Weekly Messages

An account of the Message

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today we went to receive Saint Joseph at Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres (House of Our Lady of the Poor), and during the prayer and the singing we were doing to receive Him, we perceived a very lovely energy, a channel that gradually opened in the whole area of the wall of the house and the altar where the picture of Mary, of Christ and of Saint Joseph was.

It was a portal that was slowly opening into the Celestial Kingdom, a space where there were many choirs of angels, many! On all the levels of the dimensions that slowly appeared, each of the doors, one after another, had different levels of choirs of angels, and they were creating a path to the Divine Consciousness.

At the end of this path there was a Fount of pure energy, which began to descend over us as if it were a river, a spring, crystal clear water, but it was energy.

It gradually descended from that portal, that pure Fount, crossing all the dimensions, and when it reached the place where we were receiving the Message, that water first touched our own consciousness, worked on us, cleansed us, purified us, and was bringing that energy of Grace and of peace. Afterwards, it passed through our beings and reached all the planetary spaces, most especially the city of Carmo da Cachoeira and Brazil. It was something that was coming and had no end, it flowed without ending.

 After a time, Saint Joseph appeared in the depths of that portal. He was walking through that Fount of clear water, and when He reached where we were, that Fount gradually transformed into another space, and Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres slowly gained a different aspect, like a much simpler house, with walls of stone. Inside, there was some furniture, some of wood, others of stone, and Saint Joseph was saying that this was the House of the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

In that house there were different portals to the Universe, to Infinity, portals that were associated with the Divine Consciousness, with Universal Life and its mysteries, and many angels and archangels were going through that house.

Saint Joseph was saying that Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres has a link of a spiritual coordinate with that House of Nazareth, which still exists in the inner worlds, on the inner and spiritual levels of consciousness.

Then, as He spoke, talking about the experiences of the Sacred Family, those experiences were appearing there through images, and the codes of the experiences which the Sacred Family went through were touching our consciousnesses, our beings.

With that, He began to transmit the following Message:


Like a spring unknown to human hearts, Grace flows abundantly when souls pray in the places consecrated by the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Here, children, at this Point of Light, where the Sacred Hearts find rest, there is a sacred spiritual coordinate which unites this place with the Sacred House of Nazareth, where the Child Jesus, the Virgin Mary and My Chaste Heart learned about love, charity and the celestial mysteries.

In that Holy House, Our Hearts expanded and Our Consciousnesses lived an expansion that until then had never been experienced by the human consciousness. In Nazareth, we lived the first steps of transcendence and the initiation of a union with the Divine, the school of intersession, the mystery of humility, the power of silence and the Grace of charity.

For that reason, here in this sacred place, these same gifts are available for hearts that pray, adore and contemplate the mysteries of the life of Christ and His Sacred Family.

In this place, the angels of the Archangel Gabriel fervently wait for the merciful and intercessory prayers of pleading souls, so that in this way, they are able to carry them as merits to the Feet of God, in the name of those most in need.

The planet, children, is in need of balance and prayer. It needs awakened souls that will give priority to this sacred, hidden and silent mission of interceding for the world and for its Kingdoms. Thus, I ask, and with love, I tell you that you should vivify your prayers with the sincere effort of the heart, and do not allow the abundant Graces of the Heart of God to remain in the Heavens, but rather that they be poured out over the Earth through the celestial floodgates that are opening to the sound of sincere hearts that lift up their prayers to the Heavens.

Generate merits for the balance of the planet and this sacred place. Like waves of Light, your prayers will intercede for this city, for this country, for this continent, and for this planet, as long as you are constant and persevering in your spiritual path.

When, with love and responsibility, you take on the commitment of sustaining your spiritual path, you will perceive, children, that you will receive all the responses you are searching for, the healing for which you cry out, a balance in your purifications, the transcendence from your miseries and the ascension of the consciousness.

This is a long road, which must be trod with the key of constancy, and when you least expect it, your consciousnesses will achieve a pure and simple union with God, even in times of tribulation.

Be persevering and constant, and everything will be made known to you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing the Grace that God grants you, every day, of not being alone on this path of transformation and healing.

Walk toward the birth of Christ within you, recognizing that each one of your brothers and sisters and companions on this path are chosen by the Father so that they could be with you, because, through their presence in your life, you will be able to learn to love more each day.

My child, open to know how to thank God every day for what He manifests in your life. Give thanks for the challenges, give thanks for the difficulties, give thanks for the moments of frustration and the moments of weariness.

