The story of a pilgrim of peace from Aurora

His devotion had always touched My Heart because his fidelity was prayer itself, that which expressed his pilgrim heart.

His reverence, while sounding the bells, called upon all souls to awaken and, often without anybody knowing it, his love for the Most Holy Virgin made the most lost souls become saved.

Prayer was his spiritual nourishment and allowed him to fly to the high spheres of consciousness where he received the Love of the Eternal Father to share it with his brothers and sisters along the journey.

He arrived as a silent pilgrim. His love for Aurora was so strong that it allowed him to remain near and wait for the doors to open for him.

But in truth, his humbleness, resignation and service led him to consecrate his soul, mind and body to his Master and Lord.

Aurora not only had a brother and companion of Christ, Aurora had a pilgrim of peace who walked side by side with many throughout years and, in his life of simplicity, of joy and of renewal, he helped express the Light of the Kingdom of Aurora.

Today, not only did a devoted brother and pilgrim leave to Heaven; today rose to the Kingdom of Heavens the guardian of the bells of Aurora, an unerasable memory that will continue sounding within the hearts and memory of those who, someday, heard the sound of the bell of Aurora.

With joy, rejoice and be grateful, the Order founded by your Master today receives, on the Altars of Heaven, the first saint, man and pilgrim who witnessed, in his own life, that it is possible to experience Christ and be part of Christ for all of eternity.

Today, Heaven receives the triumph of a life of simplicity, of selflessness and of service, which will give an impulse to all those who stayed to fulfill and carry out the same aspiration.

Hail, Aurora! Today a star of redemption was lit in your sublime firmament, and peace reached everybody.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


On a day like today, twelve years ago, I called upon very ordinary and simple people so that they might follow Me, so that they might transform their lives out of love for My Son, and might respond to a great and important invitation that I brought from Heaven.

Thus, I appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and the Lady of Aurora because, in My Heart, I was bringing the announcement of the time of redemption and of spiritual healing for souls.

On a day like today, but twelve years ago, such simple people who had nothing to gain nor lose said "yes" to Me, and together with Me established the manifestation of the Purpose that God had requested of Me for South America.

His request was that, before the hundred years, since My Apparitions in Fatima, should pass, I descend with all of My Consciousness to a humble place in the north of Uruguay to call the world to the conversion and to the redemption of all planetary life. But also, My request was to carry My Message of Peace by means of simple but profound pilgrimages thoughout the different nations of the world.

Thus, My Divine Person, as time went by, went calling hearts that would form part of this Mission and during this time, the first and small choir emerged, made up of three children of Mine.

One of My daughters would represent My singing Voice to the world, a Mission that was accomplished. But as the Purpose of God was so great, on seeing that My children responded, the Father asked Me to awaken more hearts and, in this way, the great choir of the Divine Mother emerged.

I then asked for a selfless Association to be founded that would disseminate My Message of Peace throughout the entire world; until finally, Misericordia María TV came along, a means of communication of the Divine Hierarchy which, through sound and images, would carry the Message and the Call of God to millions of souls in the world.

Twelve years have passed, of so many experiences, of children that left without having understood the essence of My call, of new and unexpected children who arrived, and those who will arrive to follow My pilgrim path.

Today, in My Heart of Light, I hold and remember the awakening of Aurora and the sweet aroma of the orange groves, as well as the fruits that many carried within themselves as an indelible Grace of healing.

Today, after twelve years, the planet cries out for Mercy and for forgiveness. Thus, I invite all My children to renew their vows so that, under the light of Aurora, new aspirations may be accomplished and concretized.

Under the Will of God, My children, may we be able to continue walking together in this eternal pilgrimage toward a meeting with the Heart of Jesus so that we may finally merge into the Love of God, because My one desire as a Mother is to always lead you toward God, so that peace may be achieved.

I thank all who have walked by My side during these last twelve years, and I am thankful for those who will continue walking by My side, helping Christ to continue carrying the cross of the pain of the planet so that it may be alleviated.

I thank you for responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you in peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

The Sacred Call

Only the Light of My Spirit will be enough for you to go through the end of times, because it is through My Light that you will go beyond all darkness, will traverse the times with courage and valor.

You will not measure yourselves by your fears but rather by your fortitude, the fortitude that comes from God, that comes from His Spirit, from His Temperance, and from His Wisdom.

I come here, companions, to bring the Light of the divinity of God so that all created essences may achieve the Light of the Celestial Father and may be removed from the abysses of the Earth through the powerful intercession of your Master and Lord and of all the angelic choirs.

I come to bring Italy the spiritual balance of equality and of justice so that this principle, which comes from the Father, may be established in this part of humanity, and someday, in the rest of the world.

Without Divine Justice and without Divine Equality, the humanity of Italy will not be able to be redeemed.

Thus, I come to offer you My Heart. I come from the deepest and most unknown part of the Universe so that the eyes of your consciousness may open and recognize the powerful Light of the Son that comes, in the name of the Father, to bring salvation to humanity, the end of spiritual slavery and of the damnation of all souls in the world illusion; indifference, pride, lack of charity and love for the one who suffers, for the neighbor, for the one who despairs.

I need your hearts to open, companions, so that the Heavens can open over Italy, because it is a nation that greatly needs God, an absolute reconciliation with and trust in the Almighty, the Celestial Father.

In this way, you will learn to be just and will be equal one with another. There will be no mediocrity, there will be no indifference in your hearts, you will not repeat the same mistakes that the Pharisees repeated in times past.

You must be the New Christs, the most imperfect among the imperfect, those who should rest their heads on the ground to implore for their redemption and for their homeland before everything is unleashed, before everything manifests, before you cannot control anything.

I come through the word of the Justice of God, full of His Mercy and of His profound Love, because I know that on some level you can hear Me. 

I do not speak to your material ears, I speak to your inner ears, to your essences, to your souls, to your spirits that must assume the path of light, of the good and of peace again, so that this may not only reflect in Italy, but beyond this land.

God needs you to convert into His worthy children, that you set aside appearances, pettiness and the power that you believe you hold in your hands.

My companions and new disciples, let me be able to transform you, love you, have you able to feel Me, recognize Me and live Me as hundreds of disciples of Mine fully live Me, recognize Me and love Me.

Your duty to the Universe and to humanity, as a nation and as a religion, is very great. For this reason, I choose the most simple places such as this one, in which the Justice of God is still lacking, so that His Wisdom may be present, for My need is within the most simple and humble, in those who have not known the Love of God, My Christic and sovereign Love can awaken them. So that, as My merciful Heart, your hearts may be merciful, hearts of goodwill and hearts of peace so that your land and your country may be spiritually rebuilt and you not fear the Truth, the sovereign and unknown Truth that I bring to you from Heaven and from the Universe. So that your essences, which await this moment and this opportunity, can recognize it, can see and accept it as part of your lives, I bring the Light of the divinity of God to an Italy that must be redeemed, in a religious, social and human way.

There is still much to be healed here, there is much suffering to alleviate, there is much mercy to be poured out. For this reason, I come from Heaven, bringing you the Word of God so that the Word which comes from the Divine Word can awaken, redeem and save you.

Open your hearts to what comes from Heaven at this moment. The Lord of the Universe, in the action of His profound Mercy, by the merits of His Passion, dissolves the darkness of the planet, the conflicts of nations, the misunderstandings of peoples, the errors of each one of you.

This is the time of Grace, it is the time of the Mercy of God, but it is a time that will end before everything comes to the world in an unknown and surprising way. I come to prepare your souls and hearts for all that will come and will happen because, in truth, I tell you that you will not be able to believe it.

The time that will come is definitive for all nations, but if your prayers and your hearts reach Heaven in a constant, permanent and continuous way, everything, everything will be transformed through your good actions, through your example of life on the path of charity and of good.

Italy needs to live the Plan of God, fully support the Holy Father in the changes he wants to make and carry out. He counts on My divine authority, that is why you need to hear him, so that you are able to hear Me. Italy has always been a blessed land and must continue to be blessed so that its sicknesses may be erased from human consciousness.

As a testimony to that Love that comes from the Universe, I offer you the merits of My Passion, of My Death and Resurrection by means of the Sacrament of Communion. This is why today I come to anoint you with My Spirit, in the name of the Holy Spirit.

Today I come to bring you Peace, so that your hearts feel encouraged to experience the transformation and the apostleship that I offer each one of you, as well as each one of your brothers and sisters in the world.

