Dear children,
With joy and happiness, I return to My sacred Figueira so that, starting in June, the month of the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, the inner fruits of the spirits of each child of Mine may now be at the service of the planet and of souls.
I would like that, in this next prayer meeting of the 1,000 Hail Marys, your most sincere prayers and pleas be directed to the Heavenly Father for the intentions and pleas of your Heavenly Mother.
I wish, with ardent devotion, that My praying children pray for the following intentions:
1. For a true and sincere peace treaty in the Middle East so that My Israeli and Palestinian children may reach a peaceful dialogue for the benefit of the common good, and for those who are most unprotected and helpless.
2. For a fraternal and real agreement in Colombia so that the poorest and most innocent are no longer the most chastised by the protests and strikes.
3. For Brazil to conceive a coherent government, according to divine mandates, so that those who have been struck the hardest by the national disorder of the pandemic may have the grace of rebuilding their lives.
4. For the displaced and indigent of Morocco, so that Europe stops its heart from becoming cold in the face of the current and unprecedented critical crisis, so that all refugees be helped and rebuild their lives with dignity.
5. For peace and the cessation of the dictatorial conflict in Myanmar so that religion not be used as a mask to hide the most traumatic actions that harm the entire nation and, above all, push the poorest into exile.
6. For the end of conflict within Syria, Venezuela and Ethiopia so that the life of human society is no longer used to impose misery and chaos upon the peoples and among the peoples.
7. I ask you to pray for the humanitarian missions so that all precursors of humanitarian service be protected, guided and inspired by the Holy Spirit. So that beneficial and lasting decisions be made for all who seek to start over after a traumatic and painful departure from their homelands.
If you pray for these intentions of Mine, I will be grateful to you, since My Heart is outraged by world corruption, which will have an end, at the Return of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to a world still hurt and disturbed. For this reason, today I am here to be close to My children, to all My children of humanity.
More than ever, I am within the nations of the world, in those places where brothers and sisters confront one another for reasons without reason, where evil takes a part in all this.
This is the time that I had announced in Fatima, when My children, all My praying children, should be in their homes praying the Holy Rosary, lighting a candle for the Mother of God; and, even more, without leaving their homes, in the face of everything that would happen in the streets of their towns, in all nations.
Today I do not want to confirm these events, even though they are happening. My Heart feels an indescribable pain for everything that My children live throughout the world, especially for those who are more innocent and still continue to be punished by indifference and by everything that is happening, not only within their families, but also within their peoples; wounds that have not yet healed and that should be contemplated by the light of prayer.
This is the moment, My children, when you and your brothers and sisters must be a mirror of true prayer, of a prayer that transforms and redeems, of a prayer that is constantly offered to God, in reparation for all the sins of the world and for all the injustices that My children experience in this time of adversity and chaos.
For this, just as it was on Pentecost, I bring you the Light of the Holy Spirit so that you can receive it within your hearts, so that your souls can feel and recognize it, so that you may be bathed by your Divine Gifts, which, in this time, you will need to take your steps in these ranks that My Son is forming, of His armies of the end of times, in preparation for His expected Return.
Today, I also show you My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to pulsate out of Love for humanity, a Heart that offers itself as a refuge for your lives and souls, a Heart that surrenders itself in sacrifice in the face of everything that is happening in the world, in the face of all that every heart feels in this moment of planetary transition.
I want you to see My Heart as a safe refuge, as a door that will lead you to the House of God so that more and more praying souls may amend everything that is happening in the world through the living of the Commandments that My Son gave you, which today are the new Beatitudes.
My children, I need you to be aware of this planetary moment, I need each act and action of your lives to have a reason for reparation and healing for all humanity because within the smallest and most simple is where the Plan of God is carried out. This has great results for the spiritual planes of humanity.
Today I also send, before My Presence, the Angels of God, so that they can help the nations of humanity, above all, those peoples who are currently experiencing confrontation and war, the struggle for survival, for food and the essentials to continue forward.
This is the time to attract towards the Earth fraternal unity, called human fraternity, so that all My children learn to share what they have, since, at this moment, there will be no other way if you do not unite to be strong in Christ, in My Son, the Savior.
In this unity, you will not only share your life, but you will share everything you have and everything you possess, without being fearful that you will lack anything, because God will send you what you really need and not what you want.
It will be a while before humanity understands that it is only one family, that in addition to the existence of different races and peoples, all are ruled by the same Love and the same Source; and that in the Divine Source there are no differences or recognitions.
Today, I invoke for you the sacred attribute of humility, so that more hearts can resign themselves and surrender to Christ; so that, as empty hearts, they may be filled by Codes of Light; attributes, virtues and gifts that My Son will give you to prepare His Return to the world, to awaken the new apostles, that which My Son is still waiting for, in order to carry forward His Plan.
Thus you will see, beloved children, that at My feet I not only have the whole world, the consciousness of a planet that suffers and agonizes due to the destructive causes of My children who do not yet live in God, who are far from God, who live the ambition and out of control power, and who just want more and more.
As your Celestial Mother, I want that you place the planet in your heart, that your prayers, songs, sacraments and services help heal the consciousness of the planet, that everything can be repaired so that the Light of the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Son rescues the souls and the paths open for all those who have them closed so that, in this planetary abyss, the Light of God may shine.
As your Lady of the Holy Rosary, I once again invite you, beloved children, to continue praying with Me, not only for peace, but for the end of the pandemic. Not only this pandemic that you live or that you know of today, but for many spiritual pandemics that cause souls to submerge into the hells of Earth and that are worse poisons than the current pandemic that exists.
You must be aware, My children, that the power of prayer must be expanded, not as fanaticism or uncontrolled fervor, but with the awareness that prayer needs to have within you so that the portals of Peace may open and the souls be brought out of suffering.
Today, as My soldiers, soldiers of the prayer of Mary, I invite you to join Me, heart to heart, so that this situation be reverted and souls do not lose the love, faith and hope that will make them persist and get through these difficult times.
This is why, at this moment, in the face of the compassionate Gaze of God, I bring the power of the Light of My Mirrors, of the sacred tools of God so that they radiate to the world and to everything that is within it, so that terrestrial life not only be healed, but be made sublime, so that souls may be filled with the Love of God and reawaken in them the trust of living in Christ and for Christ, so that the Divine Will be fulfilled.
In this month of May, I come to walk by your side as the pilgrim Mother, as the Mother of the Holy Rosary, who on this day places Her feet upon the Earth to walk together with Her children towards the sacred Promised Land.
This Earth that must emerge within you is called the Kingdom of God, where everything will be renewed and lovingly shared, until My Son can return and make all things new, not only within you, but also in the whole world.
Affirm the promises that He has made to you, be part of His promises so that His Plan can be carried out.
Also, at My feet, I receive the intentions of My children, and today My Mantle opens and spreads over South America, and I call upon My children from this sacred continent so that, from the top of the Andes to the oceans, they may sustain this crucial moment with Me, in which souls urgently need to affirm themselves in God so that mass perdition may be avoided.
My children, help the claws of the adversary be cut by the sword of the Archangel Michael and the nations of South America free themselves forever from inequality, injustice and suffering, because the sacred seed of God must still germinate so that the New Humanity may one day grow and awaken. For this reason, we work. For this reason, we pray. For this reason, we transmute and for this reason we live in the name of Christ, because I know that My children still do not understand what this means and the amplitude that this has for the Consciousness of the Eternal Father.
But today I remind you of this commitment because if one day you aspire to live the Will of God, you must know that your lives are given for what God needs to carry out in this end time, with nothing in return, in absolute emptiness and in absolute trust.
I invite you to meditate upon what I tell you, because the apostles of Christ will be placed where He needs them, in places they have never thought of, so that love and unity not be lost in those places, and souls and peoples will not continue to be swept away by evil.
Thus, in Christ, I renew you in this divine and sidereal commitment.
On this day, I bless you so you remain firm in Christ and not lose sight of His Footprints because My Son is stepping hard upon the ground of this world, because His Power is invisible, His Love is inexhaustible, His triumph is eternal.
Be part of this moment, for all those who cannot be, so that all may have the Grace of redemption.
This day is also special for Me, for My daughter, Mother María Shimani, since the Divine Source has the opportunity to renew, and to renew the origins of many consciousnesses that emerged from the sacred Lakes of Creation to be able to someday live their commitment with Christ, to the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
Therefore, today, together more than ever, we offer this moment to the Eternal Father so that He may receive this moment with love and thus we continue to fulfill His Will, a Will that time and again renews all things.
Today, My blessing is not only for you, My child and My Mother, but it is also for those who could not follow the steps towards My Son and did not surrender to His Heart to be invaded by His transforming and redeeming Love.
Today, the origins are amended by maternal Love, the Love that gives you the strength for the children of the Father to walk firmly to His Celestial House.
Today, this rose, just as it is open in devotion to God, opens in devotion and love in the hearts that suffer and that need the Light of My Son to continue forward. This is the flower of motherhood that for all eternity will be present at the service of the children of the Father, so that His children are understood, accepted and welcomed by maternal Love.
I want to send My Spirit of protection and shelter for My children of Colombia.
May My children of Colombia know that the Mother of God, the Virgin of Chiquinquirá, will be with them, walking silently, until they return to peace.
Pray that this peace be established in Colombia and in all nations of the world, so that humanity becomes aware and awakens to the truth.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I find no other place in the world than the hearts of My children, because it is the hearts of My children where the Will of God may be fulfilled and His divine providence be expressed. It is in the hearts of My children that I can find the peace of My dear children, to be able to avail Myself of this peace, and uniting it with My Peace, I can pour it out over the world, especially in those places where it no longer exists.
Today I not only come with the joy of being able to find you again, dear children, of being able to bless you on this day of consecration, but also I return with the inner joy of being able to help other nations of South America, such as Venezuela, where through My maternal presence at this moment, all those in that suffering and wounded country, as well as all those who emigrate from there, are safeguarded and spiritually assisted by the angels of Heaven; today, their mouths receive a spiritual manna so that they may recover their strength, their trust, and their faith in the Creator.
But this time, My children, is not only a time of tribulation, the tribulation that humanity chose to experience in this cycle; God has His Arms open to receive you and welcome you. Thus, He has allowed Me to return here to Colombia not only to bless your country and your people, but also to spiritually assist your sibling nations of Venezuela and Ecuador, because as you know, very serious things are occurring in these times. God contemplates all the souls of the world, especially those that experience the conflicts and the division in the nations; that is why He sends His Holy Spirit through His faithful Servant, to awaken the consciousnesses of the whole world to a cooperation and a collaboration with those most in need. Because if a brother or sister of yours, no matter how unknown they may be, is suffering or is enduring, it is the whole of humanity that is suffering and enduring.
So I come to place you, My children, on this night, before a panorama and a spiritual and universal vision, because the time has come, the hour has come, for each one to step outside of themselves to be able to embrace the whole, which is a sick humanity.
This, My children, will permit that in the spirit of collaboration and of solidarity for those brothers and sisters who suffer and endure the chaos of these times, the spirit of divine intervention, of celestial and cosmic help, may come; that all souls in this time need help without exception, each in their school, each in their learning and their moment of awakening.
I come to grant you the Grace of freeing you forever from this worldwide hypnotism and illusion so that your hearts may also give impulse to other hearts to awaken in consciousness, to awaken to cooperation and to solidarity, knowing that the whole world is suffering, although a minority may be suffering much more than the majority suffers in these times.
I bring you this special Grace, dear children, because humanity still has veils over their consciousness and not only is it not able to see the reality of these times, it also does not manage to see what is behind each consciousness, who that soul is, who that spirit is that is incarnated at this moment to serve and fulfill a mission with God.
Thus, this is the time of cooperation and of group integration. It is not a time of barriers or divisions, it is a time of being able to feel God in the heart and of accomplishing His Will and His commandments.
When you take this step, you will deepen not only your prayerful spiritual life, but also your inner life, and you will be able to represent My Son in some way, because He too is holding His arms open to receive His new and last apostles who, in a serving and humanitarian way, will help those most in need, those who have nothing, those who have lost everything, just like My children of Venezuela have done.
But many will ask themselves in this moment, or have once asked: where is God in all that is happening in Venezuela? God is there. That is why I come to be in your hearts, because God is in your hearts, and it is in hearts where the Plan of God will be realized. Hearts will be given the impulse to live the end of these times through an unconditional and selfless ministry and service. That is the first step and is the first school for you, My children, apart from forming the groups of prayer that I need at this moment for Colombia. Because Colombia cannot be a mirror of what is happening in Venezuela.
I know that the inner devotion of each one of you, and the faithfulness to Me, My children, will prevent everything, and God will continue to pour out His Grace over this dear and beloved people for the Divine Plan. And your consciousnesses will be more available, more willing, more whole for helping in what is needed not only in the Human Kingdom, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature, in all the places on Earth. Around the corner from your homes or even within your families, there exist (are) great inner needs that end up being reflected in material needs.
I am not speaking about property or power, or of possessing some material thing; I am talking about the shortcomings facing My children in these times, mainly, in the lack of Love and of an immeasurable incomprehension of what is happening to each child of Mine.
Thus, Our Words, which are already the last in this cycle, will be your Fount, so that you may drink, nurture yourselves, and quench your thirst. Our Words, the Words of the Sacred Hearts, will be the Light for the world that faces tribulation and adversity. Our Words will be your impulses for a change in consciousness and for a transformation of being. None of Our Words through the years have been wasted, because Our Words come from the Will of God; it is God Who dictates to Us what we should say, just as you should make what you receive resound within your inner world. No being of the Earth, no matter how atheistic or unbelieving, will remain without instruction or guidance. All the steps are being indicated in the smallest details. For this reason, My children, you must avail yourselves of the Fount of instruction in the most difficult and acute times of the planet. These are the difficult times; the difficult times are not about to come, the difficult times are already here, in front of you, in your homes, in the planetary reality of these times. I invite you, My children, to not only experience consecration so that you may be blessed and protected by Me, but also I invite you to do something for this planet and for humanity. The more you do something for this humanity and for this planet, the fewer serious situations will occur; many more souls will be steered away from danger, terror, and persecution, and even chaos. Because when the majority of humanity does something in a real, permanent, and sincere way, many will be saved and the Kingdoms of Nature will be protected from the hands of the human beings who want to wound and hurt them.
When humanity understands that it is part of a single creation, and realizes this, it will become aware of all that it has not done well; and we hope, pray, and implore you for the repentance of all, so that hate and evil may end, so that peace and love may be established, so that souls may find the Kingdom of God within themselves.
This is the time of the Armageddon. The Book of John the apostle, the Apocalypse (Revelation), is being fulfilled. Thus it is the time, My children, for protecting your inner world from all that is external. I am not talking about you becoming isolated nor stopping communication with your brothers and sisters. I am speaking, My children, about your being selective and of knowing what is good for you and what is not good for you. In this way, your essential purity will not be contaminated by the continuous noises that this world generates, which are heard over eons of time and in other parts of this solar system, although it may not seem so.
Focus your consciousnesses on sacrifice and on inner silence, and through prayer, help to balance and harmonize this planet, so that all the life that is on the surface of the Earth may gain at least a moment of peace.
Children, the time for beautiful words has ended. The time of awareness, of maturity, and of responsibility has come. Thus, these are My last apparitions, after eleven years, because when the cycle that God waits for ends, everything will be accomplished and humanity will experience what it has chosen.
But as a mediating and intercessory Mother, I come to avoid these events, and today I kneel before you to ask the whole world to repent from the heart, to seek peace, and to know that everything I say is not only a warning, but rather a request of My maternal Heart for each child of Mine, in each part of this planet, for each race, people, or culture, as well as for each religion.
Today I come as the Mother of the Apocalypse to place My children under My mantle, where they will find protection and shelter for these moments. On My knees I tell you: I do not come to frighten you; I am the Queen of Peace, the Universal Mother, the immaculate and maternal Heart of Mary.
I come to call you to truth and to awareness. Through you I want to build a bridge to God, because God and My Heart in this cycle will be your strength and your grace.
Today with love I bless all these flowers that are not Mine, but are of My children, and that represent the simplicity of the beauty of God, through the Heart of Mary and the subtle perfumes of Heaven that roses capture through their nature. These roses are for you, so that you may take them with you till the end of your days and so that you always remember My presence that is eternal and inextinguishable.
Thus, on this night I invite those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary to come up to this stage to receive the blessing, the consecration, and the peace of My Heart.
But before this happens, today I come to ask for a song that represents a passage in the life of your Heavenly Mother, which is the Ave María that was inspired by Sir Gomez, and that this Ave María not be fulfilled by Me, but rather through the pleas of all My children to God through My immaculate Heart.
Today this song will pour out Graces for you and for the world. Today this song will consecrate you as My children, as the new groups of the Rosary of Light, so that many more children of Mine that need relief, healing, love, and redemption may become part of those groups in order that, at all points of the earth, there exist Rosaries of Light that are the reflection of all My children, which I deeply love.
Kneeling, I now listen, and open your hearts for this consecration.
Song: Ave María
Place your hands on your heart and let us give thanks.
In the name of the Love and Peace of My Son, I bless you and I consecrate you as My children and praying ones of the planet, who will serve God with love and dedication. You were always My children, and you will always be so. Remember this, so My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I thank Colombia and all its people for having received Me. God is glad of this event.
I thank you.
We will stand at this moment to finish responding to a further request of Mary, singing the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary and in our hearts igniting the flame of love of Mary.
As Our Lady of Chiquinquirá, I come, children, to place this nation beneath My Mantle and within My Immaculate Heart. I come to extend My arms to you and to open the paths so that My children may be closer to Me, protected upon my lap and inspired by My Heart.
I come in a time when many nations agonize and collapse due to the stimuli of chaos and to the fruits of their own purification, because everything that used to be hidden now comes to light, and the spirits are not ready to sustain themselves and their nations without succumbing into temptation and into human impulses of rebellion and lack of control.
