Love the Will of God more than yourself.

Love His Plan and what it means for the evolution of the entire Universe much beyond the development of your little soul and your little life.

Love the Plan of God with the right understanding that it aims for the evolution of the entire Cosmos and, even though you are a part of it, you are not what is most important about this Plan.

Understand that the Plan of God, for its own sake, must be fulfilled. And if the brother or sister who is next to you has a greater possibility of living the Will of the Father, help them and create the conditions so that they reach the goal, not for you or for them, but for the Plan of God.

The competitiveness of the human consciousness has taken away from many hearts the possibility of loving the Plan of God, because they love themselves and their own role in this Plan much more. They love their own possibility of living the Will of God and take care so that they themselves become the Christs of the new time, even rejoicing in the defeats of the neighbor because, knowing that these Christs will be only a few, they want to be a part of these few. What these hearts do not realize, child, is that the inner Christ is born from the forgetting of the self and from the absolute love to the other.

Love to the neighbor is born, in truth, out of love to the Plan of God. The one who truly loves the Plan cares for it and knows that all human beings are needed in its development. For this reason they rejoice in the awakening of their brothers and take care so that they develop more each day, no matter if they surpass their own evolutionary level because what matters is that the Plan is fulfilled, and not in whom it will be fulfilled.

If you want to love the neighbor, love God and His Plan. In the discovery of this love you will find the care for all the Kingdoms of Nature. You will find out that everything that has been created has a spiritual reason for existing and each living creature created by God has a unique role in His Plan. You will understand the true reason for being of all things and, although you may not know how to explain it with your mind, you will be able to feel it with your heart.

Child, love the Plan of God more than yourself. Love the Creator and allow yourself to be overflowed with this love that transcends an object or a creature and radiates to everything that has been created.

Commune with the perfection of all things, because it will be by taking care of the development of others and of the birth of Christ in your brothers that one day you will discover the Living Christ within you.

The One Who teaches you to live the Law of Love,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Trust in the designs of God, because His Mercy is trying to reach consciousnesses at a maximum, but when beings decide to learn under the Law of Justice, the Creator has no other alternative than to be just.

The Justice of God is not a punishment, it is an opportunity to find His Will again, based on lessons that allow consciousnesses to face an immediate transformation. And in this way, beings find themselves facing everything that, by Law, they need to experience to learn and awaken.

Mercy appeases the Laws of Justice and tries to bring learning based on love to the planet, an awakening that comes from forgiveness, from a knowledge of God, and from adherence to His Will through the birth of faith.

But when Mercy does not find a place to act in hearts and when the purification blinds the eyes of many and does not allow them to see clearly, only Justice can make them find God again, as long as consciousnesses know how to correctly understand that which they are experiencing when they are before the consequences of the descent of Justice.

Trust in the Wisdom of God, for it does not work with the same logic of human thought.

I know that Justice makes hearts suffer, and I do not tell you to not suffer, because the heart that suffers must also experience its part in this lesson, which is for everyone. I only tell you, child, that beyond the suffering and the fear that this Justice causes in the hearts, have faith that it is safeguarded by Divine Wisdom and, in another round of the spiral of human evolution, that which today upsets you will be a reason for joy and growth for all.

Bring peace into your heart in face of the action of Justice, because in a near future, when it precipitates over all the planetary consciousness, many will not understand and will mistake it for punishment, thus losing their faith and trust in God.

Be an example of faith and of permanent trust in God, irrespective of His designs being in favor of or against that which your human heart feels.

Who always loves you and encourages you to continue forward,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

The world still agonizes and the first contractions of the planetary labor cause convulsions to souls and the most fragile spirits whose debts towards God are bigger and, sometimes, unpayable.

Many are spiritually and physically suffering the consequences of the secular actions that have left many imbalances and many wounds in the ethers of the planetary life. The wars and the conflicts of nowadays, mostly in the Middle East and in Africa, are fruits of a hatred and of an eagerness for terror already rooted in the consciousnesses of certain nations.

The false belief that, by submission and by suffering, some can impose their own ideas as truths has remained engraved in the deep consciousness of certain places of the planet, and it gives free access and free acting to the forces of chaos so that they establish their reign. The only way of balancing all that, is the absolute experience of love and the triumph of this same love, beyond the atrocities, the tortures and the sufferings.

Just as Christ showed His union with God by the means of the forgiveness that He delivered to the humankind that placed Him on the Cross, after they had martyred Him as they could, just as He showed that He was united to the Truth because He was able to live love without the necessity of glory or of recognition, in this way, children, you must live in this world.

The Truth shows itself in the experience of love.

Those who impose their own will and that, by manipulation, achieve what they want are not the ones who are in the Truth: is in the Truth the one who keeps themselves in God and lives all the tests presented by life as opportunities of living love and forgiveness, humbly and worthily, just as Christ.

The one who understands the surrender of Jesus and His transformation in Christ is not the one who proclaims His Name and repeats His Words, but rather the one who follows His Steps and communes with Him, not only to find peace, but to fuse themselves with Christ and to be eternally in Him.

In order to balance the evils of the world, you will have to be just as Christ, you will have to be new Christs, renovated by the absolute union with the Son of God. In this aspiration is neither ambition nor pride: it is the Truth.

Pride, children, is not wanting to be united to Christ: it is to ignore His Truth, it is to deny His example and to doubt the Perfection of God, underestimating your own potential as creatures who come from the Divine Consciousness.

Know that the union with Christ is not a fruit of your own merits or your own potentials, but rather, it is the fruit of the Perfection of God, because He created you with this possibility of living love since the beginning.

Your Father and Instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Will of God expresses itself in the Cosmos, Its Divine Word transforms itself into Creating Principles called Rays of the Creation. These rays projects themselves as Light over the consciousnesses manifested in the different dimensions and as they descend to the most material dimensions, they are subdivided into different expressions, each one according to the what the creatures can receive and live.

When the Divine Messengers come to the world, They unite the dimensions – from the Heart of God to the densest levels of the manifestation of life – and materialize, in all spaces of the human consciousness and of all that was created, the Divine Will.

When We instruct you in each detail about what you must do and how you must do this work, we are bringing the Perfection of God and manifesting the Rays which express His Will for all the aspects of His Work in matter, so that, by the means of symbols and of the most simple words, everything can express and radiate a part of the Divine Consciousness.

You may not understand why We dictate the small details of everything. It is for this reason that today I tell you that it is in this way that this Work remains sacred because the Consciousness of God is hidden in all that you express, and each one of these details, even if it is the setting of an altar or a webpage, helps in the salvation of a soul which will be touched by the vibration that the Rays of God, printed in these details, emanate.

Therefore, children, feel as manifesters the Divine Will in all that you do; bring the meaning of the sacred to your most material activities, because this way you will always allow the Creator to manifest His Will on this planet.

Offer to God all that you do and always ask yourselves what He expects to express through you, because – even if that seems very distant from what you do, from the Core of all that has been created, the Lord observes you and awaits that you can be creating consciousnesses, just as you were thought originally.

That just as the angels and archangels manifest universes and materialize the Will of God, creating the new essences which are born in the Cosmos, may you also express this Will in all that you create, in matter and in spirit.

I leave you My Blessing for the manifestation of this Sacred Work.

The One who expressed the Will of God, even though in a carpentry shop,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While many live physical wars and conflicts that destroy life for not finding peace, others live the spiritual and internal wars and conflicts between their own material beliefs and the Plans of God for their higher beings. These conflicts often destroy the soul and do not allow it to evolve for not finding peace.

Children, purification both in matter and in spirit is inevitable, but the way it will elapse will depend on how each one places oneself before it.

In the midst of a war, some choose to adhere to conflicts and generate more wars. Others are indifferent and waiting for violence to touch the door of their homes. While others seek peace, even if it is through a path of transcendence, but they can find understanding, forgiveness and faith, because they are in God.

Before an inner war between what God expects from you and what you have built in yourselves, based on what you believed you should be, you can find the same three paths of physical war: you can conflict with God and live permanent inner distress by not accepting the Will of the Father and by not surrendering to Him; you can be indifferent to this Will and, although you do not conflict with It, you do not surrender either, and believe you are not suffering, but you make the soul disappear little by little; or you can look for peace, understanding, forgiveness of yourselves, and by accepting that the traced paths were based on your own pride and on your own ignorance, renounce to all of them and open yourself to start again, from the point that serves you in order to find the Will of God and not your own.

And, thus, children, you must be more conscious about the moments that you live and always think that this is a planetary and not a personal situation. Transcendence and renunciation themselves must be in favor of the evolution of this world.

Do not keep always running away from your own defeat only for fear of humiliation and inability of allowing yourself to be defeated because yes, every battle is painful but the faster you allow yourself to be defeated, the greater will be the peace that you will be able to live.

Humiliation is a Grace granted to the brave, who must demonstrate their courage as an example similar to the one of the Son of God.

If you consider that the path of transformation in Christ is for you, then, as a first step, surrender to God, unite with Him and allow yourselves to be humiliated in order to lose at once the old man based on pride and on human power so that the new man, who has self-emptying as a principle, lives in you.

The one who loves you and guides you through the path of humility,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the night precipitates over the Earth and light becomes a memory in the hearts that got to know it, it will be only Faith that will guide the path of the persevering, who will serve as an example for those who will be the most lost.

The Divine Mercy must not be a reality only during the moments of prayer. Initially, you must clamor for Mercy, but afterwards, children, you must be the manifestation of Mercy itself in the world.

You are children of the Divine Mercy because just the fact that you have awakened to a higher reality, being in a world completely asleep to the Truth, already demonstrates to you the acting of Mercy in your lives. No creature awakens to the life of spirit only through their own achievement. Yes, it is necessary that you accept to follow this path, but it is only presented to you through the work and Grace of the Divine Mercy.

Mercy walks hand in hand with Humility because in order to be merciful it is necessary to transcend all expectations over someone, over oneself and over the Plan of God, as a merciful heart shelters the others as they are, and delivers to those who deserve the least, all of the Graces of the Kingdom of God.

Those who are merciful forgive, regardless of the evil that has been done to them, and they make use of humility so that, before judging and condemning the actions of others, they recognize their own miseries and how many times they have made mistakes on their evolutionary path.

The one who is merciful knows that they only receive the Divine Mercy when they donate it to the world and, thus, discovers the Grace of seeking something that is not for oneself, discovers the gift of living in the Mercy only to be merciful and offers oneself to God as His channel in the world. Mercy must be an inner state of the self-summoned so that they keep it within themselves, regardless of the darkness that surrounds them.

The merciful heart does not need anything in exchange for its donation and does not need favorable conditions in order to render a service or to be in union with God because, by clamoring so much – Mercy has become a natural state of their being.

Just as some will live Mercy, others will live Faith, others Fraternity, others Unity, as permanent states of heart. Thus, even at times when you will apparently be alone, living your tests in this world, you will never be left without the Gifts of God and humanity as a whole will not lack the Divine Presence because the Creator will be living within those who, through prayer and through service, have discovered the perfect union with Him.

Live the Divine Gifts. Clamor, but also be each one of the attributes of God.

The one who loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To feel the pain of God in your own heart is more than suffering an inner or physical discomfort for a few moments. To feel the pain of God in your own heart is to take on affiliation with the Most High and to confirm yourself as a consciousness that is willing to live His Plan in the world, even if it means the suffering of the flesh and of everything that shapes the planetary human matter.

Children, humanity is so far from the aspiration to feel the pain of God in its heart, that those who are willing to balance the evils generated in the world throughout human existence will often suffer, not out of punishment, but because the distance from the matter created in the world, in relation to the true essence of what the creatures of Earth must be, causes this matter to be dense and coarse, and when it is transmuted - to generate the right balance – it causes pain and inner destabilization.

The Creator, in His Purity and His Infinite Love, is often, with His Son, willing to transmute the planetary situations Himself in Divine Hope that some human heart comes to be a triumph in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Because He created humanity and placed in these little creatures a special union with His Divine Heart, each time a human being moves away from the purpose of the Father, His Heart suffers and receives a thorn of denial and indifference towards the Perfection He thought for this world.

One way to prevent God from suffering is to live every day, as you can, the principles that He thought for humanity. Everything that leads you to the experience of Absolute Love and unity with God and with others relieves the Heart of the Creator.

Therefore, dears, do not think that the ability to relieve the Heart of God is outside of your control, because in addition to all the offers you make to suffer with Him, in the name of humanity, you can also actively work towards fraternity, charity, love, prayer and above all towards forgetfulness of self.

This is the handbook for those who want to relieve the Heart of God.

The One who loves you and conducts you every day to the experience of Celestial Principles,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I was finishing the Devotional of Saint Joseph and, before He appeared, I began to feel a sharp pain in my heart, something that took my breath away and little by little I was losing strength physically, but I did not know what was happening. When He was approaching, the pain intensified. It was something that troubled me not only physically, but also internally, because it brought a sadness that could not fit inside of me and I could no longer even pray or think about anything. Saint Joseph just watched me and said He was letting me feel a bit of the pain of God, by the denial of a soul, so I could better understand what the Creator feels when observing the world and so that my prayers could deepen as well as the understanding that the denial of souls towards God is more than the action of a personality, it is something deeply spiritual and it makes the Heart of God suffer deeply. He said: "This is what God feels for one soul. Imagine what He feels for all the souls that deny Him in the whole world. "

Saint Joseph explained that I was not living this experience only for myself, but for every praying being in the world that must deepen their own contact with God. Therefore He asked me to make this report when transcribing the message.

As I could not write or move, Saint Joseph waited in silence for about twenty minutes. Then He asked me to write the daily message just as I was feeling because it would be short.


Feel in your heart the pain of God, which is not of this world and it is not similar to anything you can feel naturally, as a human being.

Receive this offering with gratitude and thus learn about a small part of what the Creator feels with the deviations of this world.

Learn, child, with the pain of God in your heart, to pray with true love, to clamor with true fear of God, to invoke His Mercy, not only to relieve the creatures of this Earth, but above all so that such a Kind and Perfect Lord does not have to suffer the pains that His children cause Him by constant denial and indifference.

If the pain that only one soul causes to the Heart of God already makes you lose your breath and feel you will lose your life, understand then, child, how much the Creator suffers for all the souls of the world.

I only ask that you offer yourself in reparation of the denial of the world; that you do not be indifferent before God. Love as you must love and surrender your life without conditions. Even if your surrender seems small or insignificant, you will be able to help the balance that generates the salvation of many souls.

May what I make you feel be impressed on these words and, more than concepts and ideas, may humanity receive an experience.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Even when the world submerges in chaos, unite to the Heart of God and remain within it.

Even when external influences lead you to a lack of concentration, to distraction, and to the capital energies of the Earth, unite to the Heart of God and remain within it.

Even though it may seem you do not have enough strength to respond to the Plan, unite to the Heart of God and remain within it.

When the influences of the enemy pervade the human mind intensely, the lie he imprints upon the collective mind may become true for many. For this reason, beyond what you may come to think and feel about yourself, about others, and even about the Plans of God, unite to the Heart of God and remain within it.

To reach the Heart of God, it is enough to seek it and sincerely aspire to be within it, because the union between the Creator and His creatures is something natural and original to human beings. Everything that separates you from God is the fruit of your own ignorance, indifference, or the cunning of the adversary that, because of your lack of persistence and bravery, convinces your mind with many lies and deceptions.

Never feel distant from God, because it is only you who separate yourself from the Creator every day. Seek Him beyond the difficulties, seek Him not only when you need some help; but seek Him also to give thanks, only to be united to Him, only to create a path of union with God in the human consciousness, so that others can benefit from your experience to find, within them, the absolute connection with God.

Feel the Father within you and how, mysteriously, you are within Him at the same time. If someday you do not feel Him - because He has given you the grace of the dark night that precedes the dawn of the encounter with Him - just remain in the stillness of the certainty that, even if you are blind and in the dark, He is there; it is you who cannot see Him.

The fortitude in God, child, will be your only security, your only sustenance. Therefore, consolidate now the faith in the Presence of the Creator within you and in the certainty that He will guide your steps, as long as you are obedient and humble before Him, and He will never abandon you, He will always be with you because you will be with Him.

God is always present and silent in the innermost precincts of your inner world, in the depths of your essence. It is you who must turn to Him and reach that space within you, pure of heart and humble of spirit.

In spite of external influences, in spite of your own purification, in spite of the purification of your brothers and sisters and of the planet, unite to the Heart of God and remain within it.

Your long-standing friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


Pray and serve for the balance of this world and no longer expect the others to follow your steps. Abandon your aspirations and your plans of personal achievement for life in this world. Child, God expects more from you than being a good server. I speak to your heart, which will hear these words and know they are pronounced directly to it.

The one who is ready to take another step, even if it seems bigger than their capabilities, will know that I directly call them to not wait any longer to launch themselves towards surrender without fear.

It is you, My child, that I am calling because the things of this world are no longer for you, and I refer not only to the common human way of life, but also to the natural behavior of humanity. Because many believe that the only big step to take is the abandonment of their own material life, of their commitments with the common world, to consecrate themselves to the life of the spirit. But today I tell you, child, that I invite you to something even deeper than this first surrender, which impels you to even greater levels of surrender.

I call you to live on Earth as if you did not belong to it, I call you to transcend - with clear actions - the obscure ways in which humanity expresses itself, a behavior that is carried out because of the influences of capital forces that circulate the Earth.

Today I call you to be more out of yourself, to just think of this world with the purpose of attracting Divine Mercy in order for the souls to wake up so they can be helped, in order for peace to reign in the hearts or at least for them to come to know it.

Child, I invite you to make the Divine Purpose your own and, even if it takes a lot from your cells, your mind and your emotions, allow yourself to be guided by the impulses of your own soul and your spirit and to no longer be guided by your imperfect and ignorant personality.

Realize how your soul suffers when you give in to the desires of the mind and when you make your own the worldly aspirations of your interior in purification, aspirations that root your consciousness in this world more each time and fill you with yourself, emptying you of God.

Leave aside what elevates you and falsely exalts the insignificance of your planetary being. Leave aside what roots in you vanity, pride and arrogance, disguised as good works, sometimes even spiritual.

Child, even that which is positive, it if exalts you, no longer serves you, because the time has come for God alone to dwell inside you. You must get out of this dwelling and no longer hold ownership of it, because the Lord has for you a grand destination, however invisible to the eyes of the world, a destination of celestial victory and earthly humiliation, a destination of loss of everything and conquest of Christ.

Embrace this new path because soon your Lord will return, who will want to see in you the fulfillment of these words.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the heart is in face of the teaching, fully in peace and willing to learn and transform itself, it can correctly understand what the Divine Messengers are trying to transmit to the world.

Children, place yourselves before our words with humility and without judgment. Do not consider yourselves to be connoisseurs of Truth when in reality It is hidden between the lines of what we tell you.

It is in the apparent simplicity of everything we say that the Wisdom of God is found. But this Wisdom reveals itself only to the pure and humble of heart, and this is a state that is achieved when you face what we give you with gratitude, reverence and void of expectations.

Every time you expect to know, feel or experience something when facing the Instructions of God through His Messengers, you will want to adapt something that is Divine to a mediocre and material reality. It is as trying to fit the sea into a glass bottle which is the human mind.

The Sea of the Knowledge of God must only be contemplated with the heart. You will not be able to carry it with you because It is infinite but, as long as you are before It with simplicity and love, you can learn and comprehend many truths that you would never find in the ignorance of daily life.

This is the key I bring you today, on this holy day when the Mother of the World celebrates another year of gifts delivered to humanity, thanks to Her holy words: permanent humility, gratitude and reverence, in order to discover the God hidden in the simplicity of Her words.

The One loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the deepest depths of God, where the Purity of His Divine Consciousness dwells, lies a principle of life, a living molecule of Divine Consciousness from Adonai. As the Love of God could not stay within Himself. the Creator gave life to this Most Pure Principle, thus creating a Divine and Universal Consciousness that encompasses more than a small body or a material consciousness.

Mary is the Divine Womb, She is Life, She is what gives birth to the creatures of every kingdom and what sustains them throughout their evolution.

Mary did not come from humankind and then ascend to Heaven; Mary descended from Heaven and, through Her infinite Love, became flesh among humankind to accompany the Son of God.

Mary is not a part of humanity: it is humanity that is a part of Mary.

When the Creator thought the human project, a project that would experience in itself a powerful degree of Love, He needed a Pure Creative Source, a Consciousness that emanated the Love that the human beings needed in order to develop. And so the Angels and Archangels of the Celestial Father resorted to that Pure Principle of God – which was the energy of maternity, purity and love itself – to create, from that perfect Source, the codes that the human beings would carry within themselves.

It is in Heaven as it is on Earth. In order to give birth to Love within the planetary consciousness, just as it had been born in the Universe, the Creator manifested His Divine Purity in mind, soul and spirit. From there came the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus.

Mary is the Grace of God, She is Goodness manifested in a sublime Consciousness.

Mary is the Maternal Gift that, even after having ascended to the Heavens, has not ceased to project Herself among humankind; She does not cease to represent, in the Universe as on Earth, an example for the material creatures.

What you have had before you all these years is the Perfection of God manifested in the Love and in the maternal Goodness of Mary.

Dear ones, I tell you this so that you learn to be before a Consciousness that, despite Her Greatness and Divinity, although She does not fit within a human form, She keeps manifesting Herself among humankind, She keeps expressing Her likeness to the creatures of the Earth, She keeps demonstrating the path to everyone.

Her Love is unchangeable, Her Perfection is incorruptible, Her Peace is eternal, because She hopes that someday you will joyfully accept to live in Her absolute Peace once again.

Allow yourselves to return to the arms of the One who created you as a part of God. Allow yourselves to be guided by the One who comes from the Holy Spirit of the Creator and who manifests Her Gifts in all creatures.

While there is still time, children, surrender to the arms of your Heavenly Mother and, like the Holy Family, let yourselves be loved and led by Mary. Her Love will reveal to you many mysteries and Her Purity will open the Gates of Heaven for you.

The One who loves you and delivers you, every day, in prayer, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Live in the Kingdom of Peace of God permanently and learn to be united to the Father as the only way out to the imminent tribulation of the Earth.


Wars will still continue on the planet, inside and outside beings, in nations, in cities, in the families, in the inner world of consciousnesses. These wars are fruit of the submission that the adversary causes in great part of the planetary consciousness.

The adversary believes that his reign will expand even further throughout the Earth and that he will triumph with his darkness at the end of everything, since the creatures of God are so distracted. But, in truth, I tell you that the impulses to the awakening - even though they touch only a few, when they truly permeate souls and withdraw them from the dream they are living, leading them to place themselves correctly before the Plans of God - they have a planetary spiritual repercussion that balance ancient evils.

We repeat these things so that they are well imprinted in your consciousnesses, because, in spite of the caos, the triumph of Good is a law and no matter how much hearts are apparently sinking in endless abysses, it will always be worth making efforts and sacrifices for the salvation of souls and spirits.