You must be a part of My army of Light of the end of times so that Italy may have a special oopportunity. But it will depend on its people, on its culture and on its homeland, that you truly open the doors for your Master and Lord so that He may once again return here and you may live His Will rather than your own, the Will of God, what He has thought of for each one of you.

His Divine and Unfathomable Will, for each one of the Italians, still levitates in the Universe and waits to descend upon your consciousnesses so that his Plan of Love and of Redemption may manifest.

With loving gratitude, in the name of your Divine Lady, with immense Love, I accept the Prayer for Peace in Italy and I invite all the praying people, as up until now, to take up this commitment. Because it will be South America and a part of Europe that will help Italy in its true process of spiritual conversion.

This will help the Holy Father, and a spiritual and inner communion will be established and will go beyond dogmas and beliefs. Because the purpose for praying for Italy is to support Christian ecumenism and the so awaited alliance that this work of love will carry out with the Holy Father, respecting the principles and the beliefs by means of the Love that I gift to you through My Heart.

I wish this prayer to be permanent, beginning at least once a week. Because love, divine love, untiring love, incalculable love, the love of the Fount of God must descend upon Italy by means of the Prayer for Peace. Because until hearts feel love, which many of you received from My Heart at some point, the change will not come, redemption will not happen.

So I invite you to not only pray for Italy, but also to make some sacrifices such as the one we asked you to make many years ago, when all of this work began in sacred Aurora. And a place, so unknown and small like Uruguay, was thought of by God and by His Divine Son, in confraternity with the Divine Lady, so that Redeeming Love might emerge from Aurora to humanity.

We love the sacrifice of Aurora. We recognize its sacrifice, its service, and its untiring giving of self so that the light of the new dawn, as Aurora is, may reach all the hearts of the world, all nations and all peoples, all souls that have sought the Light of God for a long time.

This is the reason why we are here, renouncing as I ask you to. Just as your Master and Lord renounced from the Last Supper up to the heights of Mount Calvary, until the last moment of His expiring on the Cross. This is the sacrifice, so great and so similar to the one of the New Aurora, the Light of the new dawn, is making for humanity while God has need of it.

So, companions, your house, your dwelling will be the planet and not the land of your origin, nor your culture, nor your people. Your dwelling will be the nations, so that those who need love may reach the light of redemption in the name of Christ.

The moment has come to renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God by means of the memory of the Last Supper. I invite you, at this moment, to relive My Passion in any place on Earth, where you may be gathered together or whomever you are with. As much as sometimes you do not understand your peers, thank God for whom you are with at this moment and at this time, because it has a reason.

All will participate as essences and as souls in the inner mystery of the Eucharist, in the immensity of the Love of God by means of the celebration and the consecration of the bread and the wine as the Body and the Blood of the Redeemer.

Just as John the Apostle washed the hands of his Master at the Last Supper, secretly, to gift Him with the love of his heart and strengthen the experience of the Sacrifice of his Lord, today, by means of Divine Grace, I wash and purify the faults of Italy so that souls may emerge from the hells and reach the Celestial Light. So be it.

We reverently stand up or kneel.

At that time, your Master and Lord took the bread and, gathered together with His apostles, gave thanks to God for the sacrifice, even while knowing all that would happen with humanity and the planet after His ascension until the present days. Even so, in a profound act of love and of reverence for souls, your Lord said to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body, which will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins." And the Light of the Divinity of God descended upon the world.

We adore You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

Before ending the Supper, your Master and Redeemer took the Chalice and, thanking God again for the sacrifice, gave it to His apostles and said to them: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that will be poured out by your Redeemer, for all the martyrs, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me." And the Light of the Divinity of God descended again over the Earth, the hells were closed and souls, in a deep spiritual joy, were saved.

We adore You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

Prayer: Our Father (in Spanish).

We will now hear the Our Father in Italian.

The Body and the Blood of Christ. Happy are those who are invited to avail themselves of the Redeemer. Amen.

In an immense Love, I place you. With an immense Grace, I leave you. And through a great Love, I renew you so that you may recognize Me within yourselves; and the Work of My Peace and of Mercy is fulfilled in humanity, for the centuries to come..

In unity, forgiveness and reconciliation, in the name of the Love of God, in fraternity for Italy and for the whole world, give one another the greeting of peace.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

We can give one another the greeting of peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Sacred geometry is the most ancient symbol of this humanity. In truth, it first emerged from the Source, in order to manifest the creation and originate the principles and attributes of evolutionary life.

The spiritual, sacred and immaculate geometry has always been present on Earth, despite the eras and its different ages.

The first humanities knew these sacred symbols, experienced the sacred geometries, not only for the uplifting of consciousness, but also for the evolution of human genetics.

The whole configuration of the human being as a natural and spiritual being is formed by a sacred and perfect geometry, the main and original idea of the Creator Fathers.

The first designs of this geometry were emanated by the Main Source of God, which to this day, emanates Love, Unity and Wisdom.

Sacred geometry is not only a part of the mentalists and philosophers, it is something that was captured by the different prophets, by the ancient people of Israel, even by Moses himself.

These sacred principles bring to the world, through geometry, the knowledge of the Purpose of God, and this is a way to unite bridges and dimensions between consciousnesses.

The time has come for humanity to be healed and regenerated through sacred geometry, through the only and perfect geometry that comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy and no other.

What comes form the Source is incalculable, what it emanates is indelible.

Since the beginning of the Earth and before the first humanity, the sacred geometry was what constituted the formation of this local Universe, so that later, life, evolution and, finally, the awakening would exist.

In sacred geometry is the root of your origins, the knowledge of your constellations, the reason for your having come to Earth to live a school of forgiveness and redemption.

The moment of the time of synthesis came, in which the East profoundly knew the sacred geometry and revered it; it is still part of it at the present time, despite the inadequate use that many peoples have made of it.

Yet this sacred geometry, about which I speak to you today, companions, is found in the essence of the Holy Chalice, inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where all the attributes, all purposes and elevated thoughts of God, expressed before the origin of Creation, are safeguarded and protected by the holy angels.

This is the purpose of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the emanation of its sacred geometry, which, after the end of times and on the New Earth, with the New Humanity, must return to the planet in order to constitute a new race, free from suffering, pain, agony and evil.

In the sacred geometry, something valuable and inextinguishable is found. It is as if you were before the most perfect manifestation of God, represented through the symbols and geometries that bring a sublime energy to human consciousness.

In Sacred Centers, like this one, are kept sacred geometries, fundamental principles of the Source of Creation, which in silence accompany humanity from the beginning. But, it is the hour and the time for this sacred knowledge to emerge from human consciousness, for everyone who is committed to follow the Purpose of God, and above all, committed to find within, their inner universe.

May I continue?

I can’t hear…

Everyone answers: Yes!

Sacred geometry is most sacred in the Universe. It was God Himself, our Celestial Father, who created it and He delivered it as something immaculate and sacred in the hands of the archangels, so that they could recreate and shape His Divine Will in the spiritual plane, the mental universe and, at last, in this material universe.

The sacred geometries are patterns of conduct that are needed by the human being for this cycle, so that it can transit and cross the end of times, keeping alive within the Christic light, the sacred flame of the essence, or however you want to understand it, the awakening.

Today I have brought in My Hands one of the Scrolls of God, one of the most ancient treasures of this Universe, of the Immaterial Source of Creation, of the Universe of the Resplendent, where the origin of the purpose of this humanity is written.

God thought, in His Silence, the possibility of the existence of creatures so similar to Him, that could live Love as He does, that could overcome it in Love, through experiences of union, light and forgiveness.

Therefore, He created a sacred geometry, which synthesizes the existence of this world and of the local universe.

In this geometry, of which I speak to you today, is the possibility that the whole of humanity rediscovers its path, the path to the Source of Creation that was lost from the moment that duality, or as you are willing to understand it, as adversity, emerged.

But in this sacred geometry, that is also inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, is found a replica of this very elevated thought of God, that emerged from His eternal Heart from the moment that He felt the will and need that His children could know and recognize Him, as the Father of Wisdom, the Father of Love, the Lord of the Truth.

But it was before My birth in Israel, that the most ancient peoples of the desert knew the sacred geometry of God.

During the forty years in the desert, the people of Israel, by being protected and sheltered by the Eternal Father, in that long walk, seeking the Promised Land, had known and experienced the essence of that sacred geometry by means of the manna which satiated and fed them; it was the physical contact that they had with the essence of that Purpose of God that brought forth life on Earth and the emergence of the first humanity.

It was in this way that before the appearance of Christ on Earth, through His incarnation in Bethlehem, the ancient people of Israel could make part of the Divine Purpose, that their genetics and natural constitution allowed; some time after, My human essence would receive from this people what most sacred thing they reached at the level of Spirit and Higher Mental.

When I was on Earth, I was the sacred geometry of God manifested as man and consciousness. I was the archetype itself and divine principle materialized on Earth, through the most pure womb of My Mother in the sacred intervention of the Holy Spirit.

All was thought, contemplated and meditated upon so that the world, throughout times and generations, would never forget the main sacred geometry of God, which is Love, that within human consciousness allows evolution, ascension and the expansion of charity.

In the Universe of God, there are many scrolls such as this one. Such profound and unknown revelations to the human mind that will help all human beings to resume the lost path to their true purpose, to the true reason that brought them here for a spiritual goal, for an uplifted end, for a sacred principle.

Your souls do recognize this legacy because they are part of this manifestation, of this experience, which started in the origin of this Universe.

While Aurora contemplates this scene of the Son, bringing to the world the sacred geometry of God, a great celestial vault in the inner planes is manifested in all of your spirits, in order that they capture the sacred symbols of God, which the people of Israel once knew and which will allow on Earth, to resume again, the reverence to reach the ascension of body, mind and spirit.

Through what I taught to the apostles, by means of the Sacraments, the sacred geometry is also found diversified in different principles and forms, to the point that these sacred geometries are material, through Baptism, Anointment,  Confession, Washing of the Feet and,  most importantly, through Communion.

Because it was at the Last Supper, where the most important sacred geometry of God descended through Me, in the materialization of the Body and Blood of Christ, sacred geometry allowed Me to reach the Cross, in order to expand and give all the symbols that redeemed humanity at that time.

Today the heavenly angels prepare the doors of the Universe, because the impulses of the sacred geometry of God will return to humanity so that souls can experience a different way of life and learn, in simplicity, to overcome fear, error and pain that these human genetics have generated throughout times by having been distanced from the Purpose of God, from the sacred geometry of the Father.

The Archangel Metatron is the guardian and keeper of the sacred geometry of God. He is in charge, within this material and local Universe, of sending this impulses at the end of times, in order that souls reach a profound connection with the Creator Father, by means of the intervention of Archangel Metatron.

It is the fire of this archangel, through His main sacred geometry, that will allow the transmutation of human consciousness and the liberation of the human spirit from sin, error, perversion and perdition.

God taught in the beginning of this world, the first and most important sacred geometry, which is the Word of prayer. It is the bridge and base to build a new life that souls, in a short time, will not recognize in themselves because of the voltage that prayer provides to human consciousness through elevation and transformation.

Those who live in the school of sacred geometry of prayer will know other sacred geometries of the Father and the spiritual plane will no longer be far from you; you will be able to recognize it within yourself when making contact with these divine principles that come from the Source.

Until today, this is what I can say, because the sacred geometry has a high voltage of spiritual and material energy that transmutes human consciousness; and you must learn to live and administer the impulses that come from heaven, because knowledge itself is an impulse that will remain within you, to lead you to take a great step in some moment of your lives.

This is the reason why I stop today, because souls have a certain capacity to endure, but trust in what I am doing, just as I trust in what you do, day to day, and in everything that you have offered Me today for the triumph of My Sacred Heart in humanity.

It is this fidelity, constancy and faith that comes from within you that allows this knowledge to come closer, so that humanity comes out of the superficial, the petty, the indifferent; so that you may be instruments of these sacred geometries in each moment of life, just as in each act of prayer, so that you may be mirrors of God.

I thank those who listen carefully, because this emits a response from the Universe that, at last, the day of your awakening will come in order to be in communion in an intimate and true way with the Main Source of God, so that you are in contact with God, even though you are on Earth learning to overcome suffering and learning to live Love.

Sacred geometry will always uplift you.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master has kept the scroll…

And now, to synthesize this impulse in consecrated life manifested in different ways, because it is something that souls live, and where the sacred geometry is also found.

And today I will consecrate two new helpers because they have manifested this constancy in seeking this Purpose of God, and thus, I keep gathering My flock so that you recognize your filiation with Me and, above all, this intimate marriage with My Heart.

I wish to have here the elements of consecration for the helpers.

And the sacred geometry of God will be mirrored as well in these elements, which will become sacred, so that it may be present in My Spouses that have offered to serve Me through this service of giving themselves to the altars of God.

All sacred geometries are aspects of the Love of God, they are the closest experience of the Source of Creation.

I invite you to stand in reverence to the sacred geometries of God, for yourselves, your families, your acquaintances, the whole humanity that must recover the attributes of God through these last impulses that I bring from the Universe to the humble of heart.

Let us celebrate this event before the doors of heaven. May the whole humanity be worthy of this Grace, because what is true comes only from the immaterial and from the experience of Love in the material life.

Let us listen to the Kodoish melody so that the angels, at My request and call, be gathered here to bring to Earth the essence of the sacred geometry of God, a fertile treasure that is kept in the Sacred Centers of the Hierarchy. Father, in each element that You created is found the essence of the sacred geometry.

Today we raise and offer each one of these elements so that human consciousness may be transmuted and souls reach forgiveness and redemption. Amen.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Friar Melquisedec, Friar Juan de la Cruz, both brothers, you may come.

From the element water, that God created, is born the sacred geometry of life, from which every being on Earth is fed and lives, because this element unites it and elevates it to the Kingdom of God.

Let us softly start singing the melodic Kodoish in order to receive the angelic impulses and accompany this ceremony.

Song: the melodic Kodoish.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Pardon, He told me that I forgot a step…

Father, this is My Body that as a sacred geometry, is offered today to the world for the remission of the errors and redemption of consciousnesses. Amen.

Father, this is the Chalice of My Blood that is lovingly offered today for the uplifting of human consciousness, purification of life on Earth and healing of the hearts. Amen.

And through the sacred geometry of prayer, Eternal Father, bless all these elements and especially Your Children, so that all of them have inner strength to go forward and reach the celestial victory. Amen.

Prayer: Our Father in Aramaic.

Father, bless these hearts so that they may always be participants of Your Grace and Mercy and act in this world as shining stars of Your Heart, bringing peace to the whole Earth.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I give thanks to you for being brave enough to listen and not lose the courage to make Love triumph on this planet. Carry on working and living in the Divine Mercy.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity, for Me, for My Father and for the Holy Spirit, give each other a peace salutation.

I thank you!

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Your Heavenly Mother is preparing the arrival of Her Son to Aurora.

For this reason, and by Her divine order, the angels of Heaven have imprisoned hundreds of demons that chastise souls and instigate them to follow the path of illusion and of perdition.

These lower creatures, even being imprisoned, must witness their defeat when My Son arrives in Aurora; for they will have to see how the victory of Christ is accomplished in the trust, in the love and in the faith of hearts.

It will be something similar to the day of the Passion of the Lord, when thousands of lower creatures witnessed their defeat through the Love and the Silence of Christ.

My children, this event of the coming of your Heavenly Mother on the anniversary of Her daily instructions will prepare the redemption and the closing of many uncertain doors in the consciousness of humanity.

Within the next days, your faith, devotion, love and joy will allow the Divine Hierarchy to have more space to intervene in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the silence of the night, during the rainy and contemplative dawn, the light of Aurora is seen.

Within the inner focus, in the alignment of the heart, the light of Aurora is revealed.

In the vigilance of the warrior, in the tireless service of the servants of God, the light of Aurora is seen.

In the alternative healing of the bodies, in the dedicated care for those who are healing, the light of Aurora is seen.

In the spiritual silence, in the inner connection of each being with the Highest and with the Divine, the light of Aurora is revealed.

In the joy of the soul for serving God, in the permanent dedication of life to the Will of God, the light of Aurora is seen.

You may make an offer from the heart, in everything, to this sacred Kingdom of Redemption. The light of Aurora will always be seen.

In everything that you may truly surrender, do or accomplish for this Kingdom of Love, the powerful light of Aurora, which will lead you to redemption and forgiveness, shall reveal itself before you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Just as the light of Aurora must emerge again on the surface to carry its purpose forward and to fulfill its mission, in the same way the light of Mirna Jad must emerge on the surface to fulfill its purpose and to carry forward the essence of its existence.

This is the time of the integration and the union of the inner bases among brothers and sisters so that the planetary need may be attended to, given the emergency of these times.

It is this sacred union between the Centers of Love that will allow the task to expand and respond to all needs.

The time has come to open to changes so that everyone may experience the transformation and redemption that is offered to you by the Universe in these times.

It will be in this exercise of integration that everything will be accomplished according to Divine Thought, and that the immaterial treasures will come to light to fill hearts and heal wounded souls.

Watch over this fraternal union among brothers and sisters and become this pillar that the Spiritual Hierarchy needs to carry forward the Divine Plan of the Creator.

Receive this announcement with joy. It is time to confirm this inner brotherhood among beings so that you may be capable of placing the love for the Plan first, before the love for yourselves.

You have the keys to be guided towards this goal. In this inner union, you will build the bridges of light for the coming of the Great Brotherhood.

You have My maternal blessing for this.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

From the deepest Love of God, emanated the Fount of Healing.

From His purest aspiration that each being may attain Perfection, the Fount of Redemption was born.

From His purest aspiration, that beings may be liberated from their errors and from the duality that they live on this planet and in this Universe, the Fount of Liberation was born.

And as the union of this Divine Purpose, for all beings, the Consciousness of Aurora was born in the Heart of God, as an emanation of His Feminine Principle.

Aurora was born as a state of consciousness, which concentrates within itself the maternal energy which comes from God, united with His profound Love for creatures. Because it was thus, within this consciousness of maternity and of Love, that the Principles could gather: the Principle of Healing for all spiritual and material infirmities; the Principle of Redemption for all errors and mistakes lived by beings; and the Principle of Liberation, so that, regardless of the degree of the bonds to which a consciousness was submitted, everything could be liberated.

This state of consciousness, called Aurora, brought new hope for the Universe. Aurora is the Light that emerges resplendent after a cycle of darkness. Aurora is the possibility, that all beings receive, of returning to God in this Universe and in all others. Aurora is the expression of the Love of God for life.

So incommensurate is the Love of the Father, that He, placing His Eyes over the planet and contemplating the human errors and deviations, delivered to humanity one of His most beloved treasures: the Consciousness of Aurora.

This cosmic and universal Principle of God, created to help Him in the evolution of all beings, was projected and placed within the planet, in spaces that safeguarded its presence and that became sacred by Aurora.

This Aurora, sometimes explosive, sometimes silent, has never been understood by human beings.

This state of divine consciousness, after welcoming within it the principles that emerged from the Heart of God, also concentrated in itself rays and emanations that came from the heart of the Archangels, called Elohim, and the Sublime Mirrors of God, called Emerald Mirrors, because they concentrated within themselves the necessary vibrations of Healing so that all beings, born of the Divine Source, could return to it.

The Emerald Mirrors that concentrated within the Consciousness of Aurora hold in themselves the registers of the Origin of each being, of each race, of each essence, of each planet, of each star, of each Kingdom of Nature. They hold within themselves the records of the Origin of Life. Because it is through them that Healing takes place: when those who have deviated from Divine Purpose receive, from the emanations of the Emerald Mirrors, the purest Thought of God for themselves, the original vibration of His creation. And thus, they can convert their errors and return to the Father.

Aurora is not only the Healing for the planet, but Aurora is also the Healing for all Life; however, so great is the Love of the Father, that part of this Consciousness was given to the Earth, as a symbol of the importance of the planet for all universal and cosmic evolution.

The time has come for Aurora to be profoundly known and revered by the beings who recognize the Truth in the divine revelations, and who understand with the heart the grace of being within the Consciousness of Aurora.

Live in Aurora, My children, with the reverence of the archangels. Feel yourselves within the Divine Consciousness and as participants of God's purest Love for life. Because this is Aurora.

May all beings recognize in Aurora this Divine Grace because, through gratitude, they will cross its portals and receive Its Healing.

Aurora is the manifested Love of God. And today you are invited, My children, to awaken to this Love.

Through you, may the Graces of Aurora finally arrive in this wounded world because the planet needs it and, more than that, the Creation needs it.

I bless you and thank you for loving the Divine and Cosmic Consciousness of Aurora. Its mystery is revealed so that you can awaken.

I love you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special Apparitions

May the Glory of God be in this place forever!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Opening the doors of the Celestial Universe, the Consciousness of the Mother of God penetrates the deep dimensions of the Earth to bring souls a grace, an opportunity.

Because I am not alone here, but rather surrounded by the Hierarchies of Light, those great Consciousnesses of the Universe that contemplate, time after time, the Divine Plan of God and Its manifestation in the different worlds.

With the great dome of the Sky, Today I bless all souls of humanity and, while My portals open, the light of the New Aurora emerges in the heart of those who believe in it.

At this moment, a spiritual intervention is established between the Universe and the Earth, between the souls and God, and an extraordinary Grace permeates all spirits of the Earth to grant them the peace, the redemption and the living Love of God within each human heart.

In this way, the stars of My Crown of Light descend today over the Earth, surround the orbit of this planet to ignite it, not only in light, but also with all the attributes of God, with the twelve main currents of His Divine Spirit that will make the Earth a rescuable planet and a redeemed New Humanity that will finally follow the Commandments of the Lord.

For this reason, hear the Voice of the Mother of God on this unique and extraordinary Day, in which not only your souls see themselves benefitted by the Greater Universe but also your higher beings participate in this circumstance; those beings who came to the Earth with a principle and with a mission, which in these definitive times will be revealed to the one who wants to open, to know it. Because this mission and this spiritual principle will be an important and fundamental contribution for these definitive times, I would say, a grand spiritual and internal task that each soul will be able to donate to God with the plenitude of its heart and of its life, constantly donating itself to the Creator in surrender, in service and in sacrifice.

This commitment of each being of the Earth is vital for these times. For this reason, dear children, the great Hierarchies of Light, gathered today around your Celestial Mother, contemplate the great opportunity that the souls of the world have in this universal and cosmic conjuncture in which the most awakened souls, those most available for this new year that will begin, will have the grace to take a new step under the blessing of God and of His Divine Trust, thus concretizing His Principles and Wills, materializing His Projects and fully living His Plan.

You must not miss the opportunity of understanding what God needs because His Words are not wasted, they are water of a living fountain for all souls of the Earth, for all those gathered by His Love.

From higher Universes comes the help to the world; the unknown becomes known, the mysteries are unveiled and the doors open for the sacred Knowledge of God to descend once again to the Earth and this may strengthen souls in their commitment to the Plan and in the experience of God´s Principles and of the purpose that the Father has for each being.

For this reason, I say that it is a unique and unrepeatable opportunity for this new year that is beginning to not only be permeated by conscience and wisdom but also by the awareness on the part of all of what must truly happen for this new cycle, with the contribution and the collaboration of all creatures of God, of all servers of Christ, of those who fully want to live in the Lord in order to always find His Kingdom.

It is in the silences of My soul when the most important codes descend and souls can nourish themselves by the Truth.

From this spiritual nutrition, the soul finds its path, returns to its origin and awakens to the Divine Consciousness, finding the meaning of its existence and the increasing capacity to truly love without conditions, transcending limits, frontiers and difficulties.

Because it will be the Love of each one of you for the Plan of God that will allow His Works to keep occurring; this will allow everything to take place and nothing, absolutely nothing, to be changed by the indifference of humanity or by the mediocre collaboration of souls.

To concretize the Plan of God and its next goal, the collaboration and the adhesion of all is necessary; a truly interior adhesion so that it may later be an exterior and true adhesion that can fulfill the precepts of God, according to how He has thought and destined for the world.

But while this does not happen, My children, God will wait in His Kingdom for the answers of His children. And His Celestial Kingdom must descend to the Earth in this critical time because otherwise the planet will not survive.

It is necessary, My children, that you understand beyond forms, beyond the mind and the heart; that you can unite to the Source in order to find the meaning of His principles and the manifestation of His projects for these acute times of the Earth.

All of the knowledge that has been given must be the base for your reflection and awakening for your next step within this year that will begin, waiting for a sincere and honest response from all hearts to the Celestial Father; for a response that comprehends beyond knowledge, that understands beyond wisdom, that accepts beyond forms and that adheres wholeheartedly and in an unconditional way to what God needs.

All these changes and all these experiences will form this great response on the part of the human consciousness which will grant, on the part of humanity, the continuity of the Plan and of its manifestation for these times.

But it is important that in this cycle which is ending, that each one of your hearts, each one of your consciousnesses, make an inner synthesis, perceive the reality, awaken to the Truth and become aware of what it must become aware of, not losing the Word of the Hierarchy, not losing the meaning of the Message, so that you find the next keys that you will need which will open the doors to the new opportunities and to the descent of the new graces that the world so much needs, as well as humanity.

I do not want this year to end with some ignorance, with some incomprehension or with any doubt.

I wish that in this year that is ending your response may be sincere and truly honest to God.

I repeat it again so that you may understand it and accept it, so that you may live it and especially practice it, knowing that there is still a lot to do in this humanity that is ill, that is sick from distancing from the Love of God, for believing in self-love, in fantasies, in illusions, in the mirages that the whole world offers day by day, time after time.

But your reconsideration before the Hierarchy, the awareness of your honest and true response will create new opportunities, new conditions for the Universal Grace and the Cosmic Mercy to reach more hearts of the Earth and to more nations.

Remember that I still expect to reach Asia and Oceania and this goal must be concretized by all for this new year that will begin.

I will not stop coming to the world until I can concretize this spiritual mission, together with the union with all of My children and under the response of everyone.

This will allow the Work to be expanded in humanity, the missions of service and of charity in very distant regions of the planet, where there is true desperation, chaos, disease, indifference and loneliness of many hearts.

But now, My children, you, who are carriers of the Grace and the Mercy of God throughout times, have all possibilities and all means to accomplish this and also to duplicate and spread this call to more hearts in the world that must awaken to the awareness of these times, to the emergency of these times, to the necessity of a fraternal life and of service to the souls of the world.

The healing of the planet is in your hands, the change of consciousness is within you and the upliftment of this humanity is through your prayer.

Comply with My requests during these next months. Be obedient and go to the Marian Centers, do not let comfort submerge you, make the effort that is necessary, that is just, which God deserves from each one of you for all He has given you in these last eleven years.

Thus, My children, although storms may be in humanity, darkness on the planet, tribulation in the lost hearts, I will not get tired of coming to the world, again and again, because I will carry in My Heart of Mother the sincere response of My children so as to be able to show it to God and thus continue forward with His Plan, that the Kingdom of the Father may live and dwell in all hearts so that His Love and His Plan may triumph.

Perhaps, in this night, you expected to hear great things, more revelations that My Heart can impel, but this will be possible, My children, when your response expands, surpasses barriers, transcends fears and when you can absolutely adhere to what I tell you, knowing that behind each one of My words there is a purpose, a meaning and a spiritual objective that your consciousnesses do not reach yet.

For this reason, My children, open your inner senses, open your heart and welcome My words with the sweetness of Love with which I give them so that your lives may be enriched in God and may live the plenitude of His Wisdom. There is still time to change.

A great part of the world will cry for not having changed, but if the change is born in very few, everyone, in the majority, will feel impelled to change, even as small as it may seem.

For this reason, My children, in this night of glory, joy and love, in which the portals of the Universe are open to uplift your consciousness and the whole planet, the consecration of the Children of Mary on this special night is an undeniable, non-transferable and immediate commitment. A commitment of praying for the plans of the Most Holy Trinity and of committing, in material life, to mirror this higher Will through the acts, the virtues, the service and the surrender, which will be the means that will transform your consciousnesses to be able to live Christic Love someday.

May those who will consecrate today be placed at the right side of the altar and come here with the encouragement that I grant you, that I grant to all souls, to all those who Hear Me and to all those who live Me, because the unity of our consciousnesses is where the Plan of God will be built and will be manifested; and its blessings will be unlimited.

His Graces will expand in your consciousnesses and hearts and thus, your lives will completely transform according to what He has thought for each one of your essences.

For this reason, My children, today I consecrate you so that you can live the commitment with God on behalf of millions of souls that do not live it, that are immersed in world hypnotism and illusion and that will suddenly awaken to their reality and experience when My Son returns for the second time, to the Earth.

But you will have the opportunity, children who will consecrate today, to help these souls that you do not know, putting them in prayer, in each act of love and service, so that the Divine Grace may touch these consciousnesses and more souls may be able to transform according to Christ, according to His Principles of Love and Truth.

Hearing the hymn of your consecration, may the Fountain of the Supreme Grace approach this beloved Aurora so that the hearts may feel the joy of living in the Love of God and in the Grace of His Wisdom, which heals the wounded hearts, cures the consciousnesses that have been injured by evil and dissipates all spiritual and internal diseases.

Aurora, in the name of God, grants you inner healing and the absolution of your debts so that this commitment may be true and transparent, loving and humble, following the steps of Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, the Savior.

Placing your hand on the heart, receive the Light of My Spirit, reaffirming the commitment to God and the goal of materializing His Purpose for these times, so that more souls may attain healing, redemption and forgiveness, just as today you, My children, before the Universe of God, attain it through an extraordinary Grace and through an infinite atonement, fruits of the Work of Mercy.

And today, the angels of the Most Holy Son will transubstantiate the elements offered at the feet of the Mother of God, which will convert into the Living Body and the Living Blood of Christ so that the souls may feed on the reparative communion with God and on His Sublime Essence, which is eternal in the whole Creator Universe.

Just as I wash your souls, I wash your heads, your hands and your feet with the Fount of the Holy Spirit so that your lives may be repaired in the communion with Our Savior.

May the Divine Blood of Christ be shed as a code of light within the souls thirsty of the Love of God.

May the Water that flowed out from the side of Christ descend as healing for the hearts.

In this night in which the world does not keep vigil nor adores, may the Lamb of God, who was sacraficed and taken to the slaughterhouse, be recognized and adored by his faithful followers in the whole world, so that his attributes of Grace and Mercy, sources of healing and renewal, may expand in humanity in order to make it rescuable and sacred someday, just as the Heavenly Father needs it forever and ever. Amen.

Eat from the Body of Christ, drink from the Blood of the Lord and trust that everything will be repaired and will heal according to how God has thought.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, happy will be those who, in this night, serve from the Lord, Amen.

Our Father...

And now that you have been consecrated with the Spirit, be consecrated with My Peace, in the hope, in the faith and in the Love that you will understand, for the coming months, what God needs from you so that His Will may be fulfilled in the whole Earth and within all of humanity.

I consecrate you, children, and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In happiness and in joy, in the name of My Son, you will give one another the salutation of peace for peace to permeate the Earth.

I thank you!


Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop in beautiful Aurora to contemplate its splendor and the daily work of those who, out of love and unconditionality, offer their lives to God, every day.

I stop in Aurora to witness the beauty of its effort, the untiring work of those who sustain it, in spite of challenges, deserts and instability.

Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop here, within this place, to contemplate the faithfulness of a few; of those few who follow Me, no matter the consequences or the results; those who are faithful to My Word and testify to My Message through sacrifice and their constant giving of self.

All of that and much more is what causes me to stop in Aurora, to contemplate what many do not see with the eyes of the heart, but that some feel, through the perceptions of the soul.

Aurora is the House of the Son of God because it is something beyond the physical; it is a spiritual dwelling place that was a setting for the great Masters. This month, and in those coming, My Heart will be felt here, leaving you the message of My eternal company for an Aurora that gave completely of itself, beyond its possibilities and its means.

For this reason, God recognizes the brave, the soldiers and the sailors that in the storm have overcome shipwreck, loneliness and emptiness.

Behold the Son of Man, Who returns in the quietude of the coming months to dedicate His Consciousness to those who have always revered it.

Aurora is a part of My Heart, just as My Heart is part of the children of Aurora.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

Aurora is a superior current of energy that supports, and, at the same time, transmutes the processes of redemption.

For this to be possible, Aurora acts through the key of gratitude since, by means of this attribute, the whole process of spiritual healing can occur. 

Through the healing current of Aurora, souls liberate themselves from all the prisons that jeopardize their steps in awakening and in the degrees of love.

Aurora reveals to us the existence and the reality of our beings. It supplies the inner needs that souls have for being able to break the shackles and, thus, reach the freedom of the spirit.

Aurora is a current that unblocks the ways of the warrior so that the victory of the battle lies in the fiery heart of those who unite with the Hierarchy.

Aurora shows the truth and does not repel it, no matter how hard of a truth it may be, since the reason for all evil is in the absence of love, and in the absence of goodness within souls.

Aurora transmutes the precarious and dissociated conditions of the being, it takes the consciousness out of illusion when the consciousness opens itself to leave this planetary space.

Aurora elevates us while it loves us. Its permanence in the universal space is indestructible.

Aurora is like the Guiding Star that appears in the firmament of the night to instruct the poor and humble heart.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.

Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.

Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.

Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.

Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.

Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.

Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


The light of Aurora is an active and occult light. It announces the new time because the light of Aurora will renew all things.

It is the Light of God that untiringly gives of itself and only leaves signs registered in the sky of its eternal gratitude.

This light prevails throughout time. It cannot be defeated nor dispelled because it is light, and the light of Aurora blazes like a flame throughout the day, and, above all, througout the night.

The light of Aurora is active in healing and promises hearts redemption so that the doors toward rehabilitation may open.

This light embraces a large part of the Universe because its origin is not from Earth.

The light of Aurora pours out its gifts and supports those who invoke it.

It is a light that erases pain and suffering and elevates the consciousness, just so that it may experience an encounter with God.

The light of Aurora will reappear and hearts will sing its victory.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus, transmitted on September 4, 2018, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.

Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.

Everyone will know the truth.

Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.

But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.

After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.

The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.

The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.

And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.

The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.

The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.

No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.

The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.

It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.

Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.

When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.

The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.

Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.

The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.

This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.

The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.

If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.

If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.

Do you understand?

You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.

You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.

You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.

Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.

Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.

Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.

You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.

Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.

God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.

Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.

You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.

You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.

This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.

You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.

Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.

I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.

But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.

Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.

The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.

The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.

The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.

You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.

You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.

This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.

The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.

I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.

Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.

The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.

The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.

All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.

All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.

Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.

Be capable of truly and warmly loving.

Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.

Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.

That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.

Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.

The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.

Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.

Do not waste time in what is transitory.

Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.

Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.

Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.

Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.

I thank you for cooperating.

I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.

May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.

Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.

I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.

Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.

You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.

Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


And now, after the Pilgrim Mother has visited some nations in Europe, carrying Graces and the Mercy of God to them, your Heavenly Mother will come with the Sun of the New Aurora to make the sacred attributes of redemption and rehabilitation rise up again in the inner worlds.

The Light of Aurora will emerge again upon the horizon and will bring very significant signs for the life of all beings.

From Aurora, the great portal will open through which the Heavenly Mother once passed and crossed to reach the planet with all of Her Divine Consciousness, as was done on August 8th, eleven years ago.

At the completion of eleven years together, My children, the Light of Aurora will attract to the surface of the Earth the last solar impulses, which will prepare the warriors of prayer for the times and the events that will come.

Thus, establish your feet upon Aurora. Be grateful and place your head upon the ground to revere the Divine and Solar Regency, the Light of Aurora that will redeem the past and will open its doors to the future.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 60th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the City of Vienna, Austria, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I still come to the world for those who love Me. And I will come to the world as many times as necessary, because I know that the love of those who follow Me is true. It is this love and this trust that makes me return to the world, beyond the happenings of life, of the harsh trials that humanity lives when moving away from God and beyond its not seeking the love of His Source.

Again the prophecy is fulfilled: The Son of God will come, a member of the family of King David. The Source of God will come to Earth, to fill it with His Gifts and Graces. And that source, so immaterial and unknown, will sow His Graces and His Virtues in the hearts that cannot even imagine.

Again the Lord will work miracles in the lives of people and they will find the love that they need to survive in these times.

Rejoice, companions, because the Love of God donates itself again to the world and the Only Begotten Son comes to meet you to reveal to you the mysterious Source of the Love of God, which will be revealed to all those who dare to enter into eternal communion, with the Sacred Kingdom of God that vibrates in the higher universes of consciousness.

From there the Angels and the Archangels will also come, as was in the past, but this time in the most acute moment of humanity. At this moment and at this time, the great ultra-terrestrial consciousnesses will be able to intervene in humanity so that at least a part of the flock of God is under the protection of the powerful Hand of the Father and of His invisible Mantle of Peace, translucent through the ever Virgin Mary.

After two thousand and eighteen years, a great event will happen again in humanity, which will awaken in the dawning of these times, like the aurora that appears on the horizon and will show its peculiar and special brightness for the souls.

There is still time to live repentance because when that sign comes, which will come from the Universe, everyone will see it; beyond their beliefs or their religions, beyond their faith or their atheism, beyond the paganism that exists in the world at this time.

Thus, will come the new Sun, which, united to the hundreds of suns of the universe, will congregate extremely powerful cosmic and superior energies, which will descend to the Earth bringing the great revelation to the spirits, this will be moments before the return of Christ to humanity, for the second time to the world.

When you see that everything is agonizing in humanity and on Earth, you will know that the time of My return is near. And beyond religions and nations, you will know the new Aspect of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe; more similar and powerful to that which He revealed on the top of Mount Tabor, by means of His divine Transfiguration.

Any living cell of the Earth, any atom that is vibrating at this moment, any being of this planet, will not be able to escape the powerful energy of the Universe, which will bring the Great Universal Sun to generate the redemption of humanity and the definitive conversion of all peoples.

When the last angel sounds the trumpet, its noise will be greater than hundreds of storms. The angel will announce the definitive hour of humanity and the seals of the Sacred Book will be revealed, so that everyone becomes aware of what truly exists beyond this planet and this local universe.

First, the Church of Christ will descend, in the Presence and in the manifestation of the blessed; of all those who throughout the history of humanity until the times that will come, have responded to the call of the Redeemer and Lord of the Universe.

Immense will be the joy in Heaven, deep will be the bliss on Earth; because all those who have fought at the side of Christ, for the victory of His Celestial Kingdom, will live an immense and unknown plenitude, and thus evil will be defeated.

The head of the serpent will be destroyed and the suffering that expands on the four corners of the Earth will disappear; because Saint Michael the Archangel will come with His armies to remove the most rebellious demons on Earth, who divert My flocks from the path of Light.

On the other hand, the Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, will gather through her call to all peoples and all races, which in faith have lived the religion of love. There will no longer exist divisions nor limits, there will no longer be wars or conflicts because the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of the Universe and Queen of the Earth will come with her Celestial Powers to establish the one thousand years of peace.

Great will be the bliss on Earth, sublime will be joy in the Universe, celestial spheres will descend to humanity to bring the revelation of the end times and everyone, everyone will live the joy of the Kingdom of God.

The false ones will be removed from the world and those who have not repented will repent, because the last Grace of the Primordial Source will be granted to the most rebellious hearts.

From night to day they will awaken, will recognize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness to the Universe so that the great Angel of the Lord, who will come from the twelfth plane of consciousness, writes in the Holy Book of the Universe the new signs of the times, once told by the ancient prophets and complemented by the Word of Christ, the Redeemer.

Thus, the normal time will no longer be time. A new time will enter into humanity and everyone will become aware of what has always been invisible; because those who have trusted in the Love of My Heart, let them know and remember that they will not perish, as long as they remain firm, trustworthy and true before the power of the celestial Universe.

In this way the laws will be fulfilled in their lives: matter will no longer be just matter, spirit will govern the life of the souls and the Holy Spirit of God called Holy Spirit will show itself again as in Pentecost, to pour over all peoples and on all continents the new principles of the new humanity.

In the victory of the Kingdom of Heaven may you celebrate this moment, so that your lives participate in this great event.. Always serve God with joy, always serve God with fire in the heart.

Continue praying for peace in the world and for mercy on the whole planet, because I assure you that you will become aware of all the good that you have been able to do throughout the times. And nation will no longer rise against nation, indifference, the mediocrity of hearts, and also weakened faith will no longer reign.

Because in the servants of the last times, I will build My new Church and everyone will know the Church of the Heavens; not the Church of the Earth, the true Celestial Church that I have professed to my apostles and to all those who were participants of My Gospel in the last times, because even though Heaven and Earth will pass, My Words will remain in the hearts that have made their commitment to Me for eternity.

That is why today My Eyes shine with hope upon seeing the sacrifice and sincerity of those who pray to My Heart because thus Heaven and the Universe will always bless them with their Graces, with their Mercies, with all the Gifts that they hope to make of their lives simple instruments in the Hands of God.

Turn your lives into pencils of light, so that God continues writing this story of bringing love and peace to all the nations of the world, because there are hearts that despair in their inner world and in their exterior life and that need the light of My Heart to trust in life and above all, in the Universe again.

