
If you want to see fraternity being the premise for the human relationships in the world, elect to be fraternal above all your needs. You already know how to do it and how to be it, but you still have not been willing to come out of your comfort for this.

I know that, for many, it is beautiful to admire the spirit of service and of charity in the other, and it is much easier to think that, for yourself, it will happen in another way, because you will be fraternal and charitable based on your points of view, but not as God calls you to live.

Your consciousness has already a sufficiently resounding voice in your interior to indicate you the path and show you the moment and the situations that need you. Be mature to promptly say “yes” and to assume an act of charity, as simple as it may be, as the most important one.

Learn to be in the present without immaturity, and yes, to take your responsibilities and to watch over the task you have been assigned to, but never ceasing to help the neighbor, when any situation presents itself.

Remember that, before being an entrepreneur of Christ, you are His servant. For this reason, before thinking about the achievement of your own goals, even if they are for the Lord, be humble and a servant of the Christ who inhabits in the interior of your brothers and sisters and who hide Himself in the hidden side of all things. If you proceed like this, you already will see how great goal will achieve the Lord by means of you, who does not only have the appearance, but also the spirit in Christ.

Do not go about observing your brothers and sisters: be yourself unique, different, authentic and true in all things, trying to live what you already know, without expecting the others to do it. Because you also know that everything needs an engine to impel to transformation. Be yourself this living engine, encouraged by the Spirit of Christ.

Give your tiredness to the arms of charity and elect to yourself the eternal rest and not the temporary one. It will no longer be the resting that will nourish your bodies in these times, because it will only be the fullness in the Spirit of God and the experience of the Gospel of Christ that will keep you standing up. Therefore, be as you have studied.

Do not let any indication of your inner world to pass unnoticed to you: respond to the voice of the heart in everything; thus, it will speak each day louder within you.

Your Father and Companion, your Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Do not let your days become mechanical and your life, common, “ordinary” to your heart. Do not let the rhythm make you automatic and the repetition of the actions remove the spontaneity from your being.

Observe yourself so that you do not get used to the chaos and to the internal and external disorder, so that the Armageddon of the planet do not become something normal to you and you lose the sense of your role in the Plan of God, such as many have already lost it.

You know it is human nature to seek adapting itself and accommodating itself to all the situations that present themselves in life, but this accommodation is a fruit of the influence of the forces of the inertia that do not allow the evolution of the consciousness.

Most human beings are, in this moment, trying to get used to violence, to terror and to the current chaos of the planet. Those who are minimally awake should be eager to remove their brothers and sisters from the sleep, because numbness is involving humanity.

Child, I tell you that so that you do not seek a comfortable, easy or “normal” space for yourself in order that your consciousness does not live the typical tension of these times. On the contrary, affirm to your sleepy cells that it is time to awaken and live in Christ each second, as if it were the last one.

It is time to listen to each message as if it were the last one and to seek living them as if it were the last moment to do it, because – in truth – it is.

Do not seek to adapt your bodies to the daily tension as a way not to feel bothered by the harassment of darkness, because from the moment you accommodate yourself in this current planetary scenario, the victory of the chaos will prevail in you.

Child, seek only to find the inner peace. Find your fortress in the divine purpose of the existence of this planetary cycle and be firm to bear all the currents that may descend to the world.

Do not fear to waver and, even, to fall; just stand up each time, because also Your Lord fell more than three times.

For the awakening of the human heart,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions in Christ,

I would like to talk to you about the greatness of Creation and the celestial mysteries. I would like to reveal to you the love that fulfills the stars and animates the universes, so that you see yourselves strengthened and guarded by a higher purpose, so that you fulfill your own missions in the end of cycle on Earth.

With My words, each day I expect that your consciousnesses reach a level of understanding which transcends the limits of the human mind. I try to make you understand the magnitude of the Plan of God and how this Plan cannot start and finish in the existence of this world.

I know that many need the simple words so that they can understand and engage themselves in the task of recue of the Divine Messengers. Many prefer not to believe Our words and in Our presences when we reveal to you something you do not understand and that do not adjust itself to what you already know. However, I ask you not to try to reduce the greatness of God to the understanding of the human mind. Do not try to compare the Love of the One and Only with your own ability of loving. And do not expect that the Creation of God restrict itself to the existence of this small planet, when so vast is the universe.

What for would exist so many stars and galaxies if not for the different expressions of the Love of God in His creatures to inhabit in them? Or do you think by any chance that the stars exist so that they can be contemplated by the humankind in the sky of Earth?

While a great change precipitates itself in the world, the Divine Messengers will try to elevate the understanding and the knowledge of humanity. They will try to open the eyes of the human heart to the truths that cannot be seen with the material eyes.

This will so because only the certainty of a superior purpose and of a superior life, which supports you, will give you strength to live the times that will come. Without a higher understanding about the Plans of God, your lives will become meaningless, such as life has become meaningless to many youngsters and adults who did not find a reason to be in this world.

If you are strengthened by the hope of a spiritual and divine goal, you will be able to persevere and keep yourselves firm to overcome the obstacle with love, forgiveness and braveness. And, when it is time, you will be able to reconstruct the world with the proper courage and with the principles of the spirit.

You will know that you are never alone and you will be able to count on the help of Brothers of yours who observe the world and wait, with holy hope, for the Earth to live its learning.

In love and peace, preparing your hearts,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In both, the message of yesterday and the message of today, Saint Joseph makes an analogy between the Passion of Christ and the Armageddon, which He called as Planetary Passion. Today, He showed us the resemblance between the performance of the Cyrenian in the Passion of Christ and the Kingdoms of Nature in the Planetary Passion, explaining to us that the different phenomena of nature which will happen in the world are not a punishment or a way to prolong the human suffering, they will be the vehicle that will give us the possibility of surrendering all for love to God.

Saint Joseph was telling us that, at the same time that nature will spiritually sustain the human consciousness, it will also create the conditions for us to get where we must get in our learning, thanks to the different climatic movements that we will live. He was telling us that for us to be able to follow the transition of the planet with the correct view.

He is trying to lead humanity to be before this Planetary Passion with the same intention and understanding of Christ during His Passion, in other words, not feeling itself punished or martyrized, but offering each step with the cross for the triumph of God in the world, overcoming the pain thanks to love.

The Kingdoms of Nature will also live the Planetary Passion, the so-called Armageddon. They will share the cross of the world with the human beings, as the Cyrenian sustained the cross of Christ and walked with Him until the Golgotha.

The Kingdoms of Nature will learn with the human experience and this lesson will remain marked within the individual and group consciousness of each species. This means that when  the moment comes for the individualization of consciousness for the Lower Kingdoms, which have shared the evolution of the Earth during the end of times, this individual consciousness will carry within itself the codes of surrender, giving of self, sacrifice and forgiveness, experienced in these times.

The Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the Cyrenian, will not be able to avoid the apex of the crucifixion: they will sustain the human consciousness and they will create the conditions so that it lives its learning. Besides that, they will conduct the humankind through the Calvary of the Armageddon and, much as, for many, it may seem that nature is the responsible for the human suffering, those who know the truth will know that nature is the vehicle for the achievement of the human learning, it is the Cyrenian who allows that humanity lives its learning and reaches the apex of the cross, in the absolute and total surrender for love to God and to the achievement of His Plan.

At the time of Christ, many thought that the Cyrenian extended the suffering of Jesus, not letting Him die on the path and conducting Him to a greater moment of pain and anguish, that was the crucifixion. Others know that the Cyrenian was the one who, as the angels, allowed Jesus to arrive to Golgotha with the cross, and there pour out until the last drop of His Blood, out of love to humanity and to all the creation, giving the example, to all that was created, of how the Love of God acts.

In the time of the Armageddon, of the Planetary Passion, the Kingdoms of Nature will lead you to surrender all for love. Those who embrace with gratitude the cross of the world and open themselves to the magnanimous expression of Love and of Forgiveness will understand the movement of nature and will thank Mother Earth for conducting them to the victory of the Most High God.

May the Teaching strengthen your hearts and dissipate your fears.

I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one Who prepares and instructs you for the times that will come


Contemplate the world where you live and, for an instant, silence the thoughts of your mind and the emotions of your being.

Observe how your inner world recognizes that the life which expresses itself on Earth does not resemble the Thought of God.

See how within you inhabits the archetype for humanity and the expression of the planet as a whole.

Feel how your heart has the yearning of living fraternity and of knowing true love, that One who makes you give your life for your friends and to forgive the enemies, loving them as if they were part of you.

What will you do with this which dwells within you? Will you shut your heart – as most of the human beings do – or will you renounce worldly views to institute new life on the planet, even if it seems crazy in the eyes of the world?

Child, the age of the Armageddon has come to the planet, but most of your brothers are seeking scientific, philosophical and spiritualist concepts which place a pattern of normality in what is happening in the world today. These are the human minds trying to silence the heart.

Those who listen to the voice of God in their own interior know that a final time has begun in the world and that, without the establishment of peace in the human heart, chaos will establish its reign and govern the minds and spirits of those who did not open themselves to the truth.

Those who unite themselves to God and silence their minds, in order to let the wisdom of the essences arise, do not fear to know the truth and do not want to silence the Will of God. They know that, at the end of all this battle, the good will triumph. For this reason, they recognize the urgency of the need for transformation, recognize the imperious inner will of renouncing the old man and its tendencies and to open themselves so that the New dismisses the reign of the outdated human addictions, even though, for the human mind, these retrograde and degenerated energies, when manifested in matter, sometimes are called technologies.

Child, the path to retrocession is known by the human mind as a progress. Those who follow the trends of these so-called “advancements” do not perceive that the path to evolution was left behind when the human consciousness rejected simplicity, fraternity and love and in the industrial age, that marked a spiritual retrocession of humankind, opened itself to competition, slavery, the obsessive usufruct and the almost absolute denial of spiritual life.

In other eras of decadence, as in the end of Atlantis and Lemuria, it was the eagerness for manipulation of the spiritual power that lead man to lose its path of purity and unity. Now, again, false power takes control of the mind and of the aspiration of men who believe they can place themselves above the Creator with their free will.

The degenerated man believes it has the power over life and over the Kingdoms of Nature. That is why, by sending His Son, Who conquered death and perpetuated His Resurrection, the Creator wanted to demonstrate to humanity that only He has the Power and that all that exists under His Power belongs to the force, which is the one that loses itself and vanishes like dust before the fire of the Glory of God.

I tell you, beloved child, that many of your brothers did not learn from the example of Christ and chose an even greater suffering, a learning that would transcend the experience of only one man and would involve in himself all humanity and all the Kingdoms of Nature. The Armageddon is the Passion of the planetary consciousness.

