Wednesday, February 17 of 2016

Daily Messages

Acting with the heart


In these times, when each action is measured in the scale of the Divine Justice, it is not enough that you simply act with an action empty of spiritual meaning and of true intention of transforming.

It is not enough that you attend a liturgy if, while you are praying, when pronounce the words, they are empty of intention and the word does not create with its transforming potential.

It is not enough to obey an order, an indication, if the heart is not totally adhered to these instructions and does not understand that they are the correct guidance for your elevation.

It is not enough to read the messages we deliver to you only for knowing that it is necessary.

You must put the heart in everything.

If you will make your own consciousness available for something, do it truly and with actions filled by the love to the Plan. In these times when everything is transparent and visible, even to the eyes that were most blind it is not enough an apparent action.

The effort you make to accomplish an action will always be seen, but for this action to count on the scale of the Divine Justice, it must be truthful. For instance: the effort you make to attend a moment of prayer will be seen, but if, when you pray you do not put your hearts, this prayer will not be balancing the planetary evils and neither the evils of the praying beings themselves.

I tell you this so that you learn to do the right effort towards the right direction, and so that you no longer deceive yourselves believing your apparent actions are enough for you to comply your own part because many, by seeing the Divine Justice descend, will wonder why they are living certain things if they have always struggled to comply their own part.

It is time of acting with the heart, of being true in everything.

It is time to discover, in your own interior, the love to the Plan of God and to be able to surrender all and live any transformations in the name of this love.

All that I tell you is to perfect your paths.

Now that you are already willing to act, make it with the heart.

The One who loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph