Dear children,
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, today, I illuminate the surface of the Earth to dispel the darkness that looms over it.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, I can remove from spiritual and material danger all those who are facing this threat to their lives.
Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can intercede for the angels of the nations, who today are under spiritual oppression.
It is My wish, My beloved ones, that your hearts, acts and works may someday radiate as much as does the Light of My Sublime Mirrors; because when this happens, I will be able to present to the Celestial Father the testimony of your transformation, which will justify, before a suffering world, all the errors that have been committed and that offended the Heart of God.
So that your hearts, acts and works may be similar to the sublime Light of My Celestial Mirrors, you must be pure and honest in your intentions, transparent in your acts, and humble in your works, without expecting anything in return, nor any reward or merit, but rather being an instrument in the Hands of God so that, through your purity, the world may be transformed and recover the innocence it has lost.
This is a daily work, filled with patience and perseverance, with the gift of peace and neutrality. Because only in this way, dear children, will your lives be all that God expects, lives that must be the perfect mirror of the Love of God in these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"On the path of the desert, My Rays will illuminate the dark pathways that you may find within your own consciousness. But may your admiration not be upon the shortcomings of life, but upon the power of My Grace which time and again can bless and consecrate your life.
Learn to separate yourself from the aspects of your consciousness.
Remain in neutrality, so that you may know how to act according to the Law, because if you are within the Law, it will always protect you.
I Am close to you."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Breathe the pure air of heaven, breathe and enter the Atmosphere of God, the Kingdom of His Creation, the Greater Universe where there is peace, where evil does not prevail, where love expresses itself and joy is shared through being in the Presence of God.
Thus, enter the Divine State of Consciousness so that, from this place, My children, you can hear Me.
Thus, I remove you for a moment from the sphere of the Earth so that, at the moment of this Apparition, you may enter the space where the blessed ones are, as well as the angels that praise God.
Place your hands in reception to receive the pure air of Heaven, the impulses that the Divine Fountain emanates today, not only for this world but also for all Creation.
Today, I have come as the Messenger of the Universe to lead My children to the Consciousness of God, where for a moment they may be renewed and healed, where that which is adverse and contrary does not exist, because, through My Heart, I give you Love, the same Love that My Son gave you on the Cross, at the culminating moment of His last expiration.
Today, place your consciousness in that which is beyond forms and enter the Universe of God through your hearts, enter this safe feeling that brings you the confidence of believing in the Word of the Mother of God, which is the Word of the Divine Word, the Creator Word, from which all once began.
It is there where I want to have you today so that you do not identify with matter, but rather you may unite in spirit with the sacred Source of Creation, where, through Its Mirrors, I will reveal more to you about the existence of Creation, about the true existence of Creation; where the origin emerged, where God gestated the universes and all civilizations.
See yourselves, then, before the great Mirror of Neutrality, in which is revealed a part of the history of this universe, which you call the Material Universe.
I come, through this, to close your unknown wounds, to erase the past, and to place you in the eternal present, from where emanate the impulses of the Love of God for all His creatures.
Today, you can see a world in darkness, in obscurity and in suffering, but why does this still happen? If the Mother of God is here to lead you to Love and Grace, why do my children keep suffering chaos? Why, more each day, do the families throughout the world separate instead of uniting, and the project of the universal family is always seen in danger? Why do souls have difficulty living in love and being in this love always, which will help them understand all the experiences of life, the whole trajectory of the Cosmos? Who else will risk transcending this duality so that they can finally live the Divine Will?
In this, there is no mystery, but rather the revelation of the deep simplicity and humility of recognizing, within oneself, the Will that God has for each one of His creatures.
I know that for My children it is not easy to attain this transcendence, but I am here, because I am your Mother, and I come to tell you that this is possible, even in these times when the way out is not found, if your devotion and your faith were expanded, the celestial spheres would lead your spirits toward the goal and in this perfect but profound inner communion with the Creator God, they would always lead you to be in His Peace, although you may live battles and deserts, although you believe you will never manage.
I come here as a part of this emanation of the source of the Love of God, as I have come in other times and in other humanities to announce the same Message, in various forms.
Now that you are before this Mirror of the Neutrality of God, see how much history this Mirror holds, of all that has happened throughout this universe, throughout times and the different humanities.
Children, with this I want you to understand that the entire human race of this time is before the doors of living a great opportunity of redemption and reconciliation, but first, you have to learn to love so that you can know the mystery that God still waits to reveal to all His creatures, so that they can understand the infinite abundance of the Love of God.
Today I will tell you a very significant and important story for this whole material universe; a higher story, previous to your race, previous to this planet, when God still thought of that time in which His angels and archangels would carry forward Creation, especially within the material universe.
There was one of His creatures in this local universe, who was loved and recognized by many civilizations and by many origins, as well as by many lakes of Light that deeply knew the existence of this being.
But there was a day when this being made a mistake and, without realizing it, involved by his ambition and power, he forgot the essential, of loving God above all things. Thus, this creature fell, through his great errors and debts. Did Creation, by any chance, judge him for his errors and faults?
In that time, the universe was learning to live in the Law, just as today you learn to live in the Universal Laws; without knowing them deeply, you know within that they are the guide for these times.
But this being that once failed, his ambition turned him blind, it left him in a condition that no other creature of the universe would have expected, as his word, presence and action were emblematic and respected in this universe.
He was a great commander that guided and led many legions, and the center of his existence was the Purpose that in that time was destroyed by temptation and harassment.
How was this being able to return to the path he had lost?
How was this being able to realize he had fallen?
How was this being able to recover his filiation with the Father?
It is something similar to what can happen to you today, even in the daily things of life.
This being became aware of his errors when his brothers, while even being transgressed by him, helped him and did not cease to love him, because they knew that he was mistaken and that he was blind, far from Love and the Truth.
This being came to Earth in his worst spiritual and inner condition; he had not only lost the values of his loyalty, but he also lost the principles of his spirituality; and just like all of you, he came to live his redemption.
And one unexpected and extraordinary day, he lived his redemption when a potent ray of Love again entered his heart and removed the blindness of his eyes, removed the ambition of his being, because love, Christic Love, converted him completely. And then, at that moment, this being became aware of what had happened.
In the example of this story, would you be able to do the same for a fellow being?
Would you be able to go beyond what you believe you know?
If this being who had fallen recovered his mission, his emblematic spirit, once again being the commander among the commanders of the universe, how would you understand Mercy today?
Evil can appear to be strong or even unbreakable, but in essence, it is weak, because evil does not know Love nor Unity, and you are creatures created in the image and likeness of the Eternal Father, in your souls and essences, you have a molecule of the Creation that allows you to go beyond your limits and your possibilities.
This is why, My children, you are here, on this planet, to live this great process of redemption and forgiveness, because when Higher Love works and acts, there is nothing that can resist it.
Today I want you to meditate upon this message because many of you are already in the face of this time of great redemptions and inner opportunities so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.
So, in this time, My children, may the center of your existence be love for the Purpose so that you may learn to overcome, every day, just as this commander of the universe overcame, through knowing the Love of God, which he had lost for different circumstances.
Never wish to have power or authority over anything. Always seek, by means of Love, to be empty, so that God can work through your lives.
Never aspire to have anything or to control anything, although sometimes it may be difficult for you. Remember to withdraw in holy humility and thus you will be in unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; thus, you will be able to be precursors of the renewal of this universe.
On this extraordinary day, I come with this inner and deeply loving revelation so that the consciousnesses may awaken, so that they may contemplate the universe and know that, beyond this place and this space there is something bigger that awaits you and expects you….
Thus, just as this being commander of the universe has his history and trajectory, you also have one.
Would you not aspire to know the origin of your consciousness and the purpose for which God created you?
Can you perceive, My children, that life is not only material, that true life is immaterial?
Think of this, aspire to this, pray for this so that your consciousnesses may be firm and decided at this moment of the Plan and that, in spite of the hesitations, you may know how to overcome difficulties and tests for one reason, for Love.
Today I have all the essences commune with this great Mirror of the Neutrality of God; and I want to leave you there, during this day, so that nothing dual can remove you from this space.
Remember that you have entered the Source of Creation and that your spirits have participated in this moment.
Lastly, today I wish to bless one of My visionaries, Sister Lucía de Jesús, so that this day, in renunciation and selflessness, may be surrendered at the Service of God for the souls that suffer; so that someday, in the Return of Christ, we may celebrate the redemption of souls and of the planet, the liberation of the Earth from all suffering and the trauma lived throughout times. Therefore, you must remember your origins, and although you do not understand nor know what it is about, love your origins, and unite to them through a simple and fervent prayer.
May the sacred Attributes of the Mother of God descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters so that, by means of these Words and of this Message, the fruits of redemption may grow.
Prayer: “Universal Mother.”
