Friday, November 18 of 2022

The Sacred Call

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the world remembers the simplicity it has lost, conflicts will dissolve and peace will return to the inner worlds of many beings.

When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will be no reason for showing off or for wars, because the Paradise of God will be able to reign, that Sacred Project that was thought of by the Father from the beginning, a Project that is part of the Sacred Creation.

When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will no longer be a reason or place for false power, impunity, conquest and the show that many consciousnesses seek in these times. Because God, called the Eternal Father, is Simplicity itself, and, being Simple, not only is He Humble, but He also expresses His Love and His Greatness through that which is poor in spirit and essence.

Simplicity was the attribute that filled the Sacred Family. Without simplicity, Mary could not have said ‘yes.’ Without simplicity, Saint Joseph could not have responded to the Call of God, to be the spiritual father of the Messiah, of That One who was born in the humble Manger of Bethlehem.

Without simplicity itself, which the Father granted to me as a Grace, I could not have been the very Christ, That One who took the risk of drinking of the chalice, Who suffered for you in silence at each step of the Cross, but in deep simplicity so that the world could have a new opportunity of Redemption and Mercy, and then reach these times.

But in these critical times, some regions of the world, that is, many human beings, suffer depression due to a of lack of simplicity because they do not allow their souls to express themselves not only in simplicity, but also in humility and in the poverty of spirit.

Therefore, I come today to tell you this, because you may have heard it many times, but it is something so essential in these times although the majority of the Children of God sometimes exchange simplicity for the showing off of material life, and many of them, in these times, do not understand why they go through certain difficult tests or experiences.

Therefore, be like God Himself, through the example of your Most Holy Mother and Her Most Holy Son, and live in simplicity so that the world may recover the principles of its Original Project, that Project that is still to be fulfilled and carried out. All of you and your brothers and sisters throughout the world are called to be postulants for this path of fulfilling the Project of God on the surface of the Earth.

This was the first thing I wanted to tell you, because all must place their gaze upon the essence of this Message, because while souls do not live in simplicity, they will not be able to understand many Mysteries of God.

He needs to see you simple so that He may see you pure of heart, pure of intention, free from errors and sin. Thus, you will be ready to learn how to love in daily life, at each step that you are called to take in these definitive times.

I Am also here today, in Rome, in Spirit and Divinity, in essence and simplicity, to make My Church, extended throughout the Earth, remember that its purpose is simplicity, so that they may be in the same Consciousness as the Eternal Father, so that in this way they may better help the world, the poorest among the poor, those who have nothing and are simple.

But all those who represent Me in the Church, priests, those of religious profession, believers, devotees and all those who follow the Steps of Christ, must be the very Mirror of God’s simplicity so that all may be ready for what will come at the end of times and thus may help people in a better way, especially those who have always showed off material life and left spiritual life behind, not only forgetting God, but also their inner worlds. Because all the people who are present on the surface of the Earth will need to recover their inner simplicity so that they may have the Grace of recovering humility.

Thus, I come here today as the Messenger of God’s Simplicity and, through this simple place that you have offered to Me today, My Christic Consciousness has been able to help Eastern Europe, beyond the borders of Ukraine, being able to close uncertain doors, being able to recover hearts that have suffered war and terror, being able to bring everyone even more toward My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy through the powerful Source of Mercy that I once opened in Poland.

In this way, companions, I place all of you before God, before His Great Spirit of Simplicity and Love. Because He patiently waits in these times so that souls may still understand His Will and thus live it as it is written.

Today, I come to place all under My Mantle, because the world needs it, and if the world needs it, it is because souls need it. Thus, I come to contemplate all needs, all intentions of good hearts, of those who try to live My Spirit of Peace, day by day.

Thus, embrace with joy the Sacred Spirit of God’s Simplicity, because in it you will find the answer you so much seek, to become strengthened in these times and to learn to strengthen your brothers and sisters of the path, all those who are around you.

I come to tell you this, because I know that you can live it, but you must not forget it. The world has its eyes on other spaces. Souls have their eyes on other places.

The Eternal Father still waits to return to the heart of His Children, to dwell and express His Light.

This is why, once again, and through all your prayers, you will be able to silently help those souls that do not have God because they do not wait for Him, because they do not love Him, because they do not adore Him. However, the Eternal Father does wait for His Children, He loves His Children and expects them to recognize Him as a Father of Love and Mercy, Pity and Compassion.

In this way, through this day and this meeting, My Sacred Heart again opens the doors of Grace, Mercy and Light, upon the whole Northern Hemisphere, to give continuity to My Work of Mercy and Redemption in those places that need My Presence and, above all, need My God.

Therefore, this stage is very important. It is very important that all may support, accompany and help it, because important and demanding tasks will come, and, as more than two-thousand years ago, these important and sacred tasks, requested by Christ Himself, were carried out by very few.

In this way, I train you and prepare you to assume with Me the planetary cross so that you may surpass Me in love, surrender, solidarity and cooperation with the Plan of Love, that Divine Plan that I hope will be fulfilled in many souls.

Therefore, once again, I come to anoint you with My Spirit, just as I promised My apostles, and today I promise to you, fulfilling it through My Word and My Presence.

My Heart still suffers for what it sees outside, but also that which it sees within My Church. For this reason, I invite you to pray for the reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all those who are My apostles and My companions throughout the whole world. And some of them, instead of taking steps toward Me, take steps toward their own will, many times because they do not live inner simplicity.

Thus, today, through My Spiritual Anointment, receive, all of you, this Gift of God’s Simplicity, so that you may always remember that it is where God lies. He is not in material powers or in spiritual show. He is not in opulence or in wealth. God is present, once again, in the hearts of the simple and the humble, in all those who mirror His Presence with simplicity and love.

I thank you for being here with Me today, this is very significant to Me because it speaks of many inner opportunities, not only for those present, but also for other souls that also need it. For this reason, I thank you for being here, accompanying Me, following Me, seeking Me and adoring Me as your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.

And now, from the Marian Center of Figueira, in the name of Jesus Christ, let us celebrate the Spiritual Communion to begin this new stage of untiring service, of permanent sacrifice, of spontaneous donation, not only for the Work of My Mercy in the Northern Hemisphere and in the whole world, but also through the Humanitarian Missions in Angola, Poland and in other places of the world, which My Merciful Love and My Consoling Spirit must reach through the hands and hearts that give of themselves with one aim: the triumph of My Love in all of humanity.

Once again, I thank you for your prompt response to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, November 6 of 2022

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The day after the great purification will come, when the seals of the New Humanity will be opened.

And the Lords of the Law will come to Earth and open these seals, so that the Books may reveal to the world the new time of humanity, of all the redeemed humanity.

And the Lords of the Law will enter the Temple and find the Tabernacle of the Heart of Christ, more resplendent, luminous and alive than hundreds of suns of the universe.

And the Lord, elevating His Hand toward the Heavens, will call for the presence of the Resplendent, of all Elohim.

Thus, the angels will descend with the Scrolls, and the Elders of the Law will enter the Temple with the Books open.

In that hour, the choirs will sing and praise God, and the aspect of Yahveh will come to Earth to present itself, much more than a dove of Light, much more than the Sacred Holy Spirit.

The Living God will make Himself present in the hearts of men and women of the Earth, and all the pilgrims of these times, will come to the Temple, to recognize within themselves the inner dwelling, the existence of immortality, the eternity of the spirit and essence of all those who have firmly proclaimed their faith in Christ.

Also in that hour, from beside the Temple, the Mother of God will draw near, and the new holy women will be congregated in prayer and spirit.

When the angels present themselves in the Temple, with the Scrolls, and the Elders of the Law position themselves before the Resplendent, that will be the time for the descent of the New Jerusalem, and the codes of life, which come from the Supreme Source, will return to the planet.

At that moment, on the top of Mount Sinai, the Ark of the Holy Covenant will be opened. And those Patriarchs of old and the Prophets will gather in praise and prayer, as it was in the last times, in the sacred times of the people of Israel.

The Temple will give an inner indication of the great moment, when the Sacred Relics of the Hierarchy will emerge from the planet, will be visible on the surface of those Sacred Places chosen by God and which, since old times, in absolute silence, have kept the sacred treasures of the Brotherhood.

At that moment, the angels will open the Scrolls before the Son of God, and all sacred names will be revealed, the Shepherd will call His sheep again and this will be the moment of the Great Universal Judgment, when the chaff will be separated from the wheat.

