Feel in your heart the confidence of being able to be in God, every day, and the renewal that you can live, beyond the moments and the circumstances.
These times will allow you to place your faith to the test, and that faith will be encouraged by your prayer, your service and your consecration.
Therefore, child, look beyond reality, and you will clearly see an infinite construction of the Wills of God, in this humanity and upon this planet.
I invite you to see beyond the facts or appearances.
I invite you to find the meaning of each moment so that you may grow in wisdom, gratitude and love.
Place your consciousness in the realization of the Purpose of God, that which you will complete and fulfill as a service through the redemption of your life, thus, you will open the doors for Divine Grace to make of your being an instrument and an example of conversion.
Having these principles very clear, your soul will be able to rule, and you will know, at the right time, which path to follow, so that you may always meet My Son who, in His Silence, waits for you so that you may live a deep spiritual communion with the Source of Love and Wisdom.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
To God it does not matter that your lives are imperfect, but rather that your hearts are always truthful; thus you will allow Him to work and act, and someday, My children, without you noticing, your lives will be transformed.
At this time when everything is being purified, take refuge in the Heart of the Father, in the Sacred Temple of inner prayer, so that nothing and no one may deviate you from the path of My Son.
If some souls are being tested at this moment, may they not feel intimidated; may they know that, above all reality and situation, the Celestial Father is present, patient and very kind, always awaiting for them so that, through His Divine and Infinite Mercy, everything may be healed.
When souls in this time cannot experience the divine Plan or adhere to it, it is because they are not approaching the Source of Mercy, a place where all doubt will vanish and any conflict will cease.
Sometimes the correct step must be taken towards God and not towards your own concepts or feelings.
Mercy will always lead you to understanding and forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With joy I come to the world and specially to Poland, the beloved land of Saint John Paul II, to bless you and bring you to My Grace again, so that, by means of these meetings of peace, your Mother and Lady of Czestochowa can go on working and repairing the hearts that need the most.
With Maternal Love, I return to Poland to infuse even more the Mercy of My Son and to intercede by means of the Source of His Compassion.
The Mother of God comes to Poland to make the attributes of its culture and of its people revive, taking each one of these attributes to the sublimation of consciousness and, thus, recovering the values of faith and union with God.
On this day especially, I descend to establish a little more of peace and forgiveness in the souls, souls that need to find again the path to the union with God, in order to be able to live the principles of His Grace and of His Mercy.
As Mother of all, I come to testimony that it is possible to advance and live with the hope of being able to find God again, from time to time, and to be in communion with Him.
As Mother and Patroness of Poland, I come to pour on you the Wisdom of My Maternal Heart, a Gift that, by living in you, will allow to continue restoring and repairing all of the consciousness of its people.
The wisdom of the Virgin of Czestochowa will help you to carry forward the Plan of God for your Nation and your people, by means of the incalculable devotion of your hearts for Ours and also for the saints that the Father has sent to your motherland to help it, as were Saint Faustina and Saint John Paul II.
By means of the model of life of these saints, may many more vocations awaken in the bosom of the Church of Christ and for the faith of all children of Poland.
As Mother of all, I come to reestablish one of the principles of the Designs of God for your motherland, knowing that in this time it will be fundamental to be sustained with faith and the trust in God, so as to restore the Church and its believers.
For this reason, as Mother and Lady of Czestochowa, I return to Poland to rebuild the spirit of love of its humanity and thus propagate, from here to the world, the devotion of all of you, My children, to My Immaculate Heart.
My Hands of service, charity and good, come today full of Graces to pour them over you, My dear children, and so that these very same Graces may propagate in the nations of the world that will need your faith and your prayer to establish peace.
I lead you along this path of wisdom and love so that the souls may be helped and contemplated in the Mercy of God.
There is still time to enter this Source of compassion and of relief that My Beloved Son offers to the whole world.
By means of this renewal that I bring you today, I invite you to live the new time, the time of knowing how to fulfill the Plan of God in yourselves, so that after it may be fulfilled it in the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and renews you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Czestochowa
Dear children:
Each time the bells rings at noon to announce My arrival, a portal from Heaven opens upon the Marian Centers, even though your Heavenly Mother is on pilgrimage in another part of the world.
If you are sure that, through the sound of the bells, something universal happens every day at noon, you will experience a profound connection with the Kingdom of Heavens.
Therefore, announce every day to the world that the Mother of God is arriving on Earth to bless Her beloved children and to show them the path towards the source of Love.
May every day the portals of the universe be opened for souls to avail themselves of the Source of Divine Mercy and to nourish themselves spiritually from the Gifts of God.
May each new noon, the bells resonate at all Marian Centers and in all homes throughout the world that wish to unite in decreeing the descent of infinite Grace upon humanity. So be it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am this fountain of Graces of the Universe, more potent and powerful than all the fountains in the world.
I am more sublte than all the waterfalls in the world because, through My Maternal Heart, I make flourish and give life to the soul that had been dead.
I am this water that washes and redeems all, because I am this divine code of light that can penetrate beyond the consciousness and, in this way, establish the spiritual purpose for each being.
I am this merciful fountain that restores all things and intercedes for Her children so that they never lose the path that will lead them to love.
I am this living and resplendent spring that brings to the spirit the essence of unity and peace.
I am this Sacred Spirit of God that was gestated in the most pure womb of Creation, which brought to the world the truth of God, incarnated through the Beloved Son.
I am this path that will always lead you to find the great and only fountain of love that will quench your thirst: Jesus Christ.
Because of this, dear children, each time you unite to My fountain of love, you will be uniting to the luminous fountain of My Son and the fountain of the Celestial Father.
I wish that from your hearts would spring this feeling of always seeking unity among the beings above all, because in this way your hearts will be healed and will be born to the renewed life in Christ through My fountain of peace.
My children, I leave this aspiration of Mine: that you may live in the only Source of God and that you may follow one path. My Pure and Immaculate Heart offers Itself to lead you to the revelation of the great mystery of love.
I am happy seeing My children of Europe today gathered around My fountain full of Graces.
I love you and always contemplate you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you under the Holy Spirit of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this day, My beloved ones, I invite you to meditate with the heart about what you are willing to suffer out of love and for the sake of the redemption of humanity.
Dear ones, many are never tired of meditating on the Mercy of Christ and rely on it as the hope for their salvation, but very few are the ones who recognize that this Source springs out from the injured Heart of My Holy Son and from His Wounds, which were opened for the final redemption of all the souls. Few are the ones who accept to share with the Lord His martyrdoms and who offer the little that they suffer for the sake of those who just seek the constantly material comfort.
My beloved ones, on this day of Grace and Mercy for all the souls, I want you to have the Passion My Son imprinted in your consciousnesses, because from it, comes all the Mercy and all the Love that for over two thousand years have been poured over the just and the unjust souls of this world. In this way, I want you to understand that the path to become merciful in life is found in the complete offer of oneself, independently of the state in which you find yourselves.
My dear children, My eyes contemplate the world and are almost unable to find in it, those who may wish to bear in their heads, the crown of thorns of My Son, in order to thus, relieve Him from this sorrow and to allow His Mercy to keep on being poured over the world.
Today, with the eyes and the heart turned to My beloved Africa, discover in the service the possibility of relieving the sorrow that Christ lives in the hearts of this Earth.
Remember everyday that if the Lord was capable of surrendering life in His Passion for the Salvation of the world, you will also be able to do much more than what you do, and you will be able to give to God the Creator great offers that come from the heart for the salvation of the sinful souls.
My beloved ones, I do not ask you to martyr the body, I only tell you to transcend yourselves everyday, out of love for the others and for all this humanity. May you renounce everyday to all the comforts of this world, for the sake of the souls who do not know the power of sacrifice.
I say all this to you because, in consciousness, you are all entering into the heart of Africa and finding all the spiritual and physical penury in the history of that continent, and also, My children, the power of transcendence and overcoming that this people lived in order to keep on smiling in a world like this, a world that very few know in depth.