You might be in this Passion in three different ways, as Christ and the crucified thieves next to Him: both the thieves were thinking only about themselves; however, in the end of all, one of them accepted the Will of God and converted himself in time. The other decided to keep his pride and not even with all the suffering did he surrender himself to the forgiveness of God. Or you might be like Christ, being this one who will live the same steps of the Passion of all the beings on the Earth, but not with the spirit of punishment, guilt, anger, frustration or of pain, but only offering to the Father each step with the cross of the world, so that a new redeemed race can appear from your offer of love and of forgiveness.

Child, you must choose, right away, the path which you will follow: if your footprints will be over the footprints of Christ, confirming the victory of God; if you will choose to suffer in the ignorance and remain in your own opinion, to surrender yourself in the last hour; or if you will remain in your boundless pride and even in the presence of God, you will choose the path of the abyss.

The cross will be given to you in every way. Hold it tight and take your steps.

The first steps in the planetary Passion will dictate the destiny of humanity. For this reason, from now on, in your inner Gethsemane, renounce temptations and accept redemption. God will be with you, the angels will support you and you will carry your cross, only contemplating the victory of your Most High Father.

After all, peace will reign.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who comes to open the eyes of humanity


Live with faith the times of overcoming yourselves while you are still in an environment of harmony and peace. Discover how your being reacts when it sees itself before the different obstacles which present themselves to you in this time, and learn to control your consciousness and to find peace.

Observe yourself and perceive what makes you transpose the limits and go beyond what you have imagined for yourself. Perceive the power of the Love of God in your interior, which calls you to the permanent overcoming.

Even if you are overcoming yourself each day, whenever you think you are at your limit, make it in peace and without losing the clear goal of your spirit. Do not let the difficulties make your eyes blurry, and your heart blind. Observe yourself with attention and learn to take each step in its time.

As well as you, many will be called to the transcendence of their own limitations, but few will be the ones prepared with anticipation for that. Live each day with much attention, observing yourself carefully and learning with yourself, because if you recognize your own mechanisms, you will be able to help others who have the same difficulties, but who may not have the same possibility of being in a peaceful environment at the time of their own purification.

All that you live today, all the opportunities which are given to you are there so that you can be formed as a server of God and become a companion of Christ, so that your example and your experience are useful for others. For this reason, make everything in favor of the others and you will be in the right path.

Build the fortress in your interior with the intention of supporting others; thus, without you noticing it, there will be a King living in this dwelling, because He will find it safe to make of it His refugee. This King will not only be yours, but also of the whole Universe, who is your Lord, Christ Jesus.

Who blesses you and protects you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the Lord your God and your Father pour upon you His blessings and Divine Graces. May He build in your heart an unbreakable fortress, based on humility and honesty.

May the Lord wash your spirit, clean your soul and remove from your consciousness that which still incites you to perdition and to neglect the Plan of God.

May the Lord pour upon you His Forgiveness, so that you know how to forgive the world around you, erasing the past and learning to understand the future.

May the Lord put His eyes on yours, so that you can see His Presence in every being and understand His Will in all events, teaching you to intuit and to discern. May He place His hands in yours, so that they are available to receive and anxious to give. May He place your feet at His footprints, because He cannot walk for you – because there are things in this world that you must elect with your own heart -, but He will be able indicate the path to you and wait ahead of you, so that you closely accompany Him.

May the Lord your Father, your Companion, your King and your Master never lose sight of you. Do not let Him remove His eyes from you; for that, always do what He asks you, learn what He have already taught you and He will always be with you, showing you new horizons, knowledge and secrets that you do not know.

May the Lord remove the limits of your consciousness, expand the vision of your heart and teach you to greatly love and to get out of scarce love, of personal, individual and human love.

May the Lord show you that each drop of sweat of your face corresponds to the opportunity of salvation of a soul – whenever your works are for God -; thus, you will learn to transcend the limits, to donate the best of yourself and, sometimes, what is impossible. You will know the meaning of the unlimited that inhabits the Consciousness of God who does not have barriers.

May the Lord help you to recognize the Sacred, the reverence which rises from the love of the soul for what God manifests in your life. Learn to read the symbols of the events; contemplate the greatness and the beauty of each soul and each Kingdom of Nature. Live to know the perfection of God.

For infinite hours, days and cycles, I would ask God to be closer to you and to pour upon you all His Gifts and Virtues, so that you are full in God and so that you fulfill the world in your holiness.

I want to teach you to pray for the others, to wish for the neighbor always the best, always the divine, the sublime, the glorious. Pray for your brothers and sisters as I pray for you. Learn to ask for the others, such as I ask before your heart today.

I pray to the Creator every day so that He triumphs within each human heart. Pray with Me for the neighbor all the time. If your brothers and sisters can live the gifts and the celestial virtues, the Kingdom of God will descend to the world and also you will be inside of It.

Learn, child, to want for the neighbor always the best and may your plea be true.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who teaches you to intercede for the souls


Strengthen the truth in your interior and be truthful, not only when you are alone and know that you cannot hide yourself from God in your solitude.

Consolidate your purest aspirations and keep yourself in this purity as long as you can.

Remember the greatness of the Plan of God; also remember the suffering of the world and offer your transformation, thinking about what the world should be and observing what it has become. Both in the greatness of the Plan of the Lord as well as in the abyssal planetary situation, you must find the impulses not to be what you are and walk towards what you must be.

Seek a closer contact with God in the solitude of the heart and strengthen the purity of your interior there. The more moments of union with God you have on your day, the more easily you will keep yourself in the purpose, and will resist the temptations that present themselves before you.

However, if you elect to be before all the situations you already know you cannot overcome, instead of choosing to be in solitude with God and be truthful before Him, you will never be able to come out of the permanent battle against yourself. And it will not be necessary that the enemy approaches you, because you rush yourself to the abysses of your own consciousness.

Child, you already know that you are purifying the sludge in your interior; you already know that, very intensively, the temptations and the worldly desires that you still have inside of yourself call you to fall. Therefore, do not place your consciousness in unnecessary probations when the path of peace shows itself to your eyes.

Before rushing into the situations that jeopardize you, take a step backwards and head yourself to the solitude with God. Even it is for an instant, confess yourself to Him and renovate your aspiration of being in the purity of your intentions.

Strengthen the pure that exists within you and let the impure lose its strength and perish by the disinterest of your consciousness in relation to the impurities. Because what you are purifying today feeds itself from yourself and only remains in your interior when is it held by your own hands.

So, listen to what I tell you and do not hold imperfections and vanities, contemplating them before you: release them and turn your eyes to purity. Let your interior be purified by the intensity of the Light of the truth of your essence, which must expand itself each day.

If you understood what I have told you, live it promptly.

Your Father, Guide and Companion of always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In order to be a companion of Christ, you will seek to transcend the laws and the tendencies of the Earth, because you cannot follow with human thoughts, the steps of That One whose spirit and divinity does not come from this world.

Leave the planetary thought for those who seek only the riches of the Earth, the transitory glory and honor which are achievable here. Seek for yourself the glory of God and instead of seeking to be honored, give honor to That One who is worthy to receive.

Seek for yourself the reward of the meek, which is the humble heart. Be more ambitious than the men of the Earth and seek for yourself a place in the Kingdom of the Universe. Even though you are eternally a servant, there is no better King to serve than That One who is One with all that was created and whose mercy does not measure with the existent proportions, neither in this world nor in any other.

Do not be discouraged, dear child, with the defeats that you live on Earth; glorify your Father and God each time you are humbled, because you are learning, thus, how to achieve greater Graces, true Graces and divine Graces.

Surrender yourself as a servant, as nothing; be the carpet in which those who seek the glory of the world step on. Let the others be better and victorious.

Get lost, including from yourself, and you will make of yourself a victory for That One who is the Only conqueror of all the Creation, because He has lost Himself and thus has returned to the Divine Essence.

Why do you fear so much to leave the laws of the Earth?

Why do you fear so much to lose the treasures of the world?

Oh, dear child, discover the Grace of being poor of yourself and of all and you will never want anything else except, nothing.

Why do you hold on so much to this world and to its ways of life, if you do not come from it and will not remain in it forever?

Live in this world as you must live, make of it what it is: a school of transcendence, of redemption, of love. You are here to be what you are not, to renounce what you see, to redeem yourself and to love everything that exists, good or bad, as a way to let love transform everything.

Choose the simplicity, the joy, the freedom of the spirit. Rejoice yourself in the humiliation, fulfill yourself in the obedience, resign yourself to be nothing and you will see that everything will be given to you.

Be free from the world and from yourself. Do not give to the world a heavier weight than it already has. Make it light, being empty of yourself. Empty yourself from self-love, of desires and appearances, of aspirations. Flow in the Divine Will, flow in what God orders to your life and nothing, child, neither in the spirit nor in the matter will fail you.

Do not fear to seem weak and to renounce winning the competitions imposed by men. Take a step back when you see that competition comes to you and surrender yourself to humility. You will see how unbreakable of a fortress will be built in your interior, because it is in your humility and smallness that the King of the Universe will dwell, who does not seek for great castles, but simple mangers to be born in.

Trust in what I tell you and remember My words. Follow My steps, I conduct you to Christ and He will lead you to God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In this time, develop neutrality as a primary principle, so that peace remains in your interior. Do not confuse this with indifference, contempt or lack of interest with what happens in the world.

Neutrality is a gift that is born in the hearts of those who seek the truth and in their quest can contemplate the hidden face of the facts that are manifested in the world.

Neutrality is an attribute that permeates the spirit of the meek and of those who have faith in the fulfillment of the Plans of God in the world and in themselves, and no matter what great disasters and disorganization that will happen on the planet, they never lose the axis and goal of their spirits.

In order to reach neutrality, you must have an interest to know and be aware of the Plan of God, you must seek to live according to the principles of the Father and instill in your interior the certainty of the perfection of His Will.

When you know the Plan of God, by observing the manifestation of that Plan, you will understand that the Lord uses several paths sometimes, never thought by us for the realization of His Works, but He always manifests them, because His Will is the Law.

With this certainty infused into the heart, the spirit attains neutrality and remains firm in fullfilling its part of the Plan, obeying and walking independently of what happens around it, because it knows that some day, on one of the curves of this path, God will manifest His Will.

The heart that lives in the neutrality does not worry so much about the means used by the Lord to reach the expected purpose, because this heart simply continues with fidelity and peace the indications of the Creator, and even so it is always aware of what the neighbor lives and is ready to help them when necessary, this heart is not shaken and does not disintegrate internally by what happens around it.

Do you understand now what God expects from His Soldiers? Helpful, loving, meek spirits and ready for donating all of themselves, but also righteous, immutable and obedient to the Divine Purpose.

Seek to find the gift of the neutrality from now on and live it in your own interior.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who prepares you to cross in peace the times that will come


Oh, memorable day on which Heaven descends to Earth to glorify the Mercy of God expressed in the Heart of His Holy Servant, the Virgin Mary.

Oh, day of Graces, of joy and of celestial praise, day on which the hearts receive from the Divine Source the piety to convert their lives and to find the salvation and the fullness in God.

A day of mercy will be this, on which the Lord will synthesize the Graces poured out by the womb of Creation, so that the souls receive over and over again the codes they have lost in the path.

Oh, day of salvation and of rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, because The One who conceives the Trinity in Her most pure womb will turn Her sweet eyes to the world, so that this Holy Spirit impregnate now the hearts and the consciousnesses of the pure of intention.

Today is the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of Trinity, a day chosen by God so that, before a cycle finishes and it starts another in the planetary life, the creatures may renovate themselves in Christ and receive from the Sacred Hearts the Graces they need in order to persevere.

Blessed will be those who will recognize the greatness of this day and who will they disseminate them in the world, announcing that hope still lives in the human heart.

Blessed will be those who will believe in the words of God and will receive, from His Divine Hands, the celestial treasures for the fulfillment of His Plans.

Blessed will be those who will consecrate their lives and will renounce to the stinginess and to the futilities of the world in order to live something pure and truly spiritual.

Blessed will be those who will take the impulses given in these days of special Grace and will live them in every instant of their lives, because those will be called multipliers of the Divine Grace.

Be joyful, rejoice and unite to God, in reparation of sins and perditions of souls that voluntarily launch themselves into the abysses of the world.

May this Earth be liberated and finally find peace and merge itself into the Spirit of God, with humanity conceiving the gifts of the Most High, because today is the day of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant and faithful Husband of the Holy Virgin Mary


Enter the precinct of your heart to understand that, in these times, the first law is love; love above all imperfections, defects, disagreements, prides and vanities.

The only tool that will be able to protect you from evil, child of Mine, is love; love to the neighbor, love to the Kingdoms of Nature, love to the Plan of God.

If you do not open your heart to learn loving things as they are – and thus, lead them to be transformed into what they truly must be –, you will submerge in the misunderstanding, in arrogance and in the permanent competition. You have before you two outstretched hands so that you choose a path to follow. There are no other options: one is the hand of God and the other, the hand of chaos.

Many have already chosen the hand of chaos and today they are found in the midst of a dark battle without rules; but you, child, have before you the conscious option of transcending the darkness of your interior through the triumph of love in your heart. That is why I call you to ask for forgiveness, to overcome your pride and to discover the grace of being humble and fulfill the designs of the Creator.

I ask you to reconcile yourself with the neighbor, in offer to the Middle East1, but also with your own heart, which in its immaturity and ignorance, has not learned how to love.

I ask you these things, Child of Mine, because you no longer have so much time to plant seeds in the flowerbed of your existence and of the human life as a whole. Soon the time will come in which you will only harvest what you have sown, and you will eat from the fruits of the trees that have grown in your garden.

When I tell you to ask for forgiveness and register what you have done, it is in order for you to deepen yourself into your exercise of humility and reveal to everyone your imperfections, so that thus, you give an example to humanity of how simple it is to take a step towards love.

Today I tell you, child, that I will not ask you only that. I will also ask you not to only make an act of forgiveness, if every day you live far away from fraternity. This act of forgiveness of yours must be permanent, constant and eternal, because the closer the Armageddon gets to the planet, the more you will have to forgive what happens in and outside of you.

That is why I need that you keep on forgiving, that you keep on giving examples of love and forgiveness to humanity, so that these examples may reach all those of your brothers and sisters who need an inspiration to take their steps. But do not only be an example recorded on a video in the social networks: be yourself, child of Mine, a daily, permanent example, who let yourself be humbled by yourself and ask for forgiveness each time that your heart is separated from the God that inhabits in your brothers and sisters.

Do not be afraid of doing what I ask you, because – when the time passes by, and you may no longer be able do it – it will not be enough to regret for not having done it.

I leave, in your heart, My blessing and My impulse so that you move forward.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

1 Saint Joseph refers to the Campaign “Sowing Love in Humanity”.


Love your fellow beings without limits, as if God Himself multiplied in each of your brothers and sisters and called you to serve Him and accompany Him in His development within beings.

Love your fellow beings without limits, so that your love may fecundate the hearts of your brothers and sisters with the seed of hope of one day fully experiencing fraternity and unity among you all.

Love your fellow beings without limits, and even though your works are sometimes not able to reach all creatures of the Earth so directly, love all the same, and in your spirit, let love permeate all beings, just as the Lord your God and your Father does, calling you to follow in His footsteps.

Love your fellow beings without limits, with a true, spiritual, mature, simple, in service and fraternal love, for in this way, God Himself will be able to love through you.

Love your fellow beings without limits, and give all of yourself for the concretization of the Divine Purpose in others and on the planet.

Love your fellow beings without limits, pray for the world, cry out on your knees for those who lose their faith. Feel in your chest the pain of those who live without hope and carry your plea to the feet of the Creator in such a true way as if the despair of your brothers and sisters was yours.

Love your fellow beings without limits and learn to help them as God expects rather than how you want to. Love with the Heart of the Father within your heart and you wholly within Him. In this way, you will know how to love beyond emotions and serve beyond the impulses of the human ego.

You will love just because love dwells within you, and you will not gratify yourself because of experiencing love, because love is in you and it leads you into a giving of yourself, in a natural way.

What is love worth if not to be gifted?

Love your fellow beings without limits, with prayers, with silence, with service, with understanding, with welcome, with a smile, with a correction, with a warning, with an embrace, with care or with distancing. Love as each one needs and not how you need to love.

Love and give the other your love, even if for you the way of doing it causes pain.

Learn to give of yourself, to be and to live the Law of Love, which is the law of this Earth, it is the beginning and the end of human existence.

I will accompany you and will love you always, so that you may avail yourself of My example to love your fellow beings even more, without limits.

Your father and companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In times of battle for the mind, for the body and for the spirit, keep your heart in peace.

Hold onto the purpose of these times and not so much to the tribulations that disturb your being, in and outside of yourself.

If you cannot pray, then simply unite your heart to God and ask for His assistance. As a soldier of His army of love, the Lord will never deny due help to you.

However, little by little, talk to your bodies, with the life which inhabits your consciousness and which expresses itself in different ways, because times have changed and the density of the planetary atmosphere itself will seek from you the spirit of the permanent transcendence.

Just do not surrender. Be a little braver and more determined to overcome yourself and the energies that are around your consciousness, because inside of you and outside of you there will be resistances not to allow you to be a triumph of Christ in the world.

Do not allow your consciousness to be an instrument of disunion. Always cherish the unity, yours with God and with your brothers and sisters and of all with the purpose of the Creator.

You will have to learn to find within yourselves pure airs to breath and nourish your soul and your spirit, because there will be days in which you will find no breath in what surrounds you. Therefore, construct today a path of union with your inner world. There are found the codes left by God on the many occasions in which He came to you. There you will find peace.

For the inner deepening of all beings,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I know that the forces that emerge from your interior, in purification and transformation, sometimes are so strong that blind your eyes for love and for forgiveness.

I know that after eons of existence feeding prides and vanities, power and property, it is very difficult for the consciousness in evolution to say “yes” for a learning of humility, when it precipitates in your lives.

Many are those who say they want to be humble as the Lord in His manger in Bethlehem, but – before the tests that God sends them – they react and not only do not accept them with humility, but also feel deeply offended and seek a way to attack those who have unconsciously served as instruments for God to test them such as they always ask for.

Understand, dear companions in Christ, that the Lord cannot allow everything to be given to you without bringing to your lives the tests that consolidate the Christic purpose in your interior.

After receiving so many impulses from Heaven, when you are disregarded, humiliated, calumniated or mistreated – according to the understanding of each one -, simply receive the opportunity as a celestial gift and, without fear, let the structures of pride fall to the ground, at your feet.

I know that many realize that they have not passed the tests that God has sent them and that the resistant structures of pride were greater than their aspiration to humility, but it does not matter because we do not ask you for perfection, but for persistence. Now, get up from the abyss of ignorance and recognize your own learning; place yourselves before the Father, available to new lessons and move forward.

I want you to understand something at once and forever: humanity needs your examples of humility, which are codes that are becoming extinct from the human consciousness, because the reactions and protests are already well known by all.

When someone put you before a situation of humiliation, accept it with humility, because – no matter who is right or if this situation is fair or unfair – the Lord expects His soldiers to bend their heads and win the battle, overthrowing pride and living humility.

Remember what I told you today and be attentive to the situations of life, because if you say “yes” for a Christic path, you cannot expect anything else but to imitate the One who was humiliated, rejected and placed on a cross, to make you learn to forgive humanity and to open the flow of His Infinite Mercy to the world.

I bless you and I expect you to be willing to restart without fear to make mistakes, because only with the experience of the mistake and recognizing your own faults you will be able to help and warn others.

I love you and I accompany you always, day by day, step by step.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Prayer of Union to the Humility of God

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
transcend the barriers of my ignorance.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
defeat my resistances.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
open my eyes to the true Light
and remove my consciousness from the abysses of pride and vanity.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
dissolve my smallness into your greatness
and show me the true purpose of human creation.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
unite me to my neighbor and to the Kingdoms of Nature
for the concretization of the Divine Plan.

Allow my consciousness to recognize
the presence of the Creator in all things
and glorify His existence in all forms of life.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God,
allow me, now and always, to live You with perfection,
as did the Lord,
Who reduced His greatness to be among humankind
and confirms His Infinite Mercy
by returning to the world.

Sacred Humility that comes from the Heart of God, 
may You be a fruitful principle within the human heart.


On your knees, pray and ask God to help you to imitate Him, because only the truly humble heart will overcome the tests that will come and the ray of the Justice of God that will break and destroy the structures of the pride, of the arrogance, of the haughtiness and of the vanity of the human heart.

Be firm in humility, and surrender yourselves to love. Be brave, so that you let yourselves be overcome by God. Be strong, so that you stand up with hope and willing to be reborn in Christ, when the Lord overthrows the old humankind inside of your consciousnesses.

Humility and peace are the keys for these and all times.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Father of the Sacred Humility


As the Sacred Family, we have come to encourage humanity to respond to the Call of God and to fulfill His Holy Will.

As the Sacred Family, we invite the world to learn from the purity of children, and to let them teach you how to find God.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to open your hearts to experience mysteries that absolutely transcend human understanding, and completely transform all that is known about life upon Earth, and even about yourselves, opening your eyes to that which you truly are.

As the Sacred Family, we encourage you to offer your souls as instruments of God, to overcome the fear of losing the things of the world, and even yourselves, because everything that you keep as treasures, whether it is ways of life, material things or sentimental relationships of any kind, as well as that which you know about life itself, all this will pass with a breath of Divine Justice, while the experience of Truth strengthens the power and action of Mercy.

As the Sacred Family, we call you to live true love, a love that transcends possessions, that does not seek rewards, that only gives and receives nothing, except from God, Who, each time you open yourselves to give something, infuses you with a greater will to give everything.

As the Sacred Family, we place you before the Grace of the return of Christ, a gift that is incomprehensible to the mind, and only acceptable to the heart that has already discovered faith within itself.

As the Sacred Family, we invite you to discover the possibility of living peace in times of chaos and of maintaining trust in God, even in the face of the greatest suffering, when the Lord asks us, even for our lives, for the love of His Plan, just as it was in the Passion of Christ.

Receive through your prayers the codes of the Sacred Family, and do not leave them guarded under seven keys within yourselves; allow them to take life, to expand and multiply in those who come to you, just as it was with the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

I leave you My peace and absolute trust in the presence of Christ within humanity, because the Lord has been reborn.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, in the Sacred Presence of the Most Holy Mary


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I hear the voice of those who cry out for an opportunity, and through My Most Pure Womb, which gestates new things in all hearts on Earth, today I bring you the Spirit of the Nativity of the Lord so you may feel the Peace, the Good and the Mercy that are expanding throughout the four corners of the planet.

Today the prayers were gathered up by My angels and are being poured out as Grace upon the hearts most in need of the infinite Presence of My Son.

But today, I am not alone here, dear children, I am with the Presence of Saint Joseph and all the angels that guide Us toward the infinite Purpose of God, with all the Guardian Angels that pray for your souls and for your families.

A greeting is sent, a greeting of Peace is emitted from the Heart of the Universe, the Heart of Adonai.

Today, My Son is with you, open your hearts to be able to receive Him with humility and in peace. Do not cease, dear children, to seek He Who gave you life, He Who died for you and Who still pours out His Mercy upon the world, in spite of the wars and confrontations, in spite of the exiled families or the families that have experienced the flood in Uruguay.

The Spirit of God is attentive to the need of all His children in the world.

Today, dear children, offer this time of transition so that peace may reign, mainly in those that do not seek it. Today, My eyes gently look at your hearts. Today, My hands touch your heads, just as I touched the small Head of Jesus, to feel the Presence of the One God among all.

Today, My Heart speaks to all the inner Christs, which emerge from the depths of your hearts to bring Peace and Light to the planet. It is that Light, dear children, it is that Christ which you must always seek, in spite of the time of tribulation.

Today, dear children, you stand before the sacred spiritual Manger which reminds you of the Birth of the Messiah, the incarnation of the Mercy of God in the world and the sacred opportunity for all souls.

While I give you My Words of Love and of Peace, place all My children in your hearts, all those who distance themselves from God on this night, for today My feet step on the head of the evil serpent, for the Grace of God triumphs through the Light of My most pure Womb, which renews you, which assembles you in Love and Truth.

Today, take each other's hands, all of you, just as I take the hands of My Husband, Saint Joseph, before the Celestial Kingdom and all the universe assembled on this sacred ground.

Aurora again rises in unredeemed hearts. Debts are forgiven, accounts are balanced, and the scales are in their just law through the loving giving of Our Sacred Hearts.

Honor God in the Highest. Bring Peace to Earth for all suffering spirits, for the souls that cry out for the Mercy of God, for those that suffer in darkness, for all those that are in the deepest spiritual loneliness, for the children and the sick in hospitals, for those who exiled themselves from their homes in order to find a new path of hope.

Congregate, through this union, the Spirit of the Peace of Christ, the healing of hearts, the Peace for all beings on Earth.

And now, dear children, place your sublime intentions in My most pure Womb, so I may gestate them and your beings may be born again through the redemption of the Lord.

Star of Bethlehem, circle the universe!

Star of the Brotherhood and of the holy fraternity, shine in the hearts that open to find peace!

Let us pray to God. Let us pray to His Mercy so His Rays may be poured out on those that most suffer in these times of chaos.


Prayer: Our Father.


And thus, dear children, I want to always see you united, in joy, in sadness, in brotherhood, in tribulation, in chaos, and in the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Now listen, through the softness of Our Words, to the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. That man who offered himself for all of you, so that the Project of God could be accomplished in the whole world.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

On this night I only tell you to be humble of heart, for it is in humility that your most genuine aspirations will become real.

Seek the path of simplicity, for it was in the simplicity of this night, in the pure joy of your hearts, that the skies opened again for the Earth, in forgotten spaces of the world, where the Light of God was no longer able to shine.

Discover, dear children, that on this night, simplicity reigns in your hearts.

Discover the mystery of living with pure joy, of being like children that express themselves exactly as they are and offer it to the Creator, so that purity can reign again in the heart of humankind.

The Presence of God in the world is unknown to many, and little by little, humanity must again recognize that God is the Supreme Father of all the creatures of this Earth so that, united with Him, His Kingdom may be established in this world and unity again be a reality among all the Kingdoms of Nature, today including the Kingdom of the Angels and the Archangels, those that wait for you day and night so that with them you learn to create Light, to praise God, to build His Kingdom of Infinite Peace on this Earth.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, if your arms are tired, that is what you must feel. Untiringly seek unity among all beings of the Earth, because today I reveal to you the Mystery of the Birth of Jesus.

The unity of My Heart with the Heart of Saint Joseph, and with all those who assembled for this task, made the salvation of humanity possible.

In an act of humility and of reparation, we will again pray to God. But, dear children, on your faces I want to see the joy of communing with the Child King so that sadness, hate, lack of understanding, and disunity among hearts disappear; and that, in the name of My Immaculate Heart, before My Most Holy God, you promise to strive every day for this Sacred Unity that is disappearing from the Earth.

