Apocalypse: Time of adaptation

Dear children,

In the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the beginning the last days of the planet were written, when everything would be permitted so that humanity might take the leap into the transcendence of planetary consciousness and life.

It is in this hour that the Universe prepares to move through this moment, together with humanity.

The Apocalypse spiritually signifies the change of one cycle into another through timely events that will give humanity the opportunity of completely changing the primitive state of its consciousness.

For this Jesus arrived in old times, with the purpose of not only liberating humanity from its mistakes, but also with the spiritual goal of preparing it consciously for His awaited return.

After more than two thousand years of terrestrial history in which humanity lived and experienced indifference and human evil, this moment of Apocalypse approaches at a universal and cosmic level in order to be able to correct and align what humanity on its own has not been able to live nor correct.

Thus, in the consciousness of human beings, the term “Apocalypse” was instilled as a mistaken expression and information, taught by the great religions of this world as the “end of the world” or the “end of the Earth”.

Thus, this term “Apocalypse” has not yet been lived or understood by the greater part of humanity as the most important moment for the planet; a moment when the true Universal Laws can be known and applied to correct what is twisted in human beings.

The Apocalypse exists in this moment in humanity and in the entire planet, for their not having complied with or lived the basic laws of the commandments, when many more than two thousand years ago there was an attempt made, through Moses, of teaching the primitive human consciousness how it should live in God and within universal laws, with the aim of remaining as a race within the Divine and Cosmic Purpose.

Thus once Moses had delivered the revelations of the rules contained in the commandments, the human race, after the events lived by the first population of Adams and Eves, totally deviated from its purpose of being in God, in His Primordial Source of Love and Unity.

Before humanity got completely lost due to its actions and behavior, the Eternal Father sent His First-Born Son with the goal of spiritually breaking the chain of the primitive DNA so that the evolutionary Christic code might awaken through the highest expressions of love that Jesus achieved.

Even after Jesus suffered and underwent all the martyrdom and sins of humanity through His Passion and His Death, with the mission of removing the human spirit from the abyss of consciousness, the race continued to make mistakes more serious that led, over time, to where the very elements of the planet, which were also transgressed, began to mobilize and to make themselves felt through different climatic and physical effects.

The consciousness of the planet, which is a living and active being, is at the point of its greatest suffering as it is subjected to being permanently violated by humanity.

This transgression, that has become more than centenary, has caused the very Laws that rule the planet, natural and telluric Laws, to begin to activate at this time in a precipitated way, on finding on its surface a noxious effect coming from surface humanity.

This activity of the Laws of the Earth, which are part of the Apocalypse and of the change of times, will activate, as in the case of Central America, with the purpose of correcting humanity and of placing it at a different point, more aware and less destructive.

It is in this way that Apocalypse prepares humanity so that in a future time, it may incarnate true love and true unity with the Laws of the Universe.

While humankind continues to exploit the planet for its own and malefic benefit, in many parts of the world incredible things will happen.

Therefore, while the Apocalypse calls humanity to repentance and not to indifference, the time has come for humanity to take a step toward the right path, because if this were done with love and forgiveness, a great many human consciousnesses would be relieved of the current planetary process.

The fundamental tool that will help to keep things in their proper universal and planetary order will be the constructive verb of prayer, a powerful energy from the Divine Creative Source that will help to balance all that will try to physically move on this beloved planet.

The Apocalypse is the moment in which the planet, as a mother consciousness, after having suffered so much, will be at the point of its great labor; this birth of the new human and the new terrestrial consciousness will lead things into a purification and to experience great changes that just promise to improve and to expand the evolution of humanity, so that it may no longer be primitive and becomes evolved.

While this race does not accept the time and the moment of the Apocalypse that it is living, the return of Christ will be delayed, because the Primordial Source, the Living God in His Infinite Grace, will wait for souls to define themselves and to cease living superficially.

Getting out of this point of ignorance and indifference, the entire planet could shift into a different scale.

The Apocalypse is a moment when everything will be seen and recognized by humankind. Nothing will remain hidden; the Apocalypse is the opportunity for self-transcendence so as to reach the perfect union with love and peace.

These are the times that the planet and the human race will be facing. Prayer will always place you, in spite of everything, in the safe place that is the sacred enclosure of the Supreme Heart of God.

I thank all Mexico for having received Me.

Who loves you and guides you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

On this day, your Celestial Mother implores the Supreme Father for the world to be purified in harmony and without violence.

I implore the nations to awaken and listen to Heaven, which cries out for penance and repentance.

In this hour, dear children, you will see the greatest blindness of souls, as if no consciousness had a heart capable of loving and forgiving.

You will see that the planetary ignorance awakens as a source of mistakes made and actions which not only harm human beings, but also the Kingdoms of Nature.

But these actions of possessing and controlling will end in this time in which the purification of the planet will put everything in order.

Many souls are absent from the current reality, even those who experience the catastrophes remain at the same point without mentally perceiving that every fierce movement of nature is a sign emitted by the planet that something is not right.

The consciousness of humanity became accustomed to living in catastrophes or wars as if it were something normal, this generates events that join others, a chain of immense errors which cannot be stopped.

Prayer will be the shield that will protect those who practice it in their lives in a permanent way.

Prayer, at the end of times, will bring impulses direct from the Holy Spirit and will make those who pray know what to do and where to be.

To all My children, who face the catastrophes of the end of times, I ask you to practice acts of forgiveness and Mercy and not to allow faith to fade away.

I invite all My children to be brave in these times and to confirm their trust every day. This will prepare you for the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer for the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Just as more than two thousand years ago, the prophecies will once again be fulfilled. The Sacred Books will no longer be only sacred, but become alive again before the eyes of the human beings.

My children, when Jesus arrived in the world and manifested, in a human expression, the Words of God and of the prophets, those who were apparently waiting for Him did not want to see Him, because He came to remove from the hands of the human beings the false power over the souls and over the temples; for they should become sacred again, so that the pure of heart and those who really were searching for God could find Him.

The doctors of the law did not want to recognize Him. They preferred to remain with their false power and humiliate the Son of God rather than surrender to Him and to the new Gospel that He was bringing. They did not want to renew their faith with the living Scripture, because it was easier to subject souls to waiting for a Messiah who never arrived.

Humanity at that time, My beloveds, feared to renew its own faith and to complete the Scriptures with what Jesus wrote with His arrival in the world. In spite of everything, My Son tore down the power of the hypocrites and the arrogant with His humility, because the smaller He was before the human beings, the more filled He was with God and His Love.

Children, I tell this because, in spite of so many wars, so many persecutions, so much denial, My Son rewrote the history and left the world a new Gospel, which renewed the Scriptures and brought souls even closer to God. Now, again the time has come to fulfill His prophecies, to renew the Gospel of Christ with life. The time has come to see His return, because those who, two thousand years ago, thought they had accepted His Presence among the human beings are clothed in false power again, taking control over the faith of the souls and hearts for themselves. They know that My Son will come, but they will not proclaim Him and will deny His Spirit, just as they denied His Body and His Blood so many centuries ago.

But this will not prevent Christ from returning to the world and demonstrating an even deeper union and likeness to God. He will come resplendent and will blind the eyes of those who thought they saw the light, but were in darkness.

As the prophet John warned humanity to repent because the Kingdom of God was near, now My Children, I tell you through My visionaries, to repent again, to ask for pardon and to renounce, before the crucified Christ, every false power you think you  have in your hands.

May all souls prepare their homes! May the churches repair their faults and renounce the material and spiritual accumulations that they hold so carefully in their homes.

The Redeemer will come and demand that those who call themselves His apostles live His Gospel. It was not He, children, who put on His garments like the garments of a king.

Christ came among the poor and divested His disciples and apostles of everything and, above all, of themselves. However, the human being once more adorned themselves and filled themselves with gold and stones, in the name of Christ, without understanding why the Messiah came into the world in a manger and not in a palace.

My beloveds, I do not tell you these things to hurt your hearts, but for you to review your lives. May all renew their vows before Christ, because only the simple of heart will recognize Him.

Will you be ready, My children, to divest of everything in the name of the resplendent Christ and see Him rewrite the Sacred Books with teachings that transcend human existence? Or will you hold the gold and the false power tightly in your hands, and  prefer to wait for the temple of this world to be destroyed in order to understand that the Son of God has returned to Earth?

Truly sanctify your lives. One who is pure and transparent before God does not need to fear anything. Therefore, children, do not say that I come to threaten you or to cause you fear. I come to warn those who are deaf and blind in their vanities and believe they serve Christ.

Recover the purity of your hearts. Pray with Me so that I may show you the Truth and the Path. Let Me wash your eyes and show you the Light, preparing you to be once again before My Son, and now, in surrender and with a sincere disposition, to follow Him.

I love you and tell you all of this so that you do not get lost. I wish that even the last living soul would recognize the arrival of My Son. His Spirit is now among you, but many deny Him.

I leave you My Peace, so that with it, you may reflect and renew your commitments to God.

I thank you.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

The terrorist humanity does not know the power of the Justice of God at this time and it launches itself into the emptiness, overthrowing all the principles of a true humanity.

Panic and fear embrace many hearts because the time of Apocalypse has already begun. Unimaginable things can already be seen in the streets of the world and fear drowns the majority, who is indifferent and does not pray.

The hearts seem to lose the meaning of their existence and fear the death generated by terrorism.

It seems that the flame of faith fades little by little and the souls that do not accept Me are unprotected and without My shelter. The time of chaos has already arrived and many prefer to deny it for not wanting to face their own reality.

The miseries seem to multiply themselves more than the roses and the valley becomes the scenery of constant outrages.

