In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of the Night, who leads all His sheep, especially those who are most lost, so that they may return to the stable of the Heart of God and drink of the Sacred Fountain of His Divine Humility. Because if humility does not live in this world, if humility does not express itself in souls and hearts, it will not be possible to avoid a third and difficult war.

This is why I Am here today, on the highest region of the Alps. Once again, I congregate you at the foot of these sacred mountains, where the Hierarchy is gathered and united to you, to implore to God for a last opportunity for this humanity, so that the nations of the world, especially the nations of Eastern Europe, may reflect the harmony and peace that is so urgent in these times.

Therefore, nothing and no one has prevented the Lord of the Night from coming here, because He has brought the whole Universe, all of Creation, with Himself. And with His Feet he steps upon all evil that exists on this planet and shows, through the Light of His Sacred Heart, the path that souls must tread during this dark night so that they may never lose sight of the Flame of the Divine Purpose, but rather, through this Sacred Immaterial Flame, souls may find within themselves the Will of God, which expresses in this material life the Purpose that has been written since the origin.

This is why, on these days of merciful prayer, I come, in the name of God, to ask you to truly pray. That each bead of the prayer of Mercy offered may be sincerely prayed to avoid a terrible third war in this world and, above all, in this Northern Hemisphere.

But do not lose faith, because you are My companions and My friends, you are My children and My daughters, and today I have all of you within the Sacred Cenacle of My Heart so that, just as more than two-thousand years ago, you may celebrate the Sacred Eucharist with Me once again, the infinite Legacy of the Love of God, which unconditionally offered itself to you through the bread and the wine.

This is why we are at a similar time as two-thousand years ago. But now you, as postulants to be New Christs of the end of times, must not only eat of My Body or drink of the Chalice of My Blood, but you also must learn to live your own Garden of Gethsemane.

And despite the darkness that reigns on this planet, despite the uncertain doors that are still open, despite the ignorance, the war, the indifference, the coldness of many hearts, despite all the sins and offenses that the Heart of God receives every day, My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, on these days of intense supplication to Divine Mercy, will gather, from each one of you, each one of the beads that you will sincerely offer to Me, not only for peace in Ukraine and Russia, for the end of war in this region of the planet and in other places of the Earth, but I will also gather your prayers as a true offering to God, because you will have the chance to again trust My Mercy.

So that you may see how great My Mercy is, today I Am again here, in this region of the planet, contemplating through My Eyes and feeling through My Heart the pain and anguish of the souls that live in war and in the conflict of the world.

Companions, I want to tell you sincerely that all Hierarchies are working a lot for this planetary situation. That each one of your steps, the steps of the servers of Christ, are being contemplated at this very moment, as a justification and atonement, in the face of all horrors and outrages of this world, of this humanity.

For this reason, companions, these days will be decisive, not only for all My servers of the Redemptive Work of Christ on Earth, but they will also be definitive for these nations of Europe, because what will happen in the coming times in this region of the planet will have repercussions in other nations of the world, and Europe is feeling the weight of the war in Ukraine.

Through His Power and Love, through His Mercy and Sacred Intercession, God could have already stopped this war. But companions, the adherence of souls with other forces of this material world compromises this intervention, which is not only spiritual, but also material.

However, trust and do not regret, trust in the power and light of the prayer of the heart. Entrust to God all your supplications, all your intentions, all that you beg for, so that the war may stop in Eastern Europe, and the current events, just as other events in the world, which are hidden from the eyes of all, may not be used as weapons of war, fostering lack, need and injustice.

Therefore, through the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart, I invite you to be with Me in this long dark night that the planet is living, without losing sight of the Light of Divine Purpose, because many souls in these times lose sight of their Spiritual Purpose.

In truth, I tell you that the spiritual task of many will be up to a very few, just as it was two-thousand years ago, when very few, united to the Master of Love, did their very best, gave their lives for the redemption of humanity, for the salvation of this school-planet.

I know that what I promise you at this moment is not wonderful, I promise you the experience of a spiritual sacrifice that you have not gone through at any other moment.

This is why, through the symbols of My Sorrowful Passion, I will be able to pour out, upon those who accept them, new experiences of Christification and growth of inner love.

Who will accept to hold the Crown of Thorns of the Lord with their own hands?

Who will accept to carry with them the nails that pierced the Hands and Feet of the Lord?

Who will accept to carry the planetary cross with Me?

Who will allow the spear to pierce their side, knowing that you do not deserve all these things and that your Master and Lord deserved them even less?

But  what led your Master, the King of the Universe, to allow Himself to experience all these things?

There is one and only reason: Love, the Love that would trust, the Love that would accept, the Love that would include, the Love that would never reject, the Love that would endure, the Love that would make Me grow as Divinity and Spirit. It was Love that made me accept the Will to live the Sorrowful Passion.

This is why I offer the opportunity of inner Christification to the simple, to the imperfect, to the sinners.

See how My Church is and how My priests are, how many wounds they cause Me by moving away from Me, by taking other paths that are not those of Christ.

This is why I avail Myself of this moment and I avail Myself of each one of you, regardless of the imperfection or difficulties, regardless of the pain or tests, so that the Heart of your Master may be relieved in silence, through the adherence of souls, through the silent sacrifice of the hearts that say ‘yes’ to Me, in which I can recline My head upon your chests, to rest and take comfort from the love of those who are Mine.

The world is not prepared to listen to this, but I committed Myself to tell you the truth, because I will always be the Way and the Life for you.

The world must surrender to My Mercy so that the Third World War does not happen, so that humanity does not keep opening the door to evil, which suffocates hearts and confuses minds by moving away from God.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be a moment of great maturity, may it be the great moment when each one of you must ask yourselves whether you are with Me or not. The time is ending and if before the cup was almost full, it is now overflowing.

Who will prevent this from happening?

Will it be necessary for more innocent blood to be shed in this world?

God does not want the sacrifice of humanity, My Father wants from you, through Me, your eternal happiness, the joy of living and belonging to the Kingdom of God, once and for all.

I ask you again to truly pray. I will be attentively listening to the voice of your supplications and I know that I will be able to count on all of you, just as on all your brothers and sisters in the world.

In the simple, in the humble, in those who adhere, in the pure of heart, lies My Celestial Church. And through these souls, through true and simple hearts, I can consecrate and  make this world sacred, so that someday it may cease to be unfaithful so as to be faithful, so that someday the world may no longer have self will but will begin to live Divine Will, the Sacred Will of God that will always lead you to peace and to the good.

I thank you for hearing Me. I thank you for preparing this space for Me, because as much as this world offers Me hundreds of cathedrals, I could only be within them if love, transparency and surrender truly existed.

This is why, once again, God shows the world that His Presence is in the humble, that His Hand defeats the powerful, that His Word resounds in the simple and expels the selfish, even those who say they are with Me.

My Church is in the heart of My children. My Love is there. My Life is there forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the world remembers the simplicity it has lost, conflicts will dissolve and peace will return to the inner worlds of many beings.

When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will be no reason for showing off or for wars, because the Paradise of God will be able to reign, that Sacred Project that was thought of by the Father from the beginning, a Project that is part of the Sacred Creation.

When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will no longer be a reason or place for false power, impunity, conquest and the show that many consciousnesses seek in these times. Because God, called the Eternal Father, is Simplicity itself, and, being Simple, not only is He Humble, but He also expresses His Love and His Greatness through that which is poor in spirit and essence.

Simplicity was the attribute that filled the Sacred Family. Without simplicity, Mary could not have said ‘yes.’ Without simplicity, Saint Joseph could not have responded to the Call of God, to be the spiritual father of the Messiah, of That One who was born in the humble Manger of Bethlehem.

Without simplicity itself, which the Father granted to me as a Grace, I could not have been the very Christ, That One who took the risk of drinking of the chalice, Who suffered for you in silence at each step of the Cross, but in deep simplicity so that the world could have a new opportunity of Redemption and Mercy, and then reach these times.

But in these critical times, some regions of the world, that is, many human beings, suffer depression due to a of lack of simplicity because they do not allow their souls to express themselves not only in simplicity, but also in humility and in the poverty of spirit.

Therefore, I come today to tell you this, because you may have heard it many times, but it is something so essential in these times although the majority of the Children of God sometimes exchange simplicity for the showing off of material life, and many of them, in these times, do not understand why they go through certain difficult tests or experiences.

Therefore, be like God Himself, through the example of your Most Holy Mother and Her Most Holy Son, and live in simplicity so that the world may recover the principles of its Original Project, that Project that is still to be fulfilled and carried out. All of you and your brothers and sisters throughout the world are called to be postulants for this path of fulfilling the Project of God on the surface of the Earth.

This was the first thing I wanted to tell you, because all must place their gaze upon the essence of this Message, because while souls do not live in simplicity, they will not be able to understand many Mysteries of God.

He needs to see you simple so that He may see you pure of heart, pure of intention, free from errors and sin. Thus, you will be ready to learn how to love in daily life, at each step that you are called to take in these definitive times.

I Am also here today, in Rome, in Spirit and Divinity, in essence and simplicity, to make My Church, extended throughout the Earth, remember that its purpose is simplicity, so that they may be in the same Consciousness as the Eternal Father, so that in this way they may better help the world, the poorest among the poor, those who have nothing and are simple.

But all those who represent Me in the Church, priests, those of religious profession, believers, devotees and all those who follow the Steps of Christ, must be the very Mirror of God’s simplicity so that all may be ready for what will come at the end of times and thus may help people in a better way, especially those who have always showed off material life and left spiritual life behind, not only forgetting God, but also their inner worlds. Because all the people who are present on the surface of the Earth will need to recover their inner simplicity so that they may have the Grace of recovering humility.

Thus, I come here today as the Messenger of God’s Simplicity and, through this simple place that you have offered to Me today, My Christic Consciousness has been able to help Eastern Europe, beyond the borders of Ukraine, being able to close uncertain doors, being able to recover hearts that have suffered war and terror, being able to bring everyone even more toward My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy through the powerful Source of Mercy that I once opened in Poland.

In this way, companions, I place all of you before God, before His Great Spirit of Simplicity and Love. Because He patiently waits in these times so that souls may still understand His Will and thus live it as it is written.

Today, I come to place all under My Mantle, because the world needs it, and if the world needs it, it is because souls need it. Thus, I come to contemplate all needs, all intentions of good hearts, of those who try to live My Spirit of Peace, day by day.

Thus, embrace with joy the Sacred Spirit of God’s Simplicity, because in it you will find the answer you so much seek, to become strengthened in these times and to learn to strengthen your brothers and sisters of the path, all those who are around you.

I come to tell you this, because I know that you can live it, but you must not forget it. The world has its eyes on other spaces. Souls have their eyes on other places.

The Eternal Father still waits to return to the heart of His Children, to dwell and express His Light.

This is why, once again, and through all your prayers, you will be able to silently help those souls that do not have God because they do not wait for Him, because they do not love Him, because they do not adore Him. However, the Eternal Father does wait for His Children, He loves His Children and expects them to recognize Him as a Father of Love and Mercy, Pity and Compassion.

In this way, through this day and this meeting, My Sacred Heart again opens the doors of Grace, Mercy and Light, upon the whole Northern Hemisphere, to give continuity to My Work of Mercy and Redemption in those places that need My Presence and, above all, need My God.

Therefore, this stage is very important. It is very important that all may support, accompany and help it, because important and demanding tasks will come, and, as more than two-thousand years ago, these important and sacred tasks, requested by Christ Himself, were carried out by very few.

In this way, I train you and prepare you to assume with Me the planetary cross so that you may surpass Me in love, surrender, solidarity and cooperation with the Plan of Love, that Divine Plan that I hope will be fulfilled in many souls.

Therefore, once again, I come to anoint you with My Spirit, just as I promised My apostles, and today I promise to you, fulfilling it through My Word and My Presence.

My Heart still suffers for what it sees outside, but also that which it sees within My Church. For this reason, I invite you to pray for the reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all those who are My apostles and My companions throughout the whole world. And some of them, instead of taking steps toward Me, take steps toward their own will, many times because they do not live inner simplicity.

Thus, today, through My Spiritual Anointment, receive, all of you, this Gift of God’s Simplicity, so that you may always remember that it is where God lies. He is not in material powers or in spiritual show. He is not in opulence or in wealth. God is present, once again, in the hearts of the simple and the humble, in all those who mirror His Presence with simplicity and love.

I thank you for being here with Me today, this is very significant to Me because it speaks of many inner opportunities, not only for those present, but also for other souls that also need it. For this reason, I thank you for being here, accompanying Me, following Me, seeking Me and adoring Me as your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.

And now, from the Marian Center of Figueira, in the name of Jesus Christ, let us celebrate the Spiritual Communion to begin this new stage of untiring service, of permanent sacrifice, of spontaneous donation, not only for the Work of My Mercy in the Northern Hemisphere and in the whole world, but also through the Humanitarian Missions in Angola, Poland and in other places of the world, which My Merciful Love and My Consoling Spirit must reach through the hands and hearts that give of themselves with one aim: the triumph of My Love in all of humanity.

Once again, I thank you for your prompt response to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Secrets of My Life must still be revealed, because no one knows them in depth. That they are a secret does not mean that they are a mystery; they are a revelation that will come at the right moment and, in the face of this planetary situation, this moment is drawing near.

Also for this reason I am here today, not only to continue My spiritual task for Ukraine, but also so that all of you may prepare, on the inner planes, for the moment of revelation.

My Celestial Mother and My Celestial Father know these Secrets in depth, because when My Mother was on Earth, preparing the arrival of the Messiah, Christ the Redeemer, the Archangel Gabriel revealed these Secrets to Her, which would only be presented to the world in the end of times.

These Secrets will have repercussions not only in the Church and in all religions, the Secrets will also have repercussions in the awakened and the sleeping consciousnesses, especially those who do not believe in God and who have never united to the Eternal Father.

These Secrets of My Life come to elevate the consciousness of the whole world, to remove it from indifference and impunity, to remove it from the power and the control it believes it has. Because the Secrets of My Life are the secrets of My Universal Life, from the origin of My Consciousness, including the Aspects of God, and this planet and humanity until they ascend to the Heavens, to the Universe, becoming a part of the Spiritual Government of the entire One Source.

The Angels and the Archangels are the great guardians and caretakers of the Secrets of My Life. For this reason, the adversary does not rest even for a moment to deviate souls from the revelation of these Secrets.

Because when souls become aware of this revelation, they will cease to be in illusion, and they will awaken, they will become aware of how much time they have lost in worldly life; and many will repent and have a time of atonement, a time of Grace, to thoroughly live the mission they have come to fulfill.

From that moment, souls will become a part of My Command and not only will hearts be My apostles, but they will also be a part of My armies of the universe, just as I have so many armies throughout the universe. These armies will prepare My Return to the world, to re-establish My Spiritual Government in nations and peoples.

After so many errors and sufferings in this world, which will be dissolved by the Presence of the Light of God, through the Presence of the Most Sacred Heart of His Son, I, with My own Hand, will write this history of humanity again, from the moment of the Death of your Lord at Calvary, on the sorrowful Cross of humanity. From this moment up to the present, the history of humanity will again be written.

Because in My Return, at the moment of the revelation of My Secrets, you will not only come to know what some of the apostles came to know on Mount Tabor or what some participated in during the multiplication of the bread and of the fish, or even in the miracles of the Galilean Sea, you will live moments similar to these facts and, little by little, you will come closer to My Spiritual Government, to learn how to know and live it, just as I live it.

The main purpose of this reason is so that all may live in the Law, may live in the Law with joy and bliss and not as a rule or an imposition, as many believe. Because in the Law lies Peace, and in Peace lies the Happiness of God. In the Law you will always find the path toward the Purpose, and in the Purpose you will fulfill your mission.

These secrets will not only renew the religiosity of the world and the spirituality of all consciousnesses, they will change the dogmas and beliefs of those who have had greater resistance to the Truth. They will see it before their own eyes, because it will not be something that can be hidden, because, in this way, I will fulfill My promise that you will see the Son of Man come and all will recognize and feel Him, and those who have denied the Son of God will also feel and recognize Him.

But remember that I will not come as a Judge, but rather, in the end of times, I will come as the Great Advocate of the Father, to intercede for all souls and consciousnesses that went astray from the path of Light and Mercy, who were dragged toward the abysses and toward the life of the hells of the planet. But when I return, these doors will definitively close.

For this reason, this is the hardest time of all, and it is also the most demanding time of all, as a spiritual pressure is inevitably generated between what is superior and what is inferior, and the negative forces that are present on the surface of the Earth become agitated when souls simply achieve the Light of the Truth.

For this reason, I am here, gestating this moment, preparing this moment in all inner worlds, because when this moment of revelation of My Secrets comes, you will know much more than just My Transfiguration or even of the Transubstantiation of My Being; you will know Christ, your Master and Lord, in the Creative Manifestation of the Father, that Truth that emerged from the Source through Love and Wisdom, which brought to you, a long time ago, the Law of Redemption, when the Son of Man shed His own Blood for you and suffered for you.

But the moment of My Return will be different from those times, because now no one will be able to kill the Son of Man.

When the Hierarchy approaches the planet and, above all, humanity and some regions of the planet, this will allow the condition to prepare these spaces of the inner worlds for this moment of revelation, because it is not written in the Bible nor in any other sacred book.

My Secrets are alive in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and this Sacred Ark will descend to the world again, and reveal and show itself in those sacred sites we know and revere as Sacred Places.

Because certain points of the planet, where there are special cosmic and divine sets of circumstances, are spaces that have been prepared since a long ago, for this very moment. So the sacred relics of the Brotherhood will emerge so that all can recognize and see them.

These are the signs that Heaven will give you, the signs announced through the Apparitions of the Mother of God, visible and inexhaustible signs that will awaken consciousnesses and lead each one of you, as well as each one of your brothers and sisters of the whole world, to position themselves in the place where they must be in order to prepare this moment, together with your Master and Lord.

In truth, I tell you that all that I am revealing to you today is not a theory nor is it something abstract or unattainable, it is something concrete that will come and be visible to the whole world.

And those who have not fulfilled the Law or who have rejected God, the Creator, will have a last chance and opportunity to mend their lives and actions so as to be filled with Divine Mercy, and, thus, they will be able to be a part of the New Humanity.

For this reason, your Master and Lord is upon Ukraine, because, through Ukraine, your Master and Lord is upon Russia, as well as upon other nations of the world that urgently need divine and cosmic intervention, not only of the angels, but also of all Hierarchies. Being upon Ukraine, I can be upon Russia, upon a people that has been conditioned for a long time by a spirit of hostility and rivalry against other peoples and nations of the world.

But do not think of how this will be solved, rather think of what you will do for this to be solved, what is the true action of each one of you on a spiritual and inner level for a solution to come, and to be a concrete and not a passing solution.

For this to happen, your hearts must be united to the Heart of the Hierarchy and they must unite to Our great operations, Our great interventions for the planet and for humanity, especially for those places in the world that are spaces of inflection and permanent hostility, and which attract many forces of evil that subject and condemn many souls, and which do not in any way allow the planet to enter the fourth dimension.

This is why the pressure of these times is very great, and the greatest pressure is inner; a pressure that has repercussions on all living creatures of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, Human and Devic Kingdom.

All are under this pressure of these final times, because the currents that descend through the Central Sun are very powerful, but they are quite imperceptible to those who live in the illusion of the world. But these currents will not fail to descend, they will not fail to fulfill the Divine Purpose entrusted to them.

The great filter of these currents is the Consciousness of Christ, through which souls can learn to endure, to live and accept them as a part of the end of times, so that this human project not be lost, so that the planet as a consciousness not disappear from this universe and not lose the quality of being Confederate. This is why we must work hard, as I have told you in the last few days.

The collaboration and contribution of each one are fundamental, because they will create the necessary condition for more suns on Earth to awaken and be part of this Confederate Firmament that gathers Hierarchies and Evolutionary Consciousnesses of this and of other universes, of this and of other galaxies, which are united in brotherhood for the redemption and peace of humanity.

Do you now understand your participation in this Local Universe and the importance that humanity may learn to live in the Laws so as to be united to the whole Brotherhood of this universe?

For this, in this final time, the task of the Sacred Places will be very broad, Places that will also prepare My Return to the world and that will physically show that which no one has ever seen, because the impact of the awakening must be very broad to completely change the involutionary frequency of humanity so that it may enter the frequency of peace and universal harmony.

We must pray for all this, but truly pray, with the commitment to do it every day, so that your Master and Lord may have the doors of all hearts open, which must come out of the state of illusion and involution, to enter the state of peace and brotherhood.

This is why today I bring you My Spiritual Priesthood, so that all priests may act in accordance with what this moment requires and may be true mirrors of the Divine Life, which help reconnect consciousnesses with the universe and with the Supreme Source.

I need all of you on this level of awakening, so that you may understand all situations of this world, outside the superficiality of things and within the universality of all My Commands. In this way, you will be able to grasp the essence of the Purpose and join Me in service to concretize the Plan.

May Eastern Europe, and especially Ukraine, keep being helped by the prayers of all. Remember that a humanitarian mission is still pending here, and also the expression of a monastery of this Order to give continuity to that task.

The same must happen in Garabandal and at other points of the Northern Hemisphere that we have indicated to you.

For this reason, it is time for all the stars that shine through the souls on the surface of the Earth to work for this manifestation, because it is your responsibility that Heaven may descend to Earth and all tools of the Father may be available in this final time. Do not expect that what must be materialized will happen by itself. Your help is important. And this is why it is a concrete and permanent responsibility.

Make yourselves available for this manifestation so that the Northern Hemisphere may not precipitate; because this would be unacceptable to God, as in the Northern Hemisphere there are many sacred tools in the Sacred Places of the Father.

Head to this task and carry it out the way it is planned.

Do not forget what I am saying to you, it is time to keep working for the Plan, taking a steadier and more decided step, so that the debts of your consciousnesses and those of your families may be dissolved. All is waiting for you, it is time to work.

I bless Poland and I thank it for the welcome given to Me, and thus, I bless the whole world, all those who have the courage to hear and assume My Words and to not allow them to go as if this were just another Message. Because, in truth, I tell you, that My task is not static, My mission is dynamic, it is a constant purpose that will only make you grow so that you may surpass Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Many of Mine fear to feel the weight of the planetary cross, which I cause to weigh upon you sometimes, so that you may feel the same I felt during My Sorrowful Passion.

Today, I come here as the Prince of Peace and as the Universal Governor so that, by learning through the cross, your consciousnesses may learn to govern and carry out the Plan of the Redeemer, which is a Plan that has not yet been unveiled to the world.

For this reason, I am here, on this day, at the doors of the nation of Ukraine, not only to place in My Heart those who have been victims of the war, of religious persecution or even of death, but I am also here so that this region of the planet, which was in old times founded by many sacred peoples, may recover the unity it has lost throughout the times, the conflicts and wars; a unity that comes from the Universe to fill hearts with the Truth, and so that this Truth may show you the path toward the Portal of My Peace.

I not only come here for a wounded and outraged Ukraine, buried by the war, I also come here as the Liberator of the World, to remove from this region those negative forces that imprison consciousnesses, hearts and souls, and which do not allow them to see the light of hope.

But I do not come to challenge anyone, not even those who rule some nations of the Northern hemisphere, who have committed themselves to evil and who have expanded this evil throughout various regions of Europe, as well as in other places of the world, in the forgotten Africa.

Challenge is not the task of your Master and Lord. The task of your Master and Lord is Divine Purpose through the Sacred Flame of Love and Unity, which, in these critical and difficult times, I invite you to contemplate in your inner world, because this Flame of the Purpose of God cannot be extinguished by anything, even if darkness reigns around it.

But I come to dispel the darkness in Ukraine so that this people that has been invaded, wounded and transgressed may have the opportunity to receive the cycle of inner rebirth, because, by internally being reborn in Christ, they will be reborn in the Father, and also in the Holy Spirit, which are Higher Energies that will give them the forces they need, as a people and as a culture, to resist and move forward.

I am not alone here, as your Spiritual Governor, I am also accompanied, at this moment, by the Regent Angelic Hosts, and especially by the Angels of the European Nations and of those Nations of the Northern hemisphere, which have joined your Master in this Task.

In this inner and spiritual undertaking, how important each one of your merciful prayers have been, deposited at the feet of the Redeemer, so that I may pour out My Graces and Mercy, liberations and healings not only upon the souls of Ukraine, but also upon the souls of the whole world that still wait for their liberation and redemption.

With this, I have you understand, companions, that My task is not limited only to Ukraine or to the situation of Eastern Europe. When the Spiritual Governor, Christ Jesus, enters the planet, He attends all emergencies of the world, especially those painful and difficult situations that humanity buries so that no one can see them.

In this way, through the universality of My Heart, I invite you to contemplate all necessities and to work for them, although your collaboration and atunement may be indirect; because when you are in this attitude and in this conscious and mature openness, you cannot imagine how many uncertain doors can be closed.