For this, in face of the inner Africa, know how to learn with those hearts. And on this exchange of experiences that you live in the level of the souls, give to My beloved Africa, the possibility of forgiveness, of forgiving oneself and the others. Thus, My beloved ones, I will be able to count with you on My Plan of rescue and of redemption.
I want you to know that you are being internally placed before the need of taking a great leap, now that you are in the heart of Africa, because now, My dear ones, out of love for God you will have to assume your own redemption and the redemption of humanity by means of the offering of self and of the transcendence of the old atavisms.
On this day of Mercy, the Lord is attentive to your prayers, and through His Faithful Servant, He announces to you that nothing is impossible, and that by asking with the heart, everything will be granted to the spirit.
Do not weaken before the tests, but just keep on going ahead, in the same way that the spirit of Africa was able to overcome itself in order to be before My Heart today by means of all of you.
I thank you for your sincere prayers and I ask you to never get tired of praying. The world, humanity and the kingdoms of nature need you in prayer.
I bless you and I leave you My Peace.
Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Opening the Source of the Universal Mercy of My Son for the world, today I call you to unite to the Creating Principle of Love, because humanity needs to awaken and go to the encounter of this Love in the heart.
You, My little ones, have in the daily prayer, the fundamental key so that this Source of Love, which is born from God, may be poured over humanity in this cycle.
My children, as the Mother of Forgiveness and Peace, today I ask you that, opening your hearts, you may walk towards the loving encounter with My Son, because thus you will allow His Redeeming Grace to make Itself present in the hearts of all humankind.
Through the exercise of prayer you will participate with Jesus in the salvation of the hearts and, just as it was with the disci- ples of Christ, your hearts will pray two by two, to make Light shine in the essences.
Dear children, today I am calling you to walk in prayer because many of My children must recognize that without the prayer of the heart we are nothing in this time. I intend, as a Mother, day by day, to teach you to love the exercise of the prayer of the heart, because in this way many of your brothers and sisters will be able to see the powerful effects of inner prayer.
My children, for this reason you are called to participate with consciousness on the path of consecration that will begin through your inner commitment with prayer, and consequently, a perfect union with the Sacred Heart of My Son will come as a result.
Dear children, you can be on the eve of the birth of a new fruit that, in the Hands of the Creator, may serve to help and support those most in need.
Your goal in these times is inner donation. Walk towards this purpose of the heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
When you feel lonely, I will be with you.
When you see that life is a shipwreck, I will be with you.
When you doubt your faith, I will strengthen you.
When you feel you are carrying too much burden on yourself, I will alleviate you.
When you search for My Son, I will show Him to you and I will give you to drink from the Fount of Mercy and Redemption.
When you see that everything is empty, I will fill you with the Spirit of My Love.
When no one can help you, I will place you under My Mantle so that, with the angels of Heaven, you may praise God, the Source of Love and Forgiveness.
When you feel joy, My Heart will be with you.
When you feel sadness or desperation, call Me because there I will be and I will place you in My arms, just as I did with Jesus, to radiate to you the Light of God. Then you will no longer feel lonely, you will feel the Maternal Comfort of My Heart.
When you cultivate prayer in your heart, there God will be because souls are still in need of forgiveness.
When you do not find the path, cry out for My Heart and I will radiate the Light of My eyes so that you may walk to- wards My Son, the Redeemer. Thus you will be like a sheep that aspires to the guidance of the Great Shepherd and together with the hearts of the whole world, you will supplicate for redemption.
It will be the moment in which your heart will be kept within the Sacred Heart because in this way you will be protected from all pain.
Now, on this day aspire to be in God and in vigil, in eternal prayer for the souls.
Believe in the power of Mercy and elevate your supplications as flowers to the Heavens, because I will collect them to give them with love to the Creator as an offering of a soul in redemption. And when you see the new dawn remember that the Light of God is being born for each being.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear and beloved children of the Father,
All the offenses that are generated in the world are forgiven day by day through the Unfathomable and Powerful Divine Mercy that springs as a fountain from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Therefore today, My little ones, you must surrender in faith to the infinite mystery of forgiveness and of reparation for the hearts that have fallen into the faults that offend God.
So that the world and the souls may achieve peace and universal harmony necessary in this end of times, My Son needs humble and spontaneous soldiers of Mercy.
Dear children, the Universal King of the Love of God, Jesus Christ, awaits daily that through prayer, service and frater- nity new soldiers are able to be His instruments so that His Mercy may be propagated through the world. The hearts still have not understood the true mystery of the merciful Rays of Jesus; therefore today I invite you to propagate this important Grace that My Son is pouring over the whole world.
My children, in His Sorrowful Passion were radiated the highest States of Love that flowed out from the wounded Heart of Jesus. Now resurrected, He calls you to the conversion of your lives and to drink from the Fountain of Christ Itself, which heals all and cures all.
Dear children, it is time to awaken before that magnificent and splendorous Grace of Redemption and Forgiveness in which My Son is calling you to be participants.
May your lives be only Mercy. May your actions be merciful. May your words and thoughts be impregnated by Divine Mercy. May the Fire of the Love of Jesus convert you into instruments of His Unfathomable Mercy.
Dear children, you still have time!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Today I invite you to consecrate your lives as a gift to God, being flowers at the feet of the Creator. Carry the joy of serving Him on your faces and, in harmony, manifest the Love of My Son. Live under the Source of the Love of the Savior and, as good and humble instruments, radiate the peace of the heart.
Know, dear children, that despite the way the world behaves before God, My Immaculate Heart makes you participants of the new path that I want to reveal to you, the path of love and forgiveness.
Remember that you serve out of absolute love for God and that My Son calls you to drink from the Fount of Mercy for all those who easily forget the importance of being in God. For this reason, My children, each action of life must be consecrated to God and you must work under this spirit of peace.
Many will receive, in due time, the last call of God, the Father of the Universe, and one of His warnings will be given through the voice of My Immaculate Heart that comes to the world to elevate it as a consciousness and as a heart.
Be good disciples of My Son, be true messengers of His Divine Mercy. The Divine Hour marks the moment of making use of the Forgiveness of God and of reconciling yourselves with your dear ones. Each act of forgiveness attracts the original purity towards your hearts. Life becomes luminous before the throne of the Father because in it there is a new dwelling, a dwelling visited by the Compassionate Love of My Son.
Search for purity in order to begin to live the Immaculate Peace of My Heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
Today I invite you to remain in the Kingdom of the Heavens as the only aspiration to be awakened in these times. Your hearts must look towards the horizon of God and thus, witness the coming of His Kingdom of Peace to the Earth.
Dear children, with your gazes directed to the Heavens, I call you to intercede for all My children, asking for mercy through the fervent prayer of the heart. This will be a simple act of love for humanity, coming from each one of your hearts.
As Guardian of Faith in the hearts, I live in the perpetual hope that My Immaculate Heart has for the conversion of the world. Little children, you are participants, in this time, of the cycle of salvation that My Son promises to all the children of God, especially those who live in fault.
The Source of the Mercy of Jesus is still being poured upon the world. It is enough that more hearts believe in this Ministry of My Son for the Grace to be able to descend over humanity.
Therefore, go and tell everyone that My Son wants to help and consecrate all the children of the Father as new sources of life for this world in pain.
As Marian soldiers united to My Immaculate Heart, I ask that you respond to the great call that My Heart pronounces to all of you, a call to accept the remaining time of Mercy for My children before the time of Divine Justice comes.
Dear children, you are in My arms as well as in the Heart of God. Live this time as a time to pray more and more with the heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I keep you in My Heart, dear children. With this I want to tell you that, with confidence, you can find My Eternal Peace.
Today I guide you through new paths, even though the world changes so much every day.
My Maternal Spirit fills you so that in the Heart of My Son Jesus, you may reach the Grace of Conversion.
I count on your prayers at each moment because the universe must still be repaired from all of the offenses that humanity generates. A life without God is a life beyond that which is arid, it is a life without hope.
Dear children, My Heart struggles for the love of all the children of God, and through you I will be able to reach places that would be inaccessible. The prayer of the heart penetrates with Light each one of your cells, it is like the daily nourishment for the new born.
Receive from the Holy Spirit the source that will satiate you, that will make you strong and happy from living fully under the presence of God. This is why, My little ones, today I invite you to strengthen each one of the groups of prayer consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so that God the Father may find true souls always donated to the life of the prayer of the heart.
My children, the path I intend for you to go through is an infinite and precious path towards the Heart of My Son. In Jesus you will find a beautiful path that He wants you to discover through the simple act of uniting to His Sacred Heart.
Know, dear children, that the Fountain of Mercy that is born from Jesus the Redeemer wants to fill you in advance of the coming times. Have love in Jesus despite everything so that, confessed in Christ, you may be partakers of the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Aspire to live in My Son daily, because I will help you. Jesus waits for you.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As Queen and Universal Mother of Peace I want you to enter into the Kingdom of God so that your hearts may find a firm refuge of love in My Immaculate Heart. I carry you all, as humanity, in My arms of Mercy, helping in this way each one of My children.
Dear children, stay in peace because My Kingdom of Peace is in each one of you.
My children, the world must urgently go and drink from the Fountain of Graces that My Heart is pouring for those who are thirsty for My Son. He, who is blessed and loving, will lead you to the true devotion to God the Father, who is offended by humanity.
For this reason, dear children, the prayer of the heart will guide you in each step that you must take in this end of times.
My children, My call wants to echo in the depth of your little hearts, even more in all of My children who for many years have distanced themselves from the Love of the Living God. Together with the Sacred Heart of My Son, your lives will be able to repose in absolute trust, and the path you are traveling will be permeated by the Light of His Divine Heart.
I want to announce to you that the key of prayer will allow you to be before the Holy Spirit. Therefore, this blessed Spirit of God will come in aid of all the hearts that in this last hour consecrate themselves and live in the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, the true fraternity that each one of you is able to express day by day will help dissolve the evil in which many hearts live for lack of the Merciful Love of God.
Therefore, constancy in the life of prayer will help so that all these hearts may receive the Immaculate Gift of Grace and Redemption. My dear children, in truth, Redemption is a celestial mission for all humanity.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Divine Love for each one of My children in the world.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Do your hearts know how much I love you?
My Immaculate Love is for all; therefore, dear children, today I invite you to live in My Universal Love, even though you may still not know it nor feel it.
I come to your lives so that you may renovate the commit- ment that each soul has with My Son. In each call to prayer announced by My voice, many angels of the Divine Father gather to help the world and humanity.
Dear children, I love you deeply, much beyond your own lives. Each soul contemplated by My Immaculate Heart represents a precious instrument that God gives to the Earth so that His Will may be accomplished. But still many souls, distant from the true Universal Love that our Father gives to us, are also distant from the Divine Purpose that God has for each life and for each little heart.
This is why I invite you to deepen in the contemplative mystery of prayer so that, in this way, more and more souls may come closer to living the state of prayer. The groups of prayer that respond to the call of the Universal Mother must collaborate each day in the awakening of the Light of the heart so that they may be conducted by My Love and by My Peace.
Prayer in the groups consecrated to My Immaculate Heart allows, through the reunion of the praying hearts, that the world in its totality may be helped by the Divine and Greater Love. On this path to strengthen the groups in prayer, more groups of souls are attracted that need to drink from the Fountain of Wonders that My Son gives to all, a Fountain that we call Divine Mercy.
Dear children, each group of prayer responds to the divine call for peace in the world and, above all, for peace in the heart. I conduct you through the path of imitation of My Son, as pilgrims and as collaborators of My call. I shelter you all within My Immaculate Heart.
Perseverance will open the doors so that all, starting from this time, may live love in the heart so that it may be radiated to the other hearts.
Remember, dear children, that all of you and the whole world are being called to a task of charity and solidarity among souls. This will make the Ray of Fraternity emanate. Thus, from this experience, Grace will be able to be real for humanity, which is lacking light and peace.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Peace, peace and only peace for the world!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more