Today, My children, I come to establish peace in your hearts, and to only ask you to pray. Pray with your families, form groups of prayer in which your spirits may strengthen and help one another to reach God. Create ties of love with the Creator through the word that rises to Heaven.
Prayer, beloved children, will bring you Peace and will bring peace to the world; it will safeguard the sacred that dwells within it and will allow these Sacred Sites to keep assisting the planet with their presence and their peace.
Colombia, My children, is a nation blessed by God with the Kingdoms of Nature, which make all human imbalances capable of being transmuted and liberated. Thus, in spite of so many conflicts, there is still peace, meekness and love in the hearts of many of My Colombian children.
The prayer and devotion of your people have brought you this far, lifted you up at each fall and raised you to God, in spite of all the abysses that you have gone through throughout the years. And today I come to tell you, children, that prayer will keep being your nourishment but, as the trials of the planet become more acute, greater must be the time that you dedicate to prayer, more imbued in God you must be, in His Purpose, in His Presence, in His Strength and in His Peace.
Create, beloved children, networks of prayer for Peace, for the good of families, for the rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the spirits and angels of the different nations of this world.
The times of suffering must awaken in you the missionary spirit so that each day you may feel responsible for the establishment and the support of the Plan and of the Divine Will for this world.
For all that you have experienced, My children, and as you have persevered in each test, through devotion, I can call you to take a new step in prayer, to define yourselves on the path of light and not only to strengthen your own lives and your own nation, but also other lives and other nations, through sincere prayer.
I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Now that Colombia has been faced with the opportunity to find the principles and the values of its culture again, souls will be able to receive the dignity and the freedom of feeling a part of this legacy, which brought Colombia the spirit of the immaculate and of the sacred.
Through the Pilgrimage for Peace, Colombia will be gradually placed before the spiritual treasures that the people of Guatavita knew in the past, and they will have the Grace of essentially recovering all that was taken from it and erased from ancestral memory.
Colombia is a great original people that, like other peoples, entered into the rebellion and the conquest that was carried out during the discovery of America. For this reason, Europe owes much to South America, just as it owes much to Africa.
Everything that happened must be balanced, and the European descendants of the conquistadores will be the ones to settle the consequences generated over the course of time.
Colombia will be able to rise when it remembers the values of faith and trust that it experienced in the past; which will allow its people to have the chance of recovering their original roots.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
What humankind of the surface does not know today, the peoples of the past knew, because they were in absolute contact with God. They knew the reality of the Universe, of this solar system and beyond, without having physical tools or applying their minds to understanding or observing if this was true or not.
What is it that allowed these original peoples to know the truth? What is it that caused them to persist over time, before the white man arrived in America?
Their culture was the true religion that they experienced, because that culture was united with the Love of God, and it was this Love that allowed all the peoples to know the Truth and the Cosmos. In a simple and easy way, they tried to represent what they saw and recognized.
But the history of humanity has still not been fully revealed. That is why, previous to the original peoples, sacred and inner Enclosures were opened in the interior of the Earth that, like a great mirror, held all that greater knowledge that was known in detail by the peoples of the past.
That information still lives and vibrates in these Enclosures. It is this information and this knowledge that humanity needs in order to again rise up to the consciousness of God and to understand that in this time they have chosen the god of modernity and of technology, completely substituting their inner contact with the Universe.
For that reason, companions, and through this Pilgrimage for Peace, your Master and Lord comes to Colombia to have you revive that sacred knowledge which many were part of in the past. So in this way, My Hands remove a veil from your consciousnesses today, so that your spirituality may awaken and you make contact with your origin and your beginning.
Although many of the peoples who lived in the past were exterminated, were not understood nor even valued, the spiritual Hierarchy recognized and valued them, and today they are in spirit and essence, not only as a culture, but also as a brotherhood within those Enclosures.
In the same way that Colombia and all the Andes safeguard them, this expression of the Divine Truth and the deepening of universal knowledge must be the basis for your support for this time, above all for this time of transition and of tribulation.
Today I want to tell you, companions, that the peoples of America came before My arrival on Earth. This is what the white man did not understand, that rejected this truth, that did not plunge into the knowledge to understand it and feel it, in the same way that each one of the cultures in America understood it and felt it.
In this way, you will be able to understand today, companions, that these peoples are more sacred than I am sacred because their evolution, their consciousness, and their awakening were not only measured by their union with nature and the respect they had for all that was created, but also, companions, they achieved this awakening and this consciousness through degrees of love that are what the current humanity needs to reacquire and experience.
For this reason, you must serve and give of yourself all the time, because the whole of humanity as a culture and civilization has lost the values of the past. That is why it is in the situation it is in; that is why today nations experience what they experience, because they distanced themselves from the wisdom and the love that the original peoples knew and lived through their contact with the Primordial Source.
Is it that in this situation of the original peoples Christic Love does not exist?
Of course it exists, companions. That is why they are so sacred and more sacred than I was for you. Because the Father gave them His gifts, His knowledge and revelations, as He did with the patriarchs and the prophets.
Through the ages, humanity only placed itself in the story of the Middle East. But what really happened beyond the Middle East and on all the continents; were there not more sacred peoples than those who existed there?
Yes, there were many sacred peoples throughout the Americas who were decimated by the white man because of their ambition for power and conquest that completely blinded their hearts. And in the end, it caused them to realize that they made a mistake, beyond all that they took from these sacred lands, because in the same way that nature is sacred, the knowledge of the original peoples is sacred. A true Gospel resides in them, not like in Christianity. It is the Gospel of simplicity, of brotherhood, and of unity with the Kingdoms of Nature and of their true contact with the greater Universe.
That is why I had to return to Earth many times, it was not the first time as Jesus. Humanity always had to be corrected and guided, because it always left the path of Light and of Love.
This is why this human genetic Project is so important to the Celestial Father. If America re-acquires its origins, cultural roots, and especially its union with the Universe, as it experienced in previous times, a great many situations will be avoided.
