XVIII - Seeking God in Order to Become an Instrument of His

A soul that aspired to deepen their union with God, and mature this union through a true surrender and a pure contact with the Heart of the Celestial Father, prayed to Him, saying: "Lord, my life and all life belong to You; my heart and each heart belong to You and are living parts of Your Heart of Love. Teach me, then, to feel myself ever more a part of Your Being, of Your Spirit, of Your Source. Teach me to live and move always within You, expressing You and being Your instrument in this world and beyond."

And after an instant in silence, contemplating the inner world of this soul, the Lord responded:  "To express Me, more than yourself, little soul, you must first do as My Son taught you: enter into your room in silence and pray in secret to My Heart, which hears you in secret. It is there where you strengthen your union with Me. Before demonstrating it to the world, before being an instrument of Mine in the eyes of humankind, first you must not only build, but also consolidate and renew this union with My Heart for the centuries to come.

It is in secret that I reveal to you what I most want from you; it is in secret that I show you My Kingdom within you; it is in secret that I hear your confession and forgive your sins, wash your feet, your face and your hands, and I make you new, every day, so that you may always have a new opportunity to try to come closer to My Spirit, to My Source.

Complete your prayer with a silent and simple, striving and attentive service; always seeking humility. At first, beloved soul of My Heart, do not even try to be an example, because the one who is trying to be an example is looking for the attention of someone to observe them and learn with them. Do not want to teach but to only live; do not want to show but to only be. Know that you are an apprentice and that you are trying each day to be better, and if for My Glory someone watches and learns from you, let your heart not change but remain an eternal apprentice of My Spirit, an eternal servant within My Plan, an eternal seeker of My Ppresence. Thus, you will learn through true contact with Me, and I will be within you, and you will represent Me, perhaps, without even realizing it."

May this dialogue, children, teach you to seek God, to deepen into your contact with Him and to be His instruments in this world, and much beyond it.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To understand and love the Justice of God, child, first you must open your heart to know God Himself -pure Love, Mercy and Compassion - Who with tenderness awaits the return of His children to the Celestial Source.

With your prayer, through your dialogue with the Creator, with meditation upon all the holy words that He has sent throughout the centuries, with the adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, with contemplation of His Sacred Face, with silence, with your own life, know God and deepen your contact with Him.

Seek to know who He is, so that you will then know that His Love exceeds all limits and even hides in justice and in the corrections that His Laws express in universal and planetary life.

Know God, and you will know that His Love, My child, is always present, is upon you through the fixed Eyes of God within your heart. Let this gaze protect you. You too will find the Sacred Face of your Creator and unite with Him through the gaze that finds His and transforms, merges, dissolves into this Divine Presence.

All this is achieved, not only with faith, but also with a constant striving, with an ever more inner, deeper surrender of the more hidden spaces of your consciousness.

Each day surrender more to God and you will know how much He also waits to surrender Himself to your heart.

The Love of God is a mirror that is reflected within you so that you go deeper, so that you learn to love. And the more you open to receive the Love of the Father, the more this Love expands and transforms you.

Ask for the Grace to know Him better, of providing more space for His expression, His Voice, His Life, His Love within you.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Heart of God is fulfilled within the praying souls that, with their simplicity, strive to fulfill His Plan.

The Heart of God is renewed in hope, through the hearts that cry out for the world and that, despite their imperfections and difficulties, aspire to live love and brotherhood.

The Heart of God opens the Source of Mercy for the Earth, in times of Justice, when it finds sincerity in the inner worlds and truth within the clamor of beings.

The power of prayer and of the effort to live a fraternal evolutionary life is still unknown by humanity. But today, I tell you, children, that it is because of these simple things that the world continues to exist, and that the project of life on Earth continues to be a hope for the evolution and growth, for all universal life.

Therefore, when you have no strength to pray or when you are unstimulated to do good and love your brothers as they are, remember the Father who is in the center of the universe, as well as in the center of your hearts, waiting for a response from your beings, however small.

Remember that every effort, however small and imperfect, pleases the Heart of God and renews It. As much as you cannot be and do what you wanted and thought, at least try, every day, because it is the effort that makes you worthy of a new opportunity. 

It is the effort which makes the Mercy continue to be poured upon the world. It is the effort that transforms the life on Earth. Here your efforts help to rescue the souls that are in the most lost and forgotten places of this world.

I know that it is difficult to trust in the invisible, but that is the mystery of the faith for which you are called to live in this time. Experience, within yourself, the certainty that God observes and accompanies you and that whatever you do, in the name of a new life and of a new Earth, renews the hope for all of Creation.

In the Cosmos, far beyond the Earth, there exists entire civilizations,  as many as the infinite stars that you see in the sky at night, waiting for Love to be renewed in the hearts.

Love, children, is not born alone; it emerges from the effort, it sprouts from the sacrifice, it lives through the heart that is willing to have faith and live under the principle of faith every day.

With this I renew you and I thank you for persevering, responding to the call of God.

The day will come when you will see, upon the Tree of Life, the fruits of the Christic Love which today germinates in your hearts.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Little soul of God, 

With love, embrace the sacrifices and the renouncements that the Creator sends to your life. They are equivalent to the immense grace that you live everyday, with the Presence of God, calling you by the name to respond to His call.

Set your heart to surrender every day, and no longer think about the limitations of your body, about the miseries of your mind or about the uneasiness of your heart. Think, child, about the sacrifice of Christ, everyday, so that more each day you may go deeper into the surrender of the Lord, in the price He paid for your redemption and, thus, you may know that everything you live, surrender or renounce, cannot be compared to the sacrifice of He Who lived and died for you.

Have the limitations of your body be an offering of humility for the arrogance of humanity.

Have the miseries of your mind be an offering and a crying out for Mercy to descend to the world and fill the destructive thoughts of men.

Have the uneasiness of your heart be an offering so that the peace and trust in God may fill the inner world of beings and give them back peace.

You were called to be part of the Heart of Christ in this world, in a living, conscious and unconditional way.

The Lord put His eyes on you, not because you are perfect, but because He knows that your soul thirsts for His Presence. Because He is an inexhaustible Fount, He came not only to satiate you but to make you a new fount, so that other souls may drink of the Mercy that breaks out from His Divine Heart.

Between your miseries and the Mercy of Christ, let the Mercy of the Lord win and focus your heart on His call, rather than on your difficulties in fulfilling it.

Just as you are, Christ called you. He only expects you to say "yes" every day.

While humanity sleeps the sleep of ignorance, give thanks to the Father Who healed your blindness. Open up your heart to be a living miracle of the Lord, in this world and in all others. Because today I tell you, My child, that your redemption in this world is only a symbol of a greater redemption, even though it is unknown to your heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never lost His joy and hope.

Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never stopped placing Peace and Love in the hearts of His Own. He taught them how to establish a new life and to draw the Kingdom of God into the world, even if persecutions and shadows came upon them. Christ taught them to never lose the hope and the joy that the Kingdom of God, living within themselves, brought them.

Today, child, God announces a cross, a purification, and an absolute surrender to you; He announces a Passion that stretches beyond the hearts of humankind and reaches the consciousnesses of nations, reaches the most profound core of the peoples and religions.

God announces a difficult cycle to you, unknown, because it is different from everything you have experienced and from everything that humanity and the Divine Creation have experienced throughout their evolution; different from the Passion of Christ, which in reality was a preparation and an announcement of what you will experience in these times as beings, and as humanity.

However, child, God also speaks directly to your heart, so that you do not lose hope, do not lose faith, do not lose joy and the spirit of announcing and proclaiming, until the end of your life, that a new time and a new human being are about to come.

Announce to the world that it is enough to open to Love and not resist the transformation; it is enough to live obedience and not to give way to tiredness and loneliness; it is enough to cry out to God and know how to find Him in everybody and in all life situations, because Love triumphs beyond human fears, Love triumphs beyond your pride and vanities, Love triumphs beyond suffering and lack of hope.

Love makes the Cross a fount of Mercy, it makes sacrifice a surpassing of the Love of God, and makes the surrender of the old human the emergence of the new human being and the new life, that will finally express the likeness to the Heart and the Kingdom of God.

Listen with attention to My words and do not let them go by like the wind, because in their simplicity I give you the keys to overcome all evil and to find God again.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


Child, I know that it is hard and painful to see that the world agonizes because of ignorance, blind to the Light and the Love of God. Think of your Creator Father, with arms extended to all creatures, with the Fount of Mercy streaming out from His Bosom, even though His Children do not want to receive this gift. 

Contemplate the Firstborn Son, reliving His Wounds, again and again, to give beings a new possibility of experiencing and multiplying Love. 
Contemplate the Eyes of compassion of your Lord, which observe the world, waiting for hearts to open to His Grace, to His path of Love. 

Contemplate the Spirit of God blowing like a breeze and touching the faces of beings, waiting for them to open themselves to deeply breathe of this Divine Breath, so that beings may purify and consecrate themselves to the Spirit of God.

See that the whole Universe has its eyes on the Earth and place your heart there. Let your attention be on the Hope of God and not on the ignorance of humankind, because the Earth will tremble and everyone will experience the consequences of human blindness, but those who have their hearts in the Heart of the Father will not lose peace, faith, or the fortitude of their spirits and will be the forerunners of a New Life, establishing peace together with Christ, on His return to the World. 

Do not forget My words and live them, because everything has already begun and hearts are not ready yet for what is already precipitating over the Earth.

Live in God and do not allow the world to close the doors to His Heart. Be a bridge between the Heart of the Father and the heart of humankind, no matter what comes to take place on Earth.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


Breathe the Breath of the Spirit of God and allow Him to transform you within, placing inside of you the first thought that God emanated in thinking of you, to create you as a living part of His Heart.

The Creator is so mysterious, His Plan so unknown, and His Love so incomprehensible, that human errors or the distance which hearts are to be found from His Sacred Heart do not matter. God, child, only expects humanity to repent, to surrender at His Feet and cry out for Mercy because in this way His Love will triumph beyond the darkness, and evil will lose its influence over souls.