Today, I carry your supplications in My Heart, the supplications of each one of My children, which I will give to the Father at the feet of His Celestial Universe.

In My Name you will be anointed, in My Name you will be baptized because your souls need that to learn to love My Mysteries even more; Mysteries that are simple, deep and true; Mysteries that My Heart reveals to those who open up to know it and to feel it inside.

Here is the Heart that will never tire of giving itself to mankind in spite of their errors and their difficulties. This is the Heart of the Son of God, the Glorified Heart of Jesus, which does not only comes to Austria to help the souls that need it most, but which also comes to the world in order to consecrate the nations to My Sacred Heart.

Contemplate this Heart that understands everything.

Contemplate this Heart that accepts everything and that lived for you a great sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.

May this Heart, which belongs to all, be recognized and loved by the simple love of men and women of the Earth, so that souls may vivify the wellspring of God's Love through the Heart of the Son. This is the Heart that burns with love for the just and for the unjust.

My Heart comes from the Source, to take you to the Source, so that you may be one with the Creator.

May the Lord bless all these elements that you have placed at My feet in honor of My Sacred and Glorified Heart, so that souls may be baptized by the Spirit and be anointed by the Healing Hand of God, in order for the past of the deepest wounds of the consciousness to dissolve, so that love and unity in hearts are reborn in the hearts.

Today the angels consecrate these elements. Today the angels transubstantiate the Body and Blood of Christ, so that love may be known in honor of the Greater Universe.

Today I will not ask for the incense nor the holy water, because they were already blessed by My Words and through My Word, the Source of Creation descended in your spirits and in Austria, as well as in all those who listen to My Message.

Thus I give you peace, so you take it to the world and to those who need it most; and for that peace to expand, you will give each other a greeting of peace, uniting all peoples and all races.

I bless you with My Spirit: in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having responded to this call because thus you will never forget it; you will never forget what has happened here because it will be kept as an indelible memory in the Universe. Amen!

Monthly Messages

My Children,

From the Heart of God Gifts and Graces emanate on this day for the liberation of the planet, and your Heavenly Mother comes to decree Her triumph in this place through this liberation and the Peace that emanate from My Immaculate Heart.

The Sacred Immaterial Rays that come from the Heart of the Creator touch Earth today, and Its signs become visible through nature. Nothing will remain as it is, inside and outside of humanity, and its mud will be extirpated and purified.

I come as your Heavenly Mother, as your Universal Mother, to prepare the path for the new dawn of Aurora, which next August will shine again in the hearts of humanity and on the horizon of the Earth.

I come to unite My Heart to the heart of Aurora giveing a sign to the world that its liberation is not only near as it has already begun with My Presence.

The heart of Aurora again gives signs so that the pulsing of its life may once again illuminate the abysses of this world. But, for Aurora to resume its place, My children, it is necessary that humanity know how to conduct the events in union with the Heart of the Hierarchy and that it follows, step by step, the Will emanated by God for the Earth.

The silence of Aurora will gradually give way to its healing word, and the expansion of its light will be visible. But, while this moment is prepared, accompany your Heavenly Mother step by step, because everything has its time and place.

The expansion of the heart of Aurora will take place gradually, so that its light crosses the horizons and reaches the hearts of humanity, the Kingdoms of Nature and the depth of the consciousness of the planet, liberating all kinds of life from the darkness that still dwells in this world .

But this must happen without wounding; its fire must burn, but not wound. Its heart expands and comes alive, respecting the Laws that rule this world, because thus humanity has chosen to learn.

To those who do not understand My Words, because they do not know the Aurora of which I speak, I say to you, just feel its grace in your hearts and let it expand, taking its corresponding place, because this is the Will of God.

My children, your Heavenly Mother, on this day, comes to prepare a very important moment: the expansion and return of Aurora of the dawn, to illuminate the hearts of the world.

Pray with me, pray so that the nations open up to the Will of God; pray so that the Plans of the Creator may be fulfilled on Earth; pray so that, in the depth of a true prayer, your Father Who is in Heaven may find the necessary permission to help this world.

There is still much to happen for God's Plans to concretize and, with Power and Peace, your Celestial Mother comes to unite the Scepter of God to the Scepter that rules the Aurora of My Heart, so that, gradually, it decrees its return and its triumph.

Beloved children, today I also come to give you a special Grace, through the beloved soul that offers itself every day so that My Plan may continue fulfilling itself. Soul that, like Me, united her heart to the heart of Aurora, so that this world might always have an opportunity to be healed.

Know, My children, that, with the simple surrender of a few, My Heart will work miracles on Earth.

With this I tell you not to give up surrendering your lives to God; do not give up taking steps toward union with the Heart of the Father and, in spite of everything that happens on the planet, never lose hope that the healing that comes from the heart of Aurora will extend to the world and touch all life, bringing back to the sacred what was lost and distorted by human misunderstanding and ignorance.

I am your Heavenly Mother, the One who shows you the way to reach Christ and, on Earth, I left you an earthly spiritual mother, so that she would point to the Father together with My Heart and that, united to Me, she might tirelessly work for the rescue of souls.

Unite with this mother soul that I gave you, because today I tell you that, upon her, your Father, Who is in Heaven, has placed His trust.

Therefore, today, do not only pray for Aurora to dawn again; also pray for the awakening of Unity on all this Work of Love, and may the hearts know how to recognize the instruments that the Father placed on their paths to never get lost.

Everything is part of a unique construction; listen to My Voice and unite with Me, and thus, My children, you will not confuse yourselves and you will be able to make triumph the Heart of God trough your lives.

I bless you and ask you to accompany Me, preparing with the heart the final awakening of the Aurora of the dawn.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother.


I am the Confederate Mother and Missionary. I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three. 

Today I come to your encounter to announce to this people My most special request: that one day the Will of God may be fulfilled in all of this nation and in all those who represent it in the world, who someday I hope will be ambassadors of peace.

Uruguay has an important mission that it cannot omit and it is the responsibility of all My children, especially the leaders of this nation, that this purpose be fulfilled.

As We know, My children, this purpose has been altered by the hand of humankind. But I will not rest, because little by little and silently, your Heavenly Mother and Lady of the Thirty-Three will consecrate this nation to Her spiritual and divine purpose.

The Southern Cone was chosen for a great mission, and a great part of it corresponds to Uruguay. It is not by chance, dear children, that Aurora is kept here and from here it reveals its mysteries.

I need you to understand, My children, how important this Purpose is for God in this time. This is why I am your Confederate Mother and Missionary, because in Uruguay confraternity must be achieved, and this confraternity will free you from all the errors committed and all the debts caused in this country and in this people.

I come here to bring you a renewing message, a new Principle that must be gestated in the human consciousness of Uruguayans. This will allow you to deeply understand the Will of God. And as your steps are taken towards the Purpose, the country will be more aware of what it must heal, of what it must redeem, where it must do penance, and above all, what it has to mend before Our Creator.

Since the purpose of Uruguay was altered, there is still time, dear children, through your consecration to the Lady of the Thirty-Three; there is a definitive opportunity that may lead all your people to a great awakening and a great redemption.

I wish, as the Lady of this people, to remove it from its deep slumber, from its profound illusion and indifference. Truly I tell you, dear children, it will depend on the efforts of a very few for the great mission to be fulfilled in this country.

Do not cease to gestate in this people the groups of prayer, the true groups of prayer that your Heavenly Mother needs for this time. May your commitment not be lukewarm, but real, determined and firm, so that I may entrust you with new designs, which the Father has dictated to My Heart. This will turn Uruguay into a country which is truthful and aware of its responsibilities and commitments, above all, seeking spiritual equality and understanding among the religions.

When I say that the groups of prayer must be true, it is because the commitment must be firmer and truer rather than casual. This will make Uruguay a true Mirror of Light, which can reflect what God highly hopes to pour over this country.

This very Principle of which I am speaking to you today, dear children, is the same design and the same Purpose for other nations of the world, that also must redeem their errors and open the doors to Sacred Divine Knowledge, which will not come from the mind of humankind, but rather from pure hearts, that through prayer and through communion with Christ, will receive from Heaven the impulses of Light that will make this land free, finally free.

I want to remove the permanent spiritual slavery from the consciousness of Uruguayans, a state of consciousness in which it finds itself, that is almost imperceptible, that hypnotizes it, that makes it inert and that does not allow it to take real steps towards the Light.

