Tuesday, March 1 of 2016

Daily Messages

When the heart is in face of the teaching, fully in peace and willing to learn and transform itself, it can correctly understand what the Divine Messengers are trying to transmit to the world.

Children, place yourselves before our words with humility and without judgment. Do not consider yourselves to be connoisseurs of Truth when in reality It is hidden between the lines of what we tell you.

It is in the apparent simplicity of everything we say that the Wisdom of God is found. But this Wisdom reveals itself only to the pure and humble of heart, and this is a state that is achieved when you face what we give you with gratitude, reverence and void of expectations.

Every time you expect to know, feel or experience something when facing the Instructions of God through His Messengers, you will want to adapt something that is Divine to a mediocre and material reality. It is as trying to fit the sea into a glass bottle which is the human mind.

The Sea of the Knowledge of God must only be contemplated with the heart. You will not be able to carry it with you because It is infinite but, as long as you are before It with simplicity and love, you can learn and comprehend many truths that you would never find in the ignorance of daily life.

This is the key I bring you today, on this holy day when the Mother of the World celebrates another year of gifts delivered to humanity, thanks to Her holy words: permanent humility, gratitude and reverence, in order to discover the God hidden in the simplicity of Her words.

The One loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph