Dear children consecrated as Children of Mary,
May the peace, love and goodness of My Most Beloved Son, Jesus, be in you and guide you to the fulfillment of the Holy Will of God.
In these previous days, in which your hearts must prepare once again to be able to profess your vows of consecration to your Heavenly Mother's plans of peace, today I would like to renew the important mission with the Pilgrim Virgins, so that in this time the Graces of the Mother of God, so needed by the souls of the world, may reach those who cry out.
Therefore, dear children, through your House "Our Lady of the Poor," you will prepare a new cycle of the journey of the Pilgrim Virgins. And when there are places where social or conflict situations prevent Their pilgrimage, you will take the pilgrim image to another nation that, in the name of that sister nation that cannot fulfill this mission of the pilgrim image, can assume it so that the Graces may be poured out.
There must be more than one guardian for each Pilgrim Virgin. The pilgrim images must follow a new road map.
Dear children, there can be no pilgrim images without going on a pilgrimage. Therefore, this will be a mission and a commitment of all the consecrated Children of Mary, because in a time of chaos is when souls most need the closeness of the Mother of God.
Therefore, take the Pilgrim Virgins with you and go out to the streets, to the neighborhoods, to the nursing homes, to the hospitals and to any place, because I assure you that you will always find a soul thirsty for the Love of God.
It will be the commitment of the hundreds of already consecrated Children of Mary to bring, on mission, the Presence of Mary to all possible places. I will be attentive to the response of My consecrated Children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in this new mission,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
While the world, and especially some nations, face the evil and chaos of these times, I call upon you to be bearers of My Peace.
While wars provoke fearful profits to those who promote arms and generate inexplicable suffering to the majority of My children, I call upon you to be ambassadors of My Peace.
While impunity blinds many ambitious minds and hearts, and causes pain and anguish to numerous peoples and families, I call upon you to be instruments of My Peace.
While abortion and the discarding of the newborn and the unborn become normal, indifferent and dark habits, I call upon you to be the Light of Christ's Mercy.
While entire regions dry up overnight, and cities and towns are destroyed by the fury of climate change, I call upon you to be ambassadors and protectors of Creation.
While indignation, hunger and misery undermine the gift of human and spiritual dignity, I call upon you to be representatives and guardians of the Values of God on Earth.
While souls face harsh trials and many discover their weaknesses, miseries and illnesses, I call upon you to be bridges of love and healing for this suffering humanity.
While roads, borders and oceans are closed for refugees and exiles, making the world insensitive and indifferent to the suffering of your neighbor, I call upon you to be intercessors of Peace and Mercy; because without instruments in My Hands, your Heavenly Mother will not be able to intercede.
May all voices and hearts unite in a single prayer, saying: "Lord, have Pity and Mercy."
I will always pray for you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Due to the delicate and crucial planetary situation, due to the growing situation of immigrants and refugees, due to the evident reasons of serious situations concerning climate effects, and due to peoples and nations that are in chaos and in spiritual disorder, and for many more reasons that couldn’t be reported in a single Message, the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Maternal Heart of Mary, comes today to announce that:
From the first Friday of January 2023 onward, and through each Friday of 2023, the Most Chaste and Humble Heart of Saint Joseph will deliver His final weekly instructions so that souls may not only feel the closeness of the Chaste Paternal Heart of Saint Joseph, but also the human heart can be prepared to face the end of these times with courage and under the spirit of affiliation with Saint Joseph.
Through the final weekly Message series of Saint Joseph, which will conclude on the last Friday of 2023, the Hierarchy, united to the Supreme Will of the Father, will try to spiritually aid and assist those who need it most.
Thus, this Grace is offered by Saint Joseph himself, granted by the Eternal Father, and every week the souls devoted to Saint Joseph will receive the final Instructions that they will need for this last stage.
In this way, the Legacy of the Divine Messengers will be concluded, through the final Messages of Saint Joseph, as 2023 will indicate the beginning of the cycle's end from the last 15 years of Apparitions.
For this reason, My children, we invite you to avail yourselves of this final impulse so that as many souls as possible may come to God, the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
Dear children,
On this day of Mercy, may your deepest prayers keep being elevated to Heaven so that the world and, above all, the nations that are most oppressed and chastised by war and conflicts may recover peace, because no human being is capable of living without peace, as peace is to be in contact with God and the universe.
My children, on this day of merciful prayer, I call upon you to pray for those places in the world where there is no peace and where chaos reigns, because, as the Queen of Peace, I need, through your prayers, to reach the spaces in this world where hundreds of My children suffer hopelessness and lack of love.
Just as, in this month of August, you will be able to feel the Heart of My Son, I would like many more children to feel My Heart, and your true prayers are the bridge that will allow Me to find My most suffering and desperate children.
For this reason, My beloveds, recognize the Rays of My Grace, the Grace that, being inexhaustible and justifiable before God, has been filling you for more than fifteen years.
It is My wish that My Graces, the Graces granted to My Maternal Heart, may reach all, especially those who have condemned themselves to hell.
I am thankful to you in advance for the bravery and effort that you might dedicate to Me through the prayer of the heart, because prayer must permeate the world.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children, may the Peace of My Son be within you.
When the Divinity recovers the spiritual spaces that up until now had been subjected by the enemy, and especially when the Plan of God recovers innocent souls, that had once been subjected to suffering, hopelessness and material perdition, this means and represents a visible victory of the Redeeming Love of Christ over all darkness, it means that His servers of the final times, that is, His apostles, will surrender in the face of any condition so as to give their lives and their service for those who suffer and are most vulnerable.
Inevitably, the triumph and conquest of these spaces, through Love, represent a challenge in the face of those conditions of adversity and chaos. This is why the servers of Christ offer to be instruments of the Lord regardless of the consequences and without measuring the possible risks.
This is not an expression of fantasy or an act of fanaticism, rather it is an action moved and conferred by the Holy Spirit which, in its inalterable aspect and through committed servers, can bestow Graces, miracles and solutions that had once seemed impossible.
I speak of this in the example of the Angola Mission which today in its first stage reaches the end of a cycle, and from today onward reaches a new stage, which is entirely free from spiritual, moral and inner knots. A new stage that promises more rapid and efficient concretions for a region of the planet such as Africa, conditioned and buried by the lack of social and political transparency, and interfered with by the interminable vice of corruption.
This is where My Son is entering, through His Spiritual Consciousness, because it is in these spaces, seemingly lost and lacking a material solution, where all will start from scratch, where the poorest souls among the poor will see light, love and faith be reborn in their marginalized lives.
For this reason, all spiritual movement has a material repercussion that is a part of those anonymous sacrifices that may be offered to Christ for the triumph of His Love and His Mercy in Humanity.
This is why I am deeply grateful for all that which in such a short time was built in Africa, because it is something indelible that will remain in the Heart of God, and nothing will ever be able to dissolve it, because it was an action of Love that healed the pain.
I thank you for this humanitarian mission and for having responded to the call of My Son!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
In spite of the conflicts and wars throughout the world, which divide and disturb families, My Center of Light of Medjugorje today lights up to internally transmit to you My Message of Peace.
I Am the Queen of Peace and I want all My children in the Kingdom of God so that the world may no longer keep losing the innocence and the light that God once deposited in each human heart.
For this reason, Medjugorje gleams in light and hope today, because I wish to deter the chaos and vengeance that many hearts are experiencing in these times, forgetting that all are brothers and sisters, children of the same Father.
For this reason, He sends Me once again as His Messenger of Peace, to tell the world that, if the war does not end, something worse will be unleashed.
To prevent more innocent blood from being shed in the world, at this moment, I count on the fervent prayers of all My children. This prevents the wrath of the Angel of God from precipitating upon the world, and humanity from losing its state of being rescuable.
For this reason, this is the great moment for all in which, despite the tests or the difficulties, My children must hold on to My Mantle and take Me by the hand so that I, as the Mother of all, may keep guiding and leading you toward My Beloved Son.
From Medjugorje, may hearts today feel the peace that brings them hope and faith, which everyone needs at this moment.
Remember that I Am here and that I Am your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Sacred Protective Mantle of My Son, at this moment, heal and protect all those who continue to go through this pandemic.
My consolation and love of a Mother are within each heart that, at this moment, experiences disease and suffering.
This is why I ask, in a special way, that the Sacred Mantle of Christ may heal and relieve those who need spiritual and physical help, because souls must come out strengthened after this experience with the pandemic.
My Heart and My Life pray for you at every moment, asking and begging the Father to send His healing angels so that they may be by the side of the sick people and so that, through the angelic help, souls may have enough strength to go through this new school that all of humanity, since two years ago, has been facing.
As a Mother, I also pray for other causes that aggravate the situation of the planet and humanity. I pray for all the movement that nature fiercely carries out so that, in the inner planes, order and peace may be established, for climate change to no longer be the reason or cause for thousands of this who are displaced and underprivileged.
I also beg God for the most vulnerable and I ask for the Blessed Protective Mantle of Christ to protect and safeguard those who violently experience the end of times.
This moment, dear children, leads everyone to consider and think of others, not as a problem, but rather as the need to bring them love, support and, not only spiritual, but also material refuge.
When a fraternal consciousness really exists in this humanity, I assure you that many situations will be solved, meanwhile, the most vulnerable are subjected by those who take advantage of the chaos and disseminate it throughout the world.
Let us pray with greater fervor. May God hear the prayers of all His children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Unexpectedly, I meet you in Germany, after you visited Me recently in Medjugorje. The Mother of God returns your visit at a crucial moment for humanity, in which misinformation, chaos and fear overwhelm millions of My children.
For this reason, I come from Heaven, not only for a Germany that I love with all My Heart and for which I pray, so that it recovers the Purpose of God, but I also come for all of Europe and all of Asia, for the souls subjected and persecuted in war and by the conflicts invented by humankind of the surface.
I want to tell all My children that I am the Queen of Peace, that you seek My Heart, because My Heart is for you.
Germany, throughout the last years, has been a host country for the most helpless, but this is not enough, My children, it is necessary that the other nations of Europe and the world be host countries so that everyone may live as a more inclusive, fraternal and charitable humanity.
I pray every day that the most hardened hearts may be opened so that they may feel the most helpless and poor, just as your Heavenly Mother feels for them.
If this step of fraternity is taken by the great nations of the world, humanity will not experience more pandemics, it will no longer know pain.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
May the deep and immutable Peace of Jesus be within your hearts.
I know that this time is most difficult for all My children, it is the time of pain and suffering.
I call you to penetrate into the mystery of the Love of My Son in this Holy Week.
I ask you, in this coming week, to offer everything as something sacred, your acts, your thoughts and your feelings, as well as small works of Mercy so that My Son has the authority to intercede for everyone, in the face of world chaos.
Each gesture that becomes sacred, no matter how concrete it may seem, sanctifies life and makes it closer to the Kingdom of God.
I implore for My children so that, in this Holy Week, by the power of the Blood of Christ, many more situations that seem irreversible may be alleviated and contemplated by Divine Grace.
My children, I ardently desire that each one of you collect the codes of the victory of Jesus, those codes of fortitude and faith that will make your lives mirrors that will reflect the Will of the Father.
In this harsh desert that humanity is going through, I call you to seek peace within yourselves and not to expect external results.
Know that, day and night, I am in prayer with you and for you.
Christ entrusted your lives to me at the foot of the Cross, and today, I am here again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Peace of Jesus be in your lives.
Once again, I find Myself with you, to tell you that, while chaos advances upon humanity, My enemy tries to destroy the plans that I have prepared for the inner worlds of some of My children.
He tries to infiltrate himself, in order to generate a lack of self-esteem in the hearts that make the correct effort to fulfill the designs of My Son.
However, when souls begin to pray, the plans that My adversary has are dissolved because the power of the word is unknown, even in the spiritual plane.
Therefore, dear children, at this world moment, while uncertainty and lack of peace strike millions of My children, I ask you to keep sustaining yourselves through the most pure and true prayer, because it will always guide you, even in situations of adversity.
In this way, I will be able to step upon the head of the cunning serpent, and it will not attack with its poison nor will it tempt My children in unimaginable ways.
Be firm and do not allow the clashes of these times to destroy your inner dwelling.
I am here and I will always be your Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Although Your Heavenly Mother is not present among you, I count on your unconditional collaboration and support.
This is now the end of times, it is the moment in which the preparation will come to light within your consciousnesses, and you will realize at which point of the preparation you are in order to be able to face the chaos of humanity.
Therefore, from the beginning of Our Messages, We asked you to again study and interiorize our words, because you will need them to know how to go through the end of these times with intelligence and not with fear.
When we speak of an end, it does not mean that everything will end, but rather that each one of you and your brothers and sisters will have the great opportunity to reflect on what you have been doing, which will make you see your personal reality and the world reality. You will truly know how you have caused the planet to be, in its spiritual, mental and physical aspects.