Let us pray:

We are a sacred family.
We are future seeds of the New Humanity.
We are worthy children of God.


And now, place your hands on your heart, because Christ was again born in the hearts who today cried out to Him and sought Him from any place on this Earth.

I thank you, and we thank you for having responded to Our call.

Let the sound bowls and the bells ring. The King has been born in the tabernacle of the heart of all beings.

Proclaim this greatness to God. Praise His Name for the centuries to come. So be it.

While We rise, carrying the pleas of all beings, let us sing. Today a night of Peace is established.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


May each day of your lives bring you new opportunities for experiencing peace.

May each test bring with the gift of overcoming, and the blessing of transcendence.

As humanity, you are walking towards Bethlehem, having to experience efforts, sacrifices, the overcoming of limits and trusting in the protection of God. You are faced with the mystery of the New Humanity, which you know to be a reality, for it is already being gestated and at the point of being born within the womb of Divine Creation, which expresses within all creatures. However, you do not know what that New Humanity will bring to the world, how it will grow, how it will develop or how it will fulfill its mission.

You are on the road to Bethlehem, looking for the cradle of humility so that God may return alive to His Creation. As human consciousnesses, you always want the best for God and for His Plan, but the Creator will surprise you, bringing His Son into that which is simple, small, poor of self, humble. Christ will be reborn in the hearts of those who do not fear giving the kingdom of their own inner self so that a Universal Sovereign King may establish His Reign. He will come to dwell within the hearts of those who do not fear being defeated and that, out of love, become eternal servants of that beloved King of the Stars.

You are on the road to Bethlehem: you are no longer what you were as a race or as a human consciousness, because God has already begun to descend towards the earthly spheres. However, you are still before the mystery, that for you is the rebirth of Christ, of the multiplication of His existence, which will be renewed in the hearts and in the flesh of many.

I come to the world as a guardian of this divine principles, which is the Christ within you, because I have already walked towards Bethlehem, I have already experienced the anguish of not knowing what the world would become after the birth of Christ, and the fear of not being worthy to hold such a King, hidden in such a small creature; the fear of not being a good guardian for the Child God and of not managing to let Him grow and manifest as the Lord expected.

But that fear was defeated by Faith and by the Love emanated by Christ, Who even though being so small and fragile, He never hid His Glory and His Filiation with God. The fear vanished when I perceived that God is the real operator of His Will, and it is enough to flow in it for His Plan to be accomplished.

I tell you all of this because you are on the road to Bethlehem, faced with a great event, marked by difficult tests and severe lessons, which lose their severity in the greatness of the return of Christ.

After some time, those hearts that have opened will begin to understand what the Will of God is, on Its own; that He not only "commands" but He also sends the means and fosters the fulfillment of His Works. It is only necessary to trust and let the Lord make of your lives simple instruments for the concretization of His Plan, which is already a truth and a reality that needs to manifest.

Do not stop walking towards Bethlehem and, now that you already know where God wants to be born, do not seek comfort, luxury, nor the refinement of good dwellings, according to human concepts; follow the path that leads you towards simplicity, peace and true humility, for it is there that God will manifest His Glory.

Praise be the Lord, Who returns to the hearts of humankind, to one day return, not just in Spirit and Divinity, but also in perfect likeness to His creatures, in sanctified and resplendent flesh and humanity, showing humankind the path of their evolution.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who prepares for the birth, the rebirth and the return of Christ, Our Savior.



Sister Lucía de Jesús: When Saint Joseph appeared, He was showing us how the majority of people in the world were preparing for the Christmas festivities just for pleasure and for the material celebration of this day. He told us that for God, it is very important that aware human beings prepare for Christmas from a spiritual point of view and open the way with singing for the coming of the Spirit of Christ to the hearts of the world.

Saint Joseph dedicated this message to the meeting of Music for the Healing and Elevation of Humanity(1), because today He wanted to disseminate a different way of life for everyone, a quest for higher life through the singing done in the Light-Communities, so that the brothers and sisters who are at home looking for a light to follow the Path are able to be inspired by this moment of singing.

He said:


On the day before the celebration of the greatest universal event, when God became man and decided to live among His creatures so that He Himself could be the example of how to concretize His Supreme Will, I will ask you to rejoice your hearts and that you announce to the world the Grace of experiencing the full consecration of your soul to the Heart of God.

This evening, while you sing, fill your hearts with humility, the same humility God had on being born in a poor manger in Bethlehem. It is the humility experienced by the human heart that prepares the path for a Greater Light to make your hearts Its dwelling place.

Not only on this day, but on all the days of your lives, allow peace and joy to prevail; let it be a true joy, that transcends that which you know as happiness, because humanity is very confused and has already lost the sense of seeking an inner joy and only tries to complete its existence with pleasure and comfort; in this way, it experiences permanent dissatisfaction, because what comes from God is only completed in Him.

Demonstrate to the world that it is possible to find true joy, a joy that comes from the union with the Father and the Grace that it is to live for Him.

With actions, prayers, and songs, fill the emptiness in which the human heart is to be found.

Through the word, bring spiritual meaning to life on Earth and allow the light that emanates from your hearts, when they are devoted and simple, joyful and whole, to illuminate the eyes of those who are blind and walk in darkness, looking for a way out of the gloom of their lives.

I bless you and with joy I tell you I will sing at your side to alleviate the world and the wounded Heart of the Most High God.

Your friend and companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


1. Program created at the request of the Virgin Mary, transmitted by Misericordia María TV on the 23rd of each month.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