In these first times of the Armageddon, the planetary consciousness is being observed by God, and the merits of the Light are being placed on the scale with the actions of chaos, so that, by the result of this measure, the Creator may come to a fair decision over the destiny of each nation and over each of His creatures.

For this reason, you may feel many times that nothing happens on the level of the matter and that your efforts and prayers do not result positively in the evolution of the Earth; however, move forward without seeking any result.

Do not be tired of always surrendering yourselves a little bit more and of giving all of yourselves for those who give nothing. The actions of today will dictate the direction of tomorrow. The merits generated by the awakened beings of America may result in the salvation of the souls of the East, because God has no borders nor preferences; if humanity generates merits for salvation, He conducts His Graces to where they are most needed.

Trust in what I tell you and never cease to abandon yourselves everyday a little more, because this is the crucial moment to offer everything out of Love for the Plan of God.

When the Creator gives the ultimatum to the creatures of the Earth, there will be no longer a way to generate new merits, because the fate will be already sealed and there will be no other path than to experience the designs of Divine Justice.

All the merits generated by the awakening of  beings at the end of times, in the time of Justice, will serve only to drive the fate of souls after this world, but not to change the fate of the planet, because it will have already been sealed.

Think about what I tell you and do not be distracted, because everyday the enemy feeds the scale with the weight of chaos and the Creator expects the correct balance to be generated by human actions and transformations.

The One who always warns and blesses you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Fill your soul in the permanent and daily sacrifice. Behold the Hand of God that calls you to serve at each moment of your life. Listen to the Voice of the Creator that tells you the real necessity that you have before your eyes.

God calls many to serve from far away, and you, the Lord will call you to serve all the time. Discover God hidden in all things. Even when you are alone, He is inside your hands, calling you to work by means of prayer, to make the beads of the rosary your instrument of service, so that you may cross borders with your little heart that – united to the Heart of God – becomes infinite.

Child, realize how, despite fatigue and spiritual and physical wear and tear, your soul is filled when you live a real sacrifice.

Be willing to live not only those tests that you will inevitably have to live because destiny organized it for you; be aware of your actions and overcome yourself every day with a clear purpose.

May the missions lived by your brothers and sisters, and the impact they have in the life of the spirit, make you reflect on the spiritual impact that your surrender could have if it were permanent. You have been called by God to make your life a mission. Each creature that consciously responds to a call from God could be considered a missionary of peace.

Have you thought of how many imbalances could receive the necessary assistance if your simplest works were offered to God consciously and sincerely?

Meditate on what I tell you and do not think that it is a fantasy or an illusion, because it would not be worth the years that We have come into the world every day if we did not know the great treasure that is your surrender for this humanity and this planet that are so sick by sin and indifference.

Love what you do - when you do it for God - and let your love make your surrender grow and become unconditional. Let the love of God be greater than the love for yourself and thus live what you pray when you say to the Father that you do not chose the day or the hour to serve Him.

Never stop being cheerful with the joy of the soul because joy, when it is pure and true, makes you feel that your cross is lighter, without it being taken away. The cross will be put on you in every way because this is the law of these end times. You can either embrace it with love and make light the yoke that corresponds to you or take it with fear and make the transition of the planet eternal and sorrowful.

Contemplate the victory of God in you and your brothers and sisters, regardless of your miseries. Thank every day the opportunities God gives you to serve and to imitate His Son so that, through your imitation, one day He may inhabit in you and be one with you without you noticing.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While the hours are passing in the time of this world and the days of the Armageddon are approaching, humanity still fears sacrifice and the absolute surrender to God.

The true sacrifice and its repercussions are little understood by the human heart when it is handed over to the Celestial Altars.

Children, We call you to sacrifice and to service because most part of humanity is very far from God and His Celestial Principles. There are no longer on the planet many consciousnesses willing to abandon comfort, convenience and even the battle of the common life, the struggle for the establishment of their own purposes, of their own goals. Very few are those who put aside their own goals and their own “dreams” – which, by the name it is called, you can already understand it is part of an illusion – to, at least, try to find a divine goal for humanity and for themselves.

While the consciousness holds on to its own desires, and its aspiration remain restricted only to those things which can be adapted to its skills and abilities, it will never discover the true human potential.

The common thought of humanity is making their own skills grow, and if a person has a certain ability, they get stuck to this expression, without knowing that this is not the first time that their experience of life is based on the development of such ability. And it is in this way that, life after life, people never get out of the material development and do not come know or penetrate the Laws of spirit, the evolution of a higher being.

