My dear and beloved children,
On this day, I thank those who are present for coming close to My Heart to answer the call to pray with Me for peace.
Dear children, peace is so urgent in the world because most of My children are living in internal conflicts within their families and in the conflicts of nations.
When, out of love, you come close to Me, as you do today, and pray with Me for peace, a small door opens so that this peace, invoked by the prayer of the heart, may prevent escalations of wars and greater suffering.
Do you now understand, My children, that prayer is everything?
That is why, just as throughout the past seventeen years, I have taught you to pray, I would like you to spiritually establish more prayer groups; a school of prayer on Earth that serves as a spiritual mirror, formed by souls who always seek to answer My call.
And how will you achieve this, dear children?
You will achieve this by being a prayer yourselves through gestures of love, service, charity and help to those in need, without exception.
This means fully imitating the Holy Family, because today I want you to know that each one of you is considered a member of Our Divine Spiritual Family.
Let us continue to invoke peace by being an act of peace. Let us continue to invoke peace, without acts of repudiation or violence, because the world is deeply lost in so much violence and aggression.
May this end soon so that peace, tolerance and respect may be established among all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.
And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.
And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.
For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.
The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.
Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.
Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.
Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.
Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children:
The footprints of the Lady of Finland, as footprints of Light, begin to mark the inner paths, so that My missionary children may be oriented in this next Pilgrimage for Peace. The same will happen miraculously in Poland, Switzerland and France, this last country very much in need of love and redemption.
Dear children, today the Lady of Finland presents Herself to you with this Face for the first time, so that you may internally follow the Mother of Finland in this important task which, spiritually, will try to appease the injustice and lack of peace between sister nations, today divided by conflict, hatred and war.
The Lady of Finland will place herself before all the evil generated so that, through a sublime breath, it may be dispelled from the ideas of conquest and power over millions of innocent souls. And you, with courage and faith, will accompany Me together with the Angel of Finland, Hellem-El, so that together with the Angel of Portugal they may intervene by order of the Most Holy Mother.
But all this will not be through confrontations or spiritual battles, but rather, in the name of the Most Precious Blood of Christ, the small seed of gratitude that the countries in conflict lost by deviating from what was essential and immediate will be restored.
Therefore, through the unfathomable presence of the angels of some nations, your Heavenly Mother, as Lady of Finland, will cause the original values to emerge again that were part of the Nordic countries and beyond.
I invite you to have an open and empty heart on this pilgrimage; because not only you, but also the Hierarchy, will come into contact with a legacy that has not yet been revealed to the world.
For this reason, the Lady of Finland presents herself as the first Guardian of the values that made the most ancient peoples of the north of the planet representatives of the Lineage of Warriors.
Let us consciously pray so that every step of this pilgrimage may be beneficial, not only for Finland, but also for the whole world.
I thank all of you who, once again, trusted in Our requests and made this extended and necessary pilgrimage possible.
I love you and accompany you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Finland
My dear children, from the Sacred Tree of Figueira,
In these times of hard confrontations and conflicts among nations and peoples, in these times in which the innocent blood that is poured out has no significance, in these times in which impunity has become the forefront in many people’s lives, may you now contemplate the sacred fruits of conversion and renewed faith, My children, so that in this cycle, in which the Final Judgment comes closer, your lives may be the faithful example of a redemption that has been achieved through the intervention of the Holy Grace of God.
Each time your Heavenly Mother comes to Figueira it is an opportunity of repairing the outraged Hearts of Christ, Mary and Saint Joseph. It is an opportunity for Me to feel love, joy and relief in My Maternal Heart, through the faith and hope of My children of Figueira, when meeting again with Mine.
Thus, My beloved children, remember, and at each moment relive the possibility of being before your Heavenly Mother. Feel it for all those who do not have the Grace of feeling or hearing the Mother of God in these times of uncertainties.
I ask you to keep this spirit of unshakable faith, a faith that helps the consciousness and soul of Brazil so that this land may not only be redeemed together with the Kingdoms of Nature, but so that souls may also again find joy and a reason for belonging to this beloved and blessed country.
Together, in continuous prayer with Me, I invite you to strengthen the spirit of the armies of prayer so that the torch of the victorious Light of Saint Michael the Archangel may remain lit within the hearts of each Brazilian child.
May all the necessary Graces descend from the Kingdom of God to this beloved nation of Brazil.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Figueira
My favored children,
On this day, your Heavenly mother is once again facing the inner and spiritual situation of the United States so that, through redemption and the healing of souls, this nation may again find the path toward the Purpose it has lost.
If since the beginning the United States had been a country with open arms, a nation that welcomes, cares for and takes care of the most discarded and vulnerable throughout all of Latin America, I assure you that a large part of its spiritual debt, caused by the commercialization of weapons, would have been placated.
But in these times, in this place as in other places, all we have left to do is continue praying so that certain actions, which this country wants to carry out, may not continue leaving its people under a condition without a spiritual way out.
It will depend on praying hearts, present in the United States, who can create the correct condition so that certain situations may no longer put the country in a place without a way out.
I repeat this again to all My children so that it be very clear to you, that it will be necessary that something be done; it is time to take action, because there are also nations throughout the Americas that are conditioned by the United States, something that nobody has yet risked resolving.
The true sense of equality and of the good is distorted. For this reason, children, I invite you to remain in the exercise of repairing and peaceful prayer so that, in the United States and in the rest of the nations of the world, the peoples marginalized by disorder, conflict and war, which leaves many open wounds, may have the Grace of being governed under a spiritual principle of balance and equality.
From Heaven, your Heavenly Mother intercedes together with Her Son, so that humanity may change in time.
Let us pray so that nobody else suffers.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the world remembers the simplicity it has lost, conflicts will dissolve and peace will return to the inner worlds of many beings.
When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will be no reason for showing off or for wars, because the Paradise of God will be able to reign, that Sacred Project that was thought of by the Father from the beginning, a Project that is part of the Sacred Creation.
When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will no longer be a reason or place for false power, impunity, conquest and the show that many consciousnesses seek in these times. Because God, called the Eternal Father, is Simplicity itself, and, being Simple, not only is He Humble, but He also expresses His Love and His Greatness through that which is poor in spirit and essence.
Simplicity was the attribute that filled the Sacred Family. Without simplicity, Mary could not have said ‘yes.’ Without simplicity, Saint Joseph could not have responded to the Call of God, to be the spiritual father of the Messiah, of That One who was born in the humble Manger of Bethlehem.
Without simplicity itself, which the Father granted to me as a Grace, I could not have been the very Christ, That One who took the risk of drinking of the chalice, Who suffered for you in silence at each step of the Cross, but in deep simplicity so that the world could have a new opportunity of Redemption and Mercy, and then reach these times.
But in these critical times, some regions of the world, that is, many human beings, suffer depression due to a of lack of simplicity because they do not allow their souls to express themselves not only in simplicity, but also in humility and in the poverty of spirit.
Therefore, I come today to tell you this, because you may have heard it many times, but it is something so essential in these times although the majority of the Children of God sometimes exchange simplicity for the showing off of material life, and many of them, in these times, do not understand why they go through certain difficult tests or experiences.
Therefore, be like God Himself, through the example of your Most Holy Mother and Her Most Holy Son, and live in simplicity so that the world may recover the principles of its Original Project, that Project that is still to be fulfilled and carried out. All of you and your brothers and sisters throughout the world are called to be postulants for this path of fulfilling the Project of God on the surface of the Earth.
This was the first thing I wanted to tell you, because all must place their gaze upon the essence of this Message, because while souls do not live in simplicity, they will not be able to understand many Mysteries of God.
He needs to see you simple so that He may see you pure of heart, pure of intention, free from errors and sin. Thus, you will be ready to learn how to love in daily life, at each step that you are called to take in these definitive times.
I Am also here today, in Rome, in Spirit and Divinity, in essence and simplicity, to make My Church, extended throughout the Earth, remember that its purpose is simplicity, so that they may be in the same Consciousness as the Eternal Father, so that in this way they may better help the world, the poorest among the poor, those who have nothing and are simple.
But all those who represent Me in the Church, priests, those of religious profession, believers, devotees and all those who follow the Steps of Christ, must be the very Mirror of God’s simplicity so that all may be ready for what will come at the end of times and thus may help people in a better way, especially those who have always showed off material life and left spiritual life behind, not only forgetting God, but also their inner worlds. Because all the people who are present on the surface of the Earth will need to recover their inner simplicity so that they may have the Grace of recovering humility.
Thus, I come here today as the Messenger of God’s Simplicity and, through this simple place that you have offered to Me today, My Christic Consciousness has been able to help Eastern Europe, beyond the borders of Ukraine, being able to close uncertain doors, being able to recover hearts that have suffered war and terror, being able to bring everyone even more toward My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy through the powerful Source of Mercy that I once opened in Poland.
In this way, companions, I place all of you before God, before His Great Spirit of Simplicity and Love. Because He patiently waits in these times so that souls may still understand His Will and thus live it as it is written.
Today, I come to place all under My Mantle, because the world needs it, and if the world needs it, it is because souls need it. Thus, I come to contemplate all needs, all intentions of good hearts, of those who try to live My Spirit of Peace, day by day.
Thus, embrace with joy the Sacred Spirit of God’s Simplicity, because in it you will find the answer you so much seek, to become strengthened in these times and to learn to strengthen your brothers and sisters of the path, all those who are around you.
I come to tell you this, because I know that you can live it, but you must not forget it. The world has its eyes on other spaces. Souls have their eyes on other places.
The Eternal Father still waits to return to the heart of His Children, to dwell and express His Light.
This is why, once again, and through all your prayers, you will be able to silently help those souls that do not have God because they do not wait for Him, because they do not love Him, because they do not adore Him. However, the Eternal Father does wait for His Children, He loves His Children and expects them to recognize Him as a Father of Love and Mercy, Pity and Compassion.
In this way, through this day and this meeting, My Sacred Heart again opens the doors of Grace, Mercy and Light, upon the whole Northern Hemisphere, to give continuity to My Work of Mercy and Redemption in those places that need My Presence and, above all, need My God.
Therefore, this stage is very important. It is very important that all may support, accompany and help it, because important and demanding tasks will come, and, as more than two-thousand years ago, these important and sacred tasks, requested by Christ Himself, were carried out by very few.
In this way, I train you and prepare you to assume with Me the planetary cross so that you may surpass Me in love, surrender, solidarity and cooperation with the Plan of Love, that Divine Plan that I hope will be fulfilled in many souls.
Therefore, once again, I come to anoint you with My Spirit, just as I promised My apostles, and today I promise to you, fulfilling it through My Word and My Presence.
My Heart still suffers for what it sees outside, but also that which it sees within My Church. For this reason, I invite you to pray for the reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all those who are My apostles and My companions throughout the whole world. And some of them, instead of taking steps toward Me, take steps toward their own will, many times because they do not live inner simplicity.
Thus, today, through My Spiritual Anointment, receive, all of you, this Gift of God’s Simplicity, so that you may always remember that it is where God lies. He is not in material powers or in spiritual show. He is not in opulence or in wealth. God is present, once again, in the hearts of the simple and the humble, in all those who mirror His Presence with simplicity and love.
I thank you for being here with Me today, this is very significant to Me because it speaks of many inner opportunities, not only for those present, but also for other souls that also need it. For this reason, I thank you for being here, accompanying Me, following Me, seeking Me and adoring Me as your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.
And now, from the Marian Center of Figueira, in the name of Jesus Christ, let us celebrate the Spiritual Communion to begin this new stage of untiring service, of permanent sacrifice, of spontaneous donation, not only for the Work of My Mercy in the Northern Hemisphere and in the whole world, but also through the Humanitarian Missions in Angola, Poland and in other places of the world, which My Merciful Love and My Consoling Spirit must reach through the hands and hearts that give of themselves with one aim: the triumph of My Love in all of humanity.
Once again, I thank you for your prompt response to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved children,
I come here today, bringing in My Hands the Bloodied Heart of Jesus, because My Son cries out for reparation in the face of war, conflict and the outrages that still exist in this world and in religions.
I come with the Bloodied Heart of My Son to ask you, in honor of His Divine and Holy Name, to accompany Me, in sacrifice, in a special, non-public spiritual task, at the Light-Nucleus of Figueira in San Carlos, the Nucleus of the Mother of the Alleviation of Suffering.
I need to arrive there to make known the importance of the realization of My request of the House of Saint Lazarus, because through this House, your Heavenly Mother and Her Healing Angels will bring spiritual relief to the human beings of this time, which everyone needs in this cycle.
I will go on a special pilgrimage to My House in San Carlos, to strengthen, in these times of emergency, the project of the manifestation of that Home, just like I will bless the families and children who are a part of the Fraternal Service Project.
My urgency is so that at least in some parts of the planet there may exist the presence of the Love of God, of the Love that heals, that cures and that redeems the suffering of these times.
Dear children, in this way, in sacrifice, your Most Holy Mother will pilgrimage in the company of a small group so that on October 25 this sacred task may be carried out, through a Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary.
My Son gave Me His Bloodied Heart, asking the Mother of Alleviation of Suffering to intercede for souls who in this time have already condemned themselves. Therefore, the pain of My Son is indescribable.
From now on I thank all those who can collaborate in any way possible so that this reserved and special meeting may be fulfilled.
My beloved children, I would like to end by telling you that also on October 25 there will be a special live transmission shared, to transmit what happened in San Carlos.
I thank you for following My Steps!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day of Mercy, may your deepest prayers keep being elevated to Heaven so that the world and, above all, the nations that are most oppressed and chastised by war and conflicts may recover peace, because no human being is capable of living without peace, as peace is to be in contact with God and the universe.
My children, on this day of merciful prayer, I call upon you to pray for those places in the world where there is no peace and where chaos reigns, because, as the Queen of Peace, I need, through your prayers, to reach the spaces in this world where hundreds of My children suffer hopelessness and lack of love.
Just as, in this month of August, you will be able to feel the Heart of My Son, I would like many more children to feel My Heart, and your true prayers are the bridge that will allow Me to find My most suffering and desperate children.
For this reason, My beloveds, recognize the Rays of My Grace, the Grace that, being inexhaustible and justifiable before God, has been filling you for more than fifteen years.
It is My wish that My Graces, the Graces granted to My Maternal Heart, may reach all, especially those who have condemned themselves to hell.
I am thankful to you in advance for the bravery and effort that you might dedicate to Me through the prayer of the heart, because prayer must permeate the world.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
In spite of the conflicts and wars throughout the world, which divide and disturb families, My Center of Light of Medjugorje today lights up to internally transmit to you My Message of Peace.
I Am the Queen of Peace and I want all My children in the Kingdom of God so that the world may no longer keep losing the innocence and the light that God once deposited in each human heart.
For this reason, Medjugorje gleams in light and hope today, because I wish to deter the chaos and vengeance that many hearts are experiencing in these times, forgetting that all are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father.
For this reason, He sends Me once again as His Messenger of Peace, to tell the world that, if the war does not end, something worse will be unleashed.
To prevent more innocent blood from being shed in the world, at this moment, I count on the fervent prayers of all My children. This prevents the wrath of the Angel of God from precipitating upon the world, and humanity from losing its state of being rescuable.
For this reason, this is the great moment for all in which, despite the tests or the difficulties, My children must hold on to My Mantle and take Me by the hand so that I, as the Mother of all, may keep guiding and leading you toward My Beloved Son.
From Medjugorje, may hearts today feel the peace that brings them hope and faith, which everyone needs at this moment.
Remember that I Am here and that I Am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Prayer Against World Impunity
may my voice never again
raise against my brother.
may nation no longer
oppose nation.
may weapons no longer be raised
and may no other consciousness lose its life.
O Celestial Lord!
have pity on our injustices and errors.
O Lord of Mercy!
make Your Light descend
upon this dreadful darkness.
may conflicts no longer be generated.
may the most vulnerable families
no longer be displaced.
may bombs no longer detonate.
may no one ever again be capable
of killing their fellow being.
O Lord of Life!
make us worthy of Your Kingdom.
O Lord of Peace!
may Your Sacred Celestial Universe
become alive and present in this world.
may the tears and blood of the innocent
no longer run.
may hate, revenge and impunity
no longer exist.
heal us from indifference.
heal us from omission and prejudice.
heal us from all evil.
May our hearts be pure.
May our works be charitable and good.
May Your Presence within us
close the doors to evil.
make us partakers of the Return of Your Son
for whom, with hope and faith, we wait.
By all the redemptive merits of Your Most Beloved Son
and by the perpetual prayer of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
may we see the emergence of a humanity of peace,
respect, tolerance and fraternity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Pray for each other, just as you pray for the wounded planet, just as you pray about your deepest miseries, just as you cry out about your greatest difficulties.
Pray for each other, just as you pray for the nations in conflict, just as you pray for those who are hungry and cold, for those who have no hope and for those who are afraid.
Pray for each other, just as you pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, assaulted and unloved, mutilated and not understood by humankind.
In this way, children, with love, pity and mercy, you must pray for each other, because when you pray for a fellow being, you are praying for the planet; when you pray for a fellow being, you are praying for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the nations.
When a heart triumphs in God, all Creation triumphs with it; it learns, grows and triumphs with those who defeat their own selves.
For this reason, do not be indifferent to the suffering of those who you have by your side, but be attentive and, when you perceive a need, pray, cry out, plead for each other, so that your cry may be the voice of those who have no more strength to pray for themselves.
Be the voices for one another, be the fire for one another, draw from the Heavens the Graces and Mercies for one another and, in this way, you will achieve peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace reign in the hearts of humankind so that, through this peace, you may come to know how to find the Wisdom and the Love of God, to manage each situation in life.
Children, while the world is in agony and cries out for support and real love, most of humanity loses itself in distractions and indifference, in conflicts and in the constant stimulation of technology and chaos.
May peace always reign in your hearts. Do not allow yourselves to be stimulated and influenced by the individualistic and egotistical speeches of these times, but instead always remember to serve and love unconditionally; remember to look at your neighbor with love and move beyond their errors and miseries so that, in this way, you may mutually help each other to arrive to God.
Before correcting, you must first love, so that your correction does not transform into judgment, but rather it may be an instrument for souls to resume their path to God. When looking at your brothers and sisters, before observing their defects, seek the perfection of God and ask for the Grace of feeling the Love of the Father for His creatures.
In the final test of humanity, when each being will be tested in their love and in their faith, seek always to have the Eyes of Christ within your eyes, and the Heart of the Redeemer in your hearts. Let Him live in you more each day; yield space for the Lord and fervently ask that He may live in your inner dwellings.
Remember that, with your lives, you write the Gospel of the Return of Christ, with your lives you prepare His way, with your lives you light the torch that shows the world where there is Light in the middle of darkness.
For this reason, pray, and do not tire of praying. Serve and do not tire of stepping out of yourselves for a neighbor. Love and be compassionate. With your own lives declare the power of Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Peace reigns in hearts that silence their mouths, minds and hearts to listen to God.
When the murmuring and clamoring stop for an instant and yield their place to silence, souls bow down before God to hear His Voice and His Designs which are also silent but full of Love, and They can permeate hearts and bring them clarity, certainty, answers and, above all, peace.
Silence, children, is also prayer.
In silence, your spirits can elevate beyond the dimensions of conflict and chaos and be in a safe place to converse with God.
Souls that learn to become silent learn to enter into true contact with Infinity, because they are not only asking or wanting to rise up through their own effort but rather to know how to be silent, trust and allow themselves to be touched by the Hands of God that guide them into contact with higher life.