The Holy Lady of the Universe will elevate Her Voice as She had never done before, and Her prayer will be heard throughout all the universe, in all Creation.

The holy women will remember the Legacy of Christ lived on Earth and, as new martyrs, they will offer themselves for all humanity and for the redemption of the planet. Upon them, in sacrifice, the Crown of Christ will descend, and the new apostles will be called for this meeting.

In a favorite union of souls with God, the new essence, the new life, will emerge, clean and free from sin, as it emerged at the beginning, from the original purity.

Thus, the Sacred Lakes of Light will be present in the universe and, in perfect attunement and synchronicity, they will cause the descent to the world of the Legacy of the trajectory of the New Christs, those who were capable of resigning and surrendering for love, capable of becoming empty of themselves, so that the Whole may live, the favorite dwelling of the Creator.

In that hour, before the Elders of the Law and the Resplendent Son of the Father, before the Scrolls that will be opened by the angels of Heaven, the secret of the Plan will be revealed, which had been preciously kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which, being open on the top of Mount Sinai, will not only be like a teraphim for the whole world, but also Its Light and Resplendence will completely illuminate humanity and the four corners of the Earth.

Then, the Elohim will call the tribes of Israel from the four corners of the Earth. The tribe from the South will come to the top of Mount Sinai. The tribe from the North will come to the top of Mount Sinai. Then the tribe from the East will come also to the top of Mount Sinai. And lastly, the tribe of the West will come. And perfect unity will be established, fulfilling the Original Project.

In this hour, the Son of the Father will receive in His Hand the Sacred Scepter of God, from the Hands of the Heavenly Lady. The Government will be established on the planet and the world will finally enter Brotherhood. The Principles and Laws that were corrupted will be re-established and, upon belonging to the filiation of God, all will find the happiness they had always sought.

Worthy children of God will be called and summoned, not by their birth names, but rather by their names of origin, and within the hearts of all will resound this perfect vibratory key that emerged from your essences at the beginning, and which the Father looked after and supported with attention and love.

At last, the world will live what it has so long waited for, and the Son of the Father will walk among His again, opening the paths of fraternity.

Thus, the Essenes of old will present themselves and so will the Templar Knights. All those who were a part of the Christ’s history will present themselves, from the saints to the blessed ones, from the servers to the most humble and anonymous. All those who did something for Christ during His incarnation will be summoned by the Lord to celebrate once again the institution of the Spiritual Government of the Father, which will remind them of their origin.

Thus, those errors that are kept in the stars will be dissolved and never again will a sword rise against anyone, war will no longer be the cause of so much evil, impunity will no longer be the weapon of those who claim to be powerful.

And all those who were unjustly affected will be honored and placed at the foot of the Altar of the Creator, and thus, the angels of the universe will give them the crowns of Light and bless those who were consistent, who were capable of giving their lives for others, who were capable of going beyond their imperfections and errors.

Everything will be contemplated and considered, nothing will remain outside the Law. This is why the Elders of the Law will come with their life stories, not only those they have lived on this Earth, but also those they have lived in the Cosmos. But these Sacred Books will reveal the experience of My Love in you, of all that which I have managed to make of your lives. Therefore, decide to be free from yourselves, no longer carry the chains of error and guilt, free yourselves, once and for all, from this oppression.

My Blood was shed to free you. My Body was flagellated to relieve you. The Son of God was mistreated so that your lives might be redeemed and sanctified in Christ, giving honor and glory to the Christic Legacy of Love.

This is why, in advance, I prepare you internally for this great moment, which is being lived by all the universe, is being prepared by the Elders of the Law, by the new Council of Sanhedrin.

May your spirits feel the bliss of this revelation, may your souls feel joy for this great moment. Because those assigned and anointed by Christ will be called in the end of these times to testify to the Love of the Redeemer, the Love that has become part of their lives, the Love that, through you, has been able to multiply to put an end to suffering in the world and to the annihilation of life.

I Am here, asking God and aspiring, through your hearts, that no one else in this world may have to live the death penalty, because this is not a part of God, but rather of the pride and arrogance of humanity.

The Tree of Life rose on the top of Mount Calvary. This Tree yielded its fruits for all without conditions, shed Its Blood for all sinners and, up to today, this Sacred Tree of Life continues to pour out Its Love both for all those who have condemned themselves and for all those who say ‘yes.’

Today, I bring you a part of the secrets of God that are unveiled, because it is time for you to be aware of all this, so that you not only grow internally, but also mature externally, as soldiers, apostles and warriors of My Mercy who must give your lives for Me.

This is why on last November 3, I presented several questions to you. I hope you have not forgotten them after just two days. You must learn not only to love the Instruction of the Hierarchy, but also to live it through effort, through the imperious need to concretize the Plan.

The Lord is here, praying for this great moment for all. He says that many will not understand the meaning of this event that I revealed it to you today, because it is necessary to love God first, before everything else, because there is no other way to understand the Plan, but by loving what is unknown.

My time is finishing here in Brazil. With gratitude and love, I give thanks for all those who, through this Pilgrimage for Peace in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, not only were witnesses of My Love for you, but were also consistent and aware enough to collaborate with the manifestation of the Plan, through these sacred meetings with the Divine Messengers.

After this long pilgrimage in South America, I hope that many more will have understood that the Hierarchy is where it is necessary and indispensable, where love, peace and truth are really missing.

My Arms will always be extended as Christ the Redeemer, not only upon Rio de Janeiro, but also upon the whole world, announcing the Return of Christ to the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The lady, or whoever is coughing, the Master is telling you to go and drink water from the Fountain, and all will be well with you.


In this way, today I also bless the Fountain of Christ of this Marian Center, which was built with the effort and self-giving of hearts. Thus, I hope that many more, in this new cycle, make efforts to concretize the requests of the Hierarchy on the surface of this planet, in the Light-Communities, at the Marian Centers, in the Monasteries of the Order and in all those spaces of the world where it will be necessary and urgent to manifest a point of Light. This is a task of conscious and awakened beings, responsible for the Plan of Love and Brotherhood.

Therefore, I thank those who made the Fountain of the Seven Rays of Jesus possible. May all those who listen at this moment know that, at this humble Marian Center, on the top of these mountains of Rio de Janeiro, they will not only find Christ, the Redeemer, but also the Fountain of His Grace and Mercy expressed by the Seven Rays of His Heart. Come to drink from those Graces, come to be baptized and receive sacraments, renew the vows to My Heart each time it might be necessary.

This is the Fountain for the healing of souls. For those who, through different paths, must definitively enter My Heart through the Light of the Seven Rays.

My time has ended, I bless this Community and all those who are part of it, My companions who sustain it in liturgy and service, in self-giving for the Kingdoms of Nature, making the evolutionary life possible in the Light-Communities.

Pray for all that the Hierarchy must carry forward in the last months of 2022, and all that must happen from 2023 onward, when more intense situations will be lived.

Pray for the strengthening of the Humanitarian Missions, pray for the permanent presence and existence of the channel of Instruction, because many will need to quench their spiritual thirst, be correctly oriented and led, be removed from this world confusion so that they may return to the encounter with their inner universe, their essence.

Pray for the sacred task that the Spiritual Hierarchy must carry out in North-America and the Middle-East, pray so that Mercy may also come to Asia and Oceania. Accompany Our Steps in collaboration and donation, in perpetual prayer, in constant vigil, in Sacred Adoration. Thus, the most potent channel of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy in Poland may be even more present on the surface through mirror-beings of prayer.

I would like to leave one more Grace before I leave, before you enter My Spiritual Communion, to make the synthesis of all that was lived throughout these days. Because I tell you again, companions, you must not lose the Word of the Hierarchy or forget what We tell you, because the guidelines are unique and the moments are unique, and they can no longer be repeated.

The Grace that I want to leave to you is spiritual, it is not only a Celestial Grace, but it is also a Spiritual Grace, by consecrating, for this Marian Center, new Helpers of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

I invite you to approach this Altar and position yourselves at My Feet, just as the holy women always did. And now, I ask the other helpers, already consecrated, to stay in inner prayer behind those who will be consecrated today.

Bring the elements to Me, for this consecration: the rings, the symbolic Heart and the veil.


O Celestial Father!
Through these elements, that I Am blessing today,
through the strength of My Love and My Mercy,
may they have a reason to praise and recognize You as the One God,
as the Lord of the Heights and of the Universe,
just as the angels recognize, adore and praise You eternally.

Through the Sacred Request of Your Son Jesus Christ,
through these elements,
deposit Graces in the souls that will receive them,
to give honor to the Name of Christ,
as the Way, the Truth and the Life
of all those who seek peace.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing the song of the Anointment, to accompany this consecration.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María Magdalena.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María de la Paz.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María del Alivio del Sufrimiento.

Today, Our Lord is consecrating you as Estrella del Mañana.

Today, the Lord is consecrating you as María Celestial.


Thus, I gather all daughters of My Mother, from different paths and different experiences, renewing each one with My Spirit, bringing My Consoling Spirit, that one which I promised to the apostles at Pentecost.

Make of My Altars points of Light for the planet. Make of your hearts Temples of the Lord, so that your lives may be elevated in an offering to the Heart of the Redeemer.

Today, I offer Myself as your Celestial Husband in this alliance with the Son of the Father, with the Son of the Holy Spirit, as your Master of Fraternity, the One who walks next to the simple and the humble, those who aspire to be bearers of peace.

I consecrate you as My Helpers of the Divine Mercy. Be welcome to My inner army of Light. Be Light for the world through your example, effort and sacrifice, with one goal: for the triumph of My Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, November 5 of 2022

Marathon of Divine Mercy

We praise You, Lord,
and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once again, I return from the heart of the universe to bring you My Peace. I come from the heart of the great mystery of this entire Creation so that the souls and spirits present on the surface of the Earth may receive the impulses of My Spiritual Government, regardless of what may be happening on this surface today.

But in truth I tell you that in other parts of this universe My Spiritual Government is indeed lived. This humanity is still behind by two-thousand years. But there are other humanities in this universe that live in consonance with Me in the Spiritual Universe, a part of the Universal Laws, a part of the Sublime Life, a part of all Rays and the different currents of the universe.

Today, I bring you this consciousness so that, as a part of Me, you may participate with Me in this moment, in the elevation of your souls to achieve the Divine Purpose.

May all humanities of this universe not only glimpse the Divine Purpose on the horizon of this infinite existence, but also find this Purpose within themselves. In this way, companions, in spite of the consequences and events of these times, you will learn to detach from that which is superficial and worldly, when you imitate, in spirit and essence, all humanities of the universe, all that which humanities live in this vast cosmos, which is a part of this Creation, of this entire life system.

These humanities, which are alive in the Material Universe, pray for you in the imperceptible silence of the spirit. And their sublime vibrations of Peace and Love, as one and only Brotherhood, resound throughout all of this vast cosmos, to beg the Eternal Father for an opportunity for this planet Earth, of which you have been a part of for such a long time, because you are a part of an Original Project, of an Essence of Life and of a Purpose that has not yet been fulfilled.

Therefore, in these times of transition, you are not part of an end, but you are rather before the threshold to a new time, to a new knowledge that will come to all, that will open the doors of the mind and consciousness, and this Sacred Sidereal Knowledge will ennoble your spirits, allowing you to remember your origins and even your life systems.

In this way, you will be able to recognize within yourselves that you are not only matter or mind, but rather a spirit in evolution, which must attain the goal of redemption and love, so that someday it may be Christified and be the example of a Purpose and a Will achieved through Christ, by the Eternal Father Himself, in all His Creatures.

Therefore, do not lose hope to continue onward, to transform and purify your lives. Aspire to be like these humanities of the cosmos, which have also learned from the errors and falls, which have been fallen stars in this vast Sidereal Universe, but the Great Mantle of the Mother of the World placed them within itself to make them shine, one by one, in this firmament of Creation.

Therefore, in this dark night, do not only look to that which is painful but rather believe in the power of love and healing that comes from the universe, and even your cells will be sublimated and transformed.

In a starry night, contemplate the firmament and ask yourselves internally: “Who am I?”

The Father will extend His Hand and point to your star of origin and, thus, your inner world and your soul will remember this long path, this infinite trajectory which you have travelled up to the present and which has not yet ended, and which must be completed not only by you, but also by your origin, until the completion of the synthesis of this experience of love, redemption and unity that can be lived in this school of planet Earth.

Thus, do not only think of that which is material, think of that which is beyond the material. I invite you to contemplate a starry night so that you may feel, quite close to you, the Presence of the Sacred Brotherhood, which has been accompanying your path and your trajectory since the beginning, and waits, in prayer and silence, for your great awakening, for the great moment of the redemption of humanity.

This is why I will come from Heaven once again, different from the way I came when I incarnated or even when I ascended to the Universe. I will come bringing the Glory of God, but also His Infinite Spiritual Government, which gave origin and meaning to all Creation through the Laws and Principles called Attributes.

Remember, Children of the Father, that you are a part of God in essence, and not just a part of errors lived and experienced. Because a history must still finish being written, and the Father still stops His Pen of Light, waiting for His Children to take the step and decide to be a part of a Plan of Love and Redemption, taught by Christ Himself, two-thousand years ago.

Never doubt that the Kingdom of the Heavens, together with all its dwellings, belong to you. In it is found the synthesis of your whole existence, the answers to all your questions. Up there, in the Universe, the history is written in the Mirrors, a history of each one of you.

Therefore, this is the time and this is the great moment to honor, value and adore the passage of Christ during His Life on Earth, so that your souls and, above all, your hearts, may be an extension of the Christic life on this planet, may be a part of the cells of the Mystical Body of Christ, which incessantly pulsates in the constant quest for Light, Love and the Good.

Today, your histories open before the eyes of the Universe, and Christ’s Love placates the errors, dissolves the consequences, appeases the traumas, ennobles the spirits and opens up for you a new path toward a new opportunity. Because God makes Himself small in the humble, God makes Himself powerful in the simple, God expresses His Infinite Love in all those who say ‘yes.’

Everything will pass, but the Words of the Father, through His Son, will remain and reverberate in the hearts of men and women of the Earth who, in this final time, listen to the sacred call.

Thus, your Guardian Angels will also elevate your experiences to the Father, and will demonstrate to the Father that His Divine Project in this humanity is possible, although the great time of tribulation is coming and souls fear having to face it and live it.

But if the Blood of Christ was shed on the surface of this planet, who will give their life to Christ so that the power of His Divine Blood, kept in the Sacred Chalices of the Places of the Earth, may illuminate the world in darkness, dissipate the forces of evil forever and establish, on the surface of this planet, the New Eden, where the self-summoned will come to know Paradise?

If I was capable of forgiving a thief at the most painful moment of the Cross, do you not believe, by any chance, that I am capable of forgiving your errors and faults?

The Love of God multiplies in those who let themselves be loved and who find within themselves the way of the Spirit. There is no other way to travel, because I once told you, companions: “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

Today, I elevate in My Heart, up to the Altars of My Celestial Father, the flowers and fruits that you have offered to Me through the exercise of sacred prayer. Because this is what I have at My Feet: the flowers of good souls, the fruits of the untiring servers that sustain, with faith in the unknown, the Islands of Salvation, called Light-Communities.

When you are at a Light-Community, remember that you are within the Heart of the Hierarchy, a Heart that feels and receives, a Heart that silently gives of itself without anything in return, with the sole aim of fulfilling the Will of God.

Be great cells of the Hierarchy’s Heart. The Wisdom and Love of God will always be able to fill your spirits when you are consistent.

Many in the world will seek to satiate their sadness and anguishes, their despair and agony. But you, who are so few at the Feet of the Hierarchy, who sustain the life of the Light-Communities, a life that aspires for evolution, are the ones who will have the Grace, through your own effort and surrender, to be supported by God Himself, under His state of Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

A few more years will pass until the life of Light-Communities is known. And those who did not understand them but judged them will repent, just as many repented as they did not recognize the Living God hanging from the Cross, giving His best, up to the last drop of His Blood and His Water for the salvation and rescue of humanity.

Therefore, have faith and continue on. Do not stop in your fears, errors, failures or even your uncertainties. Keep your perception wide open and feel you are in the heart of the Sacred Mantle of the Hierarchy, which gives you warmth in the cold night of the world, which comforts you and encourages you in tribulations, which anoints you under the spirit of brotherhood.

Thus, on this day of pain and suffering of the planet, when the Heart of the Master is broken, ask God for the Grace of an empty heart, capable of giving much more until the end, with just one end: for the salvation of the souls and nations that have condemned themselves, so that the Eternal Fire of My Love and the Unfathomable Light of My Divine Mercy may placate all errors of the world, just as it was on the Cross.

Thus, many more will see the Son of God come just as He said, among the clouds, the suns and stars of the universe. And they will see Him come with His true Face, the Face that became illuminated on the top of Mount Tabor, the Divine and Glorious Face that will reveal itself to all like a Sun among all suns of the universe, which, with its radiation and expansion, will transfigure and change the corrupt human code, making them sublime, pure and innocent, just as the angels of the whole universe.

At that hour, duality will no longer exist, evil will be dissolved, because the Love of Christ will triumph in hearts, bringing to the world the One Thousand Years of Peace.

Then, the Heart of the King will no longer hear the cry of any child due to hunger, war or diseases, there will no longer be mothers of war. There will no longer be abandoned grandparents or abandoned sick people, there will be no longer solitary and lost hearts, because My Love is for all.

I will place at the Foot of the Father’s Throne the offering of the redeemed, of all those who walked with Christ throughout the times, despite their fears or doubts, because they will have caused the Love of the Redeemer to triumph.

Thus, the New Man will be born, the new being will be born, and it will no longer be necessary to learn from the errors, but rather simply recognize in yourselves that God loves you so much, so much, that if you knew or perhaps felt it, you would not be able to withstand it.

Rejoice and walk in peace.

Let us pray for the end of this planetary spiritual captivity so that no one else may have to suffer, because for you I suffered each blow, each whip, each part of My Body lost in the Calvary. On the Cross I suffered for the world, and I was converted, out of love, into the Tree of Life, so that all might have Life in Me.

As an infinite demonstration of My Grace, today I will consecrate new adorers again, postulants who will confirm themselves to be testimonies of the Christic Love in the world, through the veneration and contemplation of My Eucharistic Body.

But this will also be an important moment for all adorers in Brazil, to renew their vows, confirm themselves on My Path and say, once and for all, and for all those whom you may meet, that Christ is Salvation.

For this special consecration, and before you live My Spiritual Communion, we will sing a song, asking for the Grace of an empty heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves for this simple ceremony through the song: “Empty Heart.”

And at this moment, we internally prepare ourselves to renew the vows of all adorers.

Christ will accompany this ceremony.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Thursday, November 3 of 2022

Marathon of Divine Mercy
O My Jesus
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell,
lead all souls to Heaven,
 especially those in most need of your mercy.   
 (three times)



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And you will see the Light come on the worst night of the world, when all seems to be lost.

The Light will come to the world to save it, to redeem it, and, thus, rescue it.

This Light will bring understanding and wisdom, it will re-establish the Laws upon the planet, guide lost hearts so that all, absolutely all, may have the Grace of again finding the Promised Land.

But this is still to be done, because the nations of the world, that is, the peoples, have made their decisions about the steps to take, decisions that are not united to God, in many cases.

Therefore, I will come as this Light on the darkest night of the world to bring to consciousnesses the re-establishment of Love and Peace, of the power that God has given me from the beginning through His Mercy and His Compassion.

I come with this Message and at this hour to prepare you. I cannot tell you more than this today, companions, because in these definitive times nations and peoples make their decisions, and this does not correspond to God, but to the choice of souls, choices that are conscious before the universe and that, sooner or later, have repercussions in all of humanity.

Therefore, in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I call on you, more than ever, to retreat, to silence your minds and ideas, to silence your words and to consciously enter the universe of prayer so that the Law of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may work in this world and, even more, dissolve the events that are approaching in the next cycle.

Therefore, you must be quite strengthened and, through this spiritual retreat that I offer you, your souls will have the chance to consciously prepare for what will come.

You must consciously strengthen yourselves, seek, more than ever, an alliance with God, position yourselves every day before the Flame of Divine Purpose and ask yourselves:

What am I doing?

Do I collaborate with the Plan?

Do I work for peace and for the good?

Am I aware of all that I receive from the Universe?

Do I consciously respond to all that I have received as Grace?

In this Marathon of Divine Mercy, My dear companions, you should reformulate the attitude of your lives through these questions because sooner or later, to each one of you, the moment will come to take the great and final step so that the indifference, meanness and even ignorance of this humanity may be dissolved once and for all, through conscious and awakened beings that understand internally and beyond material life, in other words, participate and respond to the Plan of God.

