Dear child,
Let your heart never cease to trust in the fulfillment of the Plan of God because, above any imperfection or error, it is by the Will of the Eternal Father that His Divine Purpose may be manifested.
As Mother of My children, I know that sometimes it is difficult to believe or accept that something completely nonmaterial and divine will be accomplished in a place full of errors or of failures. But I remind you, My child, that God is merciful and infinitely compassionate with all His creatures.
Therefore, never cease to trust in the fulfillment of the Plan of God, beyond those who may participate, or not, in the concretization of this divine and unfathomable aspiration.
Walk with your gaze fixed on this goal, on this purpose, and do not worry about what others will do with the opportunities they are given.
Fulfill your part the best that you can and offer it for those who no longer do it or for those who are tepid toward the Plan of God. Because, in this way, My child, many more unrepentant hearts will repent and will become aware of the reality in this final time.
Trust. Trust, because everything will be well.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today we reunite and unite again, from heart to heart, to attend to and pray for the grave world situation, an effect from the imbalance within all of the Kingdoms, especially in the Human Kingdom and for the excessive use of power.
All these events, My children, leads humanity to live and suffer a disorder that also reflects within the life of the spirit.
For this reason, beloved children, this is the time of prayer for the nations, because by praying for each one of the peoples and of the cultures, you will be praying for your planet, which also silently suffers the aggressions of the human being.
However, have faith in the awakening of consciousness, in the possibility that, through prayer and altruistic service, you will be able to relieve the mental consciousness of humanity.
In the meantime, My children, I need an army of praying souls that will accompany your Celestial Mother in the purpose of bringing peace to the world ever more, and of attaining the end of suffering.
This is the time of seeing awaken and flourish, within you, the virtues that My Son gave you so that your talents may be at the service of the Plan of Love and Redemption.
To pray for the nations also means to pray for the angels of the nations, which in this time suffer the consequences of the decisions that the peoples adopt as a model of social and spiritual life.
Today, by means of the union of our voices, let us open the Heavens, trusting and feeling the descent of Grace as a current that purifies the nations and heals the hearts in the face of all adversity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Each prayer that you offer to Me is like a flower that you place at the Feet of the Celestial Mother. This flower is the plea of the human heart which, with effort and dedication, lets itself be modified by Christic Love.
Remember that each time that you may offer Me a sincere prayer, I will receive in the Kingdom of God the perfect testimony of your love for My Heart.
With all these requests, and through the intercession of My Son, I am able to attend to souls and to the world, I can reach where there is a greater need of love and of redemption.
Through your offerings of prayer, your aspirations are concretized because they will be filled with the love of the angels from Heaven, and inner or outer obstacles will not interfere on the path of your steps towards the Purpose of God.
Thus, through your prayer, I can place you before the planetary reality and before complex situations that only prayer, as the bridge to God, can solve, because true prayer is the one born from the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Celestial Mother, together with Her children on mission, enters another nation already consecrated to My Son, to be blessed by God for a second time.
The first blessing was received from the Holy Father, who opened the inner doors for the arrival of the Sacred Hearts.
The second blessing will be given by My Beloved Son in the capital of this country, and also your Celestial Mother, in service and love for the souls, will expand that divine blessing to the rest of Ecuador.
It is thus, children, that the Sacred Hearts prepare themselves, just like you, to enter into a town also very hurt and discriminated against by the inhabitants of the first world nations.
But Ecuador holds one of the most important spiritual treasures for the Plan of God. It was the land spiritually chosen to shelter the Essence of the Love of the Source, inner Essence that pulsates within the Sacred Enclosures that are protected in the ranges of the Andes.
That is why, children, this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace will start in the city of Cuenca, where My missionaries will go into retreat for some days to meditate and contemplate inwardly on the reason for arriving in Ecuador at this end of the cycle and the importance of the manifestation of new Light-Communities that are to be guardians of the Treasures of the Father that will emerge for the new humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Stay in My Arms and do not think about yourself anymore.
Stay in My Arms and simply let Your Heavenly Mother remain in you.
Stay in My Arms and calm your heart and your mind in the renewing Fount of My Grace.
Stay in My Arms so that I may embrace you with My Light.
Stay in My Arms and only trust in what I ask of you.
Stay in My Arms and only think of God.
Stay in My Arms so that a greater miracle may occur in you.
Stay in My Arms so that at each new step you feel that I am there.
Stay in My Arms and live the present, forget the past, and aspire to the future Plan of God.
Stay in My Arms and I will put peace in your heart.
Stay in My Arms and only affirm the victory of the faith in God.
Stay in My Arms and you will see that everything will pass.
Stay in My Arms and only accept with faith what I ask of you.
Stay in My Arms and you will not lose hope.
Stay in My Arms and you will recognize Christ in each brother, in the gaze of each being.
Stay in My Arms and you will be impregnated by My Perfection.
Stay in My Arms and I will free you from the enemy, of its ideas, of its projections and threats; because if you only accept to be in My Arms, I will be able to protect you with My mantle, give you the warmth of My lap, and make you sleep in peace with My Fondness.
Stay in My Arms and all that is unreal will disappear.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the act of consecration of new clergy, My Son is able to move forward with His Work of redemption on the planet, because from the consecration of new souls to the Sacred Heart, this creates a spiritual bridge by which humanity can be aided through a most powerful Grace.
It is thus that the act of consecration of new clergy in this cycle represents the deactivation of global human illusion and of all that leads souls into separating themselves from the Love of God.
That is why, when such a new soul consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ, giving and surrendering its life to the life of the spirit, it must be kept in mind that this consciousness, as from the moment of its consecration, enters into another Law, and in this way, is separated from the continuous tendency of the race to open doors to damnation.
It is through the young souls that are consecrated that your Heavenly Mother has the permission to intercede and to bring from the Universe, great flows of Grace to be given and poured out in impossible situations and in irreversible cases.
All this is possible when souls recently consecrated to My Son accept entering the Christic path and in this way, in the name of Christ, take on suffering and sacrifices so that the planet and its humanity may have a new opportunity.
The path of consecration to Christ is one of the paths to the sanctity of life and the conversion of the spirit of each being.
Consecration represents, in this time, one of the principal means by which Christ is able to concretize the Plan of Rescue.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
The official declaration is hereby made that the Work of Peace of the Divine Messengers, in an ecumenical, autonomous, and fraternal way, will provide its humanitarian services to the different peoples and nations of the world for the purpose of spiritually establishing a longer period of peace.
It is thus that the missionaries of Fraternidade and those consecrated from the Order of My Son, as from the impulse given by international organizations, are assembled, gathered together, and twinned in the two bases that will be permanently established in the north of Brazil.
This means, dear children, that for your Heavenly Mother, the permanent mission of Greece will be temporarily closed and will be taken over by the representatives and members of the Network-of-Light of Europe.
Regarding the mission of permanent service at the pheriphery of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, it will also be temporarily closed, and will be taken over under My call by the Light Network of Minas Gerais and São Paulo.
Therefore, under the Will of Our Father, all principal and in-formation missionaries will be transferred to the north of Brazil in order to respond to the request made by international organizations, which seek peace, justice, and equity among races and peoples.
In this sense, the Spiritual Hierarchy is calling all of the planetary Network-of-Light to undertake the humanitarian service, the objective of which is that the principal and consecrated servants who belong to the Communities-of-Light and reside in them be able to extensively develop a fraternal service in the quest for establishing healing, redemption, and love in the souls that, because of conflicts, wars, and disorder among nations, have lost the essence of faith and of love.
It is important to emphasize that the spiritual shield of protection of the missionaries and those consecrated who will undertake the operative phase of service in the international organizations under the principle of fraternity, will have as an inner foundation the presence of the Sacred Hearts. But under no circumstance or reason will some religious or spiritual principle be disseminated, since the cause of the current conflicts comes from the social and humanitarian misunderstandings among the religions.
In this new phase of taking up world tasks and of those of a universal order, the Fraternidade will only seek the good and the benefit for fellow human beings, so that values and human rights may be recovered.
We will be guiding this new phase step by step, which will have the consciousness of all those who serve sacrifice many things in their lives so that a worse situation than already exists may not be precipitated in South America.
I thank you for responding to this operation of world rescue for peace and the good of the world.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Behold, My children, the dark night of this world will begin within humankind who, separated from God, offer themselves to be instruments of the enemy of the Creator.
Behold, this night will be long and will seem eternal to those who do not have their strength anchored in the faith of the heart.
Behold, the world will tremble and will experience the consequences of a life empty of spirit and of spiritual meaning.
From Heaven the Celestial Mother will observe Her children who, as they can, will try to disseminate Her Words, which at that moment will be echoed by the word of Her little ones.
Behold, this time has already begun, because souls increasingly distance themselves from God and fall into the abysses of this world.
The fortitude of the children of Mary will take root in obedience to all God asks of you through His Messengers, and it is through learning to obey God today that you will know how to obey Him tomorrow, when His voice will be like a whisper within your own heart.
God will always speak to humankind, even if it is as a feeling or an intuition, but for that, today you must build the path of unity with the Father, so that neither chaos nor evil, in battle in the coming times, are able to disturb and destroy that union, which will allow you to hear God.
Behold, My children, the world must face its purification, and many will not want to see that what they experience are the consequences of their own actions and deviations, and they will place the blame for their sufferings on God.
I tell you today to have your spirits be firm in faith and unity with the Heart of the Father. Build in the consciousness a safe space in which you will be able to hear the Voice of God, which will inspire you.
Peace must be a state of consciousness, the result of a spirit of neutrality, which is born in hearts matured by prayer and by divine knowledge. And it is there, in that state of peace, that you will be able to understand the coming events in a different and true way, knowing how to move through the obstacles without becoming lost, and what is most important, being capable of guiding others so that they do not become lost.
Behold, in the dark night of the world, I will call on you to be the torches that will guide humanity. And I do not speak only of a symbol, My children; I speak of a spiritual reality, because if today humanity is already cold and lost, what will happen to everyone in the most critical moments of the purification of the planet?
The faith I build within you will guide the world, and will be the true testimony of the authenticity of My Presence among humankind. I will be alive in the hearts of My children, and My Words, which are eternal, will find the way to perpetuate themselves, echoing in the Word that will come out of your mouths when souls may need encouragement and support.
My Son called on you to be the Light of the world and to be visible, on the table, so as to illuminate this home which is the Earth. Make this prophecy and this divine intention come alive, and allow yourselves to be shaped today by what God expects of you, so that tomorrow you see My Words manifested in your lives.
Understand, beloved children, that everything I build within you today is for the salvation of all My children, who tomorrow will need to find encouragement through each one of you, because God will be silent and His Messengers will be silent with Him, emitting only the eternal hope and the infinite Love of Their Hearts to sustain the hearts of those who were united with Them from the beginning.
Everything I tell you and everything I call on you to experience is so that you build a new time and a new life. Allow yourselves to be molded, and if today you do not understand My words, tomorrow you will understand them.
The One Who loves you, blesses you and guides you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through the visits to the different nations of the world, your Heavenly Mother, throughout Her pilgrimage, gradually erases the past and opens the doors to a new future.
When She crosses the borders between the nations, your Heavenly Mother gradually closes a cycle and opens a path for new inner opportunities for all Her children.
Little by little, through each pilgrimage that is completed, I establish the Plan of the Creator in humanity. In this way, on the inner planes, I bring souls closer to the essence of the Divine Purpose so that more hearts are encouraged to take a step towards a life of greater and unconditional service.
Through each pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother, with much effort, is able to accomplish the steps of Divine Will, and thus not only the nations are spiritually benefitted, but also the souls that inhabit them.
During this last pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother concretized all the stages that the Eternal Father had announced to Her, and, in this way, many situations were avoided.
All this has taken place because of the loving help of those who pray and collaborate in this Sacred Mission.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The breath of the Divine Spirit
Dear children,
May on this day the breath of the Spirit be in all of you in order that, in these times, the Gifts and the Graces that humanity have lost can return to the world.
With this I ardently wish that, on this day, My children recover what they lost by the action of the material and superficial life.
Today, your Heavenly Mother offers to everyone the breath of the Spirit of God so that, in this time, the planetary consciousness and the human race be restored and thus, regain the codes of the divine essence.
Your Majesty and Lady comes to Europe for the souls that live arrested under the condition of the material life; souls that not even draw near to the unconditionality of the spirit.
Activating the great Mirror of Her humble Heart, Your Heavenly Mother irradiates, for this part of humanity, the codes of light and of redemption that will make, in these times, that the race reintegrate to its consciousness what, some day, will make it dignified and worthy of the Kingdom of God.
At this time, humanity of surface must have consciousness of the need of changing its lifestyle, seeking the common and fraternal good among their fellow human beings and among nations.
In this way, not only Portugal but also all Europe will come out of this regional indifference and can achieve, through faith and Grace, a state of greater purity and of solidarity with the neighbor.
If Europe, or at least a part of the its nations, could live what I ask them, with all the supplication of My Heart, the Father will grant, by the intercession of His Lady, the profound Grace of a greater awakening and more time of peace, so needed for the inner worlds, which still are not prepared to experience their own purification.
I have come on this day to bring to Europe the breath of the Spirit of God, so that the consciousness of the Europeans enter, definitely, into a degree of greater charity, service and unconditionality for all the planetary need.
This will prepare the conditions so that the Messengers of God get to Africa next time and so that, through love and Grace, the wounds that Europe had left in the continent and in the African people may be mercifully healed by the balsam of healing that the Angels of the Father could pour out upon My children of Africa.
I hope, always hope, that every prayerful heart and every servant soul accompanies their Heavenly Mother in this sacred mission.
From this moment, and before time, I thank all who will collaborate to provide My so desired and divine visit to Africa.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the servers of the Plan of Love of Porto and of the whole Portugal
As My Beloved Son has said, we have come here in behalf of an Europe split by indifference, by resistance and by the material life.
We have come to reinforce faith in the hearts and to demonstrate that the whole Work of God must continue to be gestated in your lives; otherwise it might not manifest itself.
Today, your Heavenly Mother dedicates this message to the groups and to those responsible for the groups that every once in a while welcome the call of the Celestial Messengers and which, in these recent times, wanted to give up the path for different reasons and situations.
At the moment of greatest planetary crisis, the old resistances of the consciousnesses are arising again. I at once tell you, My children, that there is no other cause or other reason where to find the root of the group problems.
You must only be aware what you are being part of, because your commitment is with the Universe and its Divine Hierarchies, rather than with humanity itself.
I ask the groups of Porto and their brothers and sisters responsible for these groups of souls not to be deceived, to open their eyes to the need that the Hierarchy is showing and which needs to be met, no matter what.
In order for you, children of the city of Porto, who already walk beside the Divine Mother, to correspond to all that the Universe lovingly asks you, you must take the great step towards unity among the consciousnesses so that you may at last leave your resistances, which have only brought you to the point of detaining and of not being able to take your steps.
My Son came here to renew you and for you to accompany Him in the mission of broadly propagating His Message in this part of the world.
If all the time your actions are small, the results of the Work will be small and you will not be able to open, in the right way, the doors to the souls that wait for help.
You must run the risk, at last, of giving a little more, until you can perceive, through your own internal means, that you will not be losing absolutely anything.
Your Heavenly Mother calls you, as the group of Porto, to the service for God, to place your hand in the heart and to ask yourselves, with clear voice:
What am I doing today?
Asking this question with wisdom, you may have the clear answer that it is necessary to correct attitudes and to expand still more the field of service along with the Hierarchy.
The Universe observes the effort of each one, but it is not sufficient. It is urgent that you, as a group of souls gathered by the Will of God, respond to the need of helping liberate your Europe from the weight of its faults and from all their consequences, through your service, prayer and surrender.
At one of the worst planetary moments, Christ calls you not to abandon Him and neither to leave aside the mission and the responsibility that God has entrusted you with.
For this, I ask you to sacrifice yourselves a little more for your Heavenly Mother, so that you may understand, through the heart, that the work that is incumbent to you to fulfill must be protected and not abandoned due to its difficulties.
You have all the tools and all the means to live fraternity and to express it. The Universe expects that now you take a greater step in the consciousness. The Celestial Brotherhood will be attentive to the positive response from within you.
A plan of redemption waits to be fulfilled and you are inside this summoning.
Ahead! Move ahead in faith!
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Behold, I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to open the dimensions, decreeing the Power of the Divine Light and of His Will.
I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to open the doors to His Kingdom and dispel the illusion from the eyes and the hearts of My children, so they may recognize the Truth and follow It.
I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, which symbolizes My profound union with the Creator, symbolizes My Origin, and shows ignorant hearts of the world the real existence of the Celestial Mother.
I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, demonstrating that the Divine Verb is One, not only with the Son, but also with the Mother, with the Pure Womb from which all things emerged - including the Son, Who is One with the Father.
I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God so that all souls and all spirits may recognize the Divine Authority given to Me from the beginning; that they may recognize the new cycle during which My Womb will gestate new things, just as It has gestated everything which has been created until today.
I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, and many will recognize Me, but they will not understand that this is Divine Power, until this Power touches their eyes and frees them from blindness and from evil.
I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God to unite what was separate, so that minds yield and hearts open to Divine Truth.
I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God, as I come today, and all eyes will see Me, because when that day comes, I will no longer be preparing for the Return of My Son, but rather, I will be bringing New Life in My Womb, which He will establish after His second coming to the world.
With this I tell you that, after the Son, the Celestial Mother will come. I will prepare His Steps in Spirit and in Divinity, just as I prepared His Path in silence when He was on Earth. But after His Promise is fulfilled and the Scriptures of the New Time, expressed in the Words of the Divine Messengers, are also fulfilled, I will come with the Scepter of God and will rebuild the world with My children.
I will make known to you the New Child, that for all this time I have been gestating within Me, and this Child will be born and will grow within those who are persevering and who, defeating themselves and becoming empty of self, completely surrender to God.
In the same way that My Son once ascended, He will ascend again, and just as I helped the Apostles of that time, I will help all of you. Together we will build the new world, the new time, and the dimensions will become visible.
In that moment, miseries will no longer predominate in your lives. Your transformation will no longer be just a battle against the capital forces of this world, which live within and outside of you; the transformation will be eternal and constant, because everything in the universe is transformed; however, I tell you, My children, that when I descend to the world after My Son, I will bring you a new life and I will make known to you a new path, on which the transition between the old and the new human will be consummated. And your steps will consist in uniting with the universe, recovering your filiation with God and being reintegrated with His Laws.
I will make known to you the principles of unity with all life, and the pride which today causes many to feel unique in all of Divine Creation will disappear, and you will recognize all the life that has dwelled in the Cosmos since the beginning, and which in humility, waits for you to grow up and awaken.
Behold, I will come from Heaven with the Scepter of God and will establish peace within and outside of you, in this world and beyond. But until that moment comes, persevere, surrender, humble yourselves, forgive everything, including yourselves, and seek the void, with constancy and faith.
For soon the day will come in which you will see the Scepter of God in My hands, and you will give thanks for seeing the fulfillment of everything that I once told you.
I thank you and bless you, so that you do not lose faith nor the divine hope of seeing the Sacred Scriptures of these times fulfilled.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Holy Mary, Pure and Faithful Mother
Dear children,
In these times of great challenges and tests, may you learn to live through the example of your Pure and Faithful Mother.
May a healthy and true intention that faithfulness reign exist in you, just as the faithfulness of My beloved Son and of His Heavenly Mother reached the foot of the Cross, only aspiring to fulfill the Sacred Will of the Father.
In these extremely harsh times of transition, may sacred faithfulness motivate you to guard the Plan of God and all the souls of which it is composed, obeying each spiritual and inner decision that is made by the spiritual and planetary Hierarchy.
In this way, in humility, you will learn, as the Sacred Family did, to follow in adherence and union all the steps that are indicated for the fulfillment of this Work, which is worldwide.
Dear children, I wish the sincere aspiration to awaken in you of respecting and following to the limits of consciousness and matter all the decisions that are made, because behind something apparently incomprehensible to the human mind, a divine and sacred Purpose exists.
In order that each one of you in this time fulfills the aspiration of your Heavenly Mother, I invite you to lovingly respect the Law of the Hierarchy and to not step outside of that precious Law through your actions, thoughts, and assignments.
I invite you to lean upon the faithful example of Christ and of His Universal Mother, which leads all of humanity into finding salvation and the Mercy of God.
For that reason, My children, may your consciousnesses and especially your hearts be awake and more attentive so that the doors to betrayal and to indifference among beings of the good not be opened.
I only ask that you have enough maturity and love to behave in an evolutionary manner, as souls that are within the path of brotherhood and of unity.
I do not wish to see any other Judas in this time with My eyes of a Mother.
Learn to forgive injustice and you will be able to be wise in spirit rather than in expertise.
Know that each one of the servants and of the consecrated of Christ, our Lord, is spiritually responsible for this Work, which is a miracle of infinite love of the Hierarchy, being able to gain results and thus be fulfilled.
Dear children, today I speak to you through My Aspect of faithfulness and of purity so that you believe that, in truth, it is necessary to protect the Work from yourselves.
