
Proclaiming peace and being a peacemaker is a necessity of these times so that the planet may sustain its evolution in this universe.

Many do not believe in the change of this final cycle, and others, although their souls recognize the times of purification, prefer to assert themselves in the inquiries of the mind and think that, actually, this purification will never reach them.

Happy and blessed are those who will not wait for the ground to shake under their feet and their inner world to become destabilized in order to seek God and His Peace.

Children, full union with God is a spiritual gift granted to the creatures of Earth so that, in this perfect experience of unity with the Creator, you may develop as creatures in likeness to Him. May the search for God make you One with the Creator and may you act and live as bearers of His Divine Power.

However, in order to unite with God, it is necessary to undo all the bonds created with evil and with the many faces of involution on Earth; in order to unite with God, it is necessary to set aside yourselves and everything you believe yourselves to be, because what you express on Earth is the fruit of the lessons and terrestrial influences; to be in likeness to God, in unity, you must first begin to experience being in God, learn with Him and feel Him, until you are able to fully live Him.

This path that I propose is not utopic, it is a reality and even a Law for human evolution, but the tepid of heart and inert of spirit will not tread it, nor even glimpse it.

To be on the path of human evolution, which leads you to God, you must remove your feet from the path of involution, which leads you to the abysses of the Earth.

In order to recognize the path of the abyss, it is enough to observe humanity and everything it has built throughout its existence. But to find the path of evolution, it is enough to contemplate the example of Christ and to recognize within yourselves the urge that your souls have to follow in the footsteps of the Master.

As the path to evolution was perfectly outlined by a single man, Christ, and imitated by the saints and the blessed, who were many times anonymous to humanity, it is not so simple for the consciousness to follow this very unknown path without fear, and to set aside the path of involution, which almost everyone treads in this world.

To overcome the fear of sacrificing yourselves and renouncing, you must learn to love the Plan of God, the steps of Christ and everything they represent; you must madly love the surrender of the Lord on the Cross, want to imitate His steps, but as you will not die on the Cross like Him, everything that you will experience will be small and little in the face of the greatness of His Love. And it is here that you will find the bravery and the courage to not impose limits on your own surrender.

Read the Gospels, pray, become silent, seek to awaken within yourselves the love of which I am speaking, and do not fear to be different and feel things differently, because above all fear of the mind will be the joy of the soul for finally being able to express and fulfill its part of uniting Heaven and Earth within you.

I love you and encourage you to follow in the steps that I once took, until reaching God.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph




Because of a severe storm in Aurora we were not able to go out to the monthly Apparition of Saint Joseph in the Marian Center; we gathered to receive the messages of Saint Joseph and Mary in a private manner with some brothers and sisters from the monastery.

During the prayer Saint Joseph took us to different places in the Middle East, showing us situations of a lot of suffering which He relieved because of the merits we created as we prayed.

When He appeared, together with Mary, He showed us the missionaries working in Turkey. They were in a simple activity, only talking to some people, and I saw that with these people there were many souls who were connected to their families and friends and who could not escape the war. Because of this they had been in painful situations and now they were there asking for help. Saint Joseph conducted these souls that were lost so they would go through a luminous door that was behind Him.

In this place I also saw, besides some children in the physical plane, many souls of children who had disincarnated in the desert while emigrating, because of the cold or because of the war itself. They were there looking for help; and because of the love of the missionaries, Saint Joseph was able to rescue the souls of those children. He replaced the experiences of suffering they had had for experiences of love, with the simple aid offered by the missionaries.


What seemed to be the end and the pinnacle of suffering, anguish and frustration of life, exile and war, can be transformed into the beginning of a great learning of love.

Even though we did not want humanity to go through suffering, which is a fruit of its own actions, of absence of faith and lack of seeking God, now all that is left is for us to lead what you experience so that from the sometimes atrocious experiences may emerge a learning of love and forgiveness, and the human heart may learn what it could not learn through different means and paths.

The triumph of love is always a possibility in the human heart, but we can no longer stop the Divine Justice, and its first signs are visible to everyone.

Through service, children, and through the discovery of Christic charity – a charity which brings in itself a goal of Christification, a divine principle – we are trying to redirect the souls whose destinies would be no other but perdition and absolute darkness.

The Heart of God is injured every day because of the choices of humanity, but the Creator, who is the Higher Law Himself, cannot be but Just.

In the face of what you have chosen to live as a school of redemption on Earth, we, the Divine Messengers, as well as the Saints and the Blessed Ones who work in the spiritual levels for the concretion of the Plan of God, are alert and with our eyes and hearts fixed on humanity, collecting each small merit generated in order to intercede for the ones most in need, those who would have the smallest chance for salvation.

What we ask you is that, as the active part of humanity and as the active part of the Plan of God on the surface of the Earth, you try to hold firm among many storms and inner battles; do not lower your arms, do not believe the effort you do is enough because most human beings surrender before the potency of the opposing current and prefer to be taken by them than to swim until there is no strength left.

The Law of Sacrifice must grow in the consciousness and in the hearts of those who have summoned themselves for these times. The more conscious you are of the planetary reality greater must be the degrees of love, sacrifice and surrender in everyone.

We no longer count on many soldiers and, among those who have raised their hands to be a part of this army, few are the ones who will truly overcome fear to be in the front line of this battle for the triumph of good and peace.

We say this is a battle, children, because you must permanently fight to overcome the influence of chaos inside and outside your beings; to persevere in the Law of Love, of Renunciation and of Surrender all the time; so that you are not overcome by loss of hope when you face suffering; so that you are not overcome by indignation when you face an atrocity; so that you are not overcome by resentment or fear when you face the reflection of the actions of darkness in the world.

This is a great and real battle that you must carry forward until the end of your days because not everyone will have the Grace of seeing the Sun of God shine again in the horizon, in the resplendence of His Son. Still it will be necessary that you surrender even your last drop of sweat, your last drop of blood, as Christ taught us when He was a Living Example among people.

As it reaches your consciousness, evil must be converted. An information of terror, pain or suffering which impregnates human consciousness as a whole, as it touches the individual consciousness of each self-summoned cannot grow and multiply in the same way as it does with the common denominator of humanity.

You must be active converters of the codes of evil; you must transform resentment into love, into peace, into fraternity; you must convert suffering into conscious sacrifice for the elevation and Christification of the race. This is the real school of love and redemption on Earth.

How will you learn to experience love any other way? Christic love is the one which gives its life for its friends and in the same way for the enemies: it is the love that loves everyone as it loves itself, as it loves God.

The merits of your transformation will be surrendered for the salvation and redemption of the entire universe and not only of a few. You must act out of love for the Plan of God and inside the love of the Creator you will find love for everything that has been created.

Learn, children, to resize the events and experiences you live; that an attack from darkness to destroy you and cause you damage be a cause for forgiveness, strength and unity. If you are before someone who experienced something they could not forgive because of the great terror and pain that they lived, place there an experience of love.

Pray without stopping so that the Doors to Heaven stay open and so that we can continue interceding for this world.

I thank all those who persevere with the heart. When you do not have any strength left and your limits have been surpassed you will find the Grace of being sustained by God and not by yourselves, therefore I encourage you to always move forward.

The One who loves you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, serve, and live to heal the wounds of this planet, wounds that are ancient and that grow day after day, not only as a wound in the consciousness of the Earth but as a great wound in the Most Pure Heart of God.

Offer your life in consecration to God, in the name of His Plan, and convert each one of your actions into a constant reparation of the evils that humanity, also permanently, causes to the world.

When you wake up every morning, offer your day to God; ask Him to guide your steps, to work through your hands, to see the needs with your eyes, and to feel with your heart, so that you do not lack wisdom nor love.

All the evil that circulates today in the world is repairable, but not before humanity learns to love and forgive itself and its neighbor.

Every action of yours can change the destiny of the world, can alleviate the weight of the judgment that the planetary consciousness carries through the constant atrocities caused by humanity.

You are part of the human heart and must be aware of this all the time.

If you live to offer a victory to God, even though it may seem little, a soul that truly accomplishes its part changes the destiny of the universe.

To confirm what I say, your heart has the example of Christ, Who throughout His whole trajectory, changed the destiny and the existence of all Divine Creation, for there was not a single action of His that did not balance some evil that oppressed the world.

It is for this reason that humanitarian missions are so important for these times; but not only they can balance the destiny of this race, because human life, when truly consecrated to the Plan of God, can balance many things.

When the human consciousness is before extreme situations, it is naturally led into developing love, and from its depths emerge those purest feelings that, by law, they cannot emerge when the being is only involved with themselves. If humanity learned to think of their neighbor and experienced love without the need to face extreme situations, it could change the decadent state in which it is to be found.

The different species of the Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the different elements, have a unique spiritual consciousness; if each human being treated the animal they have before them as an offering for the whole consciousness of this species, they would be able to balance the atrocities that happen in remote places of the planet.

I tell you these things, child, so that you may learn to live your life more expansively, from the spiritual point of view. Do not be limited to your needs, to your chores, to your small life.

The life in the Light-Communities could balance all the lack of unity and fraternity of human consciousness.

The healthy and loving family life could balance the evils that the adversary causes, separating and destroying the families of the world.

The correct education of a child and the love that is imprinted in their consciousnesses could balance the bad psychic, emotional and spiritual influences that today’s children receive.

Do not waste time thinking of how to serve God and how to transform yourself. Transform your life into an act of reparation and service. Go to the most lost, only with your pure and true intentions. Serve those most outraged among the Kingdoms of Nature, loving and helping the Kingdoms around you to evolve.

Rebuild peace on the planet by living peace.

Let the human potential develop from you and do not yield to the degeneration that grows day by day in the life of the majority of beings on this Earth, through the growth of chaos.

Make yourself an instrument of balance.

Believe what I tell you and have faith.

Experience for yourself the power of union with God and you will see that He will do in you things as great as He did in His Son because this is the Will of the Lord: that after the example of Christ, humanity may multiply His gifts and live permanently within the Creator.

He who guides you and will always guide you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Acting with the heart


In these times, when each action is measured in the scale of the Divine Justice, it is not enough that you simply act with an action empty of spiritual meaning and of true intention of transforming.

It is not enough that you attend a liturgy if, while you are praying, when pronounce the words, they are empty of intention and the word does not create with its transforming potential.

It is not enough to obey an order, an indication, if the heart is not totally adhered to these instructions and does not understand that they are the correct guidance for your elevation.

It is not enough to read the messages we deliver to you only for knowing that it is necessary.

You must put the heart in everything.

If you will make your own consciousness available for something, do it truly and with actions filled by the love to the Plan. In these times when everything is transparent and visible, even to the eyes that were most blind it is not enough an apparent action.

The effort you make to accomplish an action will always be seen, but for this action to count on the scale of the Divine Justice, it must be truthful. For instance: the effort you make to attend a moment of prayer will be seen, but if, when you pray you do not put your hearts, this prayer will not be balancing the planetary evils and neither the evils of the praying beings themselves.

I tell you this so that you learn to do the right effort towards the right direction, and so that you no longer deceive yourselves believing your apparent actions are enough for you to comply your own part because many, by seeing the Divine Justice descend, will wonder why they are living certain things if they have always struggled to comply their own part.

It is time of acting with the heart, of being true in everything.

It is time to discover, in your own interior, the love to the Plan of God and to be able to surrender all and live any transformations in the name of this love.

All that I tell you is to perfect your paths.

Now that you are already willing to act, make it with the heart.

The One who loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

As a servant and tireless missionary of God, I come to the world to make a petition to all the spirits who aspire to awaken to service. I come to ask you for the foundation of the Planetary Mission Network. May the Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation, as the heart which unites all the streams of light that expand themselves through the Earth, gather all those praying beings who also have spiritual, mental, emotional and physical availability for an active service.

In this way, in each region of the planet where there is a group of the Network-of-Light, there must also exist a group of Missionaries of Peace in training. This group can be formed by members of different praying groups in each region, and even by the souls that will awake through selfless service.

Each group of the Missionary Network must pass through a training proposed by the Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation, which must contain the basic course of first aiders and other in-depth studies in the areas of rescue and nursing.

The Missionary Network groups can be heterogeneous, and each member will contribute with their virtue, to compose the group dynamics.

The groups of the Missionary Network in each region should meet in a Missionary Meeting twice a year, in the Marian Center of Figueira, where they will deepen their learning with the main Missionary of Peace group and in which will be placed the goals of service for the semester.

The groups of the Missionary Network will be in charge of continuing the missions already carried out and also will open new doors so that new missions can occur.

Different members of the Missionary Network groups can take turns to form the official missions requested by the Divine Messengers, and thus, enrich their own training for the times of transition.

In the return of the Middle East, the main mission group, under the coordination of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, will organize the first Missionary Meeting with those Missionary of Peace souls who are willing to live that training, to provide their service for the balance of the Earth and also so that the group consciousness of this work will be able to meet the needs of rescue where they arise.

As no region of the Earth will be free from living their purification, it is necessary that all be ready to assume their places where there will be the greatest need. In this way, between the active prayerful spirit and the missionary training, you will be able to help many souls to live in peace during the times of greater tribulation.

I will always guide you.

Your Father and Companion, in service and in prayer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In times of imminent battle for the concretization of the Plans of God, for many, the greatest battle continues to be against themselves.


A soldier may have been summoned to war due to the needs of the times and may want to experience the training, but not the battle. However, when they are already in the field, and the battle is taking place, they cannot afford to go on with their resistances; they must fight and defeat fear. 

As humanity, you are now fighting a battle that is manifested at different levels: inner, mental, emotional, spiritual, and even physical for many.

This fight has no rules. The adversary does not wait for you to be ready to attack. He knows all your weaknesses and knows how to play on the board of the human consciousness. But he does not know everything about humanity, because the true result of this project is a mystery to all Creation, even to the Creator Fathers that assisted the Lord in the human conception. For this reason, you have no other option than to humbly surrender to God and follow in His Footsteps.

The humanitarian missions are generating many possibilities for salvation and rescue of souls, and they are withdrawing from the abyss the consciousnesses that had already given up in the hands of the adversary. The opposition to this Plan cannot just observe the triumph of the selfless hearts and the awakening of consciousnesses to the mystery of service. That is why the adversary tries to play all its pieces, activating within servers the human and capital energies undergoing purification as a way of inwardly destabilizing the Army of God, or even opening certain ruptures in the inner fortitude of consciousnesses.

It is for this reason that We are asking you to strengthen your inner peace, your unity with one another, and your fortitude in prayer because the adversary will cause the inner impurities of each one to grow so much that many will not want to be together with others. Understand what is happening, do not judge, help your neighbor, and see these situations as opportunities for strengthening your unity. 

Both in this last stage of the mission in the Middle East, as in the possibilities of new missions in assistance to the original peoples, the fury of the enemy is noticeable. Focus on the eternal Light of God and be steadfast.

Read and re-read the instructions of the Divine Messengers so that they may be established in your consciousnesses and you are able to take steps.

One who loves you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



I know that for many, the inner purification that you experience seems endless. And in thinking that you are only at the beginning of everything, sometimes you feel that you will not be able to persevere until the end. But it is the time to face your own mud, seeing with your eyes wide open that it does exist, and moving towards an inner cleansing that everyone will have to do.

Your Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, is having you face what you must transform not only as individuals but also as humanity. She is doing this as a way of accelerating the self-purification of everyone because We can no longer stop the planetary purification and you must be ready and a little emptier of self for that moment.

Do not despair, do not lose your peace. Only observe what there is to be transformed and, as much as this may cause you discomfort and sometimes pain, be as neutral as possible in the face of these situations. If you learn to maintain peace with yourselves, you will have more possibilities of keeping your psychic and emotional balance in the times to come.

Despair and sadness, as well as indignation, will not build the fortitude that you need. These feelings, which emerge naturally in the human consciousness when it is before a situation that is out of its control, must be substituted for a feeling of peace, neutrality, and understanding. If this is not done so, the adversary will take advantage of the weaknesses of your hearts to turn a situation that could be simple, if it was seen more wisely, into a chaotic and uncontrollable situation.

Be careful not to allow yourselves to be carried away by uncontrolled emotions. Remain in God, knowing that He will sustain you, because – in spite of so much misery and imperfections – your spirits are on this path because you have already chosen to live love.

It is not that you will be negligent or indifferent to your own purification. There is a limit between neutrality and indifference. Neutrality is a divine attribute, a Ray of the Creator, which allows you to live His Will in righteousness and wisdom; while indifference is a terrestrial force that distances consciousnesses from the true purpose and isolates them from reality.

Prayer and self-observation will be important keys for those who are experiencing difficult times of purification. Pray a lot and meditate on the planetary reality. Place yourselves back in the correct place every day so that you may peacefully overcome the obstacles of these times.

The effort will be continuous; for this reason, you must proceed with peace and attention, so as not to give up before time. It will seem to you that the sacrifice will be eternal, but eternal will be the Victory of God, through His triumph in the human heart.

Go forward.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Make your heart a temple of humility.

Silent yourself when you want to stand out.

Obey when you do not agree with the instructions.

Be encouraged by the growth and the development of your neighbor.

Rejoice when you see that someone manages to live what you seek so much and you have not yet attained.

Help without looking for recognition, not even mentally.

Do what no one wanted to do, without having the need for anyone to know you did it.

Allow yourself to be corrected to reach perfection. If you do not agree with the correction, experience it anyway, in the name of the virtue of humility.

Do not have personal goals. Let God Himself lead you to a divine goal for you; thus, you will not run the risk of desiring something that is not up to you to experience.

Cherish obeying the Hierarchy without repeating with your mouth the guidelines received so that others may hear; it is only in the living that the example which everyone needs for finding the path is radiated.

If you consider yourself to be so knowledgeable of the Laws, then just live them and nothing else.

Never lose the joy of humility and the freedom of being humble and of not suffering because such and such thing is not accomplished as you expect.

Live in the joy of obedience, in the Grace of not having the tension of wanting to follow another different path from the one that is being dictated for you.

Leave to others the bitterness of rowing against the current of obedience. Joyfully follow the instructions given to you.

Be free of yourself.

In the search for humility, you will find all the virtues that you aspire to live and, in your apparent weakness and smallness, you will be the fortress for the proud and the arrogant when the strong structures collapse in the purification of the planet and when they have nowhere to support their own consciousnesses.

The demons of the world will not find you, because you will become invisible in your smallness.

It is an invaluable Grace to be nothing every day.

Your father and instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

Today I will ask you to perform a spiritual exercise that My Heart used to perform more than two thousand years ago when It was incarnated in this world. I will ask you to meditate on the Wounds of God which are manifested in the planetary life and, in this way, to recognize that all the suffering, outrage and abandonment that the creatures of God endure on this Earth are sufferings of the Heart of the Father Itself, which must be relieved by your prayers and by the sincere and conscious transformation of your lives.

For this reason I give you today the Orandium of the Wounds of God in the World.

Union bead
to recognize Your Presence in all that You created,
and to relieve the suffering that You experience in this world,
we ask for Your Mercy,
we cry out for Your Forgiveness,
we invoke Your Sacred Ray of Restoration.

First decade
For the suffering of God,
in the outrage that the Kingdoms and elements of Nature endure,
Lord, purify the whole world with
Your Pity and Mercy.

Second decade
For the open wound in the Heart of God
from the abandonment and martyrdom of children,
for the torture, hunger and sorrow
that the little ones suffer,
Lord, send us Your Universal Restoration,
dissipate and heal the ignorance in humankind.

Third decade
For the open wound in the Heart of God
from the wars and conflicts of the world,
Lord, send Your Peace to the hearts of humanity
and turn us into Your peacemakers.

Fourth decade
For the open wound in the Heart of God
from the disbelief and lack of faith of the creatures of Earth,
Lord, reveal to us Your Face
and convert our lives into Your Redeeming Purpose.

Fifth decade
For the open wound in the Heart of God
from the separateness existing amongst His creatures,
Lord, teach us to love unity.

Sixth decade
For the open wound in the Heart of God
from the ignorance and indifference of humanity
towards the perfection of the Divine Project,
Lord, may the love of the Celestial Universe
be reborn in the human heart.

Last seven beads
To restore Your Heart, forgive us, Lord.
To repair our faults, forgive us, Lord.
To dissipate ignorance, awaken us, Lord.

Know that all evils you see before you in this world are open wounds in the Heart of God. Citation to all of them would not fit this orandium.

While you pray, meditate on all that must be repaired in the consciousness of humanity to thus relieve the Heart of the Creator.

I love you and I will pray with you every day.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Letter to everyone who considers himself or herself as a server and a consecrated to the Plan of God


Renounce power every day on behalf of those who sacrifice the neighbors and brutally murder them to impose their own ideas and needs.

Renounce your eagerness to express your way of thinking and feeling to everyone as you try to convince them, with the lucubrations of your mind, to make what you want to be done. Follow what I tell you on behalf of those who not only sickeningly express their own thoughts, but force the others to live according to their way of thinking.

Renounce your judgments, abdicating to find in the other what you have as ideal principles of life upon Earth, because you still think as a human mind, which – among all the existing creations – is the most dense and limited. Open yourself to understand the neighbor – their way of being, of feeling, of thinking – however imperfect it may be. Construct the spirit of unity on behalf of those who destroy it in the world.

Live purity, chastity. Renounce to seduce the others, even in thoughts. Make it as an offer for those who get out of control in the capital energies and abuse women and children in the whole world. Seduction must be understood as whatever induces someone to make what you want. Surrender your magnetism to God, so that only He attracts the souls to Himself.

Detach yourself from accumulations, donate your surplus. Be rigorous with what attaches you to your material life. Offer this act on behalf of all who are miserable, suffering the true needs that transcend matter and make the spirit suffer.

Be more silent and humble, obedient and even resigned. Observe the world around you and feel, inside of yourself, that it is much more important to make an effort to balance the planet than to let yourself be defeated by your necessity of permanently calling attention and feeding your aspects that gratify themselves when they have power over the others and the energy of all of them over you.

Pull out from yourself the roots which lead the planetary consciousness to sink into the abyss of this world. Make yourself responsible for the Plan of God and take on your part in the day-to-day. Your conscious transformation can save many lives.

The act of understanding the neighbor can save a brother or a sister of yours who is about to be murdered for thinking in a different way to their murderers.

Your effort to attract purity can prevent the abuse of a child in the world.

Your silence and your obedience can prevent an increasing confrontation between nations and religions.

Your prayers can change the destiny of humanity.

Am I wrong to contemplate the planet and find the only solution in the conscious effort of a few?

Will you trust Those who know and handle superior Laws?

Will these words be so real to you that they will lead you to an absolute change in your life?

Child, God expects your answer.

This is an appeal from That One who observes the world and does not find another hope, but in the awakening of those who say they are conscious.

Convert your life into a source of peace. May your actions generate merits for the planetary redemption. Only the “yes” of humanity can change the destiny of this decadent race.

The one who loves you and, for this reason, seeks your awakening.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Open yourself to the greatest service that lies hidden in the acts of charity you aspire to live daily. Open yourself, child, for the experience of the absolute, profound and unconditional love, a love that does not have preferences, a love that does not direct itself to a specific goal because it simply lives and expresses itself in the heart.

Love both the poor and the rich. Understand the miseries of others as if they were your own and, from your understanding, find the way to help in the transformation of the planetary consciousness.

See the facts from a spiritually more mature point of view. Face the difficult situations that present themselves with the neutrality they need, so that you find thus, a way out of the abysses of Earth, as well as of your own inner world.

Learn not to be emotionally involved with the difficulties because - if you do so - you will open a gap in your consciousness so that the emotional confusion of the planetary unconsciousness blinds your heart and does not allow you to attract the wisdom that God needs you to live in this time, as well as in the times that will come.

With the minor difficulties, learn to build the strength that will face the true test of life on Earth - which is not yet this one you are currently living.

You are being forged, with your own purification, to support one day the purification of the planet and assist those who will barely be able to keep themselves in mental, emotional and spiritual balance.

Before the tests, recognize the difficulties; recognize your own need of transformation. Be in silence, pray, meditate and seek, in your own spirit, the connection with God, so that He, who created you, can conduct you to the perfect principle that He has for you, and from which you have deviated so long ago.

If, as a part of the human creation, you dispose yourself to straighten your paths out and bring your life back to the right direction, towards the manifestation of the Purpose of God for you, little by little, you will help the human consciousness as a whole to find the Truth.

When a child finds some difficulty, they cry, beat their feet and, sometimes, lie on the floor, without knowing what to do. But an adult reflects, seek to discern until they find a better solution and, if they cannot solve it by themselves, they look for the assistance of those who have more experience than they have. That is how God calls you to mature your consciousness, so that you can be before the current probation of humanity as an adult, a soldier, a disciple, an apostle of Christ, and not as a child.

You will not be released from the difficulties and, sooner or later, you will live your own purification: you will face those aspects of your being that need to define themselves, so that your consciousness, as a whole, be directed to the place that corresponds to you, according to your elections. This same process will live the planet in a future time: each consciousness that inhabits it represents one of its aspects which will have to live its own definition, so that, from this answer the planetary consciousness be directed in the way it needs.

As you must be purified by superior flows that revolutionize your inner world, the planet will also be purified by natural and cosmic forces which will lead it to its own transformation.

Both in your personal and in the planetary processes, you must be neutral and determinately and courageously walk to the Divine Purpose that you already know. Keep yourself in the Law of Love and do not resist. Seek to see in everything the need of the fulfillment of a Higher Purpose, and you will immediately find, within you, the fortress you need.

Only those who renounce their own strength become strong. Only those who let themselves be entirely broken are renovated in Christ.

The Most High God has decided to restart the planetary life, but – before that – you must spiritually and internally restart, so that you make part of the spiritual reconstruction of Earth.

The one who guides you in this and all times,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the Lord take your eyes and place over them His Eyes of the Mercy.

May the Lord, God the Father of Infinite Kindness, take your hands and place over them His Hands of Mercy.

May the Lord, your Path and your Life, take your feet and place over them His Feet of Mercy, so that you walk on His Divine Footprints.

May the Lord, Who manifests the Word that brings Life, take your mouth and place over it His Sacred Mouth, a Powerful Source of Mercy.

May the Lord, the Father-Mother Creator of the universes, take your mind and place over it His Divine Mind, from which do not come lucubration and thoughts, but rather the Source of the Divine Mercy.

May the Lord, Who manifested this race, Who has so many times ceased to see your sins, take your arrogance and put, in its place, the pure gratitude, that attracts the Infinite Mercy to the world.

May the Lord, God of Love and of Truth, take your heart and place over it His Pitying Heart, so that you know not only to serve, but also to love and live mercy.

May the Lord, Miraculous Potter of the Celestial Universes, take your clay, already so worn-out by its existence on Earth, break it and mold it again.

Let yourself be broken and softened in the Hands of God. Be again a new clay, ready for new creations. May, thus, the Lord make of yourself an empty chalice to pour His Mercy into it.

