Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
The world still agonizes and the first contractions of the planetary labor cause convulsions to souls and the most fragile spirits whose debts towards God are bigger and, sometimes, unpayable.
Many are spiritually and physically suffering the consequences of the secular actions that have left many imbalances and many wounds in the ethers of the planetary life. The wars and the conflicts of nowadays, mostly in the Middle East and in Africa, are fruits of a hatred and of an eagerness for terror already rooted in the consciousnesses of certain nations.
The false belief that, by submission and by suffering, some can impose their own ideas as truths has remained engraved in the deep consciousness of certain places of the planet, and it gives free access and free acting to the forces of chaos so that they establish their reign. The only way of balancing all that, is the absolute experience of love and the triumph of this same love, beyond the atrocities, the tortures and the sufferings.
Just as Christ showed His union with God by the means of the forgiveness that He delivered to the humankind that placed Him on the Cross, after they had martyred Him as they could, just as He showed that He was united to the Truth because He was able to live love without the necessity of glory or of recognition, in this way, children, you must live in this world.
The Truth shows itself in the experience of love.
Those who impose their own will and that, by manipulation, achieve what they want are not the ones who are in the Truth: is in the Truth the one who keeps themselves in God and lives all the tests presented by life as opportunities of living love and forgiveness, humbly and worthily, just as Christ.
The one who understands the surrender of Jesus and His transformation in Christ is not the one who proclaims His Name and repeats His Words, but rather the one who follows His Steps and communes with Him, not only to find peace, but to fuse themselves with Christ and to be eternally in Him.
In order to balance the evils of the world, you will have to be just as Christ, you will have to be new Christs, renovated by the absolute union with the Son of God. In this aspiration is neither ambition nor pride: it is the Truth.
Pride, children, is not wanting to be united to Christ: it is to ignore His Truth, it is to deny His example and to doubt the Perfection of God, underestimating your own potential as creatures who come from the Divine Consciousness.
Know that the union with Christ is not a fruit of your own merits or your own potentials, but rather, it is the fruit of the Perfection of God, because He created you with this possibility of living love since the beginning.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more