Dear children of Mine,

At the inner rising of the New Aurora, after a long time, today I gather all of the groups of prayer of Uruguay around My oratory of love. That is why, dear children, on this day I come from the Universe in order to establish a single group of work for the Plan of God in Uruguay; a unique opportunity that is granted to each one of you through the most potent spirit of the maternal Grace.

Dear children, I am giving to you an important mission: that of gestating within your hearts the spirit of fraternity and of service to the neighbor, something that has been a permanent attempt for a long time.

With the forthcoming existence of the House of Service requested by Saint Joseph, you will have once again the Grace of contributing with the Plan of God. In truth, the House of Service will be the reason for your temperaments and emotions to be worked on through voluntary and selfless service, as well as through the willing donation of your lives to the Plans of My beloved Son.

The House of Service that was entrusted with much love by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will be able to fraternize with other houses and service organizations in Montevideo. This mission, which is now requested, will be supported by the International Humanitarian Federation, which is the mother consciousness for all of the planetary work.

Dear children, it will be right after you take your commitment to service before the Plan, that the Lord God, the Almighty Father, will then grant you the spirit of understanding and of wisdom so that you, My children of Uruguay, be able to understand in those moments, the importance of reversing the debts and the faults committed by the population of Uruguay.

This state of consciousness that I am talking to you about is not yet present in your beings, but it will be able to be so from the moment that you make an effort and that you love to be united above yourselves in order to materialize the Work of the Celestial Father, outside the well-known Church of My Son, because now the work is for all of the souls.

Dear children, the unification of your hearts and the absence of competition have been expected for a long time by the Universe. This unity through service and selfless love will place you in a position of assuming definitively, as Uruguayans, your task with Aurora. In this way, from this moment on, dear children, you will be prepared to accomplish, in these critical times, the materialization of the plan of healing of Aurora on the surface.

I lovingly dedicate this message to all of you today, because I know that you will need a celestial impulse in order to be able to continue on My Path.

Who loves you and accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, on a celestial mission


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, may God, may Christ, and may the Holy Spirit be praised. 

While the Doors of Heaven open and higher lights come to you, in this place and in each human heart of this Earth that opens to receive Me, I institute a column of Light that comes from the universe and descends to the planet to establish the Kingdom of God in hearts that were distanced from God. 

On this night, when a new cycle begins, I come with the blessed, with those who, having once lived in this world, achieved a spirit of sanctity and of renewal. 

Today I am united to each of My children who has opened the door of their home to Me to receive the Most Holy Trinity, today present before you in the magnificence of the Spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who pour out new codes for lives redeemed by the Love of Christ, Our Lord. 

Today, the reason for being here is not only so you remember your Heavenly Mother, who deeply loves you and contemplates you from the depths of Her Most Chaste and Immaculate Heart. Today I come to show you My Glorified Heart, My Heart made divine by the Spirit of God from the moment of My Assumption into the Heavens. It is this Heart that I want you to contemplate; not for Myself, but because this Heart, My children, is the safe and true portal to the Kingdom of God. It is the Heart that will lead you to a meeting with Christ in the moments of great tribulation that this planet will experience in its cycle of purification. 

But today I no longer want you to think about bad things, about things that still happen in this cruel world. I want you to think about the Kingdom of God, which through each Apparition I bring to you with so much Love.

I need you to drink of the fount of this Kingdom of God, to heal your wounds, to cure your faults, to renew your fallen spirits, because you will always be able to rise up again, since I stretch out My loving hand to you, and I help you to walk firmly on this path of transformation. 

I know that your hearts have not yet forgiven. You have not forgiven yourselves, nor your family and peers. The campaign to sow love in the consciousness of humanity is still on, dear children. 

My beloved spouse Saint Joseph, the Most Chaste and Venerable Saint Joseph, has been willing to help you to seek this path of forgiveness. 

Dear children, wake up! The voice of the Holy Spouse echoes in these times of chaos. He brings you His principles of chastity and brotherhood, so that little by little, all feel encouraged to live the patterns of the Sacred Family, which are the Project of the New Humanity. 

Today, dear children, in light of the angels that accompany Me, because of the caress they give each of you, I want you to be able to enter into this Kingdom of God through My living and glorified Heart. Because I am not here only with you; I am with each of My children that is lost, at this very moment, through the curses of the adversary. 

But that does not matter, dear children; if God has allowed Me to be here among you on this day, it is because there is a Greater Purpose which can be accomplished through your hearts, through your giving of self and service to the Plan of God. 

I want you to be able to feel the grandeur of the Kingdom of God at this moment, and how each cell of your beings, each atom of your bodies, each part of your non-material spirits receives the Spirit of God, which through My Presence, blesses you and constitutes you as a new being, like the model that Christ anticipates realizing in this time, in each of His creatures. 

Thus, dear children, through My Heart of a Mother, a kind and luminous Heart, the door is also found to the Mercy of God. Within this Celestial Kingdom that has descended directly from the Universe to be poured out over Aurora, place each of your brothers and sisters, place those people you have not yet forgiven, so that this new year may be a new year for everybody, renewed by the Spirit of God and by His Grace, which in spite of the sins of the world, continues to descend for the purpose of saving humanity.

Today I want each one of My children who is listening to Me, to leave this Marian Center being a great spark of Light that will commit to shine in this darkness to guide other hearts in prayer and in the simplicity of service. Because it is the works of charity and of prayer, the works of Mercy, that will be able to reconfigure the lost Land into a promised Land, as was the promise to the peoples of the desert.

In this way, dear children, today I announce Myself to you as the Celestial Lady, the Lady that experienced the Assumption to the Greater Kingdoms, to promise God She would save each one of His children throughout time and the centuries. 

Dear children, venerate My Heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

Because through this veneration I will seek to transform your essences into an essence in likeness to Mine. 

On this night, I want My Purity to be a reality within all those who listen to Me, because I do not come to transform you only for yourselves. I come to build, My children, the living islands of salvation, which within each of you, stretched throughout the four corners of the world, will help those that most need to find God.

Dear children, when you are in My Presence, feel My Heart and listen to My Words, because each thing I tell you must enter into your cells, as a principle that transforms you and converts you, which definitely causes all the darkness that still exists within you to disappear. 

I want to make of you beams of light amidst the darkness of the Earth, that you be beacons that point the way for those who are lost. 

I want each one who listens to Me to be bearers of the truth. That through your example, you draw more souls to the path of the spirit, the path of evolution, of the development of this new race which will be reborn in humanity through the conscious transformation of each creature.

My beloved ones, although My Eyes contemplate the entire world at this time, I come to this place to prepare a pure dwelling place in your hearts, so the Redeemer is able to return and so that, before His Feet step upon this world, His Spirit is able to receive the life within each of you.

Do not think that I do not care about those of My children who are becoming lost tonight. Today I am here also for them; because the transformation of your spirits, your minds, and your hearts will help to rescue those children of Mine who never knew the Light.

When the time comes, when souls need it the most, they will find that Light they never wanted to see, and it will be as a fountain of water, pure and crystalline in the desert of this world. This water will spring from the heart of each of you, just as it sprang from the Heart of My Son. For just as Christ gave to drink of His Mercy at the pinnacle of His sacrifice on the Cross, you also, My children, by resisting the tribulations of this planet and on being reconfirmed, again and again, in your consecration to My Immaculate Heart, you will give each creature on this Earth to drink of the Divine Pity and Mercy that you once received from Christ.

For this reason, I ask you to contemplate My Heart that today reveals the Glory of the Kingdom of God to you, so that this Glory not be far from your lives, but rather that it may live within your beings, beat in your hearts.

On this night, may each one of your hearts beat in the same rhythm as Mine, because I want to make them one with My Immaculate Heart, just as this Heart is with all of Creation. 

May you be aware of the unity with God, with His Divine Spirit and with the Mother of the world, because I am already united with all that was created. Now the time has come for all of Creation to be united with Me, so I may return with you, within My Consciousness, under My Mantle, to the Celestial Source from where I once withdrew you in essence and in spirit, to fertilize this Earth, and multiply Divine Creation and Its Grace, renewing all that was created in this Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, as today I do not have any new children to consecrate, I have chosen three new children, at this moment, who will be consecrated in My Presence, without yet wearing My Mantle of Sky-Blue Light.

This is so that you can see, My children, how important the conversion of heart and redemption are; how important it is that souls find the path to Christ and to God again.

I am not judging you, My children; I am renewing you; because through these three children, I will be blessing all of you.

Today I come to renew the vows of all the Children of Mary, wishing that this new year be a year of inner peace for everybody, and that you and your brothers and sisters be seekers of peace.

Let us now go, My children, to this awaited maternal blessing, in the company of all the angels of Heaven, the seraphim and cherubim that sing to the Glory of God. 

Call them.


Song: “Children of Mary”.

Dear children, in this new time that is coming, I want you to be converted like this light, which as little as it may be, will light up all of the world and all hearts that need to live again in the Mercy of God, in forgiveness, in compassion, and in love.

By the Light of all the angels gathered together in this sacrament of prayer and in a most important communion with My Son, I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, dear children, for being with Me today.

Sing while I rise up to Heaven. Let the bells ring, for a new time has come for all.

I love you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Mary, we hold a minute of silence for peace in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Brothers and sisters, all that is left is for us to do is deeply thank Mary, for this blessing She gave us reached each of your homes. She was showing us how She visited each of the families at the same time.

So, we are going to leave here, the Marian Center of Aurora, with this impulse; committing to strengthening our faith and our prayer, so this Plan of Peace of our Divine Mother may be accomplished in the world.

Thank You, Mother of God, for all that You give us!


To all the groups of prayer and to the dearest families of the praying groups

Dear children,

On the eve of the birth of Christ in your hearts and in the new cycle that has already begun for all, I would like to ask you, for this Christmas that is arriving, that each one of the groups of prayer and their respective families send a greeting of peace and of hope to the next nativity of the Lord.  Through the offering of your greeting of peace, My Heart will be able to attract new principles of love and of fraternity for all of the families of the world.

For that, dear children, on the 24th and 25th of December you will be participants among many children of Mine of the delivery of this greeting of peace and of brotherhood so that love be sown in the human consciousness again.

You shall send your Greetings, those that may be recorded and filmed, to Mercy Mary TV, which will organize and later on will transmit them on the 24th and 25th of December.

This work and greeting of peace shall be made in a simple and loving way, really radiating the hope that many need in this time.  This greeting of peace is meant to reach those children who on those dates will be alone, sick in the hospitals and in the nursing homes, and those who need much the power of faith.  In this way, dear children, I will be congregating all around the sacred manger that will bring Light to this world in these times of tribulation.

Dear children, I ask that you prepare this work with great care but with simplicity so that it will promote the renovation of faith and of love in the souls of the world.

Children of Mine, on this Christmas Aurora will be dressed very beautifully in order to receive the Spirit of Christ in each praying or not praying heart.

For that, all of the pilgrims and consecrated children of Mary that will be in Aurora are also called by Your Mother of Heaven to prepare the stage where this holy and simple celebration will take place.  The auditorium will be covered with all of the Christmas symbols as to create the inner environment needed for all of the families to feel welcome, and in this way the Sacred Spirit of Christianity will be sown in each consciousness.

All of My children, those who lovingly and under a spirit of peace are willing to collaborate in the preparation of the Christmas setting in Aurora, are invited to participate.  This Marian Center works with healing through simplicity and beauty, which allows for attracting the souls that need redemption and forgiveness.

In union with each child of Mine, I wish a good Christmas task of peace to all!

I thank you for answering to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never forget that I am the Great Mirror of the Mercy of God, which lovingly offers redemption to the world.  Never forget that I am Your Mother and that I incarnated in this world in order to remind you about the Purity of God; that I am by your side at all times, both in joy and in the tests. 

I am that Lady that suffered together with Jesus, and I am the same One that carries with you the Cross that God gave you.  I have come to the Kingdom of Aurora to let you know about healing of the soul and of the spirit.  I have come to this sacred ground to reveal the sacred precinct and the divine refuge to all the hearts.

If this is your house, why will you not come?  If your heart woke up in Aurora, why will you not call Her?  I need you to learn to redeem yourself in this sacred place.  Maybe your being does not find beauty and perfection here, but your consciousness will rejoice because it will see in the horizon the Light of redemption.

For this, encourage yourself to be transformed overnight.  Let My own Aurora show you the steps towards inner healing.  Do not depreciate this opportunity. You know that millions of souls neither know this nor have the Grace of receiving, like you do, the power of the healing love.

The planet suffers for so many condemnations and for so many tests and you must be this new divine cell in profound redemption.

You must not live for yourself anymore; rather, you must live for that which God wants, thus you will get to know the true and great Will in your life.  Walk with trust towards this great discovery.  A new awakening waits for you.  An ultimate call is being announced to the world.

Neither keep rancor towards your own self nor towards your brothers and sisters.  Rid yourself right away from the bonds that take you to constant error.  You must no longer be the same, you must be that which My Son expects.  You must no longer think like you think or work like you have worked until now.    You must be that which you have never lived.  You must reflect the true being that you have not yet awakened within you.

For this I do not come as Your Mother in order to awaken your mind because in this way you will never understand that which I say to you as long as your ideas act.  Thus, live like My Son taught you by means of His Passion.

Love beyond your preferences and likings.  Love with maturity in order to be able to see the meaning of true love.  I come to divest you from arrogance to give you the clothes of love.  I come to remove haughtiness from you in order to give to you the holy meekness in hand.  I come to extract pride from you, so that I can show simplicity to you.

I want you to be a different being from this moment on.  I hope that you will understand and feel the path that I am showing you, the path towards the absolute inner emptiness.  But do not fear to be naked and display so many imperfections;   seek the essence and the humiliations so that your ways will be transmuted. 

Stay by My side and you will not suffer.  Live in the refuge of My Heart and you will free yourself from everything.  Amid so much human wickedness I must rescue the most in need so that they will be redeemed seeds in the New Earth.

Do not fear the possession of your own life because the true life waits for you in the cosmos.  Let yourselves be guided day and night.  Surrender to My Instruction and make an effort to change, thus God will be able to hope for the Plan to continue.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you profoundly and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Sovereign Rose of Peace


Just as the Law indicates for the holy life, you will purify your being of every stain so that by being free from everything, you achieve the virtue of understanding and of humility.

You will purify your consciousness of every condemnation, desire or ambition so that by being free from every human perversion, your spirit glorifies the Eternal Father with the purity of the angels.

You will purify your mind and your thinking of every control, objection and judgment so that being free from everything, your consciousness acquires the spirit of wisdom that lives and dwells in the Heart of God.

You will purify your being of every deceit or deviation so that being free from everything you receive the eternal blessing, the one which will lead you to find the visible Purpose of the Universe.

You will purify all of your intentions and aspirations so that being free from them and silenced before the Celestial Universe, your soul does not carry the yoke of condemnation, and thus frees itself from all damnation.

You will purify even what is most hidden within you so that being free from everything, you clearly see the goal that the Universe has in place for you and thus you fulfill the part that you have come here to carry out.

You will purify each space of your being so that being free from everything, some day you will be worthy in the Lord and as pure as a flower before the Eyes of God.

The time of purification is already happening, may no one forget that through purification, debts are erased so that the Holy Spirit can labor.

Purify yourself in trust; the Universe will take action to liberate you from the chains of the prison so that the true spirit will emerge again with the Aurora of the morning.

Dear children, count on My intercession; purify yourselves in Christ.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who conducts you toward the school of liberation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity 
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges
and indifferences 
by which He Himself is offended,

And by the infinite merits 
of His Most Sacred Heart, 
and The Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg Thee for the conversion of poor sinners.


Look at my Heart without fear so that your lives may shine, for the desire of My Father is that His promises are fulfilled through all His children in the world.

For this to be possible, companions, your hearts must be entrusted, faithful and secure within My path of Light, and there cannot be any separations between your consciousnesses, because thus the promises will not be fulfilled. 

May your hearts be attentive beyond your minds and feelings. May your hearts feel that My promise is being fulfilled at this moment, in this return that I have been preparing in your lives, in silence and prayer. 

Just as your prayers are heard all the time, My Heart also answers them all the time.

Sometimes, companions, you will not experience that which you desire so much because it is not the Will of My Lord. The tests will come your way to strengthen your faith and fidelity in God. 

For this reason, I need crystalline hearts that seek My Sacred Heart all the time and do not become tired of looking at It because from It sprouts the strength for the transformation of your lives and paths.

Today I invite you to abandon your resistances, so the ties may be undone. My sword will not be able to cut your ties any longer. Through the Unfathomable Source of My Mercy, your hearts already know how to do it, not only with the prayer from the heart but through the examples of your lives, of a life transformed in Christ and by Christ.

Why do you think I do not want to baptize you? In the plans of My Father, everything has its time and moment. I come to baptize you with My Spirit. Does the water have more strength than My Spirit? 

My Spirit is present in everything and wants to be within you so I can baptize you in Grace and Love. Is My Presence this afternoon not a baptism to your hearts?

Blissful are those who believe without having seen, because they will be baptized a second time. 

There are no preferences in My Kingdom, neither in My Apostles. This is why I come to transform you, little by little, so your lives will not submerge in sadness, despair, or in the disturbance of not believing that you can make it. If you look at My Heart, you can do everything. 

I come to offer you the best that I have all the time, and I will not become tired until you are able to feel and understand it, because My Heart is the Grace that penetrates everything, it is the balm that gives you Life, the Universal Life, the immaterial Life.

Is this not a baptism to you? John prophesied it. I baptize you in the name of the Holy Spirit that is the greatest and the maximum Gift among the gifts, which comes from the Heart of My Father to resurrect the life of the matter and make it pure in the immaterial Source.

I wish everyone could live the Sacraments only once, but I come to remember that the gifts of the Sacraments are sacred to the Father, and the souls have not known how to benefit from them throughout the history of this world.

This is why I come to ask you to baptize yourselves in the name of My Spirit; to purify yourselves, washing your feet in the name of rendition, and to be anointed with the Cross of My Heart in the name of cure and peace.

However, for you to live it, the Spirit and the Gifts that come from My Father cannot be desired. How will the Spirit of God transform you while your will exists?

I come to divest you from everything, each one in your own degree of learning. I come to reform you in body, soul, and spirit through the Sacraments. But the more baptized will be the ones who live it in the name of their brothers and sisters than for themselves.

While I am present, think about Me. Place the ardent attention in My Heart, so that your lives participate in this Communion with Me. 

Yesterday I came to give you a lesson of humility, that is necessary for the world because the hearts should know what they must change in time so they do not deceive themselves.

I come to bring you the Truth because even though you do not deeply know It, since It is a Truth that comes from the Heart of God, I bring a part of this Truth so that your hearts, though My Wisdom, grow in maturity and awareness.

While My angels work in the world, I wanted to see you more available to carry forward My Works of Light, for you have received a lot and will continue to receive a lot from My Heart when there is a true balance between humanity and God. 

I bring you a very unknown science that, though My simple Words, you are being invited to know, because My Life in the Heavens is simple. There is no mystery in this Work, only those which people place, like a seal, in the Heart of God. The Heart of God is open to receive you. Your hearts are the ones which close before the Presence of God, and even more before His Son. 

I do not come to demand anything to the world, but for you to be aware of what you do and what you think, so as to not degenerate perdition even more.

I open a door for you every day so that your hearts rejoice and amplify your spirits in the sacred attunement with God.

Through this ministry of the Sacraments, that I ask you to live in My Name, I come to bring new Graces, but great Graces will be carried to the hearts that unite to their brothers and sisters who live the Sacrament. 

Now, do you understand how things work? Many times you were baptized by My Spirit, but only a few noticed it. I come to bring you this Truth because they are My last Gifts that today I poured out upon the world and upon all souls that strengthen in Me to fulfill the Project of God. 

May your hearts not be distressed, but may your eyes open, the eyes of the heart, to feel My Life, to see My prodigies, to recognize My Spirit that lovingly and tirelessly visits you.

But today I am not only here, I am in omnipresence and omnipotence in Aurora and in each human heart that, at this hour of unfathomable Mercy, has opened the door of their hearts, breaking the barrier of their inner resistances. 

I do not come to force anything on you. I come to bring you a new Grace that flows from My Heart and My Hands to all the souls in the world.

You are a group of souls constituted by My Spirit of Light. When a soul fades away, many more will fade away. It is like a rotten apple in the basket with other apples. Who will save them in time, before their hearts are hardened?

I come to work with your obstacles because something must happen on this planet in the face of everything that is happening. Many are not aware of what it means to die at the hands of others, to starve and not have consolation in their hearts, a house to live in nor a bed to sleep in.

You have everything. My Heart has given it all to you. What else do you want from Me? While the world suffers and the lights of the souls fade away, will you take the risk to work with Me and leave your conveniences?

I do not come to disturb you. I come to give you My Message of Peace and Truth. The flames of hell burn upon the planet, but the Islands of Salvation still exist. Hearts madden day by day and minds lose their control. I come to give you the balance of the universe which is called unity. If there is not unity in you, there is no unity in the world. 

It is time for you to leap beyond the abyss to find the Kingdom of God. My Heart is consoled by those who feel safe for being in God and in themselves. My Heart rejoices for those who pray with sincerity and that despite everything that I tell you today, they feel deep inside that it is true, thus the seed of Light is planted for the next Earth in the spirits who are consequent to My Call.

While I speak to you, you are gathered around My table, around My Celestial Altar, full of angels of Light that glorify God all the time. 

The Primordial Source wants to see you peaceful so that the Work may be manifested. What are you waiting for? Come to Me without fear. My Heart will embrace you. My Fire will transform you. My Spirit will raise you to the Heart of the Celestial Father. 

The Father also needs to be consoled for the horrors that He sees in the world, for the horrors that He sees in the world, I repeat it because a great part of the world is a horror. But all this can be changed if you follow me at this hour of Mercy.

Companions, while I speak to you, I not only observe you but everyone who listens to Me in each part of this world.

I come in serenity to tell you all this because I know your hearts can be receptive, and later on, when everything is over, you will understand it.

And now, by the Grace that was granted to Me on the Cross, let us glorify God, and I will bless each one of you, in this perfect union with Me through the Sacraments of Light which are the means for souls to attain existence. 

My children, come here to be part of this consecration, in harmony and silence, not forgetting that My Spirit is present here.

While I bless you with My Spirit of Life, ask God for forgiveness in the name of humanity, for all the times to come, so the Work of the Son of God may be fulfilled through His Graces that are poured upon all the hearts and souls that sincerely seek rendition. 

After My prodigies were poured out on each one of these elements, I bless you once again as a part of this unique humanity that should glimpse the New Earth on the coming horizon. 

Blissful are those who cry, because they will be consoled by Me.

Blissful are those who repent, because they will see their new spirit be born.

Blissful are those who forgive, because they will find peace.

Blissful are those who unite, because they will live in My brotherhood.

Blissful are those who rejoice themselves, because they will live in the joy of My Heart.

Blissful are those who free themselves, because they will find their freedom. 

Blissful are those who are merciful, because they will see the Light.

Blissful are those who reconcile, because they will be in the Unity of God.

Blissful are those who pray, because they will be awarded in Heaven with the sweet Crowns of the King.

Now you will listen to a song that filled My Heart during the Sacred Week, for in these words, as simple as they seem, the feeling of true love for My Heart is found. 

Before the afflictions that the world causes me, I give you My Divine Mercy so that, in the times to come, you be true apostles of My Heart.

Now listen and feel, to understand what I ask of you.

While I elevate to the House of My Father, where a place for your next life awaits you, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You must be like children to understand My Kingdom, because they are the first ones to enter Paradise. 

I thank you and give you My Peace. Hallelujah!

Smile, companions, for this is part of the healing that My Heart radiates to you for these times of crises. Those who smile from their soul, smile with their spirits, and God sees His original Project reflected in your faces.

Peace for everyone.

So be it.

Song: "You are the King".


My Heart is a divine fire to be known. Those who approach the Mother of God are transformed by this redeeming fire that renews and exchanges old forms for new forms of Light. 

It is this fire of devotion and purity that allows new opportunities to be drawn to Earth for those who would not deserve them.

It is the fire of My Grace that changes the state of an entire consciousness and furthermore this divine fire reached by your Heavenly Mother pours out as redemptive Light on all seekers of peace. 

If you join the divine fire, you can be at the gates of the Aurora of My Heart, so that the ties are released and thus the spirit redeemed by the divine fire of the maternal Heart re-emerges. 

It is this fire that promotes conversions and impossible rescues in consciousnesses committed by the errors of humanity.

This fire transforms and modifies, from beginning to end, all that has been outside the Law, because the divine fire of My Heart is an incomprehensible Law that acts beyond the spiritual consciousness of each being. 

This fire gathers the souls in need of salvation and rescue.

It is through this divine fire that your Heavenly Mother can help you to illuminate the paths and not to lose sight of the Purpose that has brought you here. 

Whoever lives in My fire does so through prayer which rekindles the inner sense of living the experience of this life. 

Now that you know a part of the divine fire of My Heart, unite with the Soul of your Heavenly Mother so that the Work may be completed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who reignites you in the divine fire of Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I am the Morning Star, the one that is shining now in the firmament of Aurora in order to give the sign of the beginning of this gathering between hearts and souls.

Blessed be all of those who gather through the presence of Christ, because from today on you will be glorifying His holy and blessed Name, such as the day of His holy birth was glorified.

Children of Mine, receive then from your Heavenly Mother, the guide for the times to come, trusting your path of redemption, following the steps of your Pilgrim Mother that reunites you in this sacred cenacle of love so that you may forever find the Redeeming Light of My Son.

Today the Aurora of My Heart shines in its internal Glory and summons the hearts so that they may receive from the Kingdom of God, the Grace of feeling worthy in the Lord.

Dear children, open your hearts so that the Spirit of Christ may enter and you may feel united to His Universal Love.  I leave for everyone a path of hope and truth through the school of prayer, which you are invited to live in these times.

Children, today I bless you and give you Peace, the Peace of Christ.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you in Divine Unity,

Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

On the eve of an important meeting, My maternal Heart prepares to receive you in the sacred oratory of the inner Aurora, a place where we will always meet when I am no longer among you.

This sacred oratory will always help you to be able to remember the Purpose of God and to not lose sight of the meaning of the redemptive proposal that My Son offers you in these times.

With your hearts full of love for God, wait for the coming of your Heavenly Mother in August and feel the joy of remembering your sonship with the Eternal Father.

Thus, every day of your lives, you will be able to feel that the Aurora of My Heart has its main doors open so that you can return to the blessed enclosure of peace.

My children, it is a profound joy to meet the servers of My Son again, all those who are called in this time to sustain the flag of peace and planetary redemption.

Day after day I walk at your side, just as I walk with you in each new moment of prayer offered to the Heart of the Celestial Father and His Heavenly Messengers.

Thus, children, be wide awake during these days of August, in the face of all that will be revealed to your inner worlds.

Today I thank all of you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, under the Light of the inner Aurora,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Centre of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

On this holy day in which the reparation of souls and of My Heart is made possible for this part of the world, I invite you to the intimate renewal with the attributes of faith and reconciliation.

Thus, today, in front of you, the doors of the Aurora of My Heart are opened so that all may enter for the last time into this network of light that I build in the world through hearts.

Then, My children, offer this Reparative Communion to the Celestial Father for all your brothers and sisters who are spiritually blind and deaf, brothers and sisters of this humanity who do not want to hear the message of your Celestial Mother.

You, with your inner eyes open, wait, from the Aurora of my Heart, for the Grace that you so much seek. In truth, I tell you, My children, that the Aurora of my Heart will open the door so that you may find the Grace that you so much wait for. 

While the world waits for the moment of its self-realization, I invite you to continue praying with Me at the foot of this portal that represents the perfect state of My Peace in this part of the world.

Thus, during these days of August, I will return to Aurora to demonstrate My constancy and Motherly love for all of My children, for the correct and the incorrect, for the prayerful and for those who are deviated from the path of love.

Receive My spiritual blessing so that, from today on, new codes may be sowed in the depths of your hearts.

Faith makes you return, once and again, to this Sacred Center where the simplicity and the love of Aurora are the flame that transforms all and the light which heals every heart.

Commune with the inner Presence of Christ, and, I thank all those who kept the Reparative Communion of the first five Saturdays of each month.

I bless you and safeguard you in My universal Heart of Light.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In the first days of August, the Light of My Immaculate Heart will in spirit assemble the sIn the first days of August, the Light of My Immaculate Heart will in spirit assemble the souls in the world that are in need of the spiritual and redeeming healing of the Aurora of My Heart.

It will be in those days of August that My maternal Spirit will want to lead you into experiencing the faith and absolute trust in the co-redemptive Project that your Heavenly Mother carries out at the Marian Centers, which in just a few more years, will be Mirror Centers of My Heart that will refract the attributes of salvation of the Universal Mother to the world.

For this reason, children, after all that you will receive in Aurora and from what each one participates in, I will expect you to leave My greater Marian Center in the certainty of My Love, and your faith renewed by your commitment to the Plan of Salvation, which each soul will be called to live and share.

The Plan of God, foreseen for the coming times, would show a greater result if consciousnesses responded at the proper time. Thus, My children, through My Graces, you are put in a place that perhaps you did not deserve, but through My intercession, I lead you to know the Will of the Creator.

Now that the times are urgent, in order to be able to sincerely follow the proposal that you are being called to participate in, your Heavenly Mother again will gather you together in the sanctuary of Her Most Pure Heart so that during the days of August, you may be true testimonies of a manifested redemption, while at the same time, be witnesses of this Work of Grace that you all share with My Immaculate Heart.

Children, I will await all of you in love and devotion. If your hearts are united with Mine, everything will be possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who nurtures you with the Word of Life of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

Today I bring to the world the Light of My Immaculate Heart, mainly to reveal the most profound mysteries of the universe.

I know that for many of you it is difficult to understand the amplitude of My task in the world, which I perform through My instruments, the visionaries.

Today, I tell you, children, that it is so and has always been so. See and believe, with eyes of humility and of trust, that the Mother of God arrived in Aurora to spread an important Message of Peace outside of the traditional Church of My Son.

Your Father needs My Presence to be more known, for the believers as well as for the non-believers. This is how your Celestial Mother has approached you, for many years, to give to the world the last key of salvation, which is the prayer of the heart.

If in truth many of you already prayed from the heart, not placing any mental impediment, you could feel inside of you that eight years of work would not be done by any being of this Earth, no matter how much holiness they manifested.

Children, the only power is with the Celestial Father and it is from Him that the works for the whole universe are manifested; without His permission and without His divine consent nothing would be possible.

Thus, I show you that through obedience there is guidance and protection, especially in the face of the deceptions of My adversary, who will always try to make you indifferent to all that is divine and pure.

But do not fear, dear children, receive with My Peace the time of your purification which will place you before all that must be transformed in time. Thus, you will be cleansed from all and free of any stain.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you to awareness of the Truth.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May peace be in this house and in those who do not possess it.

I Am your path of conversion toward Jesus, because My Heart is given to the world to generate the salvation of humanity.

Blessed are they who yield at My feet and seek the path of Light through the path of prayer.

Today, My Graces are poured out over this part of the world and I assemble you for a paramount task of peace.

The world is crazy because it cannot find peace. But there are hearts in the world that do have peace and that do not fear the hostility of My adversary, for one who is with Me is in My Immaculate Heart, and even though everything falls on the right and the left of them, they will continue to walk forward on the Path of Christ and will not waste time in accomplishing the Will of God, which is the Will of My Lord.

Today I come on this special date, also to bless you, to continue to untie the knots of the consciousness of this humanity; for as your Lady of Mount Carmel, I come to place the mantle of humility on you, which is the fundamental principle for your lives in today's times.

Do not fear, dear children; the tribulation is moving over the surface of the planet, yet many souls join in that tribulation, they submerge in the hells every day and lose sight of the Love of God.

I come to remind you of the principle of universal Peace, so that you may continue trusting, praying with Me for this maternal purpose I have for all.

On August 8, My children, a cycle will close with you and with Me. We begin to go deeper, My children, in the uplifting of your spirits to God; for matter may be  purified, it will die and become dust; but your spirit, My children, is the great treasure that will return to God, to His dwelling places in the cosmos, to unite with the Primordial Source, to the essence of Love and of Unity; bearing the fruits that I have left in your lives, as a great experience of Love for all of the universe.

Do not, My children, let evil be able to disturb you. Aurora is there in your lives so as to be able to defeat evil. For I Am that Aurora, that great Star, the great Mother Who guides wayfarers, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to announce its last lifeline to the world. But My great works will be done, My children, in very few.

You, beloved children, must radiate the spirit of My Motherhood to the world. In this way, many souls in the four corners of the planet, in the last days of their lives, will find the way out to the Paradise of God and also will be aware, in light of the Father, of what they did.

I Am the Mother of the whole universe, the Mother of the world, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to teach you the path of humility and of peace, through an inner divestment, so that you may walk freely toward the Heart of My beloved Son.

Today, He sends Me, and from the Greater Universe, also greets My beloved daughter, because these moments are very special for the world.

I come to teach you, My children, the true spirit of celebration of a soul, so you may see that God feels a great compassion for all the souls of the world; even though His Law will be poured out over humanity, and perverse hearts will recognize the Law of God, will feel it in their lives, in their hearts.

I come, as Mother of all, to extend My hand to you so that you may tightly take hold of it and follow the path of purification that I offer you. Perhaps, My children, after eight continuous years, you have understood very little of all I have said to you. But do not fear; My Words are placed in your heart. I come to speak to your essences and not your minds. I come to transmit My Spirit of motherhood to you, and of love for each of your hearts.

The world has greatly forgotten God, and it is not enough that just the ambassador of peace is present, Pope Francis. All of you, beloved children, to the degree and measure in your tasks, must transmit this energy of peace to the world; because if your souls are united, in spite of religions, the world will not move much; although it would deserve to move a lot after everything it has done and all it has not listened to.

I come to bring you the hope, My children, of finding a path of change and redemption. In this end time, My true miracle will be the conversion of your lives. Because throughout the centuries and times, I have already performed many miracles in the world, which are recorded in your terrestrial books.

But has the world changed after so many miracles? Where are the results of this experience of Love?

In Kibeho they did not want to listen to Me. Could it be that South America will listen to Me?

I come to prevent great things in this part of the Americas. The spirit of the New Humanity must be born here; it is already written in the books of Solomon and in the Heart of My Beloved Son.

I come to announce, in these times, the emergence of a New Humanity, experiencing a profound transition, an intense purification, but without lacking the Mercy of God. It is the Mercy of God, beloved children, that has brought Me here today, into your presence, and will bring Me many more days until your hearts become receptacles of My Divine Message for peace.

When I have achieved the result, My children, of a true change in some of you, I will cease to appear, for I will have accomplished the last part of the promise I made to God.

Let the suns, from various points in the universe, be ignited in the fire of prayer and be mirrors in the times of chaos.

What I need, beloved children, is that you reflect your simplicity and love for God. I do not need your skills, although they are important for My Works of the end times. I come to make of your lives a model, a model in likeness to that of Christ, My Son.

Imagine, beloved children, when your lives, your bodies and souls will be that true model, and God has finally seen that My task, in this time, was accomplished in this part of humanity.

Think about what I tell you. These are already My last Words after so many Messages.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come on this night to knock down each of the barriers that separate you from God.

I come to show you a way, which is the path of the loss of self; because in this time, My children, I will lead you into announcing My Message in the four corners of this world; I will ask you to lose your fear of giving up even your life to announce the Return of My Son; I will ask you to surrender each space of your consciousnesses for the fulfilling of the Plans of God; that you encompass, in your hearts, the grandeur and the perfection of this Plan and how small the world is and everything that dwells therein. How little it would be to lose everything that exists in the face of the grandeur of the Purpose of God!

The time has come for the apostles of My Son to emerge, those who in other times did not fear pronouncing His Words of Life, who were moved only by faith and the hope that this Christic Heart should ignite in the greatest possible number of souls. Because in a past time, your souls knew about the urgency for preparing His Path, of preparing for the salvation of souls, so that, the time of Justice having come, you should have an opportunity for redemption.

My children, since the beginning of this human project, you were called on to help Me in the redemption and the salvation of this world, through your own salvation and your own redemption; because it is only through being living examples of the existence of God that you will be able to change the souls that live around you.

Thus, My children, in the same way that My Voice is pronounced to the world and very few were capable of hearing Me, I ask that you copy My steps and without fear, announce My Words of Life.

Even though you are not believed nor heard, know to sow a seed of awakening in souls; because when they are at the last step between the abyss and redemption, the seed will emerge from within them, planted by the love of your hearts for all of this humanity.

Do not tire of pronouncing My Words or of announcing the Return of My Son, because one day, the Heavens will open, and from the clouds will descend the King of the Universe, confirming for the incredulous the existence of the Kingdom of God, making those who never heard His Call fear.

But for those who repent from the heart, Mercy will defeat Justice, because the Lord of the Universe has an infinite Mercy and a profound Love for this Creation of God. Where there is a repentant heart, there His Mercy will be poured out.

For this reason, My beloveds, do not worry about the incredulity of beings, just do your part, fulfill your mission without expecting any result; because this is what the Christic path is about: an eternal giving of the whole self, a surrender of the life out of a pure love for God, His Plan, even knowing that very few will be able to respond.

A seed will always germinate in consciousnesses and even though many do not have the opportunity to enter into My Kingdom, they will be able to begin again from a healthy place, and in this way, at least their essences will be protected from evil.

Today I come, My children, to announce the existence of God and to leave this certainty imprinted on your hearts, because doubts about My Presence cannot exist in My soldiers.

Dispel from your consciousnesses the doubts in relation to the Plan of God. Struggle against yourselves to fully trust in Our Words, the Words of the Divine Messengers, which are the echo of the Lord of the Universe for each creature of this planet.

Defeat yourselves, My children!

Surrender before the Altar of the Creator!

When pride becomes greater than faith, place your heads on the ground and cry out for a humble, simple heart willing to fulfill the Divine Purpose.

Cry out every day, for the Higher Truth to be revealed to you and the ignorance of your hearts to be dispelled by the Grace that is to know the Universe, the Higher Reality, the Life that beats in the Heart of the Cosmos and which invites you to return to the Divine Origin, where everything is the fulfillment of the Law, where all hear the Voice of their Creator and follow it unconditionally.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As your Heavenly Mother, I want to rescue from shipwreck all those who drown in their own sea of illusions. Thus, the doors of Aurora will be open in August, so I may pour out My last spiritual healing over souls. You will be welcome in this, My House of Love, to meet again with Me in a new cycle and for a new end.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Sing to God and be thankful that He has allowed Me to visit you on this day. Remember My Words; they must be indelible in your hearts, sacred Words that will prepare the new being of the New Humanity.

Go in peace; I bless you under the luminous sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother of God, for all that You give us!

Special Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

Beloved children of Ours,

Today we are gathered together in Aurora of Love to renew the vows of all those who have committed themselves to Our Son, Christ the Redeemer, so that in this end of time, the Grace and Mercy that comes from the Heart of God may descend upon this planet.

Here, today, humility was reflected upon, that which We learned with Our little Son Jesus.

Do you know, beloveds of Ours, that when Jesus was three years old and We came together to pray, God already spoke through Him. And it was by means of that tiny and gentle Word that the Creator instructed the Sacred Family almost daily.

In this way, We learned to listen to God, also through Our little Son, Who in complete innocence and love told His Parents from Earth what His Father from Heaven showed Him about the worlds, about the universe and about His other Children of the Cosmos.

Our ears and Our Hearts learned to humbly listen and recognize the infinite Wisdom that God placed within Us through the little Jesus.

And you, beloved children, do you listen with humility and with your hearts to that which comes from the Heart of God?

Do you truly believe that it is possible that the Eternal Father speaks through His Messengers?

Do you humbly and fraternally live all the Wisdom that We, your Parents of Love, transmit through some of your brothers and sisters that have given themselves to repeat Our Words?

So that we may all be able to build this new and sacred family among us alll, you must open and trust in the Message of Love and Humility that today We bring to the world.

So that fraternity may be the keynote of your lives, you must cease to be that which you were and imitate the lives of the Sacred Family. At first, you will only be able to imitate them, but as you experience the peace and the deep feeling of the heart, when uniting with God, the time will come when everything will be converted into an extraordinary experience. That experience will be the cradle of the New Humanity.

Do not feel afraid to experience humility, do not feel ashamed about being less than the others, because in reality, you are nothing, you only represent a few little grains of sand in a great desert.

Today, We give you an impulse of love and of unity, and gathered together in the Love of God, We invite you to make an offering to Our Son, Who will visit you today, at nightfall.

Ask Him to teach you about humility, that which He taught the both of Us, His Parents of Love, since He was very little. 

Today, in this blessed place, We leave Our Grace and Our Love for all Our children of the world.

Who loves you and accompanies you always,

Mary, Rose of Peace and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph


Dear children,

As Your Mother from Heaven, I am pure and worthy of living eternally in your hearts, because it will be by means of the sacred invocation of My holy name that you will be able to heal yourselves from any sorrow and suffering.

Today I am present in two sacred places of healing for the souls in need of the Mercy of God.  Today I am here with you in the Sacred House Brother Pio and I am also in the Sacred House of healing for humanity in Aurora.  I this way Your Heavenly Mother unites through the real time of God these two places, so that you may remember that Your Healing and Co-redeeming Mother has a special predilection for these sacred precincts, totally donated to the souls that seek the true reconciliation with God.

As Your Healing Mother, I approach to you many souls and essences that in these times will need the rehabilitation of heart and life.  If the heart is not rehabilitated through faith and through prayer, how, dear children, will the deep healing of the heart happen?

For this, from the beginning of this work, the Sacred House Brother Pio and the Spiritual Healing Center of Aurora have been manifestations of the Divine Will to shelter and help in the redemption of a part of humanity.  Someday thousands of people will knock on your doors, to ask for help, retreat, healing and liberation, for this your Heavenly Mother has been preparing you for when this time comes, a time that will be signed by the purification of the Earth.

In these two houses of healing I designated the presence of angels from celestials universes far from the Earth, so that they may guard and protect this sacred project. Through the instruction that you have received for over thirty years, you have been formed to, in this time, assume this sacred task, which will not only focus on procedures that may produce relief, but rather, your true medicine, My children, will always be love.

A Love of God that will rebuild lives and liberate faults.  A Love that will close the doors to evil.  A Love that will relieve the soul that may be condemned and captive for so long.  For this, Saint Pio, Your Spiritual Brother, is who will always inspire you and show you the path, here in Figueira as in Aurora.  After fifty years of stigmas and surrendering, Saint Pio, as healer of souls and hearts, has prepared himself to accompany you in this last time of transition.

Beloved children, you count on a precious spiritual help; in this way once again My Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives and in the life of those most in need of love.  Remember, children, love will always be the master key that will heal the wounded spirit.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Source of Universal Healing,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

In this state of Grace, that which on this dawn I bring to all of you and for this nation, I want that you to listen in your hearts to the song of My maternal voice.

This song brings the Celestial Light that covers the spaces, liberating the souls from the oppressor, that one that has always tried to distance My children from God.

Today, upon the mirrors of light of this Aurora that emerges before your eyes, My peace reaches to all the spirits and all the kingdoms.

Today, also I want to express to all My children the gratitude of the Celestial Hierarchy for the unity and love that all My soldiers are beginning to express.  From this love and unity is that from which the new race will emerge for this planet.  In this way you begin today to live timidly the fraternity between your beings, so in this way you must continue along the path that My Son is showing you.

This fraternity begins to be glimpsed among you, where not only are you answering to the requests of the Divine Messengers, but that also you have begun to strengthen between yourselves the spiritual ties of love that, through which you are learning, spiritual ties that will form the basis of that which we crave so much – you, little children in evolution – and Us, the Divine Messengers.  We see in your inner beings how the christic essence has begun to shine, that which will conduct you through this transition.

When the prayer groups are more strengthened, you will begin to live together with Us, your Divine Masters, a spiritual fusion; we have said many times, that even though evil will be spread with fury over the Earth, so also will the Light and Love of God be established and shine in the hearts of those who truly clamor for the return of Christ, the Redeemer.

In these moments, the love of the Celestial Hierarchy will be like a great voice that will resonate in the spirit of each redeemed child of God, and will have an echo in the whole universe.  Then all the stars of the cosmos will hear the singing of the self-convoked ones who, gathered as the 144,000, will take the great step towards the new time of the 1000 years of peace.

There will emerge a new race that will prepare the New Christs, those that will teach the whole universe about love and forgiveness.  Remember that My Son promised once that you would do greater things than He had done.

Therefore, these things that My Son was referring to, were based on the love that He has lived and taught, which will be multiplied in the new time through the coming Christs, those that will emerge and become someday masters of the Masters.

And all this, My beloveds, will happen in this time with those that merge themselves in sincere prayer, pure of intention and empty of expectations, that which is born from each essence.

Strengthen yourselves My beloved prayerful soldiers, strive each day for living fraternity, so that unity and love may be the pillars of this new humanity that you are building.

I am with you, I Am the Lady dressed of the Sun that comes in this Aurora to light the mirrors of light that will clean your spirits so that you may enter into this new time.

Thank you for being with Me today. 

Who blesses you and loves you,

Mary, your Mother of the Sun and Universal Queen


Dear children,

May Peace reign today and may each being reach the union with God for these times.

I Am the Mother and Lady of the Andes, I Am the Condor that flies over the world calling Her children to redemption.  I come to this world to save it with the hope that Christ, your Lord, will find the souls strengthened and decided to live the Plan of God.

For this My little children, open your eyes and look at the Star-Sun that enlightens you, look at the mountains that surround you and invite you to elevate yourselves to find the path of the inner union with God.

You, who are My disciples of the new time, have the mission of helping to transcend the human conditions, so that this planet and all its minor kingdoms becomes sacred and blessed; but there is still much to forgive inside and outside of you.

Dear children, I invite you to proceed without tiring, without discouragement, only looking towards the top of the mountains in order to find Me in flight, guiding your lives and your steps.

For this last cycle of transition, you will find yourselves in many tests.  With joy and united to the strength of the Heart of Christ, do not fear to unmask your old habits and, thus, to make them sacred through the constancy in the prayer of the heart.

Now you are at the moment of never retreating and complying with this blessed project which should incarnate in life and in the essence of all My servers.  While this is about to happen, I ask that you live through the spirit, through the good courage and that you risk to banish your own self.

Now, as disciples, among you there should be no preferences; the path of My Heart indicates to you the time for your rapid purification so that in this way the Light of Christ may dwell in you.

The Lord sends Me glorious and resplendent as the Condor of Light, so that humanity may comprehend that it is no longer the moment to stop nor delay in this life.  It is time to walk, to overcome barriers and obstacles inside and outside of your little beings; that will be only achieved through a loving act of repentance, that which will lead you to do penance for all those who not even think in God the Father.  Thus My little ones, you may be adults and may be mature to face this last time of changes and of massive transformations.

When My Immaculate Spirit appeared for the first time upon the soil of Aurora, many did not understand the meaning of My message, and the ones who accepted Me the priests, when at the time I called them to accompany Me on this planetary mission of peace and of permanent pilgrimage.  And this responsibility was granted to the more immature and inexperienced in the path of the spirit, but it was only the faith that they incarnated and the devoted love to My Heart that permitted that My work towards other nations and continents.

Only by the love and fidelity of the prayer groups of the Network of Light I have been able to fulfill the designs that God had given Me.

Remember children that I Am the Mother who must give you the essence of the Most Holy Trinity for this cycle, so that all of you will be conceived and contemplated once again by the Merciful Heart of God.  This is the work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity: that all the souls of the world may revive the union with the Love of the Father, with the Faith of the Son and with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

I still hope that My Holy Church in Uruguay and in the world may take the first step, in order for all the good Christians to recognize My presence.

Dear children, as your Mother, I bring you to this day, the 13th of December, these reflections; I wish every day that you may be able to grow and thus separate from the illusion with which the enemy fills you and which confuses you.

May in this time of changes, your aspiration to be with Me be permanent.

My Light will always illuminate you!

Who blesses you, heals you and loves you,  

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Andes

Marathon of Divine Mercy

And now that you have understood what I told you yesterday, receive My Heart in Light and in Glory, and do not separate My Heart from your hearts. Fulfill the promise of being with Me forever.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us repeat:

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Source of Love and of Truth,
receive our consciousnesses in Your Kingdom.
(three times)

With these simple words, you will be giving God permission for your souls to be rescued through God's Firstborn Son, in the end of times, so that, when I return in Glory to this world, souls can recognize Me, as many of you knew Me in the past.

Thus, on this afternoon of Mercy and Pity, I bring you My Presence; I bring you the remembrance of having been with Me in other times, sharing the Supper with the Lord, the favorite Communion with the Greater Universe.

Once again, I bring your consciousness the opportunity to remember all these things, of being able to relive the passages you have lived with Me, because all I wish is that your lives be close to My Heart and no longer be scourges for Me, but rather sources of love and of truth, as is My merciful Heart for you.

Through this day of merciful prayer, I was able to deeply come to know your inner beings, visit your inner worlds, your greater spirits, and repair many things through the simple practice of prayer. Perhaps you will not notice this great change, but let a little time go by so as to be able to understand what I tell you today.

My Words are not just simple words. Through them, I bring the Light of God to the world. I was conceived to be the Spokesperson of the universe and I will continue to be so until I can return to the world. And while that does not happen, I come with the hope of preparing your inner worlds so as to be able to dispel the shadows and the darkness, those energies that envelop your lives all the time when you simply stop looking at Me for a moment.

I observe you all the time, My companions. Imagine how much I observe the whole of humanity. Through My brothers and sisters on the path, I move past all lives, waiting for yet another soul to awaken and prepare this flock of apostles that will give testimony of My Return to the world.

When the false lies about My Appearance come up in humanity, I will not confuse anybody. My love is unmistakable, because I Am the emanation of a feeling of Love, of a pure and healthy word that brings you the Will of God, as energy and as Presence, for those who simply say 'yes' to Me.

When I told you yesterday that you have the great task of unity, this is not something so simple. You have to work with your inner beings so that My Consciousness can permanently reign. And when I am present among you all and in all, I will be able to carry out My Works of salvation for Uruguay.

Do not stop praying for the priests and for all those who strive to live My Path in the four corners of the Earth, because it is necessary, My children, that the brave be able to bear the great tribulation.

When the time comes for the great division of humanity, your hearts must already be resplendent and the dark stains must no longer exist, those which sometimes permeate your hearts, blind your eyes and take away your faith.

Thus, unite with Me at this time, while the Mercy of My Heart is poured out upon the world. I only hope to fulfill what God asks of Me for this era. So, too, hope the Divine Messengers and all the Creator Fathers, who, in Their Love, hold an awareness for the best idea for this planet, the greatest purpose for this world, the infinite objective for humanity. 

While you comprehend and understand all these matters with the love of your heart, receive My Words in your essences. These are no longer times to experience normal things nor to have brilliant ideas. I am showing you a Path of Light that is very little accepted, that is very forgotten, because souls are involved in other things. The things of the world are stronger and take you from the path of spirituality.

But when you are aware of being able to recognize My Words and My Petition, be willing to wholly transform. Allow My Angels to tear your old garments so that the true being that dwells within you, the high self that is very unknown to humanity, may emerge; for humanity strongly lives the terrestrial life, is involved with the things of the world and forgets to look at the sky, contemplate the stars, feel itself to be part of the universe. All the universes are waiting for your 'yes.'

Thus, up to where We are allowed, the Divine Messengers will travel and do pilgrimages, giving the Message, the warning, the call to attention to humanity, because the great change of this race is drawing closer and you will not be able to say you did not know. I already announced it 2,000 years ago. John described it in the Apocalypse.

The words are being revealed to the world through the facts and the events that take place today, in this XXI century, of profound changes in which souls do not known where to go.

I invite you to become a part of My Fount of Mercy; in this way, you will be able to think of My Heart all the time, and your own reasons will disappear from your minds so that the Will of God may dwell in your consciousnesses.

When I call on you to follow a single path, I announce to you My companions, and I invite you to deeply seek My Heart all the time, to not think of anything but My Heart, so that your lives may be guided correctly and you not miss the path of redemption that is being offered to you.

This is the last word that is being said to the world. Thus, be attentive, vigilant, present in this moment, so that My Codes of Light do not dissipate from your beings and you do not fall again into the normal things of this world because of a lack of love and unity.

In these difficult times, I invite you to seek Heaven, to aspire to find the star of your origin. Let each one live their true mission, no matter what it is, simply following My Steps so as to not be confused and think that you are living a mission just as God wishes.

Thus, He sends Me to represent His universal Voice so that you not be confused and truly hear what I am saying to you. My Words are moving through this Earth, but where will they remain? I seek receptacles for My sacred Words, dwellers of My Mercy that are able to disseminate My Message of Light and of Peace for this race that is being lost.

Meditate on what I tell you.

Many have questions to ask of Me, but I will respond to them over the course of time through the signs of Light that I will give everybody, which will demonstrate what My desire is for all.

Africa is preparing to receive us. I invite you on this afternoon to be carriers and collaborators of this Work, because it will be important in this end time to seek the spirit of reconciliation with the Africans, the redemption and the healing that there must be between the souls of America and of Africa.

I also wish, My companions, that Europe be present on this mission. If you do it thus, many conversions will occur. Your hearts will be released of faults through the service of being and sharing with all My children of Africa, who wait for you and need you in these difficult moments.

So I invite you to be carriers of My Peace, that you may discover, through this sacred mission, how many things I have done through you by means of prayer of the heart.

I will baptize you again with My Spirit of Life, so that you may always be aware of My existence in every place, in the simple and humble hearts that seek God with much love.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus asks us to pray while He consecrates the elements for the Baptism, the Foot-washing, and the Communion. From His Heart, He invites all the connected brothers and sisters to do the same, wash your feet and commune with His Body and His Blood. That you place these sacred Sacraments close to His Presence so that He may bless them as He did in the past.

Jesus asks Me to repeat the following prayer once, and then that we repeat it all together several times.

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Source of Love and of Truth,
receive our consciousness into Your Kingdom.
(three times)

Uruguay has received a timeless Grace that must remain beating in your hearts so that it may overcome barriers, convert hearts, lift up the fallen,  raise the unredeemed again, and thus the Plan of God may be accomplished.

May this timeless Grace that I give you be able to remain in your lives and you be consistent with this Grace. In your hands will be the permanence of this Grace or its disappearance.

My Heart gives you a star of Light of the universe.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

For the consecration of the elements, at the request of Our Lord, we will sing the Our Father in Aramaic. At this moment, He asks that all the connected Grace Mercy Order carry out the same exercise.

Sung prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

Let the Lord receive this sacrifice into His Hands so that His Name be praised and glorified by the whole universe, and His Source of Love and of Unity be able to help all souls to achieve transfiguration, the path of redemption.

I am present here, contemplating Uruguay and the world. My Heart is the Aurora that shines in your lives. Seek this essence, the Christic essence of Love, so that your fears disappear and the faith prevail that will carry you into eternal life.

Amid this universal sky that surrounds Me, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be a source of Love and of Truth. Thus you will make Me glad.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

For His elevation, Jesus wants us to sing "Primordial Source" and that we remember the glorious Ascension of Christ, which we will also experience in this moment.


May the Power of God descend to Earth so that souls may be freed of the pressures of material life.

May the supreme Gift of the Love of God incarnate, as verb and energy, in all essences that are rehabilitated through forgiveness and prayer.

May the kingdoms of darkness be dispelled from the face of the planet so that the currents of Divine Love that come in aid of humanity, may re-establish the spiritual mission of each creature.

May the Portals of Heaven open, today, so the power of healing may descend and the new Aurora once again ignite wounded hearts through a greater reconciliation.

May the original innocence of souls reawaken, so that the spirit of brotherhood guide the purpose of the self-summoned.

Today, the Voice of the Messenger of God can be heard in the universe, because the Plan and Infinity aspire to live in the depths of the hearts that were called.

All the spiritual towers that have fallen rise up to Heaven, and the sun of the universe illuminates the paths of those who have given their great 'yes' to God.

The kings of Heaven assemble and celebrate the eternal redeeming communion with Jesus Christ, the Lord and Master of Love.

Nobody in this world will fail to hear the call, because the strength of the Love of God promotes an unbreakable union of souls with the Higher Kingdom.

Those who have again found the path they once lost, rejoice, because the Spokesperson of Heaven calls on you to be rehabilitated. Thus, from your beings release the reins and the ties of the past, so that among hearts, the spirit of peace may arise.

I gather up all your needs in My Heart. God contemplates the purity of the just and the mercy of the good. It is now time to embrace the opportunity and not retreat.

The Heart of the Great Master calls you to a greater unity, because supreme life must be gestated in redeemed beings.

Hold in your hands the divine flame that illumines you, and do not cease to look at the firmament that accompanies you.

Be bearers of the restorative and liberating message. Be stars that are part of the new Universe of God. Praise the Father as the angels in Heaven do and be worthy of receiving universal Graces.

Rebuild humanity with prayer and no longer be separate because of appearances. Recognize the Voice that comes from the Universe, the hand that caresses your face, the Mantle that protects you from all evil, the eyes that contemplate you with kindness and love, the divine smile that encourages you to continue forward and the maternal embrace that welcomes you.

Feel the Kingdom of My Peace in your lives, the calm that penetrates you, the serenity that reassures you, the luminous spark of My Heart. Be My soldiers and help to redeem this beloved suffering planet. Accept My convocation and, through prayer, profess the love of God.

Do not cease looking at or listening to Me. I am the same mother and woman that gestated Jesus, the Savior, and now I am your Mother of hope.

It is time to close the hell of this world so that Christ can return soon. In your hands is the power for your transformation, in your hands and hearts, the spring of the prayer of the heart can be born.

Receive My call with joy and rejoicing. Sing to God every day; in this way you will alleviate His scourged Heart of Love.

I am with you in the silence as well as in the joy; I am with you in the healing as well as in sickness. Purify yourselves in time and receive My maternal Love.

My wish is that renewed charismatic groups of prayer emerge from Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca and Viedma, which represent the Law of Healing for humanity. This you will achieve through your inner union.

I thank all My children of Argentina and the world for having responded to My maternal call!

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the God of Mercy, blesses you and heals you.

Peace on Earth.

Message for the annual Apparition of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

While the whole world suffers through not looking at our Supreme God with love, today, on this blessed and glorified anniversary day, My maternal Heart is among you to again bring you peace and goodness, the love and forgiveness of the universe.

As Mother of Graces, I invite you to place your beings under the blue Rays that emanate from the powerful spring of My supreme Grace. You will be able to do this, My dears, through prayer.

In these times of great changes, God observes the loving response of all His creatures; for this reason, He, in His eternal Glory, sends Me to the world to warn it and guide it on the spiritual path of each soul.

Dear ones, as Universal Mother, in these end times of crisis, I am uniting souls and hearts under the same purpose of peace and conversion.

The Lord has requested Me to persist for humanity, and as My Immaculate Love for you is infinite and most precious, My Son also comes to meet with you to indicate to you and remind you of the only path that leads you to God, which is the path of the prayer of the heart.

On this special anniversary of My Presence in Aurora, I aspire that your spirits gather up the fruits that with so much love I will be giving you through My Apparitions. Thus, recognize now, My dear children, that you are not alone on this path that each one experiences day by day.

I want to thank you now for the response of all to My call to build the Bridge of Mercy. Today I also ask that you voluntarily help Me to finish building the pathways at the Marian Center of Aurora. In this way, My requests will be fulfilled through the love of all My children.

My Ray of Order and Ceremony must be established at the Marian Center of Aurora; for this, everything must be finished according to My blessed intentions. In this way, this part of South America will be able to receive My Graces through the harmonious radiation of the Marian Center of Aurora.

Dear children, today is a day of celestial celebration; therefore, unite with the angels of Heaven so the Mercy and the Grace of God may descend upon the Earth.

I thank the pilgrims for having responded to My call during this latest time!

Who blesses you in the Love of Jesus,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

