Dear children,
While the silent and imperceptible Light of Aurora prepares itself to spiritually and internally accompany the impulses that Christ will give in the upcoming Sacred Week, I also invite you to prepare yourselves internally so that, at the close of the task of the Sacred Hearts, your consciences may make a synthesis of the impulses that you have received in recent times.
As a Mother, who accompanies you and listens to you, I would like My children to show themselves mature and responsible after all the Instructions that have been received so that, in the next cycle, the Plan of Rescue of Christ may be fulfilled as foreseen by the Creator.
The disciples of Christ must position and prepare themselves, through all that has been learned, so that the Hierarchy may continue to delineate and build that which is in the Divine Plan as contemplated.
Meanwhile, dear children, may the light of prayer guide you and show you the way forward.
I am with you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear and beloved children,
May you, on this evening, filled with the unfathomable Mercy of My Beloved Son, receive once again the invisible Source of healing, peace and love that is reflected in this blessed place.
Today, on behalf of many more children, you have approached the Inner Aurora to ask for healing and redemption for the planet.
Dear children, know that when two or more hearts unite in supplicant and selfless prayer for a just cause, the Father will hear you and send you His most precious blessings.
Today, from the heart of this humble place of peace for Uruguay and for the world, your Heavenly Mother calls you, as in Lourdes, to wash and purify your consciousness in the Healing Source of Aurora, a Source that you will find within yourselves each time you enter into prayer and inner communion with Aurora.
On this evening, may all those who within themselves, for whatever reason, seek to find an answer or an inner light on their paths, receive it through the offer of those who said yes and summoned themselves to be present in the heart of the Inner Aurora.
For all this and with Motherly Love, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the New Aurora
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thus, the time will come in the future when souls will not know what pain or anguish is. The time will come when Mine will know the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth, for I will bring it in My Return.
In this way, the feet will no longer be tired of seeking the path to find the Purpose because those divested of themselves will find the Purpose, for they will have fulfilled the Will of My Father, which is also My Will, and must also be your Will.
Meanwhile, in this arid planetary scenario, I call you to conviction and faith, to this such great and immovable faith that your own Master and Lord lived during His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, where, facing all errors and horrors of the world, your Master did not step back but rather advanced, even while feeling the weight of the sins and faults committed since Adam and Even up to the end of times in His own Flesh.
And I Am here today, companions, to testify to you that it is possible because in the apparent emptiness or in the arid desert lies God through His solemn silence to impel you into the constant transformation of the consciousness, of habits and even pleasures because nothing will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens that is not of God and His Will; the path seems to become narrower to some, or they still cannot find the way out.
Behold the Heart of the Master, which exposes Itself before you today, that Heart which was pierced on the Cross to consummate the liberation from the sins of the world, to dispel all darkness.
Thus, your human heart can also live and share this with Me, because My rod will not punish or condemn you. My Law, which is the Law of God, comes to show you the way that a great part of humanity is losing by replacing God.
I wish you to be free, just as My apostles were free, even at the most culminating moment of their fears, when they were not able to accompany the Lord on Calvary and to the death on the Cross.
I come to make you fishermen of souls and hearts, just as My apostles, servants of peace and good, who seek to start again every day, whatever it takes, because the victory of your walk or the triumph of your transformation is not on Earth but rather in Heaven, when the time to depart from this world to the sublime spheres comes to you, with the certainty of having lived an experience of love, forgiveness and redemption beyond your own human condition.
Be free of yourselves so that the world may be liberated from oppression and evil, so that those who cry out may receive Grace and Mercy, Pity and Redemption.
How many, indeed how many, wait for this day and night! Because My promise is not only for you but rather for the whole world, for all religions and peoples, for all nations.
When the most culminating moment approaches, know that it will be the hour of My arrival and My Return. Some will recognize Me and others will not. Be vigilant and in adoration to be able to hear the steps of the Lord's Return to humanity.
I have taught you the way, just as I did to My apostles in the past. I do not come to give you or deliver to you something new. I come to teach you the Truth that you can live and practice in the solemnity of the heart, life and spirit, because the Truth will set you free from yourselves and liberate the world from so many errors and maleficences.
On this third day, I have come to pray with you for those who live the death penalty and decapitation. How much anguish My Heart experiences for all this!
For this reason, the life that you can give Me and the offering that you can make to Me is what impels Me to return to the world and be here today, stepping with My Feet on this sacred ground of Aurora, which has always been a witness of the touch of God's Hand upon you, your brothers and sisters of all this Work, and all those who with faith listen to the Sacred Hearts.
It is time to work in the end of these times, it is time for each one to definitively offer their gift and virtue to God, for I come to fulfill what I have promised, I come to seek the talents that must not be wasted or lost.
What talent will you offer Me? What virtue will you give Me? What gift will you truly practice in your lives?
This is what will create the conditions for the Return of your Master and Lord to the world. Before the doors of the Heavens, I expect and wait for the response of each one, but mainly the inner response.
I want My silence to lead you to reflection and understanding so that, in the face of the superficiality of this world, you may learn how to make good decisions for your lives and for the path of the spirit, the first path that must be manifested in this time.
Do you know what your spirit is like, what dimension it encompasses, or even what part of God this spirit comes from? Because just as His Son is a part of the Spirit of the Father, the Father is also a part of the Spirit of His Divine Son.
It is in the spirit that you must learn to work so that this world may really be helped and relieved by the bearers of peace, by those who claim to practice good every day.
The spirit is what is most wonderful that God has granted to us in this Creation. Allow your spirits to present themselves and work in this time. Make room for this, open the door for your souls so that the human temperament may no longer govern or rule you, as it happens to many, because the spirit in each being must only aspire to elevate itself to God and be in communion with Higher Laws so that, through your spirits, you may be mirrors of the Creator Father on Earth, just as the holy angels are mirrors of God in this universe and in other universes.
Abandon the prison of your bodies. Today I give you a key so that the door of this prison may be opened and you may be liberated. However, will and determination, faith and courage are needed so that the moorings may be dissolved, so that the chains of your feet may be broken.
The world will spiritually resurrect with decided souls and hearts and not lukewarm ones, with those who learn how to stand My Fire, My Fire of transforming and redeeming Love, that Fire that the apostles themselves felt in the past, at each moment they shared with Me, just as you have been so many times before My Fire. Have you noticed it? Have you recognized it? Have you adopted it?
There lies the power to transform and elevate everything; although it may seem impossible, do not give up, neither you nor your brothers and sisters, because the goal is very close, closer than you imagine.
But you must amend the errors of the world and all the outrages that humanity commits in these present times so that the power of My Divine Mercy may work more than Justice.
My Hand is now separating the wheat from the chaff, the good herb from the bad herb. This is part of the Law and is part of this time, the end time.
Sow good things, seeds of love and charity, actions of good and peace.
Thus, I come to make a final synthesis on this third day.
What is the teaching you will take from these three days shared with Me?
What did I try to tell you at each moment?
Be awake, in My Words and in each meeting lies the impulse for the next step. Make good use and avail yourselves of it, do not miss the opportunity. With love, embrace My Message and above all, My Heart, which is yours. Thus, I hope that your hearts will be Mine. This is what I patiently hope for.
May the advent of the ambassadors of peace be fulfilled.
The world is in an emergency. The soldiers are being called to the lines of Christ, and I will be with those who want to be with Me. Just as today I Am with you in this beloved place of your Eternal Father.
I thank you for accompanying Me and for being here just as you are, without hiding, because I will make the Kingdom of the Heavens from the poor of heart. I want to make the Kingdom of the Heavens from your hearts, do not forget it.
May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The one who lives Me will fear nothing. The one who feels Me will not perish because the Grace that I transmit and share with Mine is incalculable, it is the eternal Grace of God, which always descends and touches you so that, at each step, you may learn to fulfill His Will.
The stars of Aurora welcome Me tonight, just as your hearts do, open to the unfathomable Presence of the Lord Who, immutable and withdrawn, is here to announce the Word of the Heavens, to pour understanding and wisdom, compassion and peace upon souls.
Thus, on this first day, I open again the doors of Aurora so that you and your brothers and sisters of the world may be before the portal of Inner Healing, which humanity and the planet need so much in this time of inner adversity and conflicts.
But today I invite you, once again, to place your consciousnesses in the Heights, in the higher feelings and thoughts that eternally emanate from the Source and nourish souls with light, faith and hope.
This is where I need you at this moment and nowhere else so that, together with Me, we may rebuild the spiritual plan of this humanity and planet, which are corroding themselves in their darkness and battle.
However, I come here as this Sun of Aurora, which never fades, which never hides and which is latent before the heart that opens like a flower to receive the rays of Love and Forgiveness from the Heart of your Master.
Behold the Sun that illuminates the night of the world's darkness.
Behold the Sun of hope that is latent and alive within the heart that adores and recognizes it within itself.
Now that you have grown, it is time to walk in the apostolate and service.
I affirm Myself in those who live Me. I Am pleased in those who seek Me. I find relief in those who are with Me and do not doubt, because it is God Who, with His own Hand, writes the destiny and the end.
Happy will be those who persist. Graced will be those who open to this moment and this cycle. Because if in this cycle many things happen, even painful and incomprehensible things, could it be that God has allowed them? Yes!
The spirit of truth must be forged in Mine, and also the spirit of faith, which, immovable sustains the banner of Christ on Earth to illuminate, with My Christic Code, the world and those who cry out for help.
My Words are written within the hearts that accept them, My Light is infused within the hearts that open, because there is a Plan to be fulfilled and carried out here. And this will be so because it is the Will of My Father.
In the dark night, may souls concentrate on the Light that comes from God and His Source to learn to sustain themselves in Me and for Me until the end.
Today, Aurora shines through its new steps, which are inner and profound. I would like you to open to this because it is a special Grace that I place upon those who say yes to Me.
Aurora is a Mirror that cannot stop radiating and sharing its Grace. This has been and will always be the place chosen by the Eternal Father, because in its mystery, Aurora reveals itself to the pure of heart and the true of spirit.
Aurora is for humanity and the planet, it is for those who learn to endure its Fire, its Fire of Love. If you have this in mind, you will come to know even more about Aurora, much more than you believe you have known up to now, because in truth the essence of Aurora has not yet been revealed by the Archangel Raphael.
But the time will come for this to happen, and thus the Sun of Aurora will dispel the dark night of the planet so that the self-summoned may see the Return of Christ come on the horizon.
Those who are here today and those who are not here today were marked by My Hand. This is indelible, regardless of any consequence or situation. Remember that it is My Heart that has accepted each one of you, rather than just My Words. Because in My Heart only Love lives, rather than Justice, the Love that leads you to the light of the Truth and to the essence of Peace.
Many of you and your brothers and sisters have been baptized by My Spirit and anointed by My Light time and again. Value and honor all this in the end of times, because nothing is in vain for your Lord. And may those who stay not lose hope or have their faith placated.
It was already announced that the world, and also humanity, would live this. Everything was written in the Sacred Book of God so that, in this time, you, who were called to live and experience this, may be strong in love and brotherhood, in good and charity. Thus, you will always live My simplicity and My silence.
Tonight, may the Sun of the Lord, which illuminates and makes everything resplendent, make you feel the spiritual brilliance of Aurora, as the Center of an unknown Will.
May this Marathon represent one step toward maturity and absolute trust in the Creator so that more souls in the world may be rescued and helped by Me.
In this Marathon, may your prayers rise, not in repeated words, but may the fire of your prayers rise like the incense at the Altar to offer itself to Our Creator in atonement for the sins of the world and the conflicts of war, so that those unprotected may be sheltered, so that the children may be protected, so that nations may not lose peace and the angels of nations may work, just as it is written in the Heart of the Father.
In this Marathon of prayer, allow your guardian angels to work as never before. Unite to them in prayer so that peace may help you and your brothers and sisters to face the unknown dark night that precedes the Return of Christ, your Master and Lord.
Under the Light that comes from the eternal Love of Aurora, which redeems, liberates and transmutes all human condition, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
In this dark night of the planet, do not fear to go through your own purification, but be attentive and patient to know that each moment is to be transcended and overcome through the strength of the Love that Jesus, My Son, gives you.
Surrender yourselves definitively at the Feet of the Lord and no longer resist. Allow Him, finally, to make you His instruments of peace and good for the world.
No one will be able to reach the Father except through the Kind Heart of Christ, in Him is the answer, in Him is relief. In Christ, My Son, you will find peace again.
On this day, I have the joy of returning to My beloved and eternal Aurora, but I can return through those who today, in simplicity, open the door of their hearts to Me so that the Mother of Aurora may also have a place where She can always return to.
Today, in particular, I would like all those who have ever stepped upon the sacred ground of Aurora to know about the special stage that it is going through, through all its servants and members on the surface.
Therefore, I remind all My children that, from Aurora and through Aurora, many of you received the Grace of redemption and of peace. I would not want you to forget this.
Aurora is preparing for a new stage, thought and meditated upon by the Heart of God. I would like My children to be attentive and receptive so that they do not miss the signs that Aurora, as a Center of Love, will give to them.
Aurora is silent donation. Aurora is the Kingdom that withdraws itself and then expands through its inner Light.
Aurora is the support of those who always say yes to it and do not forget it, because Aurora will never claim what it has given. Aurora is the sacrifice of the heart that loves it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today we are on the eve of an important event, an event that once changed the facts of the history of the Divine Hierarchy with humanity.
On an August 18, 2011, your Most Holy Mother appeared again upon the sacred ground of Aurora, to ask that My Message and My call be made public.
It was then that the events that the Hierarchy was foreseeing began to change; because through Aurora and the date of August 8, 2007, the Divine Mother left you and humanity the open door of redemption, which the majority accepted, but few went through.
For this reason, the Sacred Hearts expanded Their mission and task with souls, so that, by means of regular instructions, souls could gradually understand, by themselves, that it was necessary to live this impulse, rather than just receive it.
Seventeen years ago your Divine Mother stepped, with Her Feet, upon the sacred ground of Aurora. Today I come to tell most of My children that you are still in time for being able to go through the safe door of redemption, so that humanity may also be redeemed someday.
Going through the door of redemption means that you dissolve from yourselves all personal will, power, or authority, so that, by the Grace of redemption, the life of My children may be ruled by the Power, impersonal Authority and the Will of the Most High Eternal Father, just as your Heavenly Mother was and is ruled by the Celestial Powers.
When the soul, for some reason, receives the impulse of the Divinity, but has its life aspects still not transformed, the soul enters into crisis, because it is subject to the play of its free will and personal will, which generates unnecessary suffering.
For this reason, on the eve of the celebration of the first day of the announcement of the Work of the Divine Messengers on a world scale, your Holy Mother reminds you and explains the reason for the revelation which was received in My beloved Aurora many years ago.
In this way, you will be able to understand that the Universal Hierarchy gives impulses and instructions so that souls may take their steps and not just remember a Message.
For this reason, August, this August of 2024, not only represents a previous cycle that has ended for everyone, but also represents the beginning of a cycle of spiritual and moral rebirth for souls that at some point professed their faith, trust, and confirmation before the Divine Hierarchy.
As always, I will be praying for this moment and for each one of My children, called upon to begin to walk with their own feet. It is now the time.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the spiritual and inner cycles
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come with the announcement of a night illuminated by the stars, but also by the Sun. I come as the Universal Aurora to fulfill what I have promised to My children of the Earth: to awaken the Creatures of God in the end time.
All possible signs are being delivered. The Spiritual Hierarchy works in this, this means a planetary, but also a cosmic movement.
The very elements of the universe, the strength and the union of the planets and the stars, foretell the time of the coming of My Son. Just as it has been said to all, there will be signs in Heaven, there will be signs on the Moon, there will be signs on the Sun, there will be signs within you.
And it is time for this to be fulfilled, dear children, because the Heavenly Father allowed it in view of the sensitive and grave planetary moment. The Heavenly Father wants to save His favorite Project, humanity.
Therefore, the wise and gifted Hierarchies work tirelessly to accomplish this end and this purpose. That is why today I present Myself to the world as the Universal Aurora, as the Sacred Feminine Energy that leads Her children to God, guarding them all in Her Immaculate Heart so that souls may stop suffering and enduring.
Beloved children, in spite of the signs of the universe, at the end of these times, which foretell the arrival and Return of Christ, I know that for many of My children it is still difficult to understand and accept that painful and even inexplicable experiences are lived, that souls live these experiences, many of them being prayerful and servants.
Could it be that this represents for you a punishment from God?
In Garabandal, I announced to you something similar; but I never told you that God would punish you, because God is not a judge, but a Father of eternal and infinite Mercy.
I announced to you in Garabandal that the time was ending for humankind, just as I announced in Fatima, Portugal, that humankind on the surface of the Earth had strayed from love and peace.
That is why, My children, within all groups of souls, at the end of these times, and in an unknown and, I would say, inexplicable way, there are souls who have offered to suffer for many more souls. And this does not mean a punishment, but a silent and anonymous service, just as My Beloved Son did for you until He died on the Cross.
This is something inexplicable for the souls of this time. For this reason, for some souls it could become painful. But understand, dear children, that My Beloved Son has very few and true apostles.
This is a reality and I do not want to bother you, My children. Just as Christ carried out His important task on Earth with so few apostles, in this time, in a similar way, My Son carries out His task with few apostles.
But this does not mean that there may not be other apostles in the world; it means, My children, that the apostles must be determined and devoted to Christ, so that He may carry out His spiritual task and especially His mission of return to Earth, through hearts that are depositories of His redeeming and consoling Love.
Today, My beloved children, you dedicated your prayers for peace in the nations. Again and again I will tell you, and I will not tire of telling you, that the prayer for the nations of the world and for their angels, for the angel of each nation of this world, at this time is fundamental and I would say essential that many hearts and many souls, like yours, join in this purpose.
Because from the first day that I asked you to found the Prayer for Peace in the Nations and to learn to pray in different languages the loving declaration of the Archangel Gabriel to My Immaculate Heart, the main cause of this spiritual and internal task is to appease the anger of the elements of nature, the lack of control of the planet, the balance of the axis of the Earth and mainly the end of wars; so that the time of peace, love and unity among the creatures of the same project and of the same purpose may be established.
Therefore, remember this cause of the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, because not only you or your families will be protected by praying the Holy Rosary for this cause of the Blessed Mother, but you will also help with your prayers and supplications so that the world will no longer be agitated, so that wars will no longer be aggravated, that conflicts no longer take place, that peace may be established, that faith may not disappear, that love may not dissolve, that unity may allow the descent of Grace into souls and hearts and, above all, that the soul and consciousness of this planet may be maintained in its balance.
Now, do you understand, My dear children, in how many causes the Mother of God works?
That is why I return here, again and again, to meet My beloved and dear children who have already left the school of little children, to enter the school of adulthood and spiritual maturity, a place and space where all the Hierarchies need to have you at this time, in this definitive cycle.
Therefore, I encourage and urge you, My children, as I asked you in the last Message, to decide to grow internally, so that the pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy on the planet are not only strengthened in the hearts and souls who serve God, but also that these pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy become a reality on this wounded and outraged surface so that everything, absolutely everything, can be healed and regenerated.
Now, do you understand why I come today as the Universal Aurora?
Through the signs of the night, through the signs of the day, through the signs in every heart; I come to remind you, My children, that humanity is in urgent need of healing and peace, and this healing and peace will be completed at the Return of Christ to Earth.
Today, I open for all the Temple of My Mirror Heart, just as this lake opens spiritually as a mirror in donation to capture in the impulses of the Heavenly Mother and to radiate them to the whole world.
Through this simple but beautiful place, I want, My children, that your souls see themselves reflected in this mirror, so that you can rediscover in yourselves your origins and can start from scratch from there, reviving the Values and the Principles of God that the world needs so much in order to experience healing and redemption.
May the Spiritual Light that descends to the world through Mount Shasta, relieve the suffering souls who live the climatic catastrophes, raise again the hearts that have lost faith because of suffering and unify the essences with Our Father-Mother Creator.
How simple but profound is the beauty of God's Creation! He has given us everything, absolutely everything, so that we would be happy from the beginning of this Project.
In order for you to reach that spiritual happiness and that heavenly joy, beloved children, be obedient for those who are not obedient. Thus the world, under the protection of the Law of Love, will find peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
May you all be in My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.
I give you the blessing of My Son and of the Almighty, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will come as the most ardent Fire of all fires, but no one will get burned before My Presence, but rather, the spirit will ignite in My Divine and Cosmic Fire.
This Fire, which will descend from the universe, will come to renew all consciousnesses, it will come to renew all forms, redeem the laws of the planet, and bring the Light of understanding and wisdom.
At that hour, when all seems lost, I will return, extend My Hand and offer My Heart to you, just as I did with My apostles after My Resurrection.
I will re-appear in the world in ways never seen before, and all that has always seemed unknown, will become known, and the mysteries will be unveiled. The seals will finally open, with the descent of the Son of God through the planes and dimensions.
And thus, the Breath of the Spirit of God will descend with all Its strength and power, remove from the planet the forces of evil. The angels will rebuild the ether of the Earth, which is torn and invaded in this time, but the spears of all the angels of Heaven will re-establish the fiery currents of this universe, and the solar system and this planet will participate in this.
The great cosmic forces, which impelled the creation of the material universe, will participate in the event of the Return of Christ, and all that was written in the Bible will be fulfilled.
Those who are destined to receive the Lord, in His Return, will live it. Those who have left this world and those who will no longer be in it in the future will also witness the coming of Christ from the planes of the Celestial Kingdom.
Thus, the divine communication between Heaven and Earth will be re-established, because in that time, which is not so far away, the weapons and wars will no longer work, because there will be no occult forces to stimulate or impel them, as the Spiritual Government of God will descend, and those who were pre-destined to comprise the 144,000, will present themselves. And many more could join that event, if they are converted and redeemed to the Lord in time.
Happy will be those who will persevere until the end of times, because they will cross the obstacles of decadence and human inertia. With the victory of My Light, and the power of My Love, the chosen will know how to cross the abysses and tribulations, and nothing and no one will deter them, because they will keep the great secret of Christ, that last secret that will be revealed to the consistent and all the pure of heart.
That secret, which is invincible and inexhaustible, will expand the field of human and mental consciousness, and all beings on the surface of the Earth, who have sincerely served Christ, will experience the re-connection with the Divine Laws.
And, as it was in the past with the sacred people of Israel, the angels of the Lord will announce the arrival of the Messiah, now the arrival of the Great Governor of the Universe.
There will be no occult or contrary force that could resist My arrival, because when I cross the ether of the planet, everything will begin to happen. The doors of the universe will open, and will not be hidden. The elements of nature will accompany this great event, just as the elements of the planet accompanied the Sacred family of Nazareth.
No Stone will be left upon stone, and this will be fulfilled. Therefore, live in time true repentance, from the heart, and open your hearts to be a living receptacle of the Legacy of Christ, because you will need it in the end of these times.
In all the minds that have believed in the Divinity of the Lord, there will be no doubt, questioning or criticism. The Universal Laws will be understood through the essences, and they will thus be able to decode the impulses that I will send to the world.
I Am not speaking of inexplicable mysteries, I am not speaking of new philosophies or other spiritual branches. I Am speaking of the only impulse that I will emanate from the Heart of Andromeda before my departure to Earth.
And thus, Three impactful Calls will be emitted to all the servers who have followed Christ up to the end of times and who, without seeing or recognizing Me, will have believed in My immaterial Presence.
The First Call that I will emanate to the world will be the Preparatory Call, a moment when all hearts and lives must be ready, despite all the events to be seen on the surface of the Earth, despite of the climatic and cosmic phenomena, even with the reappearance of great consciousnesses of the universe throughout the orbit of the planet.
That Call will be unmistakable, deep and clear. It will be a Call stating that all must have their material things ready. I Am not speaking to you of the goods that tie you to this world; I Am saying that your material and physical life must be aligned with Me, as well as that of your families.
The Second Call that I will emanate to the world will be the Call of My Re-approximation.
The guardian angels will have the task of making this Call by means of dreams, experiences and even materializations. The Cosmic Forces of the universe will present themselves and, through the Call of My Re-approximation, hearts will know that there will be only one last Call to be made, which will be the Call of My Voice.
I will speak to hearts in the innermost depth of the essence. Just as many of you have listened to Me in the Holy Land, you will clearly listen to Me again and recognize Me. But be attentive not to be confused with the false christs.
There is no one on this surface who has more power than the Son of God, because God gives power to the one He so determines. For this reason, My Presence and My Call will be unmistakable.
Many will hear My inner Call, others will see Me in the inner planes, others will see Me face to face for a single instant and a single moment, and that will be the moment of My Return, when I will re-organize this planet from the inside out.
That will be the moment of the great rendition of all humanity. I will call all religions to finally be one, in Christ and for Christ, and living various spiritual paths will no longer be necessary, because everything will become very clear.
But this will not be the last thing, companions. There will be the Fourth Call, which will be the Call of the Mother of God, when She will also re-appear in the world.
Just as in the past She was seen ascending to the Heavens in body and souls, so will the Divine Mother of the World descend from the Heavens in body and soul. But She will reveal Her absolutely transfigured and cosmic Face, together with three great Creator Fathers, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael.
Together with them, She will bring the Scepter of the Will of God, the great cosmic tool that will descend upon the planet from the universe and will be visible, to put an end to all evil and duality.
At that time, which is not very far away, the dead will resurrect, and the Laws that were professed to the people of Israel will be fulfilled.
Many will have the Grace of meeting again those they have lost because of death, mortal life will become immortal life. It will be a new beginning of humanity and that Project that was thought of in the origin of Adam and Eve will be resumed.
All that will be carried forward through the Fire of Christic Love. This is why you have been prepared in these recent times. And through these latest meetings with Me, you are being prepared.
Tell the world that I Am now returning, and that it will not be long. I repeat to you again that no one can deter this universal event, because it is already written.
The Master and Lord of the universe, the known Jesus of Nazareth, will meet again each one of His companions, give them the embrace they so much expect, they will receive the Love they so much seek, and at that hour they will understand who they truly are.
Rejoice your hearts and wait for Me with hope.
We are in the last time of the tribulation, but Aurora will rise on the horizon again, and it will no longer be able to be buried by anyone.
Woe to those who have not believed in what has happened here, in this country!
Woe to those who closed their hearts to My Message and My Word!
The Earth will cleanse itself, as it is doing at the moment.
Pray for the sinners and for those who have not been converted. Pray for My Church, extended throughout the Earth, so that it may no longer be defamed, so that it may fulfill the great promise of the Lord, and thus comprise the great Mystical Body of Christ on Earth.
Be sparks of My Love in the world, do not be darkness any longer. Drink from My Light and be Light. Receive My Grace and be consistent.
This is all that I wanted to tell you today, from My Heart.
Continue to be brave to listen to the Word of God, because it is the last before it all happens.
Let us celebrate this moment. Let us commune with this Message through the Sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that more souls in the world may also prepare themselves for My much awaited Return to the world.
I count on you until the end.
And thus, I bless and absolve you, under the power of the Most Holy and Divine Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will wait for you in the month of January of next year, to close this mission through this Marian Center.
Let yourselves be consumed by the Fire of Aurora, it will not harm you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Great Immortal Spirit of the Lord of the East will try to rebuild the peace on the planet, as the wars of these times, especially those wars that hide from everyone’s eyes, have torn the ether of the planet, and the contrary forces have entered humanity to disturb hearts, to dissociate minds, to divide all of humanity to the point that it forgets that all are brothers and sisters who have one God and are children of the same Father.
For this reason, the Lord of the East will rise again as the Great Sun of the Universe, so as to help the souls of humanity, so that He may rescue the nations that are being lost, so that He may raise again all the hearts that have lost faith and the trust in hope, that have lost love due to all that they live, all that they go through and suffer in these times.
However, this powerful Light of the Lord of the East, His Great Immortal Spirit, will not oppose anyone or any other energy, because His Christic and Immaterial Consciousness will bring to all souls what is new, just as He did so long ago for all the hearts that were incessantly seeking the Master among masters.
The Lord of the East will reappear as He has promised, and He will open the doors of Mercy on the planet so that hearts may rise again, so that nations may be reconciled again, so that all may wait for His long-promised and expected Return.
Because in that hour, His Peace and His Light, which are invincible, powerful and immortal, will bring to hearts the end of the cycle of suffering, the end of the cycle of spiritual, mental and physical illness.
He will open the doors to universal healing, and it will be at that hour, My children, that the Lord of the East, upon proclaiming His Word once more, will carry out the Universal Judgment, and at that moment all will be known, all will be deeply known, and no one will remain in ignorance, because His Spirit, permeated by Wisdom and Love, will bring clarity to hearts, peace to all the lives that have always waited for His Return with ardent devotion, and the whole universe will accompany that event.
Therefore, prepare yourselves for that moment in advance, internally prepare your hearts and souls, because His hour is drawing near, and you will no longer see the chaos of these times, because even those who have not been redeemed will have the opportunity to redeem themselves, will have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and amend all the errors they have committed throughout the times.
I know that this will seem unattainable to you. But when the Lord of the East emerges as the Light of the Sun on the horizon of this planet, He will keep all this well in mind. Because a new cycle will begin, as it is written and prophesied. And I Am here, as His Holy Mother, to announce it, because I Am the Mother of the prophets, the Mother who announces the Return of Christ.
This is why I come here, to spiritually leave the signs of Christ and the signs that He left in every step of His public life, at every moment of miracle, as well as at every moment of liberation.
When the Lord of the East returns in the next cycle, He will gather all His lived experiences and His merits. He will not use the power that God gave Him, because He will emanate His infinite and cosmic Love for the souls.
At that hour, no one will be able to resist His immeasurable Love, because His impulse will be a stronger solar impulse than all the stars gathered in one, stronger than all the suns of this universe, more powerful than the original expression of Creation. Because the Lord of the East will come with His true Face, that Face that was initially known to some of His apostles on Mount Tabor.
And I assure you, My children, that humanity will completely understand what will be happening. Because the Lord of the East, in His Return, will no longer bring you mysteries, but rather, He will unveil to you the treasures of Heaven and of the universe. Because He, as an emanation of God Himself, and of Divine Life itself, will demonstrate to all, to all creatures of the Earth, what God truly is in His Essence, in His Spirit of Love, Prodigy and Compassion.
Therefore, My children, all those who follow Christ regardless of their religion or belief, regardless of all dogma or spiritual discipline; each one, through their learning of love, forgiveness and redemption, must prepare the Return of Christ and separate from conflict once and for all, because the world is already full of conflicts.
In this last meeting of December, My Son taught you to gather and unite through prayer, to the powerful Supplicating Network, which is the one you must connect to internally through the creative word, and which provides the power of authentic prayer.
This deters the grave events that want to make humanity succumb.
The power of the creative word, if correctly utilized, avoids greater disasters on the material and spiritual plane and deters the dark ideas of many minds, because no one can imagine humanity immersed in darkness.
This is why the spirit of prayer and of the creative word stops many events, grants many opportunities, bestows many Graces and Mercies for those who perhaps, by Law, would not deserve them, and corrects the deviated path of many souls and brings them peace.
With this, you will be ready to receive the Lord of the East, because His Presence will be unmistakable, His Love will be the same that you knew in the Holy Land, in each act, in each prodigy, in each Word emanated through His Love.
Aurora, as an Inner Kingdom, has a fundamental task in the end of times, as the preparatory base for the Return of the Lord.
I do not want to tell you more than I am supposed to tell you, so that you may not lose My spiritual impulse. Because it is important, My children, that you may understand what I want to tell you through this Message.
He sends Me here as His Servant, but I come here also as the Mother of all, to carry forward this Plan of God, which must manifest itself and be concretized on every plane, and must be a reality and a triumph through the redeemed souls.
As a demonstration of this Love, which allows the miracle of life and the conversion of hearts, may those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary come here, so that I may bless you in the name of humanity.
Today I am here, dear children, before the most important cell of God’s Project, which is the family, which in this time is being attacked and divided by My enemy. But feel My protection, feel My consoling and maternal embrace, because God will not allow His most precious Project to be destroyed.
Beyond the battles and conflicts, beyond the lack of peace or understanding in the family, as My children who are consecrating yourselves before Me today, offer your prayerful lives for all the families of the world, especially for those who have been hurt or have suffered aggression through value judgments or condemnation.
Entrust your children and family members to Me, and I commit Myself, as your Holy Mother, to take care of them and assume them. Because My main mission, My children, is that your families may be a mirror of love in the world, and that spiritual and human values may dignify all families of the world.
Thus, receive My maternal and spiritual blessing, especially the mothers that are here with their children today, at this Altar, may they receive the Immaculate Spirit, the Spirit of God, which enveloped your Holy Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus in Bethlehem.
May the flame of your lives be simplicity, just as it was in the Heart of your Holy Mother.
May the flame of humility be in your lives, just as it was in the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
And may the flame of purity be in your families, just as it was in the little Child Jesus, so that innocence may be recovered in this world, in families, in the peoples and nations that live through wars.
Through Solar water, I offer this soul, on behalf of all the souls that have been decapitated in the Middle East, so that humanity may remember that it will never be able to live without the love of a true mother. Because the love of a mother will never condemn you. It will always guide you along the good path, along the path of goodness and charity.
I thank you, My children, for having offered the Grace of your families to Me today.
Know that Love will always triumph, and that evil will never win, because you are Children of God.
I bless you and consecrate you as Children of Mary, as the children that you have always been, since other times.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I want to bless a rose for each one of you, so that you may always remember that the Beauty of God exists, and above all, His Love always exists beyond all things, and that He placed His Love and Beauty in each one of you the moment you were conceived in the wombs of your mothers.
Children, God has thought of everything, and today God remembers you through Me.
May the beauty of your souls be expressed as a flower.
May the devotion of your souls rise through the aroma of the flower, and may the Love of the Father always heal and cure you.
You are now Children of Mary.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of our Mother, we will, after this moment, prepare so that these families, which consecrated themselves today, may receive the Sacrament of Baptism, as an act of spiritual renewal and as an offering for the families of the world, especially the families that live wars and cannot find peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I have come from Heaven to be with you and, through you, to be with all My children of the world, those who cry out for justice, those who weep through their prayers, those who are sick and suffer in the innermost depths of their hearts.
But My children, this is the great time of purification. Do not see it as a punishment, do not see it as a condemnation, because the Son of God Himself was purified in the Temple. And the Mother of God and Saint Joseph were also purified.
The human matter must be sublimated, the human condition must be transcended, and each one of My children on this planet has their school, the best learning experience they need so that, at the end of their days, they may surrender their soul to God and merge with the Cosmic Source of Life.
Thus, My children, nothing is out of place at this moment. What is out of the Law in this time are the horrors that the world and humanity commit, the imbalance of the Universal Laws on this planet, the impunity that surfaces as something common and subdues millions of souls in the world.
But today, My children, I come to bear witness, before God, of how many wonders My Son has made in your lives, the small transformations He has achieved through the surrender of each one of you to God.
Therefore, do not see life as suffering or as a lament. Hold on to the Heart of My Son, and renew yourselves in Him.
And when the falls on your paths are so continuous and permanent, My beloved children, do not despair. In the deepest intimacy of your hearts the decision is already made and My enemy cannot make you tremble nor can he terrify you.
As much as the difficulties in this world are very great, and souls really need a lot of spiritual guidance, I invite you, My children, just as My Son called you, I invite you to affirm your faith in hope, in the Sacred Flame of the Divine Purpose, which now blazes before your souls and consciousnesses, a Purpose that your spirits already know, and which cannot be erased overnight, regardless of the great pain that you have undergone in these times.
On this special day for the Mother of God and for each one of you, I have brought something very special from Galileum: the Holy Shroud of the Lord, which is today in My Arms to envelope your souls and hearts, to envelope your bodies and consciousnesses and thus transfigure you.
Do you believe in the power of the Holy Shroud of the Lord, the Shroud which witnessed each drop of the Blood of Christ?
Today I have taken this Sacred Relic from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, through this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, I may purify your bodies, wipe each tear and each weeping from your faces and so that you may feel renewed and healed by the Hands of the Mother of God.
Continue praying and asking for the Grace of being consistent.
In that which is smallest and most invisible is where the Work of God can be carried out, because God does not show Himself with His Power to the world, God reflects Himself with His Power, with the Power of His Love, through the hearts that transform and redeem themselves day by day.
Thus, I offer this Holy Spiritual Shroud to you, so that it may serve as a Mantle of purification and healing for each one of My children, so that their physical and spiritual pains may be relieved, and thus on this day the soul of the planet may also be relieved of its suffering, the suffering that is caused by humanity.
But see, through this example of the Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, how great is the Mercy of the Father, how immense is the Love of My Son for this Project of the surface of the Earth.
And on this special day, when we reaffirm, between you and Me, the commitment to fulfill the Eternal Will of God in all the times to come, My Son has asked Me to offer to you this Holy Spiritual Shroud so that on this August 8 the Cosmic Laws may descend to Earth, the uncertain doors may close once again, souls may be liberated of their own abysses and hells and all may be healed by the power of the Love of Jesus, just as you, My beloved children.
As much as your Heavenly Mother has ascended to the Heavens and is today the Spiritual Governess of all worlds, and carries in Her Hand the Scepter of the Will of God and of the Sacred Feminine Power at the end of times, I continue to be the Faithful Slave of the Lord, just as the Slave of God humiliated Herself and resigned Herself before the Cross for the salvation of the world, so that My Son, despite His agony and His pain on the Cross, might grant you the Grace of His being with you at this end time, a permission that was granted by the Eternal Father Himself.
Thus, dear children, I want you to glimpse and contemplate, regardless of the difficulty and of the human condition, the treasures that your hearts have received throughout these sixteen years, and each moment of sincere prayer that you have shared with Me in these years, even without many of you knowing how to follow My steps.
But rejoice and be reborn in Christ. He comes to liberate you from sin and error, through the Heart of the Mother of the World. He comes to grant you His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.
I am here for the cause of the consistent and the brave, for those who do not fear purification, for those who take the risk of living the Plan of My Son regardless of the consequences.
Today, I come clothed with the Mantle of the whole universe, of all stars and all suns.
Today this is the Universal Mantle of the Mother of God, which extends Itself throughout the world. And the Light of this Sacred Mantle of the Mother of God, just as the Light of the palms of Her Hands, reaches the deepest corners of the hells of the planet, to raise the stars that are still fallen.
No longer think that this Armageddon is a new rebellion. This is the time of synthesis and of the great step, when the great spiritual battle against My enemy is carried out.
But do not forget that you are under My Mantle when you do not dare to leave it, when your paths are paths of prayer from the heart, when your acts are acts of charity and mercy for your neighbor, when every day you do not forget that life is eternal service.
Today, the center of My Crown is the Light of the New Aurora, like the aurora that radiates in the Northern part of this planet.
I am the Light of Aurora, which announces to the world the new time and the advent of My Son, the Redeemer, the arrival of His Presence.
Continue to be part of My Rosary of Light, continue to be this precious pearl that is purified and polished through the pious Hands of My Son, the Christ.
I just ask you one thing, My beloveds, that you never again close your hearts. May your hearts be a door open to self-giving and joy, to the bliss of living an encounter with Christ and eternal communion with the Father.
While I am here with you and for you, as the Cosmic Mother of the universe, many situations in the world are deterred.
And on this August 8, when Heaven descends to Earth and the Earth ascends to the Heavens through the hearts that open to the call of the Mother of God, it has been granted to Me that no soul should become lost at this moment, and that the unprotected, the innocent and the orphans may be safeguarded by the angels of the Mother of God at this moment, with the help of all their guardian angels.
My end with you also draws near, but do not lose heart. I will say to you the same as I said to the visionary Lucia of Fatima: “My Grace will be your strength, My Light will be your path and at the end of your days you will find My Great Star, that incandescent and perpetual Star that shines in the Eternal Sky of God to welcome and receive you.”
This is the same that I tell each one of you today, because the time has also come for you not only to listen to My Message, but also to be My living Message in this world. In this way, My Word will be fulfilled.
So that this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus may expand in the world, embrace the impossible causes, protect all souls, especially the souls of the most unprotected children and young people of these times, My Son has asked Me that, as a preparation for this new stage, for this new year of the Brotherhood, we may close this inner meeting through the Holy Communion.
This is why it will be a moment for each one of My children to make their offering to the Universe, as the Sidereal Universe at this moment is open and attentive to the voice of all supplications.
This is an extraordinary moment, granted by the Eternal Father to all the hearts that listen to the Mother of God, all those who at this moment embrace the Mother of God, who at this moment love the Mother of God. A moment granted by the Eternal Father in these sixteen years of tireless work with the Divine Messengers.
Let us prepare for the moment of Communion. I am waiting for you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved and lovable children of Aurora,
I Am here, and Am your Mother, where simplicity reigns, where the spirit of humility, the effort of daily labors, of untiring prayer and Adoration are breathed.
At each day of your lives, God is present in this place, although there may be doubts, anguishes, obstacles or agonies in your hearts.
Beloved children of Aurora, there is nothing and no one that can dissolve the alliance you have with God and through God, with the Heart of My Most Beloved Son Jesus.
I could not leave here without being with you and among you, because I know that you were waiting for this and a Good Mother always responds to the call of Her children. For this reason, I Am here, because in truth it was My Son who sent Me to you as His Messenger, as the Mother of God, as that Woman that is always by the side of Her children, praying and watching each one of your steps.
The pillars that I founded here in Aurora 15 years ago, important spiritual bases for humanity, are still firm and alive, although My task has not been understood in Uruguay.
Today your Heavenly Mother, Holy Mary of Aurora, comes to return to you in the same way, through Her Graces and the purest Love of Her Immaculate Heart, because you keep faithfully sustaining this sacred place on the surface.
This is very important to My Son, because My Son can work and intercede for humanity where it is necessary, just as My Immaculate Heart has also been able to intercede so far away from Aurora, in other places of the world.
This is why I come here to thank you for each sincere effort in the prayer of the heart, for each morning that you have awoken to offer your service and love to the Kingdom of Aurora and although it might seem impossible for you to carry it out, although it might seem impossible for you to concretize it, your feet walked through service and your hands gave of themselves in the cold winter that the planet lives, due to the darkness that absorbs it, day by day, for the lack of light, love and hope.
But you, blessed children of Aurora, have always been able to be reborn through the sunrise of this Inner Center in your hearts, you have tempered your sword through love, you have appeased your hearts through constant unity with the Eternal Father, through each liturgy and true offering.
For this reason, today My Sacred Universal Mantle carries upon itself the fruits of your efforts and surrenders, which have converted into stars of My Universal Mantle.
Do you know what this means to God?
I know that it is a mystery that you will not understand today, but yes, your hearts are open to this mystery, because in this Sacred Mantle of Stars of Light is registered the experience of your effort and your constant self-giving. This is what God needs to prevent Divine Justice from descending upon the world so that the Unfathomable and Divine Mercy of My Son may keep working and interceding for this humanity.
Let us now see, My children, the fruits that Aurora has yielded throughout the times, beyond this place, in far-away corners of the planet where souls were waiting for the rebirth of Aurora, where hearts were waiting for redemption, healing and inner love.
This has been possible, My children, because you are here, sustaining this Community in daily life, in daily liturgy, at each moment in which the universe offers a greater service so that not only your hearts may be mature, but also your souls may be aware of what is meant and represented by the commitment that each one of you have to Christ. Because He, My Son, is the One Who tells of each one of your steps to the Father, so that the Eternal Father may write this experience in His Book of Love.
God offered the best to you and this is why God, on this day, blesses you with His Graces, so that the strength that Aurora has may remain and make of the warriors of redemption the apostles of love and untiring service. This is so that more souls throughout the whole world may be worthy of the spiritual help of Aurora, on the inner planes of consciousness and spirit.
These are the great fruits of Aurora: that this Sacred Kingdom of Love and Redemption, through persevering and constant hearts, may reach all parts of the world, as many places and consciousnesses as possible places, which wait for redemption in this life.
In the coming times, I would like your experiences of service, self-giving and untiring love to continue to shine like stars in My Universal Mantle.
Even more, My children: each tear that you have dropped upon this ground is counted within My Mantle of Light, because God, the Eternal Father, contemplates all that exists and all that which is experienced.
This is why He is a Father of immense Mercy, a Father of Open Arms, who hopes His Children can embrace Him and also console Him for all the sins and outrages that He sees in the world in these times.
Therefore, Our Sacred Hearts must still go very far, to far-away places of the world, for one reason and with one end: to bring Aurora to nations and hearts, because all on this planet, despite their errors, deserve to know the Kingdom of Aurora, and be receptacles to experience inner healing.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now the Mantle of Our Lady has become a bright green Mantle, in the Face of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Placing Her Hands in a sign of prayer, our Divine Mother continues contemplating each one of those present, and tells us:
My children, fifteen years ago, My Feet touched this sacred ground and I Am very grateful for this. Because despite the obstacles and the delays, My Purpose in the world is being fulfilled, which is the Sacred Purpose of the Source: that inner healing may reach as many souls as possible, regardless of their condition or situation. Therefore, I want to again eternally thank all those who experience Aurora in their hearts and dare to be a part of this Grace.
Today, I come to renew the Purpose of this Community, of this Sacred Community of God. I come to make the inner Graces and fruits of Aurora bloom. I come to strengthen its spiritual and inner bases, for this place and the world.
I come here to again call upon you, so that you may accompany your Heavenly Mother in Her planetary task, just as you have accompanied Me up to today. This is very significant to Me, because I know that I can count on My children regardless of the distances, because I can count on the hearts of those who say to Me, “Yes, Mother, I am here!”
Today, through the priests, I will give you the Sacrament of the Anointing so that the visible Sign of the Holy Cross may protect your paths of transformation and redemption. But even more, so that this visible Sign of the Cross may represent you in the inner world and no evil or disturbance may harm you nor interfere with you, the spirit of the warrior of peace may emerge in each one of you, and the prayerful soldier may be firm in these times of tribulation. And so that prayer may always be your spiritual nourishment, so that, in this place and throughout the world, the Will of God may be established, that which the Heart of the Eternal Father has foreseen to happen, which He holds in His Heart with great joy.
May this blessing of the Sacrament of the Anointing make you participants in the Sacrament of Communion knowing that, despite the desert of these times, in the Communion with My Son, you will find the Fountain that will quench your thirst., never forget that. Iin the Holy Communion lies the renewal of spirit and of consciousness.
Never fail to commune with the Body and Blood of Christ. Take refuge in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and, when you commune with the Body of Christ, may you feel yourselves touch His wounded Body, flagellated by the world, so that your fidelity and prayer may restore it.
Today, My Divine Consciousness emerges from the Kingdom of Aurora, and your Heavenly Mother attentively remembers all that has happened in the last years and, mainly, what has happened in the life of My children, which is what is most important to God.
Therefore, I invite you to tread this path of bringing to memory, of remembering each Grace and each spiritual impulse received, which, since 2013, has become complete with the arrival of Christ.
Today, in this inner temple, I leave to you the Unchanging Presence of the Holy Spirit so that, whenever you need, in the silence of the heart and of the consciousness, you may come here to find strength and fortitude, so that your hearts may always empty themselves and, through this Place of Love, you may find what you internally need.
Go ahead, My children of Aurora!
The Mother of God is here to bless and renew you, so that your lives, in the name of Christ, may always become new lives in the Lord, which feel the Fire of Aurora in the heart, the Fire that impels you to greater surrender.
Let us celebrate this moment with gratitude. And I ask you to continue praying for all of My causes, for all that the Sacred Hearts still need to concretize throughout the whole world.
O Blazing Flame of the Purpose of Aurora!
Guide the steps of all My children
toward an encounter with the Immaterial Source of the Heart of the Lord
so that all may be consecrated to His Divine Purpose
and the ties of yesterday may be dissolved
so that souls may attain liberation.
O Blazing Flame of the Purpose of Aurora!
Ignite the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within the human heart,
so that the sacrifice for Christ may be vivid in joy and plenitude,
in the hope of concretizing His Return.
My beloveds, I thank you for responding to this call.
Enter My Heart, whenever you need, because My Immaculate Heart will lead you to peace.
May peace be in the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today the Kingdom of Aurora manifests itself before your eyes, your spirits and your hearts; an ancient Kingdom that does not come from this world, but rather from the depths of the Heart of God.
Contemplate, children, this sacred Kingdom, its Temples of Healing, its Mirrors of Peace, its Fountains of Mercy, through which Redemption flows to the whole planet. And receive, today, not only My blessing, but also the blessing of the Kingdom of Aurora, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
When the Creator manifested the human heart, it was not for it to suffer, but so that it might experience love and surpass its love, time and again, not just once, but many times.
When the Creator manifested human beings, it was not so that they would feel pain, nor for them to outrage one another; it was so that they might experience Love, and, by loving one another, they might learn how Divine Creation renews itself.
However, human choices, the definitions they live every day, the paths they decide to follow, have brought you, through free will, to the place where you are today.
The Lord, while contemplating that free will was made manifest, also manifested Healing and Redemption. At this moment, I reveal to you that it was not from the beginning that the Creator had thought of free will. He had only thought of Love, Mercy, Peace, the Infinite and Unfathomable Grace that would be able to emerge and spring from the heart of His Creatures.
However, I tell you, that before beings were made manifest upon this sacred planet, a creature lived disobedience, and chose his own will before the Divine Will, thus beginning this Law that began to rule the Universe, and that manifested duality and personal will for all creatures that, below the angels and archangels, began to be made manifest.
Also, at that moment, Love surpassed itself in the Divine Heart, and, in spite of the deep pain that this caused Him, the Creator manifested Healing and Redemption so that, regardless of the paths chosen by beings, they might have the opportunity to return. Thus, Aurora emerged, in the self-surpassing of God’s Love, even before the existence of each one of you.
I am telling you this so that you may understand that, long before you made any mistake, the Creator already loved you, and had already granted you the opportunity to return.
Long before you got lost, the doors to God’s Heart were already open, so that you might look back, repent of your sins, and return Home.
Today I come here, so that this Divine Healing, this Divine Love and Redemption, may be radiated to the planet and to the heart of Africa, pierce the hearts that suffer, and reach the roots of suffering, reach that moment when humanity decided to err, and chose pain, instead of Divine Love.
May Healing and Redemption reach the deepest scars of the human heart and, in it, touch its essence, which, despite all darkness, still remains intact. This little big door to God’s Heart, which keeps beings connected to their Creator, and, despite all deviations throughout the centuries, is still there.
The Creator surpasses Himself time and again within human beings, although they do not know about this.
Often you wonder how you will surpass God’s Love and today I tell you that this is already happening, and it must continue happening, in an ever deeper way, because each time the Creator does not give up on human beings, and you can get up on a new day, this means, children, that God is surpassing His own Love.
Although He contemplates human indifference, and although He contemplates how humans hurt one another, days like today rise on Earth, in which you can feel the Peace and the Love of God. This means, children, that God surpasses Himself in Love.
To participate in this self-surpassing, and allow it to happen within yourselves, just be thankful, because the Creator lives all these things within you.
The fact that Divine Love touches the heart of Africa, and that you, through your songs and praises, open the doors of Heaven within this wounded continent, means, children, that God surpasses Himself in Love within you.
Despite all outrages experienced, despite all traumas experienced, the fact that a child raises its voice to sing to God means that the Creator surpasses Himself in Love within human beings.
Despite the wars, both within and outside of humanity, if you can smile, this means that God surpasses Himself in Love within human beings.
The Creator sees much more than your eyes can see; His Heart penetrates even the darkest layers of the Earth and beyond it. Thus, it penetrates the depths of human intentions and of the human essence, and what He still sees, within the essence of beings, can balance what He sees in the depths of the darkness of abysses.
Therefore, believe that, within you, you can still transform this world, the human condition, life on Earth; you can still be instruments for the surpassing of God’s Love.
Africa is the symbol that the Father’s Love keeps surpassing itself every day, despite the chaos, despite the pain. There are songs and praises, there are smiles that wipe away the tears, there are prayers that overcome the inner abysses. Therefore, do not think that we have come to Africa just to bring Healing and Redemption, because we have also arrived here so that you may learn from Divine Love and so that, together, you may transform Creation.
Each human being bears within themselves a unique attribute; each nation, each people, each race, manifests a Divine Gift, which must be put on the table of redemption to complete the human transformation. And it is at this table of unity that the Redeemer will sit, when He returns in Body, Soul and Divinity.
And at that table, there will not be those who serve and those who are served. There will be beings who learn from one another, beings that love one another, beings that help one another.
When you look in the eyes of a child of Africa, you can understand your own ignorance. They teach you about love. This is what I am speaking to you about, about the contemplation of virtue beyond suffering, about contemplating God within your fellow being, where He surpasses Himself.
Within Aurora, God also surpasses Himself untiringly, every day, every instant. And those beings of Light that dwell here, beings that, many times, have left behind greater paths to remain serving humanity, to be instruments of the self-surpassing of Divine Love, they learn from human beings, too.
This is why today I come to teach you to be in communion, I come to dissolve borders, to unite hearts. May Aurora may be in Africa and Africa in Aurora. May each heart may be united to this bridge of Healing and Redemption.
Feel the flow of divine currents, feel the beating of Aurora’s heart, the same beating of God’s Heart when, for the first time, it manifested Redemption as an opportunity for beings to return.
May this beating of Aurora’s heart mark the rhythms of the Redeemer’s Feet. Just as Redemption approaches the deep wounds of humanity, so the Redeemer approaches this world. Listen to His steps, feel His Heart.
At each beat, one soul again finds God.
At each beat, the Mirrors of Aurora radiate their Peace.
At each beat, the liberation of Aurora manifests its Power.
At each beat, the Heart of God surpasses Itself in Love.
Be a part of this moment. Contemplate in your hearts, in the silence of Aurora, the Healing that reaches wounded hearts, forgotten souls, hidden wounds. There are abysses within beings that must be illuminated, just as your faces are through the Sun of Aurora.
Let us sing once again “Kingdom of Aurora” so that the Creator may reach these abysses, these wounds, these hearts, so that God’s Love, born at the beginning of life, may renew itself and fill all of Africa, as well as all the hearts that suffer beyond Africa, opening up paths so that impossible situations may be healed and opportunities never thought of before may manifest themselves for the beings that have erred the most from the beginning of their existence and have never known Redemption or Love; but the time has come for this Love to be known to them.
Song: Kingdom of Aurora
In this way, a Divine Will is fulfilled.
In this way, once again, the renewal of His Love is made manifest.
Keep renewing, children, this Love of God, every day. You have My blessing for this.
May the Peace, Healing and Redemption of the Heart of the Most High fill your lives and show you the door to the opportunity to return to the Heart of the Father.
I bless you and I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.
I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.
After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help.
After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return.
Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.
I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts.
The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
With joy I return to My beloved Figueira to once again meet with My favored children, and to announce that the Eternal Father has granted Me the Grace of bringing His Message from Heaven on the coming March 25, a time when the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph will complete this important inner and spiritual preparation of all the followers of Christ for the next Sacred Week.
I want to tell you that this will be My only opportunity that on the coming March 25 I am able to be among you, like a Mother Who feels joy for once again being able to meet with Her children of South America.
After this, the Divine Messengers will continue in the Northern Hemisphere, opening the pathways for the important humanitarian cycle in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and in other places where the Divine Hierarchy will have the opportunity to intervene and help.
After the next Sacred Week, the door of the end of times will finish opening. This means that the door will open so that those who have become defined can go through it together with My Son, and thus, take on the preparations for His expected Return.
Everything that happened in Aurora, as well as in Figueira, over time, consciously prepared you to take on this important cycle of planetary redemption with spiritual maturity.
I, as the Mother of all, pray and will pray for you, My favored children, so that at the side of My Son, you may walk firmly and strengthened in Love, for the world has need of merciful souls and selfless hearts, which together with the Archangel Michael, are capable of dissolving evil so that the Love of God may be born again in all hearts.
The time for the apostleship has come, the time for growing within has come.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Before the Celestial Church descends, the world will feel moved, because its Earthly forces must be liberated and exorcised, and for Me, My children, it is very important that you may be aware of this, so that this next event of the Celestial Church is not experienced as just another meeting, because it is the last, and the world urgently needs it.
For this reason, on this day, God sends His faithful Servant to gather together His children, to call the apostles of Christ, to prepare you for the moment of the great final time.
That moment and that hour are arriving; there is not much time left, My children. For this reason, My Son has decided, before His Return, to come with His Celestial Church to hold within His Heart as many souls as possible, all souls that are able to enter the Heart of God, even those that do not deserve it, not even through Mercy.
This shows each one of you the powerful immensity of the Love of My Son, an untiring and eternal Love that, time and again, comes to meet with you, to renew you, heal you and redeem you.
But My time with you is also coming to an end. As the months go by, the time among My children is ending, and that will be the great moment, also for you, to experience everything that I have taught you since the beginning of My Apparitions, in My beloved Aurora.
For this reason, what I wish is that on August 8, all the paintings of My Apparitions that took place in Aurora during thirteen consecutive days may be exhibited to the world so that My children may know the symbols that I left for humanity, which are the signs that God determined as necessary to give you for your inner and spiritual preparation for this great moment of the meeting with the Celestial Church of Christ and, above all, My children, for that which will happen after the Spiritual Church of My Son will have passed through here.
It will also be in that moment that you should be witnesses, should declare about everything that has happened here, such as the change that your hearts have experienced after having heard the call of the Mother of God.
During the eight days of the next Sacred Week, the Sacred Celestial Church of My Son will exhibit, at the top of the Hill of Apparitions, the non-material symbol of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.
All those who live from their hearts during the next Sacred Week will be filled by the attributes and the principles of the Arc of the Holy Covenant and, above all, will receive the merits that My Son achieved since His Birth up to His Ascension.
This event is not typical. It means, My children, that it is arriving at a culminating moment of the Earth, in which humanity tries to force a return to normality, and is still not understanding the importance of repentance and penitence.
The Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will shine like a sun on the top of the Hill of Apparitions, will bring the whole world a special Grace that each one of My children needs at this moment in order to be able to overcome the end of times and, above all, to learn to move through it.
I know that many of My children will not understand what this means. For this reason, My wish is that during the Sacred Week, you represent the Ark of the Holy Covenant, just as you have previously done other years, so that humanity may have a visual and spiritual symbol, in order to be able to enter the consciousness of the Sacred Ark.
In a special way, Abraham, Moses and many patriarchs that are in the Heavens today, will accompany this spiritual event.
So that you may see the emergency of these times, My children, God sends that which is the most sacred that He has to the world, the Sacred Treasures of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, so they may be spiritually exhibited, and souls may be in prayer, in vigil and in contact with this sacred Teraphim of God.
On their part, the four Governing Angels of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, that have never descended to the planet, will be present as guardians and watchers of this sacred Teraphim, that will spiritually shine on the Hill for anyone who has faith in it and needs to avail themselves of the attributes and merits achieved by My Son for you on this planet.
This is the demonstration of His most pure Love, of the untiring giving of His eternal Heart, not only present in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, but also in the Sacraments. My children, if you spiritually commune of the Sacraments during the days of the Sacred Week, I assure you that you will receive the Graces you need.
What a great lot the Celestial Church of My Son will do during the first days of August!
He will come with His Power and Glory to remind the world of its filiation with that which is High, so that many more souls are able to place their heads upon the ground and repent, because God does not want Justice in the world, but rather, Mercy.
Those who are open of heart and, in the offering of soul and spirit at the Sacred Celestial Church of My Son, will be contemplated by the Eternal Father, because He is the Sacred Ark Itself, that holds the experiences of Love, Redemption and Light that not only His beloved Son achieved on Earth, but also many of your brothers and sisters who throughout the times have achieved Christification.
Who will become Christified for My Son after all that He will give you and with all He has already given you through these last few years?
Christification is not a way nor a method; it is an experience of love that is experienced in the flesh and that transforms the consciousness, the deepest aspects of the being, until carrying it into redemption.
The sacred Law of Christification will also come during the days of the Sacred Week to the world. Those who place their hearts in this mystery, through the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the Sacraments, will renew their lives, will renew their promises, will reaffirm their mission and will offer themselves again to the Father as a victim of His universal Love.
My time with you is ending and this is something that I really wished not to happen, but you must learn to love the Will of the Father beyond yourselves, just like I learned to love it while I was a young woman, in a humble and simple family, who received the call of God to gestate the Son of the Most High within My womb.
Today the generations, peoples and nations proclaim Me as Blessed. Tomorrow, the world will proclaim the last apostles to be blessed, like the Christs of the New Time, like those who achieved the aspiration of the Heart of My Son, up to the last moment of their lives.
But I will not abandon you, just as I did not abandon the little children in Fatima. You must love, know Heaven as they saw Heaven, many times, because, in Heaven, where our Eternal Father is, you will base your experiences on the Great Source of His Love, and Creation, as it has happened many times, will be again renewed.
Today I pray for the whole world and for each one of My children in the five continents, so that your souls may enter into the powerful Celestial Church, which will open Its doors in the month of August, bringing the Graces and the Mercies of God for humanity.
This evening, at the request of My Son, I leave the pillars founded, the first pillars of His Celestial Church, that will show itself today in Glory, Love, and Mercy to the souls.
In those days of August, it will be the great moment of your spiritual synthesis of all you have received throughout these twelve years.
The Father has allowed Me, in the coming time and for the final time, to be able to appear in Aurora, to close all that once began there, when nothing had yet existed, because there I found hearts willing to follow Me, when I still had nothing, for in fasting and in prayer, experienced during those days with Me in Aurora, you trusted in My Word and, above all, in My Presence, beyond what you said.
For this reason, I will return to Aurora for the final time, because in Aurora will be the end of My task with the world, before My Son returns. And all the Brotherhood of the Heavens will be there on that day, offering the Father all that was built there, not only on a material level, but also on a spiritual level.
Everything that has taken place in Aurora, from its emergence until the present, will be offered to the Father, as justification for the redemption of humanity.
Today the angels have asked Me that you sing a simple song to close, that will close this cycle of the 25th. It is a song that was born in Aurora and invokes the power of its Center of Love for unredeemed souls.
Let us listen to "Kingdom of Love."
I thank you for responding to My call.
My Mantle and My Consciousness reflect the Aurora, the sunrise in the life of each being.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Nineteenth Poem
Morning Star,
Aurora of rebirth,
Patroness of all nations,
that, as a people,
we may prepare the Arrival of Christ.
May our feet walk towards
the sacred Temple of the King’s Heart
so that, blessed by His Spirit,
we may renew our strength in service and charity
for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
Dear Celestial Mother,
help us to alleviate the sorrows of humanity.
May Your Love teach us
to always be present, in all needs.
May we learn to take care of and protect our nations
through fervent prayer,
because we know that
You are present in it to help us.
help of all Christians,
envelop us with Your Mantle of Light
so that we may dare to follow the path
of the apostles of Christ.
May our redemption be the example
for those who have not yet found Christ.
May our fidelity be the united flame*
with those who do not live in God.
In the void of our beings,
may Your beloved Son find a place
where He can govern and work,
out of love for humanity and for the whole planet.
May our faith help our nations
fulfill the Purpose of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
* United flame is the energy of love and compassion that, from our hearts, we can radiate to others.
Piedad, could you come up to the stage with a microphone? Please, stand to my right.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I have come from Heaven with a message of reconciliation, because My ardent desire as a Mother is that all My children may have the Grace of knowing Heaven, of becoming free from suffering and pain, from everything that the world experiences today.
Today I contemplate you with a maternal tenderness because I contemplate the pain of the world, the agony that many of My children experience.
But today I want to take you to Heaven, where your true reality exists. On this day, God has asked Me to take you in consciousness to Heaven so that, for a moment, in the Kingdom of Heaven, you may feel the Peace, the Love of God and the joy of being close to Him.
My little children, do not suffer anymore. God knows of your regrets, God knows of your silence, God knows of your hearts, just as I do, because I am your Mother.
In consciousness, come to Heaven with Me and be illumined by celestial energy, in the presence of the angelic choirs.
Dear children, you are looking upon the Universe of God. There you must return someday, with everything you learned on Earth, with the joy of knowing that you can overcome yourself every day, for the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the work of humility of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
The world does not want to look at God; for this reason, today I am taking you with Me to Heaven, in soul and in consciousness, where you will be able to find peace and the joy of knowing who each one of you truly are.
Elevate your consciousness toward new dimensions. I am here, do not fear, I know what you need. I can hear your souls, just as I can hear the voice of the angels that eternally sing to God.
My Love for you is invincible.
In Heaven, there is no error or fear, but rather the blessing of being in God for having accomplished His humble Will.
In My Heart I carry the pain of the whole world, in this time of a pandemic, in which all souls are becoming aware that they have forgotten something fundamental, they have forgotten God. I will take you toward Him. I have come for that.
What is it that you most want for your lives, My children? You should only want to be in God, so that He may have you feel the softness of His Soul, the Love of His Spirit, the Wisdom of His Universal Mind.
Children, in Heaven, lies the Truth of what originated you and expressed you as essences. You are now with Me in Heaven. Can you feel this with your heart? It is the surest place for feeling God.
He is there; He is your Father, the Father of open Arms, of the expanded Heart, the One Consciousness, unconditional Love.
There are so many choirs here with Me, for you, as well as for the whole world, touching the very depths of your souls so that they may awaken their virtues and gifts, so that they may be ambassadors of Peace.
In Heaven, there is no despair nor apprehension, but rather the joy of being in God and of glorifying His Name, in the same way that the angels glorify the Name of God.
See how many souls today do not find this Grace yet today, you do find it!
At this moment, My children, your souls are free of the material prison. While I pour My Light out upon the world, for you I bring the Truth that is God, from the beginning.
Beloved children, Heaven waits for you after this life on Earth.
Continue to pray with Me every day for the triumph of the Heart of God in the world and for the salvation of sinners.
Heaven comes with Me in these last moments, in which your Heavenly Mother fulfills a cycle together with Her children, after twelve years.
So many memories I have of Aurora! The aroma of its sunrise, the dew on the orange trees, the light in the faces that, in the simplicity of life, waited for My coming. That is the Aurora of My Heart, it is the Aurora of the redeemed, the Aurora of the pioneers, of all those who passed through it with the hope of healing and redemption.
When I am no longer here, My Light will be in Aurora, just as Aurora will be in Heaven, waiting for the self-summoned that will prepare the return of My Son.
Now our Divine Mother is showing Herself upon Aurora. It is so beautiful to see this! So simple!
Happy are those who recognized My call in Aurora and said 'yes' to God.
Happy may be those who came to Aurora to heal the illnesses of their hearts.
I cannot explain, My children, the wonderful things that I have seen in this humble place. I felt Myself returning to Nazareth, again and again, to meet with My children.
Today God continues to write. He continues to write the redemption of those who persevere, the surrender of those who are unconditional.
Aurora is standing in its greater withdrawal and silence. Its Love is standing in those who have believed in it, for they will carry that memory in their souls forever, although today they are no longer here. I pray for them.
Aurora is one of the Heavens of God. For the second time, He makes Himself small and poor, but this time in the heart of those who came to Aurora, in the same way that He made Himself small in the Heart of His Son.
So today I bring spiritual Healing for the whole world and I say to you, My children: "there is no time, there is no longer any time." Repent, restore the offended Heart of God, so that peace may again be achieved in the world, so that I may have more reasons to return here until the end of days, until My Son returns to the world. That is all that I desire for the good of humanity and the planet.
I thank you for the novena carries out to Saint Raphael the Archangel. He granted the world this moment and this opportunity. For this reason, today I am here, so that you may receive the Heaven of Aurora within you, a spiritual healing for humanity.
These are My last moments, My children. I want so much to be with you, I want so much to return to Earth, to continue to gather up the fruits of your prayer and the miracles of the Eucharistic Adoration.
"Powerful Energy of God, in this moment, change everything that is still not redeemed, by the merits of the sorrowful Passion of My Son and the sorrowful spiritual Passion of the Mother of God, by the merits of the seven agonies of Christ, the seven sorrows of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and by the example of the humility of Saint Joseph."
My children, today My Words are announced through some silence, so that in this time, you may remember how to be in Heaven, although you are on Earth, for you will need it.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Today the world has received a profound and spiritual help, as well as all the souls that are listening to Me at this moment.
Before I go, I wish to send a message to My daughter Analía, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to her beloved husband, Gustavo Contreras, to My little love, My little daughter, who I have in My Arms at this moment.
Dear daughter of Mine, Analía, God accepted your sacrifice and I will have your daughter in My arms forever, I will guide her in this Earth school. It does not matter what happens, trust in the triumph of My Heart through your experience, your surrender of love.
It is not the first time that you have been with Me in Heaven. I have sent many angels to Earth so that they may serve humanity through motherhood and the love of many mothers in the world.
I pray at the foot of your bed, in the sanatorium. I will always be with you, My daughter.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall reach Mercy.
My Light upon you and upon all My children.
Today I speak to you this way, My children, so gently, because My Words must reach your souls, the very depths of your hearts, where you will always recognize Truth.
I am very grateful. The simple things, the true surrender, sincere prayers, unconditional service, will always touch the Heart of God and He will touch your hearts with His Eternal Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the request of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, for the triumph of her Immaculate Heart, we will listen to "Ave Maria" by William Gómez.
On a March 19th like today, 11 years ago, in a humble field in Aurora, Uruguay, those who first offered themselves to live the consecration lay down, on the damp ground of the sacred field, to say 'yes' for many more souls.
Souls were drawn, like butterflies, to the Great Sun of the Consciousness of Christ to live the experience of piety, prayer and service.
Thus was founded the Grace Mercy Order, which in those times, began to rise like a sun on the horizon. It was the birth of the New Aurora.
That moment has remained engraved on the Heart of your Master up until the present. Those who understood the essence of that meeting of consecrated souls are still present, accompanying the Redemptive Work of Christ, beyond their defects, deserts or tests.
Those I called and who responded to Me from their hearts are those who are here today, still following in the Footsteps of the Messiah. This remembrance is what, for an instant, erases from My memory those who were unfaithful to Me and abandoned Me.
I avail Myself of that special moment on March 19, because it was something that was never repeated and represented all the possibilities of what is occurring at this current time.
That day remains in My memory, one of a first and austere consecration, a moment that allowed Me to speak, up until today, for the whole world.
This is what motivates Me and prompts Me to return to the world to call you, again and again, to follow Me.
I thank you for holding My Words in the Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Before the Hierarchy enters into the next stage of planetary work, we propose pausing for a while so that, from Aurora, an inner, mental and spiritual synthesis may be carried out concerning all that has happened from the last meeting in the city of Porto Alegre with the Light-Network service groups up to the present moment.
And so, in order to be able to enter the next stage, which will be more demanding and concentrated, Aurora, as a Marian Center of Love, will help in that very vital and important synthesis taking place during the next few days.
For this, the state of semi-retreat allows for attending to other needs without forgetting the importance of your understanding the new cycle that you are going through, in which the Hierarchy counts on the inner support of everyone, so that these special pilgrimages may be carried out according to what was foreseen in the Plan of Love.
Thus, so that the next stage may be carried forward, the synthesis must be done based on comprehension, an understanding and discernment of all that the Hierarchy has said.
In this way, you, as inner beings, will embrace the dimension of what the Heavenly Brotherhood does, and may you reciprocate throughout these last impulses.
I will be in union with you in the next stage.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Since the beginning of life, while the Creation was still a feeling in the depths of the Heart of God, your Celestial Father had already manifested the principles of Healing and Redemption, Gifts that come from His Love, for all that was being generated within Him.
The Creator knew, My children, that by sending His children to learn, experience and grow, among the dimensions, He would also need to create the forms, by which they could return to His Heart.
Therefore, upon manifesting life, the dimensions and all forms, for beings to be able to evolve, your Lord also drew upon your paths the return to His Sacred and Infinite Heart. For this reason, He filled the hearts of humanity with occult gifts, and filled the planet, in which they dwell, also with occult sacred spaces; spaces that hold the Gifts of God, the fruits of His Love, those which allow creatures to return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Aurora, beloved children, is not only a place of peace. Aurora is a Consciousness of Healing and Redemption in which your hearts can experience, to return to God. Aurora emerged from the Heart of your Creator, even before your lives were manifested.
Contemplating the challenges of the planet and the veils that would be covering the eyes of His children, preventing them from seeing and knowing who they truly are, the Creator manifested the Consciousness of Aurora; a Consciousness that supports you within It, as the womb of a mother supports her children. Aurora gives you all that you need; within its Heart, the veils are torn, so that you can contemplate the truth about yourselves.
Aurora, My children, reveals to you your more impure human condition, so that you may first come to know the wounds that are to be healed, and know where that which must be transformed lies. But then, from the Heart of Aurora, emerges the balm that assists you, that closes that which was open, that heals even the deepest parts of your beings, liberates that which was impure and prepares you so that, through your surrender and service, the Consciousness of Aurora may expand and reach the four corners of this world.
Contemplate, beloved children, the Consciousness of Aurora within you, but also feel that you are inserted within it. In the Heart of Aurora, all life finds Healing and Redemption to discover the truth about itself, and thus return to God.
Open your hearts, so that not only this place may express Aurora, but that your lives and this planet may also be fruits of the Gifts that your Creator deposited within Aurora.
Just as this place is sacred, the whole planet is sacred, dear children, but in order to recognize the mysteries of God upon the planet that receives you, you must first live them within yourselves. In order for the veils to be torn, those which cover the sacred that exists in the world, first the veils that cover your own eyes must be torn.
Allow the hands of Aurora to extend, in front of your faces, and pull the veils that were making you blind, so that you can see, feel, experience and live who you are and, more than that, what the purpose of this life is.
All that I tell you is filled with a profound and inner truth, which is a truth you can come to know through the surrender and relinquishing of your lives.
To live Aurora, you must surrender before God and cry out for His Gifts, for the Gifts that He gave you, through the sacred places that hide in this world and in all Creation.
The Time of God has come, beloved children. A time in which, not only chaos will be fulfilled as it was predicted, but Redemption will also be fulfilled.
With My words, I lead you to live the Scriptures, I lead you to be live the prophecies, because it is through you that everything will be fulfilled.
I carry you in My arms to the desert, because you still do not know who you are. The moment will come when you will have crossed the desert, and I will show you the Truth of God upon the horizon, and you will discover, My children, that not only can you be in My arms, but you can also walk with Me towards the Promised Land.
After the desert, I will show you the New and Eternal Jerusalem, which is in Heaven as on Earth, and as two realities that unite into one, the Promised Land will emerge and everything will be fulfilled. Everyone will know who they are, everything will become clearer, and what weighed in your hearts before, as doubts and fears, will dissipate.
From the lights of Aurora will emerge lights of a new life, and from Heaven the principles of the New Humanity will also descend to Earth. This will be the Kingdom of God, beloved children; an ever present Kingdom, revealed to the children of the Supreme, those who know that they are His companions and fruits of His Love.
May My words resound within you, not just as a promise, but as a truth that leads you to cry out to Aurora, for Healing to take place and Redemption to be fulfilled, so that your eyes may be worthy to see and your hearts may be worthy to feel everything that I have told you today.
I bless you with the power of Aurora and the Grace of the Spirit of God.
I love you and thank you for coming to meet me with your hearts.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more