Therefore, My children, becoming aware of this reality demands inner preparation and training, an adequate use of the tools and spiritual exercises that throughout the last years we have taught you.
This will leave you at the height of the coming events, and you will be freeing yourselves from the condemnatory ignorance that blinds souls, day by day, and hypnotizes them in indifference.
Dear children, may your preparation now begin to emerge from your consciousnesses.
Now the moment has come to recognize the mission of each one of you. The moment has come to fulfill it and not to step back because there will not be another moment for long waits.
The cycle is now and it will never repeat itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Peace of Christ be with you.
At this time, seek to strengthen your union with My Son, thus, allowing the Immaterial Laws to come into your lives, and your consciousnesses to be withdrawn from the current of chaos and attacks.
At this time, My children, you must carry forward truth and sincerity with My Son so that He may make of you souls of charity, mercy and goodness.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary daily, because in the prayer of the Rosary, you will find the ladder of Light that will elevate you and remove you from any danger.
From Heaven, I have been accompanying the moment that the planet continues to go through. The more works of good and peace that are carried out, the greater will be the Graces that humanity will receive, even if it does not deserve them.
Children, use discernment, use the word correctly, may nothing be wasted.
Be people of love and kindness.
Live the message of My Son and thus the world will be safe by the presence of the holiness of souls.
Recognize My Son in your fellow beings.
Awaken your virtues and talents.
Be ambassadors of peace and no longer live hatred, revenge or discord.
Be more merciful, and Divine Mercy will reach the world.
I give you My maternal blessing so that you do not become discouraged.
If you are in Christ, in Christ you will achieve your redemption and conversion. Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
While the spiritual practice of the powerful novena of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continues on, I invite you to reinforce your commitment every day with the Holy Rosary.
Do not forget that the Rosary is the weapon of defense of each of My children and, above all, in this time of definition.
At the same time, the powerful novena continues to work in the consciousness of the planet, and the souls that were restored are now in a safe place, in which nothing dangerous can happen to them.
The powerful novena is also reaching other spaces in humanity, where suffering, poverty and illness are creating a lot of instability and chaos.
Saint Raphael the Archangel goes to meet those souls that are not prisoners of the pandemic, but are punished by the culture of discarding and of loneliness.
So it is, that the prayers embrace and take in other situations of the planet that are also in need of healing, of love and of redemption.
I ask you not to give up and that your prayers continue to touch the Heart of God so that He may have Pity and Mercy for this suffering planet in agony.
May the healing Light of the Saint Raphael the Archangel continue to descend upon the planet so that hearts may awaken to the call to change and to forgiveness.
I once again thank all those who pray for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
On this day, while the novena to the Saint Raphael the Archangel is again taking place, I invite you to maintain your fervor, devotion and faith in the Heavens so that the planetary situation may receive the intervention of the Universe at this moment of humanity.
Meanwhile, Saint Raphael the Archangel is leading an important angelic operation for the purpose of capturing the streams of chaos that make use of suffering and the uncertainty of humanity, so that those streams may be evacuated from the planet through the angelic armies of Saint Raphael Archangel.
This whole operation will help to decompress and alleviate the planetary psychic plane, but will also extract millions of souls that are prisoners of these dissociative currents.
The powerful novena offered to Saint Raphael the Archangel acts in spaces of the planet that the human being cannot reach, but the faith and devotion, of those who fervently pray, allow that, at this critical time of the planet, a state of Grace and of spiritual atonement may be granted through the work and action of Divine Mercy.
Let us continue to pray with the spiritual conviction that all the pleas are heard by the Eternal Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With My golden and confederate Star of Light, for the world and for humanity, I radiate all the help that you need and, at this moment, I ask the angels of transmutation and of healing that they be present to battle with everything that causes the life of humanity to collapse.
With My confederate Star of Light, I expel all the contrary currents that feed from the uncertainty and the chaos that is being experienced at this moment on the surface of the Earth.
I invoke and I ask the warrior angels, with their swords, to dissolve all the ties and the chains of darkness that carry many souls into hell.
I plead with the Eternal Father that the angelic armies of adoration and of praise send inner and divine strength to all Guardian Angels that untiringly battle to maintain the protection of those entrusted to them.
I unite My confederate Star of Light with the four cardinal points of the Earth so that the angels of the north, the south, the east and the west present themselves to the Heavenly Mother and liberate the planet from the currents of evil that oppress the life of those who endure and suffer the plague of this time.
With My confederate Star of Light, I attract the gift of the Wisdom of God to inner worlds so that, at this moment, souls live obedience and do not forget about it, because obedience will keep them protected from themselves.
Holding the rosary in My hands, I thank all those who respond to My call to pray the Holy Rosary, because it is Our main weapon of defense.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The Cross and the Sword
It is in this time that there are children of Mine who fight with the cross and others that fight with swords.
There are children that carry the cross of the world, while other children fight with their swords, generating world chaos.
Those children who fight with swords will receive the blow of the swords. Those who fight with the Cross, with intelligence, will receive the Grace of Peace.
Evil tries to awaken within the hearts of the innocent ones and lead them into the rebellion and protests of these times.
There is indignation in all that there is to see and experience in the nations of the world, but My Son has told you once that the one who fights by the sword will be wounded by the sword.
There must not be opposition or confrontation in these times. My enemy wants to generate the most severe and saddest war in the heart of humanity, but you must have the prayer of the heart as a defense weapon so that the light of Grace may descend upon all events.
This is the time in which everyone will be able to build their own strength based upon the values of faith, solidarity and good; of ones own contact with the Divine Laws, beyond the laws that human beings impose, which are not clean laws.
I call you to fight by means of the Cross of My Son, so that His Blood that was shed may have the value and the power that everyone should give to it. A Blood that was shed to justify your errors, the errors of all generations, all cultures, all religions, the errors of all times.
If you value the powerful Cross of Christ, the human consciousness will allow for its expansion and will, someday, recognize that the way out is not in the fight, the way out to find true justice, because the justice of the Earth is also corrupt due to the lack of transparency and compassion.
There is no other way than the one that My Son has taught you, even while seeing, day by day, the conflicts of the nations and the events that are created, always by the same ones, in order to disrupt the planetary psyche and the emotional plane of the people.
This is the time for each one to live the Cross, the Cross of spiritual and material freedom that Christ attained for each one of His companions and for each one of His enemies.
Receive this Cross instead of the swords so that the essence of peace and love may build, among beings, that which up to now was inwardly destroyed, due to the absence of compassion, understanding and consideration.
The Cross will no longer be heavy for you. The Cross of Christ will bring you the Light of truth and the meeting with universal Peace, a Peace that will awaken confidence in you and, above all, awaken wisdom for you to be able to act according to the principles of Christic Love, a Love that in this time will protect and conduct you to the Promised Land.
I thank you for responding to My call, to the call for praying for Peace in the Nations.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today I am grateful for the start of the weekly Rosary for all of South America, but I also remind you of the commitment that each consecrated child of Mary, as well as each member of the Light-Network, has made for this important prayer.
Because prayer will be the spiritual and inner support of the nations, since now is the time of tribulation for everybody. Through this warm and loving prayer, the nations, but especially the peoples, will be in greater harmony and balance.
It would be a joy for Your Heavenly Mother to be able to hear My children of the different nations in each one of the mysteries, those who may be able to represent their nation, their culture and their people in each mystery. May the Celestial Father hear the voice of His different extended tribes throughout South America.
In this inner union, dear children, which you will be able to build among the nations of the Southern Cone, you will allow the streams of chaos and of conflict to dissolve from the minds and the hearts that are greatly influenced to live in opposition and in fight.
May this weekly prayer that begins today experience its expansion, its moment of surrender and of love for My dear people of South America.
I encourage you to be creative for this meeting of prayer; I call upon you to call the Children of Mary, because they committed to be My armies of Light.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Before all adversity and chaos of these times, may My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that, in the face of the definitive events in the nations and in the human race, the conviction and faith of being in Christ may not be lost.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that the times of planetary darkness may be filled by the Love that transcends and forgives everything.
May My Rose of Light and Peace ignite within you so that all the praying beings, united, may avoid, with their supplications, more catastrophes and human traumas.
