themselves experienced it in that time, just as the holy women also experienced it.
Christ wants you to be completely different. He needs to continue molding your consciousnesses. This is the Message that He sends to you today. Will you allow it and not resist?
Our Words must not be wasted. They reach you and the world as small seeds of Light to be sown in the inner temples and this must not be in vain, because the Grace of God must not be wasted either.
And how many Graces have you received from Our Hearts throughout time? Have you been able, at any moment, to measure the immensity of this Grace, in the face of so many disgraces that many souls live?
Be humble and grateful, dispel from yourselves the pride of the heart, for it is a fog that deceives and confuses.
Humble yourselves before the Sacred Heart of My Son, just as He humbled Himself at the foot of the Cross and allowed Himself to be crucified for the world, just as He drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, even though He knew that He did not deserve it.
This is the time, My beloveds, for you to live what you want to profess, that which you believe about God; but let it be with one goal, may it be true and from the heart, without conditions or personal rules, because everything is still to happen on this planet. I speak to you about what is still to happen as Grace and Mercy of God.
My Son needs pure instruments, free of personal intentions, of personal wills. As a Mother, I will not tire of saying this to you, because it is the same that I repeated to the apostles in the Cenacle, and your Celestial Mother wants good and peace for each one, under the sacred spirit of the Unity of God.
In truth, I tell you in the name of My Son that in this time there is no other path to follow but the one toward the Heart of God. Each one was placed upon the path that they must tread, but not upon a path chosen by you, it is the path of God and you must not become confused with this.
Because God wants you in the happiness of His Kingdom, in the universe of His Peace, and not in the suffering that you choose. The Will of God cannot be altered. If this happens, My children, you will be living your own will, the human will. Therefore, do you understand how the world is today?
Before so much Grace and universal Mercy, why suffer in this time?
But I also know that there are souls that suffer unjustly in this world through wars; they are the innocent of God. This is why We Ourselves, the Sacred Hearts, take care of and help these suffering souls; but you are not suffering souls, you are souls that have had direct contact with My Grace and the Grace of My Son, just as with the holy humility of Saint Joseph.
Have you ever thought about this? Therefore, to perceive it, it is necessary to be in an attitude of humility and resignation, just as your Heavenly Mother was before the call of the Archangel Gabriel.
Thus, I come to bless the families that during these nine days have prayed the novena for their reconsecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth so that each one of the prayerful families may be this mirror of the Sacred Family and, through the lessons and life experiences, they may come ever closer to the spiritual archetype of the Family of Nazareth. This is possible when you are in prayer and in family.
The spiritual and the human family of the surface of the Earth have the need and necessity to be rebuilt in its values, its purpose and also in the Will of God for each family; because each family must reflect a gift and a virtue of God that may purify the members of this family, consecrate them and align them to the Will of God.
Each family is a cell for God; a living cell that must embody, in itself, a purpose that is already written. For this reason, today I also come to pray with you, as the Mother and Lady of the families of the world, so that you may be a mirror of God on Earth, something real, true and attainable; a purpose that may be concretized through clarity in intentions, on the path and in the destiny of families.
Thus, let us pray to God for the sacred intentions of Christ, in this hour and through this Message, because the Source of Grace is now withdrawing so that the portal of the holy and wise Justice of God may open, filled with His Eternal Love, which will place all of humanity in order, peace and harmony.
And you must support this, you must be pillars so that My Son may work. He counts on this.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
May those who have offered themselves to be Children of Mary today draw near here with Mother Ana Catalina, at the foot of the manger, to experience their moment of consecration.
And let us support this moment so that we may also renew our vows as Children of Mary.
Each one will receive their T-shirt of Child of Mary and will place it upon the palm of their hands, as a sign of offering to the Immaculate Heart of our Mother.
And after this moment of consecration, which Our Lady will carry out, you will be blessed through incense, water, and the Sacrament of Anointing.
In the silence of your hearts, make your offering to our Mother.
Dear children, God does not tire of giving His Grace and Love to the world. And it is through this Grace and this Love of God that spring today from My Maternal Heart, that I also come to consecrate you as My children, the Children of Mary; and I accept your offering to this consecration; so that, from now on and for the times to come, you may be pillars of prayer on Earth, flowers that will be offered in My Celestial Garden in prayer, service and full charity for those who suffer and need the most.
And so that all this offering, which you will make in the coming times, may amend the sins of the world and mainly the outrages of war, this will be your mission as Children of Mary, do not forget it.
By the authority that My Son has granted to Me, in the name of the Eternal Grace of God, which springs in an inexhaustible manner from His Supreme Source, in the name of the angels who accompany Me, I bless and consecrate you as My Children, Children of My Maternal Heart.
I accept you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us sing “Land of Mary” to accompany this moment of blessing.
*Figueira, the name of the Light-Community where the apparition took place, means "Fig Tree" in Portuguese
My dear children,
As your Mother who loves you and protects you, I Am the One Who guides you to Jesus so that, in Jesus Who is Love, Truth and Wisdom, you may live in this time the transformation so that humanity in all its condition may be transformed.
Therefore, I am here as the Mother of the apostles of My Son so that you may be encouraged to cross the path of inner purification, just as your Divine Mother, St. Joseph and the little Child lived it, so that the values of spiritual life may be present in humanity.
Without purification the soul is not liberated, remember that purification is not pain, but liberation. Purification is not a punishment or a penalty, it is a Law that helps you in the detachment from the superficial and insensitive life.
Dear children, the planet is going through this culminating moment, prior to the Return of Christ. Therefore, I am here as Mother Intercessor so that My children understand that the definitive door of redemption must be opened.
On this day and in this month of August, the Sacred Hierarchy meditates and reflects on its next steps to be able to help humanity; but for this to become a reality it is necessary to have confirmed servers capable of assuming for themselves the Purpose that is designed by God Himself from the beginning.
Remember the pencil in the Hand of God, may your souls allow God to continue writing.
I am here as always, I am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of those who say yes
Words of the Virgin Mary during the consecration of Daughters of Mary:
Today, My Words are directed to what you truly are and why you have come to Earth to serve God.
In that pure and immaculate space, which dwells in your essences, it is where My Son and Our Father God place Their designs, impulses that manifest themselves as small seeds that, through your efforts, surrender and disposition, can germinate until one day they become something very important to God; so important that He so much seeks in each one of the souls, that the Children of God, His Creatures, may be His instruments on Earth, empty, stripped and unconditional. I am fully aware that it is challenging for human beings, but with the strength of faith, children, everything is possible.
Remember what My Son said in the Gospel: “If your faith were so great and strong, you could tell the mountain to move and it would move.” This is part of the reality of the Law and of the experience of the Law of life.
Therefore, today I consecrate you, even though you are already My daughters, My daughters called to be mirrors on Earth that reflect My Motherhood and Love for the souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Receive My spiritual blessing as the beginning of a new stage, as the opening of a new path that, through your conviction and faith, you will discover for yourselves; because it is important to know and remember that God has a destiny for each being, with the courage to embrace the unknown and the bravery to face these times and challenges.
The Hand of God guides those who seek it. His Sacred Hand rests on the heads of those who accept His blessing. He is not far from anything, He is in everything, He is in your inner world.
