Sunday, October 25 of 2015

Daily Messages

Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

Today I call you to the awakening of the true faith, the one that is born from the union of the spirit with God, and that is not fed by miracles or rewards of any sort.

The faith to which I invite you is the faith in the invisible, so that you can trust and thus live the instructions of the Divine Messengers.

I know that for many it is difficult to awaken faith in the heart, when it is purely spiritual. Many believe in the presence of God among humankind, through the current Apparitions of the Sacred Hearts, but the belief comes from the acceptance of the mind and faith is the adherence of the spirit to the Will of God.

A faith which is born as a result of phenomena and miracle is a faith that may be as transitory as such phenomena, but the faith which is born from the heart of the one who believes without seeing is a faith that will never be extinguished and that will conduct them to find the true life of the spirit.

Those who keep their faith, even in the invisible of the heart, might find God, which it is not visible to the human eyes and will overcome the limits of matter and of the senses in order to enter you into a reality that transcends the material existence. It is for that reason that the Divine Messengers come to the world in this time, by means of this group of souls.

Throughout the human existence, God tried to awaken humanity in many ways, but every time they were awakened through the senses, they could never leave the boundaries of their own material and concrete sense.

The devotees and the faithful of God in the whole world are almost always simply aspiring to things that concern the material life and at no time they glimpse the true existence that starts after they transcend the illusions of this life.

Many believe in God, pray and seek to live in peace, but almost always this only intends the personal well-being and the success of their own material life.

Do you understand that the Plan of God does not start and does not finish on this little Earth?

My dears, when you are called to awaken faith in the invisible, you awaken, as a result, many other things, such as the understanding that life does not end in matter; you understand the existence of a superior life; you can transcend the appearances and the messengers and reach the essence of the message; you can deepen in the consecration of the material life, so that you may have the life of spirit as a priority.

Today, the Divine Messengers are conducting humanity to a greater understanding of live and they do not seek to build, in this world, anything which concerns comfort, convenience and material welfare, because this is not the goal of God.

The goal for this world is to be another one, so that the spirit may inhabit matter; so that the Earth may be a new Earth; so that humanity may be a new humanity, because this concerns to the descent of the Kingdom of God to the world.  That is, what is invisible to the human eyes today must become a reality of this planet. But, for this, you must start from the beginning, which is developing faith in the invisible, so that it may cease to be a mystery to the human heart and may become the reality.

I love you and I call you to the awakening of the true faith of the heart.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph