Because of a severe storm in Aurora we were not able to go out to the monthly Apparition of Saint Joseph in the Marian Center; we gathered to receive the messages of Saint Joseph and Mary in a private manner with some brothers and sisters from the monastery.
During the prayer Saint Joseph took us to different places in the Middle East, showing us situations of a lot of suffering which He relieved because of the merits we created as we prayed.
When He appeared, together with Mary, He showed us the missionaries working in Turkey. They were in a simple activity, only talking to some people, and I saw that with these people there were many souls who were connected to their families and friends and who could not escape the war. Because of this they had been in painful situations and now they were there asking for help. Saint Joseph conducted these souls that were lost so they would go through a luminous door that was behind Him.
In this place I also saw, besides some children in the physical plane, many souls of children who had disincarnated in the desert while emigrating, because of the cold or because of the war itself. They were there looking for help; and because of the love of the missionaries, Saint Joseph was able to rescue the souls of those children. He replaced the experiences of suffering they had had for experiences of love, with the simple aid offered by the missionaries.
What seemed to be the end and the pinnacle of suffering, anguish and frustration of life, exile and war, can be transformed into the beginning of a great learning of love.
Even though we did not want humanity to go through suffering, which is a fruit of its own actions, of absence of faith and lack of seeking God, now all that is left is for us to lead what you experience so that from the sometimes atrocious experiences may emerge a learning of love and forgiveness, and the human heart may learn what it could not learn through different means and paths.
The triumph of love is always a possibility in the human heart, but we can no longer stop the Divine Justice, and its first signs are visible to everyone.
Through service, children, and through the discovery of Christic charity – a charity which brings in itself a goal of Christification, a divine principle – we are trying to redirect the souls whose destinies would be no other but perdition and absolute darkness.
The Heart of God is injured every day because of the choices of humanity, but the Creator, who is the Higher Law Himself, cannot be but Just.
In the face of what you have chosen to live as a school of redemption on Earth, we, the Divine Messengers, as well as the Saints and the Blessed Ones who work in the spiritual levels for the concretion of the Plan of God, are alert and with our eyes and hearts fixed on humanity, collecting each small merit generated in order to intercede for the ones most in need, those who would have the smallest chance for salvation.
What we ask you is that, as the active part of humanity and as the active part of the Plan of God on the surface of the Earth, you try to hold firm among many storms and inner battles; do not lower your arms, do not believe the effort you do is enough because most human beings surrender before the potency of the opposing current and prefer to be taken by them than to swim until there is no strength left.
The Law of Sacrifice must grow in the consciousness and in the hearts of those who have summoned themselves for these times. The more conscious you are of the planetary reality greater must be the degrees of love, sacrifice and surrender in everyone.
We no longer count on many soldiers and, among those who have raised their hands to be a part of this army, few are the ones who will truly overcome fear to be in the front line of this battle for the triumph of good and peace.
We say this is a battle, children, because you must permanently fight to overcome the influence of chaos inside and outside your beings; to persevere in the Law of Love, of Renunciation and of Surrender all the time; so that you are not overcome by loss of hope when you face suffering; so that you are not overcome by indignation when you face an atrocity; so that you are not overcome by resentment or fear when you face the reflection of the actions of darkness in the world.
This is a great and real battle that you must carry forward until the end of your days because not everyone will have the Grace of seeing the Sun of God shine again in the horizon, in the resplendence of His Son. Still it will be necessary that you surrender even your last drop of sweat, your last drop of blood, as Christ taught us when He was a Living Example among people.
As it reaches your consciousness, evil must be converted. An information of terror, pain or suffering which impregnates human consciousness as a whole, as it touches the individual consciousness of each self-summoned cannot grow and multiply in the same way as it does with the common denominator of humanity.
You must be active converters of the codes of evil; you must transform resentment into love, into peace, into fraternity; you must convert suffering into conscious sacrifice for the elevation and Christification of the race. This is the real school of love and redemption on Earth.
How will you learn to experience love any other way? Christic love is the one which gives its life for its friends and in the same way for the enemies: it is the love that loves everyone as it loves itself, as it loves God.
The merits of your transformation will be surrendered for the salvation and redemption of the entire universe and not only of a few. You must act out of love for the Plan of God and inside the love of the Creator you will find love for everything that has been created.
Learn, children, to resize the events and experiences you live; that an attack from darkness to destroy you and cause you damage be a cause for forgiveness, strength and unity. If you are before someone who experienced something they could not forgive because of the great terror and pain that they lived, place there an experience of love.
Pray without stopping so that the Doors to Heaven stay open and so that we can continue interceding for this world.
I thank all those who persevere with the heart. When you do not have any strength left and your limits have been surpassed you will find the Grace of being sustained by God and not by yourselves, therefore I encourage you to always move forward.
The One who loves you,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more