You have been called since the beginning to be reborn in spirit, in soul, in matter and in consciousness, so that the endless well of your miseries would be converted into a Source of Mercy both for this planet and for the whole Universe. That is possible because of the magnitude of the Divine Action in the hearts that allow themselves to be transformed by God.

The Lord calls you to be a living miracle, an instrument of His in this world. Let yourself belong to Him not just with words, but with actions, with truth.

Do not be afraid to be something else because the transfiguring miracle of God needs to be absolute in your life. For this you have been called.

Open yourself to the Divine Alchemy of the spiritual transformation in Christ.

That One who prays for you, day and night,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


As much as you can no longer stop the influences of the current world in the consciousness of the original peoples, focus your attention and the purpose of these last moments of the mission on the intention of spiritually re-igniting the original codes of these brothers and sisters, that first principle emanated by God on manifesting these peoples on Earth.

May the fact that you have gone to serve with the pure intention of fraternally sharing, helping, loving, without imposing a culture, a religion, or a line of thought, place in the consciousness of humanity an impulse of respect and peace for the different human expressions on Earth.

Much is yet to be done for your original brothers and sisters, always in the spirit of simple sharing, respecting their way of expression and living, and being aware of the need that planetary life has for these peoples to maintain their purity and their simplicity, so that therefore they may help in the elevation of the Earth.

May the example of this selfless service imprint in the consciousness of Argentina this way of serving and uniting with the indigenous consciousness.

I would like this impulse not to stop here and that other peoples may be helped by the groups of service and prayer, especially in Argentina, to remain faithful to what they represent as a part of the Creation of God.

May the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation expand its serving arms to the different cultures of the planet, and in this way, grow in the attribute that is part of its name.

Everyone must feel part of this humanitarian fraternity and thus, make every act in your lives an act of fraternity. May each day bring an opportunity for carrying out a humanitarian act of assistance to your fellow beings and also to the Kingdoms of Nature.

With the missionary spirit imprinted in your consciousnesses, be missionaries every second of your lives and recognize that you have come to the world to fulfill a higher mission: learn to love and to multiply love on the surface of the Earth and in all that exists.

I love you and I will accompany you in your next steps.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Feel the silence radiated by your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness and discover the mystery of sublime worlds.

Understand that it is the spirit of peace that lives in the original peoples which has allowed them, throughout the history of the Earth, to cross dimensions and come to know the life of the spirit, making them guardians of this reality.

But do not only contemplate with joy what they emanate, do not only admire what you see and feel; aspire to learn from them, aspire to be a guardian of the archetype that they bring to the world.

Do not wish to take your customs to a people who you must only learn from. Just as they keep silence and observe you, do the same.

Commune with silent fraternity and with the silent love of the original peoples. Allow that your service be a door to mutual learning, in brotherhood.

Place this into your intentions while you serve and you will obtain a rich learning from this experience which will contribute, not only to your own transformation, but also to the development of all of humanity.

Your Father and Companion in service and in prayer,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Offer your joy for those who live in sadness.

Offer your faith for those who are in despair.

Offer your love for those who live in fear.

Offer your peace for those who live without consolation, between wars and permanent conflicts.

Offer your home for those who do not have a safe roof under which they can be.

Offer the food you receive every day for those who live in the uncertainty of having something to eat or not.

Offer your prayer for those who do not pray, do not believe in God or pray to a false god and feed the reign of darkness with their ignorance.

Make of your own life a constant offer at the foot of the Celestial Altar. Live fully, in absolute gratitude for all you receive because – despite any need or difficulty – you have the greatest treasure of this world and of all others: you recognize the presence of the Creator in your small essence.

Child, so great is the imbalance of this planet and so abyssal is the human ignorance that you must make of your life an act of perpetual prayer, of selfless service and of surrender, in order to balance the evil that humanity generates for itself and for the Kingdoms of Nature. It is necessary more than a few prayers or even some days of service.

The missions you participate today, as a part of this group, are opening a door in the human consciousness so that it reaches greater possibilities of donation and surrender.

Do not remain only with the act of serving. Do not see these missions as all the others that have already been lived, but rather open yourself to the extraordinary that they offer to the consciousness of humanity and make use of this impulse to never be the same again. 

It is a mystery for you how the Laws of the Spirit move. Many times you will think there is nothing different in the material facts between the past missions and the present ones, but I tell you of a transformation in the consciousness because it is there where the change consolidates itself and becomes true.

If you believe that I speak through these words, then seek deep within yourself to understand what I tell you and launch yourself into a discovery of the grace of selfless serving in each instant, of the grace of converting yourself into a true, permanent, constant, tireless, praying being.

Place your attention in your own heart, see the world through the window of your chest. Do not be afraid of being naïve because it is not of naivety that I speak to you about: I give you to know the Wisdom and the First Law of this world, which is Love.

Reflect on this truth and take, yourself, the decision of the path that you your life will follow. We can impel you, but not walk for you. We can show you the path, but not predict the results.

Persistence and rhythm in the walking of the pilgrim dictate the moment and the way of reaching the goal.

I love you always.

Your Father and Instructor, your Companion in this Evolutionary Walking,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



May this next marathon be, for the planet, a unique opportunity of liberation, before the Armageddon precipitates itself with all its strength upon the planetary consciousness.

On the next days we will unite to all the praying beings of the Earth so that, from the Marian Center of Aurora, a door of liberation, of salvation and of rescue to the most sinful and suffering souls of this world be opened.

On the days of the marathon, we will unite to the liberating coordinates of Aurora, in connection with Chaco and with the Middle East, with the intention of sending a great impulse to the planet and, thus, to disarm the plans of the adversary of God, of converting this world into a land of darkness, and the potential of love of the human heart into a potential of hatred and resentment, which destroys the essence of humankind.

Children, the human beings are part of a single creation of God still very mysterious for yourselves as well as for the universe. Its true potential has not manifested itself in any other human but in The One who came to the world to show you the path of the human development, the ability of loving and uniting to God and the love that transcends the laws of matter and that even defeats that law which is, for many people, the only certainty of life on Earth, which is death.

If many believe that the only certainty they have is that they will die eventually, do you realize the ignorance and the distance that the human heart is from the truth?

If you have had, before your eyes, the example of that One who defeated death thanks to the profound Love of His Heart, your only certainty should be that you do not know anything about yourselves and, for this reason, you should walk avidly to the development of love.

Are you not at least curious about what you could actually live and express if you came out of your own smallness to launch yourself into the experience of the absolute love?

It is to show you a little of your potential of love that we send you in missions to forgotten places of the world, and that we ask you to let go what you are doing to respond to a praying call which dictates the true planetary need. Because in such moments you minimally experience what love is, because you renounce to your own priorities to recognize the need of the planet.

I hope that on the next days you make the exercise of forgetting yourselves. Seek all the time to provide the needs that present themselves both in the neighbor and in the material things. Do not expect that others do for you a work that is reachable to your hands and, besides praying in union with the missionaries, also live the spirit of selfless service and experience, for an instant, fraternity and love. This experience, if it is lived with plenitude, will remain engraved in your consciousnesses for all Eternity, in such a way that you will no longer be able to live in the same way, immersed in your own selfishness. Love is the reason for the human existence and, when you experience it in a true way, you can longer be the same.

Launch yourselves into this simple adventure of self-discovering and, for some days, allow yourselves to come out of own selves. Allow that in your faces runs the sweat of the sacrifice for love to the Plan of God. Allow that in your hearts rises the most sincere request of mercy and that from your mouths come out a word that converts itself into life, into liberation, into redemption and into salvation to the planetary consciousness.

May, from Heaven, the Lord contemplate the points of light which expand themselves on Earth and may in His Heart be a new hope of fulfilling His Project of Love.

Your Father and Companion, a Praying Being and Servant of all times,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the enemy of God sows discord between nations, between religions, and between the different cultures of this world, I call you to cherish love and unity among beings.

Children, the plans of the enemy cannot be hidden from the eyes of the Father, and the Lord cannot do anything else but warn His children that, in the human consciousness, fear, discord, anger, disbelief, loss of hope, and disaffection are being sown.

The adversary of the Lord seeks every day to destroy the spirit of faith in the hearts of humankind. He is trying to confront the different religions of the world as a means for all the ways of union with God to be brought down by its cunning. It also does so with nations and cultures by encouraging confrontations among hearts to prevent human beings from developing the principle of unity.

But what the adversary of God is ignorant of, is that his cunning does not resemble the Love of God at all and that his strength can never compare to the Power that comes from the Creator. This certainty must reign again in the human heart, the certainty that God has the power to defeat any evil, darkness, and shadows. 

May each creature unite with the Lord just as they understand Him; may they not lose faith in His Mercy, and even when being before Justice, may they have the strength to generate merits to balance their own debts.

I tell you this because I want you to understand that a mission that unites cultures and religions for the only purpose of strengthening fraternity among beings is of incalculable value in the Kingdom of the Heavens. For this reason, I ask the missionaries of My Chaste Heart – who have bravely accepted the missions entrusted to them by God – to be capable of transcending their own limitations and need for healing in order to heal, in the human consciousness, the evil that seizes its heart.

I ask that you selflessly serve all the time, that you recognize the opportunity for transcendence that God presents to you in every moment, because while your arms work in matter, Ours work in the spirit.

I know that many will feel tiredness, not only physical but also spiritual, because both in Chaco and in the Middle East, God aspires to share the sorrow of His Heart with all those willing to be with Him and for Him in the face of human suffering.

I only tell you to trust in Our guidance, in Our Grace, which bathes and renews you every new day, so that you may face those missions with love and gratitude, with humility and faith.

Each time that you transcend an aspect of resistance and open up to experience the Grace of God, We open the doors to Heaven a little more for the salvation and rescue of souls, because – by the merits generated by the effort of everyone – the Creator grants Us this act of mercy.

Give all of yourselves for those who feel incapable of giving one more step towards God. Transform yourselves for those who do not even have the bravery to persist in a worthy survival.

Never forget that the same God Who created you in perfection, today dwells within those who stand before you. All the effort and work that you do to return the Lord His possibility to be manifested in Glory in the hearts of humankind will be little. For there are many who do not know and even deny God in their essences.

Cherish unity, cherish love, cherish so that each one may find the union with God, just as you know Him, and remain in the purity of your faith, achieving the experience of love wherever you may be.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.



Discover in service the ennoblement of soul and spirit, the birth of universal love, because only when the need of your neighbor transcends your own, can you understand a little of the essence of true love, which you came to learn in this world.

Understand that when you serve, it is not only the act of serving that liberates souls from the hells of this world but it is also the love and fraternal charity that you imprint in your actions and the sincerity with which you transcend your fears and limitations to do that which you have never thought of doing, which truly unites your hands with the Hands of the Creator and makes your service sacred.