I am not telling you to believe in God, but rather that you believe in the life that God gave you; that you believe in the Universe, in the galaxies, in the suns, and in the stars that are above you.
Contemplate the starry sky one night and ask yourself: who am I? Have you ever done it? Never cease to do so, and the Father will give you His revelation, just as He gave His revelations to the sacred peoples.
In all of this, companions, is divine unity, the Presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that the original sacred peoples understood and experienced in another way; that is why they were strongly rejected and hurt.
And in truth, companions, where was the wisdom, the true wisdom in past times? In the East or the West? Today I tell you the truth, that the true wisdom was in the hearts of those who experienced purity, simplicity, humility, and union with the Celestial Father.
But the original peoples were not understood, not only because of their way of life or their culture, but also because of their cosmogony. They reached levels of supra-consciousness, which makes them the representatives of the Brotherhood on the surface of the Earth and you have the opportunity, companions, of being part of that Brotherhood.
Spiritual life does not end in the sacred books, but rather in the true experience of love and of redemption that each one can experience, as those peoples experienced it. Because everything they had and all they received in those days was sacred and blessed to them.
The humanity of these times has completely lost the essence of its culture. Thus, at this moment, it is a necessity for the Hierarchy that the humanity of today, which has distanced itself from the Father and from the path of Will, may be able to return to its origins through its service of love to the original peoples, because indeed in them you will find the essence of love for Creation and for life. And you will feel yourselves to be a part of it, because in the simplicity you will be in communion with that which is High.
I do not come to ask you for the impossible, rather I come to ask you, companions, for the simplest practice of all practices: it is to always place yourself in the love and the Brotherhood of God, so that you can constantly find the meaning of being here on this planet and to know that this material life does not end here, that the true life which is inner and spiritual, causal and profound, follows its path and its trajectory just as the peoples followed it, in total trust and in union with Creation.
I come to revive these values in Colombia so that the superficial and stingy life can come to an end and in your hearts you feel the need of returning to God; because it will be important in this time, just as the original peoples did, to always seek an inner contact with the Universe. Because the times are difficult and will be more difficult; your only way out will be the inner contact with that which is Greater, with the infinite, with the Source, with what is non-material, just as the original peoples experienced it.
Do not allow your original roots to be erased from your consciousness, live with love and with joy that you attained over the course of time, which comes from the life of the spirit and of union with the Universe, and in this way, companions, in the name of all humanity, you will be within universal life as the Hierarchy is.
That is why, through words, through teachings, and especially through love, I come to place in Colombia and to reintegrate in the consciousness of its people, the opportunity and especially the Grace, of reviving those cultural and spiritual values that the sacred peoples of the Andes left shaped in the consciousness of the ether of this place.
This will be the unique opportunity for re-acquiring the path toward the infinite and toward the Universe and to feel yourself part of the macrocosm. In this way, your inner stars will shine, and someday these stars will become fleeting suns that will illumine the end of times, the times of darkness and the times of tribulation. And the true divine essence at the center of each being will emerge as a single consciousness, deeply united with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
And so you will assert My Celestial Church, which comes to the aid of the men and women of the Earth and also of the Church that is on the surface of the Earth, very reviled and wounded by its own members.
I come to rekindle the values that the conquerors and the Church did not know; that they rejected, repudiated and did not recognize in the simplest men and women of this planet, who lived along the Andes, in a deep inner contact with Creation and with the Divine Brotherhood.
It is time for the doors to Truth to be opened and for you to discover the true Christianity that is based on the essence of My Love, which is present as a seed of light in the heart of those who believe, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.
Colombia today is ignited by the light of Guatavita and its ancestors. United in essence with you, they pray for you and for your people at this very moment, imploring God for His Mercy and His Grace and so that the unfathomable Source of His Wisdom may cause hearts to acknowledge that they have lost their way because of the distraction of the world illusion, and that it is time step back onto the path toward the origin.
United in love and in essence to all those sacred and blessed consciousnesses that had the knowledge of God prevail on the surface of the Earth and that many, but many of them, were converted in that living knowledge of the Father, today I deeply aspire to Colombia and all the sister nations of the Andes rekindling in your hearts those divine and inner values that will enable you to be in brotherhood and far from the chaos of these times, so that through you not only the Source of universal peace be established, but also the Source of harmony, which will heal the wounded hearts.
In the face of this scenario, in the face of this conjuncture, we will celebrate the Eucharist, and through it, the reintegration in your consciousnesses and spirits of those divine values, sacred knowledge that the original peoples experienced in the name of humanity. Amen.
When humankind of the surface is able to feel as the mineral Kingdom feels, as the plant Kingdom feels, as the animal Kingdom feels, and thus as the devic and elemental Kingdom feels, it will be able to open its heart to purity and understand that everything around it is not edible, but rather sacred and blessed.
In this moment we will lift up our offerings to the Universe.
We invite you to stand up for this consecration of the Eucharist.
At this time, feel yourself to be not only in a spiritual ceremony with My merciful Heart, but also feel yourself to be participants in a sacred ceremony as the original peoples experienced it, to worship and praise God.
This is a time of the renewal of vows, this is a time of commitment and is the time to see the truth that can awaken in each heart that believes in the divine reality.
We will raise our intentions to the Father, we will open our hearts to His Will, just like the original peoples opened their consciousnesses to universal knowledge.
Each one, at this moment, in the silence of your heart, perform this exercise of forgiveness and of reconciliation with the past so that in this present, we may be renewed by the Compassion of God, an infinite expression of His Mercy.
We invite those who can do so to kneel for this consecration.
In this moment we relive the legacy of Love that Christ left us through the institution of the Eucharist.
And as if it was in that time, we enter into the Last Supper and we offer our beings, our lives in honor of the Love of God, and thus we are renewed, reconciled and united with the Source of the Father.
When Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, lifted it up, and gave thanks to the Father for the sacrifice and the surrender He would experience. The bread was blessed. He then gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen
Then Christ took the Cup with His hands, raised it up to be blessed, and reaffirmed within His Being the surrender and sacrifice He would make for each one of us. After having been blessed, he gave it to His apostles, saying to them, "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new covenant that will be shed by Your Redeemer for the forgiveness of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me."
Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen.
On the Mount of Beatitudes, gathered together with the multitudes, our Lord taught us the simplest but most profound prayer in existence, the Our Father. In union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we will pray this prayer to finish consummating the consecration.
Prayer: Our Father.
We may stand.
I always give you Peace so that you may experience it and multiply it in the hearts that have nothing, that live in solitude and uncertainty, so that the peace that you may be able to propagate will cause you to renew all your brothers and sisters under the impulse of love and of hope.
Now yes, a special time has come for Your Master and Lord, because now your souls have been consecrated to the Will of God and with this intention and this cause, I will expand this consecration, as I did with the elements; but today I will consecrate My new assistants, who will commit to be the help through the altars for those who seek the Peace and Mercy of God.
Bring the rings, the veils. and the oil for anointing.
Lord of the Universe, You Who grant the opportunity and the infinite Grace that all may love You, today I offer Myself as Your instrument, as Your beloved Son and intercessor of souls, so that through the Mercy I achieved in the moment of expiring on the Cross, souls may receive the Grace of always being able to recognize You and serve You for all eternity. Amen.
Cover these daughters of Mine with the mantle of My Celestial Mother so that they may always remember Her original purity and the opportunity to eternally gift themselves, as My Mother gifts Herself for each one of Her children. Amen.
In the same way that the holy women anointed My wounded and whipped Body, today with this oil I anoint those who always belonged to Me and who return to Me in unconditional service. Amen
I recognize the Truth of God in the simplest.
Today your name will be Nazarena.
Your name today will be María del Renacimiento.
Your name will be Victoria de la Cruz.
The Blood of Christ, the Body of Christ (to each one).
Let us say goodbye to our Master, carrying the impulse of His love in our heart and in fraternity we will give each other the greeting of peace.
We may greet each other.
While in Colombia the natural riches continue to be removed from the depths of Mother Nature, in benefit of those who refer to themselves as first world countries, nature will show itself, because it is something very similar to the human being losing some part of its body. In this way, nature also loses parts, except that it does not scream in pain, although it vastly suffers. But it will show itself.
If Colombia does not prohibit the exploitation of its resources, and does not protect them from the ambition of humankind, the nation will come to know the untamable power that nature holds.
Do not give pearls to swine. The nations that call themselves powerful have impoverished all of South and Central America for centuries and, furthermore, they cause humble nations to become indebted, those that hold the best and most incalculable natural riches in the world and that are to be part of the New Humanity.
The debt of the exploiting countries is great and unknown. Let their inhabitants hold fast to prayer so that the impact and the effects of all that they do outside of the law may be gentle.
Nobody can surpass Creation, because Creation and nature exist to educate and instruct the human being, which is miseducated.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Not only in Colombia, but also in other nations of the world, a part of humanity, of the followers of Christ, must get together and assemble to await for the definitive moment of humanity, known as the Judgment of judgments.
These spaces and places for the ecumenical meeting of My followers will be the Light-Communities, where they will be free and protected from the imminent dangers that the human race itself will generate through its disagreements with the social and political life of the nations.
Because in truth, humanity will unmask those who only disseminated empty promises about a change or an improvement that never existed in any way; they were only pretty words dressed up in emotional and convincing speeches.
At least a part of humanity will turn to the Spiritual Hierarchy, wherever it may be, to have a guide and protection during the crucial moments.
Thus, companions, be attentive, because these moments are not so far away and you do not need to have fifty years go by to arrive to the end of times, because the end is here.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Colombia will rise as a spiritual consciousness when the nation absolutely and unconditionally assumes humanitarian service and when the Colombian population is helped to become aware of the need for serving both the unprotected as well as those who suffer the consequences of a mistaken leadership.
Humanitarian crises are a reflection of the mental and social subjugation that the underdeveloped peoples experience, which are placed within an armed political system, that over the course of time harms the majority, those most poor, and benefits a minority.
But this situation will collapse from its own weight, in the same way that stones fall from a cliff. In the upcoming time, a slave system that harms souls will not exist, because all that is hidden and is infidel will come to light and all will see it, just as the news in the newspapers is seen.
This is the time for Colombia to open to live a welcoming to the immigrant and the unprotected for, in this way, the nation will spiritually generate merits and will receive special Graces, which it needs in order to remain in the faith and in the Project of God.
Encourage and show the Colombian people that they are to assume their mission in these times, and may Divine Mercy come to all beings.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the greater altitudes of the Colombian Andes, there exists a multi-spatial place in which nature itself and the high and cold mountains generate an ecosystem different from any other surface of the Earth.
So, in this physical and spatial relationship, that which we call inner doorways are established, which are not visible to physical eyes, but which, under exceptional circumstances, can show themselves or appear in a specific area in the form of an intense and characteristic concentration of light and colors.
These doorways, that are in the greatest altitudes, serve as passageways for angelic, devic and elemental consciousnesses, and serve as well for the transfer of certain inner operations that those consciousnesses carry out to maintain, not only the spiritual, but also the material equilibrium of the place where these special conditions are established.
The doorways that are in the heights of the Colombian Andes are natural accesses to superior and cosmic states of consciousness, as the mountainous region itself and the space of the Retreat that manifests facilitate the expression of these sacred places, where surface humankind will be able to again find the meaning of having incarnated and the reason for fulfilling a part of the Plan of Love.
Colombia is still unknown spiritually, but contact with its splendid nature is a bridge so that the human being may perceive and recognize that life is not only material.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Within the most elevated lands of Colombia, there are sacred and inner spaces that are spiritually consecrated to the intelligent and profound activity of the enclosures of the Heavenly Brotherhood.
These spaces are protected, and only the heart that is of pure intention will be able to access them, avail themselves of the spiritual and cosmic energy that these enclosures emanate, so as to collaborate in the elevation of the human consciousness.
To know the treasures that are held by Colombia of the Andes, as Colombia of the seas and of the Amazon holds, this should be a part of the interest of all seekers of the enclosures of the Brotherhood; in this way, they will come to know Colombia in its true essence rather than in its appearance.
Colombia is still to be discovered, not by exploiters or merchants, but by all those who love and aspire for universal life, so that this greater life may be more conscious in the human being who walks toward redemption.
The sacred enclosures will take you, in attunement and in love, into discovering within yourselves the essence of the Purpose.
Colombia has been placed in a completely mistaken and dense image.
Colombia is one of the places where your Lord will appear, because I will come to meet those who are humble and who love Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
On this day, I return, carrying the flag of Colombia as a Mantle of Light, causing its stars to shine so that the attributes of God may awaken in the souls that seek peace and Mercy.
Today I come with the Mantle of the flag of Colombia to say that I trust in this dear people, which expresses its devotion to the holy Mother of God and which, in these times, must always remember that it should live reconciliation, so that all may be in harmony.
I come with the Mantle of the flag of Colombia because I want to remind the Colombian people of their commitment to the Plan of God and so that, through the inner experience of this commitment, the nation may fulfill the spiritual mission that is its responsibility, which is to prepare the bases for the expression of Andean communities that again may become the contact between Heaven and Earth.
The Colombian people have the duty of protecting this spiritual task and mission for, in this way, it will keep the doors open so that divine values of the Source may inspire and motivate everyone to achieve the manifestation of this Plan, which is waiting to be concretized upon the surface of Colombia.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today I return to one of the places upon the Earth where My Consciousness rests in order to be able to meditate and make new decisions, as I did on the Mount of Olives.
This place, where this Monastery consecrated to My Heart is located, is one of the most precious inner treasures of your Master and Lord, because through the Monastery, present in the Colombian Andes, it is possible to reflect toward the surface the greatest spiritual relics that the Andes hold, since before the existence of the human being.
Although it does not seem so, the mountainous chain of the Andes is a great inner sanctuary, where life from other stars can be expressed and, as a result, help humanity.
If this Monastery did not exist in this place where it is found today, the Americas would not be able to be contained within the great seismic movements.
Through the existence of a humble Monastery, dedicated to contemplation and to service, not only the region is benefited, but also the country and the neighboring countries around it, because everything begins with consciousness, and from consciousness is born the possibility of expressing the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The new humanitarian mission in Colombia, in its spiritual counterpart and also through the Hierarchy, will try to establish peace in the inner worlds of that region of the planet, which for decades has experienced armed conflicts.
In this sense, the Divine Lady of Chiquinquirá will be the Patroness of that mission; She will be the aspect that will spiritually intercede for the entire humanitarian mission and for its first steps.
"Colombia Humanitaria" will be the first mission that, on the inner planes, will work with the various situations of life that have caused that nation, as well as the different peoples of that region, to experience a spiritual numbness.
The humanitarian mission will not only awaken in the Colombians the importance of helping their fellow beings, the one who suffers, the refugee, but also will give an impulse to My children from Colombia so that, on taking on that humanitarian service, they take up their mission and their purpose for these times.
Through the devotion of the Colombian people, the Lady of Chiquinquirá and Mother of Guatavita will be able to intercede for the souls that are escaping from the social and humanitarian crisis of Venezuela.
The fundamental purpose through the Humanitarian Colombia Mission will be that thousands of essences, which are in the nature of refugee consciousnesses, do not lose the codes of love, of trust in God, and especially of faith, even though certain nations, in these times, are being used as a laboratory for improper beneficial interests use of the natural resources and to generate major social crisis with certain non-evolutionary objectives.
The Humanitarian Colombia Mission will carry the impulse of building a consciousness of cooperation and of service, so that love heals the pain.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Maternal Exhortation
My beloved and dear children, servers of Christ,
On this day, I descend from Heaven to give you a special petition, which will try to attend the migratory crisis that is happening in My beloved Colombia.
It is for this reason that, in the name of My Son, I come to ask for humanitarian aid on the border between Colombia and Venezuela by means of an extraordinary humanitarian mission, which I call "Humanitarian Colombia."
This mission must arrive as soon as possible with the aim of attending, at the other side of the Andes, to My poor and suffering children of Venezuela, who are going through a social and humanitarian crisis.
In Colombia, the Fraternidade will establish a permanent space, in the same way it did in the beginning in the State of Roraima, in Brazil.
For this special cause that today My Maternal Heart presents to you, I wish the Light-Network and brothers and sisters with medical, dental and psychological specialties to be summoned for this first mission.
Colombia, in a short time, has been converted into a scenario of the end of times and My purpose, as in Roraima, will be to contain the wave of spiritual energies that are starting to infiltrate, more and more, in South America.
I ask, especially, that the Fraternidade, through the ONU, presents itself before the authorities of Colombia to announce that in an honorary manner it will, out of love, provide this humanitarian service.
Thus, with the inner strength that I will give each missionary who self-summons themselves for this "Humanitarian Colombia" mission, you will help your Heavenly Mother to succor and relieve the grave suffering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
By means of the Light-Communities and the Marian Centers, that must be founded within this next cycle, in the height of the Andes of Ecuador and of Colombia, your Master and Lord will create, from the plane of the spirit, the first refuges and spaces of material protection for the most acute time of the Armageddon.
For this reason, the foundation of the new Communities, which at first will be nuclei of love and of light, must count on the unconditional support of all the members of the Work; because just like the future Community in Mount Shasta, the Spiritual Hierarchy will have a manifested space where it will be able to deposit and keep the Sacred Treasures of the Universe.
As everything is still to be manifested, from the spiritual plane to the material plane, the first step for those responsible for such work and its sustenance will be their internal and permanent union with the Hierarchy so that, beginning with this union, all spiritual principles of the Communities may be visible and conscious within the souls that will be part of this important task.
While your Master fervently expects the concretion of these next Communities, never forget that everything sustained and fulfilled for the Communities is out of love for the Divine Hierarchy, so that this humanity may count on spiritual resources that may help it to take its steps toward redemption.
Therefore, everything you do and everything you offer to the Light-Communities, from the smallest to the greatest, will be for the permanence of the Hierarchy present there, in each human heart, as in each space.
In this time, within the Communities, that is, within the islands of salvation of the end of times, there will only live consciousnesses that, with reverence and obedience, follow the definitive steps of the Hierarchy; otherwise it would be impossible to project a New Humanity, a new consciousness.
I wish for you to remember, in the coming times, that your Master and Lord patiently waits, with fervor in His Heart, for the concretion of the next points of light and love in Ecuador and in Colombia, lands appreciated by God since the beginning.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The ardent wish of God is that there be in Cuenca a Community-of-Light, guided and accompanied by a monastery of the Order founded by My Son.
In order for this to be possible, I come to ask the union and integration of My children of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia to carry forward this intimate wish of the Creator.
Right after this, I want to found a Marian Center in Cuenca, which will have the patronage of Mary, Mother of the Mountains.
There I wish to establish a center of prayer for the Andes and for all the peoples of the Andean region, in order to draw from Heaven, the Gifts of God that, by means of the community and the life of service and of prayer, must be established.
I wish from Ecuador a consecrated land together with Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, as a new Eden, where humanity can be regenerated in the upcoming times.
Next, I want to found another community in the region of Guatavita, in Colombia and also a Marian Center which will have the patronage of Mary, Queen of Cultures.
If My children, in time, carry forward these purposes, I promise to protect and to support the emergence of a new humanity in this region.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the beginning of the humanitarian mission for Venezuela.
I have sent hundreds of angels to guide and inspire My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, who are those I have called again to alleviate the suffering generated in the whole of My beloved people of Venezuela.
Under the special companionship of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, together with the missionaries of the Fraternidade will, through sacred service, enter into the hearts that are most wounded by the social crisis of Venezuela.
The most important thing for My missionary daughters will be to teach rebuilding life from scratch, so that the hope and above all the love that My children of Venezuela have lost may awaken again.
Today, from the heart of Colombia, from Bogota, your Mother of the Andes and of the Americas prays together with the blessed and devotees so that essential peace may be established in the whole of the Americas, with the goal that My Immaculate and Pure Heart may triumph.
Today I bless all the missionaries of peace who, from the city of Boa Vista in Brazil, will give testimony of Christic charity and of mercy to all My beloved children of Venezuela.
I only hope that, through this test that My dear Venezuela undergoes, the Brazilian nation and her people may also awaken to service for the wounded Human Kingdom, so that once and for all they set aside indifference.
Let us pray and let us not get tired of doing so, because prayer will make you worthy and simple in the face of all Creation, just as I am simple and humble among you, because I love you and I never get tired of loving you.
I thank you for accompanying Me in both missions.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Announcement to all the favored children of the Immaculate Heart
Under a just and evident cause, for reasons that show a reality that deserves attention and care, and above all, so that this work may continue in the midst of this spiritual and planetary transition, after a special reflection on some of My children, Your Mother of Heaven announces that She requests the withdrawal of Mother María Shimani de Montserrat, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Friar Lucas del Monte Sinaí, during the next three months, so that they may go on a profound retreat of restoration and absolute recovery from the last trip and pilgrimage to Colombia, Venezuela and in the northern part of Brazil.
It is for this reason that, as Your Heavenly Mother, I make use of this daily message to announce to all My dear pilgrims that the tasks and the monthly meetings will continue in the Marian Center of Aurora during the next three months, under the company of Sister Lucía de Jesús; period that encompasses the end of this month of November, 24th and 25th, and the months of December, January and February.
I would like to tell you, dear children, that the result of the pilgrim task in Colombia, Venezuela and in Amazon led to a considerable attrition both of the human resources and of the spiritual and material ones.
By the Law of order and harmony, these children of Mine will go on a retreat and will dedicate their time to reconnect to the spheres of contact with the Kingdom of Aurora; they will dedicate this time to ingress again in the integral healing of life, as they need it so.
The process of healing, which has been offered to them these days in Aurora is considered little and insufficient. This is why the task of recovery will be extended to the next three months.
Dear children, regarding the Vigil of Prayer and the monthly meetings, they will continue, as well as the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, which will be held as it has been so far, and you will have the Grace, on each 5th and 6th days of each month, of reviewing the instructions that My Son delivered to you in the previous meetings. The visionaries who are going on retreat will receive reserved apparitions on those days, as in the Marathon and on the day of The Sacred Call.
I dedicate this special attention to the instruments elected by Your Mother because the processes of transmutation, as well as the physical and mental tiredness during the trips, have produced evident repercussions on their health condition.
As the work of the Divine Messengers must go on in these times of planetary crisis, we lovingly request that all those who pray, place these children of Mine in their prayers, so that they may soon join the mission once again. From March 2016 on, My children will go back to their public task.
I thank you for the union of each one of your hearts in this important moment of healing!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My very dear children,
Today, in the Marian Center of Figueira, with the joy of the heart and the eternal Grace of God, your Most Holy Mother gathers you together to pray for peace, a peace indispensable for the world and humanity.
Today, in omnipresence, your Mother from Heaven will be with you to accompany you at this important moment of the consecration of the pilgrim bus.
This new instrument, which will convey the Graces of My Heart wherever it goes, will be visible today to all those present as a testimony to the loving effort of all the pilgrims and those who pray in the co-redemptive work of their Heavenly Mother.
Today, the ceremony of consecration will be of all the pilgrims; and very close by, in the heart of each of My children, I will also be present to bless you.
Dear children, in truth, I would like the visionaries to have been present, but it will not be possible; you know that those who work for God must face in battle the adversities of the times, so as to be able to evangelize in all this mission.
The work carried out in Colombia, Venezuela and the State of Roraima, in Brazil, had its great divine triumph, and the Sacred Centers were able to express in the consciousness of humanity. This outcome, children, resulted in an unprecedented spiritual battle. It is for this reason that I have asked My visionaries, already present in Brazil, to go into seclusion so that the Divinity is able to restore them; this is already taking place and will take some days for the work to be completed.
Today, you who are gathered here will open the doors of the Heavens so that the angels may accompany this special meeting.
Dear children, I leave you all My gratitude of a Mother.
Thank you, dear children, for having concretized My requests!
Who blesses you on this holy day,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more