Silence is also part of the path that leads you to God. Know how to perceive the moments for crying out, for singing, for pleading or simply becoming silent in order to hear the Voice of the Father, to allow Him to guide you to the Infinity of His Kingdom, to the mysteries of His Creation.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The celestial spheres must be more and more alive within you, every day. You, child, must be the portal to the Infinite, the bridge toward Divine Consciousness.
While the Time of God has not yet come to take the place of world time, and souls remain in the illusion of their confused lives, there will be battles and there will be conflicts between the planes and the realities that co-inhabit the planet.
For this reason, I tell you that your union with what is real must be consolidated from the inner to the outer, within the depths of your being, to then reach the world.
When you pray, when you seek God in silence, when you unite with the sounds of the sacred, when you adore your Lord in Spirit and in the Eucharist, you create paths and ways for your consciousness to enter into more elevated vibrations so that your essence may recognize and express the celestial spheres.
Thus, keep your heart within the heights. Allow the inner contact with love, grace and divine reality to become deeper within you.
Let the eyes of your spirit and the deep feeling of your heart open because then, child, you will be in peace and outside of the dimensions of conflict that are expanding throughout the world.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Cross and the Sword
It is in this time that there are children of Mine who fight with the cross and others that fight with swords.
There are children that carry the cross of the world, while other children fight with their swords, generating world chaos.
Those children who fight with swords will receive the blow of the swords. Those who fight with the Cross, with intelligence, will receive the Grace of Peace.
Evil tries to awaken within the hearts of the innocent ones and lead them into the rebellion and protests of these times.
There is indignation in all that there is to see and experience in the nations of the world, but My Son has told you once that the one who fights by the sword will be wounded by the sword.
There must not be opposition or confrontation in these times. My enemy wants to generate the most severe and saddest war in the heart of humanity, but you must have the prayer of the heart as a defense weapon so that the light of Grace may descend upon all events.
This is the time in which everyone will be able to build their own strength based upon the values of faith, solidarity and good; of ones own contact with the Divine Laws, beyond the laws that human beings impose, which are not clean laws.
I call you to fight by means of the Cross of My Son, so that His Blood that was shed may have the value and the power that everyone should give to it. A Blood that was shed to justify your errors, the errors of all generations, all cultures, all religions, the errors of all times.
If you value the powerful Cross of Christ, the human consciousness will allow for its expansion and will, someday, recognize that the way out is not in the fight, the way out to find true justice, because the justice of the Earth is also corrupt due to the lack of transparency and compassion.
There is no other way than the one that My Son has taught you, even while seeing, day by day, the conflicts of the nations and the events that are created, always by the same ones, in order to disrupt the planetary psyche and the emotional plane of the people.
This is the time for each one to live the Cross, the Cross of spiritual and material freedom that Christ attained for each one of His companions and for each one of His enemies.
Receive this Cross instead of the swords so that the essence of peace and love may build, among beings, that which up to now was inwardly destroyed, due to the absence of compassion, understanding and consideration.
The Cross will no longer be heavy for you. The Cross of Christ will bring you the Light of truth and the meeting with universal Peace, a Peace that will awaken confidence in you and, above all, awaken wisdom for you to be able to act according to the principles of Christic Love, a Love that in this time will protect and conduct you to the Promised Land.
I thank you for responding to My call, to the call for praying for Peace in the Nations.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My pain for humanity converts into Divine Mercy, and I radiate the Rays of My Heart to the whole world.
On this special day, after the adorers of My Eucharistic Body sincerely offered Me their spiritual union with Me; it was like feeling a balm for the thirst I once had on the Cross, a thirst not understood nor known. That ancient and deep thirst for lost souls was quenched by the adoration of My companions.
That special moment was when your Redeemer, for an instant, found the inner spring of good souls.
For this reason, today I was able to spiritually help South America, the Promised Land, so that its peoples and nations could perceive that they have distanced themselves from the Love of God and that, in the struggles and conflicts, they will not achieve the freedom that souls seek for so much.