In this way, I come to form you in the channel and Lineage of Transmutation, so that this ceases to be a theory and may become a reality. For this reason, at the beginning of this Message, I spoke to you about the weight of the planetary cross, which many try to escape. But if I make this request, for you to feel this cross, together with Me, I assure you that you will not feel the Cross that I carried on Mount Calvary, because you would not be able to endure it, not even for a second.

Inner unity is the great key of these times, an inner, fraternal and spiritual unity that can overcome the differences, conflicts, the points of view, the preferences and also the desires.

My Spiritual Government leads you to the elevation of consciousness. And when your consciousnesses approach My Spiritual Government, not only do they approach My Great Universal Task, but, companions, you can also understand the magnitude of My Presence throughout the world, each time I present Myself before you to give a Message.

The coming times will be more demanding, but if you believe in the power of faith and love, help from the Universe will come, your consciousnesses will be renewed and service will expand through your honest self-giving.

For this reason, you must not discard anything, anything the Universe presents to you. No kind of service must be ignored by you, because I need to fulfill My Plan down to the smallest details. Be attentive and watchful, because I may send you many signs, and you have to be awakened and aware so as to perceive them.

I do not ask you to place yourselves in an unfit position or on a level that you have not reached; I ask you to place yourselves in an attitude of inner self-giving, because self-giving is a fire that never goes out.

Self-giving is pity, it is love, it is Mercy, but it is also peace.

Self-giving allows you to welcome everyone, under any situation or condition.

Self-giving will always lead you to live as a pioneer, so that your hearts do not become cold nor become too adapted to what seems to be normal.

We are in times of chaos and, for this reason, you are here today, on behalf of all this Work and of all souls, serving with Me in this important task of liberation, for Ukraine and Russia.

Let us keep praying with fervor and faith, affirming, on this material plane, each one of the prayers and decrees, because the forces are losing control of their power through the sacred intervention of Archangel Michael and My Celestial Mother.

Keep being brave, and the Guardian Angels will accompany you. Take the risk of assuming the responsibility that you have not yet managed to assume, because the Christic Love of My Heart will help you assume this responsibility and task.

Because I need you to understand and comprehend that I need you to be in the place and at the moment where each one of you are, and, according to the necessities or demands of the Plan, this may change.

To live the Cosmic Plan, to fulfill the Divine Plan, is not transitory, it is a permanent and determining effort. Thus, you will never be without assistance, because the Lord takes care of all His apostles, the Lord takes care of all His sheep and protects all His flocks.

Ukraine must still be rebuilt, not only from the material point of view, but also from the spiritual point of view. And so that what is material may be rebuilt, it is first necessary to rebuild what is spiritual, the great disconnection that this country has experienced through the war, putting in jeopardy its whole population, as well as all of their inner worlds.

For this reason, divine intervention, like that which is taking place at this very moment, through a state of Grace and atonement, of unity among prayerful hearts, will be able to grant this spiritual reconstruction that the Ultra-terrestrial Angels alone will be able to carry out, because they are the only ones who can do so.

Do you now understand the importance of merciful prayer during these days?

This will also have beneficial repercussions within all Christians of Ukraine who have been forced to take a cold attitude.

But your Master and Lord never deters Himself, and My Presence on the inner planes has awakened many Inner Christs of Poland and of Europe so that they may truly welcome refugees and those who are suffering.

Thus, I am eternally very grateful, because many souls have been able to escape a spiritual and essential destruction that, in these times of planetary imbalance, would have no solution. For this reason, I thank all who have opened the doors of their homes and, especially, who have opened the doors of their hearts.

Because if things continue in this way, in Eastern Europe or in other places of the world, all of humanity might become refugees. Think of this and act with readiness and in an immediate way, closing the uncertain doors opened on the spiritual plane, assuming, for the whole human gender, the Sacraments, the inner experience with Christ, your Lord, so that this great portal of Divine Mercy, opened in Poland, may sustain these times of destruction and planetary persecution, and, at least, souls may be attracted to this channel of Mercy so that they may be protected and supported.

I will keep working for the world on these days, because this is the preamble to what the Divine Messengers will carry out in the Middle East in the months to come.

As this moment is so near, this mission in the Middle East is so near, I invite you all to place your hand upon your hearts and collaborate in the materialization of this Task and with the immeasurable support of your prayers for all those brothers and sisters of yours, consecrated servers and collaborators who will impel this mission in the Middle East, bringing relief to suffering where it is truly quite necessary.

In Tunisia, the Divine and Spiritual Hierarchy will close a wound that has not yet been closed. I might say it is a stigma in the consciousness of Turkiye, because there this stigma emerged, which then radiated to the rest of the Middle East, to Tunisia, Eritrea, Egypt and a great part of Africa.

Do you know what that stigma is that Turkiye and the other nations of the Middle East have lived, which began in Turkiye?

It is the stigma of indifference, of the doors closed to the refugees and to the needy. And Tunisia, as a nation of Africa, feels in its flesh this stigma of indifference that only a humanitarian mission of Mercy and Peace could heal, just as the prayers of all could heal the stigmatized Middle East.

In Egypt, your Master and Lord, together with your Lady, the Mother of all, and the Spiritual Hierarchies, will recover the codes of Light achieved by the prophet Moses, the great patriarch of the ancient people of Israel, who had the spiritual mission of announcing to all the Law, unity with Divine Law, with Universal and Cosmic Law through the Commandments, that today humanity does not live. It will be an opportunity of great inner correction for all.

And in Israel, the Sacred Land of your Master and Lord and of your Lady, we will be able to carry forward a planetary Task that not only the Middle East, but also the whole world needs, so it can learn to go through the Armageddon.

Behind all these impulses that the Middle East needs, there are many other tasks that you do not know. For this reason, I invite you in advance to pray so that the materialization of this task may descend and take place as has been foreseen.

From the border of Ukraine, I bless this wounded country, and, through this country, I bless all the nations that have been traumatized by the world system, by wars and conflicts, by the sales of weapons, by the slavery of people, the trafficking of organs and children, and the feared abortion.

May this blessing embrace all these situations in need of spiritual healing, so that the souls that are slave to those who imprison them may recover hope, love and faith in the New Humanity.

I thank you for accompanying Me in this Sacred Task!

I bless all, through the luminous sign of the Cross of Emmanuel, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear children,

With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.

I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.

After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help. 

After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return. 

Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.

I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts. 

The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.

I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.

After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help. 

After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return. 

Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.

I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts. 

The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My very dear children,

As it was one hundred years ago, today I gather you again close to My Heart to ask you to pray, more than ever, for peace.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother comes from Heaven, seeing that invasion, hatred, destruction and war between brothers has been established again in Eastern Europe.

With urgency and in supplication, I come to ask you to unite in one voice and one heart, offering to My Immaculate Heart, beginning February 28, a special Novena for Peace and the End of War in Eastern Europe.

Once again, the venom of impunity quickly expands over Europe, and the most underprivileged are forced to migrate.

The world believes it knows about control and the power of weapons.

After one hundred years, the Queen of Peace, from Fatima, cries for the scourging that is being caused to the Creator and the most oppressed families.

I ask you to unite in prayer with Me, because the blue tyrant wants to impose lack of pity and chastisement upon those who do not yield to his dark plans.

Children, unfortunately, we are reaching the expected end, a moment when the greatest and most unknown pain will come to the world.

Pray with fervor, and, in a true commitment, be together with Me in this fierce spiritual battle, when your Heavenly Mother will step upon the foolish and evil head of the serpent.

I am grateful to you in advance.

Who blesses you at this crucial moment,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to this sacred place as a Mirror of Peace so that the world, that is, humanity, may be more aware and may have more discernment, may open its inner eyes to see what exists beyond that which is material, all that exists in that which is spiritual, which is the center of all Creation.

Today, I am upon these mountains and hills of Medjugorje, not only to bless the world, but also to again unite it to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother so that the Grace and Mercy that nations need may descend and be established, so that the conflicts that are generated and created in these times may be dissolved, so that those who are most fragile, oppressed and vulnerable no longer fall into the traps of war and persecution.

Today, I am upon a land blessed by My Heavenly Mother, because She brought the Message from Heaven to awaken consciousnesses towards repentance and prayer, towards fasting and the good. All must know the existence of this place, the origin of these peoples and nations which, having once been united, have now separated due to conflicts.

When God created His children, that is, His creatures, He created one people, one nation, one civilization. But His children, throughout the times and the errors, separated and re-grouped, forming their customs and even their cultures.

The former Yugoslavia is the reflection of a cosmic history that comes to this planet, like other peoples, to solve and redeem itself. Through Medjugorje, the Mother of God granted Graces to the hearts of the whole world, and especially for those who live here.

These peoples of the surface of the Earth originate from other older peoples that passed through this world as you did. In the generations of this race there have been several learnings, there have been several situations that took place throughout the times.

Everything that the peoples of today experience, such as the former Yugoslavia, is a reflection of all that was experienced in other times, of great debts that need to be healed, important stories that were lived here and that also need to be redeemed.

Eastern Europe is a project that is not yet concluded. This is why the Spiritual Hierarchy silently works here so that, at the most opportune moment, this project may be fulfilled, just as there are other projects, throughout the rest of the world, that are carried out with other peoples and other nations.

All originate from different stars and places of the universe. They have come to Earth to keep building their history, to learn to love, to redeem and forgive themselves. Each nation and each people are where they need to be in order to live this experience, to conclude this trajectory, while it is still necessary.

My Divine Consciousness is here today to work with all the inner worlds so that you may know that the Project of God is one and has one meaning and one goal.

The diversity of peoples and cultures of this world marks origins from different places of the universe. This is why it is important that you may understand that the passage through this planet is not superficial.

It is important that you may know that today My Presence speaks to you as the Solar Son, as the Solar Consciousness of Christ, which comes to work with all inner worlds so that they may be redeemed and awaken.

While I am here, in this place and upon these mountains, the Sacred Sites of the Heavenly Brotherhood brightens so that hearts can feel them and thus be united to what is Divine and Cosmic. Because, it is there, in this awakening of all consciousnesses, in the redemption of all peoples and cultures, that you will again reach the Project that My Father wrote for your consciousnesses, a Project that is special and unique for each being.

When a consciousness from some nation or from some people takes a step toward My Path of consecration and surrender, it is not taking that step alone, but it is rather taking its steps for all the others, for all its nation and for all its people. That is, it opens a door for the moment of redemption to come, the great moment of forgiveness of all faults committed, of all situations experienced, and, thus, the consciousness of a nation or of a people renews itself and breathes the air of Heaven.

Today, My Message is symbolic, but in each statement, there is a key for you to be able to open a door to the elevation of consciousness so that you may understand the true existence of My Being, so that you may come to know the Cosmic Christ, who is the One who works with all consciousnesses and souls.

In spite of the nations and peoples, you must remember that you are one consciousness, one race, one people, one Project ruled by one Will, which is the Will of the Father.

May this 2022 awaken in everyone the unceasing need to further elevate the consciousness, to seek connection with the Divine, to find, on the Cosmic Path, the response that you so much need, and to know, once and for all, why you are here, and why you came to this world.

Because the lives of each one of you cannot end only in what is material and concrete. Discover the universe of your true being and you will be freed forever, and, thus, you will help redeem your peoples and your nations, your cultures and even your customs. Because if just one opens the door to Me, one representative of some nation or of some people opens the door to Me, there will be so much more that I will be able to do at that moment!

My invitation, for all of you and in this new year, is that you cease to be citizens of the world so as to be citizens of the universe, beings who live in confraternity and who follow My Cosmic Plan. Because the more people seek the elevation of consciousness through love for the Plan, the greater the possibilities will be for the Hierarchy to rescue this race and save this planet.

May the Rays of My Solar Consciousness illuminate your paths.

Just as the former Yugoslavia is placed today before the opportunity of unity among its peoples and cultures, may the other cultures and peoples of this world also receive the opportunity of redemption and peace. Because, the more awakened you are to Universal Life, the more you will understand why you are here, in this world, and what your true origin is.

May the Rays of My Solar Consciousness bless you, impel you towards transcendence and towards the liberation of ties.

May your spiritual paths be clean and pure so that you may know My Will, which is the Will of the Supreme Source.

Do not find it odd that at this moment I do not speak to you with more earthly words, understandable in your language. It is time for you to know the vibration of the Hierarchy. Through the elevation of the mind and of the consciousness, it is time for you to reach the higher spheres and enter the Real Time, because when you love the unknown, you will be liberated from yourselves, and, by loving the unknown, you will understand the Universal Plan.