Therefore, I ask you to pray for those who will not take the step. Do not wait for humanity to be consistent with the Divine Plan, do not delude yourselves nor have expectations. Do not seek fulfillment in the material life. Seek fulfillment along the spiritual path so that your souls may be within the Christic pathway, awakening gifts and virtues, the sacred impulses that Christ will send to all His apostles of the final times.

Therefore, take an immediate attitude, a consequent and responsible attitude, which may give signs of understanding and not of incoherence, of a spiritual maturity that the Hierarchy needs from everyone, knowing that the world is fully suffering and that few are the Islands of Salvation on the surface of the Earth.

Therefore, decide, once and for all, to no longer burden the Spiritual Hierarchy, but rather may your lives be a living solution for what the Plan needs to concretize and carry out.

Therefore, plan your lives according to the Plan of the Hierarchy. While you maintain the Plan of the Hierarchy in a secondary way, you will not understand it and you will have great difficulties to live it and carry it out.

Therefore, resize your priorities, and thus begin to resize your attitudes and all your preferences, because the great dark night will come to the world and not many years will pass before this happens.

Today, with My Gaze toward the ground, with My Face toward God, with My Spirit in retreat, I make you understand and feel the seriousness of these times, because today My heart cannot be ablaze. Many are the sins and faults of the world. Great is My Mercy for souls and few are those who decide to live it.

My Life on this planet had a great significance. In these times, value the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, so that the souls that have condemned themselves may have the opportunity of redemption.

Do you now understand, My companions, the moment and step you are being called to live? The school has changed, did you notice that? Did you understand that? Are you living it?

The Hierarchy will not stop. Many are the challenges in the end of these times, great are the sufferings that exist in this humanity.

Who will appease all the pains of the world, together with Christ Jesus, through a life of surrender and love?

I come to make you mature as My apostles, and this is no longer just words. I need it to be a reality within you. I need instruments of peace and good, because few are the good instruments that I have upon the surface of the Earth.

Do not allow the Fount of My Divine Mercy to close. Do not allow the world to parade Divine Justice, because it does not know it. Great is the ignorance of humanity, and great is the suffering of many hearts. There is still a lot to do for this world and this humanity.

Who will take the Sacred Crown from My Hands, the Crown of Thorns of Jesus, and make it a part of their consciousness, to mature in these times with Me and live the true planetary task that the Father calls on you to live?

Think for a moment about all that I Am telling you.

The world seeks to live in uncertain doors, to submerge in the ocean of illusion and even forget God. This is why, more than ever, beginning with yourselves, you must reformulate your lives, you must define the path to go by.

My Heart is always open for all, for those who seek peace.

May this meeting be a moment of reflection, rather than just one more Message. May it be the spiritual basis that all need in order to take the step, because I offer Myself to the Father for you once again, so that you may be instruments of My Mercy, peace-bringers of Christ the Redeemer.

Lastly, I would like to tell you that there is no longer time. You must strengthen yourselves in Me, regardless of what may happen or of what you may see. Your hope must not be emotional, it must be strengthened in Me through the Fire of Love that I offer to you, to someday make you free from yourselves and from the wickedness of the world.

I thank you for listening to Me and for being conscious of all this. Receive in your hands and, above all, in your hearts, the keys that I give you for this planetary transition so that, more each day, you may be more mature in Christ, because it is necessary and urgent.

Do not allow the pillars of the Work of God to disappear from the surface of the Earth.

I promised you to return to the world and I will do so. This is why I prepare you for this great moment, so that you may cross the dark night and find My Light in the abyss, the Eternal Light of God’s Love, which does not change, does not transfer, but rather multiplies in Grace, Unity and Wisdom in all souls.

Do not forget that I Am thirsty. Quench My thirst in this Marathon.

Now, the moment has come for Me to truly see you gathered and united in the Purpose, in spite of the distances and the events.

This is the hour of your great test, for you to be with Me or not to be with Me. Today, this is My Truth for those who aspire to live the Christic school, even if they do not understand it, although they accept it.

I give you My Peace and, through My prayer. I bless you in the next prayerful journey of Mercy. Do not forget My Words, through them I left you the next step, the next path to go by.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