But at the most acute moment, do not fight with swords; withdraw into My kind Heart so that you may feel the peace and trust of being upon the path to redemption; in this way, I will always renew you and fill you with My spiritual gifts and virtues.
Thank you all who, with sincerity and love, adored My flagellated Heart, because today I also was inwardly reborn and I can say to you again: "I make all things new."
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the channels of transmutation of the Divine Hierarchy are preparing to carry out the regional task with Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Argentina, some souls are placed in this service in the inner planes so that, out of love for My Heart and My Grace, Divine and universal Justice does not fall upon those nations, especially upon those nations that are today experiencing severe social and human conflicts.
But this situation goes beyond disconformity in the people that inhabit those nations. In these events, two complex realities come together, the spiritual reality and the cosmic reality of souls, the veiled history of those not yet aware that they came to the planet to be redeemed and to reconcile.
For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy will join this task, not only to attend to a spiritual situation, but also to try, with great risk, to resolve the cosmic situation within the consciousnesses.
Because what is occurring today in South America is not only a process of abuse of power and of inequality of rights and of assets. As never before, South America is now the scene of errors that are being repeated again, like in other times.
Thus, the Hierarchy will concentrate in Argentina, through a special epicenter that will assist in the freeing of certain thoughtforms that awaken and generate momentum towards rebellion in souls.
For the Hierarchy, it will be one of the most demanding tasks.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this stage for the mission of the Plan of Redemption!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today the Rays that emerge from My maternal and Immaculate Heart are poured out upon all the Rosaries of Peace that were lovingly offered to Me, by all My children.
These prayers, these tender Rosaries, are offered today to the Celestial Father, for all the nations of South America, so that Justice and Mercy may descend as a means of harmony and love for the souls that, in this cycle, engage in conflict.
Today, through the prayer for peace in South America, Your Heavenly Mother has been able help the souls and essences that participate in the chaos and disorder of these times, so that they may spiritually reconsider and change the direction of the events that they experience in their nations of origin.
The consecration of nations to My Immaculate Heart through the daily Rosaries will intervene so that in South America the propagation of that network of conflicts does not continue between hearts that, by means of indignation and hate, complain for their rights and their dignity.
That dignity, children, will come more and more through the group prayer that you can spread by means of media so that souls can recover love and trust in the Heights.
The Prayer for Peace in South America is performing its first inner miracles.
I thank you for responding to My call with effort and love!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In this cycle, chaos does not want to govern the nations; chaos desires to remain in the heart and in the mind of the people that agree with conflict and power; because, through souls taken by chaos, the plan of My adversary is carried forward, and as it knows that it has little time left, it will try to awaken and generate the greatest possible destruction within peoples and in nations.
For this reason, the true battle is within everyone, in the duality that must be transcended and overcome in this time so that the soul may triumph.
This cycle is one of many spiritual confrontations and that which is at stake is the next humanity.
If current humanity managed to overcome indifference through the strength and the power of love, the New Earth would already be in the process of being born within hearts.
But now the intelligence that the Holy Spirit provides must be used in order to overcome the attacks and challenges of these times. You will build that intelligence with prayer and with all that you nurture in your inner world.
There will be days of glory, but there will also be nights of battles, and in these moments, My Love will be there to help you, when you allow Me to.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While South America experiences the results of a crisis, generated by certain nations, the peoples that are put into conflict and in dissociation are losing the values of cooperation and solidarity, as each day the people become more disappointed and lose confidence in those who lead them.
Thus, to be free from this situation and from this chaos, it is necessary to be in prayer and in attunement, so that the consciousness and all that is around it may be elevated into another vibration and into another state.
At this moment, this initiative of elevating the consciousness will withdraw the being from that chain of dissociations and of discord; this is why it is important not to enter, even in thought, into that battlefield that was generated only to take advantage of the situation and to exercise abuse of power.
This moment will demand greater elevation of the consciousness and of all the being so that a sufficiently elevated protection may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more