Give thanks for moments such as this, in which Heaven opens before you to listen to your pleas, and God, in spite of being in all things, at this moment places His eyes upon you and attentively receives your prayers.

Give thanks because, in a time so difficult for the planet, the Creator granted you a spiritual family so that, like the Sacred Family, you may be able to walk together toward Bethlehem. Give thanks because your brothers and sisters and companions made themselves available to overcome the difficulties of this time with you.

Perfect days will not come, and the time that has past will not return so that you can again experience what your personality already knows and wants to continue living.

In Bethlehem, everything will be unknown, and after the birth of Christ within you, nothing will be as it was. Each day will surprise you, not because they will be days like what you want them to be. The events will surprise you because, if you give permission, this New Child within you will overcome all the challenges through love, one after another, and each day, the love will be renewed within you. This will be the difference between that which will be experienced by those who allow Christ to be born within them, and that which will be experienced by those who do not allow it.

It will not be outside of yourself where love will reign. The time will come in which this world will unite with what is real, with the Time of God. But until then, it is within you that this Kingdom must dwell, just as it dwelled within Christ, from His birth until His Holy Cross.

The cycles are renewed, until humanity is able to achieve the Will of God. For this reason, today, child, I come to call you to a spirit of gratitude so that, through it, you may allow yourself to be surprised, again and again, not by the life of the world, but rather by the love that is renewed within you and overcomes all things.

That same love lives within your brothers and sisters, because the Father granted you the Grace of walking with a spiritual family, so that whenever you lack love, you are able to look toward your brothers and sisters, and a simple smile may renew you.

So, open yourself to live this that I tell you, and so it will be. This is what God builds in your life through days such as this.*

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

*Message transmitted during the Saint Joseph Group Effort, in the Light-Community of Figueira.


Children, the larger the commitment of a soul is, the larger will be the challenge of its consecration, because more souls are linked to its step and so being, its definition will result in the awakening and redemption of many beings.

The larger the commitment of a work is, the larger will be the challenges to manifest it, because the adversary of God will not silence before the echo of the Voice of the Creator.

I ask you to be firm, brave and united in heart; that you maintain your strength in Christ, in the Universe and in all the revelations you already know so that in this way you will understand that the triumph of God goes beyond this life.

Humanity lives extreme opposites of awakening and of profound ignorance, of love and of much evil, and the battle between the establishment of peace and darkness will take place on all levels of consciousness.

What should never exist in your hearts is rage, because all rage that comes from the human heart only feeds what the adversary is trying to build.

You will not be indifferent to what happens in the world and, facing the attacks of the adversary, you will increase in yourselves the power of peace, of unity and of love. You will take advantage of each test to grow and to strengthen your own faith and thus you will not allow the adversary of God to find fuel to continue lightening the fire of illusions, perditions and mistakes.

Each being will be known for their own fruits. This work will be recognized by its fruits because it will sow peace and will make it flourish and multiply in the hearts.

While the falsehood emerges from the beings and all the lies become visible to everyone, the virtues must also emerge. Unite only to the light and do not see the lies of others as a form to defend and to justify yourselves, because this battle must not be competitive on your side, not even in your mind.

To dissolve darkness and to let evil poison itself, it is necessary not to drink from this poison but rather to drink from the Fountain of Christ that in silence and on the cross wins the battle of falsehood, attacks and defamations.

Children, pacify your interior and pray for your brothers and sisters. Today the Heart of God is more wounded and Christ prays before His Father for the ignorance of those who once more allow themselves to be instruments of evil.

The Lord hopes that there is unity among His companions and this must be built by those who are more conscious of this need. Therefore, pray and ask for the Christ to enter into the hearts of all men and women, purify your miseries and make true those who say they follow His Name.

Never lose sight of the example of the Redeemer and remember not to feed evil, not even in thought.

The Sacred Family returns to teach you that only in love, silence and living the truth, that you already know, you can make the Plan of God triumph.

Follow Our example and do not fear to live and announce what we ask you for, because – in spite of all resistance from humanity in losing its power over the things of the world – there are many who need to awaken in order to fulfill their mission.

One day everyone will make use of what We taught you to take the last step, no matter if you had been against or in favor of the Work of God because the truth will emerge beyond the human will.

I love you and leave you My Blessing,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Oh human soul that is in the last time of your imperfection, renounce what binds you to the old world, and launch into the infinity of a new life! Struggle firmly in your last battle of this cycle of darkness, a battle that will cause you to ascend to sublime realities and that, despite being long and painful, its merits will never end.

Oh soul that is so unknown to yourself, plunge into your inner world and remove the veils that cover your human eyes, so that you may discover the infinity of your own consciousness.

Soul of God, so tired of the cycles of illusion experienced on this Earth, the blindness and indifference are now coming to an end, so that you may rest contemplating the Sunrise of a new day, of a new era.

Soul of God that is so small and infinite at the same time; your greatness was hidden by the ignorance of the human mind, and your smallness is to be found in the humility which you are to uncover. Within you, humility and greatness must encounter, because it is only through recognizing yourself as a small nothing that you will discover the likeness to God that contains all things within Himself.

Open your heart to the Creative Word, speak through prayer, and no longer with human concepts and limited ideas.

Contemplate before you the great example of the Sacred Family and overcome the ancient prejudice against being pure and simple like those three Sacred Hearts. The greatest of mysteries is unveiled in simplicity.

No longer search so much for great sciences, if the greatest of all sciences is to discover yourself in likeness to God: in Him lies Omniscience.

While the world anchors matter to the old patterns of the Earth, elevate yourself, little soul. Make yourself light as the wind and return to the Father. In the silence of your example, carry all humanity with you, and reaching the Heavens, open the doors to the new time, to the time that has always been, that is, but that your world never came to know.

Go in search of the new, the eternal, the infinite.

Who shows you the path to the new era,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


As the Sacred Family, we have come to encourage humanity to respond to the Call of God and to fulfill His Holy Will.

As the Sacred Family, we invite the world to learn from the purity of children, and to let them teach you how to find God.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to open your hearts to experience mysteries that absolutely transcend human understanding, and completely transform all that is known about life upon Earth, and even about yourselves, opening your eyes to that which you truly are.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to offer your souls as instruments of God, to overcome the fear of losing the things of the world, and even yourselves, because everything that you keep as treasures, whether it is ways of life, material things or sentimental relationships of any kind, as well as that which you know about life itself, all this will pass with a breath of Divine Justice, while the experience of Truth strengthens the power and action of Mercy.

As the Sacred Family, we call you to live true love, a love that transcends possessions, that does not seek rewards, that only gives and receives nothing, except from God, Who, each time you open yourselves to give something, infuses you with a greater will to give everything.

As the Sacred Family, we place you before the Grace of the return of Christ, a gift that is incomprehensible to the mind, and only acceptable to the heart that has already discovered faith within itself.

As the Sacred Family, we invite you to discover the possibility of living peace in times of chaos and of maintaining trust in God, even in the face of the greatest suffering, when the Lord asks us, even for our lives, for the love of His Plan, just as it was in the Passion of Christ.

Receive through your prayers the codes of the Sacred Family, and do not leave them guarded under seven keys within yourselves; allow them to take life, to expand and multiply in those who come to you, just as it was with the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

I leave you My peace and absolute trust in the presence of Christ within humanity, because the Lord has been reborn.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the Sacred Presence of the Most Holy Mary


Dear servants of the Most High God,

On this day I tell you that, in order that you may yet live in this world, the Superior Laws that are lived in the universe, you must find the sacred again.

The sacred is the gift of knowing the presence of God in all things. The sacred fulfills the soul and approaches the spirit to the corrupted matter, so that it can make it pure and clear.

To find the sacred is a simple way to say that the consciousness is walking the path of the Universal Laws. And the key to discover the sacred in all things is reverence.

Every day, the forces of opposition to the Plan of God try to destroy the sacred as a concept in the human life, and this begins from childhood, degenerating the family relationships.

It is for this reason that My Chaste Heart descends to the world, in order to make a special plea to the families. As well as I could live the sacred, together with the Holy Family of Nazareth, today I ask you to look after the sacred within your families.

That, from childhood, children may come to know love, reverence for God, as well as for their neighbor; reverence for ceremonies, for prayer, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for life.

The purity that the little ones bring, may it not be lost from their hearts. Beware of the influences that they receive; give preference to the contact with the Kingdoms of Nature rather than the contact with technologies. Do not seek only to distract your children, siblings, grandchildren, nephews and nieces; but instead assume these little souls and be the example for them to follow. May they find, in the life of spirit, the joy of being in life, and this will happen through your example.

A life empty of love, empty of God and of His Holy Spirit is creating the current youth of the world, those that no longer find a meaning for living, because their souls, that came to the world in this time to fulfill a specific mission, are not finding, in that which the planet offers, what God has entrusted to them.