Go and meet the poorest; go far away into the abysses searching for those who need your union with God. Go where the helpless do not know hope, where the sick do not know faith, where those starving do not know mercy, where the poor do not know the wealth of fully living in the Spirit of God. Imprint all these attributes in the silence of your mouth and in the sincere acts of your hands, in the profound beating of your heart.

Place in service the hope that this world will reach redemption, that souls will recognize unity and love.

You do not need to preach because, in these times, words are sometimes very imperfect. Choose to give an example of peace-making, fraternity, selfless surrender.

Never expect to be thanked for the service you render. Do not expect returns, do not seek results. Place in the soil the seed of a tree that maybe you will not see grow, but trust that it will bear fruits for a future time when there is starvation and that it will provide shade so that those tired of so much walking may find a place to rest.

Just like you ignite your heart in the service to the poorest, also ignite it in the service to those who are beside you. You often worry about the souls far away that become lost, but you do not see those who are getting lost because they do not find in you a little support, help, compassion and fraternity.

I know that you want to heal the world, rebuild the Earth, and not allow the boat of salvation for this race to sink. So, start with your own home, with the Centers of Love, with all life around you, because the one who learns to love does not love once in a while or only a few, the most miserable ones.

Child, when love really dwells in the human heart, it contemplates all Creation; it contemplates the fellow beings and also the Kingdoms of Nature; it equally contemplates the poor and the rich, because the greatest lack is the lack of love.

Love has no culture, no religion, no language, no ethnicity. The love that is proposed to be experienced in this world is the same Love of the Heart of God. Therefore, love in this love and be this love at every moment, with everything and with everyone, in the silence of your actions, in the solitude of your heart, just as among the crowds. Thus, you will learn that the greatest service to be lived in this world is not only charity, it is Christification.

Your Father and Cmpanion always, the one who leads you to the Heart of Christ,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Worthy of glory and praise is the Most High Lord, Who sent his Son to the world to redeem humanity! May all creatures dwell in the Lord now and forever!

Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

Today I open your eyes to the spiritual and planetary reality that has wounded the Heart of God very much in the last century of the existence of humanity.

With the mission to Chaco, the Universe of God was before the opportunity of redemption of many situations that refer to the indigenous consciousness, the original peoples of the planet. However, so that this liberation does not overload a few, it is necessary prayer and conscious collaboration from all.

Throughout the last centuries, your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness suffered from the cunnings of the enemy of God, which have manifested in the planetary and material life as that which you call social injustices. These injustices are actually encouraged by the one who fights against the Divine Project on Earth and that, not only seeks to dispel the indigenous consciousness through the shortages and miseries that they live but also causes resentment to appear in their hearts.

This resentment was being transmitted from one generation to the next until very few remained in their original pacification and purity. It was in this way that conflicts and fights for possession and material resources led many souls, that should be guardians of sublime realities of the planet, to the hells and purgatories of this world.

With this humanitarian mission in Chaco, many hellish doors were opened to the rescue and rehabilitation of those souls, not only from Argentina but from all of America.

This fact, children, commits you as humanity because the loss of those souls was also caused by human actions.

It is for this reason that I ask you for greater awareness and prayerful spirit because, even though the acts performed in Chaco are simple, many evils can be balanced with the unity and adherence of everyone.

The planetary urgency calls on you to act and multiply your efforts. There is still much to be liberated on the planet and, with these two current missions, the consciousness of your group is beginning to understand the true performance of service, as well as of prayer.

If you live in the spirit of unity, many of your brothers and sisters that suffer in the underworlds of the planetary consciousness will be able to receive an opportunity to go through redemption in time.

Do not forget to dedicate some time to the true and heartfelt union with the missionaries; thus, many other doors will open for the liberation of the planet.

I love you and count on your prayers and your ignited hearts, as a doorway so that the Divine Mercy may descend to Earth.

Your father and friend, server and missionary of God,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Devotional for Ecumenism
and Unity in the Human Consciousness

Union bead
for the union of humanity in Your Purpose of Love,
we beg for Your Presence
among the different nations, peoples and religions.
May the Universal Culture become a reality on Earth.

First decade
For the Power of the Divine Mercy
emanated from the Sacred Heart,
may all peoples, races, cultures and religions
reach redemption.

Second decade
For the sacrifice lived by Christ
and for the merits achieved by Him on the Cross,
may all nations awaken
to the experience of absolute Love.

Third decade
For the Power of Pity emanated by Christ
while descending from the Cross into the arms of the Virgin Mary,
may all cultures, religions, creeds and nations
unite to pour out the Grace of God
upon the most forgotten and lost
among humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Fourth decade
For the Power of the Pure Love
that resurrected each cell of Christ
and allowed Him to defeat death,
may all religions be reborn
in the Principle of Purity.

Fifth decade
For the absolute Grace that the Creator
grants us with the return of His Son,
may all peoples awaken, all hearts open
and all languages proclaim, in one language,
the Unity with God, through the Resplendent Christ.

Each day that passes by, humanity separates more from God and, as a result, from one another, strengthening individuality and the lack of love in a world that should emanate the Principle of Unity throughout the Cosmos. For this reason, I will ask you to pray for all religions, all nations, all races and all cultures.

May the creatures that were one day born from the Divine Consciousness be able to return to It.

May the different expressions of God on Earth find the purity of their original impulse.

May everything be according to the Will of the Creator in the new cycle of Earth; may everything be according to His Divine Principles.

Pray with love and with the heart because the two missions that you are currently experiencing are opening a door so that humanity may awaken to respect and unity with one another, and with God.

I love you and I wait for you in prayer.

I will pray with you every day and for all Eternity.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