The master key is humility, which will never allow you to be far from God and His Love. That is why souls get lost in their own convictions, in their own ambitions, because the power that is not of God blinds souls until they are lost.
I come thus and on this day, through you, to rebuild the faith and the conviction that many souls felt when they were called to the path of the Work of the Hierarchy.
Nothing belongs to us, we are here in passing. We must only serve and pray, and the Father Who is in Heaven will do the rest even if sometimes you do not perceive it, because His Love is immeasurable, His Wisdom is infinite and His Power is governed by poverty, detachment and emptiness.
Behold the God of Life who makes all things new through His Son, Our Lord Jesus.
One who entrusts their life to God should not fear losing it, for there is nothing to lose in this world. He dwells in all forms. He makes Himself present in all geometries. His solemn Presence is in the silence, but not in a personal silence, rather in a stripped silence, capable of giving Himself tirelessly, as the Heavenly Father did from the beginning of Creation. He only wants you to experience Him, to feel Him and to recognize Him within yourselves; just as Jesus, My Son, wants to be recognized in you through the Eucharist.
May this beginning, this new beginning make the servants grow not only in spirit, but also in self-giving, in untiring offering so that the evil that is so great in this world may be extirpated.
Receive My Light and Maternal Love through this blessing and consecration, on behalf of humanity, as Daughters of Mary.
Keep My Words in your heart, for it is there that everything will always be understood, just as your Mother always did, Who kept the Words of God and His mysteries in Her Heart.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear and beloved children,
On this day, I thank those who are present for coming close to My Heart to answer the call to pray with Me for peace.
Dear children, peace is so urgent in the world because most of My children are living in internal conflicts within their families and in the conflicts of nations.
When, out of love, you come close to Me, as you do today, and pray with Me for peace, a small door opens so that this peace, invoked by the prayer of the heart, may prevent escalations of wars and greater suffering.
Do you now understand, My children, that prayer is everything?
That is why, just as throughout the past seventeen years, I have taught you to pray, I would like you to spiritually establish more prayer groups; a school of prayer on Earth that serves as a spiritual mirror, formed by souls who always seek to answer My call.
And how will you achieve this, dear children?
You will achieve this by being a prayer yourselves through gestures of love, service, charity and help to those in need, without exception.
This means fully imitating the Holy Family, because today I want you to know that each one of you is considered a member of Our Divine Spiritual Family.
Let us continue to invoke peace by being an act of peace. Let us continue to invoke peace, without acts of repudiation or violence, because the world is deeply lost in so much violence and aggression.
May this end soon so that peace, tolerance and respect may be established among all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
As I have announced to you, this is My Message that communicates the recollection of the Sacred Hearts, so that in this month of August, souls may finish confirming themselves before God.
For this reason and under the Will of God, on this day, I am here as the Mother who internally teaches you to live this moment with the maturity and gratitude that God deserves after having granted you, for so many years, all the possible Graces of Heaven.
My children, after such an extensive time of promptings and detailed instructions on how to humbly build the inner life, the time has come for the companions of Christ, in a mature and available manner, to stand in line for the planetary service which at this time His Heart offers.
Therefore, dear children, Christ, your Lord, expects that the servants He has summoned and prepared in these recent times are ready for the cycle of the planetary emergency. Thus, they will be able to meet the needs that arise in these times.
From the beginning, the Sacred Hearts had the mission of preparing the inner worlds to be able to go through their own purification and also to learn to go through the purification of the consciousness of the planet.
It is necessary, My children, that you elevate yourselves through self-giving and service so that all of humanity may be uplifted in some way.
This is the time to learn to grow inwardly to know how to overcome challenges, just as the Holy Family or Jesus Himself overcame them through His painful surrender on the Cross.
May the month of August bring to fruition what God so much awaits to be given in self-sacrificing hearts.
I am here to encourage and guide you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
An account of the Message
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Today we went to receive Saint Joseph at Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres (House of Our Lady of the Poor), and during the prayer and the singing we were doing to receive Him, we perceived a very lovely energy, a channel that gradually opened in the whole area of the wall of the house and the altar where the picture of Mary, of Christ and of Saint Joseph was.
It was a portal that was slowly opening into the Celestial Kingdom, a space where there were many choirs of angels, many! On all the levels of the dimensions that slowly appeared, each of the doors, one after another, had different levels of choirs of angels, and they were creating a path to the Divine Consciousness.
At the end of this path there was a Fount of pure energy, which began to descend over us as if it were a river, a spring, crystal clear water, but it was energy.
It gradually descended from that portal, that pure Fount, crossing all the dimensions, and when it reached the place where we were receiving the Message, that water first touched our own consciousness, worked on us, cleansed us, purified us, and was bringing that energy of Grace and of peace. Afterwards, it passed through our beings and reached all the planetary spaces, most especially the city of Carmo da Cachoeira and Brazil. It was something that was coming and had no end, it flowed without ending.
After a time, Saint Joseph appeared in the depths of that portal. He was walking through that Fount of clear water, and when He reached where we were, that Fount gradually transformed into another space, and Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres slowly gained a different aspect, like a much simpler house, with walls of stone. Inside, there was some furniture, some of wood, others of stone, and Saint Joseph was saying that this was the House of the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
In that house there were different portals to the Universe, to Infinity, portals that were associated with the Divine Consciousness, with Universal Life and its mysteries, and many angels and archangels were going through that house.
Saint Joseph was saying that Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres has a link of a spiritual coordinate with that House of Nazareth, which still exists in the inner worlds, on the inner and spiritual levels of consciousness.
Then, as He spoke, talking about the experiences of the Sacred Family, those experiences were appearing there through images, and the codes of the experiences which the Sacred Family went through were touching our consciousnesses, our beings.
With that, He began to transmit the following Message:
Like a spring unknown to human hearts, Grace flows abundantly when souls pray in the places consecrated by the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Here, children, at this Point of Light, where the Sacred Hearts find rest, there is a sacred spiritual coordinate which unites this place with the Sacred House of Nazareth, where the Child Jesus, the Virgin Mary and My Chaste Heart learned about love, charity and the celestial mysteries.
In that Holy House, Our Hearts expanded and Our Consciousnesses lived an expansion that until then had never been experienced by the human consciousness. In Nazareth, we lived the first steps of transcendence and the initiation of a union with the Divine, the school of intersession, the mystery of humility, the power of silence and the Grace of charity.
For that reason, here in this sacred place, these same gifts are available for hearts that pray, adore and contemplate the mysteries of the life of Christ and His Sacred Family.
In this place, the angels of the Archangel Gabriel fervently wait for the merciful and intercessory prayers of pleading souls, so that in this way, they are able to carry them as merits to the Feet of God, in the name of those most in need.
The planet, children, is in need of balance and prayer. It needs awakened souls that will give priority to this sacred, hidden and silent mission of interceding for the world and for its Kingdoms. Thus, I ask, and with love, I tell you that you should vivify your prayers with the sincere effort of the heart, and do not allow the abundant Graces of the Heart of God to remain in the Heavens, but rather that they be poured out over the Earth through the celestial floodgates that are opening to the sound of sincere hearts that lift up their prayers to the Heavens.
Generate merits for the balance of the planet and this sacred place. Like waves of Light, your prayers will intercede for this city, for this country, for this continent, and for this planet, as long as you are constant and persevering in your spiritual path.
When, with love and responsibility, you take on the commitment of sustaining your spiritual path, you will perceive, children, that you will receive all the responses you are searching for, the healing for which you cry out, a balance in your purifications, the transcendence from your miseries and the ascension of the consciousness.
This is a long road, which must be trod with the key of constancy, and when you least expect it, your consciousnesses will achieve a pure and simple union with God, even in times of tribulation.
Be persevering and constant, and everything will be made known to you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.
Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:
On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.
In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.
On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.
I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,
Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:
Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.
Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.
Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.
Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and that cries out to God, to feel peace again.
Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to Our Lady:
Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.
Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.
Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:
I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.
I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.
Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to Our Lady:
My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.
Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.
I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.
Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace and pray for peace.
I thank you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.
When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.
They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.
So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.
As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.
While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.
We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.
First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.
When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.
The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.
Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.
When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.
While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).
So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.
And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.
It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.
Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.
After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.
When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.
This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”
Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.
And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.
I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.
Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.
So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.
We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.
Thank you all very much!
We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.
Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:
On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.
In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.
On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.
I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,
Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:
Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.
Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.
Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.
Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and that cries out to God, to feel peace again.
Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to Our Lady:
Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.
Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.
Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:
I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.
I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.
Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to Our Lady:
My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.
Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.
I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.
Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace and pray for peace.
I thank you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.
When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.
They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.
So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.
As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.
While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.
We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.
First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.
When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.
The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.
Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.
When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.
While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).
So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.
And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.
It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.
Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.
After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.
When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.
This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”
Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.
And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.
I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.
Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.
So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.
We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.
Thank you all very much!
We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.
Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:
On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.
In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.
On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.
I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,
Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:
Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.
Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.
Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.
Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and that cries out to God, to feel peace again.
Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to Our Lady:
Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.
Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.
Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:
I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.
I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.
Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Let us listen to Our Lady:
My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.
Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.
I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.
Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace and pray for peace.
I thank you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.
When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.
They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.
So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.
As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.
While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.
We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.
First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.
When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.
The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.
Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.
When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.
While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).
So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.
And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.
It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.
Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.
After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.
When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.
This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”
Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.
And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.
I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.
Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.
So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.
We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.
Thank you all very much!
We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God.
Dear children:
On the eve of the Nativity of the Lord, may values of brotherhood and love be born in hearts and also in families, so that peace may be achieved in the world.
Therefore, with your gaze fixed on the Holy Manger, reconsecrate your lives as a family to the Holy Family of Nazareth, so that all the values that today are dissolving in the world may once again emerge through the consciousness of My children.
Through the contemplation of the Holy Manger, you will receive on this day the same as the Holy Family received as inspiration from God, for We had the Grace to be part of the great event that simply changed the history of humankind.
My children, I would like you, in these last days of the novena for the reconsecration of families, to place in your prayers and within the essence of the Holy Manger all those in humanity who today will not be able to experience the Nativity of the Lord, due to their life situations and conditions.
I would like the Light, which descended in the humble grotto of Bethlehem, to descend upon the families who need it most at this moment.
As always, I will be united to each one of My children, to all those who in this next Nativity of the Lord will solemnly celebrate the Birth of Jesus, so that Christ may be born again in the hearts of all My children, so that there may be a more just, fraternal and serving humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Child, enter My Chaste Heart, where there is hope, where peace reigns.
Child, enter My Chaste Heart, which is open today for you.
Allow your soul to remain in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus allowed Himself to be in My arms, just as God experienced human frailty and surrendered into the arms of a simple Heart.
Come too, child, allow Me to have you in My arms, to hold you tightly, to place you against My chest, so that you may feel My Love, the Love that I have for you and each human heart, the same Love that emanated from My Heart when the little Jesus was in My arms.
Come, child, enter into My Chaste Heart so that I may calm you, so that I may show you the next step to take.
Enter into My Heart, because there is Light here, even when the world is dark. Here there is fresh water in the deep deserts of consciousness.
Come and enter My Heart and, although your tears may roll down My chest, I will embrace you, I will console you and allow you to cry, so that you may allow all anguish, pain, despair and lack of hope to leave your inner world.
In My Heart you will find an answer, because just as you, child, I also experienced the bitterness of the world and, although this time is different from all others, I still know the anguish of the human condition. Therefore, enter My Heart and find strength in it.
Who knows human imperfection better than I do, a simple Heart, full of so many miseries, to which divine paternity was entrusted?
I know, children, the anguish of carrying forward great missions in a world that is in agony, in a humanity that swims in a see of misery and seems never to find the light; in a humanity that many times walks in darkness, just seeking to find the Light of Divine Promises, which, century after century, since Adam and Eve, still seek to be fulfilled. Therefore, enter My Heart and allow Me to be a door for you, a door to a new cycle, a door for greater understanding.
Enter into My Heart, so that I may lead you to the depths of the ocean of consciousness, so that I may remove you from the turbulent sea and may lead you to where there is peace. There is a sublime life that you must still discover, but while the waves strike you, while the winds shake you, it is difficult to find this life.
Therefore, come and enter into My Heart, I will take you where you cannot go, I will take you to Bethlehem, just as you asked Me in prayer. Allow Me, child, to show you this sacred space within yourself, because God still dwells in you and still waits to express Himself.
Enter into My Chaste Heart. Can you hear the heartbeats? Can you feel the pulse within Me?
This is the sound of My Love for you, which is the Love that God taught Me to have, express and live for all of humanity and for all of life. This Love, which comes from God, mirrors itself in My Chaste Heart and, like a mantle, embraces you today so that you may feel peace again.
I know you seek the meaning of life, I know that you seek the meaning of so many battles. There is an answer that dwells in the Heart of God and that only the Creator Knows, but which humanity can also know when it enters the Heart of the Celestial Father and discovers His Mysteries there.
This is why I always speak to you about the importance of dialog with God, the importance of your having the time and the hour to withdraw from the human condition, delve into the Heart of the Creator and in it speak to your Father, listen to His Words and understand His Mysteries.
Even if you do not understand concepts, even if He does not speak to you with ideas, the Creator speaks to you, child, with strength, with hope, with peace. And these states of consciousness that you can feel when talking with God are the responses of His Heart. Do not expect God to speak to you with words, do not think that He has abandoned you when He does not give you human answers, because the profound language of the Creator is divine principles, which emerge from His Sacred Heart and manifest the primordial energies through which life can exist.
For this reason, the correct way to enter into dialog with God is oftentimes through silence. After talking with your Creator, take time to listen to Him and allow Him to express to your heart the divine principles that will strengthen life within you and will make you feel the Grace of living as an expression and manifestation of the Divine Consciousness.
In it, you will be able to discover love for life, in it you will be able to find the meaning of existence, in it you will be able to know why and for what God created you, why and for what you go through so many battles, why there is not just a peaceful ocean, why there are waves and winds, storms and thunder that agitate existence.
You must find these answers within yourself, child.
Therefore, come, My Arms are open for you, you do not need to do anything, other than to be in Me, so that My Heart may mirror itself in yours, so that My Love may live in you, so that there are no distances or differences between My Heart and yours.
That which I make you experience today is a great divine mystery that I once experienced on Earth when I was walking in My greatest misery in the desert of the world.
When the Most Holy Mary told Me she would become the Mother of the Messiah, so much awaited by all nations, My Heart could not believe it, not because it did not believe in our Divine Mother. It could not believe that God would truly dwell among imperfect human beings, it could not understand how God would live amidst so much human misery.
How would He come as a baby?
How would He save humanity, being a fragile child, susceptible to the care of human beings?
How would He be born in My family?
All of this, child, awakened great affliction in Me, caused My miseries and the darkness around Me to grow. I saw Myself before a desert without one drop of water, there was no hope in My Heart. Faith had faded away, I could not find answers, I could not find relief, until God did to Me what I do to you today. He opened the Heavens and presented Himself before My Heart, He opened His Arms and called Me so that I might be in Him and, through Him, I could understand His Mysteries. And so it came to pass that, like a child, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of the Creator, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of My Celestial Father and, within Him, find peace.
This is why God sends Me today, in a time of so much confusion, in a time of so much incomprehension, so that I may open the Heavens, open My arms, show you My Chaste Heart and invite you to enter Me. Here I am, child.
Allow the impossible to become possible. Allow a higher truth to flood your consciousness. Allow a higher Love to permeate your being, strengthen you and give peace back to you.
This is a time of great miseries, but also of great Mercies. You will not find anything or anyone that is perfect, but in My Heart, and in the Heart of God, to which I want to lead you, you will find peace, you will find compassion, you will find hope, and you will be able to love when it seems impossible.
Today you are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God pulsates and expresses healing. You are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God liberates and transmutes humanity, and that begins with each one of you.
Therefore, allow Aurora to do its work. Allow Aurora to transform you, to show you your miseries, but do not remain there, because the Mercy of God is the size of your misery. The size of your wounds is the healing that you can receive. The size of your inner abyss is the power of liberation of Aurora.
The human condition does not exist to remain as it is. It exists to be transformed. The turbulent ocean exists to wash the consciousness and make it plunge into its depths.
To experience what I am saying to you, you just need to allow it, because I do not come to meet you just with words, I also come with the Grace that God asks Me to deliver to humanity, to all and every being that can listen to Me and open their heart to receive what I bring to you.
At the request of the Creator, I will be one more year with you, because humanity still needs to be sustained by the Three Sacred Hearts, humanity still needs to be guided so that it does not become lost in the confusion of these times.
This is why God has asked Me to stay with you, bringing weekly impulses to sustain your consciousnesses and to not allow humanity to become lost. This represents a Grace, but it also speaks to you about the urgency of these times, something that was not foreseen, but which is deeply necessary, something for which you must pray so that the merits continue to be generated, so that humanity may be worthy of receiving Mercy.
For these merits to become a reality, We call you to the consecration of your lives, because consecration, children, generates unknown merits in Heaven, and balances human imbalances. And despite all miseries, all darkness in the world, despite all those who give up on their commitment to Christ, consecration allows souls to continue balancing each backward step that humanity takes, each step that distances you from God.
Consecration allows souls to approach the Creator, this is why you must live it with consciousness, doing this for all beings, for all humanity and, more than living this moment, you must renew your consecration every day. In this way, you will continue to generate merits so that We may be here and so that humanity may live its Divine Purpose.
Therefore, let those who aspire to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Bring incense and blessed water.
May these elements be blessed by the Grace of My Presence.
May the purity of My Heart express itself in this water.
May the liberation of My Spirit express itself in this incense.
May God touch your souls through these elements, liberate you, forgive you so that you may begin a new cycle, in which Divine Mercy may speak louder than your miseries, in which strength may be a reality, so that you may overcome every obstacle that life may bring you, and that your hearts may always remember that in God you will find peace, in spite of anything that may happen in this world.
Receive My blessing, My Grace, My Paternal Spirit and the Spirit of Consecration in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessed are those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. Through them, the Kingdoms of Nature will find peace, will find relief and hope.
Blessed be those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for the Sacred Family will reign in their hearts, as well as in their homes, bringing them the Grace of finding God in the heart of their neighbor.
Blessed be the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for they will be intercessors before the souls that most need it. The Creator will listen to your prayers and will pour out Mercy upon the forgotten.
May the Grace of God be upon your lives, and may you express that Grace in each one of your actions and, through your actions, you will be known as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.
I thank you for being here, for consecrating your lives and for living in the Sacred Hearts, because when I call you to be in Me, I call you to be in God and find in it the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In Us, nothing is separated. We walk in unity, so that you may learn to walk in unity through Us. This is why We are here and We lead your steps.
I thank you, and once again I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
We will sing “Father of souls,” this Hymn of the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.
Dear children,
The united family is God's most precious gift. The family is the original treasure of the Eternal Father's Project.
Throughout the ages and the different humanities, the spiritual archetype of the family has been present so that, in the union between its members, the authentic and spontaneous virtue that each family has is represented.
Each family, for God, has a purpose in life. Each family has a goal to achieve and concretize; but that concretion of the spiritual purpose of the family does not happen separately, but the family, in the persevering exercise of understanding, tolerance and love, beyond all things, will allow the expression of that spiritual gift that each member of the family has to manifest.
In other times, as it was for the Holy Family of Nazareth, that Gift of God, reflected through the family by means of charity, service and help to the needy, opened the internal doors so that new families could be formed, the cell of the Project of God could be enlarged and the souls that formed the groups of families could reach the same virtues that the Holy Family of Nazareth once reached.
Today, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, once again emanate internally and spiritually the same impulse that was gestated on the Sacred Birth of Jesus, so that the families may be under the shelter and protection of their spiritual purpose, so that the families of the world, martyred and persecuted today by all the threats of these times, may carry forward the expression of that archetype of the family, that is authentic and original in every family that was formed.
Therefore, the novena for the families of the whole world, in this month of December, reminds us that the family is the center of the New Humanity and the possible fulfillment of the Will of the Father through families.
I pray every day for families.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
My dear children:
In this month of the Nativity of the Lord, may you, like the shepherds of Bethlehem, receive with joy the announcement of the arrival and birth of the Inner Christ.
This event, which happens year after year, should be considered special and unique by souls; because, even the families see themselves in the internal and spiritual opportunity to renew their vows as a family; and also each member of the family, regardless of the age, knows that spiritually they will be able to be before their own Inner Christ and, through Him, closer to the spiritual Purpose of their life.
For this reason, in the month of December, the Nativity of the Lord also grants you an amnesty for the errors committed and in turn grants souls the Grace of re-dimensioning their internal perspectives, so that all aspiration may be under the protection of God and His Will.
The Birth of Christ is more than a historical event, which is remembered by all, it is a moment in which the Sacred Spirit of God's Love and Peace can bring relief, acceptance, clarity and understanding in all situations of life.
This is the main spiritual reason why the families of the world are called to pray at the foot of the Holy Manger, so that the members of each family may be under the same protection and shelter as was the Holy Family of Nazareth.
It represents and means the possibility of receiving the same sanctifying Graces that the Holy Family received; namely: the Grace of fidelity to God's Plan, the Grace of unity, the Grace of selfless service, the Grace of compassion and the Grace of love for one's neighbor.