Humanity feels the awakening, but soon deviates itself losing the meaning of the true path of redemption.

All offend God to some degree and when the majority moves away from God, this jeopardizes the life of all.

This difficult and cruel time precipitates upon those who are fallen spiritually and the bombs and attacks explode before their faces.

Nobody turns to God and everybody gets lost in darkness. While this separation of hearts happens for not thinking not even for a second about God, I fight day and night together with My hosts against the plans of My adversary.

Nobody knows the power of the Justice of God; while there is time, repent and ask for forgiveness for those who offend and outrage the Heart of God.

Pray with more consciousness and determination so that the world tests that are approaching do not surprise the majority again.

My Heart feels again the pain of the world and the causes of so much human indifference. I only pray for you and for all My children to be prepared and thus be able to face the final time.

I thank you for following Me!

For peace in times of attacks,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When you truly ask God for forgiveness and your heart repents, He, Who is powerfully loving, will grant you His Mercy and you will again be in the place where He always expects you to be. The Forgiveness of God is granted when the soul opens its heart to the Universe and supplicates for mercy.

This world is a school for everyone; it is a path that always leads to a definition and to a greater surrender.

The Father expects all His creatures to live acts of true repentance so that arrogance and spiritual pride will vanish from the human consciousness. Because of this, dear children, I try to take you every day as close to My Son as possible so that your lives never lose the thirst for drinking from the sacred fountain of His Love.

If all souls knew how much love and mercy we have for the world, the surrender of hearts would be a reality on the whole planet. This is the reason why I come, as the Mother of sinners, to liberate you from the error and the deception that the inhabitants of this planet have created.

Today I invite you to carry out an act of forgiveness and of reconciliation so that the majority of My children, some day at least, may be touched by the light of the Celestial Universe, awaken from sleep, and accept the sacred call to live redemption; thus I shall form new apostles, servants of Christ the Redeemer.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Dear child,

Trust in everything you have accomplished through service to God and hold on to that Purpose. Look with attention at the treasures the Father has given you, and contemplate them in union and gratitude.

Rise up from where you have always fallen and look for the light of My Heart. Today come into in My arms and remain, just as Jesus remained, so that I might bring you to sleep in the peace of My lap. Have patience in learning to tolerate what the heart of humankind does not wish to transform.

Feel the caress of My hands of light, those which erase the memory of suffering and of the tests that My children of today experience. Remain motionless in My arms and surrender with confidence to what I hope to do in your life.

Ask for forgiveness, and in true repentance, feel how the Love of the infinite reopens the doors for you. It no longer matters how many times you have fallen to the ground of the human condition; now what matters is that you look towards Heaven and say: ¨Help me, Lord”, and help will be given you.

God loves you from the moment in which He thought of creating you, and He also loves beyond the miseries of humankind, because what will triumph in this mortal life is the soul, which will become eternal, pure, and free of all error.

The path of transformation is painful when the soul walks towards detachment from its acts, habits, and customs. When the terrestrial life passes through the spiritual storm, aid, assistance, and Grace will reach the heart that repents and asks for intercession. How do you think those who were more holy freed themselves of themselves forever?

The school of love in this world is for the brave and for those determined to know the Love of God, cost what it may. Because of that, to reach the beginning of true love requires knowing oneself as one really is, and to work every day to surmount to the sanctity of the spirit.

My Heart is the offertory for sacrifice and tests. Through My Heart everything is healed, is redeemed, and is elevated to the Celestial Kingdom.

My Heart, which gives of Itself all the time, understands and loves all souls; those who struggle to transform into a spiritual model of conversion for the world will know My Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who motivates you to sanctity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

A group of monks from Aurora gathered together to pray the Rosary and wait for the coming of the Divine Mother. When we were on the last mystery of the Rosary, I saw clearly that the Middle East was being spiritually worked upon by the prayer, and I saw the Most Holy Mother above all those countries, pouring out an intense white Light that was coming from the palms of Her hands, from Her Heart and from all of Her aura. The Most Holy Virgin was stretching out Her arms towards that region in an attitude of constant offering and, at the same time, She was supplicating for all of those nations through a profound silence, while observing everything that was happening there. 


When the Virgin Mary appeared where we were praying, She showed Herself enveloped in a Mantle that had the flag of Syria imprinted on it. Mary embraced this mantle with love and fervor, supplicating to the Father.

Like a great Mirror of Light and of Love, I descend to the world to withdraw it from the evil in which it lives, because the world is absent from the Love of God.

I descend in glory toward the darkest areas of the planet, so that My Mirror of Light can dispel the ideas and forms about a frightening war. Thus, your prayers will always be the lights that will shine and will not allow evil to reign in the hearts of humankind, an evil that has expanded throughout the world.

The victory and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will take place through all the souls that, in the most critical hour of the Earth, when the great abyss is completely open, will be the consolation for despair, will be the inner strength for transformation, will be the living word in the essence of those who seek the union with their Heavenly Mother.

In that hour, when everything will be evident and never again hidden, firmness and prayer done confidently will be the path for finding the way out. Souls will have nowhere to run to during the time of the purification of the Earth.

We are already in the first hour of the Judgment; the whole Universe will know on which side each soul from the Earth will be. The harvest has already ended; the straw and the wheat are spread all over the field. The time has come for the angels of Heaven to present the offerings of the fruits of the children of God and the result of what each soul has sown for these end times.

Your Mother is in permanent prayer, waiting for the last trumpets to be sounded by the seraphims in the direction of the Earth, a time when the winds will blow strongly and the Earth will be purified.

I know that many of My children do not believe this will happen; what was written in the Sacred Books is being fulfilled and this is the proof that there are very few who have taken the step towards the Lord. But there is still time for true repentance and forgiveness; your lives should already be corrected and aligned with the principle of the Lord of the World.

In this very critical hour, faith must be the unbreakable pillar, the immovable structure, serene and meek, which can support other consciousnesses when everything happens.

God, in His profound silence and reflection, did not expect so much human indifference and such little response on the part of His children to the call for a great change.

The Servants of Adonai have already decreed each of the words entrusted by Their God, few have heard and it is already late; hearts still sleep in their castles of mud and the great current of the cosmos is drawing closer with strength to the planet and to the solar system.

For this reason, your Mother descends like a great Mirror, so that you may understand that it is time for the majority of the self-summoned to reflect good things, following the principles of the Law and the Truth, so as to be protected from self-deceit.

Heaven knows that souls know nothing about the Apocalypse, because this is an experience that unfolds in the end times that all are going through.

If you transform yourselves, you do not resist and you make My true Heart triumph in each of your lives; maybe, beloved children, many will not suffer what they have not sown well.

Be those mirrors so necessary in these times, mirrors that must be as an offering in the Hands of God so that He may reflect His principles of Love and of Unity, something that all of humanity has forgotten.

Thus, be consistent with the call and in this way, you will not deviate because of your own human impulses. The Father awaits you with His open Arms to make known to you the power of His Love, a Love that in these times is not sought.

I hope that in this time of definition and of Judgment for the whole planet, your hearts may be raised to the Lord; thus, He will receive a true response of love from your inner beings.

Today I am praying and observing the spiritual Judgment that all of the Middle East is going through; thus, you will understand, dear children, that something is about to happen.

All we can do is pray, pray and pray and never fail, thus your hearts will be protected.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer and vigil,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear Children,

While the doors to the Mercy of God are open, in this year of a new Jubilee I invite you to really be able to adopt in your lives acts of mercy to replace the acts of indifference and of rejection in the human consciousness.

As the doors of the new Jubilee of Mercy are piously open for all souls, Your Mother of Mercy wishes to see your hearts full of the Mercy of God.

Dear children, there is still much to be forgiven and redeemed within you; be more intelligent than My adversary and submerge in the ocean of Mercy of My Son in time, so that soon your faults will be more balanced in the eyes of the Law of the Lord.

Truly, I am inviting you to have your souls, day by day, recognize the time of the Mercy of God, which comes to a meeting with a perverted humanity that is distanced from the essence of its true purpose. But if there are more and more hearts that, in repentance and forgiveness, ask for this Celestial Mercy, human pride and arrogance will be replaced by divine and holy humility.

Dear children, take advantage of this moment of important atonement; many things will be able to be repaired through the prayer of the heart, and through your prayers, the Heart of Your Celestial Father will have a reason to help you and set you on the path to the good.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who raises you through the Mercy of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

When a heart repents and does not stop trying every day, the spirit itself gradually acquires ever-greater virtue.

When the heart repents and confesses to Christ, its soul gains room to be able to banish what for a long time has disturbed it. From this opening, that soul gains new doors open so that, step by step, redemption may be established.

Dear children, purification requires a complete severing from all those codes that do not allow the life of the consciousness and all of its existence to evolve.

My Heart of a Mother draws close to all of Her children to show them the true path of holiness and of consecration.

When the soul awakens to live the Divine Will, it enters into a school that the majority of hearts do not live because of being immersed in the world.

Now, your Mother shows you that the path of consecration is conquered through each vow that life imposes to be able to mature, purify and ascend. This means, My children, that to banish the old codes of humanity is not easy; with the constant help of the power of prayer, everything gradually transforms, when only the spirit of patience acts.

All souls are called to enter this path and thus place themselves on the stairway of the consecration to God, a consecration that will help in the redemption of humanity.

To consecrate the soul means to consecrate the life and all of the consciousness. This needs much peace and serenity to be able to embrace new and more spiritual principles.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who teaches you to walk in faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Remember each day that despite the sin or the cruelty of humanity, there exists the forgiveness of God.

Today I need you to accept My forgiveness, to feel it and experience it as an act of reparation and infinite mercy.

Today I need you to feel free from yourself, so that My powerful Light may act and keep silently transforming your little life.

Today I need you to live inside My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God that comes to you to sanctify your life and your consciousness.

Today I ask you, My child, not to think of your incapabilities, but to today believe in your virtues, those that My Son sowed in your heart since the first moment that you recognized the King.  For this, be as free from yourself as possible so that the Laws of Heaven may transfigure your life to become an instrument of God.

You will not stop struggling within yourself, against all that you do not yet want to give up, but do not be afraid, the Kingdom of God is reached by climbing the steps of humility and trust.  God created you in His likeness, and you keep in your spirit this trust that renews and transforms everything.

From today on, send this message to your consciousness:

I am a worthy child of God.
I am part of His Most Pure Source.

My soul sprang up from His Spirit
and my spirit was born from His Heart.

Nothing shall set me apart from
the greatness of the Kingdom of God.

I have come to the Earth to redeem myself
and then return to the House of My Father,
to unite with Him forever.

I find my dignity in His Full Trust,
and His Infinite Love vivifies my little spirit.

Between Myself and God, there is no evil,
because I am a part of
the eternal emanation of His Love.


And thus, dear child, confirm before the Universe your true repentance, and do it for those who do not want to see nor hear God; thus at least the majority of the consciousnesses will be touched by the Love of the Creator, which is powerful and invincible. Remain close to My Heart, I come to help you.

So that forgiveness may descend and be made life in each heart, I deliver to you the Rosary of the Forgiveness of God, so that it may be the instrument of liberation from all the faults and ingratitude through all hearts that implore it.

Rosary of the Forgiveness of God

Union bead
I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.
Grant me the Grace of liberation.

On the five decades, we pray
For the gift of Forgiveness
that springs from the Heart of God,
Lord, open the Doors
of Your Kingdom for us.

Thus all shall reach Peace.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Creator,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My blue eyes of Light, placed upon the world, I deeply pray for all of humanity, for those who are consequent and also for the unaware, so that soon, through Supreme Grace, all My children may be able to go through the definitive time of acute purification.

The Grace of God will be the fortitude for those hearts that humbly pray from the heart and unite, above all, with all My plans of Peace.

Dear children, from Heaven, your Heavenly Mother still sees error spread like a poison throughout the hearts of ungrateful hearts, which seek to satiate their wills and satisfy their desires. But this will soon end.

The prayer of the Holy Rosary proclaimed by My children of the world is stopping the anger of God from being provoked, and in spite of everything continuing the same, a sort of universal conciliation is taking place among good souls and subjected souls.

It is through the Spirit of My maternal Love that the doors of the Celestial Universe are opening to help the sick world.

My children, continue to pray, with greater effort now, because in the repetition of the Hail Mary lies the celestial formula of Light that allows to placate the power of the Laws and to open the source of Mercy of your Most Holy Mother.

It is through the powerful decree of the Hail Mary that the words of the Archangel Gabriel become subtle vibrations, capable of relating the material universe with the spiritual universe.

It is through this ancient formula that the Purity and the Grace of the Mother of God descend over the world, over a region, or even over a sinning consciousness, to awaken the compassion of God and open a sincere path towards repentance and contrition as an act of redemption.

Dear children, today I leave you these keys because I know that many of you need more understanding.

If through the Hail Mary you recognize yourselves as sinners, this does not mean that you will sin again, but rather it reminds you of the importance of living Universal Laws and of never transgressing them.

Beloved children, when you recognize your sins or debts, you are affirming the need for reversing your fear of failure, damnation or abandonment of the spiritual path.

It is through My divine intervention that your eyes will open to clearly see the path of transformation and of fusion with peace.

If humanity should see prayers with a universal spirit, in truth, the effects of the words would substitute errors and would transform tests into great lessons.

For this reason, I ask that you truly pray and do so without haste; in this way, your sacred invocations of My Immaculate Heart will cause My plans of Peace and of Mercy to triumph.

I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart!

Who elevates you to the consciousness of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Prayer


Dear children of Mine,

As your Mother of Help, I open the doors of My Heart to shelter in these times the souls lost for the illusions of the world.   Along with My Son Jesus I work for the redemption of humanity and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, those which in the past decades have been subject to an excessive manipulation which led to the deterioration of the spirit of the Kingdoms.

For this I come as the Mother of Help, looking for the hearts that may repent soon and may not waste time on material things.  Many of My children in the world live for themselves and do not live for God and in their lives they face, as a result, loneliness, abandonment and lack of love and inner faith.

But I come from Heaven everyday to teach you for the last time the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.  That is why My final work will be supported by My disciples and children consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart.  It will be in this way that your Heavenly Mother will make the last attempt to remove from the hell on Earth those who submerge themselves day by day in the sea of despair and sin.

Those who live in prayer will be safe, and their homes will be like the arch of Noah, thus your homes will be living temples in the middle of the tribulation that the souls live, far from God and from His Eternal Love.

I receive all of you in My Heart because I love you.  My work will end when the majority has found the Kingdom of God.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who leads you to the consciousness of the spiritual awakening,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The deepest secrets about the destiny of the humanity of today are revealed in the silence of My Maternal Heart. Those secrets are the inner visions of your Heavenly Mother about the Redemptive Plan of Christ for humanity, and about all those who will participate in these final events. 

To know the secrets of My Immaculate Heart is to feel the grief of your Most Holy Mother on seeing the lack of connection on the part of humanity.

Besides there being real prayer groups and good Christians, the awareness that something must change soon must emerge before it is too late. That awareness will demand a complete and total change from everyone so that the spiritual outcome of today’s humanity may be different.

The Celestial Universe knows that only with decisive events, marked by the Law, can this most necessary change be awakened.

In His Heart, the Father feels that the world does not want to abandon comfort to experience a beginning of transformation; it is for this reason that the greater demand will fall on just a few, in the name of sacrifice and surrender to the Plan of God. But this will not be for very long; only until the most severe cycle of the transition on Earth begins.

Those who sacrificed themselves and endured for others will be crowned by the very King of Love, and will be the living testimony of a victory achieved by Christ Himself. It is for the rest of humanity to repent soon, or at least as soon as possible, since the Law of Justice will be decisive and will separate the chaff from the wheat. 

There is no time to lose; let hearts and souls truly repent, confess, and receive forgiveness and absolution so they do not continue to commit the same errors. Let them commune and hold within their hearts a sacred space for when Christ returns; in this way, the Divine and Glorious Light of My Son will become visible in the world. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who awakens you to the true planetary reality,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In spite of your errors and tests, I will always be Your Heavenly Mother because I understand you, I fully accept you, I love you, and I help you accept the time of your purification.  

For this reason, children, I come from Heaven every day so that you believe there is a Greater Life that evolves, and that participates all the time in the Kingdom of God. Everything you experience, think and feel in your material life represents a very small part in light of the macrocosm, which experiences another reality greater than yours.

My dear children, be patient with your tests. The world is stirred up, sinful and indifferent; this separates you from the true reality that exists in the higher Heavens.

Today I invite you to put your mind in the right place, and that does not mean you isolate yourselves from the reality of your purification, only that you use the ray of intelligence to avoid wasting time on things that have no meaning or purpose.

If you were the ones who had to deliver the message of peace to the world, before communicating it, I assure you that, like the Divine Messengers, you would see the serious situation of this humanity, which still insists on practicing things that are outside the Law.

My Heart brings you a lifeline. When there is true repentance, many recurring situations can be released, and this is possible through the action of My maternal Grace.

Dear children, once again I ask you to love your purification, and thus you will suffer less. As mature consciousnesses prepared by the instruction of My Son, experience the end of this time, free of all evil and willing to concretize greater tasks. My Heart will always help you, when you simply invoke Me with the prayer of the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who consecrates you to the Great Spirit of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



The triumph of the heart is the visible result of a repentant being before the Lord and it is this repentance that leads to entering the path of rehabilitation.  While the spirit of repentance does not emerge in the souls, Heaven and the whole Universe will not be able to help the hearts.

The act of repentance cannot be forced or pretended.  The true repentance is born from an expansion of love that it is capable to move, before the Celestial Universe, the state and the principle of all the Laws that rule it.

The triumph of the heart is the effect of a conscious humiliation, which has the immediate result of changing a severe justice for a repairing and redeeming Mercy.

For this, children, the repentance of each being can be the safe door for the love of the heart to triumph once again.  You are invited to live this act of repentance so that the precarious spiritual condition of humanity may at least find a new path to be able to live the emergence of the new humanity.

Beloved children, may the triumph of the heart not be a theory or a wish, but may it be an act of consciousness and of reflection, capable to put in first place the love as an emblem of redemption and forgiveness.

As your Heavenly Mother I piously wish to conduct you through the path of rehabilitation of life and all the consciousness; the Doors of Heaven will not be closed when you simply trust in My call.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who converts you through the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the doors of your heart open themselves today so that you may recognize the most valuable thing that God has kept inside of your being.

May your only principle be to find peace, so that in the culminating hour of the purification of the Earth, all of My children be the simple reflection of a life transformed by the sublime fire of prayer.

May repentance be the mission of each soul and each life, because that will be the path that will be opened for the salvation and rescue of other lost beings.

May the goal be to seek the fidelity to God, so that this deep feeling of union with the Father permits to open the last doors of Mercy for the world.

May the purpose of your prayers be to help to convert the conciseness of the world, so that in this way your Heavenly Mother may continue working through humility and the service of all of Her children.  Thus, Her Immaculate and Pure Spirit will fill even the last particle of live in your beings, and then you will feel the joy of living in the name of the Holy Spirit.

Work without delay for your conversion in order to reach the infinite path of redemption and healing.

I leave for My children the holy light of My Heart, so that encouraged by My Grace, you may be immediate collaborators of the Plan of Rescue for these times.  My Love is poured over the hearts that are receptive to prayer. 

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who loves you and cares for you,

Your Mother May, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

As a Star-Sun I descend upon the world to illuminate the abysses of the wounded hearts and thus rescue the souls from perdition.  To each one of them I deliver the strength to be able to go ahead so that soon they may find the new path that will take them to Christ.

I Am the Universal Star that descends upon humanity in order to save it and put it back in the Purpose of God.  I indicate the path to go through, thus no essence of God loses the Grace of meeting again its inner Christ.

I Am the Star of the World, the One that signalizes the coming of Christ to the hearts, the One that suspends Herself in the cosmos to radiate the Love of God and the One that lights the fire of the new devotion.

I Am the Star Guide of the navigators, of the souls seeking redemption, of those that wait patiently for the arrival of the Grace and of the great day of forgiveness.

I Am the Star of the Cosmos, I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am the Spirit of Purity, I Am the Spiritual Divinity of the Creator because My Heart sprouts from His Most Chaste Love and His Omnipotence expresses Itself through the perfect unity of the Creation.

I Am the Star of Hope, I Am the Mother that brings the spirit of redemption, I Am the one who works in the name of Christ and the one who builds the new inner temple.

I Am the Star of the celestial spheres, I Am that Bird that searches Her nest in the dwelling of the humble hearts, I Am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity.

I Am the Pure, the Invincible, I Am the Simple and the Humble, I am the Healing Mother who heals with Her Love, every sorrow.  I Am the One who guides the lost ones, I Am the One who purifies the heart, I Am the Mother who cleans the stains, I Am the Queen of Love.

I come to this world to look for My children.  I descend in Glory to call you because it is already time to awaken from the illusionary sleep.  I come to establish peace in each inner world.  I come so that you may discover the life that is lived in the stars.  I come for the last time to aid you and in order for you to undertake a flight towards Heaven.  I come to look for the best in each one and to awaken the sacred virtues that Christ left to you.

At this time I come so that you may prepare yourselves in consciousness and heart to receive Christ, Your Shepherd.  I will not leave any soul alone, but I ask you to pray with Me always so that all may deserve peace and may awaken repentance in your consciousness.  Thus you will be free from danger and from the ambushes of the adversary.  Be intelligent and good, be meek, humble and truthful in this time.

The world is a lie, but the souls are the full truth of God.  Search for the correct paths in order to have correct results.  Do not allow yourselves to be deceived, the only consoler is Jesus Christ.  Do not seek hope in anyone, but only in God, the Celestial Father.

From Him you will receive the strength and the power, from Him you will be able to have hope to walk.  Only be truthful and nothing will happen to you.  Because the time of worldwide lie will succumb and your hearts will have to be ready to pray with fervor and persevere.

Unite to My Son and adore Him, in Him is the way out, in Him is the path to Paradise.

I thank Brasilia, the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of Aurora for having prepared this special encounter.

Blessings of Peace on this day for My daughter María Shimani!

Who thanks you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

It is the repentance from the heart that will take you to the healing and to the redemption of your own aspects, those that are part of the earthly life.

My main call in Kibeho was to make humanity rethink through the recognition of its sins and the conscious repentance; this was not possible in Rwanda because pride and the considering the culture of that place as their own, led the whole nation to a bloody destiny.

I went to Kibeho trying to avoid this serious tragedy, which is already history, but still has not been healed in the heart of My Rwandese children.  They did not live love, they forgot about it and only headed to defend the culture and the realization of their personal works.  Here is the great failure of this humanity, to carry forward its own ideas and modern principles and afterwards, end up in the abysses, leading millions of souls to desperation and sorrow.

For this, children, in Kibeho, the Lady of the Word, tried to make us understand that in the existence of the One and Only God, all should obey the Divine Will so that chaos would not reign and the spirit of peace would be manifested.  But in those moments it was quite the opposite and the humanity of that place preferred to turn a deaf ear to the urgent call that was coming directly from the Queen of Heaven. 

Today, My children, I teach you to get to know the devious and confusing paths that our humanity traverses, and how the pride and the lack of internal humility before the Will of God, modifies the destiny and the spiritual futurity of a whole nation.

Even though the revelations transmitted in Kibeho were very clear and precise, only a small group accompanied in fidelity the call to conversion, to prayer and to repentance.   In this era, in which serious actions by humanity continues to occur, and the life of a brother is taken away by the own hands of another brother, the world goes off and loses its innocence without giving rise to receive a greater help.

For this My Son sends Me to be among you, so that you may start living consciously the time of your purification and so that all the self summed by the Merciful Universe of God may prepare themselves to face the end of a time.

The constancy and the absolute faithfulness of the people of Rwanda could have avoided the bloody tragedy.  Now, even though very few truly listen to the call of God, your Heavenly Mother invites you for the last time to live the faithfulness before the Higher Plan, which calls you to realize all that is possible in what seems impossible. 

The spirit of prayer and forgiveness will be the matrix keys so that in the end of times, the Plan of the Highest may manifest.   For this I come from the Universe to help you, to redeem you and to place you active in the immediate service for peace.

Who will encourage themselves to follow the Queen of Heaven?

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who bless you and unifies you in the Heart of the Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In the heart of Africa the nation of Rwanda is being much assisted by the Graces that My missionary children are generating by means of service and of transmutation.  In the present humanity there are few conscious souls that offer themselves, such as My Son did, to suffer for love and for the redemption of others.

On this day My missionaries of peace enter a new school of knowledge and of maturity of the task, deepening in the spirit of service for peace and for the good of humanity.

Children, Rwanda lives a time of peace that was generated by the prayers and the petitions of all those who lived the consequences of a cultural and social decision.  After the Mother of the Divine Word was in Kibeho, the humanity of this region suffered what it did not want to hear, that which could have been prevented.

Humanity is characterized by living in a well-marked foolishness and deafness, which lead it to close the inner heart, and to not understand the things that come from Heaven.

In Kibeho the Lady of the Word managed to recover a certain group of souls that needed an assistance that would motivate them to live a path of redemption.    Later emerged the spirit of prayer, and of the restoration of all that happened, and notwithstanding that the message of Kibeho did not reach greater repercussions during the time of the great mistake, there were souls that were able to maintain their fidelity to the call from Heaven, and that protected them spiritually from any inner deterioration despite of what took place later on.

The message of Kibeho is based on immediate repentance, something that the Mother of God exemplified through Rwanda, which headed to an unsafe destiny.  In this way, humanity could understand that the act of true and sincere repentance is capable of balancing a certain degree of spiritual debts that compromise the profound awakening of a soul.

For this, children, remember and relive My message of Kibeho, because My Word was not only pronounced for that critical moment, but rather, it remained present in everyone, so that the same errors would not be committed again.

In Rwanda, a great wound is healing after many years, and this begins to occur through the missions of peace.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who entrusts you to God the Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  


Dear Children,

Today I donate and give to you My Immaculate Heart so that the major reason for your lives may be to reach the conversion, which you have only started, a conversion that will lead you to the purification of your life and soul.

This same message I delivered in Kibeho, because of the same promptness that, such as today, the conversion required in that time.  In Rwanda, I called all to live the repentance, to not practice a proud prayer, so that, by getting detached from all evil, peace could reign.  But this message of repentance was not enough and thus few listened internally to what the Mother of Heaven wanted to teach you.

Time passed and the hour predicted by Me arrived to Rwanda and no one was regretful and free from faults.  Pride and denial led to the human loss of control and to the exerting of a frightening and fearful power.  Entire families and innocent people were the main preys for My adversary.

And where is your regret?  The brutal actions led to catastrophic results and the spiritual life of My children was decimated by your own and unbridled so-called culture.

Later on, the mistake poisoned the hearts of those who did not listen to My message, and shortly after I descended upon Kibeho, everything remained in the memory of just a few.  After this great error, humanity became aware of the importance of the words of the Mother of Heaven and everyone recognized that without prayer and repentance one cannot go anywhere or reach any safe destiny.

The Lady of the Divine Word brought to you the warning for you to prepare and reconcile yourselves, for you to ask for forgiveness, to confess and to commune with Christ, as a source of absolution.  With the faith of very few, was lifted up again, the spirit of devotion, the one that led to faith and to the trust in the call of Heaven and in the announcements that the Lady of Kibeho made for everyone.

Now, with your presence in Rwanda, you will discover the different needs of all the levels of consciousness.  Everything must be restored, from the sick body to the spirit.  For this, children, your exercise of charity and surrender will have to deepen to the point of becoming ready to help in any emergency.  My Heart will guide you and will give you the necessary inner strength for you to answer to any need.  Stay focused and you will see very closely the path that I will be indicating to you.

The truth about Rwanda has just been revealed to you, and for this your Celeste Mother specially returns to Kibeho, so that you may unite yourselves to the spirit of devotion, of forgiveness and of love that is professed to the Sacred Heart of your Lord and of your Lady.

In the streets of Kigali, you will see what the time has left imprinted as fact and as history.  The Angels of God are waiting to be able to fulfill the service of liberation and redemption that was entrusted to them.  And this will happen because of your union with these angels, which I send to your support and help with My maternal love.

Dear children, I walk in the streets of Kigali in order to save the imprisoned souls.  For the hour of Redemption and Mercy has arrived to Rwanda.

I thank you, My children, for accompanying Me in this mission!

My Maternal Love is with each one of My missionaries.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
