In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As Mother of the Sepulcher, I am waiting for My children, for those who will still have to be resurrected in spirit for this time of transition, when souls live and face unexpected and incomprehensible situations.
For this reason, with all the holy women, the Mother of God deepens in Her perpetual prayer, to ask the Son of God for Grace, to grant the spiritual resurrection for all those who need it, especially for those children of Mine who left the Path of Christ.
But this is also a mystery for the entire human mind, because only God knows the moment and the hour that this will happen, to grant spiritual resurrection to My children of the world.
Today, on this special day for your Heavenly Mother, as a special day for all the followers of Christ, I come on a pilgrimage with you to Rome, following the same path that your Heavenly Mother followed with the holy women and Joseph of Arimathea, bringing the Sacred Relics of Christ for all of Europe and the whole world.
And on this path of spiritual and inner pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother reignites the Inner Centers again, those that the Spiritual Hierarchy has governed from the beginning; since it was granted to the world to have the Inner Centers of the Hierarchy present on the surface of this planet, so that all souls, in their diversity and in their paths, find through the Inner Centers the impulse they need to live redemption.
For this reason, we are here today, and everything is transformed again, so that the universe takes advantage of each moment that is lived to grant souls, who have not yet been spiritually resurrected, the Grace of liberation.
And after all the itinerary lived in the Holy Land, an inner pilgrimage towards the Relics and Holy Places of My Son, your Heavenly Mother returns to accompany the world through this Work, donating the Christic codes of love and redemption in the souls so that everyone has, once again, the opportunity for redemption.
I want you to contemplate for a moment all the stages that you lived in the Holy Land, because this will be poured out as a Grace in the consciousness of humanity.
You, My beloved children, are part of this Project of humanity on the surface. When a soul of Christ takes a step towards Him, all of humanity receives that impulse, even if it does not deserve it.
How far does the infinity of God's Love go, that your Mother, tireless and eternal, continues to walk together with Her children, together with the sacred people of Israel, today spread throughout the planet and that must be imperiously prepared for the Return of Christ?
But to be in the face of the great moment of the arrival of My Son, you need those Christic codes to be able to understand that event.
No one could be in front of the Return of Christ as something common or transitory. For this reason, through My Son, I come to offer the world the codes of the Sacred Relics of the Redeemer that, in these last days, through the Sacred Week, were highly exposed for souls on a spiritual and internal level.
For this reason, I am here. And today, through Israel and Italy, I create a bridge of Light between the sacred and between the apostolate. Because from all those who contemplate the Sacred Relics of Christ in the Holy Land, the impulse of the apostolic and missionary life can be born so that the Codes of Christ are shared with humanity.
Dear children, Rome has been the site of many historical events. The successor of My Son, Saint Peter, was here and in this place, he lived his great surrender to Christ. As a good Mother, I wept for that moment and even on My pilgrimage with the Sacred Relics together with the holy women and also together with Saint Joseph of Arimathea, we were here with Saint Peter to encourage him and so that he could carry forward that great task that My Son entrusted to him, of opening the doors of Heaven for all hearts through the Christic life, through service and love for others. And this was fulfilled, just as it was foreseen by Christ.
And now, I am here to complete this moment with you, aspiring that after this Sacred Week your hearts will have lived an inner experience that enriches and strengthens your spiritual journey so that, starting from this new cycle that will begin after the Sacred Week, your paths are more mature and defined.
Because Christ still expects you to accompany Him to support the planetary cross and this, dear children, is not something symbolic, but deeply spiritual and true. Thus, He will know when He will be able to return, because He needs his apostles and followers to be ready.
Who will accompany Him when He is here, on the planet, in everything that the Master will do at that moment?
This is nothing imaginary nor is it a fantasy, My dear children. The King of the Universe will touch the soil of this planet with His Feet.
He will reunite the tribes of Israel spread throughout the planet and will call them to meet with Him again, for His Voice will be more than thunder and His Call will resonate more than this material universe, and He will ask you:
"Companions, what have you done with everything I have given you?"
And so, the Prophecy of Christ will be fulfilled again through the parables that He taught everyone.
Will you be ready to answer Him at that moment?
Now, you will be able to understand the importance of inner preparation and attunement; because, as it was said by the Lord Himself, My Beloved Son will not announce the day or the hour that He will arrive, He will appear in a way never seen before and His signs will be impactful and not tenuous.
Those who never believed in Him will be able to believe and everything will be unmasked, because His Law that no stone will be left on stone will be fulfilled again; and that moment needs to be supported by everyone, especially by those who have defined themselves as His apostles and disciples, the apostles and disciples of the end of these times.
For this reason, He sends Me here, to Rome; and thus He sends you, as He sent the apostles, to various regions of the planet to bear witness to His Love, through example and not so much through words, to bear witness to His Truth through the example of your transformation, and not so much of your appearances, to bear witness to His Path through your faith and not your fanaticism.
The path that My Son indicates to everyone is very clear and free of secondary intentions. The apostolate of the end of these times is also something unique, because it is the apostolate of the transition of the end of times, of a well-marked before and after for the entire consciousness of humanity.
I wanted to bring this Message to all My beloved children, because I come to close everything that has happened in this recent Sacred Week.
The Plan of the Hierarchy is on the table. It has already been evenly divided. Now, who will take their part and be that fundamental piece that the Hierarchy needs? So that, in this time of the Rescue Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy is able to carry out Its operations and everything that is yet to happen beyond the chaos of the planet, beyond the conflicts or confrontations between nations and peoples, beyond all situations, known or unknown.
This is the time to concretize the commitment and for the apostles of Christ, who appeal to follow His Path to the end, to stop remaining on the periphery and focus on the center of God's Purpose.
I know that what I am saying cannot encompass all of your consciousnesses; for this reason, I must perpetually pray that you are wide awake. That is what My Son has imperiously asked of Me; thus, in each new stage, you can live what Christ offers you out of love.
I would like to end this Message, My dear children, by thanking all those who prayed for the Mission to Israel and also those who will continue to pray for the Mission in Turkey.
The Middle East urgently needs the doors of Mercy to be open to that region. Let us continue praying, dear children, for all that the Hierarchy needs to materialize in that region of the planet.
Thus, My beloved, you will be able to confirm, at this moment and in this cycle, how far the Work of the Hierarchy has reached, from the emergence of the Figueira Light-Community to the present.
I am grateful to those who continue in faith and who aspire every day to drink a little more from the Source of My Son's Love to learn to go through these unknown and difficult times, to learn to surpass themselves in love.
In the name of My Son, as Mother and Lady of Israel, I thank you for everything that has happened, because today the sparks of Light of the Internal Retreats of Christ are kept ignited in the Middle East by the efforts of the apostles of Christ, by all those who dare to say yes.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the world remembers the simplicity it has lost, conflicts will dissolve and peace will return to the inner worlds of many beings.
When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will be no reason for showing off or for wars, because the Paradise of God will be able to reign, that Sacred Project that was thought of by the Father from the beginning, a Project that is part of the Sacred Creation.
When the world recovers the simplicity it has lost, there will no longer be a reason or place for false power, impunity, conquest and the show that many consciousnesses seek in these times. Because God, called the Eternal Father, is Simplicity itself, and, being Simple, not only is He Humble, but He also expresses His Love and His Greatness through that which is poor in spirit and essence.
Simplicity was the attribute that filled the Sacred Family. Without simplicity, Mary could not have said ‘yes.’ Without simplicity, Saint Joseph could not have responded to the Call of God, to be the spiritual father of the Messiah, of That One who was born in the humble Manger of Bethlehem.
Without simplicity itself, which the Father granted to me as a Grace, I could not have been the very Christ, That One who took the risk of drinking of the chalice, Who suffered for you in silence at each step of the Cross, but in deep simplicity so that the world could have a new opportunity of Redemption and Mercy, and then reach these times.
But in these critical times, some regions of the world, that is, many human beings, suffer depression due to a of lack of simplicity because they do not allow their souls to express themselves not only in simplicity, but also in humility and in the poverty of spirit.
Therefore, I come today to tell you this, because you may have heard it many times, but it is something so essential in these times although the majority of the Children of God sometimes exchange simplicity for the showing off of material life, and many of them, in these times, do not understand why they go through certain difficult tests or experiences.
Therefore, be like God Himself, through the example of your Most Holy Mother and Her Most Holy Son, and live in simplicity so that the world may recover the principles of its Original Project, that Project that is still to be fulfilled and carried out. All of you and your brothers and sisters throughout the world are called to be postulants for this path of fulfilling the Project of God on the surface of the Earth.
This was the first thing I wanted to tell you, because all must place their gaze upon the essence of this Message, because while souls do not live in simplicity, they will not be able to understand many Mysteries of God.
He needs to see you simple so that He may see you pure of heart, pure of intention, free from errors and sin. Thus, you will be ready to learn how to love in daily life, at each step that you are called to take in these definitive times.
I Am also here today, in Rome, in Spirit and Divinity, in essence and simplicity, to make My Church, extended throughout the Earth, remember that its purpose is simplicity, so that they may be in the same Consciousness as the Eternal Father, so that in this way they may better help the world, the poorest among the poor, those who have nothing and are simple.
But all those who represent Me in the Church, priests, those of religious profession, believers, devotees and all those who follow the Steps of Christ, must be the very Mirror of God’s simplicity so that all may be ready for what will come at the end of times and thus may help people in a better way, especially those who have always showed off material life and left spiritual life behind, not only forgetting God, but also their inner worlds. Because all the people who are present on the surface of the Earth will need to recover their inner simplicity so that they may have the Grace of recovering humility.
Thus, I come here today as the Messenger of God’s Simplicity and, through this simple place that you have offered to Me today, My Christic Consciousness has been able to help Eastern Europe, beyond the borders of Ukraine, being able to close uncertain doors, being able to recover hearts that have suffered war and terror, being able to bring everyone even more toward My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy through the powerful Source of Mercy that I once opened in Poland.
In this way, companions, I place all of you before God, before His Great Spirit of Simplicity and Love. Because He patiently waits in these times so that souls may still understand His Will and thus live it as it is written.
Today, I come to place all under My Mantle, because the world needs it, and if the world needs it, it is because souls need it. Thus, I come to contemplate all needs, all intentions of good hearts, of those who try to live My Spirit of Peace, day by day.
Thus, embrace with joy the Sacred Spirit of God’s Simplicity, because in it you will find the answer you so much seek, to become strengthened in these times and to learn to strengthen your brothers and sisters of the path, all those who are around you.
I come to tell you this, because I know that you can live it, but you must not forget it. The world has its eyes on other spaces. Souls have their eyes on other places.
The Eternal Father still waits to return to the heart of His Children, to dwell and express His Light.
This is why, once again, and through all your prayers, you will be able to silently help those souls that do not have God because they do not wait for Him, because they do not love Him, because they do not adore Him. However, the Eternal Father does wait for His Children, He loves His Children and expects them to recognize Him as a Father of Love and Mercy, Pity and Compassion.
In this way, through this day and this meeting, My Sacred Heart again opens the doors of Grace, Mercy and Light, upon the whole Northern Hemisphere, to give continuity to My Work of Mercy and Redemption in those places that need My Presence and, above all, need My God.
Therefore, this stage is very important. It is very important that all may support, accompany and help it, because important and demanding tasks will come, and, as more than two-thousand years ago, these important and sacred tasks, requested by Christ Himself, were carried out by very few.
In this way, I train you and prepare you to assume with Me the planetary cross so that you may surpass Me in love, surrender, solidarity and cooperation with the Plan of Love, that Divine Plan that I hope will be fulfilled in many souls.
Therefore, once again, I come to anoint you with My Spirit, just as I promised My apostles, and today I promise to you, fulfilling it through My Word and My Presence.
My Heart still suffers for what it sees outside, but also that which it sees within My Church. For this reason, I invite you to pray for the reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all those who are My apostles and My companions throughout the whole world. And some of them, instead of taking steps toward Me, take steps toward their own will, many times because they do not live inner simplicity.
Thus, today, through My Spiritual Anointment, receive, all of you, this Gift of God’s Simplicity, so that you may always remember that it is where God lies. He is not in material powers or in spiritual show. He is not in opulence or in wealth. God is present, once again, in the hearts of the simple and the humble, in all those who mirror His Presence with simplicity and love.
I thank you for being here with Me today, this is very significant to Me because it speaks of many inner opportunities, not only for those present, but also for other souls that also need it. For this reason, I thank you for being here, accompanying Me, following Me, seeking Me and adoring Me as your Master and Lord, the Redeemer.
And now, from the Marian Center of Figueira, in the name of Jesus Christ, let us celebrate the Spiritual Communion to begin this new stage of untiring service, of permanent sacrifice, of spontaneous donation, not only for the Work of My Mercy in the Northern Hemisphere and in the whole world, but also through the Humanitarian Missions in Angola, Poland and in other places of the world, which My Merciful Love and My Consoling Spirit must reach through the hands and hearts that give of themselves with one aim: the triumph of My Love in all of humanity.
Once again, I thank you for your prompt response to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am here with you, dear children, because I want to be with the nations of the world, especially with those who have not consecrated themselves to My Immaculate Heart.
Each prayer uttered has an incalculable value for Me, and has a greater value when said from the heart.
In this way, I demonstrate to you, dear children, the transforming power in all things, and in what seems most impossible in your lives or in any place in the world, for when your hearts open to prayer, My Divine Consciousness can act and assist all My children, especially those who are most lost through the temptations of material life.
In May I will re-consecrate Europe to My Immaculate Heart and I will extend that consecration to Russia, thus fulfilling what I have requested, in the previous century, of the shepherds of Fatima. I do not want the third secret of Fatima to be fulfilled, but rather that the world should respond to this summons of love for the redemption of humanity.
My wish is that your consciousnesses, on the 13th of May, enter My portals of light, regardless of where you are, so that you commit to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this planetary task that will take place in Fatima, with all the faithful that will be there, together with your Heavenly Mother, to commemorate the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
I want you to prepare your homes, as well as your groups of prayer, embellishing each place with the presence of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.
May is the month of Her consecration and the opportunity for taking a great step on behalf of this humanity and this planet in light of so much aggression, assaults, and indifference that the souls of the world commit, without any awareness or reasoning.
I invite you to be with Me, dear children, in the concretization of this Sacred Pilgrimage for Peace. I trust that you, My children of the world, will again take that step of helping your Celestial Mother so that the doors of Grace not only continue to open here in this place, but also in the whole world, this time in Europe.
Greece needs celestial intercession, the Grace and the Mercy of God, through His Divine Messengers. There is a great wound that must be healed in Athens, through the souls that take refuge, escaping from the horror and terror.
You do not know, dear children, what it means for your Celestial Mother to observe and contemplate Her refugee children in a sea of despair and of interminable suffering.
You, who are a part of the consciousness of this nation consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and who live in My Heart day after day, I invite you, dear children, as well as My children of the rest of the nations of the world, especially My children of Europe, to take this great step for Me, helping your Celestial Mother in this co-redemptive mission before the coming of Christ.
Thus, graces, many more graces and mercies, will be poured out during the Sacred Week, so that all the hearts of the world, especially the groups of prayer, may take that great step so that this Work, this Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent may embrace more nations of the world, more nations than those I will visit together with My Son and with Saint Joseph.
In this way, I demonstrate to you, dear children, that a sacred task is thought by God, in this important centenary in which Fatima will re-open its doors so that your Celestial Mother may descend, as occurred on the last May 13.
Since May of 2016, I have been preparing this meeting, I have been preparing the essences that will need this universal impulse that the Center of Fatima will give to the world. Thus, see, dear children, how many months of work your Celestial Mother has been undertaking on this path to be able to propagate faith, renewal, and trust in God for these end times.
I would like your inner eyes to open to this mystery that I bring you today, of helping to concretize the Plan of God on Earth, so that all the angelic and archangelic armies may descend, next May 13 upon Fatima, to bring about the closing of a great planetary wound generated by humanity.
That is why I am here among you, as I am also in Medjugorje, announcing Myself as the Queen of Peace, so that hearts may perceive, in the depths of your souls, that the mission with all My children of the world has not ended.
I come to withdraw souls from the claws of evil. That is why I still need to be on pilgrimage in the nations of the world so that the balance of the planet not be lost through any consequence generated in these times, which are so difficult and of great learning for all.
I invite you to again go over this Message of Mine today through its dissemination in all the places of the world that accept receiving this call that goes out to all hearts, to all souls that experience devotion for My Immaculate Heart.
In Fatima, I will be among the most simple. And although the majority does not know that I will be there as I was in 1917, I will be with My Divine Consciousness expanded, pouring out great flows of Grace and of Love that may be able to transform the corrupt essences of the world, which were deceived by My great adversary.
Again, as in 1917, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Mother of the Sun and Mother of the World, with Her right Hand will take up the Scepter of God to strike it on the Earth and open the founts of the great Original Purity, where all the spirits that will be congregated there will receive an atonement that will help them throughout this twenty-first century and until My Son returns to the world.
Do you understand, dear children, the importance of concretizing this Pilgrimage for Peace?
I not only come to have you live the good in your material life, but also the good in your spiritual life. I come to open the fount of gifting and of divine providence that is held in the hearts and in many pockets of the world.
I want you to have pity on your peers, so that you may learn to have pity on the planet that suffers, day after day, in its deepest silence because of all the errors humanity commits.
In Italy, My Consciousness will visit the Church of My Son, in its spiritual as well as human context. Because all are being tested, dear children; that is why My beloved Son sends Me to re-consecrate Italy, and Rome, to My Immaculate Heart.
It will be a challenging task, but it will bear fruit in the following months through the groups of prayer that can be found there. Italy, in spite of its errors, was always sanctified by God, through the presence of great sages, of great teachers, of those so-called saints of the period. Thus, Saint Pío of Pietrelcina will be My faithful companion in this sacred task with Italy.
Spain needs My help again because many hearts are extinguishing their inner faith in the Kingdom of God, because of the superficial things they experience in the very Church of My Son.
So this time, in Spain, I will go for all the priests, so that they may spiritually reactivate the charisma of faith and of love for the great Plan of God and for all the souls that are to be found there.
In Avila it will be an opportunity for the souls of Spain to remember the surrender of My beloved daughter Teresa of Jesus. It will also be an opportunity for taking a step for all of the Iberian Peninsula.
Barcelona will be the great moment of rehabilitation for everyone, because in Montserrat and through the Black Madonna of Montserrat, souls will be able to find everything they have always sought within themselves, which I call "Gifts of God," so that souls may convert into great servers of the Plan.
All graces, dear children, will be poured out in these nations and it will be the preparation for My next visit to Asia and Oceania. Thus, I invite you to pray from now on, because these souls, in essence, have never known Me.
I will give you the gift of tongues so that you will be able to communicate heart to heart and through example, service and love, between you and the souls of Asia and Oceania.
In this way, you will also be able to see, dear children, how today My Immaculate Heart is showing you the Will of God which is accomplished through the offering of all of you.
If this does not exist, the work of God cannot descend to the planet and the horrors in the world will multiply, the nations will lose their peace, just as many nations of the Middle East are losing it. The blood is still flowing through the countries of the Middle East.
The Mother of the Thousand Veils is silently walking there, to rescue those who suffer, especially those who die unjustly, day after day, without being able to find peace, relief, or reconciliation.
You, dear children, and the groups of prayer are part of a planetary work. You are no longer just a community or souls that live the good; you are part of a Divine Plan that waits to be etched in your hearts, so that it may reach more consciousnesses that are so in need of it and have waited for it for decades.
After Fatima, in 1917, I come to bring continuity to the work in South America, so that souls may find the path to the New Humanity.
Beloved children, together with the angels of Divine Justice that support the scales of imbalance, through My maternal Love that can do all things, I leave you this reflection and this Message, with the aspiration that today you leave here, meditating deeply on My Words and praying for everything to be carried out, just as I have pleaded for it to the Celestial Father.
I want you to remember this Message and that you look at it as many times as necessary, because in it I have left examples of what My Celestial Consciousness does today, together with My beloved Son Jesus and My husband Saint Joseph.
Tomorrow I will see you more prepared and determined to take that step in the inner evolution of all your consciousnesses, so that in this way, the thousand years of peace may be established.
I now rise to Heaven, making My Words resound in your hearts, so that your minds not think, but rather your hearts open to take in My Plea.
Bringing My Hands together in prayer, taking up the Holy Rosary that unites the continents and the nations, and today unites this Marian Center with the Marian Center of Fatima, I ask you, dear children, to have mercy on those who suffer in these times.
You will now intone a song that will bring you into contact with your essential purity. Let this song also be in the children of Mine who will receive this Message, in order to disseminate it through the world. I am speaking of the song "Purity, Soul of Lys".
I thank you and bless you under the Christic Light of My Son and of all the angels.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more