The Breath of God approaches all hearts to remove them from ignorance and awaken them to a boundless Forgiveness and a Mercy whose source is eternal and abundant.

Only the one who chooses to be in darkness will remain in it, because the Breath of the Spirit of God comes to ignite the flames of the hearts that went out for not having air, for not having life.

Therefore, today believe in the renewal that comes from God, in this Grace that emanates from His Spirit, because He has the power to clean every stain, to place you at the beginning point, to reveal His perfect Love to you, and to give you everything, even if in life you did not generate merit to receive anything.

Mystery among mysteries is the Love that God invites you to receive, to live, to multiply and to share with the world today.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter and dive into the deepest abysm of the Mercy of Your Lord.

Let yourself be flooded by an unfathomable mystery that is beyond Grace, and often beyond Divine Justice.

Allow your being to discover the Infinite Love of God that is hidden in the depths of His Mercy, and bathed in this healing balm, restore in you and in the world the most painful wounds, and the apparently indelible marks of human consciousness.

Where it is most needed, there is the abyss of the Mercy of Christ, as an inexhaustible Source and a divine answer to all the clamor emitted with the heart.

Come and give your "yes" in the name of humanity, so that this Source may surge and overflow upon the world to heal it and restore it in its most intimate spirit.

Pray and cry out in the name of humanity, asking the Father for His luminous abyss of Mercy to be revealed to the world so that humankind may know not only the God of Justice, but also the God of Mercy.

Discover that every sin can be healed and every debt is justified by the Blood and by the Water that, poured out from the Body of Christ, made the Source of infinite Mercy for the world be born.

Before true repentance and surrender proclaimed with the heart, all souls can become worthy to drink from the Source of Divine Mercy.

Therefore, child, go, and, at the Feet of God, pray for an opportunity and repent from the heart.

If your sins seem small to you or if you are not aware of your debts to God, cry out anyway; ask the Father to replace the dark abyss of your miseries with the deep and luminous abysm of Divine Mercy and never tire of crying out, not only for your salvation, but for the salvation of the whole world.

Mercy is the answer to souls who have lost hope and, if they are ignorant before this Grace, cry out yourself for them so that they receive an opportunity to raise their eyes to God and realize that He has always been there with His Arms open, flowing from His Chest an eternal stream of Mercy, which many cannot see.

Allow your heart to know the Divine Source of Mercy and let your soul awaken the devotion, the love and the faith that make it a bearer of this Mercy for the world.

Love to know Divine Mercy; love to be an intercessor between God and the lost souls that do not know and do not seek His Mercy.

Just think that while you try, while so many souls are lost, the Source of Mercy overflows in the world like a river that passes before someone who is thirsty and cannot see. And you, child, can be the finger that points to the waters and, through your sincere prayers, in the levels of the spirit, obtain merits so that those who are most in need may reach Mercy.

Understand this mystery and, before a world full of sins and perdition, love to be a bearer of Divine Mercy and, even if it is in solitude with God or in your most silent actions, cry out for Mercy and be Mercy for the world.

The Divine Messengers arrive to Poland not only to heal the deep wounds of a suffering nation, but above all, to renew the commitment of humanity with Divine Mercy and to teach souls to be instruments of Divine Mercy for the world.

Embrace with the heart this Mission that God gives you and wherever you are, be a bearer of the Mercy of Christ.

Your Father and Friend,

 The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Deepen yourself in the ocean of Divine Mercy, so that, as you pray, this fountain that descends to the world may flow through your being and transform your entire consciousness first and then the whole world.

Consciously deepen yourself in the existence of Divine Mercy and recognize that you are a miracle of this Divine Power; your awakening is a fruit of its action.

Meditate on what this Sacred Mercy means to you and the entire Creation, poured from the Heart of Christ on the cross, emanated by the power of the forgiveness of His Most Sacred Heart. Meditate on this unfathomable source that does not give humankind what it deserves, that acts beyond Justice and transcends this Law that also comes from God.

Meditate on the Forgiveness of Christ, the one that opened the door to this fountain unknown to the human heart until then. It was by forgiving each of His wounds and all outrages committed towards Him that the Lord raised Himself beyond Divine Justice and gave humankind His Love and His Piety, which together were converted into the Sacred and Divine Mercy.

So many centuries have passed and humanity still ignores this powerful fountain. The hearts still have not learned to be merciful, or to ask for Mercy.

Clamor, child, for mercy for the ignorant and ask for the Grace of being merciful as was the One who is, for you, the Path, the Truth and the Life

Let the Mercy for which you clamor convert you into an imitation of Christ and thus make it worth each drop of His shed blood; make it worth each of His wounds, His Cross and the Love that made Him reemerge after death.

Show the universe that the Plan of the Creator is fulfilled in you and, by the merits achieved by Christ on the Cross, live His Divine Mercy.

The one Who teaches you to be merciful and to clamor for Mercy,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