The Creator calls you to the unusual today, He invites you to do that which you have never thought about doing. He calls the skillful to do simple things and calls those who consider themselves simple to develop their skills, not for the skills themselves, but so that they learn to break the barriers and the limits of their own consciousnesses and to get used to live the unusual, opening themselves everyday to the new and not being afraid of fulfilling the Will of God.

The Creator calls you to overcome yourselves, to burn in the fire of His vigilance, to transcend yourselves in the love to the sublime sacrifice, the one that becomes sacred for bringing, in itself, a Higher Purpose.

The Lord leads His creatures to this experience, because He expects that does not pass one more cycle of the planet and His children be involved in the illusions of matter and in the poor human development.

The Creator calls you to overcome the limits of matter so that from this self-transcendence emerge, from the cells, the experience of the higher Laws. It is the love to sacrifice that leads you to know new laws and also the true potentialities of the human heart. But to discover and live what I tell you and make a divine gift emerge from your own cells as well as did Jesus in His Passion, it is necessary to love sacrifice and only live it.

Reflect on what I tell you and take your steps.

I bless you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Awaken the faith in your potential and in the Love of God that is within you, not so that you may feel proud and unbeatable, but so that you lose the fear of being an instrument of God and of serving His Plan without conditions.

Discover the truth about yourself, so that you may cease to search for the paths that are not for your feet and that only confuse your soul in the sea of illusions of planetary life.

In humility, see that you are a child of God and that there is no other inheritance for you than His Kingdom and His Power; but for that, truly be a child of God, and empty of self, allow the Lord to manifest His Works and His Graces in the instrument of your being.

Child, you ignore your potential as a creature coming from the Divine Source because the pride that inhabits this world caused you to believe that the coarse material illusions are the glory for you, and that the true gifts of Heaven would be unreachable.

Child, humility is not to believe that the things of God are not for you because they are too great. What makes you think this way is the ancient pride imposed by the enemy, so that souls will perpetually seek the illusion of the world.

True humility recognizes that everything that is in Heaven is to be shared with all creatures, because God has no ambition, does not keep everything for Himself. He does not come from this Earth.

When humility is in the consciousness, causes it to recognize that God is within reach of the simple - and it is only necessary to be empty of self and of the wants of the world to find Him - and that He surpasses Himself every day in His Mercy, dwelling hidden within His creatures.

Open yourself, child, to true humility, which does not distance you from God, but rather, unites you with Him.

Humble is the heart that recognizes the greatness of God, and with the forehead on the ground, gives thanks every day for the gift of having Him within the self, and thus, seeks Him and contemplates Him, always aspiring to respond to His Mercy, always wanting to be worthy of such a majestic visitor.

Find the Father within your essence and ask Him every day: What do you want to live in me today?

Your father and companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, without ceasing, for the establishment of peace. Ask God that all humanity may be able to once again feel Him within.


Pray so that hope may not disappear from the hearts of your brothers and sisters from Syria, as well as those from Africa, because although the adversary does not desist from accomplishing his plans, your prayers can awaken a union with the Most High One within your brothers and sisters, and their essences ignite again. In this way, the very lights within them will illuminate the abysses where they are found, to dissolve the reign of darkness.

Cry out for peace every day, not only for your lives, but above all, for those most in need of it, for today, you are awaken about the war that is taking place in Syria, but there are other places on the planet that need your prayers, such as for example, Nigeria and other parts of Africa. The wars are not ending, neither on the physical plane, nor on the spiritual planes.

The openness of your brothers and sisters from Turkey to receive and assist the Syrian refugees created a spiritual condition so that this war, which has been going on for years, could come into the light, and many praying beings, in the four corners of the planet, activated the mirror of the heart to bring peace into this situation. But there are other physical and spiritual conflicts that humanity still ignores almost completely, and that are hidden because of the economic and political interests of this world.

For this reason, I ask you to continue praying, that you pray a lot and that you not only repeat words, but truly cry out to God for mercy, especially for the situations that are unknown to you.

In all peoples and nations, day after day, many souls are being lost and there is no other way of helping this world, children, except with prayers and service.

Have faith in the power of the spirit, and even though you may not find the material results of your prayers, just pray and be true. The Lord will avail Himself of this clamor for the rescue of many souls, and in the most remote places of the planet, peace will again reign within your most lost brothers and sisters.

I thank you for deepening your own faith.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the purification is greater than the understanding and you no longer know who you are, where the characters of this world end and where the true expression of your soul begins, only unite with God in prayer. Leave for your mind the despair of not knowing who you are and put your heart in the Father, in the certainty of not being anything.

You do not know who you are and you are not certain of what you must be because the Truth escapes your comprehension. You are nothing of what you think. What you know and understand of yourself is a fruit of the education and of the experiences of this world. Your essence has been created to live something which is completely unknown to you. So distant is the planetary consciousness from the Truth that this world will start again.

As well as the planet, you also will start again: you will live your purification, and if you let yourself be transformed and molded by God in trust, overcoming the fears of losing yourself, soon you will be nothing to finally be fulfilled by the Divine Spirit, the One that should inhabit you from the beginning.

You have been called to be an expression of God in the universes and not an expression of yourself, of your skills and abilities.

That which is called a skill in life on Earth is often known as misery in the Kingdom of the Heavens and it needs the balsam and the Grace of the Divine Mercy to transform itself into a virtue, into a Divine Gift.

It is time to live that which your soul aspires, but it will not be easy or simple because it will be mostly spiritually and mentally inevitable and painful. I say that it will be painful because you will have to break the structures of beliefs about yourself, the false truths that you have created with your thoughts and the thoughts of the others about yourself.

You will break what you think you are and you will see yourself be devoid of what you know of yourself. You will not find anything but emptiness and suspension in God. But soon a breath will come, when your soul recognizes the light of the essence and, by the means of it, which was hidden behind the hard structures of what you thought you were, you will remember the Purpose that God has for you, and there will not be a greater grace or a greater gift than this one, the encounter with God in your own interior, by the means of that which makes you similar to Him, which is your purest essence.

To find purity, you must be clean, and to be clean, you will be purified.

The path is only one and the Law already conducts the human consciousness.

Those who elect to remain in their own darkness will be blinded by the light of Truth because It will shine in the radiance of Christ, inevitably.

The One who loves you and prepares you to the encounter with the Light,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



In the home stretch of the mission in the Middle-East, We ask that you multiply your prayers and do not tire of following this occult task of liberation that the Divine Hierarchy carries out through the simple acts of service and love of the missionaries in Turkey.

In light of this unique planetary opportunity generated through the prayerful merits of all, I ask you to continue to go deeper in your inner understanding of the meaning of a life of service, when it is based on Christic charity rather than just a social action.

May this door open to the liberation and the rescue of the souls of the East be able to continue expanding, and that the missions that will come later may bring new possibilities of redemption for that part of the planet that was once the cradle of the most sacred event of this universe.

Keep your hearts united to the missionaries and make this bridge to God through your prayers so that, from the Marian Centers and the homes of all those who pray, scattered throughout the world, this pure and true intercession can emerge from the human heart so that, in this way, the Creator may pour out His Mercy upon the Earth and grant the souls of the East a new hope, a new opportunity of redemption.

This is the time for being even more vigilant, in spite of the weariness and the sacrifice, for the more sincere the effort to overcome yourselves, in the name of humanity, the greater the balance generated for human salvation.

The One Who encourages you in the transcendence of self, for love of the Plan of God,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


For the times of transition, you must develop your intuition and wisdom, virtues that act together in consciousnesses.

Intuition and wisdom are developed from the union built first with your own soul and spirit, and then with God the Creator.

When by Law, the voice of the Hierarchy cannot be pronounced otherwise than in the inner world, you must have this connection built with higher life so as to hear and correctly understand the guidelines that will come from the Heights.

The ancient peoples, guided by the Patriarchs, fully experienced what I am telling you. The Patriarchs used their inner bond with God and, through intuition and wisdom, they listened to Him.

It is in this current time, which for many is the beginning of the building of their inner stronghold, that you must begin to be aware of this need.

We ask you for so many instances of prayer so that you may learn to remain in a prayerful state all the time and so that, in this way,  divine indications can flow in the times of greatest emergency, because in times to come, the confusion in the human consciousness will be very great, and few will be truly lucid of heart, mind and spirit. For this reason, We try to form as many soldiers as possible, capable of living peace, through the Grace of God, and of transmitting this peace to the world when most needed.

When We instruct humanity, We are not thinking about the evolution of a few so as to leave behind those who did not listen to Us and who will not take the steps in the correct direction. We are here on Earth for the most ignorant, for the most blind, for those who will deny the existence of God until the moment when they truly need Him so as not to self-destruct. We are forming in humanity those who know how to listen, so they may help others, and so that in this way, the Plan of God may be accomplished. We are building the time of spiritual rescue of this planet through the very members of humanity, who must be aware of this.

Be aware that all you receive is not for you, because the fact that you are participants in Our Presence in the world should be enough for you to be at another stage. We continue to deepen and instruct everyone in order for you to become true instruments of God, and not only praying beings.

Knowing that you do not live for yourselves, but rather for the concretization of a Higher Plan, may each one immediately begin to empty themselves and have their personal stronghold consolidated in the union with God, rather than through their own skills, because the time will come in which the mind will be deprived of intelligence for not knowing the solution to what is being experienced, and you will be guided only by intuition and wisdom, the fruit of the union with God.

The One who instructs and accompanies you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