May the power of My Rose of Light and of Peace allow for the salvation and the redemption of the hearts that, out of ignorance, have closed the door to God.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that these times, of definition and judgment, may be illuminated by compassion and not decreed by the chastisement that the men and women of the Earth are generating for themselves.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you, My children, so that repentance may awaken, and in this way the souls of the Earth may learn to mend the offended Heart of God.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace, dear children, bring to the world the recovery of its original purity so that, in this way, hearts may awaken to the feeling of having more charity for the Kingdoms of Nature and more love for those who suffer, day by day.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace help you to correct human deviations and, based on true penance, may the nations of the world recognize that they have moved away from God, so that divine assistance may not be lacking for them.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that, from the youngest to the eldest, you may receive the Grace of redemption and the most innocent may be no longer be exploited nor commercialized, as are the harmless animals of nature.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace lead the whole world to be prostrated before the Love of God and to acknowledge all the disobedience that His children live daily. A disobedience that separates them, more and more, from God to where His divine Grace cannot touch them.
Therefore, may the Rose of My Light and of My Peace make you perceive the emergency of these times so that each server of Christ may be positioned on the path that corresponds to them and consciously prepare the Advent of Christ.
May the Rose of My Light and of My Peace make you truly humble so that you may listen to God within, feel His Divine Heart and be at the service of His Kingdom.
May My Rose of Light and of Peace convert you into ambassadors of Christ on Earth.
I thank you for igniting, within you, My Rose of Light and of Peace!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children:
In times of definition, I am with you.
In times of pain, I am with you.
In times when you decide to take steps toward My Son, I am with you.
In moments in which you are confused, I am with you.
In moments of great decisions, I am with you.
In moments of great or small happiness, I am with you.
I am always with you, children, by your side, embracing your souls, silent, close by, very close by, there am I.
Argentina of My Heart,
My Heart of Mother and My Sidereal Consciousness have filled with joy upon being able to contemplate the trust and the love that you have given to My Son, the Redeemer.
None of you can imagine what this has meant for the Eternal Father, the openness that the consciousnesses of this nation have shown, and how this openness could reverse your destiny forever.
In these last few days, in which you have congregated here and in different places of this nation, to pray and plead for the Argentine family, you have opened a direct path toward the Heart of God.
In these last days, My Son told you that all Argentines would have the spiritual opportunity to face God in order to express their feelings and their intention, in order to be heard by the Creator and reconcile with Him.
I want you to know that because of the braveness and the humility of those who bowed down on their knees before God, to plead for the fundamental values of the human family, the Eternal Father will pour out His Mercy and His Grace through His Son, Christ Jesus, and new opportunities of peace, of understanding and of love will be established in the nucleus of the consciousness of the families of this nation, attributes that will descend directly from the Heart of God.
Beloved children, with prayer, defend the integrity of your families in silence and in peace; in this way you will be able to deactivate the plans of My adversary which, through deceit and the confusion of feelings and ideas, intends to destroy this safe space in the consciousness of humanity, this school of love and of forgiveness that family represents.
Do not raise your voice or express your indignation, simply pray in peace together with Me and everything will dissolve on the spiritual planes where chaos and evil organize their sinister plans against humanity.
Pray with Me, here in Argentina and all over the planet today, on this day and within all the days to come, for love, for protection, for peace, for understanding within all the families of humanity.
I wait for all of you once a week in the Prayer for Peace in the Nations to pray for the families of all societies, all peoples, all beliefs and of all religions.
Together we will place the universal family in the Heart of God, there where nobody will be able to destroy it.
Today, I bless you, I fill you with My Love and My Peace.
Thank you, Argentina, for having responded to the call of the Divine Messengers.
I love you,
Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Mother of Humanity
Dear children,
Just as the Light of God eradicates pain and suffering from the past of the nations of the world, in the same way, My Immaculate Heart prevents disaster and chaos from being installed in humanity.
For this reason, I come to the world and descend from Heaven as spokeswoman and Messenger of God to call His children to the moment of awakening of the consciousness and to the importance of the moment of protecting and taking care of the planet.
Dear children, today your Heavenly Mother accompanies the task of Her Son with love and devotion, so that the fruits of conversion and of spiritual healing may be established in those spaces of humanity where peace, good and charity have been absent.
Through the unfathomable Divine Mercy, God grants the world a time of repentance and of penance so that the change of consciousness may be truthful and not temporary. May this change remove the nations from their places so that the well-being, which certain nations experience, may be equally shared with the nations that are exploited and subdued to the world system created by humankind.
Therefore, children, your Heavenly Mother arrives in places where such awakening will enable the change in all of humanity. Thus, indifference will be dissolved from human consciousness and everyone will be able to live in fraternity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more