From the mountains of Medjugorje, I bless the whole world, and all those who are brave and have the courage to hear My Voice and live My Words. In this way, you will even more open the door to Me so that I may return with My True Face, the Face of the Cosmic Christ, that Face which is still not accepted by this world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us all pray together:

Hail Mary
(transliteration from Russian)
(three times)

Raduisja, Maria
Gaspogy s Taboju.
Blagaslavjenna Ty sregyi zsencsin
i Blagaslavjen plot
csrjeva tvajevo

Svjataja Maria,
Matyerj Bozsia.
Malisj za nas grjeshnych,
Nynye i f csas smjertyi nashei.



Today I come to My children so that you may once again hear the Voice of the Mother of God.

Today, I am the Lady of Czestochowa, the Mother of Poland, the Mother of the entire culture of Eastern Europe.

See the Mother of God with Her face wounded by humanity's lack of pity, by the conflicts and wars, by the ostentation that some nations have, of putting all of humanity at stake by means of weapons and oppression.

Poland, as the rest of Europe, a few decades ago, experienced the war twice.

Near the end of the First World War, I came to Fatima, not only as the Messenger of Peace, but also to rescue My children through conversion and the Call of God, the Call that He was sending to them through My Immaculate Heart.

But today, I come as the Lady of Czestochowa, who is the Mother of all people of Eastern Europe, because Her Presence and the devotion to Her Holy Image have transcended all times and all generations.

Today I want you to see My wounded face, the hurt face of the Lady of Czestochowa, the face wounded by the fear of all My children, by the freedom that brings perdition to many souls in the world, by the slavery and the oppression of the world system of this moment.

I come to ask you to pray much more and especially in this very culminating hour for all, to place your attention a little more on the "Prayer for Peace in Eastern Europe." Thus, you will be helping the Lady of Czestochowa to prevent a great nation from unexpectedly invading a small nation. And here, not only the people, the culture, the traditions are at stake, but also the souls and the lives of people become compromised because they cannot live peace.

Enough with transgressing the laws! 

Enough with making this world more corrupt!

My Son shed His Blood for you, to save you, and not even this brings a change to those in this humanity who say they are powerful, because they do not know the power of the Blood of Jesus, not only a Blood that redeems, but also that liberates.

Today, I would like to bring you a Message of hope, the hope that I wish for and often feel. But through Our Sacred Hearts, now is the time, My beloved children, for all of you, day by day, to know the truth in Our Words and the warnings that We bring you all, not to generate fear, but rather to generate awareness, discernment and wisdom, attributes that humanity has completely lost.

But My Love opens a very great door for the Mirrors of Mercy to reflect upon this planet, not only through prayerful and faithful souls, not only through the servers and those who are consistent, through the adorers, the devotees and all the believers, but also through the Sacred Mirrors of Creation that the Mother of God brings to the world each time She descends, to be very close to Her children, so that they may enter the Universe of My Peace.

Peace in this world has been interfered with. Many souls no longer know what Peace is because they have lost the peace of the heart. But with the effort of those who fast, of those who pray, every day, of those who consecrate themselves, of those who serve with nothing in return, My Peace, which is the Peace of God, in each new meeting with Me, can descend to the world like a soft Ray of Light before so much darkness to liberate souls from slavery and spiritual oppression.

Today, the Lady of Czestochowa comes to reveal, through this Face, what must never again happen in this world, because all are brothers and sisters, regardless of the language, of the nation, of the people, or even of the cultures. Although they may be different, in essence, all are children of God, all are contemplated equally, all are under the same Grace and under the same Light that comes to you to redeem you.

Therefore, at the request of My Son, I again ignite the Light in the world so that the inner Light, in each heart, may not disappear. Because if the Light of My Son disappears from the hearts of humanity or even from the consciousness of the nations, how will all this end?

I come to bring you this Message because it is an emergency. I cannot tell you anything else, My children. But through My Words, and, above all, through the feeling of My Love for you, you can understand today that something serious is about to happen.

But the door of Heaven is still open through My Presence among you. And through this door, your prayers and supplications can reach God, because the Guardian Angels can bring this offering to the Heart of the Father.

If in this world there could exist at least more than one truly sincere soul committed to the prayer of the heart, how many things could be avoided at this moment!

It is not enough to pray, it is necessary for you to believe in prayer and in the power of the word expressed by each prayer said.

In this time keep strengthening the planetary prayer network, formed by all of My children throughout the world, and unite this prayer network with all souls that pray to the Heart of My Son, because thus the Mirrors of the Mercy of God will work in this world and will be able to transform everything, and everything will be relieved.

I also place My Heart and My gaze upon all the needs and situations of the world, upon My children who go through climate change, exile from their own nations or even those who experience disease.

But violence in this world has crystalized and this makes of the world a planet in chaos, in adversity and in danger, in imminent danger, because people no longer respect, let alone give reverence to one another, because among brothers they only live aggression and wound one another.

This makes of the society of all the peoples of this planet a vulnerable, hostile and fragile society. But all this can be solved through prayer.

Do not expect great results, because, remember, My beloved children, that you are going through the Armageddon, and this has not begun yet. Therefore, it is important for you to be strengthened and to strengthen unity in your families, if they may be together or separated. Family unity has also been destroyed, in the last decade, to the point that family members do not recognize nor respect one another.

Bring Me all your difficulties and tests, and I will take care of your families. Be peace-makers, be instruments in the Hands of My Son so that the main cell of the Project of God may fulfill the Will it came to carry out.

Today, everything is urgent. This is why the Lady of Czestochowa presents Herself to open the eyes of Her children, as the change is not taking place. Therefore, we must pray and begin a vigil before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar so that the Codes of Christ the Redeemer may descend to the planet.

Today, I come with a humble petition for you, that, with Me, you adore My Son, so that you may accompany the feeling of the Mother of God, that all Her children may step out of the darkness in which they are.

Therefore, My Son needs victims of His Love, capable of living something, capable of offering something that perhaps they might believe they cannot do, just as many saints and many sages, who, throughout the times, have offered themselves as victims of the Love of Christ.

This is the only remedy I have in order to be able to intervene in this planet with My Grace, that there may be postulants to be victims of the Love of God, because it is an inner attitude that leads you to discernment and maturity before what the Plan of God means for this moment.

And before we proceed, beloved children, to the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, for peace in Eastern Europe, be aware that this will be the moment when your hearts and souls, in the silence of Adoration, will be able to offer to God each one of your intentions and supplications, not only for yourselves, but also for the whole world, for all that happens, so that greater stability may be established and greater balance may be expressed in the hearts that are away from God, in the hearts that experience injustice throughout this world.