These Graces worked in the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, so that our people could be the example of the Divine Presence on Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Once again, I invite all of you to prepare, in your homes, for the coming of Christ into every human heart in this coming Nativity.
I invite you, in a special way, to prepare your mangers so that, like the Holy Family of Nazareth, you may await the coming of the Child God.
This loving gesture of My children, by dedicating a space to prepare the manger, will allow the celestial doors to open internally on the planet so that all of humanity can be helped.
Therefore, in the name of the Nativity of the Lord and out of love for all families, I wish that in the preparation of the manger in every home the Light of the Holy Star of Bethlehem may begin to shine.
This union with the spiritual symbol of the Holy Manger will help millions of families in the world; families that, as cells of the Project of God, in these times go through countless painful situations and learnings that need the balm of peace and God's relief.
In the preparation of the different mangers, in the homes of the world, the members of each family will be granted, for a moment, the spiritual grace of being before one of the most important acts of Love and Mercy in the history of humanity.
I would like, as a Mother, that this coming Nativity of the Lord be celebrated in reconciliation and forgiveness for all families going through the horror of war in their peoples and nations, as well as those going through war in their own families, so that the Holy Spirit of Peace, of that Peace which filled the Grotto of Bethlehem, may be present in these times in all families.
Remember, My children, that families are the future of the New Humanity. Therefore, we must pray for families so that each family may reach the expression of God's burning desire.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today, I am happy to meet you in this sacred forest of contemplation, a place blessed by Me, because for thirty years, your Heavenly Mother was a faithful witness of the inner offerings and of all the vigils that took place here, for love of humanity and for its salvation.
Therefore, on this day, as I have shown you, I come to renew and reconsecrate this forest with the name of "Forest of Harmony and Contemplation", as a new extension of the Marian Centre of Figueira.
All the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary will be erected here, through small altars that will be built so that souls may contemplate all the facts and mysteries of the Holy Family.
The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will be the space offered to pilgrim souls and to all those who live here so that they may rediscover the Grace of feeling loved by God, through the recitation of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will also lead souls, in the current area of the hut, Oca, to stand before a small lake and, in its center, the image that today has been offered to Me on the altar.
For this to be possible and given the urgency of this space, your Heavenly Mother summons all consecrated Children of Mary to take care of this sacred place.
I also wish that under each space of the altar dedicated to the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, there would be small gardens with benches, so that there would be a space for contemplation at each station.
At the same time, I also aspire that in the lake of Your Holy Lady there may be various species of plants and a small waterfall, a source, so that souls may receive the Grace of the healing of their emotions.
If this were to be fulfilled, as I have requested, I promise that this new area of the Marian Centre will be a place of blessings and miracles for all who come here in faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Sacred Forest of Figueira.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While darkness makes the planet succumb, I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to give life and renewal to souls, to deter the hells of this world.
I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness so that souls may turn to God, so that the hearts that have not yet repented, may repent.
I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to bring healing to wounded hearts, to give shelter to those who are exiled and to refugees, to calm the cry of the innocent, of all the children of war.
I come as the Great Solar Consciousness to awaken the sleeping hearts, to bring wisdom to the closed minds, to nourish spirits through My Solar Light.
I come today as the Great Solar Consciousness to bring hope to those who have lost it, to deliver My Love to those who do not have it, to give My Mercy to those who do not deserve it. Because I am the Great Solar Consciousness that comes from the heart of the universe, and that, crossing dimensions and planes of consciousness, comes today to Europe and the whole world to tell all: persist! because the triumph of My Heart is near, although it may not seem so at this moment.
For this reason, this is the time of the apostles, this is the time of those who will give their life for Me, not only by bearing witness of My Word and My Presence, but also by giving their life for Me where it may be necessary, in the place and at the moment when I need them, for there is much left to help in this humanity.
And while conflicts and wars are unleashed, many Angels of the Nations can no longer do anything. And the Angel of the Wrath of God wants to precipitate upon the world, with more than thousands of rays, bringing the power of cosmic and solar elements to correct the world. But the prayer of the consistent and the just, the service of the selfless and unconditional, placates the fury of this Angel of the Universe.
But this Angel does not want to impose punishment, but rather severe correction, as the world has not heard the Message and the warning of Heaven, and souls keep living the same way, with the same ways and habits, as if the spiritual and the divine no longer mattered.
For this reason, My Celestial Mother, just as it has been in these recent days, places Herself between the Angel and you, in order to intervene. Thus, a Universal Judgment is unleashed, the first stage of this Judgment that humanity has begun to live.
But while weapons and ideas of destruction and conquest are carried forward, who will be able to deter this Angel of the Wrath of God? Because the world and, above all, humanity, have been living out of the Law for more than two thousand years now and, for many Creator Angels, the price of My shed Blood seems not to justify it.
For this reason, through the angels that accompany Me today, and, especially the Angel of Portugal, I come to implore the world for a change in consciousness and above all in attitude, because it does not know Higher Laws, let alone Divine Laws.
I need this Message to be propagated throughout the world and that you may listen many times to what I am telling you today, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain in the hearts open and adhered to offer themselves to build the Return of Christ.
With these angels that accompany Me today, together with the Angel of Peace, we implore the Celestial Father that the merits of the Mercy of Christ may be contemplated, in honor of the suffering that I endured for you on the Cross.
To placate the power of the Angel of the Wrath of God, I come today to expose to you My Thorned Heart, gravely outraged by the wars and conflicts throughout the world and, especially, by the souls that generate the wars and have condemned themselves to the fire of hell, allying with My enemy.
Who will do the same that I did for you?
Who will give their life for their friends, just as I did for you?
Who will be capable of not only having their heart ready for whatever it takes or giving something more to the Lord, but also who will be capable of living something they do not deserve, for love, for the salvation of humanity?
But I do tell you something: do not be naïve, so that you may not be ignorant. The offering that I make to you is in that which is smallest and even in that which is simplest, in the places where your hearts sometimes resist to collaborate with Me, although you do not realize that you are serving Me through your brothers and sisters.
By uniting the efforts needed in these times of tribulation, My Solar Consciousness will be better able to help the world and humanity for the Law of Divine Mercy to be perpetuated and fulfilled in the souls that most need the Light.
May this Marathon of Divine Mercy, which in these days you are praying with Me at the doors of the re-opening of the Marian Centers, be a Marathon of supplication, of pleading and intervention with the Guardian Angels of each one of you, so that this situation in Eastern Europe not be precipitated due to an absurd selfishness of humanity, to an impunity that no longer fits these times and which will have to be eradicated from the human consciousness forever.
Because when I return to the world, in the coming time, you will be able to understand and see what the true Power of God is, which is not based on imposition or authority; the Power of God is nourished in its center by Universal Love, which, as a sublime sphere of consciousness, emanates wisdom and discernment to all dimensions and planes.
Today, I am in a place that is different from where you are used to seeing Me. I am in another space of the Community Fleur-de-Lys, which is the most important space for Me, because it represents the house of consecrated life. For this reason, I ask you, in this intimate analogy, that you pray for all missionaries consecrated to My Plan of Redemption, because both in Africa and in the Middle East and Europe, some souls of this Work that I have formed and founded through effort, will offer to give their life for Me, beyond what may be meant or represented by the service that will be offered to Me for the relief and peace of afflicted hearts.
Since two thousand years ago, when I was just a child in the arms of the Heavenly Mother, when I was taken to Egypt to be protected, not only was Our Family the first refugee family in the world, but also My Heart, from that moment up to the present, has been feeling sorrow for the suffering and the pain of Africa, which is the next stage, the next mission that, despite the distance or the moment, I will invite each one of you to live so that the spiritual debt of Africa may be relieved and so that, never again may any human being, in Africa or in any part of the world, dare to throw a life away, because the human race has gone this far, to the point of devaluing life, due to its great ignorance and even to its great wickedness, to the lack of knowledge about the essence of life.
I wish for you to keep this aspiration of Mine in mind that, when the doors to the missions in Africa open, there may be hands, arms and legs that offer to walk on this continent to rescue the innocent and lost, those who are discarded in the landfills of the world.
If you knew what the Father feels when a life is discarded or aborted, I assure you that no one would be capable of doing it, because it would challenge their evolution and even their destiny, deviating their purpose from the path of God and assuming an unpayable spiritual debt, which only My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy can heal.
Being aware of this, and placing this situation in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I invite you once again to abandon your little miseries, to leave behind your resistances and incomprehension, and to place the mature consciousness where suffering and pain truly exist in the world so that you can grow as conscious and available apostles, to serve wherever and whenever necessary.
As the Great Solar Consciousness, I assure you that if more souls paid attention to all this, there would be no reason for the existence of wars, exiles, famine, suffering, madness or even adversity, because all would be more fraternal with one another, and would always be impelled by the Love of God, which, throughout the times, has knocked at the door of your hearts, has called your souls countless times, to awaken you to a truth, a truth that has been buried in the consciousness of the world.
For this reason, only through My Return will many situations be repaired and exorcised and a new Spiritual Government emerge from the hearts of all who have had faith in Me until the end of days, so that they may learn to live in communion with the universe and with the Confraternity, without the need to keep wasting time and missing the opportunity to raise the consciousness of this whole planet to the fourth dimension.
Because when you have the Grace to see in the fourth dimension, you will not only understand the Passion of Christ, but you will also understand the point in which humanity is at this moment, a point of inflection that becomes irreversible.
For this reason, do not cease to pray; may your lips not tire of praying and of asking the angels of Heaven to intervene at all moments, because not only must souls be protected from war, impunity and harassment, but also the most innocent and little ones must be protected and prevented from being discarded by their own parents in the landfills of the world.
If many more nations of the world hold on to the ideal of the law of abortion, how can it be justified that no more wars should take place and that no more nuclear bombs should be activated?
After 1945, with the extremely serious spiritual debt of the United States through the atomic bomb, humanity demonstrated to the universe that it knows how to self-destroy and that it has imposed, through corrupt systems, the commercialization and distribution of weapons, to justify the so-called freedom of peoples and nations.
But awaken, companions, we are in the end of times. Since the Garden of Gethsemane, when I drank the chalice for you and for humanity, I did not expect, I confess to you, that the world would reach this moment and be capable of going to such extremes, farther than it went more than two thousand years ago, crucifying your Messiah, martyrizing God Himself, the One who had created you since the origin.
For this reason, once again the very same God, made flesh and made man through His Son, tells the Father again, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
It is time to be on the lines of the Armageddon, because while time passes, not only time ends, but the events are unleashed, and people do not change.
May the Supreme Truth permeate the spaces and consciousnesses so that the sacrifice of the Son of God and all His Blood shed on the path of Calvary, up to the Cross, may justify the atrocities of these times, relieve the cry of children, and, especially, of the unborn, so that the Most Holy Virgin Mary may re-establish the spirit of maternal love in the consciousnesses who today do not know what it is to love; so that life may be respected and loved, so that the life of the innocent may no longer be discarded, so that poverty in many places of the world may no longer be the cause of despair and lack of peace.
May true Justice, which comes from the Divine Source, balance the scales of inequality. Because My great wish is to never again listen to the cry of the children of war, the cry of the innocent discarded in the landfills of the world.
Learn to love life and someday you will learn to appreciate it. While life is used as a justification to generate death and impunity, the world will not reach the healing of all its diseases. For this reason, I thank all those who have been conscious up to now, and, week by week, have prayed for the unborn. There lies the answer to why the world is the way it is.
And although My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are torn within, just as My Heart was torn on the top of the Cross, Our Love is immeasurable and incomprehensible, because it comes to give life to what is dead in those who believe they are alive.
Let us pray to the Celestial Father.
May each one say their prayer to the Father, in the innermost depths of their being, in the silence of the heart. I am listening to you.
May your souls pray to the Celestial Father so that all mistakes may receive the atonement they need.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us repeat the prayer that Jesus taught us:
Angel of the Wrath of God,
calm your sorrowful heart,
receive the fire of our love
and establish peace.
Go in peace, meditating on My Words and concretizing My aspirations.
Be very aware of this, so that it may not be just another Message, but rather the projection of a new stage that all are called to live.
I thank you for having the courage to listen to Me.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to save those who want to return to God. For this reason, today I am present on this date that is very special, not only for the Celestial Father, but also for the Sacred Hearts.
Tonight I bring the synthesis of the experience that I had in Bethlehem, because many mysteries occurred on that night. And in spite of two thousand years having gone by since this event, it continues to echo in the Celestial Universe, as well as in the Cosmos.
Today I have you spiritually participate in the revelations of God, in the revelations that God made for the Sacred Family and for all the souls that were called by the Father, in that time, to be able to experience and participate in the Birth of Christ.
Today it is a planetary reality that many do not seek the inner Christ. But the strength of the inner Christ in a very few grants the graces that the planet needs, that humanity urgently needs to be able to awaken to the reality in which it lives.
My divine intervention descends today to Earth with all the angels of the Universe that praise God, that adore the Child King. They come with Me today, dear children, to be able to help and assist the families of the world, because the family, as you know, My children, is the main nucleus of the Project of God. A family that, in this so crucial time of humanity, needs to recover the values that God gave them from the beginning of this genetic project.
And each time this very special date of the end of the year comes closer, when My adversary works untiringly to distract souls and draw them away from their inner purpose, the Celestial Universe then comes close to the Earth and, with the strength and the power of the Holy Spirit, through your Heavenly Mother, souls have the great opportunity and the great chance of being able to recover the place they lost after committing their errors. Because the event that took place in the Cave of Bethlehem was a great merit, it was the first merit that Christ granted to humanity, through His Incarnation in this world.
Thus, the living God was present among the men and women of the Earth. He announced Himself to the world as the Messiah, the Savior, and He will continue to do so for the times that will come, until the last soul has the opportunity to awaken, beyond the errors committed in this current cycle.
And so, on this special night, in which we contemplate the Nativity of Our Lord and Divine Grace drawing closer to humanity, I draw closer to the families of the world, I enter into the homes of the world, so that all may be able to spiritually commune of this occult Sacrament of the Birth of Jesus, in which families can again drink of the Divine Fount and souls can be strengthened on the path of faith and of trust in God.
Today I have all nations of the world at My Feet, all cultures and all peoples that give tribute to and remember the Birth of Jesus. And from Heaven, He sends them a fraternal embrace as the Greater Governor that He is, so that you may always follow His Purpose, so that you may continue following His footsteps, the footsteps of light that He leaves opon His paths, until finding the great Portal of Redemption.
Today, in My Maternal Heart I bring this important moment of the Cave of Bethlehem, this mystery that ceases to be a mystery and that reveals itself to the world today, through the knowledge and divine instruction that the Hierarchy brings, knowing that it was not a simple birth, but rather it was a great revelation that God brought for humanity.
With the birth of My beloved Son, God indicated an opportunity to the world, and He continues to reveal it; He continues to show it through the contemplation of this mystery, in which many Hierarchies participated and a Great Celestial Brotherhood assembled around the planet, more than two thousand years ago, to participate in this moment, because a very great many cosmic rays descended to accomplish the spiritual recovery of humanity and withdraw the human race from a project dismissed by the Eternal Father Himself.
How much Love He had, so immeasurable and infinite, that He gave Himself to each one of His children! He made Himself into such a little child and in likeness to yourselves, so that you could recognize Him, you could feel and see Him with your own eyes, because many that are here today were participants in this event in the Cave of Bethlehem.
This is the time for understanding that this story continues and is being written, and that this story that is being written cannot be changed.
In this way, you can understand, My children, how the Divine Will continues to be active throughout the times and the generations, and how this Will must be concretized in yourselves, and your brothers and sisters, so that what God thought of and ardently desired, within this cycle of the final battle, may be accomplished beyond any event or circumstance.
And so, My children, you are facing a new opportunity of consciously assuming this commitment that My Son offers you; not only an inner union of yourselves with your inner Christ, but the living of the Project of the Redeemer, of all that He needs to concretize and carry out in this cycle.
In this way, your purification will be small, insignificant, because the energy of cosmic healing will grant you a transformation and change of your being.
Thus, I bring you this opportunity so that you may consciously re-enter the Divine Source, this Source that generated the incarnation of the Son of God through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, in the conception of your Divine Mother.
Everything that God needs for this time and through this Work is not small, but rather very large. In everything that He needs to carry out in humanity, in the most distant peoples of the Earth, as is Africa, His aspiration is ardent and alive, it beats in the very Heart of the Father until it may be accomplished and carry out what He needs, because in the simplest things the most marvelous things will be seen. It is in this space and in this place where Mercy will take action and hearts will be redeemed, becoming free forever from the captivity and slavery that My enemy imposes.
But you have the Grace of having Aurora and other Sacred Centers, where you do not lack the opportunity nor the tools for being able to experience this ascension and transformation, no matter how hard it may seem.
While you fulfill what God needs, you will not suffer, because God is love and joy. Suffering is a part of humankind, of that which humanity itself has generated through its debts.
The spiritual Universe is hope, is ascension, and it is light. And it is this Light of Christ that I bring to you today, My children, so that it may penetrate your hearts and essences and, recovering your origin and your existence, you may be able to again feel as a part of the Project of God, of this great Mission of the end of times that each one is called upon to experience, together with your Heavenly Mother.
I place a blessing today, upon those who most need it, setting My Hands upon you and upon the whole world, as a mother who caresses her children and consoles their hearts. This Grace brings you the fortitude of the Holy Spirit and the Gift of Science for experiencing these definitive times.
May the fortitude and the science of the Holy Spirit grant you the power of discernment, the capacity to understand beyond the limits of the mind and the consciousness, and to be able to carry out and give impulse to the Will of God upon the surface of this planet.
If you simply fulfill, only this, you will be living the purpose and the essence of your lives. And, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in many more places, in many more hearts, in many more lost souls that will become rescuable and will no longer be fallen stars, but rather little suns in the firmament that will also live their spiritual mission.
Today I tell you these last words, in this cycle I give you these last messages, because when the twelve years of My Apparitions are completed, in the coming 2020, a period will end, will be finalized, and you must live everything that you have received as knowledge and instruction.
While I am here, I help the rest of humanity and carry all toward the Heart of My Son, fulfilling on this night what He requested of Me, and re-establishing His Divine Will in this place, so that it may finally be lived without alterations.
I am this new Aurora that comes to the world to illuminate the times of darkness. I am the last Messenger of God and the first that will open the door to My Son so that He may return to the world. In that moment, your hearts must already be defined and, with bravery and courage, waiting for the coming of the Redeemer.
Today, from your hearts, I will receive this sacred offering of the novena and in My Heart, I will carry your prayers and all your intentions to those who are suffering because of their purification, so that they may stop suffering, because God loves them, God considers them and contemplates them, just as He contemplated and considered His Slave and His faithful Servant, your Celestial Mother.
I want you to place yourselves at the foot of this manger, this spiritual manger, this divine revelation that I have brought to you today, so that this impulse that the Hierarchy brings may be radiated and expanded into the whole world, so that the New Christs may awaken and participate in this sacred Mission.
For this, in this moment, let us listen to the instrumental of "Silent Night."
And, at the request of our Divine Mother, for all the families of the world, because of all the graces and merits of this novena, carried out by the families of the world, we will pray the "Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth" two times, and in the Heart of the Divine Mother, in Her presence, we will offer these prayers.
We take a breath.
Prayer: "Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth" (repeated twice).
My tears fall tonight, feeling the love and the strength of your prayers. How in the simplest and most humble lies what is great and victorious, what comes from God, for all eternity. Amen.
You will sing "Silent Night" so that this consecration may reach all the families of the world and the very smallest, those who are alone and who are orphans.
I thank you for responding to My call, and may the powerful Light of the Star of Bethlehem guide the steps and your paths for the coming times. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
There are plans contrary to Christ being able to be born in each human heart, plans that intend to prevent souls from becoming aware of their Christifying potential.
This means distracting the consciousness so that it may never come to know the virtues and gifts that it contains and thus it is placed in constant illusion.
For this reason, the Divine Hierarchy emphasizes the end of each year as an important period in which hearts can take refuge in the Spirit of the Sacred Family, so as to be able to draw closer to that inner and Christic reality.
Each time a consciousness achieves contact with its inner Christ, it is allowing its spirit to draw closer to material reality and, in this way, give it the impulse to take greater steps toward the fulfilling of the Greater Will.
But upon this path of carrying out Divine Will, there are tests and difficulties so that the consciousness may strengthen and affirm all the light that can emerge in the heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
As Lady of the Nativity of Jesus, today I invite you to build an inner manger within yourselves during this time, through prayer, so that your souls, united with that of Christ, may be able to be reborn and renewed in the attributes of the Sacred Family, so that this Universal Sacred Family may today be a reality upon this planet.
For this, My children, today many prepare for the coming of the Child King by building mangers, to remember that important event of the Birth of Jesus as a doorway to freedom from human slavery and the redemption of the errors of humankind upon the surface of the Earth.
Today, in a particular way, your Divine Mother contemplates the creativity in the preparation of the mangers, and this is very important, because a greater number of souls lovingly preparing their mangers will allow the Sacred Spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth to be present in the nuclei of the families.