Until the Aurora of My Heart is recognized, the people will remain in their errors and their transmutation will happen through the sacrifice of a very few.

What I need, My children, is that through the opening of new groups of prayer in Uruguay, a new consciousness may be gestated in the hearts of My children, so that more consciousnesses in this country may definitely recognize the Will of God, and turn this people back into the true people that it was in its origins, from the indigenous consciousness to the first settlers, who lived the Will of God and the dedication to the Lady of the Thirty-Three.

If I was the Patroness who made your people independent, what could I do now, dear children, if the hearts of the Uruguayans would welcome me into their homes and into their families and would live with devotion and with great faith the consecration to the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Holy Face that will lead them to understand My Presence in Aurora?

There are many missionaries here who are asleep. This is why I am the Confederate Missionary who comes to awaken those who are in slumber, those who have not yet found the path of Light and  Truth.

God has given this Face of the Lady of the Thirty-Three to this people because of its great and important mission for the end of these times; just as the Father has also revealed other Faces of My Heart to other peoples, which are what they need to live their spiritual mission as nations and as peoples. Truly I tell you, everything has a spiritual meaning.

The Lady of the Thirty-Three wants to see fulfilled the promises that I dictated to you a few years ago, and also that you fulfill the requests that I dictated to you some time ago. I am still waiting for this.

When these requests are met, with all the effort of the heart and of life, Uruguay will have new opportunities for waking up to everything it has done, to the acts committed that have interfered in the evolution of this part of humanity.

Until this happens, the sleep will still be very deep and it will be difficult for this people to wake up from its inertia. Therefore, among the few that I have called, I will perform great works, just as Jesus called the apostles to make His Gospel known to the whole world, with very few.

I need, dear children, for you not to worry about everything I tell you today. I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three and if I am here today, it is for a mission and an aim.

Live the times of maturing as God needs you to and you will be able to definitively step aside from tepidness. Your hearts will be firm and you will be able to go through the doors that the Lady of the Thirty-Three will open, as a last resort for Uruguay.

Thus, My Work will be strengthened in the whole world before it is so in Uruguay. Because in truth I tell you, dear children, that a large part of the Uruguayans will realize too late all that they have lost.

I need you to be My ambassadors of peace in every corner of this country and to unite under one purpose, in one same attunement, making the necessary efforts to have My Immaculate Heart triumph in Uruguay.

I still hope to continue to be the Patroness of your country because I do not expect, dear children, even though many may think so, to be replaced by other idols that the country itself has conceived as real, as part of its unreal freedom.

I look at this country with Eyes of Mercy, because God has sent me from the Universe to descend onto these lands, in this distant place, where apparently nothing happens and no one hears My Voice. But in reality, it is the exact opposite. The Lady of the Thirty-Three, Confederate Lady and Mother, works silently so that the hearts of this country may be raptured by the Love of My Heart, by the Grace of My Spirit, by the Holiness of My Soul.

Uruguay must be rebuilt many times until the consciousnesses define their path.

Nobody will be free from the Universal Judgment. We know that this time is coming and that the hour is approaching. Do prayer and penance for those who do not do so in Uruguay, for those who transgress life with abortions and do not know what they are doing, how much they are wounding Creation with this attitude and human perversion. 

Pray and do penance for those who have accepted the idols of this world and those who weaken the souls and cause the hearts to lose the path of Light. 

But, at the end of everything, My Immaculate Heart will triumph and those who cannot be in the New Earth will be somewhere else, living from the beginning all these codes that I pour onto them, meeting after meeting. Those souls must learn to be worthy of the Mercy of God. But I will not rest. Your Confederate Mother and Missionary will go till the end, in order to save the largest amount of souls from Uruguay, before everything is submerged.

But if in truth a radical change exists, accepting the Will of God and living true repentance, the majority will not suffer the consequences of their actions. And thus, My Immaculate Heart will intercede, as It interceded once in Fatima for all of Europe, so that it could achieve an inexplicable time of peace, even though they did not deserve it.

When I am no longer here among you, My children, you must have all these things present and clear, so that My Words are not carried away by the wind, but rather sown in your hearts as codes of life, showing to God true actions meant to rebuild your people and your nation.

Do not be afraid to tell the world that I am here. Imitate the saints on this path of apostleship and of evangelization.

I too am praying, My children, for the bishops and the priests of your people so that one day they too may reach repentance and become aware that I have not come here in vain.

To bear witness of this Work of Mercy to the world, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who represent many more nations in the world and who will also be precursors of the Work of the Mercy of God, through their faithfulness, their prayer and their faith.

Let them come here.

While the instruments play the melody of their consecration, their Heavenly Mother will bless them tonight. And blessing all of you, I will also bless this people so that it may live the archetype of God, the Divine Purpose, which one day must be experienced in the hearts of all Uruguayans.

Today, the Mother and Lady of this nation, the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Confederate Mother and Missionary, blesses your spirits and the spirits of all your brothers and sisters, so that you reach the Purpose of God in a true and simple way, living out actions of charity and of mercy towards the world, acts of reconciliation and peace among all beings of the Earth.

Today, your Guardian Angels celebrate this moment. Your Guardian Angels receive into their hands your sacred and true names, so that your spiritual mission, My children, may be concretized and carried out within this confraternity that My Heart gestates among all the missionaries of the world.

May the spirit of the Brotherhood permeate you, fill you and bring the symbol of Unity to your hearts, so that reconciliation may be established in your inner worlds, faults may be forgiven, wounds may be healed and the Star of the Brotherhood may light up in your hearts, the Star that will repopulate the Earth with beings of goodness and of light, living in union with the whole Universe.

I bless you and consecrate you as children and servants of My Immaculate Heart. May this step that your lives are taking today be the impulse to take many more steps in this walk towards Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I rise up to Heaven pleading for Uruguay, that it may awaken to the truth.


When the Eyes of God contemplate the Earth and His Silence gives place to the emanation of His Word, saying to the world “Be reborn!”, may life, essences, souls, and the spirits of beings be reborn!

May the outraged kingdoms of nature be reborn. May the lost hearts be reborn. May the treasures hidden by the ignorance of humanity be reborn.

This is the time to prepare the heart for rebirth. Do not only think about death, chaos and wars, purifications and conflicts. Lift your eyes up to Heaven and unite yourself with the Silence of God, waiting for His Word to be pronounced to the world and to give new life to all beings.

Rather, allow yourself to be purified, transformed, and to die to the old man, but do not let your heart only be there! Let your heart, child, be in the hope of being reborn, because, today, what was hidden has already started to emerge. Like the Aurora, which was reborn for life on Earth, through the emanation of the Divine Will, part of the Sun of God in the Heart of Brazil will also shine again.

Allow yourself to be reborn with the Divine Mysteries. Allow yourself to be renewed, even if you do not understand what I tell you. My Word brings mysteries like the Will of God, but if you follow what I say and place your gaze in the Heights, following the steps of the Creator, you will renew yourself like life and you will be reborn again and again, even when, around you, the world experiences chaos, death and the absence of a meaning to life.

Be an instrument of life. Be reborn with the Divine Will and renew yourself every day so that God may renew the world through your heart.

See, child, that healing is emerging on Earth again. The Heart of the New Aurora has attracted healing to the world so that other Suns, which had gone out because of human indifference, could, once again, be lit up, and amidst the darkness of the end of times, light may shine again.

Be part of this light. Be part of this mystery of love.

Your Father and Friend,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While Aurora, as a Center of Love, opens the doors to inner healing, the most oppressed souls receive the opportunity of redemption and forgiveness.

For this reason, Aurora, as a Sacred Center, offers to hearts the Grace of liberation from the prisons and the chains of evil.

Aurora opens like a great Mirror of Light and shows humanity its potent Principle of Planetary Healing.

In this sense, a soul present in Aurora is a soul that accelerates the steps of its purification, and Aurora, as a Kingdom of Superior Love, sees to it that this deep healing can be made concrete and become conscious for the beings.

Aurora is this healing Mirror capable of dissolving the debts that the soul has acquired. 

For this, Aurora carries forward, as its mission, the task of redemption of souls by means of its Ray of Liberation and of its Ray of Love. This allows for the hearts that contact Aurora to feel renewed and, thus, everything begins to regenerate from the beginning.

The human consciousness that joins to Aurora lives a before and an after, to attain, at last, its inner freedom from the chains that are contrary to life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