Seek in each new decision the purpose of Higher Love and do not remain in the superficiality of things.
You were born to reach faithfulness in the end of times. This causes this Work to be purely true and transparent before humanity.
I wish that in this cycle of changes and of renovation, you may take steps towards a deeper unity, because this way, you will be protected in the desert, along with your Heavenly Mother, escaping from the claws of My adversary.
Evil does not know love and fears christic love. Evil does not know unity and fears the unity among souls which congregate in Christ.
Lastly, be merciful, and you will not lose discernment.
Love the divine and human decisions that are made, because if you accept without understanding, judging, or betraying the Work, you will have the same discernment that My beloved Son had during His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Do not challenge the adversary, be meek in all things and you will always achieve peace.
With My Spirit of Faithfulness, I ask you to unite with it so that you are not so unprotected.
The divine Work has not yet ended, and you are a part of a new story that is being written.
Meditate in humility, and My maternal words will resound in the depths.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of the trip to the United States, your Heavenly Mother is already prepared to enter a field of consciousness that will need huge spiritual help and unfathomable mercy.
Thus, in this moment all hearts are being prepared, most especially all those that will be there, to deal with an important lack of love and of unity.
It is in this way that Divinity will carry out a part of the task with a portion of the nation, with the goal that consciousnesses awaken to a greater reality.
Indifference is the first thing that will be touched in the consciousnesses of the United States, in order that something really changes.
Thus, the divine energy of love itself will help to build a new consciousness in the human beings that are to be found there.
But a great deal of faith and of assurance in the Lord will be necessary, so that the doors to unexpected opportunities may gradually open after Our Sacred Hearts have passed through the United States.
At this hour in which all is defined, Divinity expects to arrive in time for the consciousnesses that will need immediate help in order to give up the aspects that tie them to material life and to the drowsiness of modernities.
During this last part of the pilgrimage, all that is sublime will be descending in order to awaken a consciousness of fraternity.
I thank you for responding to My Call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On the eve of the great meeting of prayer in San Francisco, California, your Heavenly Mother is preparing to go into a nation where many things will be deactivated so that they do not affect the souls that reside there.
It is in this way that, through each prayerful soul, your Mother of Heaven will aid and help consciousnesses so that they may abandon the illusion and the abysses in which many have placed themselves.
In this way, some deeply sleeping souls will awaken, to then become part of My Marian armies of Light.
Thus, each effort that will be made will be indispensable in support of the spiritual benefit for all those who, for decades, have been waiting to find the path of Light.
Now that My feet will step firmly upon this nation, your Heavenly Mother will be entrusting certain angelic armies to accompany and to guard each step that consciousnesses will take after having received spiritual redemption, repercussions that, perhaps, will be seen in the next existence.
For this reason, each positive action that may be carried out in the United States will have a greater impact in the face of all that is not positive and that has been implemented in the nation.
What is real will be to take consciousnesses into the Love of the Father so that they may regain a deeper filiation.
For this reason, your Heavenly Mother prepares Herself to carry out a mission that nobody will be able to stop, since the seas in this cycle will be calmed and what Heaven will carry out will not be perceived.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
The Divine Messengers have reached places on the planet where perdition and evil reign.
At this time, We send our missionaries to these places which are the most difficult, so that they may help us generate a powerful channel of liberation, capable of redeeming the most impossible things in the world.
While your Heavenly Mother makes them face these difficult realities of the human condition, at the same time the missionaries face their own inner processes so that through them they may become detached from the conditions that have made of humanity a decadent civilization.
For this reason, I ask you today to light the inner ray of neutrality in your hearts, so that all that is within and outside of yourselves may be purified in a harmonious and peaceful way without the need of coming to conflict or blame.
Each servant soul at this time will also learn to bear their own inner and outer conditions, and they will also have to deal with the different situations, experiences never lived before, to the point of knowing how to neutralize them through high degrees of love.
In this way, along with Me, I encourage you to loosen this very long chain of human mistakes. Through faith and Divine Mercy all will be resolved. Know that I am with you now and always; I do not abandon you.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who contemplates you in Mercy,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Every day when you pray with the heart, the Father can make many miracles through your supplications, inexplicable spiritual movements that reverberate positively upon the planetary consciousness.
When prayer rises from heart and soul, God hears attentively the voice of all supplications and thus many situations can be solved. In this way, I invite you every day, My children, to deepen in the life and art of prayer that will lead you to find a path that you have lost before, the sublime and inner path of the communion with the Creator.
At this time, in which evil is triggered with its fury in the mind of the humankind of the surface, I invite you, dear children, to intensify your inner prayer so that all souls may be possible bearers of the Grace and the Mercy of God.
Today, and through this simple but inner exercise of prayer, an inexplicable opportunity to the world, especially to America, has opened, something that touched the Heart of My Son and for which I have come to announce it. And even if you do not know directly what it is about, trust and wait, because in a short time you will see it manifested.
This is the divine reason for which the Heavenly Mother is inviting you to continue praying with the heart for other positive effects as this one to be able to reverberate in the human consciousness and beyond it.
I leave you this reflection for you to meditate on the important moment of prayer for which you are called to live today. May this not be erased from your consciousnesses. May your hearts live this divine proposal to continue imploring for a humanity that is asleep.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today My Maternal and Divine Consciousness descends to the world as a great Mirror of Universal Light to reflect on it, and especially on human beings, all the divine attributes that this race does not yet manage to live or practice.
It is thus that through each prayer pronounced every day by My prayerful children, your Heavenly Mother has the permission to help souls find not only the path to peace but also the essence of their existence.
My children, knowing that humanity lives today one of its great failures due to the lack of true higher love, your Mother, as the humble servant, kneels before Her Beloved Creator to offer Herself as victim and mediator before all the outrages that the Heart of God Himself receives.
Thus, through an inexplicable Grace, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth can succor and help the ignorant souls that are most in need. When you truly pray, I can be that Mirror that through your hearts and lives can reflect the essence of the Love of God to the world. In this way, so simple and sincere, many situations can be avoided.
It will be more difficult and arduous for those souls that, being in the illusion of life and that do not seek God, miss the opportunity of knowing the true love that arises from the Heart of their Master. It is this Love of Christ, dear children, that brings Me here every day to help the suffering world and still indifferent humanity.
It is in this way that, through your hearts, I can establish the Kingdom of God so that more souls may find it again in this hour, in which absolutely everything, from spirit to matter, is at stake.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While My mission of peace in the world spiritually progresses, all that is outside of this Purpose is removed and transmuted by those whom I have chosen to accompany Me on this sacred task.
Meanwhile, your Heavenly Mother carries out this sacred mission with good results, which on the inner planes widely favors the souls of the whole world.
Thus, today I bring you the awareness that, despite everything, what is taking place is part of a cycle of sacrifices, so that greater situations are not triggered in humanity and especially on the planet.
I want to encourage you to serve with greater surrender because in this way your hearts and lives will be within the Purpose, responding to the Call that God will give you, day by day.
By living this absolute sacrifice as Christ that Your Lord experienced, all will be consummated and, by means of your surrender, the planet will be maintained in greater balance.
Have courage and bravery.
I thank you for accompanying Me.
Who consoles you and heals you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am present, dear children, in the places where the greatest suffering for the planet existed.
I am present where the different cultures and peoples have forgotten that, despite the similarities or differences, all were siblings and children of the same Creator.
For this reason I came to this place, now My beloved Sanctuary of Guadalupe, to make both the conqueror and the indigenous understand that all came from a same God and from one single consciousness.
It was thus that I asked for the construction of a temple in My honor, to prevent the human race from losing control of itself and causing all future generations to become a humanity compromised with evil.
That is why, today, after more than five hundred years, your Heavenly Mother comes to close this cycle in human history, unforgettable and sad for the consciousness of the planet.
I have come here totally present and I will continue doing it from a higher plane, because My children of all cultures and of all peoples will still need My divine and maternal intercession.
Now, being here among you, I have opened the doors to liberate from the terrestrial purgatory all the conquerors, the indigenous, and the religious that at that time, with little consciousness and wisdom, were involved in the Guadalupan events.
It is thus that in this hour, dear children, I have asked you to come to this historical Sanctuary so that a cycle would be definitely closed through a moment of simple prayer, in which My angels removed the pain lived in the spaces of this nation and the planet.
Therefore, in the face of the mistakes experienced between the indigenous consciousness and the white man, through an act of pity and mercy, I invite you to transmute for Me. Just as I do with you every day and so that I am able to keep coming to bring peace and reconciliation between cultures.
Thank you for having reciprocated to something spiritual and internal.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more