When the Heavens announce the last hour of the salvation of a planet, the souls that inhabit it have a choice: surrender to the abyss of the world and deny the perfection that exists within them, or definitely defeat the doubts and the fears that stop them from fully being within their spiritual mission.
You must understand that the trumpets that sound from the heights of Heaven announce the hour that you are to set aside mediocrity and begin to be completely filled by the Spirit of God.
In each instant of your lives, you must remember that it is now the time to take a leap into the life of the spirit.
Live each day as if it were the last, as if you were facing the last chance for forgiveness, of being reconciled with a neighbor, of providing a service that you were never able to provide, of giving up vain pleasures and likes that were always in your lives as small impediments, and that today have become large, because they do not allow you to reach the goal of your consciousness.
The time has come to assume universal life with the full awareness that you are in the school of Christification for the whole universe, and the time has come for living consequently with the opportunity given to you.
Just for an instant, think of being in the culminating moment of your lives. Think that, in the infinite cosmos, Creation is waiting for you to return with the experience of the Living Christ within your very spirit.
The universe awaits that, from the Universal King, there will come a race that can completely change the Creation of God and allow all creatures, that did not have the opportunity of being in this world, to live the Christic codes of love and unity.
You came to this planet to learn how to not live for yourselves, but rather for your neighbor. This is the essence of the lesson on Earth: surrender everything and endure everything for the evolution and growth of others. Meanwhile, up until now, you have only allowed for the growth of pride and egoism, which was brought from the universe and does not allow you to act for anything other than yourselves.
Christ left you the example. He did not come to the world to be a king. He became King because He was capable of setting Himself aside out of love for the creatures of His Father. Christ lived within Himself the Love of God for God's Creation. It was for the evolution of all Universal Creation that He surrendered His Life and continues to surrender all of Himself, even while being in Spirit of Divinity.
My dear and so loved companions, the time has come to grow by setting aside the old way of living and opening to the new, to spiritual virtues, to the real being, to love, to unity.
If you are soldiers of an army of peace, live peace, live love, live fraternity.
The Plan of the Most High God will be accomplished, and this will come about through your efforts and with the courage that you may become nothing, so that you may be filled by God.
I leave you My peace and My blessing for awakening.
Your companion of all eras.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep in your hearts the moments when you were with God. Keep as a treasure, as a stronghold, the moments when Heaven descended to Earth, to show humankind how this world must be.
Thus, in times of chaos, transmit the peace that dwells in your hearts to those among your brothers and sisters who have never felt God in their lives.
Hold as a treasure the moments when the Holy Spirit merged with you to show you that there is a divine essence within each being, which must express itself so that you may be an example for the whole of humanity, just like the Son of God was.
Christ arrived in the world not only to be contemplated, but also to be imitated. And, so that you may follow the steps of Christ, God offers you all that Jesus once received. You are beside His Holy Family, surrounded by angels and archangels and living under the guidance of the saints and patriarchs of all times. Now, the Lord cannot do anything else but wait for you to accept His offer.
May you, as did Christ, take the cross that will lead you to a new humanity, a cross that for the current humanity is not the martyrdom of the body; it is the overcoming of the temptations of the world, with the elevation of your consciousnesses. It is to be able to say “no” to all the stimuli that the enemy imprints in the human consciousness, and that little by little, make the union of creatures with their Creator disappear.
To carry the cross that will lead you to the new humanity, to the new Christs, is to find joy in the humble spirit, and though it is a solitary walk, little understood by humanity, may you follow this path which leads you to God.
May My words fill you, inspire you, and also encourage you to follow this path, which makes you find, within yourselves, the perfection of God.
Your beloved companion and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions and servants of Christ,
My Chaste Heart returns to the world, each day, because I trust in the potential of love of the human beings. I trust in the potential that you have to transform yourselves and all things, because you can be united in essence to the One who created everything and who has the power to transform all.
Unite every day with the true essence of what you are. Remember of your filiation with God and assume thus the responsibility of forming part of the project that has had as a result, the King of Universe, Christ the Redeemer.
I ask you to be a little more peaceful in your lives and to opt for being in silence rather than to create conflicts and to wear yourself out. Be more peaceful also with yourselves and, thus, you will have the necessary patience to transit in the current times.
The urgency of times induces the consciousness to demand, from themselves and from the neighbor, things that you may not be able to give from one day to another. For this reason, it is necessary to be with a peaceful heart to discern in the best way in the situations that present themselves in your lives.
With a peaceful heart you will be able find in your own interior the resources to overcome a spiritual test, but if instead of that you are demanding of yourselves and forcing your consciousnesses to take steps with the rigidity of your minds, you will run the risk of believing that you are progressing and, however, you will count on false inner resources, fruit of the creation of your own minds, to relieve tension in which you live, and later on you will find the same test, over and over again. Only the peaceful heart can find the inner source of the Love of God and it is there that the true virtues are fostered.
Never forget that the pressure of the forces of opposition caused by the chaos of the world will be enough for your consciousnesses to be in a tension that will overcome your limits. That pressure cannot come from your own consciousnesses, because – for the days that will come – you will need to be in peace with yourselves and with the planet.
If today you get scared and irritated with the mistakes of the neighbor and lose peace when you see the imperfections of others, you will not be able to stand what will come.
Pacify yourselves! Pacify yourselves all the time.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, peacemaker of the Heart of God
The presence of the Divine Messengers at the Marian Centers fills the spirit of each of them and maintains the fountain of peace and mercy alive and fluid for the world.
However, in these times, you must begin to be bearers of this Divine Presence within yourselves.
In the same way that We open the doors that lead you to the Kingdom of the Heavens and withdraw those souls that are crying out for liberation from the abyss of the planet, you also must open those doors with the purity of your hearts.
The day is coming in which the Divine Messengers will no longer be as close to the world as now, but that does not mean that the Marian Centers will lose their life or fervor.
Understand, dear ones, that over the last years Our celestial presence has been building a stronghold within you, for we taught everyone to be mediators between Heaven and Earth through prayers and actions in union with God.
I ask that you never lose your joy of serving God and that you always enter this house with the same joy in which you come to receive the Servants of God that come to instruct you.
You must be the soul of the Marian Centers, the life that encourages and gives meaning to the existence of these points of prayer.
The souls that are lost must find themselves when they arrive at these points of light for the world, and being there with you, they must find the Presence of God and an example to follow. And this will be so, because God has already deposited His Graces within your hearts and He strengthens them every time you pray with sincerity.
If each day you abandon yourselves as well as your own aspirations a little more, in order to serve God and be an instrument of His in the world, the Sacred Plan of the Most High will be able to be fulfilled.
Always be united, keep in your hearts these moments in which We were among humankind and, in this way, your inner stronghold will never crumble.
I love you and, for this reason, I call on you to be small messengers of God, those who open the doors of Heaven and liberate the world from the darkness that dwells in it.
Be humble and simple of heart and you will be on the correct path. Do not aspire to anything else except fulfilling the Plan of God and so it will be.
Be sincere in your surrender and true on your path. Repent of heart when you make a mistake and do not make the same mistakes again.
Follow Our words, because they were pronounced for this reason. Study the messages that we have given you and give more importance to the things of God than your own tasks and occupations; thus, you will send to the universe a sign that you are trying to love the Plan of God, and the Lord will help you.
Peace to the planet and in your lives.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear servants of Christ,
Today I come to beg the world to help the souls of the little ones, of the children that are on Earth and cannot find a reason for their life.
I ask you to serve the children, not only with a plate of food, but also in union with their souls, help them find the evolutive path.
The degeneration of the current human consciousness is building a youth empty of God, and as a result, the children are walking the same path.
For this reason, I beg the most aware in this planetary cycle that you worry less about your own inner processes, and help more so that the Plan of God may be accomplished and, in this way, you find in the children a cradle for the seeds of the New Humanity.
Today I will ask you to take one more step and that you not only educate your children and family with love, but that you make it possible for other forgotten and solitary children to also be educated, for the building of a new future.
Teach the little ones to love the Kingdoms of Nature, to take care of them and about the importance of helping them in their evolution. Teach them the importance of sharing with the neighbor that which they need, be it something material or even an inner attribute of consciousness, such as meekness, charity, intelligence, joy. Let the children know to help one another and dispel competition and pride from their consciousnesses.
Dear ones, teach the little ones to pray; teach them the power of prayer and the grace it grants to those most in need in the four corners of the Earth.
Make the children aware of the planetary reality, from an early age, not to frighten them, but rather so that they know that prayer, service, love and unity among all creatures are the infallible remedies for the evils of the world.
The planetary purification is accelerating and the correct seed should be planted within the children, so that a redeemed world may blossom.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, father of all the children of the world
Pray with your hearts for peace on the planet and make this Marian Center(1) a great mirror of light that radiates redemption, love, faith and peace for those brothers and sisters of yours that are in the world and do not know the power of God.
Pray for those who are in the last moment of their lives and are leaving this world in ignorance, in abandonment and in the sadness of their souls, for not having fulfilled their mission or even known of its existence.
Pray today for those who are imprisoned in the illusions of the world, those who materially have everything and, yet, are empty of God.
Pray for humanity to understand that the greatest treasure is that which is found when beings give all of themselves for love of their neighbors and for love of the Kingdoms of Nature, because empty of self, they will be filled by the Spirit of God.
Pray for the poor and the starving, so that they may understand poverty as an opportunity for finding simplicity. But also pray for the imbalances of the world, because the rich and satiated in everything must learn that everything was given to them by God so that they could share it with their neighbors.
Pray so that the youths of the world awake to higher life, so they may find the path of union with the Spirit of God and, in this way, reverse the future of the planet and are able to be builders of the New redeemed Earth.
Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that the spirits of each species, which are already tired of supporting the world, are able to accomplish their mission until the end and, in this way, they also place the learning of a constant giving of self into the experience of the planet.
Pray, but also serve. Give of your word, but also of your hands and the sweat of your brows.
Ask for the Kingdoms, but also take care of those you have by your side and those that come into your lives asking for help.
Be simple and joyful in everything. Be aware in this world that is blind; radiate light for the eyes of humankind with your examples. And instead of following the streams of illusion of the planet, be like a boat that goes against that stream, carrying souls into the new, to redemption, with your nets in the sea drawing forth beings that want to step out of a retrograde life.
I love you and thank you, in the name of God, for praying all day long, so lovingly preparing for the coming of Saint Michael the Archangel. May the liberation brought by the Servant of God, Saint Michael, reach all the spaces of the world.
Peace and redemption to the planet.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1. It refers to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay.
Today, day on which you are praying worldwide and clamoring for the energy of Mercy of Christ for the planet, I want to help you in the path of prayer.
Dears, the weight of the world will become internally, mentally and emotionally heavier and heavier, mostly for those who are trying to walk an evolutionary path.
On the current days of the planet, to be a praying consciousness is like paddling against a great current of inertia, distractions and quest for pleasure and for gratification. That is why, even more in this time of intense inner purification for all, you must be attentive to what I will tell you.
Throughout all the human existence, all the codes that humankind has generated with the quest for power, for pleasure, for gratification, with competition, vanity, wrath, were impregnating the human consciousness as a whole, and they even reached the depth of the cell consciousness of many beings, those who have never lived an experience of seeking the sacred, the evolutionary, the pure.
In different proportions, these energies, called capitals, are inside of all beings of the Earth, because they inside of the human consciousness and, in certain parts of the world, some of these energies completely control the consciousnesses.
Why do I tell you these things? Because - even if it may not seem it – the small and great distractions during the moments of prayer, the thoughts and the recurrent desires against the evolutionary path, all the impulses that you cannot control in yourselves and that are always taking you to the opposite of what you try to build, all of this has its roots in the human consciousness, and these roots are not so easy to extinguish as it seems, but this is not something impossible.
You must start changing your own deepest interests. For instance: during prayer, observe to where your mind conducts you and what is more important for it than the act of praying. With much peace and harmony, seek the roots of those things, in order that you can transform them. Think about the reason for your distractions and, then, think about the Middle East, about Africa, about the children, about the youngsters and the adults that suffer in the whole world. So, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: the distractions or praying to reverse these situations of the planet?”
And do it so with everything. Talk to yourselves. When you are before a desire that does not lead you to an evolutionary path, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: this or fulfilling the Will of God?”
Do not fear the answers, because – even if they are not the ones you expect – they might reveal to your consciousness what is in your most profound inner abyss, in order that you can clean and purify what prevents you to fulfill the Plans of God with perfection.
Review, dears, in your own interior, your priorities, your desires and your aspirations.
Ask yourselves while you pray: “Why am I praying?”. And if your mind answers you: “So that the others can see me praying”, so, tell it: “Well, now I will pray for the planet.”
Thus, transform yourselves with peace, with love and with joy, but do not cease to take a small step each day.
My Chaste Heart tells you in a simple and clear way, because I need that you understand Me definitely and take the steps that God expects from all, because there is no longer so much time left.
I love you and I guide you to the transformation of life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Often the human eyes cannot contemplate the planetary reality and do not find a real reason for their own transformation or something that may impact them in a way that generates an immediate and complete change in the being. That is why, in these times, I come to the world to instruct you, in order that you can know sublime realities of existence that may lead you to a superior quest, to the surrender of life to a higher purpose, which is the Purpose of God. I come to try to open, in humankind, not the eyes of the body, but the eyes of the heart.
I do not come to bring to the minds, concrete facts and scientific teachings that prove the veracity of the existence of a life superior to life of this world. I come so that the heart feels, in the simplicity of My words, that God calls you to remember. And that your own consciousnesses, touched by the presence of the Divine Messengers, may find the lost path to your origin.
As Our Lord, Christ Jesus has told you, the Kingdoms of Nature suffer by the ignorance of humankind that seeks power and usufruct in everything. And this ignorance is the same that does not allow you to find the truth about the human heart.
By saying this, those who know how to listen, and who meditate on the words of the Messengers of God will understand that all of them conform the same thread of light, which is trying to lead humanity to a single awakening.
Listening to the words of Christ1, do not think that they are for the others, but rather try to know, in your lives, in what point you are failing the Kingdoms of Nature; how far you only seek to physically, emotionally and mentally usufruct from the Kingdoms; and from where you are consciously trying to collaborate with their evolution.
Your work group must be only one, united in the Purpose of God. While some are with Christ more directly, liberating and transmuting the roots of millenary evil, the others must be seeking these roots within their own consciousnesses in order to extirpate them with the power of the Mercy of Christ. Thus, all together, you will be able to lead humanity to transformation and to give all human consciousness the opportunity to live something superior, and to seek the life of spirit.
I love you and for this I teach you to understand and live the Will of God expressed in the words of His Messengers.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
1Saint Joseph refers to the extra message of Christ Jesus transmitted to the visionary
friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on November 4th, 2015.
In order to find the life of the spirit and fulfill the existence in the discovering of the truth, you must be simple of heart.
I know that for many it is not easy to detach themselves from the lucubration of the mind and from its endless source of ideas and suggestions. But that is why I ask you to exercise silence.
Humanity has transited through periods in which its largest expression was the strength, the body power. In those moments, the human development was based on the strongest. Afterwards, you learned that the mind controls the strength and transcends it; you learned that with the mind, the body may not be physically strong, but – concentrated – it can move mountains and act even more than those who only have the body strength.
Christ came to the world in the age of the strength and delivered to humanity the possibility of taking a leap, because He already knew the power of the mind, and nevertheless, acted with the heart.
The Master knew that His examples would last in the centuries, because the ordinary humanity should still learn much in order to reach what He was teaching, that was to transcend the strength and the mind to reach the heart and find there the true potential of the human beings.
Today I tell you that in the vast Creation of God in the universe, there were many creatures that expressed the true essence of the body strength and completely developed the different functions of the body. Others entered the powers of the mind and with it developed many sciences and discovered their multiple functions. However, neither the strength nor science reached the celestial dimension, where the Creator inhabits.
What great secret is this, which, once unveiled, unites the creatures to their Creator? It is the development of the heart.
In contrast to all the paths to the discovery of the strength and of the mind, the heart is found in simplicity. To live the strength, you must be. To live the science, you must know. But to find the heart, you must not be, and not know even yourselves.
That is why this moment is so difficult for many, because for many beings of this world it is hard to believe in the path of simplicity; it is hard to forgive, to reconcile, to humble themselves and pray, as a path to such grand encounter with the Creator.
I tell you, dear companions, that you must be simple, meek and humble to find the Doors of Heaven.
I love you and I leave you, in My simple words, the transcendence of all strength and of all science, so that you will find the precinct of the heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, humble and simple servant of God
There is no greater service than true prayer, in which the heart does not find boundaries and does not need to go so far, neither takes so long, in order to be before those who are most in need.
If you ask God to take you to the encounter with those who are most in need, so, when the Lord places you before each prayer throughout the day, find there the answers to His requests, to His holy will of serving and of helping the most destitute in the matter, as well in the spirit.
However, if in the moments of prayer you were tepid, asleep and without much enthusiasm to encounter God, it is in truth because you have not discovered that the essence of service is found in the praying heart.
The greatest service is the one that takes the divine presence to the hearts; it is the one that places the essences before the possibility of returning to their origin, to the Most Sacred One and Only Consciousness, from which comes all the things created for an evolutionary purpose.
If it were not so, you would be doing social works, which the world has plenty of; but, however, the Kingdom of God has not manifested itself among humanity yet.
All those who accept to live the path of humility, of prayer and of surrender are, in truth, missionary hearts and spirits and they must renovate this spiritual charisma every day and in all the opportunities that they have to find God and take Him, in divine essence, to all those who most need Him.
Make of your lives the perfect work of service to humanity and to the planet. It is achieved with the awakening to the truth that is to know that in everything there is the possibility of serving and that in all of your prayers you can cross boundaries and reach those who are most in need of aid.
Today, for instance, praying before My Most Sacred Heart, you accompanied Me to the Middle East and, thus, relieved the small hearts of many children who have already lost hope to be happy in this world.
Learn, dears, every day, to transcend yourselves, so that the Light of God comes to the most lost and forgotten ones among humanity and among the Kingdoms of Nature.
Learn, with My Chaste Heart, to be eternal missionaries and to carry out on Earth this universal mission, in which the transformation itself will result in the salvation and in the evolution of the whole universe.
I love you and I encourage you to move forward, growing and maturing, as fruits of the Sacred Plans of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The essence of a spirit that consecrates itself must be renovated, every day, in the adventure that is losing oneself to find in its place, the Living Christ.
For a new resident to enter your house, it must be uninhabited; otherwise, what a great confusion would it be, when such different inhabitants share a single house, being it so small.
Dears, Christ expects to be alive not only in the Eucharist, because He wants to be the living Eucharist inside every being of this world. But for this to be real, you must commune with Him every day.
Little by little, your bodies must give space to the Mystic Body of Christ, so that He can be the life that animates not only the soul, but also all that composes you, from matter to spirit.
This transformation in Christ is slow and, sometimes, painful, but you cannot escape from it, because Christ is transforming all that you are, and the transformation will be with you wherever you are. Many think that they undo with the mind a commitment made by the spirit, but this is not like that.
With all that you have already received in the last years, the seed of a new heart has already started to pulse inside of your beings: it is the Heart of Christ that asks you for space for Him to be your commander, as well He is in the whole Universe.
These are painful times for those who do not make of their own inner transition, a moment of grace and of surrender. And the hardest will be when you do not want to see that, not only inside of you, but also outside, nothing will remain as it is.
Go ahead, soldiers! Be a little braver so that you can see, in losing yourselves, the great victory of Christ.
The Lord only wins when He defeats you, because He must be the great King of your inner world, and not yourselves.
Surrender yourselves, because it is already time to let yourselves be conducted by the Universal King.
I encourage you and take you to this great defeat at the feet of Christ.
May My blessing strengthen your consecration and give you the courage to be nothing and to surrender yourselves to The One that is all and that is in everything.
Your beloved Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Blossom in the gardens of the Creation, as well as God makes a wide garden of small and great flowers blossom before your eyes.
Bring to the world the time of the eternal spring in which each being can express the best that there is within themselves and, in this way, offer to God what belongs to Him and that has been given to humanity, in order that you could give life and shape to the Divine Thought with perfection.
Let the Gardeners of the Universe, who are coming to you with divine clothing, cultivate in your inner world that which is perfect and that you do not know, because it is still a small seed that your eyes cannot see.
May the principles of God, in the interior of humanity, grow and bear flowers and fruit, in order to sow in other hearts the universal life, the perfection of God and the eternal obedience to His Laws.
Those who, in the simplicity of My words, find the grandest mysteries, will be joyful and will be called blessed in the Kingdom of God, because they will have fulfilled His Plan of Love.
I bless you today and forever.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek within yourself the true union there is with Christ and, through Him, with God. The Lord has already been before you many times; some of those times, you were able to feel Him, others not, but He left a seed of the tree of Christification within you, so that you may be in likeness to the Christ that was born in His Son.
Your soul suffers and feels lonely, for it has not recognized Divine Omnipresence yet and ignores the Presence of God and of His Son in everything and everyone. For you, Omnipresence is still a theory which you know but do not fully live.
Christ was not before you and then left; Christ illuminated you with the most intense ray of His Solar Light, and you were able to feel It, but His clarity illuminates all things, within and on the outside, all the time.
It is now time for you to recognize that you are united with Christ, united with God, because a part of the Project of God must be born from you, which will seek nothing less from humankind than the Christs of the New Time.
Contemplate the Lord in the Eucharist, as well as within yourself. Contemplate Him with the eyes of your heart, in an apparition or hidden in all things, and find Him.
May the peace and unity with Christ be a reality for the human heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, who united with Christ and God for all eternity.
Meditate on this day about your return to the Origin and do not seek the mental concepts, that inside of your consciousnesses, become confused by the distance that exists between what humanity knows about the Truth and the Truth itself.
You are in a time in which you will receive many keys, in order that, in a harmonious way, the being may find the unity with the Creation and recognize itself inserted into it, inside of its laws and in obedience to the course of its evolution.
I know that many feel without the inner and outer resources to meditate concerning something so sublime and apparently so distant from you. But the Origin, as well as the whole history of your spirits, can be found inside of your own hearts. What happens is that you occupy yourselves much more in thinking of the non-existence of all these things, or even thinking of how they are inaccessible to you, tan of seeking them and to follow the instructions that I deliver to you.
I only ask you to be humble, so that you do not confuse and interpret, with the mind, what only the heart can understand. Because in the same way that the mind takes many resolutions that the heart does not understand and does not accept, the heart also has within it truths that only it can understand.
The time of this world, marked by the hands of the clock, is already ceasing to exist, in order to give way to an eternal time, in which only the present is the reality and everything else is kept as an experience in the consciousness.
Hence, you must start, from now on, to deconstruct the concepts of the human existence of life upon Earth and also the concepts that you have formulated in your minds about God, His Plan and all of the Creation, because the Truth will come to light and It resembles nothing of what you know.
The human consciousness has mixed principles of truth with fantasies in all means of communication of the world and, thus, has given a sign to itself that the only truth that existed was a great illusion in which you were living in matter.
I ask you, once more, that you listen to Me with the heart. Contemplate your own interior and seek there the truth about yourselves and the unity that exists between what is alive in your own essence and everything that I tell you.
I love you and because of this I give you small keys and impulses to the awakening of your consciousness.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear servants of the Most High God,
On this day I tell you that, in order that you may yet live in this world, the Superior Laws that are lived in the universe, you must find the sacred again.
The sacred is the gift of knowing the presence of God in all things. The sacred fulfills the soul and approaches the spirit to the corrupted matter, so that it can make it pure and clear.
To find the sacred is a simple way to say that the consciousness is walking the path of the Universal Laws. And the key to discover the sacred in all things is reverence.
Every day, the forces of opposition to the Plan of God try to destroy the sacred as a concept in the human life, and this begins from childhood, degenerating the family relationships.
It is for this reason that My Chaste Heart descends to the world, in order to make a special plea to the families. As well as I could live the sacred, together with the Holy Family of Nazareth, today I ask you to look after the sacred within your families.
That, from childhood, children may come to know love, reverence for God, as well as for their neighbor; reverence for ceremonies, for prayer, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for life.
The purity that the little ones bring, may it not be lost from their hearts. Beware of the influences that they receive; give preference to the contact with the Kingdoms of Nature rather than the contact with technologies. Do not seek only to distract your children, siblings, grandchildren, nephews and nieces; but instead assume these little souls and be the example for them to follow. May they find, in the life of spirit, the joy of being in life, and this will happen through your example.
A life empty of love, empty of God and of His Holy Spirit is creating the current youth of the world, those that no longer find a meaning for living, because their souls, that came to the world in this time to fulfill a specific mission, are not finding, in that which the planet offers, what God has entrusted to them.
Therefore, look after the youth and the children of the world and make yourselves responsible for those who are by your side. Show them the life of spirit, of prayer, of spiritual quest, of things that transcend life in matter.
Because those who are being born in this time have the mission of remembering their origin, in this way attracting to the world the new time, the new humanity. Therefore it is important to lead them to the right path, before the soul gets confused by all that the world offers, as superficialities and false spiritual paths.
Do this for the Plan of God and for the future of humanity, as well as for the whole Universe.
I love you and I leave you My loving impulse of salvation, above all for the youth and for the children of this world.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, eternal Servant of God
May the peace in the hearts of those who follow God be the visible sign of His Sacred Presence in the world.
May the fraternity and the love among brothers and sisters united for a single evolutionary purpose be the reason of inspiration and of surrender for those who do not know in which direction to walk.
May the unity with God, reached by means of prayer and shaped in all of the instants of life, be the light that illuminates the eyes of those who walk in the darkness.
May the communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, the care and the love for these smaller brothers and sisters, be an example for the human hearts that have lost the hope of finding a new world.