I bid farewell to you, beloved children, and from this moment on I prepare you for the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy, just as it was in the month of April of this year, will give a great impulse to all, regardless of where each one is, because, through My Presence and the Presence of My Beloved Son, you will be learning to be united in omnipresence.
So that this may be possible, I will now have you enter the universe of a simple song, which will lead your souls and spirits to reach close to God.
This song is an emblem and a hymn of this Community of Figueira. It is the essential reason for the manifestation of this Sacred Center that, thanks to the Father and the collaboration of many souls, is alive and beats, like a subtle sound, throughout the universe.
I will leave you with the song “Breath of the Spirit.”
I thank you for responding to My call!
Go in peace and trust in God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
As you already know, in a not so distant future, My time with you will end.
I ask that you continue to pray the Holy Rosary, untiringly, because while you do not pray, there are some souls that launch into making hurried decisions, and they do not measure the consequences or the results.
It is the agony of these souls that cause themselves to stray from the path of My Son.
Pray so that no other soul may feel tempted to move forward with a decision that will weigh on them for the rest of their life.
Children, you already knew that the time of definition would be now. You are either with My Son or you are not with Him. The Lord of the Universe and of Love needs true souls, ready to follow Him. Today an emotion is not enough to think that, only with that, you will carry forward the Plan of Salvation of My Son.
Live the act of daily consecration. If that were a priority for your hearts, hurried souls would never have decided to turn away from Christ.
The reason for so many tests and deserts is because souls do not live their consecration daily; they do not place it within their hearts and even less in their consciousnesses. When the test comes, they are exhausted and do not have the strength to move past that moment.
Souls do not feel a true thirst for Jesus. In this way, uncertain doors open and souls enter into their own miseries instead of transcending them.
The path toward My Son is for the brave, for those who do not fear being nothing.
My beloved Son is in silence. His Voice, at this moment, could not emit any message. He has to observe how souls respond to all that was given to them. It is a moment of Justice, but also of neutrality.
Pray so that nobody else falls into temptation. The end time has arrived. This is the cycle of confirmation or of indifference; it is the time of verifying your love for God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In the end of these times, all of you will be able to learn within new schools, in the schools of daily and group instruction.
In this way, spontaneously, you will become aware of all that is deeply imprisoned within you and is no longer a part of spiritual life.
Transmuting and redeeming aspects of the human personality is a daily and infinite work of patience, neutrality and love. Without these keys, you could be in resistance and in conflict with yourselves.
In truth, the task of daily transcendence is the reason, in the most acute moments of the planet, for some aspects not to interfere in the spiritual and inner mission that everyone must accomplish.
Thus, while there is time, I invite you to take advantage of and consciously resolve all that you already know is not good for you, such as habits, customs, beliefs and personal ideas of what the results of something in particular should be.
Give thanks to the Universe that sent you so that, in this humanity, you may have the Grace to be aware and not hide from the Truth, but rather always receive the impulse to seek the Truth that will make you free one day.
I will accompany you along this path of sacred transformation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Cali, the Hierarchy will avail itself of the coming meetings of prayer so that not only the state of consciousness of Cali may be elevated, but also that all of South America may be assisted for the conflicts and social situations to be alleviated.
These end times will present occurrences that have never happened in other times. For this reason, the Spiritual Hierarchy, through each new meeting, within the spirit of the Campaign for Peace, will try to prepare the inner worlds so that, in the critical moments, souls can endure future occurrences in a neutral way.
The Hierarchy has already announced that the time for its great withdrawal will come, and that time is drawing closer. For this reason, all the devotees and followers of the Sacred Hearts must attentively keep in mind that each new meeting could be the eve of a cycle that will close.
This is the time in which all must drink of the Fount of Grace so that hearts may be ready for what will come and be able to sustain their inner worlds, beyond the external situations and events.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There are situations in the human being that only love can solve. But sometimes that love is not so expressive or welcoming, but rather it is a love that corrects and prevents many things.
This does not mean that love is not present in the one who, helping their neighbor or solving a situation, uses an act of prudence as a measure.
In this sense, love is also to say "no" for in that "no" there exists a reason or a cause that goes beyond occurrence or even some spiritual situation.
At this moment of humanity, love is what will protect beings from a great many dangers, and on many occasions, it is necessary that this love impose things so that balance and peace do not dissolve.
In this love, apparently neutral, a situation can be maintained under some protection, which does not mean that love is cold or indifferent; on the contrary, love will help protect the consciousness from the very dangers that it may experience.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Sometimes, going through the doorway of humility means bowing your head so that, completely bowed down, you can enter into My Kingdom. This state is achieved with great and deep humility, which will allow you to always recognize that you are nothing and your life and consciousness belong to God.
But in order to reach this point of resignation and of surrender, what will always allow you to experience humility will be your allowing, in silence, for the events to be presented and not rushing over them, trying to gain or be right about something.
Neutrality is an important ally of humility, but neutrality does not mean omission nor indifference. To experience neutrality, humility is necessary, and absolute trust that everything that happens to you on the path of redemption is to renew you and take away the obstacles and constant resistances of the human aspect.
Thus, in this moment, seek to know how humility is within you and how much attention you pay to it so that it can, with its wisdom, govern you and make you a real disciple of Mine.
Begin by aspiring to be humble in the small actions of life and accept everything the Universe sends to you as an opportunity for truly loving by means of service and willingness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
On September 18, 2019, after this daily Message, our Lord presented us with a new spiritual exercise that He called: "Rosary of the Humility of Christ."
He invites each one of us to do this Rosary daily, or in those moments when we most need it, when we most need to seek and find, within ourselves, the connection with the spirit of His holy Humility.
For this, He transmitted this Rosary in the following way:
At the union bead, we will pray:
Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace
so that Holy Humility may dwell within me
and thus your Divine Will may be fulfilled.
At each decade
Spirit of the Humility of Christ,
dwell within me.
These are the times in which two realities will meet, the inner reality and the material reality. They will emerge spontaneously through the revealing impulse that the truth will bring, and nobody will be able to escape this event because it will be brought forward by the Universe itself.
And so, these two realities will meet in the light of each consciousness to bring them to a profound decision. And those consciousnesses that have already come to know both realities, but wasted the opportunity of growing, must account for this great waste.
For this reason, I encourage you to live in the constructive thought of God so that, when this moment comes, you may be neutral and peaceful and you may simply be moved by the impulse to help, by means of the path of prayer, all those who will need it; because they did not avail themselves of the path that I had asked them to tread.
Thus, companions, remain in unity with Me so that at the key moment I may help you and guide you, showing you the way out.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Your prayer is heard in Heaven and it is valued by the Lord.
If prayer were realized with sincere effort and dedication, its results would be even greater.
Prayer is neutral, peaceful and unchangable. It becomes potent through the heart that pronounces it with fervor.
Prayer is a protection against all adversity and against all danger.
Through prayer the souls find the path of Light, and it attracts from the Universe all the attributes of God.
To live in prayer is like being under the rain, because prayer pours out many graces and acts like a balm of forgiveness in the hearts that adopt it as an instrument of elevation for the consciousness.
Prayer is capable of stopping a natural disaster as well as reconstructing the spiritual field of a situation or being.
If prayer were truly taken into consideration, it would not allow the personal action of governments or the crises to be established within nations.
Through prayer souls find a special refuge in the Heart of God and in prayer the consciousness is protected in these critical times.
The powers of prayer have not yet been discovered by humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May peace prevail in times of spiritual war and of difficulty, moments in which neutrality will be the main tool for countering all adversity.
In neutrality there will be no stimulus for confrontation nor for challenge.
This will make you strong in faith and intelligent in strategies, thus you will learn to follow the operative Commands of the Plan, which will give impulse to the manifestation of light on the Earth.
Meanwhile, companions, seek that neutrality within yourselves, allow the powerful current of Peace to stabilize and balance the spaces.
Walk towards this objective so that, beyond all adversity or battle, the greater strength of Love may triumph, just as I showed you on the Cross.
In this time receive the greater impulse of My Commands so that peace and neutrality may reign within you, attributes which will allow you to live an operative life.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Never fear to take on great responsibilities because, even if you make mistakes and are not prepared, if you place the heart and the love beyond defects, this will have more value than to do the things perfect for Me.
I like the decided souls, available and obedient; the ones who are able to overcome themselves a little more, each day, without coming out of balance nor going to the other extreme.
At this time, the disposition and sacrifice will make the difference between My Plan being fulfilled or My Plan not being able to be carreid forward.
But, within the spirit of surrender, determination cannot not be excessive nor fanatic. You must be in balance with day and night, with the ecological and biological rhythm, because in this way you will be fulfilling the basic Laws of evolution.
There is a place and time for everything, therefore the inner and outer balance will help to carry out My Plan according to what has been thought.
The inner opening to My Commands will allow the manifestation of My Works.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
When the hearts of the nations are oppressed and clamor for peace, unite, children, to this request and elevate your voices to God, asking for wisdom and light for humankind, so that through them peace is established.
I know that many people think that we repeat again and again: “Pray! Pray! Pray!”. And it is so because beings have not yet discovered the true potential of prayer. If you prayed every day with your hearts, you would notice that prayer transforms you, transforms life around you and transforms this world.
It is not the wars, the protests and the conflicts that will bring peace to the nations. It is prayer that unites the human heart to the Divine Wisdom, so it can deal with the specific imbalances of these times.
Prayer is what calms the human impetus of impulsivity and places beings into a state of peace to make the correct decisions, according to God’s Will and not their own.
It is prayer that makes you see the events of the world with neutrality and with wisdom, in order to know how to help.
Prayer is what opens the doors of the world for new Laws, new standards of living, that give you the opportunity of participating of a new time.
It is prayer that dissolves, from the mental planes of the planet, the ideas of destruction, wars, malice, outrage, so that they do not manifest in the world; even if all this happens within silent levels of consciousness, where only the heart can reach.
Prayer is an exercise of humility and therefore allows beings to lose their human arrogance in order to allow God to guide and lead life within this world, because He created it and only He can lead it to His Purpose.
Prayer, children, is much more than everything I have said to you. But, to enter this mystery, you need to pray with your hearts and to deepen each day in the communication with God.
I bless you and inspire you to pray with your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The light of the first Christs starts to dawn within the inner universe, because they are congregated for prayer and their voices proclaim the Blessings from Heaven.
The New Christs start to emerge because they have made a heartfelt commitment to witness the Love of the Redeemer and to retransmit it to the whole planetary consciousness.
These New Christs do not want anything for themselves, they only aspire to fulfill daily prayer for the Master of Love to guide their small steps.
The New Christs begin to manifest themselves and they are surprising because they will be the people you least imagine. They are witnesses and adorers of the Passion of the Lord, they are able to give all for love, under any circumstance.
The Christs of the New Time start from zero every time it is necessary until, by themselves, and by all means that the Hierarchy has given them, they are able to express the steps of the Plan, and they are also the ones who remain neutral not to get mixed up with anything from the world.
The New Christs only say "yes" and by this "yes" they live, in addition to everything they can give for the Creation to be renewed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Everything that will be seen in these end times must not surprise anyone, because inconceivable situations will show themselves overnight and, as a result from them, many consciousnesses will define their destiny.
Let it be enough to be in God and seek His Kingdom at each moment so that what will show itself before everyone does not bother anyone, nor provoke undesirable decisions.
We still come to the world at the express request of the Creator Father because humanity is distracted and seduced by all the material conditions and the spiritual life, which is what sustains the consciousness, has been put into second place.
But we also come for all those who persist in faith and in trust, knowing that some day they will know the Kingdom of God and will become part of it.
In this time, everything that will happen will be extreme; there will be no half measures. This will place the souls where they choose to be, because nobody will be obligated to seek God, but yes, they will be called to pay attention.
This is a time in which everything will be in motion. I know it seems little encouraging, but it is the truth.
The planet, as a consequence, can no longer sustain two polarities, two forms of life. Either the planet is purified or the planet self-destructs.
Let us continue working for the purification of humanity and for the salvation of all of the Kingdoms, beyond all consequences.
Let us proclaim our faith and let us decree the coming of the Kingdom of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Through My Presence, God brings you His Infinite Compassion, which, approaching the Earth, will try to rescue the souls of humanity from the abysses.
Divine Compassion is capable of forgiving what is most difficult, just as it is also capable of helping maintain an absolute balance during the times of rivalries.
It is for this reason that Divine Compassion leads to the awakening of pure neutrality.
In this time, Divine Compassion will try to place souls on the path that they once lost, for different reasons.
Divine Compassion will create an inner space, within the state of eternal light, where the soul will be placed in order to find relief for its errors and purifications.
Divine Compassion brings us hope and renewal, indispensable attributes for the healing of all humankind.
May Divine Compassion guard and protect everyone so that, being in it, all may drink from the Fount of God’s Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
The time has come for you to see, within yourself, the reality of your true being and do not fear to purify it, because freeing yourself from the chains of the past, you may be able to take firm and secure steps towards the concretization of the Plan of God on the surface.
With neutrality, love, and harmony, let your story written in the Universe emerge from within you and show itself so that your consciousness and your life can make a synthesis, and everything, absolutely everything, is forgiven.
Pour your hope and your faith into My Heart, because thus I, as your Mother, will teach you to be different, from the moment in which you confirm within yourself that you no longer accept to carry so many mistakes commited.
Trust in the infinite power of the Mercy of My Son, because it will be His Divine Mercy that will guide you toward the path of redemption and of rehabilitation.
I understand that it is not easy to see the inner reality as it is, but encourage yourself to surpass the barriers of suffering so that the powerful energy of grace may act in everything, and thus, again, you overcome in the Love of Christ.
As of now, decide to change your destiny so that the Hand of God may lead you to His House.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I will always give you and bring you My sovereign inner Strength so that you may be sustained, despite the hardships, the difficulties or the great challenges.
If you truly believe in Me and live Me, you will manage to accomplish My designs and the Universe will always assist you whenever you need it.
If you trust Me, only Divine Love will prevail.
There is nothing greater than Love, there is nothing that can oppose the Will of the Father, even if you experience moments of great tension.
Love is one of the Gifts of God that puts things in their place because it is a real Love, impersonal and neutral.
In Divine Love you will always find that key that will open the doors of communication between the souls and God and, from that point, everything can take place.
Therefore, if you trust Me, you should not fear anything, no matter how great or difficult it seems, for there is nothing that can oppose the powerful stream of Divine Love.
Always remember all of this because it will be the fundamental key for the Love of God to always echo in your lives.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
From the depths of My Maternal Heart, I thank you for the prayers offered for the triumph of the Love of the Lady of Aparecida.
The definitive hour is drawing closer, a moment for which the Mother of God prays more intensely within Her sacred oratory of light, for manipulation and power are in confrontation; they battle each other to know who, inside chaos, will gain the first position.
For this reason, the angels sent to Brazil by the Mother of God unite in a great chain of light to be able to dissolve, through your prayers, any sign of falseness and fear.
The Mother of God is to be found in a place in Brazil closely following the events that are coming.
The keys of neutrality and faith will be the means by which the peacemakers of Christ will confirm their union with Heaven, drawing to the Earth the principles of the New Humanity, principles that will only be established after the purification of the Earth.
Neutrality and faith will dissolve any sign of inner or spiritual conflict that the peacemakers may face being before the events of chaos.
I thank you for continuing to pray with Me for the good and for justice in Brazil!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart.
My church on Earth is going through its first and great tempest. The sepulchers hidden for decades are being opened to reveal the Truth.
I have told you, once, that stone will not remain upon stone and many of Mine think that it is only an allegory.
My priests in the world are being judged and some are taken to prison. The consecrated life is the preamble of the prelude of the great attacks of My adversary.
Therefore, you must run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart.
My Eyes can no longer see so much discord in the world.
My Heart can no longer bear so much shame in others.
And even though from the Garden of Gethsemane I already knew this would happen, My flocks are dispersed and still do not know how to strengthen unity so that the Shepherd may guide them.
I still count with the fingers of My Hands those who truly want to be in Me.
This is the time, My child,, to see incredible situations and realities; but it is also the time of Grace for those who know how to knock and call on the correct door.
I must still look with neutrality at the events that happen, day to day, in humanity and especially in the consecrated life.
My Mother asked Me that, for Her Love, I not apply the Law of Justice.
The cup was full before, but now it is overflowing, and the time of peace is coming to an end.
Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart, because while, deceits and manipulations will continue coming to the light, and once again, there will not remain stone upon stone.
I am ashamed to see the religious life so disorderly in the entire world. In some cases, I ceased to be the spiritual model so that the modernities would be so.
The adversary, with all its fury, is taking revenge on My servants and I am still waiting for the exact moment of lifting My Sword to unleash the great and last final time.
My Altar is full of Graces and My Chalice is full of My Blood, but few are the ones who draw close to Me to plead with Me.
Where is the attention of My disciples?
Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart so that you are protected from yourself, from your own aspects that will compromise your feelings of love for Me.
Hold on tight to My Tunic, because, if you let Me, I will help you.
I will no longer be able to cry tears of blood for any more ungrateful ones.
In truth I tell you, and with all of My Love, I declare to you, that Justice will rain in a surprising way, like hail.
Therefore, run and quickly enter into the Sacred Temple of My Heart so that when everything happens, you are under My Divine Protection.
I thank you for keeping My Words with attention!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more