Wednesday, November 13 of 2019


Today I find no other place in the world than the hearts of My children, because it is the hearts of My children where the Will of God may be fulfilled and His divine providence be expressed. It is in the hearts of My children that I can find the peace of My dear children, to be able to avail Myself of this peace, and uniting it with My Peace, I can pour it out over the world, especially in those places where it no longer exists.

Today I not only come with the joy of being able to find you again, dear children, of being able to bless you on this day of consecration, but also I return with the inner joy of being able to help other nations of South America, such as Venezuela, where through My maternal presence at this moment, all those in that suffering and wounded country, as well as all those who emigrate from there, are safeguarded and spiritually assisted by the angels of Heaven; today, their mouths receive a spiritual manna so that they may recover their strength, their trust, and their faith in the Creator.

But this time, My children, is not only a time of tribulation, the tribulation that humanity chose to experience in this cycle; God has His Arms open to receive you and welcome you. Thus, He has allowed Me to return here to Colombia not only to bless your country and your people, but also to spiritually assist your sibling nations of Venezuela and Ecuador, because as you know, very serious things are occurring in these times. God contemplates all the souls of the world, especially those that experience the conflicts and the division in the nations; that is why He sends His Holy Spirit through His faithful Servant, to awaken the consciousnesses of the whole world to a cooperation and a collaboration with those most in need. Because if a brother or sister of yours, no matter how unknown they may be, is suffering or is enduring, it is the whole of humanity that is suffering and enduring.

So I come to place you, My children, on this night, before a panorama and a spiritual and universal vision, because the time has come, the hour has come, for each one to step outside of themselves to be able to embrace the whole, which is a sick humanity.

This, My children, will permit that in the spirit of collaboration and of solidarity for those brothers and sisters who suffer and endure the chaos of these times, the spirit of divine intervention, of celestial and cosmic help, may come; that all souls in this time need help without exception, each in their school, each in their learning and their moment of awakening.

I come to grant you the Grace of freeing you forever from this worldwide hypnotism and illusion so that your hearts may also give impulse to other hearts to awaken in consciousness, to awaken to cooperation and to solidarity, knowing that the whole world is suffering, although a minority may be suffering much more than the majority suffers in these times.

I bring you this special Grace, dear children, because humanity still has veils over their consciousness and not only is it not able to see the reality of these times, it also does not manage to see what is behind each consciousness, who that soul is, who that spirit is that is incarnated at this moment to serve and fulfill a mission with God.

Thus, this is the time of cooperation and of group integration. It is not a time of barriers or divisions, it is a time of being able to feel God in the heart and of accomplishing His Will and His commandments.

When you take this step, you will deepen not only your prayerful spiritual life, but also your inner life, and you will be able to represent My Son in some way, because He too is holding His arms open to receive His new and last apostles who, in a serving and humanitarian way, will help those most in need, those who have nothing, those who have lost everything, just like My children of Venezuela have done.

But many will ask themselves in this moment, or have once asked: where is God in all that is happening in Venezuela? God is there. That is why I come to be in your hearts, because God is in your hearts, and it is in hearts where the Plan of God will be realized. Hearts will be given the impulse to live the end of these times through an unconditional and selfless ministry and service. That is the first step and is the first school for you, My children, apart from forming the groups of prayer that I need at this moment for Colombia. Because Colombia cannot be a mirror of what is happening in Venezuela.

I know that the inner devotion of each one of you, and the faithfulness to Me, My children, will prevent everything, and God will continue to pour out His Grace over this dear and beloved people for the Divine Plan. And your consciousnesses will be more available, more willing, more whole for helping in what is needed not only in the Human Kingdom, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature, in all the places on Earth. Around the corner from your homes or even within your families, there exist (are) great inner needs that end up being reflected in material needs.

I am not speaking about property or power, or of possessing some material thing; I am talking about the shortcomings facing My children in these times, mainly, in the lack of Love and of an immeasurable incomprehension of what is happening to each child of Mine.

Thus, Our Words, which are already the last in this cycle, will be your Fount, so that you may drink, nurture yourselves, and quench your thirst. Our Words, the Words of the Sacred Hearts, will be the Light for the world that faces tribulation and adversity. Our Words will be your impulses for a change in consciousness and for a transformation of being. None of Our Words through the years have been wasted, because Our Words come from the Will of God; it is God Who dictates to Us what we should say, just as you should make what you receive resound within your inner world. No being of the Earth, no matter how atheistic or unbelieving, will remain without instruction or guidance. All the steps are being indicated in the smallest details. For this reason, My children, you must avail yourselves of the Fount of instruction in the most difficult and acute times of the planet. These are the difficult times; the difficult times are not about to come, the difficult times are already here, in front of you, in your homes, in the planetary reality of these times. I invite you, My children, to not only experience consecration so that you may be blessed and protected by Me, but also I invite you to do something for this planet and for humanity. The more you do something for this humanity and for this planet, the fewer serious situations will occur; many more souls will be steered away from danger, terror, and persecution, and even chaos. Because when the majority of humanity does something in a real, permanent, and sincere way, many will be saved and the Kingdoms of Nature will be protected from the hands of the human beings who want to wound and hurt them.

When humanity understands that it is part of a single creation, and realizes this, it will become aware of all that it has not done well; and we hope, pray, and implore you for the repentance of all, so that hate and evil may end, so that peace and love may be established, so that souls may find the Kingdom of God within themselves.

This is the time of the Armageddon. The Book of John the apostle, the Apocalypse (Revelation), is being fulfilled. Thus it is the time, My children, for protecting your inner world from all that is external. I am not talking about you becoming isolated nor stopping communication with your brothers and sisters. I am speaking, My children, about your being selective and of knowing what is good for you and what is not good for you. In this way, your essential purity will not be contaminated by the continuous noises that this world generates, which are heard over eons of time and in other parts of this solar system, although it may not seem so.

Focus your consciousnesses on sacrifice and on inner silence, and through prayer, help to balance and harmonize this planet, so that all the life that is on the surface of the Earth may gain at least a moment of peace.

Children, the time for beautiful words has ended. The time of awareness, of maturity, and of responsibility has come. Thus, these are My last apparitions, after eleven years, because when the cycle that God waits for ends, everything will be accomplished and humanity will experience what it has chosen.

But as a mediating and intercessory Mother, I come to avoid these events, and today I kneel before you to ask the whole world to repent from the heart, to seek peace, and to know that everything I say is not only a warning, but rather a request of My maternal Heart for each child of Mine, in each part of this planet, for each race, people, or culture, as well as for each religion.

Today I come as the Mother of the Apocalypse to place My children under My mantle, where they will find protection and shelter for these moments. On My knees I tell you: I do not come to frighten you; I am the Queen of Peace, the Universal Mother, the immaculate and maternal Heart of Mary.

I come to call you to truth and to awareness. Through you I want to build a bridge to God, because God and My Heart in this cycle will be your strength and your grace.

Today with love I bless all these flowers that are not Mine, but are of My children, and that represent the simplicity of the beauty of God, through the Heart of Mary and the subtle perfumes of Heaven that roses capture through their nature. These roses are for you, so that you may take them with you till the end of your days and so that you always remember My presence that is eternal and inextinguishable.

Thus, on this night I invite those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary to come up to this stage to receive the blessing, the consecration, and the peace of My Heart.

But before this happens, today I come to ask for a song that represents a passage in the life of your Heavenly Mother, which is the Ave María that was inspired by Sir Gomez, and that this Ave María not be fulfilled by Me, but rather through the pleas of all My children to God through My immaculate Heart.

Today this song will pour out Graces for you and for the world. Today this song will consecrate you as My children, as the new groups of the Rosary of Light, so that many more children of Mine that need relief, healing, love, and redemption may become part of those groups in order that, at all points of the earth, there exist Rosaries of Light that are the reflection of all My children, which I deeply love.

Kneeling, I now listen, and open your hearts for this consecration.

Song: Ave María

Place your hands on your heart and let us give thanks.

In the name of the Love and Peace of My Son, I bless you and I consecrate you as My children and praying ones of the planet, who will serve God with love and dedication. You were always My children, and you will always be so. Remember this, so My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank Colombia and all its people for having received Me. God is glad of this event.

I thank you.

We will stand at this moment to finish responding to a further request of Mary, singing the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary and in our hearts igniting the flame of love of Mary.

Monday, November 25 of 2019


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My message comes again to the world, especially for the hearts that are open to listen to the Word of the Divine Hierarchy, a Word that resounds in the Universe, because it is a Word that comes from God.

Because from the Word emerged the Creation and all that exists, just as the children of the Father also emerged, those who have been walking upon this cosmic trajectory in order to someday attain redemption.

But forgiveness is granted to those who decide to live the path of redemption.

Therefore, the Universe and the Hierarchy still sustain this world and humanity, because there is still time to live this path, in spite of all that may happen in this cycle.

The Hierarchy needs that the daring decide to submerge into Universal Life, a life that shows them their origin, their existence and their purpose. In simple words, the revelation of their truth and also of their past. Not of a past for them to turn back to or to remember the errors committed, but rather to remember what they learned, what they experienced and what they acquired throughout the times, the cosmic time.

Today I come to speak to the world from the Andes, one of the places where the Hierarchy has Its Heart and Its Presence, from the Mendozan and Chilean Andes, because for the Hierarchy there is no division nor borders; there is one people, a single people, one race, which, in spite of its experiences, must someday be recognized as unique in this Project of Love and Redemption, of Forgiveness and Mercy.

Therefore, I open the doors of the Universe within this place, where you are today, in order for you to accompany your Heavenly Mother; where the fallen stars and the suns that awaken can find their origin again and feel that they are a part of the whole, feel that they are a part of the Creation, of Universal Life.

Therefore, today your spirits are placed before the presence of the Universe, before the presence of the Hierarchy, before the Fount of the Love of God, because it is from this that the beings from the surface of the Earth, in this time, must be nourished from in order to learn how to survive these crucial moments while humanity faces the result of what it chose.

Therefore, I come as Mother, but also as the Governess of the Universe, as the Matrix of the Mirrors, to help you to correct the path, to teach you to find the path of peace and harmony so that your inner suns can shine and manifest the Purpose, beyond the human life, beyond superficiality.

The opportunities that the Hierarchy gives at this moment are unique and will not be repeated. For this reason, you must make use of the times and of the events. You must nourish spiritually upon that which the Spiritual Hierarchy gives you so that, each day more, you can reaffirm this commitment and this purpose that you came to fulfill for a Greater and still unknown Will.

The origins of those who have awakened, and of the ones who will awaken, unite today to this moment and to this meeting with the Divine Mother so that the true lineage, so that the true gift or virtue of each being, may give impulse to the tridimensional consciousness to take the step that it must take, and to help reverse, in service and out of love, the situation in which humanity finds itself, which is an adverse and very dark situation.

But while I am with you, beloved children, while I speak to the center of each one of your beings, where the Word of the Hierarchy truly resounds, the Universal Mother and the Greater Governess dissolves the contrary currents by means of the path of peace and harmony, without generating conflicts nor spiritual confrontations. Because love, as you know, is above everything, any situation or moment, any inner desert or agony.

Love allows you to renew and permits you to again find the path that you sometimes lose for different circumstances.

The world, and especially humanity, must acknowledge today that it is not alone in this macrocosm. This will grant the intervention and the help of the Celestial Spheres. And humanity, at least a small part of it, could then recover that which it has internally lost; and would continue to receive the impulse to live the path of Light.

Therefore, all efforts that the Hierarchy makes at this moment are immediate and urgent. Thus, your response, at this moment, must be immediate and urgent so that the greater balance can be attained in the whole human race on all the surface of the Earth, in each heart that is part of this universal family

Thus, while I talk to you and transmit My words to you, your Heavenly Mother and Greater Governess works with humanity in those situations that are not solved yet and that need the powerful Hand of God to find a solution and a path of return to the origin.

When I am here with you, I bring you the Universe, not only that which exists out there, in the Cosmos, but I also bring you the spiritual Universe where the beginning of everything and the origin of your existence is, the primordial and fundamental essence that created you, so that you might be here today, on this planet, and living this school that My Son lovingly offers to you.

By assuming a commitment with what you truly are, and not with what you appear to be, you will allow the Purpose to be attainable, to everyone, and you will be able to keep contributing to the Plan of the Hierarchy in this acute time of humanity.

Today, I come to contemplate what is true within you and not what is apparent. I come so that the center of your being may rise, which is a sun, an essence, which fulfills a purpose and a goal in this Creation, as many, many essences in the Universe and, thus, I come to unite you to the one Source, to the divine Thought of God.

I come to elevate you toward the Heart of the Father because there you will always find the inner strength you need in order to transcend and to redeem in the name of My Son, your Redeemer.

While this happens, the essences of humanity are also worked on by your Heavenly Mother, by the Greater Governess, so that at least a spark of Divine Grace may ignite the consciousness of those who sleep and thus they may awaken to universal truth.

For this to be possible, I need intermediaries, servers, faithful collaborators who follow the instruction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and not of others, so that you do not get confused, so that you do not take vainglory, so that you only fulfill Divine Will, in obedience and gratitude,which is the Will that will always free you and guide you toward the just and right path.

While the planet experiences its purification and purification mobilizes chaos and conflicts, let Peace reign in the hearts of those who believe in God and in those who fulfill His call without conditions nor rules.

May the advent of the New Humanity now become a reality for all, because this humanity, children, must first be born within you, and then be present upon the surface; it is something profoundly spiritual and non-material.

The New Humanity will be a gift of God granted by the Eternal Father Himself for the regeneration of life and the whole Creation after the traumatic and painful experiences lived in the whole human race throughout the times and the decades.

The gift of God of the New Humanity will be a living reality in those who self-summon, so that the old flock of Israel may gather and congregate again and finally they may fulfill the promises that are written in the Heart of God, your Eternal Father.

At this moment of planetary transition, gather the inner forces that come from the love of the heart and from the love of the spirit to carry forward, upon this path, the wills and the projects of My Son, which are still to manifest in this time, although humanity lives this harsh reality.

Trust in that which is possible to fulfill, in that which is possible to concretize and in everything that is possible to attain because, as it is the Will of God, it will manifest and present itself before your eyes, and you will carry forward everything the Father has expected, for such a long time.

It is possible to decrease the risks that the planet and humanity could experience in this time, if the offering is sincere and does not waver; the Plan will be fulfilled because it is a Law, and you must believe in this, every day.

I am here with you always, to help you to build, within you, the Plan of God, so that later the Plan may be a reality upon the surface.

Obedience and fidelity will be the great key for this moment of transition, for all servers and collaborators of this work; thus, the bridge of contact between your Universe and Ours will never be missing.

May the Love that My Heart brings today rebuild you internally and place you in the Commands of My Son, so that the Work of His infinite Mercy may come to all, without distinction.

From the Andes, I invoke and proclaim to all the return to your origin, so that in this time of purification you may believe in the gorgeous and beautiful that God gave to you in the beginning.

I thank you for accompanying Me in this planetary moment! Because I know that you have never lived or experienced it. This is the great moment and the great time for all. Help yourselves of Our Love to live it. Welcome Our support to be able to face it.

I am here and I am your Universal Mother.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