May the love for the Plan of God be greater and stronger in the heart of His companions than their own plans and human tendencies.
May the aspiration for the constant transformation in Christ impel the beings so that they are no longer the same every day and so that they may come closer to God, through their own inner world and also through their conduct in the material life.
May the new humanity no longer be only a prophecy for those hearts that follow God: that it may be a goal to be reached in life with effort, prayer, love and persistence in the truth.
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart, if you believe in My words and have faith in the presence of the Sacred Hearts, then never lose the opportunity of you being different and of walking towards the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.
More than announcing Our presence with words, I ask you to announce it with your own transformation. The beings of this world need to have an example to follow, even if you are in silence.
If you want that the Plan of God be established in the world, never be doctrinal about something that you do not live. Before you bring the Good News of the Sacred Hearts, at least try every day to live Our words. I assure you that, if you do so, your example of fraternity, charity, forgiveness and reconciliation will go further than if you were disseminating for years a word that did not find life in you.
I love you and I impel you to the experience of the Will of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions and servers of Christ,
Today I invite you to understand the importance of immediately uniting with the Purpose of God and, as soldiers of His Army of Light, to be ready to surrender your own plans and aspirations so that the One Plan, the Plan of God, may be accomplished, which is for the good and for the salvation of all humanity and the whole planet.
In these times, my dear ones, the whole universe assembles in each instant, through its representatives, so as to guide the beloved humanity in the best way.
It is in this way that impulses of light, redemption and reconciliation descend to the world that many times, hearts would not be worthy to receive, but that through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, together with the true praying soldiers of the Earth, are bringing new possibilities for the beings of this world.
Some time ago, the probability that God held for humanity was about the awakening of a few, that would be the seeds for a new future. Now, thanks to the power of prayer, this probability is increasing. Thus, other brothers and sisters of yours, who would not awake in time, will be receiving the possibility of recognizing their origin and thus, at least partly fulfil their own mission.
At each turn in the spiral of evolution, human beings surprise the universe, and now the task of the Divine Messengers finds the space to expand and reveal to hearts what they came to do in this world, thus awakening their potential to love and forgive the past that tied them to an involutive chain.
I know that many will not understand My words immediately, but hold them in your hearts, because those who do not understand them today will see the coming of their own awakening, and then yes, they will finally understand them.
I tell you all of this at this time so that you can adhere to the changes in the Plans of God, which are permanent, because humanity is unpredictable in the eyes of the Creator. In these times, when no soul must be lost from the true path, the Lord is giving everything for the manifestation of His beloved project of healing and of universal redemption through human beings.
I love you and I ask you once again to only keep My words in your hearts; even though not understanding them, your hearts will receive the impulses that come from them, to one day be able to understand them.
Peace and redemption for all.
Your father and instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions and servers of Christ,
Today I ask you to reflect upon everything that I have told you in the last times and that within yourselves, you seek to perceive if you are trying to live the instructions transmitted by the Sacred Hearts.
With the simplicity that is characteristic of the Consciousness of God, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Saint Joseph and Mary are leading humanity to a great awakening; however, it will depend on each one for this awakening to be able to come out of the sheets of paper and the word that the visionaries pronounce to the world, when they repeat Our words, and become life and a source of awakening for other beings of this world.
At this moment of the planet, we are looking to awaken not only prayerful beings, but soldiers of prayer: consciousnesses that are capable of immediately obeying the indications of God and who understand that love, forgiveness, unity and fraternity, which are achieved when hearts pray, are the most powerful weapons of current times.
May, equipped with the Power of God, His Armies be able to cause Light to triumph through the descent of Divine Light into the hearts that pray.
The armies of the adversary do not tire, do not stop and are not distracted not even for a minute; but the victory of God must be the only certainty of the hearts that respond to the celestial call. With this inner conviction, you will encourage other souls to transform their lives and convert into the peace makers of this time of planetary chaos and damnation.
My dear ones, awake to an immediate transformation and never think that you are already in a good place, that you have reached the goal and that now you can rest, for the rest of the soldier of God will not be in this life.
You are now here, to permanently transform yourselves, every day a little more, until you merge with Christ in your heart, soul and spirit. Do this for those who ignore the existence of God and His Plan and that are surrendering their souls to the abyss of this world, believing that they are experiencing the best that the Earth can offer them.
I love you and wait for you in prayer.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
Today I call you to the awakening of the true faith, the one that is born from the union of the spirit with God, and that is not fed by miracles or rewards of any sort.
The faith to which I invite you is the faith in the invisible, so that you can trust and thus live the instructions of the Divine Messengers.
I know that for many it is difficult to awaken faith in the heart, when it is purely spiritual. Many believe in the presence of God among humankind, through the current Apparitions of the Sacred Hearts, but the belief comes from the acceptance of the mind and faith is the adherence of the spirit to the Will of God.
A faith which is born as a result of phenomena and miracle is a faith that may be as transitory as such phenomena, but the faith which is born from the heart of the one who believes without seeing is a faith that will never be extinguished and that will conduct them to find the true life of the spirit.
Those who keep their faith, even in the invisible of the heart, might find God, which it is not visible to the human eyes and will overcome the limits of matter and of the senses in order to enter you into a reality that transcends the material existence. It is for that reason that the Divine Messengers come to the world in this time, by means of this group of souls.
Throughout the human existence, God tried to awaken humanity in many ways, but every time they were awakened through the senses, they could never leave the boundaries of their own material and concrete sense.
The devotees and the faithful of God in the whole world are almost always simply aspiring to things that concern the material life and at no time they glimpse the true existence that starts after they transcend the illusions of this life.
Many believe in God, pray and seek to live in peace, but almost always this only intends the personal well-being and the success of their own material life.
Do you understand that the Plan of God does not start and does not finish on this little Earth?
My dears, when you are called to awaken faith in the invisible, you awaken, as a result, many other things, such as the understanding that life does not end in matter; you understand the existence of a superior life; you can transcend the appearances and the messengers and reach the essence of the message; you can deepen in the consecration of the material life, so that you may have the life of spirit as a priority.
Today, the Divine Messengers are conducting humanity to a greater understanding of live and they do not seek to build, in this world, anything which concerns comfort, convenience and material welfare, because this is not the goal of God.
The goal for this world is to be another one, so that the spirit may inhabit matter; so that the Earth may be a new Earth; so that humanity may be a new humanity, because this concerns to the descent of the Kingdom of God to the world. That is, what is invisible to the human eyes today must become a reality of this planet. But, for this, you must start from the beginning, which is developing faith in the invisible, so that it may cease to be a mystery to the human heart and may become the reality.
I love you and I call you to the awakening of the true faith of the heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a nation lives the consequences of millenary human actions and which were so intense that inflicted themselves in their social and political culture, as they say in a certain way, as it is the case of Venezuela and many other nations, the only way out for such illusion and human ignorance is a life of a true prayer.
If at least a small group, inside of each nation, truly prayed every day and if, even more, they could transform their own lives in a permanent action of prayer, it could change completely the consciousness of the nation and, as a consequence, its physical and spiritual destiny.
I say that because a being that prays permanently begins to enter with their heart in the Consciousness of God and there they recognize the true purpose of their life on Earth or, at least, they can recognize what is out of this purpose and, in this way, the illusions of matter are dissonant to them and them cannot stand them. It is in that moment that the soul is impelled to the constant quest of the Truth and lives its elevation. This experience is marked in the consciousness of the nation that, little by little, is conducted to a superior quest, by means of its inhabitants, of its guardians, as those who live inside of each nation are, for God, the guardians of the purpose for it.
It is for this that the Divine Messengers have arrived in Venezuela in the beginning of its crisis and now they return to renovate the impulse of the Venezuelan hearts as well as of the whole world.
The Sacred Hearts arrived in Venezuela not to end the social, political, economic and spiritual crisis that this country lives today, but rather so that it, as nation, may learn to transpose the material events through the life of prayer and may keep alive the purpose of the nation, that attribute that God deposited within all beings who live under its aura, so that they may develop it and, in this way, they may help in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for all of humanity.
If Venezuela, as a consciousness, can live this experience of finding the truth and getting out of the material illusion by means of the praying life, this learning will serve to many other nations and for all of humanity in the times that will come, times in which the spiritual crisis, with physical consequences, will be the daily living of humanity.
It is for this that My Chaste Heart blesses this nation and all the Venezuelan today, impelling them to the true and peaceful praying life and so that, in this way, they may live it as a service that you do for all of humanity.
Remember these words in the days that will come, because today I pronounce them to Venezuela, but in a near future, they will serve to many other nations.
I love you and I give you My Peace, so that you keep you hearts peaceful before all the events of life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more