Before this, I want to tell you something important: that Our Sacred Hearts, the Sacred heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will have, next year, the Grace of spiritually working in the Nordic countries to bring a Message of peace and relief.

At that moment, the Northern hemisphere of this planet will have the opportunity to be strengthened in the inner planes. I would like you to pray for this cause, as it will be an important task that My children here in Portugal will carry out for all of you and for humanity.

For the first time, I will be able to enter Russia. For years I have been waiting for this moment, so that My Immaculate Heart may be sown in the soil of this nation. Therefore, I ask you to pray very much for this, so that My angels may carry out this sacred mission, together with My children.

Let us adore the Lord for peace in the world and for the end of war, of conflicts and of all tension between peoples and nations.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us adore the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us pray together:

Celestial Father, Who leads all,
 accept our offer of surrender to You,
 guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

(three times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

Monthly Messages

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

By the infinite Mercy of My Heart, I descend to the lowest places of the Earth, to bring the Light of God to the world, that Divine Light which will redeem all consciousnesses and all spaces, the powerful Light of God that will redeem all times and all epochs, all facts and all events, so that the humanity of the surface may have a new opportunity and may know how to benefit from it.

Therefore, your Lord and Redeemer visits the most complex nations of the Earth where apparently nothing happens but, within the inner planes, they suffer much the consequence of their acts and errors. Errors that have not been forgiven yet, acts that have not been redeemed yet, and that only in this current time and within this final time will they begin to be liberated by the prayer of those who cry for God, by those who build toward Heaven the nonmaterial Churches through their profession of faith and through their daily prayer, their mantralization with the Heights, with infinity, with the Universe.

Only My merciful Heart can deposit here in Hungary a new opportunity, like also in the other nations that are witnesses of past errors that still have not converted, nor been forgiven.

But My intention is not to step back, it is not to remember the past nor the history. My intention is to liberate you from the chains, from the oppressions, from everything that makes you follow an involutionary course, from everything that makes you lose peace and hope in God.

Only the Son of God and no other consciousness, not even an angelic one, can take charge of this situation, however much the angels of the Universe may participate in this within the inner planes, and are removing the hells of the Earth so that they may be finally closed before the Second Coming of your Master and Redeemer. It will be the Son of the Supreme, the Son of the Creator, the one who is at the right side of the Father who will come to unite the religions into one belief, the belief of love and of compassion.

Therefore, companions, everything that will happen here in Hungary, everything that happens in Romania with the Holy Father, at this moment, everything has a sense and a spiritual reason that impels the Divine Fount of Creation to try to recover the planet at least through faith, faith in the celestial, faith in the divine, in the nonmaterial.

God sends His Son as a means of salvation for humanity, and the Son announces the Word of the Father that is Holy and Sacred so that the inner ears may listen to the good news of the time of liberation and of the time of peace.

But it will be necessary to yield and to humble, to surrender and to trust, so that what is in the Universe can descend to the Earth and make of the new nations a new Eden with redeemed creatures, forgiven and reconciled by the Spirit of the Love of God.

By means of the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy, you will offer to the Father your prayers for the nations of the world, especially for those nations that still keep deep inner wounds, which no one has manged to heal, not even through charity nor through love.

Therefore, this message must become conscious within each one of you, knowing that you not only take care of your homes, of your groups or of your works, but now you must take care for those who do not take care of themselves, who do not love themselves and who do not reconcile with God, and in millions of cases die without seeing the Light, the Light of God, and remain in the dark.

I want to put anend to the darkness of the world, which humanity itself generates with its actions and acts, with its feelings and thoughts. The psychic and mental plane of the Earth must be transmuted by all, through the collaboration of all, although the situations accelerate more each day.

You must not lose peace, nor the certainty that you are building the Plan of the Return of Christ to the Earth. You must always be within My Heart to be in the Divine Protection and in the fortitude of My spiritual Temple, of My Celestial Church, which congregates everyone so that you may drink of the Water of Life, of the Fount of Love and of the renewal that I bring to you, time and again.

My Heart contemplates all necessities of the Earth and My Spirit elevates all intentions of the children of God, including those intentions that are not pure and that you have as conveniences, but I purify all intentions because I know that the inner worlds need an opportunity in order to be able to reconsider and truly love.

Therefore, I welcome all needs, I receive all requests, I hear all supplications. This is the time when the Heart of God is attentive and open to feel the voice of your supplications, because no one on the surface of this Earth will be able to miss the opportunity of awakening and of truly uniting to God.

Therefore, everything you do will be for something that must happen after and before I return to the world, under the Glory of God and the splendor of all the Universe. On the surface of the Earth there are still many fallen stars that must find again the path of redemption, and these fallen stars are within the nations and also within the religions.

Fraternity will be this basis that will build the Temple of Redemption for all these fallen stars that must resume their commitment with God and recover their faith in the Light of Christ. For this reason, I offer Myself directly to you and to the world as a Door to the House of God, our Father, so that His Divine Attributes may be among you and may fill you.

I make you apostles of the times of tribulation so that you may learn to win as I won in the silence of the Cross and in the true and deep Love that exorcised all the hells of the Earth at that time.

The world needs a high and incalculable Love and you can be instruments so that this Love may come here and build new things in the world, for peace to reign in all spaces.

Eastern Europe must be a people renewed in faith and in the trust in God. And this work has just begun through the self-summoned, those who are internally called by Christ, your Master and Lord, to serve Him in His Plan of Redemption and of Love.

Celebrate this Marathon as an opportunity of living the apostleship of these times, regardless of the place or of the necessity, intention or cause, because I will place you where I need you, however it may be or however much it takes. I will place you in the place where love, healing and forgiveness is most needed. I will put you where the Light has never descended.

The work of the apostleship will prepare the Return of Christ. For this reason, union among religions will be important; the union in love, in human fraternity, in faith and in charity will impel the world to become aware that it must make a great change before the last day of the final transition comes, when your King Himself, the Christ, and the Archangel Gabriel will judge that fallen angel that has caused everything throughout the times and the centuries.

Everything that is done now is for these times that will come. The Fount of My Mercy is still open to the whole world, just place yourselves under My Light with the intention of the heart and the consciousness to be able to be purified and transmuted, to be able to be consecrated as My Apostle of Peace.

I thank you for your reception and response to My call!

My Mercy still springs as an infinite Fount from My Heart to the most lost and suffering souls of the whole world.

I bless you,


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
