Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May God show you His Divine Face and illuminate your paths so that you may reach the purpose of your existence.
May the Lord, your God, anoint you with His Light and liberate you forever from all that, in your life, imprisons you.
May the Celestial Father guide you and show you the sacred path to fulfill His Holy Will.
May your heart be opened like a temple, so that the Lord, your God, the God of Israel, may dwell in you; so that you may conceive in yourself an empty heart, free from ambitions, vices and all ownership.
May the Lord, your God, Adonai, transfigure your entire consciousness, so that divine life may be in you and may one day be in all of humanity.
May Divine Grace, out of love, grant this moment, so that the New Christs may be present on the surface of the Earth."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"In the heart of the desert you will find a place. In this place, you will find the Luminous Face of God, and His Immeasurable Presence will inspire you and impel you to learn, with faith and confidence, to surpass yourself.
Walk toward this sacred re-encounter.
The answer you seek is within you."
Christ Jesus
When you commit a sin, child, do not hide your face from God, avoiding His Presence and His Face because of the shame it causes you.
When you sin, know that greater than the sin should be the repentance of the soul. And on the scales of Divine Justice, shame weighs less than repentance, and this opens the door to Divine Mercy, which balances all the sins of the world.
When you commit a sin, let your soul be like a child who surrenders at the feet of their parents to confess their mistakes and, in a dialogue with God, confess your deepest miseries to Him.
God is a God of Justice, but in light of a repenting soul, He reveals His Merciful and Compassionate Heart, capable of once again bringing to Himself the most sinful of His Children, if they should knock on His door.
For this reason, maintain a constant confession, a sincere dialogue with God, and a heart ready to receive Divine Mercy. In this way, you will be on the correct path, and, way beyond human duality or the inner battle that beings experience in their definitions every day, you will always find peace, because your soul will again find the connection and alliance with its Creator, will remember His Divine Promise and renew its hope of following His Footsteps.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Great Immortal Spirit of the Lord of the East will try to rebuild the peace on the planet, as the wars of these times, especially those wars that hide from everyone’s eyes, have torn the ether of the planet, and the contrary forces have entered humanity to disturb hearts, to dissociate minds, to divide all of humanity to the point that it forgets that all are brothers and sisters who have one God and are children of the same Father.
For this reason, the Lord of the East will rise again as the Great Sun of the Universe, so as to help the souls of humanity, so that He may rescue the nations that are being lost, so that He may raise again all the hearts that have lost faith and the trust in hope, that have lost love due to all that they live, all that they go through and suffer in these times.
However, this powerful Light of the Lord of the East, His Great Immortal Spirit, will not oppose anyone or any other energy, because His Christic and Immaterial Consciousness will bring to all souls what is new, just as He did so long ago for all the hearts that were incessantly seeking the Master among masters.
The Lord of the East will reappear as He has promised, and He will open the doors of Mercy on the planet so that hearts may rise again, so that nations may be reconciled again, so that all may wait for His long-promised and expected Return.
Because in that hour, His Peace and His Light, which are invincible, powerful and immortal, will bring to hearts the end of the cycle of suffering, the end of the cycle of spiritual, mental and physical illness.
He will open the doors to universal healing, and it will be at that hour, My children, that the Lord of the East, upon proclaiming His Word once more, will carry out the Universal Judgment, and at that moment all will be known, all will be deeply known, and no one will remain in ignorance, because His Spirit, permeated by Wisdom and Love, will bring clarity to hearts, peace to all the lives that have always waited for His Return with ardent devotion, and the whole universe will accompany that event.
Therefore, prepare yourselves for that moment in advance, internally prepare your hearts and souls, because His hour is drawing near, and you will no longer see the chaos of these times, because even those who have not been redeemed will have the opportunity to redeem themselves, will have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and amend all the errors they have committed throughout the times.
I know that this will seem unattainable to you. But when the Lord of the East emerges as the Light of the Sun on the horizon of this planet, He will keep all this well in mind. Because a new cycle will begin, as it is written and prophesied. And I Am here, as His Holy Mother, to announce it, because I Am the Mother of the prophets, the Mother who announces the Return of Christ.
This is why I come here, to spiritually leave the signs of Christ and the signs that He left in every step of His public life, at every moment of miracle, as well as at every moment of liberation.
When the Lord of the East returns in the next cycle, He will gather all His lived experiences and His merits. He will not use the power that God gave Him, because He will emanate His infinite and cosmic Love for the souls.
At that hour, no one will be able to resist His immeasurable Love, because His impulse will be a stronger solar impulse than all the stars gathered in one, stronger than all the suns of this universe, more powerful than the original expression of Creation. Because the Lord of the East will come with His true Face, that Face that was initially known to some of His apostles on Mount Tabor.
And I assure you, My children, that humanity will completely understand what will be happening. Because the Lord of the East, in His Return, will no longer bring you mysteries, but rather, He will unveil to you the treasures of Heaven and of the universe. Because He, as an emanation of God Himself, and of Divine Life itself, will demonstrate to all, to all creatures of the Earth, what God truly is in His Essence, in His Spirit of Love, Prodigy and Compassion.
Therefore, My children, all those who follow Christ regardless of their religion or belief, regardless of all dogma or spiritual discipline; each one, through their learning of love, forgiveness and redemption, must prepare the Return of Christ and separate from conflict once and for all, because the world is already full of conflicts.
In this last meeting of December, My Son taught you to gather and unite through prayer, to the powerful Supplicating Network, which is the one you must connect to internally through the creative word, and which provides the power of authentic prayer.
This deters the grave events that want to make humanity succumb.
The power of the creative word, if correctly utilized, avoids greater disasters on the material and spiritual plane and deters the dark ideas of many minds, because no one can imagine humanity immersed in darkness.
This is why the spirit of prayer and of the creative word stops many events, grants many opportunities, bestows many Graces and Mercies for those who perhaps, by Law, would not deserve them, and corrects the deviated path of many souls and brings them peace.
With this, you will be ready to receive the Lord of the East, because His Presence will be unmistakable, His Love will be the same that you knew in the Holy Land, in each act, in each prodigy, in each Word emanated through His Love.
Aurora, as an Inner Kingdom, has a fundamental task in the end of times, as the preparatory base for the Return of the Lord.
I do not want to tell you more than I am supposed to tell you, so that you may not lose My spiritual impulse. Because it is important, My children, that you may understand what I want to tell you through this Message.
He sends Me here as His Servant, but I come here also as the Mother of all, to carry forward this Plan of God, which must manifest itself and be concretized on every plane, and must be a reality and a triumph through the redeemed souls.
As a demonstration of this Love, which allows the miracle of life and the conversion of hearts, may those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary come here, so that I may bless you in the name of humanity.
Today I am here, dear children, before the most important cell of God’s Project, which is the family, which in this time is being attacked and divided by My enemy. But feel My protection, feel My consoling and maternal embrace, because God will not allow His most precious Project to be destroyed.
Beyond the battles and conflicts, beyond the lack of peace or understanding in the family, as My children who are consecrating yourselves before Me today, offer your prayerful lives for all the families of the world, especially for those who have been hurt or have suffered aggression through value judgments or condemnation.
Entrust your children and family members to Me, and I commit Myself, as your Holy Mother, to take care of them and assume them. Because My main mission, My children, is that your families may be a mirror of love in the world, and that spiritual and human values may dignify all families of the world.
Thus, receive My maternal and spiritual blessing, especially the mothers that are here with their children today, at this Altar, may they receive the Immaculate Spirit, the Spirit of God, which enveloped your Holy Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus in Bethlehem.
May the flame of your lives be simplicity, just as it was in the Heart of your Holy Mother.
May the flame of humility be in your lives, just as it was in the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
And may the flame of purity be in your families, just as it was in the little Child Jesus, so that innocence may be recovered in this world, in families, in the peoples and nations that live through wars.
Through Solar water, I offer this soul, on behalf of all the souls that have been decapitated in the Middle East, so that humanity may remember that it will never be able to live without the love of a true mother. Because the love of a mother will never condemn you. It will always guide you along the good path, along the path of goodness and charity.
I thank you, My children, for having offered the Grace of your families to Me today.
Know that Love will always triumph, and that evil will never win, because you are Children of God.
I bless you and consecrate you as Children of Mary, as the children that you have always been, since other times.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I want to bless a rose for each one of you, so that you may always remember that the Beauty of God exists, and above all, His Love always exists beyond all things, and that He placed His Love and Beauty in each one of you the moment you were conceived in the wombs of your mothers.
Children, God has thought of everything, and today God remembers you through Me.
May the beauty of your souls be expressed as a flower.
May the devotion of your souls rise through the aroma of the flower, and may the Love of the Father always heal and cure you.
You are now Children of Mary.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of our Mother, we will, after this moment, prepare so that these families, which consecrated themselves today, may receive the Sacrament of Baptism, as an act of spiritual renewal and as an offering for the families of the world, especially the families that live wars and cannot find peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I want you to contemplate the Five pierced Wounds of the Lord, for all the horrors of the world.
Who will remove, from the Hands of the Lord, the nails that, once again, are being put, which represent impunity in one Hand and injustice in the other?
Who will remove, from the Feet of your Lord, the nails that represent the lack of love and of compassion in the world?
Who will remove the spear from the Side of Jesus, the Wound that aches the most at this moment, and represents the death of the innocent?
Who will collect, with the chalice of their heart, the Precious Blood that is shed at this moment through the Hands, Side and Feet of Jesus?
This is the Face that I present to all of you today. This is the Message, but also the symbol that I want to leave to you; not only to you, but also to the whole world.
And today, I show you all this at the doors of My House, at the doors of My Church, from the most intimate Tabernacle of My Heart, which I have left today to present Myself to you, just as I have presented Myself in other culminating times of humanity.
This is what I want you to contemplate today, to tell the world that My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy is not being considered at this moment. Because the chalice of human consciousness, the chalice of the consciousness of the planet, was half full before, and now it is overflowing due to the accumulation of errors and sins of the world.
In the face of this culminating moment of humanity and of the planet, I want the devotion to My Unfathomable and Sacred Heart to be considered, so that the principles and merits achieved by your Master and Lord may be justified again, in the face of a scenario of horrors, wars and conflicts, division and schism within religions.
This is why I once again leave the Tabernacle of this Church to rebuild the spiritual essence of the Purpose of religions, so that the souls that once believed in Me no longer separate from Me, but rather find in My House the Spiritual Church, the spiritual dwelling that they seek and yearn for so much, to be protected from the harassments of these times, which, in an immeasurable way, is imposed by My adversary, the enemy of all, in a way never seen before.
But companions, I want to tell you that, although at this moment My Hands, My Side and My Feet continue to bleed, I want you to remember the moment of your Master and Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. In that place all that would happen in this time was revealed to Him, but that which is grand and would happen at the end of these times was also revealed to Him, through the faith of the hearts that believe in the existence of the Living Christ and in the presence of His Merciful and Unfathomable Love.
I want you to be before the bloody Face of Jesus, not for you to suffer, but rather for you to mature and grow up, so that the world, through this symbol and the Face I present to you today, may know how they are leaving the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is why I tell you again that I Am thirsty for souls, I Am thirsty for victims that are postulants to My Redeeming Love.
The desolation of the Lord is greatly unknown to all; desolation that is caused through the brothers and sisters who suffer, through those who escape war and conflict, those who no longer have a home, those who have lost their families and loved ones in an unexpected way.
Who will have the bravery and courage to repair these destroyed hearts?
Who will be able, without challenges or battles, without weapons or insults, through the intelligence of the heart and the silence of the spirit, to face the forces of evil that provoke the horrors of these times?
It is not by confronting one another with the sword that this will end. Because the moment before I was betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, when I was being imprisoned by My enemies, when the thick chain was being put around My Neck, and was tying My Hands and My Feet, although I had lost my breath a little, when I received the first blows in the Abdomen, Chest and Face, and the Living God was being tormented and hit without anyone to perceive it, I told Peter, “The one who raises their sword, will die through the sword.”
In this time, the sense of dialog and human cordiality has been lost, which lead to hospitality, to know, at each moment and at each instant, what one’s neighbor needs.
If you gave a minimum drop of love, all would be solved. This is why I had to shed My Blood in the Calvary, drop by drop, not only so that the surface might be permeated by Christic and Liberating Love, but also so that souls might learn from self-giving and unconditional surrender.
It is time to face the planetary reality, because many might be surprised overnight. And I ask you, “What will you do, will you abandon the Lord, as many of the apostles did?”
Who will be at the foot of the cross of this planetary calvary, without fearing the forces of evil and without challenging them?
Who will be capable of invoking the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to learn how to survive in these critical times?
At the doors of My Spiritual Church, My Eternal Church, My Sublime Church, which dwells, through the Kingdom of God, in the heart of all creatures, I come to deliver to you this revelation, the most intimate one of My Heart. Because the world has gone beyond the limits and borders of balance and has entered an unbalance that seems not to have an end.
This is why this is the time for you, not only on the surface, but also on other planes of consciousness, to learn how to overcome the spiritual battle, in which, unfortunately, all is permitted.
Today, through the aura of My Consciousness, I bring an essential model to you, an example to follow and imitate, Sainte Terese of Child Jesus, who was and is the great mirror of human innocence, represented through the feminine, through the delicacy of love for souls, through constantly embracing sacrifice and the suffering of others, so that, in an anonymous and unconditional way, this suffering in the world may be relieved.
Today, all saints and blessed ones are united to this moment, to reaffirm the devotion to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, so that there may be souls that are depositories of the codes and merits of Jesus, because humanity needs it before it is too late.
For this reason, I Am here, so that humanity may listen to Me attentively, so that you may know that all the Tabernacles of the Earth are spiritually open at this moment to sustain the planet, through the spiritual order that I have given to the holy angels of God, the great stewards of the Reliquaries of the Body and Blood of Jesus.
At this moment, I invite the devoted and sensible souls to be before all the Tabernacles of the Earth, before an incorrect decision is made in the world and harms many more consciousnesses.
Thus, I invite you to be before the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus time and again, and to suffer in silence with Me so that the suffering may no longer be in the innocent, in the families that escape war and persecution, in the sick amidst war, in those who are paralyzed and immobile, and cannot come out of the chaos.
I want you to think with Me of those who suffer, because I died on a Cross for all and on behalf of all, so that they would have abundant life, so that, in the human consciousness, the Spirit of God’s Life, which had died in many of you in other times, would resurrect, .
This is the reason for the shed Blood of Jesus, for each whip and each martyrdom, for the Face of the Living God having been spat upon and for your Master having remained immutable before evil.
My defeat was not the silence, because My victory was the unconditional surrender of My Heart, without anything in return, even knowing that I would be denied, just as today many souls deny Me due to the martyrdom that many priests have generated in the world, by taking My celestial authority and using it through an action of impurity and injustice.
However, I tell all those who have been affected and offended to come to Me, because My Life may dwell in you, and you may dwell in Me.
Trust in Me! Trust in Me!
I promise to you, and I will always promise to you, the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father, except through Me, because the Father can descend to you through Me, for I Am part of the Father, just as the Father is part of Me, and if I may be in you, My Father will be in you.
How many at this moment lose that Grace and opportunity, and My enemy undermines the Plan of salvation of souls. But I will not tremble, because the Lord does not fear, the Lord advances with determination and bravery, although He carries in His Heart all the sins of the world, although this is anonymous and invisible to the eyes of all.
My Church needs to be rebuilt, just as Saint Francis of Assisi rebuilt it spiritually through the foundations of humility, austerity, poverty and communion with the holy chastity, through his union with the Kingdoms of Nature.
Despite everything, the Heart of Jesus arrives at this house of spiritual retreat, to withdraw just as it was in Bethany, moments before His surrender in Jerusalem, moments before His Last Supper with His beloved apostles and companions, with His favorite daughters, the holy women.
Today, I come here to rest for a moment, so that the Spirit of Jesus may rest from all it sees in the world, so that this pause may be the moment to immerse into silence and, in this way, to meditate on the new strategies of the Divine Plans of the Lord.
My Hands, My Side and My Feet continue to shed the blood of the innocent, of the martyrs of the end of times, who do not have a religion, but do feel true love and are as united to God as you are, regardless of the suffering that they are going through at this moment, because this is the time of the inner Gethsemane within each one.
Let us celebrate, through the Holy Communion, the merits achieved by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the good and peace of souls. Because, once again, We ask for weapons not to be raised, for voices of aggression not to be raised, so that impunity may no longer exist, as well as the nefarious strategies that some nations carry out through war.
Oh, Jerusalem,
on an unexpected day they will surround you with trenches,
they will ambush you like an inoffensive animal,
trying to kill you and make you disappear.
Oh, Jerusalem,
you have not recognized the Face of the Lord,
and now you will recognize this moment,
when your Lord cried at the doors of Jerusalem,
because His own Temple would be in danger.
But do not despair, Jerusalem,
because you are the Promised City,
the reflection of the Celestial City of God,
which Adonai took care of piously,
throughout the tribes and the prophets.
Jerusalem, no longer raise your weapons;
raise your heart to God
and offer yourself for your enemies,
so that the Love of Christ may redeem them,
so that the peace that has disappeared may be established.
Recognize, Jerusalem, that the Messiah has arrived already,
and that the Savior will return soon
and will take you from the trenches and the harassments,
from the dangers and threats.
You will be taken out, Jerusalem,
because the New Jerusalem will come,
the Celestial City of the Father
which will levitate in the Heavens,
which will radiate to the consciousnesses,
which will liberate hearts,
which will reestablish the peace
that so many seek and yearn for.
Oh, Jerusalem,
Sacred Jerusalem, Heart of Galileum,
reflect your principles of loyalty and truth.
Surrender before the Ark of the Holy Covenant, Jerusalem,
just as the patriarchs and the sacred people of Israel did.
Share your treasures of life and teaching,
share the Relics of God.
Jerusalem, be a bridge of peace,
for all those who suffer and must endure,
so that the Call of God
may not be interrupted by the sound of weapons
and by the cries of those who despair,
of the mutilated, the forgotten and the discarded.
Oh, Jerusalem,
do not become compromised with evil,
because evil will be defeated through the Love of Jesus,
just as it was in My last expiration on the Cross.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this hurtful moment and trusting in the regenerating Light of My Heart, so that, in time, all may be repaired within and outside of the human consciousness.
Do not forget unity among you, because where there is no unity, I Am not.
May the little unity that exists in the world prevail, the unity that leads to discernment, the unity that leads to a sensible response, the unity that will always lead you to peace, the unity that will always impel you to be good beings. Because in unity, which is the mirror of God’s Love, lies the master key to overcome the end of times.
Let us celebrate for My wounded Holy Land, from Jerusalem to Gaza, from the Mediterranean Sea up to the Arab Emirates.
Thus, may My Sacred Cross be established, the Cross of Israel, to stop the wars and death of the innocent, of those who cry for help.
The time has come to be a true apostle, because the world needs it, the planet needs it.
I thank you for responding to My call, and under the mysterious Light of My Wounds I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Seek My Peace.
We praise You, Lord,
and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Once again, I return from the heart of the universe to bring you My Peace. I come from the heart of the great mystery of this entire Creation so that the souls and spirits present on the surface of the Earth may receive the impulses of My Spiritual Government, regardless of what may be happening on this surface today.
But in truth I tell you that in other parts of this universe My Spiritual Government is indeed lived. This humanity is still behind by two-thousand years. But there are other humanities in this universe that live in consonance with Me in the Spiritual Universe, a part of the Universal Laws, a part of the Sublime Life, a part of all Rays and the different currents of the universe.
Today, I bring you this consciousness so that, as a part of Me, you may participate with Me in this moment, in the elevation of your souls to achieve the Divine Purpose.
May all humanities of this universe not only glimpse the Divine Purpose on the horizon of this infinite existence, but also find this Purpose within themselves. In this way, companions, in spite of the consequences and events of these times, you will learn to detach from that which is superficial and worldly, when you imitate, in spirit and essence, all humanities of the universe, all that which humanities live in this vast cosmos, which is a part of this Creation, of this entire life system.
These humanities, which are alive in the Material Universe, pray for you in the imperceptible silence of the spirit. And their sublime vibrations of Peace and Love, as one and only Brotherhood, resound throughout all of this vast cosmos, to beg the Eternal Father for an opportunity for this planet Earth, of which you have been a part of for such a long time, because you are a part of an Original Project, of an Essence of Life and of a Purpose that has not yet been fulfilled.
Therefore, in these times of transition, you are not part of an end, but you are rather before the threshold to a new time, to a new knowledge that will come to all, that will open the doors of the mind and consciousness, and this Sacred Sidereal Knowledge will ennoble your spirits, allowing you to remember your origins and even your life systems.
In this way, you will be able to recognize within yourselves that you are not only matter or mind, but rather a spirit in evolution, which must attain the goal of redemption and love, so that someday it may be Christified and be the example of a Purpose and a Will achieved through Christ, by the Eternal Father Himself, in all His Creatures.
Therefore, do not lose hope to continue onward, to transform and purify your lives. Aspire to be like these humanities of the cosmos, which have also learned from the errors and falls, which have been fallen stars in this vast Sidereal Universe, but the Great Mantle of the Mother of the World placed them within itself to make them shine, one by one, in this firmament of Creation.
Therefore, in this dark night, do not only look to that which is painful but rather believe in the power of love and healing that comes from the universe, and even your cells will be sublimated and transformed.
In a starry night, contemplate the firmament and ask yourselves internally: “Who am I?”
The Father will extend His Hand and point to your star of origin and, thus, your inner world and your soul will remember this long path, this infinite trajectory which you have travelled up to the present and which has not yet ended, and which must be completed not only by you, but also by your origin, until the completion of the synthesis of this experience of love, redemption and unity that can be lived in this school of planet Earth.
Thus, do not only think of that which is material, think of that which is beyond the material. I invite you to contemplate a starry night so that you may feel, quite close to you, the Presence of the Sacred Brotherhood, which has been accompanying your path and your trajectory since the beginning, and waits, in prayer and silence, for your great awakening, for the great moment of the redemption of humanity.
This is why I will come from Heaven once again, different from the way I came when I incarnated or even when I ascended to the Universe. I will come bringing the Glory of God, but also His Infinite Spiritual Government, which gave origin and meaning to all Creation through the Laws and Principles called Attributes.
Remember, Children of the Father, that you are a part of God in essence, and not just a part of errors lived and experienced. Because a history must still finish being written, and the Father still stops His Pen of Light, waiting for His Children to take the step and decide to be a part of a Plan of Love and Redemption, taught by Christ Himself, two-thousand years ago.
Never doubt that the Kingdom of the Heavens, together with all its dwellings, belong to you. In it is found the synthesis of your whole existence, the answers to all your questions. Up there, in the Universe, the history is written in the Mirrors, a history of each one of you.
Therefore, this is the time and this is the great moment to honor, value and adore the passage of Christ during His Life on Earth, so that your souls and, above all, your hearts, may be an extension of the Christic life on this planet, may be a part of the cells of the Mystical Body of Christ, which incessantly pulsates in the constant quest for Light, Love and the Good.
Today, your histories open before the eyes of the Universe, and Christ’s Love placates the errors, dissolves the consequences, appeases the traumas, ennobles the spirits and opens up for you a new path toward a new opportunity. Because God makes Himself small in the humble, God makes Himself powerful in the simple, God expresses His Infinite Love in all those who say ‘yes.’
Everything will pass, but the Words of the Father, through His Son, will remain and reverberate in the hearts of men and women of the Earth who, in this final time, listen to the sacred call.
Thus, your Guardian Angels will also elevate your experiences to the Father, and will demonstrate to the Father that His Divine Project in this humanity is possible, although the great time of tribulation is coming and souls fear having to face it and live it.
But if the Blood of Christ was shed on the surface of this planet, who will give their life to Christ so that the power of His Divine Blood, kept in the Sacred Chalices of the Places of the Earth, may illuminate the world in darkness, dissipate the forces of evil forever and establish, on the surface of this planet, the New Eden, where the self-summoned will come to know Paradise?
If I was capable of forgiving a thief at the most painful moment of the Cross, do you not believe, by any chance, that I am capable of forgiving your errors and faults?
The Love of God multiplies in those who let themselves be loved and who find within themselves the way of the Spirit. There is no other way to travel, because I once told you, companions: “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”
Today, I elevate in My Heart, up to the Altars of My Celestial Father, the flowers and fruits that you have offered to Me through the exercise of sacred prayer. Because this is what I have at My Feet: the flowers of good souls, the fruits of the untiring servers that sustain, with faith in the unknown, the Islands of Salvation, called Light-Communities.
When you are at a Light-Community, remember that you are within the Heart of the Hierarchy, a Heart that feels and receives, a Heart that silently gives of itself without anything in return, with the sole aim of fulfilling the Will of God.
Be great cells of the Hierarchy’s Heart. The Wisdom and Love of God will always be able to fill your spirits when you are consistent.
Many in the world will seek to satiate their sadness and anguishes, their despair and agony. But you, who are so few at the Feet of the Hierarchy, who sustain the life of the Light-Communities, a life that aspires for evolution, are the ones who will have the Grace, through your own effort and surrender, to be supported by God Himself, under His state of Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.
A few more years will pass until the life of Light-Communities is known. And those who did not understand them but judged them will repent, just as many repented as they did not recognize the Living God hanging from the Cross, giving His best, up to the last drop of His Blood and His Water for the salvation and rescue of humanity.
Therefore, have faith and continue on. Do not stop in your fears, errors, failures or even your uncertainties. Keep your perception wide open and feel you are in the heart of the Sacred Mantle of the Hierarchy, which gives you warmth in the cold night of the world, which comforts you and encourages you in tribulations, which anoints you under the spirit of brotherhood.
Thus, on this day of pain and suffering of the planet, when the Heart of the Master is broken, ask God for the Grace of an empty heart, capable of giving much more until the end, with just one end: for the salvation of the souls and nations that have condemned themselves, so that the Eternal Fire of My Love and the Unfathomable Light of My Divine Mercy may placate all errors of the world, just as it was on the Cross.
Thus, many more will see the Son of God come just as He said, among the clouds, the suns and stars of the universe. And they will see Him come with His true Face, the Face that became illuminated on the top of Mount Tabor, the Divine and Glorious Face that will reveal itself to all like a Sun among all suns of the universe, which, with its radiation and expansion, will transfigure and change the corrupt human code, making them sublime, pure and innocent, just as the angels of the whole universe.
At that hour, duality will no longer exist, evil will be dissolved, because the Love of Christ will triumph in hearts, bringing to the world the One Thousand Years of Peace.
Then, the Heart of the King will no longer hear the cry of any child due to hunger, war or diseases, there will no longer be mothers of war. There will no longer be abandoned grandparents or abandoned sick people, there will be no longer solitary and lost hearts, because My Love is for all.
I will place at the Foot of the Father’s Throne the offering of the redeemed, of all those who walked with Christ throughout the times, despite their fears or doubts, because they will have caused the Love of the Redeemer to triumph.
Thus, the New Man will be born, the new being will be born, and it will no longer be necessary to learn from the errors, but rather simply recognize in yourselves that God loves you so much, so much, that if you knew or perhaps felt it, you would not be able to withstand it.
Rejoice and walk in peace.
Let us pray for the end of this planetary spiritual captivity so that no one else may have to suffer, because for you I suffered each blow, each whip, each part of My Body lost in the Calvary. On the Cross I suffered for the world, and I was converted, out of love, into the Tree of Life, so that all might have Life in Me.
As an infinite demonstration of My Grace, today I will consecrate new adorers again, postulants who will confirm themselves to be testimonies of the Christic Love in the world, through the veneration and contemplation of My Eucharistic Body.
But this will also be an important moment for all adorers in Brazil, to renew their vows, confirm themselves on My Path and say, once and for all, and for all those whom you may meet, that Christ is Salvation.
For this special consecration, and before you live My Spiritual Communion, we will sing a song, asking for the Grace of an empty heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will prepare ourselves for this simple ceremony through the song: “Empty Heart.”
And at this moment, we internally prepare ourselves to renew the vows of all adorers.
Christ will accompany this ceremony.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Friar Zeferias, the Lord is asking you to play the piano to prepare His work.
He, somehow, is asking all of us to prepare this moment for what will occur, being very awake and concentrated, sustaining this channel with Christ.
What a joy it is to be here today, among you, to remember what I once gave you for the redemption of all of humanity: the great key of My Love, based on the spirit of redemption, which I came to live in my own flesh, to save the whole human race.
This will be the Gift that we will ask the Holy Spirit today so that, through Its Divine Intelligence, it may keep granting the world the opportunity of Redemption, especially for those consciousnesses that are already condemned and could only be saved by the love of My Apostles.
For this reason, we will light the Menorah today, asking the Holy Spirit to make the Gift of Redemption descend at this moment, as an essential attribute in these critical times, because without redemption there is no rehabilitation, and without rehabilitation, souls cannot find the Love of God.
Redemption is the door that opens up for the liberation of souls, so that the ties and chains of those who are oppressed may be liberated. For this reason, we will light the Menorah once again, invoking the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit.
In the Cenacle, I taught My apostles about the Law of Love, based on the immeasurable Pity of the Father for all souls, for all the spirits that have emerged from His Source, so as to re-create this Creation and bless it through the experiences of Love and Forgiveness.
If the fallen father had not disobeyed, this whole local universe would be a part of the Celestial Kingdom, because in the Heart of God this divine fusion between the dimensions and planes of consciousness is still foreseen.
And in the Cenacle, in the secrets that My Heart revealed to the apostles, I not only gave them the legacy of My Love and revealed to them the values of the Sacrament and of Confession, and mainly the importance of communing with Me until the end of days, but the important moment which your Lord would live after His Resurrection was also revealed to them. That moment, which I shared with My apostles and I share today with you, was what would later on happen, during My Ascension.
What would come to happen between the Material Universe and the Mental Universe, between the human consciousness and the angelic consciousness?
When I ascended to the Heavens, to the Universe, God physically opened the doors of Andromeda to Me, because He placed there, in that place of the universe, what He had thought of for this Material Universe. And that was possible through the archangelic intervention and through the Archangels, by means of the Hierarchies.
So, think for a moment on what it meant for the apostles to receive this revelation of what would truly happen to your Master and Lord, which they should guard and protect through their prayers and offices in the innermost depths of the silence of the heart, because in those times it could not yet be revealed, nor in the times that would come. The revelation about My Ascension should be revealed by Me, moments before My Return to the world.
Do you now understand? how, since more than two thousand years ago and up to the present moment, all souls that I congregate have been a part of a history that is extremely important to Me, and that, with My own Hands, I come to remove the veils of your consciousnesses so that you may see the reality that the enemy himself has dared to confuse, through his mirages and doubts.
In your hearts lies a molecule that is very important to God, a molecule that, through the awakening of the consciousness, reveals itself and becomes especially visible when hearts surrender to live the Will of God.
At the doors of this mystery that is unveiled today, and that cannot be understood by the mind, but rather needs to be welcomed by the heart, I met, when I arrived in Andromeda, Sublime Consciousnesses that, in the inner planes, had accompanied Me during My trajectory on Earth, since My Birth until My Death, and during the important moment of My Resurrection.
In those stages, those Sublime Consciousnesses were present, because, in Their Hearts, they know about the Plan of God. They are nine Hierarchies of the Universe, Mentors of the Heavenly Governments, entrusted with the spiritual and material evolution of millions of consciousnesses in this Creation, as well as of other galaxies and constellations.
With this revelation, you will be able to understand that life is infinite and that the end that you place to life is through your own minds, because at the doors of Andromeda, these Consciousnesses were waiting for Me, in order to give me the next step that I would take for you: that of not only being the Redeemer of the World, but also of being the Governor of the Universe, uniting, through My Heart and My Divinity, all the consciousnesses that serve Me in the Higher Universe, from their evolutionary experiences and schools.
So that the Human Project not become lost, even with what happens in these times, the first thing that God gave Me was the essence of the Purpose of this planet, as well as of other worlds, which, through the learning experiences and their efforts, should reach Me, through the Redeeming Christic Love. Do not forget that each one holds within themselves this Christic molecule that the Father gave them, a Christic molecule that has being trying to awaken, since a long time ago, through you.
But now that you are awakened and conscious, now that you are learning to listen with your hearts, this molecule becomes more potent in each one of My companions so that, through the essences, I may restore, through My Return, the essence of the Purpose of this planet, which God conceived, from the beginning, since what you know as the Genesis.
Thus, through the Glorious Return of Christ and of His Divine and Ultra-terrestrial Face, this Purpose will be re-integrated in all those who have been consequent with Me, throughout the times and generations.
In this way, the code of evil will be dissolved from the human consciousness, the forces of chaos will be removed from the planet to reservoirs that are being prepared by the Archangels themselves. Because all deserve redemption, from the most evolved consciousness down to the smallest particle that has life in this Creation; all is a part of the Creator Project from the beginning. For this reason, you must be attentive to this moment, for you will not be forewarned.
Through this meeting with Me, on this day, when you remember the Last Supper, it is time for your consciousness to broaden and expand. It is time for your inner senses to awaken and replace the external senses, because in this way you will be able to see beyond what you see, in this way you will be able to hear beyond what you hear, in this way you will be able to feel more than you feel.
Because when your Christic molecules unite to My Heart in this work that I am gestating during this Sacred Week, I assure you that you will have no doubt of where to be and what to do, because what I need is something very important that you do not yet understand.
When the heart or soul trusts in the unknown and launches into this ocean of cosmic knowledge, it gradually prepares for the great moment of the Return of Christ, and it also has the opportunity to become aware of its virtues and talents.
Returning to Andromeda, place your consciousnesses in this place and in this space of the universe. Do not think that you will not be able to do so because, through Me, the Door to Andromeda is open now and unites the higher planes with the lower planes.
I want you to enter the same state of revelation as the holy women and as My Holy Mother did, because that was possible through the Spiritual Communion that they lived during the exercise of the Last Supper.
Each time you receive the Grace of the Body of Christ, each time you receive the Mercy of the Blood of Christ, keep in mind and be aware of your important inner Christic molecule. Now you must concentrate upon it and work, although you may keep purifying and redeeming yourselves.
I do not want to make you glorious or survivors. I want to make you humble, capable, open, adhered and helpful to all that must be built in the important preamble to the Return of Christ, because My Words someday will end here, and there is not much time left. Each one is responsible and conscious at this moment of what they have received, because all that I give you and have given you must not be wasted.
Upon entering Andromeda, the Sublime Consciousnesses revealed their rays, which were the first thing they gave as a legacy from the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, the Plan that should be gestated and manifested throughout the times. And when the great interference and alteration took place through the fallen angel, this Plan had to be recalculated, as it is being recalculated now, second by second, in these definitive times.
For this reason, you must never think that the Hierarchy changes its mind. Now is the time for you to realize, through spiritual maturity, that all the Hierarchy proposes and does has the aim of fulfilling the Plan of Rescue. And when some piece, that is, some consciousness, moves from their place, becomes deviated or abducted by the consciousnesses of chaos, then the Plan must be re-calculated, because the Divinity and Sublime Hierarchies do not only work for you, but rather for the whole world.
You must not forget, companions, that everything is already foreseen, as had been foreseen that today those who are here must be here. Have you by any chance understood what this means and why at this moment you are listening to these things that come out of My own Mouth, affirming the Will of God for the world?
In this apparent demand, there is a precious fiery tension that forges, in the terrestrial consciousnesses, an elevation, so that you may learn, once and for all, to no longer to think of yourselves, and to keep very clear in mind, at the center of your being, the Divine Purpose that is hidden before you, in the inner planes and which is up to you to fulfill and concretize.
When you open up to serve, I assure you that you are opening up to the unknown.
When you open up to love more and more, I assure you that you are entering the degrees of Love.
When you forget yourselves, I assure you that you are quite close to God, just as many consciousnesses on this planet have been, through the saints of the East and West.
All is possible when the consciousness wants to take the step. And when it takes the step it enters an experience that is similar to the one I lived in Andromeda, which took Me three cycles of material time to conclude because I not only glorified Myself and divinized Myself through the human person of Christ, but I also assumed, in a more profound and eternal manner, a commitment to your salvation.
Now, who will be ready, just as I was in Andromeda, to receive the Purpose about the continuity of the Plan of Redemption of humanity and of the planet, in the part that is up to each one to live and fulfill?
Who will be capable of being the caretaker of this Purpose?
Who will be capable of loving it beyond themselves, although they do not understand or comprehend it?
Who will be capable of illuminating their consciousness and their cells through the impulses that I bring you in this Sacred Week?
Because what I need is very great, but it is also very simple. I need you to decide to be blessed, although you are on this sorrowful and wounded surface; I need you to dare to give your lives for Me, just as the apostles dared to during their apostolate in the Holy Land and beyond the Holy Land; I need you to dare to be capable, just as the Holy Mother and holy women were, to cross all of Europe and reach England, to found the Order of the Templars and strengthen the foundations of the Christic energy on the planet through the Inner Centers.
Who will be capable of giving continuity to these spiritual treasures, while millions of souls in the world are absolutely distracted and disconnected?
I ask you to pray for those who must still awaken. and for you to keep awakening and not believe that you are awakened, because if you were truly awakened, some things would no longer happen to you.
But I invite you to again trust in My Redeeming Love so that you may learn to trust in My Cosmic Love, which is hidden in the Heart of Andromeda among all Hierarchies. Because just as today, Thursday, I celebrate this moment with you, and I will celebrate with you this moment of consecration for a greater and inexplicable reason, in the same way, hundreds of Hierarchies, at this moment, are gathered around the Son of God, before the Face of the Lord of the World, of the Divinity of Christ and of His ultra-terrestrial aspect that presents itself to all as the Solar Angel.
I now ask you to think: How is it possible for a human being, who incarnated among you, taught, preached, redeemed and gave his life for a greater reason, how was He capable of converting Himself, after His Ascension, into a Solar Angel?
You must contemplate this in the innermost depths of your heart, without seeking an immediate answer. The steps of evolution and of the expansion of consciousness are ruled by the Law of Love. That is where your expansion and elevation begin.
The more you love, the more you will grow, and your pride will be dissolved. You will no longer want to live personal power, because Higher Love will lead you to live Supreme Will through commitment and responsibility, through the lineages, called virtues and talents, that I gave to each one of you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Through the portal that is open behind Christ, the Lord makes us, at this moment, contemplate Andromeda and all the stars around this place, just as all the suns and all the Sublime Consciousnesses that, at this moment, are in communion with all hearts that are open.
He asks us to contemplate Andromeda in our inner world, and to see within us our inner universe. Let us contemplate, for a moment, listening to the melody that is being offered. And let us empty ourselves into the Whole.
Under this powerful energy that embraces us and, through this reverential and devotional attitude, we will proceed, in the Presence of Christ, to the consecration of the new priests.
We ask that we may remain concentrated and united to this important moment that Christ is carrying out.
We ask the Mothers to approach the stage, the foot of this scenery, and that each one may bring a candle with her.
Please, bring a candle here.
Let us not become disconnected.
Let us contemplate Andromeda in our inner world, let us drink of this Fount that Christ is consciously offering to us and thus, let us accompany this ceremony with reverence and devotion.
My children who will be consecrated today, before the authority that I will grant you as from this moment onward, at the request of the Most Holy Mother and responding to Her loving and eternal supplications; firstly, may God grant you not only divine but also terrestrial maternal protection, through these Mothers, consecrated to the Celestial Spouse, and who are thoroughly available to sustain you, listen to you and console you.
This step that you will take today will not be something personal, but it will rather be something planetary so that, through these apostles that I am consecrating in these times of darkness, you may re-build My outraged Church and, especially repair the offenses that millions of priests throughout the world have committed against Me.
For this reason, the nine Sublime Consciousnesses of the universe, the Highest Priests of the universe, accompany this solemn, divine and reverential moment today, so that the spiritual lineage of priesthood, which I established in this world two thousand years ago, may be reconstructed and reconstituted.
And through the Pious Mother of the Holy Spirit, the Mother of consecrated souls, who has untiringly supplicated for the priestly life not to become lost, today, before all and especially before all priests of the planet, through the Light of the Holy Spirit, I entrust you that you may be guardians and caretakers of the Sacred Office that I taught the apostles, which My apostles have taught throughout the times, so that Heaven and Earth may unite in perfect harmony and redemption.
Christ addresses each one of those who are being consecrated:
May the Holy Spirit of God illuminate your steps today.
Christ addresses one of the new priests:
The Lord consecrates you today as Friar Juan Evangelista, in honor of the apostle who loved the Cross until the last moment, the apostle who consoled the Lord in His most difficult hours, and who, together with the Heavenly Mother and Mary Magdalene, as well as Joseph of Arimathea, did not leave the Lord alone, because they suffered with Him until the last minute of His expiration. Welcome, Friar Juan Evangelista, may the Holy Spirit illuminate you today.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
You may make your offering before Christ.
"Lord, Beloved Father,
You who purify, through Your Love,
all that You touch and contemplate,
purify today the human consciousness of its inferior condition
so that it may rise before You,
as at this moment Your Son is before Your Throne,
so that these consciousnesses may praise You and glorify You
just as the angels of Heaven do.
through this incense offered
at the Temple of Your Heart,
bless all."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Holy Water.
"Lord, Emmanuel,
before You created Your children,
You thought of taking care of them and of loving them
as a loving Father, and you granted them water
so that, through it,
they might learn
to quench their thirst.
May Your Graces and Mercies
flow like a wellspring at this moment
upon all the dark spaces upon the planet,
and in the favorite union
of the souls that are present here,
may this blessing re-establish peace in humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Virgin Mary is present at this moment, as the Mother of all mothers and of all priests.
We may bring the stoles here so that the Lord may bless them with holy water.
You may come, Friar.
Through this priestly symbol, may the souls of the priests be a bridge of Light between the Infinite and the planet so that, in their sacrificial surrender, the souls that most need the Love of God may reach His Heart. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The oil to bless.
You may uncover the oil. You may raise it.
With love, My spouses of Jerusalem anointed My Head and My Feet before the Passion.
With love, My spouses of Jerusalem anointed the wounded Body of the crucified Christ.
With love, My spouses of Jerusalem anointed the Resurrection of Christ through their trust in Me.
May those who will be anointed today always anoint those who need it, for in the powerful Anointment of the Cross lies your liberation. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, at this moment, we will call the following Mothers, so that they may stand behind the brothers who are being consecrated:
Mother María Fidelia behind friar Paulo Mateus, Mother María Shimani behind friar Juan Evangelista, Mother María Getsemaní behind friar Shemaya, Mother María del Salvador behind friar Nazareno.
Now the Mothers who are behind their spiritual sons will give the candle to the brothers, before them, and, before giving them the candle, they may make an inner offering to Christ.
Friar Elías pronounces the Prayer to ask for Divine Wisdom for those consecrated.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, before the Lord, the brothers will make their act of priestly consecration.
The new priests pronounce the prayer indicated.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In this way, still before the Heart of Jesus, may you contemplate the immensity of His Work of Love and Mercy.
We invite all those present to together relive the Last Supper.
"Celestial Father,
may these alliances represent
the perpetual union of souls
with Your Divine and Glorious Heart
so that the perfect union between Heaven and Earth
may be established forever."
Just as, at the Sacred Cenacle, I offered to you eternal commitment to Me, today I offer to you, My new apostles, the same commitment to My Heart.
The priests pronounce the Prayer of purification of the priest before celebrating the Eucharist.
Just like that night, when I gathered with My apostles, today, in solemnity, I gather with you to re-establish the union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God.
For this reason, with a Love that is unknown to all who are Mine, I take the bread again and offer it again to the Father, so that it may be converted into My Glorious Body. In the same way, I break it again, and, offering it to all, I say to you: “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, which was given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We revere the Living Body of Christ.
Then I took the Chalice into My Hands and, offering Myself even more to the Father in sacrifice and love for each one of My companions, I asked Him for the wine to be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood. Then, I passed it to My companions, as I pass it to you today, saying to you: “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which was shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, for I am returning.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We revere the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world and gives us peace.
Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. Happy and blessed are those who avail themselves of this powerful Sacrament, because I always promise you My Love, My solace and My Peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
United to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, present and unfathomable at this moment, let us finish offering these transubstantiated elements, in honor of our Redeemer, so that His Love and His Mercy may be established on the planet.
We end this consecration singing the Our Father in Aramaic, together with the angels of Our Lord.
Song: “Our Father” in Aramaic.
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.
In union to our Master and through a gesture of reverence, we greet our brothers, giving them peace.
Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
And we announce, at this moment, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Spiritual Communion, at this important celebration of the memory of the Last Supper, so that these exercises may perpetuate throughout the times and congregate many, many more souls, through the Love of Our Lord.
Today, Our Lord asks us to commune for the non-redeemed.
All receiving the Christic molecule of the Lord.
All contemplating, at this Communion, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and expanding the Light of this Heart to the whole world and to souls, through this alliance with the Communion of Christ; radiating this Light to all our dear beings, brothers, sisters and acquaintances; our families, friends and companions; all receiving the Light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which He emanates, at this moment, to all.
Let us place in the Heart of Jesus all our loved ones and the planet, affirming this union with Christ; all being relieved and consoled by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, present at this moment.
Let us feel the same embrace He gave His apostles at the Last Supper. And let us adore the King of the Universe through this Eucharist.
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.
Now I can go in peace, for this moment is consummated, by internally giving you the first impulses of My physical Return to the world.
I bless you and grant peace to the world, and especially to those who are suffering.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear and beloved children,
During this redemptive Lent, may your hearts be sensitized to the harsh planetary reality so that, in a humble act of prayer and supplication, those who suffer the most and have nothing are contemplated by those who have everything and who, in many situations, waste it.
Through your conscious prayers, may the christic spirit of human fraternity awaken in the world so that each human being may perceive that the path to rebuild humanity will be traveled together, as one great universal family.
Dear children, I ask that the feeling of fraternal charity deepen within each of your lives so that you will be able to recognize the Face of My Son through those who, at this time, are crossing the desert of consciousness and living the encounter with their own inner reality.
I call you to become sensitized so that indifference does not govern you and determine the next steps of all humanity, but that through human fraternity, you may purify your ideas and principles, for the benefit of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call,
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The Resurrection of Christ, child, means the beginning of a new time, in which humanity will be able to understand that which it came to the world for and what the path is that it is to follow in order to bring its existence into fullness.
The Resurrection elevates you above the greatest human fears, which are suffering and death, and places you in the truth of the Eternal Time of God so that you may know that the one who gives all of their self to God receives from Him all that He is, and participates in His Glory in unity with His Kingdom.
Resurrection is infinite rejoicing, divine and universal, because it is the revelation not only of the Face of God, but it is also the revelation of the face of humankind, as children of God and creatures in likeness to their Creator.
The path to the Glory of God is absolute surrender, unconditional love, full and total, which is born from the deepest core of human submission.
You already know about all these things, but you must remember, because the condition of the planet will make you face situations that will lead you into experiencing this: choose the cross, surrender, eternal life in Christ.
Year after year, you are led into remembering the Life, the Death and the Resurrection of Christ so that when the time comes for the Easter of this world, you will be able to follow in His footsteps.
For this reason, love your Lord more each day, His Life, His example, His surrender, His eternal Consciousness, His Path, His Truth, because this same Love will allow you to imitate Him.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To come to be a knower of God, after having crossed the abysses, gone through the tribulations and the voids, you must persist in prayer.
The Rosary, children, will be your shelter in all stages of the desert.
The Holy Rosary will support you when your hearts are weak.
The Holy Rosary will protect you when your hearts are besieged.
The Holy Rosary will elevate you when your hearts are free.
The Holy Rosary will show you the Face of God when your spirits have become whole in prayer, surrendered to the Father and when your one and real aspiration is to reach Him.
It is from the hands of the Most Holy Mary that you will come to Christ and emulate His path.
In the same way that your Lord was fully and wholly united with His Celestial Mother and was thus safeguarded by Her silent and hidden prayers, both in the desert and on the Cross, so must each one of you be. With your heart intimately united with the Heart of Mary, allow yourselves to be guided and protected by Her.
Knowledgeable about the deserts as well as the cross, knowledgeable about death and the faith in resurrection, knowledgeable about the overcoming and the apostolate, knowledgeable about the celestial mysteries and the deep mysteries of the human consciousness, Your Most Holy Mother will always guide you.
And so, be it in the desert, in calvary, in life, in death, in resurrection or in the face of the celestial mysteries, trust in the guidance and the support of the Mother of God, the untiring Servant, thought of, manifested and sent by the Creator, to lead His creatures toward His Heart.
In Mary, see the Hands of God, which cross the dimensions to seek you and, in the Holy Rosary, see the bridge and the correct connection to remain united with Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I was waiting for you, companions, to arrive at this region of Argentina so that, in these days, as it was on mount Tabor, you may get to know My real Aspect, My Cosmic and Solar Consciousness.
Now it is time for a minority, in representation of humanity, to receive this revelation, the one I will try to show you during the coming days. This will prepare the planet for when it enters its final stage and has to inevitably experience its definition.
Therefore, such revelation of My Face, still deeper and unknown, even by the same Church, shall come out of the Tabernacles for humanity to see, once again, the Son of God transfigured, at the top of the mountain.
As it was with My apostles, I will tell you what it is about and you will become conscious of where I come from and where I went after My ascension. Because during the day, the sky is there, but at night you have the whole Universe upon you, many constellations, nebulae and galaxies, beyond your reality, which I govern and lead.
This is the time to deeply know the Son of God, in His Solar and Cosmic aspect, therefore the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy shall be the preamble for this cycle of revelations.
I thank you already for sustaining this cycle!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Those who have nothing, those who want nothing, those who are poor of spirit and pure of heart will be the pillars of the redemptive work of My Mercy.
In those who aspire for nothing, in those who expect nothing, in those who are empty of themselves establish the pillars of the work of My Mercy and through them I can do more than with hundreds of workers in a vineyard.
By your fruits, you will be recognized, because all that you unite to in Heaven will be united on Earth, and all that you disunite with in Heaven will be disunited on Earth.
This is the time to recognize the virtues and gifts that I make flourish within the hearts of the simple. It is also time to recognize My Face in the fellow being, in the one who is alone, in the one who is sick, in the thirsty and in the one in agony, because all you do for the least of Mine, you do it for Me.
This is the moment to relieve the heavy cross of suffering, of indifference and of error that hundreds of souls commit, day by day, before the salvific Love of God.
It is the time that, within each one of you, you confirm your surrender to My Sacred Heart.
I bless you and thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
The spiritual Blood of My beloved Son shall still be poured out as a powerful spring upon humanity.
This precious Blood, which holds the luminous codes of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, shall be that which will finish completely purifying all following believers, servers and the consecrated of Christ.
The Divine Blood of Jesus shall be poured out as a powerful Light in the world and, in that moment, all will be unleashed, everything will be defined, and the promise of His Second Return will be fulfilled.
For this reason, the precious spiritual Blood of My Son may be recognized and all of His sacrifice shall not have been in vain, in spite of the perversion in which present humanity is to be found.
When the powerful Blood of Jesus is once again poured out by the angels at the request of Christ, religions will know the true and only Face of Christ.
The moment will come when the blood of the martyrs of the end of times will also be recognized, and such a sacrifice or surrender shall no longer be experienced anywhere on Earth, for the powerful Blood of Jesus, in Its divine and spiritual state, will free all those who at some time felt like prisoners of themselves and of their human condition.
The Divine Blood of Christ, which will be offered in hundreds of chalices, shall grant those who persevere in Christ many wonders, revelations and miracles. And a new Earth will begin after everything has been purified and redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (in Latin). Amen.
Let us greet the King of the Universe.
I ardently wished that this day would come because the triumph and the victory of My Heart are near and nothing will prevent it.
Happy are those who trust in My Word. Fortunate are those who follow it. Blessed are those who fulfill it, because Heaven and Earth will pass but My Word will remain in the memory of My chosen ones.
This is the time to give everything for Me. It is as I said in the past: I want you cold or hot. Far from Me the tepid at heart because in them My Work is not built.
In the tepid ones My Work does not evolve. It is in the warriors that I build My Truth and in them I leave My Message, My Flame expresses itself, My Love penetrates and transforms all that is corrupt. This is why I wished for this day to come and that you would be exhausted and tired, in order to be able to represent and to live what I lived for you in the culminating moment of My Agony, in which solitude abounded and the strength, despite the darkness, was in God.
I know it is not easy to live what I ask of you, this is why I respect the timing of each one of you. But it is up to Me, as your Master and Lord, to observe you and contemplate you so that you learn to follow My Path, so that you do not lose sight of My Purpose, that goes beyond the material and the spiritual. Purpose of which you are all part. Purpose in which you were all congregated, to fulfill it and to live it in these times, for a greater and widely unknown goal.
What I need from you is something more than material and, I could say, something more than spiritual. I need you to deepen into this existence that is within you so that the world may, day by day, continue to learn how to overcome mediocrity, indifference and all that omits the Truth of My Heart. This omission comes from humanity for being blind in the illusion and for not having heard, not even once, everything that I have said in these last times.
I still await the redemption of these human beings and the collaboration of the souls who, beyond their possibilities, their sacrifice or their surrender, are ready to suffer for Me.
But I do not bring you the suffering of the Cross, not even the tiniest cells of your body would bear it. Because what I lived for you was very great and it still has not been reported in any sacred book. The time will come in which I will tell all the truth.
I hoped that, on this night, those with an open heart would be preparing for the next encounter with Me, which will be a determining Sacred Week, in which many definitions will be made, steps will be taken and many will determine what they will make of their lives, based on these impulses of light that will come from My Heart.
All that I tell you today, companions, is to encourage you to continue forward, it is to encourage you to burn in love for Me, in a love that is capable of doing anything, under any circumstance or situation, in a love that lives in silence the aspiration of meeting Me day by day, and of someday seeing My Sacred Face.
If today you are not pervaded by this love for what you are living or for what you are learning or suffering, what are you doing here?
I need a real and sincere truth, I need your hearts to be torn for Me and your souls to be surrendered for me, day by day.
My Cross had an incalculable weight, a value not yet valued, a surrender still unknown. May My Cross be your breath, your strength and your aspiration. And when you feel the weight of your cross, feel that you will be in My Truth, and My Spirit will blow in you and I will inspire you in the Sacred Word, I will give you the answer and you will reach the aim.
Not everyone is prepared to live what I need. But if I ask, companions, it is because it is possible and only something within you could prevent it. But whoever surrenders at My Feet surrenders to God, to His Will and to His Purpose. And this surrender is priceless, it cannot be measured nor is it conditioned, because it is a surrender that donates the heart of each being who clings to Christ.
Today is a special day, but also a decisive one, because all the souls that hear My Call, after these last times, are for the first time before two paths in order to choose, and this answer will emerge from within you.
This is why I contemplate you. This is why I pray. This is why I adore My heavenly Father so that His deep and infinite Wisdom may be in you, within you and in your essences at the moment of deciding, of confirming yourselves or of defining another path.
At this moment, in the face of your spiritual and universal decision, I cannot intervene. My Father and My Mother made you free in spirit, in action and in word.
As before I surrendered to the Cross, before I was martyred and humiliated by those who were cured and healed by Me before My Blood was shed, and although up until today it has not been recognized, it was in that time and in that hour that the apostles also lived their great definition for their following stage.
My disciples must cross this threshold and learn how to cross it as I crossed it for you when the Father presented Me the Chalice and I said: "Thy Will be done."
This is the Chalice that I am offering you today. Beyond your possibilities, your limitations or your trials.
This is the Chalice that witnessed for you the Love poured out in each drop of Blood, as well as in the Water that flowed out from My Side.
This is the Chalice that witnessed the descent of Mercy, of pity, of compassion and of redemption in humanity.
This is the Chalice that I offer you so that the world may not destroy itself, so that the continents may not suffer, so that the wars may end and so that the enemies and antichrists may be defeated by My Light, the Light that comes from the Love of My Heart.
I warn you and I call you to awareness. Everything that you truly offer Me I recognize, however simple and small it may seem, however silent it may be, even if it is between you and Me and no one else; everything is recognized, contemplated and accepted by My Heart.
It is there, in this small offer, that you will find strength, impetus and determination. It is there, in the small and in the simple but true, that you will find the key of the love which will transform your being and all of your consciousness as I still expect so much, according to My Projects.
Keep these Words as something that will never be repeated again. The Lord of the Universe also has His time for saying things because this prepares you and guards you from the danger, the perdition and the deception that My adversary can propagate.
But I will step on his head and place My Sword. I will transfigure his essence and all the essences of evil. And My Celestial Kingdom will descend on the four points of Earth, the great Mother Star will come and the Masters will descend to regenerate and heal the Earth, and thus the New Humanity will emerge.
Offer this moment of decision at the Altars of God. He is attentive to the voice of your pleas, just as He was attentive in Fatima through the heart of My Celestial Mother. We are in a moment similar to that one, beyond your matter or your bodies, your mind or your intellect, beyond the spirit, the soul or the essence.
Offer to God this moment of decision. This will allow My Work to expand in the world and My Love to continue to triumph above the adversity in the hearts that congregate to live My Brotherhood.
Let us stand up.
Lord of the Universe, Creator Father-Mother, participate in the Communion with Your children at this sacred moment of definition in which Your Doors open and the souls cry out for Your Love.
Light in them Your Trust, the gift of Your Wisdom, the infinite Compassion of Your Heart, so that all the Christs of the New Time may awaken and take part in the victory of My Kingdom in humanity. Amen.
Let us now invoke the Celestial Father, His Sacred Name Adonai, so that His Wisdom may descend on the planet and on all those who participate in the Communion with His Spirit.
Song: Adonai.
Let us inhale.
Father, convert this element into My Body so that the souls may nourish themselves from the essence of Your Spirit and of the Universe, of Your Truth.
At that time I raised the bread to the Father so He would bless it and give Me His Grace, and I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."
Father, convert this element into My Divine Blood so that the souls may drink from the essence of redemption through the infinite Power of Love.
At that moment I also raised the Chalice, the Father blessed it and gave Me His Mercy so that it could be poured onto the whole Earth through My Blood up to the highest point of the Cross.
At that time I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and drink from it, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed for all human beings for the forgiveness of sins."
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ. Blessed are the merciful because they will live in the Mercy of God. Amen.
Prayer: Our Lord in Portuguese.
Whoever lives in My Word, lives in My Love. I taught you to love yourselves, one another, beyond the flaws and the differences. May this Love spread in the world, the Christic Love of My Heart, in all peacemakers, in all missionaries and collaborators of the Work of God.
May the Peace of God be in your hearts and may He always make you partakers of His Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In fraternity and love, gratitude and joy, you will give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
Place your left hand over your heart and before My Father, revere this moment, this third meeting with Me. That in this month of August ends a stage and begins a new one for all the missionaries of the Earth, for all those consecrated in My Plan of Redemption and of Light.
A stage on this day is closing and a new door is opening, so that you may cross it in consciousness and brotherhood.
I have come with the Celestial Beings, the Elohim, all the Shining Beings. A part of Them has descended to find you in this sacred desert and to finish instituting the Plan that once began and has not yet been able to end, the Plan of establishing the Light of the Sacred Centers on the surface of the planet, and for a humanity still very much asleep.
It is this inner Light, which is born from the Sacred Enclosures, that will help in the transition of the Earth, and all the consciousnesses that sleep in the dream of the illusion.
So, in this third meeting, companions, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses a little more. I come to bring you the synthesis of all that has occurred in this meeting of prayer, of the possibilities that you had of taking new steps through this spiritual exercise, this universal command that I invite you to live.
I come to bring you the synthesis of the experience of love in each one of you, of what after three years and in this meeting, you were able to give Me with all of your hearts, with all of your souls and spirits united with Me.
I come to bring you the synthesis and the response of this task carried out during the two days of this divine fusion that was lived between the Sacred Desert, in which I find Myself, and Aurora.
This union was radiated to all; that door was opened for all, and it does not matter where you may have been. But if your hearts were here, just as I brought your souls for this meeting, for this new stage that begins this August, a part of the Mission is fulfilled.
The response of the servers is important; this makes the Plan evolve and concretize in humanity, in spite of what may happen around you, or in the whole world.
This meeting is marked by an important Ray, that separates the old cycle from the new cycle. This is the Ray of Transfiguration, the Ray that I lived for you, and thus I was able to show you My true face.
It is this spiritual face that I want you to seek, your true face, what you truly are and have come to fulfill on this planet.
Thus I form My disciples, thus I create My soldiers: in the strength of prayer and in the living of service for fellow beings.
Today I come to synthesize this experience that you have lived in the desert with Me, naming Me the Son of the Sun, of the emanation of the One Source, of the Wisdom and the Absolute Understanding about the Truth of the Universe.
I wanted you to go through this desert, companions, so that when it is your time to cross it again, you know how to do it, without fear and with much valor.
This task here, with all of you in Peru, in consciousness and in spirit, allowed Me to withdraw some of My disciples from their very deep deserts, in which they were lost; because with My Grace, everything is possible, and when souls invoke My Divine Mercy, it also is possible.
So I tell you again, companions, that I leave no one behind. But I respect the time of each beloved of Mine, until he finally fulfills the service that he has come to lend Me, in the name of God.
From this desert, today a Greater Light goes forth, a Light that ascends and illumines the Planetary Consciousness; it is the Solar Light, it is the Divine Fire, it is the plea, the aspiration, the ardent devotion of the hearts that cried out for this humanity and for this planet in redemption.
Thus, I prepare you for that great moment in which you will see Me come among the clouds with the Face of My Glory and of My Divine Mercy. I will come with the Consciousness that many do not know. For this reason, I send some of Mine to the deserts, so that they may prepare as I prepared to live the Passion, and thus, live My Resurrection, which was to withdraw the whole race from spiritual death, in the past.
This Sun that I Am, illuminates the Universe and brings the Good News, the message of hope and the new path which those who have been lost will again be able to tread.
It is this Sun that I Am, which illumines and warms the spirit and the body, bringing them renewal and healing for all wounds.
Today I say, especially to all those who were in their deserts, to come to Me. I Am that Sun which illumines your paths, and that gives you eternal life.
The darkness will pass, but My Word will remain. There is nothing that separates those who are united with Me. This Sun illumines all the stars and the consciousnesses that unite with the Purpose of My father, where each one fulfills his part.
I Am that Sun of the constellations; I Am the Greater Governor, the Christ, Who was here on the planet to teach you the Truth, to teach you about Love and about Mercy.
Now that in these three days, companions, you have crossed this Sacred Desert with Me, where darkness could not triumph, but rather the Light of My Love, I ask you: shine, like this Sun that illumines you. Be Suns on the Earth. Be the Love of God, that illuminates inside and outside, and each space of this planet. Suns of My Father, stand up!
The morning has already begun, and a new night approaches. But do not fear, who is in My Heart knows everything and will be guided until completing their mission.
Suns: awaken and do not sleep! It is time to shine from within, it is time to illuminate the abysses and to dispel evil in the name of the Love of My Heart. Shine and be what you never were; be worthy children of God, and you will be making My Heart glad. Be as I was, even if you are not. Be Suns that illuminate from the heart and bring peace for a time of chaos.
The most difficult hour approaches, but I will not abandon you. Happy are they who have heard Me with attention, because they will be rewarded by My Father.
That now, the prayer that you have lived during these two days be life, be love, be unity and brotherhood. Do not look for similarities in your brothers, look for the beauty in the hearts of your fellow beings so that the curse will end, the curse that causes the world to suffer every day.
See the best that there is in each one, and help one another, because thus you will help Me. Sustain and support the one who has fallen, because you too will fall and I will not deny you, because My Father does not deny you.
If the souls could see the essence of these things, there would be no sense in the world being purified.
Do not be what you do not have to be. Be more than what you live, and live it truly.
I bless you with My Divine Consciousness, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Companions, may this moment be kept within you, because the Son of the Sun came to meet you to bring you Peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Account of the third meeting with Christ, here in the desert of Chilca, in Peru.
When we gathered to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, at the end, the Consciousness of Christ began to approach here, the region of the desert of Chilca, as He did the two previous times.
The sky, which was overcast, gradually opened up and the sun began to radiate its light and its heat here in the mountains. Immediately, Christ showed us, we saw that He was coming close to us in a very different way than He has shown Himself at other times, and we could see the Master was coming with His Feet resting on a blue triangular platform that was floating.
He was on this platform. It was a very intense, strong blue color and it began to descend. As it descended, the Universes, the Heavens, were opening towards other planes, until reaching the spiritual plane, where we understood, comprehended that the Consciousness of the Father, Adonai, was, and so He opened that path when He descended; He was, in this third Apparition, dressed in White, there was a subtlety, something very light, delicate, above all, very loving; with the same features as the Glorified Christ, but this time, dressed all in white.
When He appeared, when He drew closer on this triangular blue platform, the first thing He took out of His Chest was His Heart, and He offered It to us. The Heart was on the palm of His right Hand being offered, and when He offered it to us, we could perceive that He did so for all the consciousnesses of the planet, above all for those that He says are indifferent. And He was Offering this Heart for Creation, He offered this Heart for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the Consciousness of the Kingdoms; it was something that was expanding to all, without distinction.
And in this way, He began to direct His Words, in the Message that He gave for this meeting. And when He spoke, at a certain point the Elohim, when we were still seeing the open Heavens, the dimensions, up to the spiritual plane, armies, that is what we saw, armies of the Elohim, they began to position themselves to the right and to the left of Christ, above the mountains, here, in the desert.
There were many, all dressed in tunics down to their feet. They were resplendent beings like angels, but did not have wings. They were present there, and we saw that they were carrying out a task. In one moment, the Elohim accompanied all the work that Christ did through the message; because as He was talking, He was showing many things, above all, for example, what had to do with the Solar Consciousness, or what we know as the Sun.
At one point, when He began to talk about that Sun that we should be and what we should represent on the surface of the Earth, as missionaries, He brought, I don't know how He did it, a copy of another Sun that was shining on us.
Then, between Christ and the Sun, the physical sun shining on us, there was another extremely powerful Sun, and in its nucleus, in the center of that Sun, was the Consciousness of God. To say it in some way, cosmically, we saw ourselves represented, before a representation, so to speak, of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in a universal and spiritual way, that we had never seen, something very intense to see.
At the moment in which He makes that presentation through the Sun like the fundamental Consciousness of God, of Him as the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, He ascends, even while He was giving the message; He ascended and entered into this physical sun, which gives us light every day.
He began to transfigure and became like a Solar Being, which was a total Being of much light. It was a light that dazzled to see, it was a Light that was concentrated and was generated within this physical sun that gives us light.
I don't know what He wanted to show us with that, what it was He wanted to tell us, as an example, as a symbol, but at that moment, He was representing us, He showed Himself like that, like transfigured to the apostles on Mount Tabor.
Lastly, when He descended again from that Sun, more resplendent, more illuminated, naming Himself as the Son of the Sun, because the Son of the Sun, He was saying is the Son of God, of the living God. At that moment, He returned to that blue platform, and between that physical sun that shone on us and the Sun that He had brought, that copy of that Sun, let us say, of that more immaterial Sun, He made appear to His right and to His left, all the constellations within the heavenly vault, which were in perfect harmony and balance.
That was the experience and the accounts of the Apparition.
Before My Return, I will come and ask My angels to expel and banish human egotism from the heart of humankind. When this happens, the world will finish changing and a new cycle will begin. Hearts will no longer feel alone, because from Me they will receive everything they lacked from the beginning of their lives. Souls will rejoice in meeting Me, and I will return to give to drink of the Blood transformed into Light and to eat of the Living Body transfigured in Glory.
When that time comes, many of those who live on the Earth today will no longer be here, but I will count on all those who once set out to search for Me among the shadows of the world. But do not fear, because much will take place.
My Words will always remain among you; they will be the consolation for the difficult moments. After so many meetings, I come to prepare you in My Lap, in My Cenacle and in My Heart.
Let no one tire of aspiring to merge with Me; the Lord will give you the key to overcome the times that will come. Join My circle of Eternal Love. If you are in this circle of Divine Love, nothing will surround you, but you must always search for the way out through truth and acceptance.
On your countenances, today, I see in you an incessant and uninterrupted search for My Countenance.
Know that I Am no more than the Lord, My Father is your Father, My Supreme is your Supreme, and in this Kingdom, we are all one.
Do not allow the bitterness of not being able to take the steps embrace you more than the power of My Glorious Love.
Today I gather you together in the Name of the Lord, to commence a new stage of good times, of good results, of an adorable consecration which is seen by My Merciful Eyes.
Happy are those who persevere through My Trust. I will never leave those who call Me and those who seek Me alone, in spite of the errors committed.
I Am the True Love that transforms all things. I Am the Great Cell of Light which is born of the Heart of My Father. Whomever courageously calls Me will be surprised by Me in the nights to come.
My Silence teaches you many things. My Peace transmits celestial serenity to you.
Do not remain in the things of this world. Until I return, the things of the world will worsen, but fix your eyes on My Peaceful Gaze.
My Heart offers Itself as a mystery of life for the good and for the bad, for My Love is great, and will be greater in all those that sincerely and truly seek It.
Feel yourselves worthy of that which you would not be graced, for My intervention is perfect and kind in light of My Father.
Today, I am born and come from the heart of this universe. I renew and transform all things. I Am the King of humility. I Am the same who suffered and died for you, out of Love.
And now that you have risen in life, come to My Arms. My Heart will console you and nothing bad will happen to whomever dares to be with Me, for I Am the Light that dispels all darkness and shadows within and outside of beings.
I Am the living donation of the Great Love of God, your Father. I want to give My treasures to the redeemed. I wish to meet with those who have fallen in the past.
Declare yourselves to be My apostles of the new time; in this way, the Inner Christ will be born who will be at your service when I am no longer among you; for everything has a time for the Lord, a different time than that of the world.
Now, My Footsteps mark a new pathway for you. Blessed are they who, for Me, cross the abysses and the hells of this world to save those who are very thirsty for My Love.
Carry My legacy stamped in your hearts, and let it be the flame that transforms you day and night. Be like Me, good missionaries.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living the mystery of My Heart.
My Peace for all the beings of the Earth.
Yeshua, the Glorified Christ
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more