Therefore, look after the youth and the children of the world and make yourselves responsible for those who are by your side. Show them the life of spirit, of prayer, of spiritual quest, of things that transcend life in matter.

Because those who are being born in this time have the mission of remembering their origin, in this way attracting to the world the new time, the new humanity. Therefore it is important to lead them to the right path, before the soul gets confused by all that the world offers, as superficialities and false spiritual paths.

Do this for the Plan of God and for the future of humanity, as well as for the whole Universe.

I love you and I leave you My loving impulse of salvation, above all for the youth and for the children of this world.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, eternal Servant of God


Eternal glory to the God of the Heights and peace for the hearts that persevere in the quest for the Merciful Heart of Christ.

Dear companions, I thank you in the name of God, the Supreme Father of all Creation, for answering to the prayer request of His Holy Servant, the Virgin Mary.  Your prayers are being heard in the Kingdom of the Heavens and many souls are being removed from the abysses and hells of this world.

I ask you, with My Chaste Heart of Love, to keep praying for the world and to not detain the power of salvation that is being generated from your hearts.

I ask you to give priority to this urgent need of the planet and to remember, in every instant of your lives, the souls that are dying forgotten by the world, as something normal.  Today My Chaste Heart comes to tell you to not allow that the world atrocities become natural to the human heart.

Do not relate the Middle East with wars and with permanent conflicts or with death, with suicide and with massacres, because that land must be recognized as the sacred ground where the Family of Christ lived and where His Merciful Heart of Love learned to serve God and the others.

The adversary of the Project of God is trying to erase from the memory of humanity, and above all, of the Middle East, the codes left by Christ, by His Family and by His apostles and disciples.  But the enemy does not know, My dears, that these codes of love are imperishable and that they will always light up before a pure heart that invocates them for the redemption of the world.

The Blood of Christ was not poured over that ground by chance and all the blood that is poured today must be converted by the prayers of all the peacemakers from the whole world.

Never forget the souls that lose themselves every day in the whole world and, above all, in Africa and in the Middle East.  Pray without ceasing and offer all your difficulties for those who do not have an opportunity of traversing a spiritual path.

Live in the spirit of gratitude every day, for all that the Creator God delivers to you in order to be able to fulfill His Plan and be a bridge of salvation for the lost hearts.

Awake and walk fast to the union with Christ.  The salvation of this world starts in the little transformations of your lives.

Know that your souls and your spirits are sacred before the Eyes of God, because you keep in themselves a unique potential of imitating His Son.

I love you and expect to find you in prayer and vigil, in transformation, effort and sacrifice every day.

Saint Joseph, the Watchman and Guardian of Holy Plan of God


Enter into the plenitude of God existing  in your heart and never lose hope in achieving His Purpose.

When I was on Earth, as Joseph of Nazareth, the chaos of My time and the ignorance of those who were around Me led Me to seek the Divine Spirit even more assiduously.  I understood, in My quest, that I should be the engine for the elevation and transformation of all those who were around Me.

It was the faith that inhabited in My interior, by itself, that would touch the hearts of people and would make them ask themselves internally what was the mystery which that Family was living and if it was not God Himself that was in person among Them.

Know that God Himself is among you and you must announce this grace in the silence of your transformation and in the experience of the sacred attributes that the Lord has infused in your consciousnesses.

May all the souls that come close to your beings be impelled to seek the Divine and, even if they do not know well the focus of their quest, may they feel that it conducts them to the Heights, to the Universe, to the Boundless.

You live today, as a group, one of the greatest graces ever delivered to the humanity.

The spirit of love must be made flesh in each one of those who follow the Divine Messengers and, in this way, this love will expand to all humanity.

Each step that you take, in your days, you must offer to God, aware that many essences depend on this awakening and on this evolutionary path that you are traversing.

Drink from the Source of the Divine Words of Christ and fill your beings in the certainty that He is the one who pronounces them.  Let yourselves be molded and matured by the spiritual impulses of Mary and consecrate, little by little, all the consciousness to the Divine.  Dive into the simplicity of My Words and make of them a manual for life on Earth.

Be simpler of heart and never tire of seeking the spirit of simplicity.  It is only in this way that you will cross the Celestials Portals with the humility of a child.

Do not lose faith and trust the unpredictability of the human heart.  Search for the potential that you do not know about yourselves and, in prayer and reflection, unveil the mysteries of your own inner world.

I leave you My Peace.

Saint Joseph, your Father and Guardian for these times


Listen with your heart to the story that I will tell you, let that My words flow like pure water in the river of your mind and may the mysteries of My life run within this water with the same harmony. Trust in the commitment that your heart has with Me because the world knows very little about this story, and it will continue to know very little until it enters into the Kingdom of Heavens.

I was born from a gestation of infinite purity, prepared by the angels, as if they were creating a flower, but it was My soul that was growing in the maternal womb of My holy mother. I say holy to you because upon her the Holy Spirit descended through dreams. She was prepared by the angels to understand the maternity that she was going to live, of an uncommon child for those times.

My mother used to sing to My heart, praying and preparing her pregnancy with deep love. Love that God infused in her to inspire her creation that was going to be the seed of what was going to become Joseph, called the son of David.

I was born and I grew up accompanied by angels. My holy mother, adorned by the Holy Spirit, was the one who first taught Me to realize the initial works of charity. She taught Me that to the neighbor we would always offer the best and whoever acted in this way, giving to the neighbor the best that one had, would receive from God the best that He Himself had in the Kingdom of Heavens.

In this way, I began to understand the Laws of God that were very different from the laws of the Earth, and the more My child’s consciousness was submerged in this Kingdom, the more I saw Myself outside of all of the laws of the world, above all the laws of matter, those that tie humanity and make it a hostage of the energies of vices.

Gifted with a deep union with God, the Lord never allowed the laws from the Earth to act upon My youthful consciousness.

I learned about work and about solitude, silence, prayer and fasting, and within these daily habits, I grew. From a simple and poor family, life was reflecting itself in My soul, I grew up simple and poor from the things of the world.

Solitude taught Me humility because in solitude I used to deepen Myself into the mysteries of Faith, and in the science of the Kingdom of God, that which made Me understand, day by day, how small I was before the Greatness of the Most High God.

It is true that I made a vow of chastity when I was 12 years old. In truth, chastity and purity were infused in Me by the Divine Will, and these were natural virtues of My little being. When at the age of 12 I understood part of the Will of God for My little consciousness, I confirmed Myself in this Will and I offered the vow of perpetual chastity.

I did not only make this vow before God, but I also promised Him to be eternally of service in all things as long as I lived and into Eternity, I would be His faithful servant and worker,  eternally serving His Holiness and all His children, those most in need.

When I married Mary, I also found within Her the perfect charity of which we were examples as a family, and as individuals.

All works carried out by My hands were offered to the poor, those who were poorer than we were. And, as I had learned from God, when I gave to those in need, by Work and the Grace of the Holy Spirit, we would receive at our table all that we needed to survive.

Mary was also an example of spiritual charity. She would form in the Love for God all those who were in need, from the elderly to the youth. She was always surrounded by women from Nazareth and Jerusalem.

In My work as a carpenter, I carried out the trade always united to the Will of the Lord, and this allowed the craft made to be endowed with the Holy Spirit.  Many miracles happened within and outside of my knowledge, miracles over which I asked for perpetual silence regarding those that would receive them, and total attribution to the Divine Grace and to His Holy Will and Work.

In My carpentry, I trained the young and the children of Nazareth, among whom was the Child Jesus, who would teach Me more than what He learned.  With His presence, the miracles realized through the objects that were made began to grow.

Since our creations were made for people that were very poor, but who had much faith, it cost them nothing to believe in the Works of the Holy Spirit and, though deeply grateful to this quite mysterious family of Nazareth, seeing such great humility and purity, they did not hesitate in attributing these holy works to God. 

The life of Joseph was above all a life of silence, work and prayer. The Lord says that this is the archetype of consecrated life, a life that existed so many years ago and that, by many, may be considered outdated, but that came to reveal to the world the archetype of families upon Earth.

Joseph and Mary completed each other in virtue and in devotion, in Love of God and in caring for Jesus. Jesus learned in His childhood about the virtues of His parents and He excelled in all, growing up with them and teaching His most humble parents to live under the Law of God.

The Sacred Family was the complement of perfect holiness, the most pure Work of the Creator, seen in the smallest details and prepared not only in Joseph and in Mary, but in all previous fourteen generations of both parents of Jesus.

These generations were growing in holiness and purity to offer the two saints the most pure sanctity that could exist upon Earth and, from this perfect union, they would be able to birth, protected from the world and sheltered by the Holy Spirit, the favorite Son of God, His firstborn, Jesus Christ.


The writings that are found in The Mystical City of God are complemented by those that are in the Gospel.

All must be read and studied with the heart so that, through it, it shall be transmitted.

May first be born in your hearts this devotion that later will cross the world.

Your beloved Brother and Instructor, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