For the special vigil of Christmas Eve, on December 24, 2019, I invite all My children to this year send photos of their mangers so that they may be presented as an inner offering of commitment in the protection of the love of families.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series - Divine Revelations of these times
From the humble cave of Bethlehem to the Temple of the Circumcision - Part II
After the physical, internal and universal events that took place in the simple cave of Bethlehem, after a few days, Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother prepared to present the Child God in the Temple.
This was now the second mystery that would be revealed to men, during that time, concerning what would spiritually signify the coming of the Messiah to the Earth.
At that time, the cave of Bethlehem was permeated and filled with Christic light and within each place that the Child King passed by divine attributes and codes were deposited, not only as teraphims, but also for all those who, in some way or another, participated in and knew about the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; they received spiritual impulses that would bring them to a transformation of consciousness.
Days after the sacred Child of Israel was born, Saint Joseph had already made the preparations and finished the prayers so that He would also go through, within the Temple, the process of so-called purification.
Saint Joseph arrived in the Temple together with the Most Holy Mary and the Little Child in Her arms but during the process of the circumcision of the Little Child, as the Law of Moses requires, an unexpected fact was revealed through a humble priest called Simon.
This wise and contacted being was one of the many people on Earth that waited for the coming of the Messiah and for the fulfilling of the prophecies of the Prophets.
In this instance of the Presentation of the Little Child in the Temple and after the circumcision, Simon, inspired by the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit, shared and announced a prophecy to the Mother of God, telling Her that a sword of pain would pierce Her Heart. And, immediately, He recited one of the prophecies about the advent of Christ on Earth.
The Temple of the Circumcision was the place that not only determined the complete consecration of the Child King to the Plan of God but where the spiritual sacrifice that His Heavenly Mother would live by offering the Little Child as spiritual reparation and atonement for all the errors committed in humanity.
It was from that moment, of Jesus being in the Temple, that the fall of the evil empire, which in that time subjected and punished the Earth, oppressing the continuity of the sacred People of Israel, would begin.
The arrival of the Little Jesus to the Temple and the company of Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother represented that, at that very same hour, the great divine intervention would develop, the one that would bring to an end the decadence of men and of all the human degeneration, through the presence of Christ on Earth, as well as all the unconditional life that this very Child, later a Man, would give for love for all His brothers and sisters.
The act of purification in the Temple meant the passage to another stage of that perfect but silent Plan, that God Himself was carrying forward through His Beloved Son.
It was through the presentation of the Child King in the Temple that the angelic and archangelic intervention began to directly occur within all of the souls of humanity, of that time, since it was necessary for all of humankind to move away from its process of self-destruction and its ambitious power.
For that reason, since the time that Jesus had incarnated on Earth, the angelic and archangelic beings, at the request of the Mother of God, made use of the highest spiritual instruments and the purest Immaterial Rays so that the spirits on Earth may live the first steps of redemption.
In order for all of this to be possible, the Child King, still being a newborn, applied certain divine Laws that modified the spiritual condition of the Earth, but that, at the same time, opened the portals of contact and spiritual communication among the Greater Source and the inner worlds, places where the essences are.
All of the universal movements carried out, by the presence of the Sacred Family and the angelic intervention, stopped the advance of the evil powers over human consciousness, which was more primitive in that time.
All of these contrary currents, as a punishment, had to present the entire victory that was generated from the Birth of Jesus until the Death and Resurrection of Christ.
In this way, the planet and humanity were converted and redeemed by the potent voltage of Love-Wisdom.
The alliance that was achieved between Heaven and Earth defeated and overcame the projects of the adversary. But now, in this current time, and before the second Coming of Christ, humanity is in a moment so similar to that of the Birth of Jesus, a moment in which each human being will have the Grace of overcoming in love and of surpassing and transcending indifference so that Christ may triumph again in all hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series – Divine Revelations of these times
In the Humble Cave of Bethlehem - Part I
And it was through the powerful Light of the Star of Bethlehem that your Mother and Lady, in the humble Company of Her Spouse, Saint Joseph, after having sought a simple place for the Birth of the Child King, We accepted a gift from God, which We did not expect but, at the same time, We perceived it as a visible sign during the Birth of the Child God.
It was the supreme decision that the Living God, made man and consciousness, wanted to be born in a humble manger within the caves near the village of Bethlehem.
This was so the Sacred Family, through the inner guidance of Archangel Saint Gabriel, could settle and prepare for the expected Birth of Who, throughout the times and generations, would free humankind from a possible self-destruction and a total loss of attributes and the Commandments that, as a people, in that time, united them to God.
It was for that reason that the Birth of the Messiah, the King of Israel and of the entire Earth, was prophesized and announced by the wisest contact-beings who understood, on an internal level, the cosmic vision of the local space of this Universe and, through angelic intercession, deciphered the estimated day and hour of the arrival and Birth of the Child Jesus in Bethlehem, even without previously knowing the Sacred Family.
My Husband, Saint Joseph, touched and internalized by the Birth of Christ, and by the fulfillment of the Sacred Prophecies, testified that all of His great effort and striving for the preparation of the arrival of the Little Child would be small.
Behind the Birth of Jesus, the Most Holy Mary, your Divine Mother, already knew, from the thirteen annunciations of Archangel Gabriel, that the arrival of the Child King would mean a most important Celestial, Divine and Cosmic intervention, a situation that would change and transcend all past human errors, from Eden, with Adam and Eve, up until the end of times, until the fulfillment of His second return to humanity.
This intervention, which took place in the humble and simple scenery of the cave of Bethlehem, represented the restoration of the Alliance that had been lost between humanity and God; but it also meant the re-establishment of the codes of Love-Wisdom which, from the spiritual plane, would help the material plane of the entire human race.
The first Source of Creation, which arises in the immaterial plane, lived a process of materialization of its forms and matrixes in order to contribute to the Birth of Jesus on Earth.
This movement of very high vibratory-spiritual science also meant a strong movement of cosmic and solar currents, of emanations and divine impulses which assisted so that, through the Birth of Christ, not only one of the Divine Aspects of the Trinity could descend onto the Earth, but also a state of contact between all beings who, at that time of the Birth of Christ, had total confidence about the arrival of their savior.
For this reason, the annunciation of the angels to the shepherds and the wise interpretation and attunement of the Kings of the East generated, in all of the spiritual consciousness of the planet, the possibility of placing the Earth, once again, in a rescuable disposition.
When Jesus was born in the manger of Bethlehem many other spiritual, internal and even physical events occurred, since the descent of the immaterial energy of God embraced and encompassed many planetary events.
All of those who, with sincerity and devotion, remember the Birth of Christ, year after year, re-enter into the same cosmic and divine currents from which, more than two thousand years ago, the process of rescue and redemption of humanity was originated.
To celebrate the Birth of Christ every year is not living the past or returning to a true story, but rather it means to return to the Origin of the Origin, not only as a planet, but also as a being, through the Birth of Christ, in order to have access to a state of spiritual atonement and to be able to regain the purpose that brought each being to the Earth, in spite of all the mistakes lived.
It is this impulse that until today enables the continuity, on the planet, of the existence of Christic beings who will generate, step by step, the fulfillment of the Plan.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more